Autograph Letter Signed ('E B Pusey') from Pusey to the Rev. William Hale Hale of Charterhouse, discussing the controversy over the new Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford, Renn Dickson Hampden.

Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800-1882), Regius Professor of Hebrew at Christ Church, Oxford, and a leader of the Oxford Movement [Rev. William Hale Hale (1795-1870); Renn Dickson Hampden (1793-1868)]
Publication details: 
Postmarked 29 April 1836.

1p., 4to. 18 lines of text. Fair, on aged paper, with a few closed tears. Addressed on the reverse, with three postmarks and Pusey's seal in black wax broken in two, to 'Rev. Wm. H. Hale | Charter-house'. Writing in a tight, difficult hand, Pusey begins with a reference to an 'intended present' from Hale (from the context clearly a copy of Hale's edition of Jeremy Taylor's 'Doctrine and Practice of Repentence'). Pusey praises 'the earnest, energetic truth-speaking language of Bp. Taylor', which he considers 'a voice as from another world'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the New York publisher Henry Holt to 'Professor Platt' [Johnson Tuttle Platt of Yale Law School], enquiring as to the merits of a text book.

Henry Holt (1840-1926), New York bookseller, publisher, editor and author [Professor Johnson Tuttle Platt (1844-1890) of Yale Law School]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 25 Bond Street, New York; 2 February 1876.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with short unobtrusive closed tear along crease line. Holt writes that he is mailing the book which they discussed. 'The specimen appears to contain a trifle over a quarter of the scheme. Whether the bulk would correspond to the theoretic divisions, you can guess better than I.' Holt presumes that 'glancing' at the book will interest Platt, and asks for 'an idea of it's [sic] probable use fulness and the extent of the class, whether practitioners or students, apt to be interested in it'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John S. Hart') from the American author and educator John Seely Hart, Principal of the Central High School, Philadelphia, to 'G. Harry Davis', accepting his election as an honorary member of the Irving Literary Institute.

John Seely Hart (1810-1877), American author and educator, Professor of Languages at Princeton, Principal of Central High School, Philadelphia [G. Henry Davis, Secretary, Irving Literary Institute]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Central High School, Philadelphia; 15 May 1856.

1p., 12mo. Fair, on aged paper. The letterhead features a steel engraving of the monolithic Central High School. Hart has received Davis' letter informing him that he has been 'elected an Honorary Member of the "Irving Literary Institute".' He asks Davis to 'communicate to the members of the Institute my thanks for the honor conferred, & say that I accept it with sincere pleasure.' Hart writes 'Mr. G. Harry Davis, | Secretary &c -', but the middle name is given as 'Henry' in printed texts.

Two Autograph drafts of a long poem by Arthur Benoni Evans (later Professor of Classics and History at Sandhurst), titled 'Lines [Verses] on the Death of the Princess Charlotte'. Both with corrections and emendations, and one signed 'A. B. Evans'.

Arthur Benoni Evans (1781-1854), Professor of Classics and History in the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, and headmaster of the free grammar school at Market Bosworth, Leicestershire
Publication details: 
Neither with date and place [one draft on paper watermarked 1816, and the other on paper watermarked 1818].

Princess Charlotte of Wales, the only child of the Prince Regent, died in 1817 at the age of 21. Many poems of mourning were published, but whether Evans's was among them is uncertain. Both drafts are in good condition, on aged paper; the first with short closed tears to the spine. DRAFT ONE (the earlier?): Title: 'Verse on the Death of the Princess Charlotte', altered from 'Threnodia Augustalis, Odes on the Death of the Princess Charlotte'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed from the Oxford Professor of Fine Arts, Selwyn Image, to 'My dear Barnard' [Rev. P. M. Barnard?], regarding funghi and moths.

Selwyn Image (1849-1930), Slade Professor of Fine Art at Oxford University [Rev. Percy Mordaunt Barnard (1868-1941) of Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent, antiquarian bookseller]
Publication details: 
Both from 20 Fitzroy Street, W.; 12 and 17 August 1908.

Both items good, on aged paper. Written in Image's distinctive calligraphic hand. Letter One (12 August 1908): 1 p, 12mo. The 'Galatheas' arrived the previous evening 'quite safe'. 'Fancy your being at The Warren as well as at Deal! The Warren [Folkestone] is famous for being stocked with good things. You are indeed in the very heart of the richest entomological country in England.' Letter Two (17 August 1908): 2 pp, 12mo. He is delighted with 'these beautiful ochroleuca, which arrived this afternoon quite safely'.

Autograph Signature of John Hunter, LLD, Professor of Humanity at the University of St Andrews, with accompanying note by Rev. Thomas Dick.

John Hunter (1745-1837), Professor of Humanity, University of St Andrews, Fife, and classical scholar [Rev. Thomas Dick (1774-1857), writer on science]
Publication details: 
[February 1834]; St Andrews, Fife.

On one side of piece of paper approximately 18 x 8.5 cm. Neatly placed in a windowpane mount of laid paper, 25 x 20 cm. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Written in a clear, firm hand: 'John Hunter LL.D. | Profr. of Humanity | St. Andrews. | Fife.' Beneath this, along the foot of the page, in a small hand (identified in note on mount as 'The writing of Dr Dick, author of "The Christian Philosopher &c'): 'Dr Hunter is about 90 years of age, and still retains his bodily & mental vigour | This Autograph was written in Feby. 1834. T. D.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('B Price') from Bonamy Price, Drummond Professor of Political Economy at Oxford University, to 'My dear General' at Yale, following an 'American journey'.

Bonamy Price (1807-1888), Drummond Professor of Political Economy at Oxford University, and Fellow of Worcester College [William Graham Sumner (1840-1910), Professor of Sociology, Yale University]
Publication details: 
2 March 1875; on letterhead of 2 Norham Gardens, Oxford.

4 pp, 12mo. Bifolium. 63 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Difficult hand. He thanks him for 'the Statistical Tables', admitting with 'some shame' that he needs 'an interpreter for part of the tables on page 68'. Describes the problem in detail, and discusses 'the sly remark that "the change is being made quite as abruptly as would be safe".

Typed Letter Signed ('H. V. A. Briscoe') from Professor H. Vincent A. Briscoe to [Thomas Lloyd] Humberstone, concerning a meeting of the Royal College of Science Association

H. Vincent A. Briscoe [Henry Vincent Aird Briscoe] (1888-1973), Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Imperial College, London, 1938-1954 [Thomas Lloyd Humberstone (1876-1957), educationist]
Publication details: 
12 April 1954; on letterhead

12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with slight traces of mount on reverse. Regretting, given his 'keen interest' in the affairs of the Association and of the College, that Humberstone cannot attend a meeting of the RCS Association. The influence of the Association is 'probably considerable' regarding 'the development in progress', as many members are very active in the matter.

Autograph Letter Signed ('FitzRoy Kelly) from Sir FitzRoy Kelly to Samuel Wilberforce, Bishop of Oxford, regarding the appointment of Sir Henry Acland to the Oxford Regius Professorship of Medicine, with signed Wilberforce note to Acland.

Sir FitzRoy Edward Kelly (1796-1880), English judge and Tory politician
Sir FitzRoy Edward Kelly (1796-1880), English judge and Tory politician
Publication details: 
19 October 1858; 32 Dover Street, London. Draft of Wilberforce note dated 21 October 1858.
Sir FitzRoy Edward Kelly (1796-1880), English judge and Tory politician

12mo, 3 pp. Regarding the 'assigning of an income to the Regius Professor of Medicine out of the Ewelme Charity': 'I trouble you with a line to say that I have recommended the allowance of £250 a year, and that when the revenues of the Charity shall reach £1000 a year, it shall be submitted to the Court to increase the amount to £300 or £350'. Asks if there is 'any other matter connected with my office upon which you would wish for information, before I seek a week or two's repose? (of which I have had none, not even for an hour since I came into office.)'.

Printed handbill, headed 'We invite the electors of Oxford University to vote for Professor GILBERT MURRAY who would, we believe, make an ideal Burgess for the University.' [With Autograph Signature and initials of economist William Henry Beveridge.]

[Professor Gilbert Murray (1866-1957), classicist; William Henry Beveridge (1879-1963), Baron Beveridge, Scottish economist]
William Henry Beveridge (1879-1963
Publication details: 
William Henry Beveridge (1879-1963

Folio, 2 pp. Text, printed in a small hand, clear and complete, on first leaf of a bifolium, the second being blank. Good, on aged paper. Tipped in, by means of strip along inner margin on reverse of second leaf, to grey card backing, carrying biographical details regarding Beveridge. Signature 'W H Beveridge' following last line of printed text on reverse of first leaf, with initials 'Most cordially | W H B.' in top left-hand corner of first page.

Autograph Note Signed ('Richard Southwood') to 'Mr Ladkin'.

Sir Richard Southwood (1931-2005), Professor of Zoology and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford
Sir Richard Southwood, Professor of Zoology, Letter
Publication details: 
10 October 1986; on letterhead of the National Radiological Protection Board.
Sir Richard Southwood, Professor of Zoology, Letter

8vo, 1 p. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with a couple of punch holes to the left margin (one through a word of text). Thanking him for his 'kd letter of appreciation of my work as chairman of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution'. He now has 'another public duty concerned with the same field'.

Five Autograph Letters Signed and four Typed Letters Signed (all 'J Paterson Ross') to Noon.

Sir James Paterson Ross (1895-1980), Professor of Surgery at St Bartholomew's Hospital London, and Surgeon to the Royal Household [Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon, Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
Between 1951 and 1955; six on St Bartholomew's Hospital letterhead and three on that of Ross's Oakleigh Park address.

Five of the nine items in 4to, and the rest 12mo. All texts clear and complete. Collection in good condition on lightly-aged paper. Occasional minor traces of brown-paper mounts, and most items with punch-holes to top left-hand corners. A cordial correspondence between two colleagues. Several letters relate to Noon's soon Charles, training under Ross to be a surgeon. On 26 June 1952 (12mo, 3 pp) Ross writes discussing the son's failure in an examination..

Typed Letter Signed ('Heneage Ogilvie') to Noon.

Sir Heneage Ogilvie (1887-1971), British surgeon [Sir Hedley Atkins (1905-1983), Professor of Surgery at Guy's Hospital; Charles Noon (d.1957), senior surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital]
Publication details: 
5 February 1952; on letterhead with the addresses of his London residence and consulting room.

4to, 1 p. Seventeen lines of text, clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with small area lacking in top left-hand corner. Concerning Hedley Atkins, who, '[a]s a Guy's man', Ogilvie is keen to have replace him on the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons, from which he is retiring after sixteen years. The condition with which Ogilvie is related, Ogilvie's Syndrome, was first reported by him in 1948.

Abstract of Ferrier's Greek Philosophy [with notice of Ferrier's life].

B. R.' [Professor Benjamin H. Rand (1827-1883); James Frederick Ferrier (1808-1864)]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but with ownership inscription dated 1881.

8vo, 20pp. Stitched. Disbound. In original grey printed wraps (with 'VOL. II.' deleted in blue pencil at foot of title). Fair, on aged paper, with wear and loss to grubby wraps. Ownership inscription on front wrap: 'Henry Norman, April 26. 1881. G.18.' Signed in type 'B. R.' at foot of last page. Providing a detailed synopsis of Ferrier's teachings, with a fifteen-line 'Introductory Notice' of his life. Scarce. No copy at the British Library or on COPAC, and the only copy on WorldCat at Harvard.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Arthur Phillips') to W. N. de Mattos.

John Arthur Phillips (1822-1887), mining engineer and metallurgist [Lyon Playfair, Baron Playfair (1818-1898), chemist]
Publication details: 
25 January 1853; on letterhead of 8 Upper Stamford Street, Blackfriars.

12mo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. On lightly-aged paper with some creasing and a short closed tear at foot. He sent his report (on 'Wurlich's patent ') to Dr Playfair on 15 December of the previous year. 'With him therefore is all the delay.' Docketed by de Mattos on reverse, including 'Read at Board on 27th Jany 1853'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('S. Lane-Poole') to Miss Hollingworth.

Stanley Lane-Poole (1854-1931), British orientalist and archaeologist, Professor of Arabic Studies, Dublin University
Publication details: 
16 June 1896; 3 Newnham Road, Bedford.

12mo, 2 pp. 20 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with slight creasing to corners. He is glad to have the autographs she has sent him. He is sending '28 of my duplicates'. His wife is 'very fairly well, but the heat tries her a good deal'. He himself enjoys the heat. 'The temperature here in the sun to-day was only 110 degrees - just the same as it was in the shade in Cairo when I was there last June!'

Manuscript indenture: 'Deed of Trust in relation to the foundation of a Chair of Physical Chemistry in the University'. Signed by Badock, Cook and Rafter, and bearing the University of Bristol seal.

William Hesketh Lever (1851-1925), 1st Viscount Leverhulme; the University of Bristol [Sir Stanley H. Badock, Pro-Chancellor; Ernest H. Cook, Lecturer; James Rafter, Registrar]
Publication details: 

2 pp, on first leaf of bifolium of thick cream paper, dimensions roughly 40.5 x 26.5 cm. Ruled with red lines. Docketed on reverse of second leaf. Text clear and complete. In good condition, though grubby. Leverhulme ('the Settlor') is 'desirous of assisting in the foundation of a Chair of Physical Chemistry in the University', and has ('with the approbation of the Council of the University') 'transferred Five Thousand "B" Twenty per centum Cumulative Preferred Ordinary Shares of One pound each fully paid in Lever Brothers Limited into the name of the University'.

Typed Note Signed ('A. C. Egerton') to Dingle, enclosing two pages of typed scientific calculations relating to the annual worldwide consumption of fossil fuels. With carbon copy of Dingle's typed reply.

Sir Alfred Egerton [Sir Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton] (1886-1959), chemist [Professor Herbert Dingle (1890-1978), physicist and President of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1951-1953]
Publication details: 
Note dated 11 March 1944. Note and calculastions on letterheads of Imperial College of Science and Technology, London.

All three items fair, on aged and creased paper. Slight rust-spotting at head of note, and short closed tear to leaf of calculations. Note (12mo, 1 p): He is enclosing 'a few figures' and hopes they are what Dingle wants. The calculations (4to, 2 pp) begin with working out of the 'Annual coal production in world' in therms. This is followed by similar figures for 'Petroleum' and 'Natural gas', giving the 'Total fuel (bar wood and peat) used per annum in the world'.

Final General Report on Hospital Construction and Management. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command.

Professor H. B. Allen, M.D. [Sir Harry Brookes Allen (1854-1926)] [Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; medicine, architecture]
Publication details: 
[1891. Victoria.] By Authority: Robert. S. Brain, Government Printer, Melbourne.

Folio (34 x 21 cm): 32 pp. With all eighteen foldout plans. Unbound and stapled. Text and plans clear and complete. In fair condition, with slight rust to staples and the last leaf (carrying Plan XVIII) loose. The report is addressed to 'The Honorable the Premier of the Colony of Victoria', and dated 'University of Melbourne, 2nd November, 1891. This is, as Allen sets out his aims in the first paragraph, explaining that he is submitting 'the Third and Final General Report concerning my visit to Great Britain and the Continent of Europe.

The Dangers and Safeguards of Ethical Science. An Inaugural Lecture delivered in the Clarendon, May 25th, 1836.

The Rev. W. Sewell [William Sewell (1804-1874)], M.A. Sub-Rector of Exeter College, and Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Oxford
Publication details: 
Oxford: D. A. Talboys. 1837.

8vo: 66 pp. Stitched pamphlet. In original grey printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Tight copy on lightly-aged and foxed paper, with light staining at foot of wraps and first and last few leaves. List of 'Publications by the same Author' on the reverse. Worn inscription at head of title, to 'The Revd Vaughan Thomas | With the Authors best comptss & regards'. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at Bristol, Lambeth Palace and Oxford.

Autograph Manuscript musical score, 'from Minueta Trio for pianoforte', signed by 'Leslie Regan'.

Dr Leslie Regan (1900-1968), Professor of Harmony at the Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
Dated '10 July 1919'.

On one side of a leaf, roughly 18 x 24 cm, removed from an album. Good, on lightly aged paper. Sixteen grand staff bars, followed by 'from Minueta Trio for pianoforte | [signed] Leslie Regan | 10 July 1919.'

Two Autograph Letters Signed to Messrs George Routledge & Sons.

Allan Menzies (1845-1916), Professor of Biblical Criticism, St Andrews University
Publication details: 
4 and 6 February 1906; both on letterheads of 58 South Street, St. Andrews, Fifeshire.

Both items good on lightly-aged paper. Letter One (12mo, 2 pp): Having considered the question of the fee for a piece of writing, he does 'not know very well what to say. Perhaps you might give me what the Hibbert Journal pays its contributors.' (Docketed in pencil in the margin: 'What is that?') He 'could do the work when the College Session is over - at the end of March'. Asks to be informed 'what is necessary of the arrangements', and to be sent 'the sheets of the book.

Holograph Poem signed "J.S.B." with quotations from Browning and "Goethe's Werther" in Blackie's hand, with signature "John S. Blackie 1st October 1883".

John Stuart Blackie, Greek Professor (Edinburgh).
Publication details: 

Piece of paper, c.17.5 x 11cm, fold mark down middle, good condition. The initialled poem, four lines, is headed "Love" ("Poor is the man who in self-hardened shell . . . . And grows to great estate by loving great and small." The next heading is "Life" folowed by the line "Why stay us on the earth, unless to grow. | Browning", followed by the heading "Evil", with the line, "I gulp down the devil, without looking at him. | Goethe's Werther".

Offprint titled 'Aquaeculture, And the Artificial Propogation [sic] of the Danube Salmon in Bavaria.'

Dr. Anthony Wimmer, Professor, of Landshut [Thomas Ashworth; salmon fishing; angling]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the Macclesfield Courier June 27, 1857.

Printed on one side of a piece of wove paper, 25 x 18.5 cm. Good, on lightly creased paper. Giving detailed information in two columns of small print. Addressed 'To Thomas Ashworth, Esq.' and signed in type, 'Dr. Anthony Wimmer, Professor. Landshut, 11th June, 1857.' Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L. Bautain') to unnamed male correspondent.

Abbé Louis Bautain [Louis Eugène Marie Bautain] (1796-1867), Professor of Philosophy at Strasbourg and of Theology at the Sorbonne, founder of the Order of the Sisters of St Louis
Publication details: 
9 April 1864, 'rue Pigalle 2', on letterhead of the Archevêché de Paris.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly aged paper. In French. Difficult hand. Regarding 'la société musicale et littéraire de Meaux', of which he approves. 'Malheureusement plusieurs obstacles s'opposent à ma bonne volonté.' As a gesture of good will, he asks the Society to accept 'quelques ouvrages'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Gladstone.

Edward Hull (1829-1917), Anglo-Irish geologist [John Hall Gladstone (1827-1902), English physical chemist]
Publication details: 
19 May 1902; on letterhead of the Victoria Institute, 8 Adelphi Terrace, London W.C.

12mo, 3 pp. Very good on lightly aged paper. Asking whether Gladstone would consent to the placing of his name on the list of the Institute's Council, 'to fill one of the vacancies'. 'You would be of great service to us in so doing - and the calls on your time would not be numerous - about a dozen times a year'. Six lines in shorthand (by Gladstone?) on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'J M Villasante.') to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Professor J. M. Villasante [Julian Martinez-Villasante y Navarro] (1876-1945), Senior Lecturer, Department of Spanish Studies, University of London (1913-1936)
Publication details: 
19 January 1920, on letterhead of the Senior Common Room, King's College, London W.C.; 5 February 1921, 28 Home Park Road, Wimbledon Park, London S.W.19.

Both docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. Letter One (12mo, 2 pp, good): Discussing the syllabus of the Royal Society's Spanish examinations. Ends: 'I think that there is need of arriving at some uniform standard of difficulty and of arrangement of the papers set.' Letter Two (4to, 4 pp, good, with top left-hand corner of first leaf torn away, though not affecting text): A long defence of an examination paper set by him against the criticisms of 'Mr Frank J. Allen', who has sat it. 'Mr. Allen, to me it seems as if he does not know his own language, he writes Castilian with two lls.

One Autograph Letter Signed, one Typed Letter Signed, one Autograph Note Signed and one Typed Note Signed (all 'E. N. da C. Andrade'), to G. K. Menzies (3) and K. W. Luckhurst (1), Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts, with carbon of one reply.

Professor Edward Neville da Costa Andrade (1887-1971), English physicist, poet and historian of science
Publication details: 
1931, 1932, 1933 and 1948; the autograph letter on letterhead of 69 Exeter Road, London N.W.2, and the other three items on University College, University of London letterheads.

All items good. Two bearing the Society's stamp. Item One (typed note, 15 October 1931, 4to, 1 p): He is sending 'short summaries of the two lectures, in a form which I prefer to mere headings'. Item Two (autograph letter, 17 January 1932, 8vo, 1 p): He is sending 'summaries of the two lectures'. 'As you seemed in a hurry I have not waited to have them typed. I think that they are legible, but I will look at a proof if you like.' He has left it to Menzies 'to add any preliminaries or conclusions that may be necessary'.

Autograph Notice for insertion in a journal or newspaper.

Harry Quilter (1851-1907), English art critic
Publication details: 

12mo: 1 p. Good, on lightly creased paper, and with traces of previous mount adhering to reverse, and small central spike hole. In a variant hand, but certainly by Quilter. Twelve lines of text, for insertion in a journal or newspaper. Announces the unsuccessful 1886 candidacy by 'Mr. Harry Quilter M.A. Trin. Coll. Camb.' for the Cambridge Slade Professorship, 'recently vacant by the resignation of Professor Colvin'. Quilter 'will be known to our readers as the recent art-critic of the "Times," and the gentleman who has for many years past written upon art subjects in the "Spectator".

Autograph Letter Signed ['J. Arthur Thomson'] to an unnamed firm of publishers.

Sir John Arthur Thomson (1861-1933), Professor of Natural History at the University of Aberdeen, 1899-1930
Publication details: 
10 August 1914; his letterhead from the Natural History Department, Marischal College, The University, Aberdeen.

One page, octavo. On aged paper, with slight chipping to corners, but text clear and entire. He is afraid that he 'did not answer your second letter in regard to a book on Sex.' 'After careful consideration', Thomas and 'Prof. Geddes' [Sir Patrick Geddes, 1854-1932] have come to the conclusion that 'if we wrote another book on that subject it should be published either by "Walter Scott" (who has 'The Evolution of Sex') or by Williams and Norgate (who have 'Sex')' [both books, 1889 and 1914 respectively, also by Geddes and Thomson].

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