[Édouard Guillaume, Paris printer; George Routledge & Sons, London publishers.] Printed promotional 'Catalogue of Guillaume's Nelumbos 1893'. With illustrations and specimen pages 'on vellum of the paper-mills of Le Marais'.

Édouard Guillaume, Paris printer [George Routledge & Sons Ltd, London publishers
Publication details: 
London: George Routledge & Sons, Limited, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, Manchester and New York. 1893. Printed by Édouard Guillaume, 105, Boulevard Brune, Paris.

The only copy of this item on OCLC WorldCat is in the Canadian National Archives. An attractive and characteristic piece of late nineteenth-century French printing. The present copy is 14 + [1] pp, 16mo. With frontispiece and eight illustrations and vignettes. Stitched booklet (13 x 7.5 cm). In wraps printed in black and red. In fair condition, lightly aged, in grubby wraps.

[ Vero Kemball Shaw writes to his publishers 'Messrs Geo Routledge & Sons'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vero Shaw') concerning the production of his books 'The Encyclopaedia of the Kennel' and 'The Encyclopaedia of the Poultry Yard'.

Vero Kemball Shaw (1851-1921), author of books on dogs and animal husbandry [George Routledge & Sons, London publishers]
Publication details: 
56 St John's Park Mansions, Highgate, N. [London] '3 of July [1913]'.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. The letter would appear to concern both of the books which Shaw published with Routledge in 1913: 'The Encyclopaedia of the Poultry Yard' and 'The Encyclopaedia of the Kennel'. He begins by explaining that he is finally sending in 'title page, & dedication, which I should have sent in earlier had I not been awaiting Mr T[?]s permission to dedicate the book to him.

[ Venizelos; R. E. Baynes, Oxford physicist/freemason. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed ('R. E. Baynes'), first containing an anecdote regarding 'the maker of modern Greece' Eleftherios Venizelos at a Christ Church gaudy, the second on Freemasonry.

R. E. Baynes [ Robert Edward Baynes ] (1849-1921) of Christ Church, Oxford, physicist and freemason [ William Scoresby Routledge; Eleftherios Kyriakou Venizelos (1864-1936), Greek statesman ]
Publication details: 
One on letterhead of Christ Church, Oxford, 2 July 1920; the other from 'Ch. Ch. Oct 30 [ no year ]'.

From the papers of William Scoresby Routledge (1859-1939), Australian-born British ethnographer, anthropologist and adventurer. Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, but the first with a vertical closed tear at the base of one leaf. ONE: On letterhead of Christ Church, Oxford. 2 July 1920. 3pp., 16mo. Bifolium. Routledge's silence, he begins by stating, led him to think that he was 'somewhere on the High Seas', but he has realised that it was due to a mistaken address 'in the Steward's Office Address Book, where 'Conservative Club' has been written for 'Carlton Club'.

[ Scoresby Routledge, ethnographer and anthropologist. ] Typed copy the 'Will of William Scoresby Routledge Esq.', made out for his executor and trustee J. C. D. Harington, with Typed Letter Sgned to Harington from solicitor Norman C. Hurst.

William Scoresby Routledge (1859-1939), Australian-born British ethnographer, anthropologist and adventurer
Publication details: 
Will by Stapley & Hurst, Eastbourne; dated 27 January 1938. TLS from Hurst to Harington on the firm's letterhead, Westminster Bank Chambers, Eastbourne; 17 July 1947.

ONE: Typed copy of will. 3pp., 4to., on three leaves. In fair condition, worn and aged. Folded into the customary packet, with the details typed on the reverse of a fourth leaf. The four leaves held together with a brass stud. Routledge ('formerly of “Ewers” Old Bursledon in the County of Southampton but now of Tjiklos Kyrenia in the island of Cyprus') declares: 'I was born at Melbourne in the year 1859. My father brought me to England at an early age. I was educated at Christ Church Oxford and studied at University College Hospital.

[ William Scoresby Routledge, ethnographer and anthropologist. ] Final two pages of Autograph Letter, with signature 'W. Scoresby Routledge'.

William Scoresby Routledge (1859-1939), Australian-born British ethnographer, anthropologist and adventurer [ Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington (1861-1931) 12th Baronet ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Conservative Club, St James's Street, S.W. [ London ] No date.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The text reads: '[...] dont think you are giving trouble - | Would you like me to secure you a smart little single handed boat - an ideal boat for sailing about the river with a lady? | Or is it not worth while from the point of view that your wife will not like you going on the water & taking her | Yours Ever | W. Scoresby Routledge'. From the papers of Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington, 12th Baronet, who was at Christ Church, Oxford, with Routledge.

[G. A. Aitken, editor.] Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Note Signed to the London publishers George Routledge & Sons, correcting a proof and discussing a reprint of his edition of the 'Spectator', with copy of a typed reply from the firm.

G. A. Aitken [George Atherton Aitken] (1860-1917), author and editor [George Routledge & Sons, Ltd, London publisher; the Victorian book trade; English bookselling and publishing]
Publication details: 
Aitken's ALS and ANS both on letterhead of 42 Edwardes Square, Kensington, W. [London] 3 and 6 December 1907. Copy of typed reply from George Routledge & Sons, Ltd, London. 4 December 1907.

All three items in good condition, on lightly aged paper. The two Aitken letters are both signed 'G A Aitken'. ONE: ALS by Aitken, 3 December 1907. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He begins by suggesting an emendation to a note on an 'enclosed proof' regarding Dr Pearce and 'The Tatler'. He then discusses a reprint by the firm of his edition of the 'Spectator', which he has not seen. 'If it bears a current date on the title-page, I trust you have preserved the date to the Preface, to show that I have not revised the work.

[Lyon Playfair, Scottish scientist and Liberal politician.] Autograph Signature on cover of envelope franking a letter to the London publishers George Routledge & Sons.

Lyon Playfair (1818-1898), 1st Baron Playfair, Scottish scientist and Liberal politician [George Routledge & Sons, London publishers]
Publication details: 
With London frank dated 9 February 1886.

On the 8 x 13cm cover of the envelope. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with loss at head and to top right-hand corner from removal from an album, traces of which adhere to the reverse. Playfair's signature ('Lyon Playfair') in the bottom left-hand corner is unnaffected, and the address, also in his hand, reads: 'Messrs George Routledge & Son | Broadway | Ludgate Hill | E.C.' The orange circular franking postmark is incomplete, and reads: 'LON | OFF | PAID | B | 9 FE 86'.

[James Archer, Scottish artist.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Editor of 'Men & Women of the Time' [Victor Gustave Plarr], regarding the revision of his entry therein.

James Archer (1822-1904), Scottish artist [Victor Gustave Plarr]
Publication details: 
Haslemere, Surrey. 10 April 1898.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter reads: 'I beg to re-enclose for the excerpt from your publication "Men & Women of the Time," of my biography which I have revised, making a very few alterations, & adding a few lines which I write on the other sheet of this note: [not present] my permanent address now is the above'. The note relates to the fifteenth edition of the work, published by G. Routledge & Sons in 1899.

Autograph Letter in the third person from Nina Mary Benita Douglas-Hamilton, Duchess of Hamilton, ordering a book from the London booksellers George Routledge & Sons.

Nina Mary Benita Douglas-Hamilton [née Poore] (1878-1951), Duchess of Hamilton, co-founder in 1903 of the Animal Defence and Anti-Vivisection Society [George Routledge & Sons, Ltd, London booksellers]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Merley House, Wimborne. 28 May 1904.

1p., 4to. Good, on aged and lightly-creased paper. 'The Duchess of Hamilton will be much obliged if Messrs G. Routledge & Sons will send her the newest edition of | A History of British Birds | by Rev. F. O. Morris | Newly revised corrected & enlarged | @ £4 - 10 - 0 | To above address -'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Napier') from Lieutenant-Colonel E. Elers Napier to his bookseller [George Routledge?], concerning his 'theory as to the "Sources of the Nile"'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Napier') from Lieutenant-Colonel E. Elers Napier
Publication details: 
24 May 1853; Newport, Isle of Wight.
Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Napier') from Lieutenant-Colonel E. Elers Napier

Folio, 1 p. Twenty-three lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. His mother Lady Napier, who went to town the previous day, has 'taken charge of the 2 Vols of the Athenaeum' his correspondent sent him. 'Lady Napier has promised to call herself at Leicester Square & deliver the books to you'. If he should be in when she calls, Napier asks him to 'explain to her my theory as to the "Sources of the Nile", briefly embodied in the accompanying paper'.

Autograph Letter Signed [to the publishers Messrs George Routledge & Sons].

Beatrice Harraden (1864-1936), British novelist and suffragette [George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.]
Publication details: 
29 July [no year]; on letterhead 3, Fitzjohn's Mansions, Netherall Gardens, Hampstead, N.W. [London]

Two pages, 12mo. Good, with minor effects of damp. Text clear and entire. Twenty-five lines. Harraden has found an old acquaintance, Mrs Charles Routledge ('the widow of the son of Colonel Robert Warne Routledge'), in 'very distressing circumstances; she had been very ill from blood poisoning in the leg, had been in hospital, & in the work house'. Mrs Routledge has 'done her very best [...] to fight an adverse fate', working hard 'as a house keeper, maid of all work, servant of lodging house'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sonnenschein.

James Samuelson, editor of 'Subjects of the Day' [George Routledge & Sons Limited; William Swan Sonnenschein [Stallybrass] (1855-1934), publisher]
Publication details: 
22 September 1890; Trevenna, Grosvenor Road, on letterhead of 'GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS LIMITED | "SUBJECTS OF THE DAY." | (EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT.)'

8vo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In response to a 'kind note', Samuelson informs Sonnenschein that 'the next number of our Review, which will appear shortly, is to deal with the Irish question'. He has 'a very copious list of publications' and although he would have welcomed Sonnenschein's assistance, he hardly thinks it is worth his while at the present time to trouble himself over the matter, 'for reasons which I will explain to you some day'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to Messrs George Routledge & Sons.

Allan Menzies (1845-1916), Professor of Biblical Criticism, St Andrews University
Publication details: 
4 and 6 February 1906; both on letterheads of 58 South Street, St. Andrews, Fifeshire.

Both items good on lightly-aged paper. Letter One (12mo, 2 pp): Having considered the question of the fee for a piece of writing, he does 'not know very well what to say. Perhaps you might give me what the Hibbert Journal pays its contributors.' (Docketed in pencil in the margin: 'What is that?') He 'could do the work when the College Session is over - at the end of March'. Asks to be informed 'what is necessary of the arrangements', and to be sent 'the sheets of the book.

Autograph Letter Signed ('George A Lawrence') to an unnamed publisher [George Routledge?].

George A. Lawrence [George Alfred Lawrence] (1827-1876), English novelist [Miss Caulfield; George Routledge]
Publication details: 
22 March 1858; Plymouth.

16mo (leaf dimensions 13 x 10 cm), 3 pp. Bifolium. Twenty-eight lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly creased paper with small closed tear in margin (not affecting text). He has been asked by 'Miss Caulfield' to 'perform the ceremony of "introduction" with a view to your publishing (if you approved of it) a work she has lately written [...] <"Janet de Rinzy?">'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Henry Newbolt') to Routledge.

Sir Henry Newbolt (1862-1938), English poet [George Routledge & Sons, publishers]
Publication details: 
13 October 1906; on letterhead of 23, Earl's Terrace, Kensington, W.

12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Thanking them for the cheque, and returning the 'form of permission to reprint the four poems, signed' (not present).

Autograph Letter Signed ('Lewis Melville') to Messrs George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

Lewis Melville' [Lewis S. Benjamin (1874-1932)], English author and actor
Publication details: 
5 August 1903; 1 Doughty Street, Mecklenburgh Square, W.C., on cancelled letterhead of the Weekly Dispatch.

12mo, 1 p. 7 lines of closely-written text. Clear and complete. On aged and slightly-grubby paper. He has received their letter regarding his 'Life of Thackeray', and appreciates 'the reason for your delay in deciding whether or no to issue a cheap edition. Undoubtedly the inclusion of my book in a series would benefit us both, & I hope Mr Lee may be able to make me an offer.'

The Rival Houses of the Hobbs and Dobbs: or, Dress-Makers & Dress-Wearers. By Crotchet Crayon.

Crotchet Crayon' [Victorian fashion; nineteenth century satire]
Publication details: 
New Edition. London: G. Routledge & Co., Farringdon Street. New York: 18, Beekman Street. 1857. [London: Savill and Edwards, Printers, Chandos Street.]

12mo, [ii] + 235 pp. In contemporary brown-calf half-binding, with marbled boards and grey endpapers. Internally sound and tight, if a little foxed, with some wear to the extremities of the title-leaf. In worn binding with label on spine mostly worn away. The identity of the author is unknown.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Tom Gallon') and Typed Letter Signed to Ernest Pertwee.

Tom Gallon (1866-1914), English novelist, dramatist and humourist [George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.]
Publication details: 
TLS, 16 July 1903; ALS, 13 August 1903; both on embossed letterhead 190, Adelaide Road, St. John's Wood, N.W. [London.]

Both items quarto. On worn, discoloured paper, with a couple of closed tears to the folds. Pertwee was the author of numerous anthologies for recitation, and these letters presumably relate to his 'Reciter's treasury of prose and drama: serious and humorous' (Routledge, 1904). TLS: 'Provided, of course, that Messrs. Routledge have actually agreed with you to publish the book of humorous prose recitations, I shall be very willing to allow you to reprint any one of the stories the titles of which I give below.

Prospectus announcing the publication of 'the First number of the PALL MALL MAGAZINE' on 25 April 1893.

[The Pall Mall Magazine; George Routledge & Sons]
Publication details: 
[London: George Routledge & Sons, 1893.]

Quarto: 4 pp. Unbound bifolium. Grubby and creased, with a couple of pin holes and small closed tears, and a little ink staining to the margins (not affecting text). Five illustrations, including full page engraving of two cherubs, entitled 'L'Enfance de l'amour'. Claims that 'neither labour nor expense will be spared to achieve and maintain the highest standard of literary and artistic excellence', and that the magazine will be 'strictly non-political, in the sense that it will champion the views of no particular party'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Cardinal Gasquet') to the publishers Messrs George Routledge & Sons, Ltd., together with typed copy of their reply.

Francis Aidan Cardinal Gasquet, English Benedictine monk and historical scholar (1846-1929) [George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.]
Publication details: 
21 June 1913 [for 1915]; on letterhead Palazzo San Calisto, (Trastevere) Roma'.

[Vatican Librarian; Archivist of the Vatican Secret Archive; subject of Shane Leslie's biography;Three pages, octavo. Good, on lightly aged and spotted paper, with crease to second leaf of bifolium. Regarding Rev. J. R. McKee's translation of Arnold Oskar Meyer's 'England and the Catholic Church under Queen Elizabeth'. He has received McKee's letter. 'When I promised this to the Professor more than two years ago I did not contemplate having to leave England altogether & still less had I any dream of the war, which has interrupted all relations with German friends'.

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