[Burslem Conservative and Unionist Club, Limited.] Printed booklet of ‘Rules and Bye-Laws’, with printed ‘Member’s Ticket, 1929’ made out to H. H. Rose and signed and dated by Bailey.

Burslem Conservative and Unionist Club, Limited, T. L. Bailey, Secretary [H. H. Rose; Staffordshire; the Potteries]
Publication details: 
Booklet printed: ‘BURSLEM / Warwick Savage, Printer and Lithographer, Wedgwood Place. / 1920’. Ticket dated by Bailey to 9 January 1929.

Two nice pieces of Potteries ephemera. No other copies have been traced. ONE: Booklet. In fair condition, on aged paper, in lightly worn and creased wraps. 36pp, 12mo, stitched into red wraps with title repeated on cover in black. Slips with printed emendations have been laid down over text on pp.8, 9 and 32 (the last slip, carrying rule 84, ‘Hours for Consumption’, is amended in manuscript). Eighty-four rules on the first 32pp, with fifteen bye-laws on pp.33-34. TWO: ‘MEMBERS TICKET, 1929.’ A nice item on card, roughly 7 x 9 cm, with central horizontal crease folding it down to 4 1/2 x 7 cm.

[Scripophily and philately: Waterlow & Sons Limited of London, manufacturers of bank notes and stamps to the British Government.] Advertisement for the firm in the form of a fake bank note or other security.

Waterlow & Sons Limited, London, established 1810, manufacturers of bank notes, bonds, stamps and all other high-class securities, postage stamp printers and contractors to the British Government
Publication details: 
[1930s.] Waterlow & Sons Limited, London.

Engraved advertisement printed in dark blue, light blue and pink on both sides of 20 x 14 cm piece of unwatermarked wove paper. An amusing fake bank note or bond, designed to showcase the firm’s competency. The paper stock and layout are entirely consistent with the firm’s work. On one side, instead of a picture of a monarch or president, is the face of a rather imperious young woman (one of the directors’ wives?), together with a design featuring the fasces and motto ‘VIS UNITA FORTIOR’.

[Thomas W. Streeter; Americana; Printed Catalogue] Americana-Beginnings. A Selection from the Library of Thomas W. Streeter shown in honor of a visit of the Hroswitrha Club on May 3, 1951.

[Thomas W. Streeter]
Publication details: 
Morristown, New Jersey, 1952. 325 Copies Printed June 1952

Morristown, N.J., 1952. xix,[1],97pp. plus facsimiles. Original printed wrappers. Minimal small chips and tears to edges, edges of wraps sunned (up to one inch), small stain on title. Good, with Thomas W. Streeter's calling card inserted.

[Railways in British India.] Printed account of ‘Proceedings at the Fortieth Ordinary General Meeting of the Proprietors in the Bengal-Nagpur Railway Company, Limited, [...] Sir Samuel Hoare, Bart., in the Chair’.

The Bengal-Nagpur Railway Company, Limited [Sir Samuel Hoare, Chairman; Robert Miller, Managing Director; British India; the Raj]
Publication details: 
‘Held at 132 Gresham House, Old Broad Street, [London] on Tuesday, 18th December, 1906’.

The Bengal Nagpur Railway Company was formed in 1887 and continued until 1952, when it merged with the East Indian Railway Company to form the Eastern Railway. The present item is 4pp, 4to. Bifolium. Printed in small type, in double column. In good condition, lightly aged, with one central vertical fold. Excessively scarce: no other copy traced, either on WorldCat, JISC, or ViaLibri.. The business of the meeting includes ‘receiving the Directors’ Report and Audited Statements of Accounts and Balance Sheet to 30th June, 1906, and the Auditors’ Report thereon’.

[Reading Cooperative Society Limited.] Large illustrated poster, in three colours, with 1913 ‘Members’ Calendar’ and information on the Society, from ‘Women’s Guild’ to ‘Artificial Teeth’.

Reading Cooperative Society Limited [Co-operative Wholesale Society’s Printing Works, Longsight, Manchester]
Publication details: 
‘Members’ Calendar’ for 1913 [printed in 1912]. Co-operative Wholesale Society’s Printing Works, Longsight, Manchester.

Reading Cooperative Society Limited came into existence in the 1860s, as ‘Reading Industrial Co-operative Society’. A nice piece of ephemera from the high-tide mark of the co-operative movement. No other copy has been traced. 50 x 68 cm. A striking and attractive production in six columns, printed in red, olive-green and grey-black, and black, with border of raspberry leaves, calendar split between the outer edges. Large illustration of ‘Llandudno and the Great Orme’ beneath the heading ‘Each for all, & all for each.

[World War One.] Handbill with ornate coloured decorative border, headed ‘ROLL OF HONOUR’, intended for ‘A Record of Friends and Relatives who answered the call of King and Country in the Great War: 1914-1915.’

[World War One] Geo. Newnes Limited, London; Hudson & Kearns Limited, lithographic printers
Publication details: 
Circa 1915 or 1916. ‘Published by Geo. Newnes Ltd., Southampton St. Strand [London]’. Printer: ‘Hudson & Kearns, Ltd., London, Litho, London, S.E.’

A nice piece of First World War ephemera, from the period of transition from volunteering to conscription. Newnes was a leading British publisher of the period, and the present item may have been inserted in one of its periodicals, which included ‘The Strand Magazine’, ‘Women’s Own’ and ‘John O’London’s Weekly’. It is printed on a leaf of good quality cream 4to wove paper, and was intended for completion. In fair condition, lightly aged, with light wear and creasing to extremities.

[Rudyard Kipling: American fine printing of 'Britain's Favourite Poem'.] If.

Rudyard Kipling; The Pinkham Press, Boston, Mass.; Robert S. Pinkham
Publication details: 
Colophon: 'PINKHAM PRESS | CHRISTMAS | 1937'. [The Pinkham Press, 286 Congress Street, Boston, Mass.]

[12]pp, 16mo. Tastefully printed in brown and black, and stitched into grey-green wraps, on the cover of which is the word 'If' in large gold print, enclosed in a brown rectangle. In good condition, lightly aged. Colophon on reverse of title, and on facing page a note with facsimile signatures of 'Robert S.

[Rudyard Kipling: rare pamphlet, American first printing preceding English publication.] A Naval Mutiny.

Rudyard Kipling
Publication details: 
Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. 1931. ['Printed in the United States at the Country Life Press | Garden City, N. Y.'

[2] + 18pp, 8vo. In cream printed wraps, with duplication in green on cover of title-page, but without year. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with crease running next to the spine, slightly at an angle. This American Copyright printing - said to have been limited to 75 privately-distributed copies - was published 13 November 1931, and preceded the English publication (in The Story-Teller magazine, December 1931) by around a month. Stewart 596; Livingston 569. The rare American Copyright issue. Richards A399, Livingston 569, Stewart 596. Reprinted in 1932 in Limits and Renewals.

[Rudyard Kipling: rare first edition.] The Science of Rebellion: A Tract for the Times. Specially written for The Imperial South African Association.

Rudyard Kipling [Imperial South African Association, London]
Publication details: 
[Imperial South African Association, London. February 1901.] London: Printed by Vacher & Sons, 20 & 22, Millbank Street, Westminster.

10pp, 8vo. Stapled into grey wraps, with the front cover carrying the title, publication details and price (sixpence). P.1 has drop-head title, author's name, and the start of the tract, dated 'CAPE TOWN, | February, 1901.' In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper, with rusted staple having short closed tear to spine at its head. First published in February 1901 by the Imperial South African Association. It was reprinted in the New York Tribune on 4 August 1901, and is in both the Sussex and Burwash Editions. Livingston 78; ORG Uncollected 237.

[Rudyard Kipling: rare pamphlet.] The . . . Sin of Witchcraft. From The Times, March 15, 1900. Published by the Imperial South African Association. [Drophead title: 'The Sin of Witchcraft']

Rudyard Kipling [Imperial South African Association, London]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by George Edward Wright, The Times Office, Printing House Square. 1901.

[1] + 8pp, 8vo. Stapled pamphlet, issued without wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, staple inclining towards rust. Publication details on front cover. Drophead title on p.1, 'The Sin of Witchcraft', with the article dated 'CAPE TOWN, February, 1900.' Livingston 76a. Rare.

[Richard Beresford, signed limitation, with second signature inscribing the book to 'Diana'.] Glist'ring Phaeton. [A verse translation of the French source of Shakespeare's Richard II, 'Histoire du Roy d'Angleterre Richard'.]

Richard Beresford [William Shakespeare, 'Richard II'; 'Histoire du Roy d'Angleterre Richard']
Publication details: 
'Published by the Morija Printing Works & sold by the Constantia Booksellers Johannesburg: 1945'.

[4] + 78 + [1]pp, 8vo. In printed wraps. Internally in fair condition, on lightly discoloured paper, in worn and stained wraps. Verse translation of the French source of Shakespeare's Richard II, 'Histoire du Roy Angleterre Richard'.

[Édouard Guillaume, Paris printer; George Routledge & Sons, London publishers.] Printed promotional 'Catalogue of Guillaume's Nelumbos 1893'. With illustrations and specimen pages 'on vellum of the paper-mills of Le Marais'.

Édouard Guillaume, Paris printer [George Routledge & Sons Ltd, London publishers
Publication details: 
London: George Routledge & Sons, Limited, Broadway, Ludgate Hill, Manchester and New York. 1893. Printed by Édouard Guillaume, 105, Boulevard Brune, Paris.

The only copy of this item on OCLC WorldCat is in the Canadian National Archives. An attractive and characteristic piece of late nineteenth-century French printing. The present copy is 14 + [1] pp, 16mo. With frontispiece and eight illustrations and vignettes. Stitched booklet (13 x 7.5 cm). In wraps printed in black and red. In fair condition, lightly aged, in grubby wraps.

[Rolando Pieraccini, Italian sculptor, author and publisher ('Eurographica').] 43 Typed Letters Signed to playwright Christopher Fry, regarding the publication of signed limited editions of his works.

Rolando Pieraccini [Roland Pieraccini], Italian sculptor and publisher ('Eurographica'), settled in Finland [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
Earlier letters on letterheads of his Helsinki publishing house Eurographica; later letters on his personal Helsinki letterhead. Between 1984 and 1996.

43 letters in 8vo and 12mo, making a total of 44 pp. Signed 'Rolando Pieraccini' and (latterly) 'Rolando'. Thirteen of the letters (1984-1986; all 8vo) on 'Eurographica' letterhead, the others (1986-1996; 27 in 12mo and 3 in 8vo) on Pieraccini's personal letterhead. Also present is a carbon copy of a two-page letter from Pieraccini to Penny Eckley of Oxford University Press, regarding copyright matters. The collection in good condition, lightly-aged.

R. V. Williams and the Mourne Press.] Signed ('Richard Rowley.') and inscribed ('R. V. Williams') copy of 'The Big Grey Man | A Legend of Mourne', with 'Illustrations after woodcuts by Lady Mabel Annesley'.

'Richard Rowley' [pseudonym of the Ulster poet Richard Valentine Williams (1877-1947), proprietor of the Mourne Press]; Lady Mabel Annesley (1881-1959), illustrator and artist
Publication details: 
[Newcastle, Co. Down.] 'Published by the Mourne Press for the author.' [Slug on last page: 'BANBRIDGE CHRONICLE PRESS'.]

[12]pp, landscape folio. Sewn with red thread. The words 'The Big Grey Man' on cover and title-page in red ink, rest of pamphlet in black ink. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. A 48-line poem, in eight six-line stanzas, spread over three rectos, signed at end 'Richard Rowley.' Inscribed on title-page: 'Mrs. Brown. | With best wishes for Christmas | from | Mr. & Mrs. R. V. Williams. | 1942.' Six bucolic illustrations reproduced from woodcuts by Annesley, including one on cover. Colophon on recto of last leaf, with printers' slug on otherwise-blank reverse.

[Westland Aircraft Limited, British aircraft manufacturers.] A duplicated typed official company history headed 'A Brief Westland History'.

Westland Aircraft Limited, Yeovil, Somerset
Publication details: 
'With the compliments of Westland Aircraft Limited, Yeovil, Somerset.' Dated 'November 1971'.

9pp., 8vo. On nine stapled leaves. At end: 'With the compliments of | Westland Aircraft Limited, | Yeovil, Somerset. | Tel: Yeovil (0935) 5222 | November 1971'. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The start of the document gives an indication of the businesslike style of the narrative: 'In 1915 the Directors of Petters Limited, the long-established Somerset heavy oil-engine manufacturers, offered their services to help the war effort. | As a result, the Company was asked to make aircraft and given instructions to proceed with the construction of 12 Short 184 seaplanes.

[Westland Aircraft Limited, British aircraft manufacturers.] A duplicated typed official company history headed 'A Brief Westland History'.

Westland Aircraft Limited, Yeovil, Somerset
Publication details: 
'With the compliments of Westland Aircraft Limited, Yeovil, Somerset.' Dated 'November 1971'.

9pp., 8vo. On nine stapled leaves. At end: 'With the compliments of | Westland Aircraft Limited, | Yeovil, Somerset. | Tel: Yeovil (0935) 5222 | November 1971'. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The start of the document gives an indication of the businesslike style of the narrative: 'In 1915 the Directors of Petters Limited, the long-established Somerset heavy oil-engine manufacturers, offered their services to help the war effort. | As a result, the Company was asked to make aircraft and given instructions to proceed with the construction of 12 Short 184 seaplanes.

[ Signed by Braithwaite and Keel. ] The Royal Hospital Chelsea | A paper read before The Sette of Odd Volumes At the [511]th meeting of the Sette held at the Savoy Hotel, London on February 23rd, 1937.

Gen. Sir Walter Pipon Braithwaite, G.C.B. Governor of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea 'and Peltast to the Sette' [ The Sette of Odd Volumes, London; Shenval Press ] Frederick Keel (1871-1954), composer
Publication details: 
[ Copy 24 of 133. ] London | Imprynted by THE SHENVAL PRESS and sold to NO Bokesellers'. 1937.

38pp., 16mo. Internally in very good condition, in red paper boards printed in gilt, with bubbling at front and back, and in chipped and aged glassine wrapper. The number of the meeting has been added to the title in manuscript ('511'), and the signatures of 'Frederick Keel | Singer' and 'Walter Braithwaite' are written in pencil beneath the limitation (no 24 of 133 copies). Scarce.

[ Hans Schmoller and The Imprint Society for the Advancement of the Graphic Arts in South Africa: corrected proof of pamphlet by Hortors Limited. ] The Imprint Society | An Account of its Inception to which is appended a Draft Constitution.

Hans Schmoller [ Hans Peter Schmoller ], typographer; The Imprint Society for the Advancement of the Graphic Arts in South Africa, Johannesburg [ Hortors Limited, printers ]
Publication details: 
'For circulation to members and prospective members'. Johannesburg, 1944.

8pp., 12mo. Stitched into grey printed wraps. Aged and worn. On reverse of title: 'This booklet is produced in accordance with Paper Control regulations and is therefore limited in size and scope | It is publication number one of the Imprint Society and was first issued in August 1944'. The pamphlet begins: 'The idea that led to the Imprint Society being formed was conceived when two compositors, working in Johannesburg in 1939, realized that most of the printed matter produced in South Africa was ugly and uninspired, and that nothing was being done to remedy this.

[ The New Asbestos Company, Limited, London. ] Prospectus with application form, accompanied by reports by Sir Douglas Fox, T. J. Scoones and C. Lacoste.

The New Asbestos Company, Limited, London [ Société Française des Amiantes, Tarascon; Sir Douglas Fox; T. J. Scoones; C. Lacoste; F. Vidal; Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington ]
Publication details: 
The New Asbestos Company, Limited, 37 Lombard Street, London. All items undated but circa 1889. [ Prospectus printed by 'The Argus Printing Company, Limited, 31, Bouverie Street, E.C.' ]

The three items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with light damp staining to the Prospectus. ONE: Prospectus. 4pp., tall 8vo. Bifolium. First page headed 'Contractors to the French Government, Naval, Military, and State Authorities. | The New Asbestos Company, Limited. | Incorporated under the Companies Act, 1862 to 1886, whereby the liability of each Shareholder is limited to his Shares. | Capital - - £120,000, | Divided into 30,000 Shares of £4 each.

[ Book; Ltd Edn; Connaught Rangers; Inscribed ] Memoir of Sir Horatio Shirley, K.C.B. written in the Year 1879.

Publication details: 
Privately Printed, No 1 of 30 (see note below), Pickering and Co. 1880

53pp., sm. 4to, 1/4 paper vellum, blue boards, sl. damaged, corners worn and bumped, minor foxing, eps stained, mainly good condition. Inscribed front free ep, "30 copies only privately printed. || No.1 The Dowager Lady Suffield; | from the Author\\" Front ep, bookplate of Ralph Assheton Harbord, with the same name written above (not in the same hand as the inscription above described) giving the address, "the Close Norwich". See Wikipedia for General Horatio Shirley.

[ The Argentine Great Western Railway (Ferrocarril Gran Oeste Argentino). ] Eighteen printed items relating to the restructuring of the company. Including 'Plan of Reconstruction' ('Strictly Private'), 'Scheme of Arrangement', circulars, accounts.

The Argentine Great Western Railway [ Ferrocarril Gran Oeste Argentino ], British-owned Argentinian railway company, founded in 1887 [ Walter Heald, Secretary; J. S. Morgan & Co., merchant bankers ]
Publication details: 
The Argentine Great Western Railway, 4 Finsbury Circus, London E.C. 1893 and 1894.

The company, founded in 1887, operated a broad gauge railway network in the Argentine provinces of San Luis, San Juan and Mendoza, and was taken over on a lease by the Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway in 1907. It features in three studies: Colin M. Lewis, 'British Railways in Argentina 1857-1914: A Case Study of Foreign Investment' (1983); H. R. Stones, 'British Railways in Argentina 1860-1948' (1993); and Winthrop R. Wright, 'British-Owned Railways in Argentina – Their Effect on Economic Nationalism, 1854-1948' (1974).

[ Printed item. ] Prospectus and forms of application for a share issue by the Ekman Pulp and Paper Company, Limited: '4½ First Mortgage Debentures of £100 Each'.

The Ekman Pulp and Paper Company, Limited. ('Paper Mills at Northfleet, Kent, and Ilford, Essex.') [ Carl Daniel Ekman (1845-1904), Swedish chemist and industrialist ] Sir Richard Harington ]
Publication details: 
[ The Ekman Pulp and Paper Company, Limited, London, 1896. ] Ford & Turner Printers, 77, Coleman Street, E.C.

Three items, folded into the customary packet. In very good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Prospectus. 4pp., 8vo. Includes the memorandum of association, in small print. The prospectus, dated 12 May 1896, begins: 'The Company was constituted in 1883. It possesses two Mills, one at Northfleet (freehold) with a complete plant for the manufacture of sulphite wood-pulp and four paper machines, and the other at Ilford (leasehold) with one paper machine. The out-put of these five machines is now 150 tons of paper per week.' Docketed at head of first leaf by Sir Richard Harington.

[ One of 255 copies, signed by Edward Heron-Allen. ] O. U. Miscellanies. No. 14. Account of The Great Learned Societies and Associations. And of the Chief Printing Clubs of Great Britain and Ireland.

'Bro. Bernard Quaritch, Librarian of the Sette of Odd Volumes' [ George Clulow, President; Edward Heron-Allen, club secretary; Wyman & Sons, London printers and binders ]
Publication details: 
[ The Sette of Odd Volumes, London. ] 'Imprynted by Bror C. W. H. Wyman, Typographer to ye Sette, at hys Printing-house in Great Queene Street, over against Lincoln's Inne Fields, within ye Parish of Saynt Giles in ye Fields London'.1886.

55 + [3]pp., 12mo. Frontispiece engraving of Quaritch, with facsimile of his signature. Bound in card boards covered in pink fake vellum paper printed in gold. In good condition, lightly aged, in lightly worn covers. Limitation leaf completed in manuscript, with this copy no. 134 of 255, with pencil signature of 'Ed. Heron Allen', presenting the book to ' Gottschalk'. Introduction by George Clulow, President. Note at end by 'B.

[No. 41 of 65 copies, with original etching and lithograph, both signed by Brangwyn.] Prints & Drawings by Frank Brangwyn with some other Phases of his Art: By Walter Shaw Sparrow.

Walter Shaw Sparrow [Frank Brangwyn]
Publication details: 
London: John Lane, The Bodley Head. New York: John Lane Company. 1919.

[10] + 288pp., 4to. In original quarter-binding, with blue paper boards and cream buckram spine with gilt lettering. A handsome book, profusely illustrated, with 49 plates (some with guards) and the two signed 'Extra Plates', and numerous illustrations in text. Announcement on reverse of first page: 'THIS edition, with an original etching and an original lithograph by Frank Brangwyn, is limited to 65 copies, of which this is No. 41'. The etching, facing p.1, is titled 'A Back Street, Tours', and the lithograph, facing page 180, is titled 'Newcastle'. Both are signed by Brangwyn in pencil.

[ Privately printed limited edition. ] The Garrick Club | Notices of One Hundred and Thirty-Five of its Former Members | By Rev. R. H. Barham | Author of 'The Ingoldsby Legends' | With Facsimile of the Original MS.

Rev. R. H. Barham, Author of 'The Ingoldsby Legends'
Publication details: 
[ New York. ] 'Privately Printed | 1896'. [ Limited to 240 copies. ]

viii + 58. Collotype frontispiece reproducing part of manuscript. Nicely printed on good paper. Internally tight, on lightly-aged paper, in discoloured and lightly-worn cream buckram binding, gilt. Tissue guard to frontispiece detached. The conclusion to the four-page preface, which is dated from New York, January 1896, explains that the 'formal publication in England' of the volume 'might possibly be deemed an offence against good taste, although its Author has been deceased for half a century, and hardly a single person referred to by Canon Barham can now be alive.

[ Eric Gill and the Spoil Bank Association Limited. ] Printed First and Second Mortgage Debentures, signed by Eric Gill, H. J. Cribb, Hilary Pepler, Charles L. Waters, Edgar Holloway, with printed transfer slips, all signed by Valentine KilBride.

Eric Gill; The Spoil Bank Association Limited; Ditchling; H. J. Cribb [ Herbert Joseph Cribb ]; Hilary Pepler; Charles L. Waters; Valentine KilBride [ John Valentine Denis KilBride ]; Edgar Holloway
Publication details: 
Both items: The Spoil Bank Association Limited, 'Registered Office S. Dominic's Press, Ditchling Common, Hassocks, Sussex.' Both dated 23 February 1922, the first printed and second in manuscript.

The Spoil Bank Association was the limited company which acted on behalf of the Guild of St. Joseph and St. Dominic, the group of Roman Catholic craftworkers centred on Gill and based on Ditchling Common in Sussex. Each of the present two items in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Both bifoliums on good deckled-edge paper, and both 3pp., folio, with the customary covering information on the reverse of the second leaf. Attractive typographic productions, printed in black and red on deckled-edge watermarked laid paper. Both with tax stamps and the Association's seal.

[ Gerald Bullett, author and broadcaster. ] Christmas card containing his poem 'White Frost', signed by him and printed by James Guthrie's Pear Tree Press.

Gerald Bullett (1893-1958), writer and broadcaster; his wife Rosalind Bullett [ Edith Marion Rosalind Barker, née Gould ] (1887-1982) [ James Guthrie, The Pear Tree Press, Bognor Regis ]
Publication details: 
'This is one of 75 copies of White Frost a copyright poem by Gerald Bullett printed by James Guthrie at The Pear Tree Press Flansham Bognor Regis December 1936'. [ The Old Farm, East Harting, Sussex. ]

On piece of laid paper folded twice to make a 19 x 14 cm. card. In good condition, with light signs of age. Tiny printer's device on back cover the only illustration. Front cover in black ink reads: 'Christmas Greetings from Rosalind & Gerald Bullett The Old Farm East Harting Sussex'. Colophon in brown ink on left-hand side of opening. Right-hand opening carries the sixteen-line poem, in four four-line stanzas, the first of which reads: 'I went to the window, where the morning was, | And saw innocence scattered on the grass.

[ Privately-printed keepsake playlet by Mary Hyde about Colonel Ralph Isham and the purchase of the Malahide Papers of James Boswell, with signed inscription by the author. ] Levée at Fifty-Third Street.

Mary Hyde [ Viscountess Eccles (1912-2003), book collector and philanthropist ]; Brooke Crutchley, Printer to the University of Cambridge [ Colonel Ralph Isham; James Boswell; Samuel Johnson ]
Publication details: 
Printed in Great Britain at the University Printing House, Cambridge (Brooke Crutchley, University Printer). 1972 [ inscription dated 1971 ].

19 + [1]pp., 4to. Nicely-printed, and saddle-stitched and placed in grey paper wraps with tasteful white label on cover with title printed in red. Inscribed inside front cover 'For Desmond + Dorothy - | with love from | the Playwright | Christmas | 1971'. The playlet is an amusing representation of a single night at the 1946-1949 high point of excitement over the discovery of the Malahide Papers ('During three years the incidents described here were repeated several times a week.'), and features among others Isham himself, his cleaner 'Mrs.

[ William Lawrence Balls, botanist. ] Ten Typed Letters Signed (all 'W Lawrence Balls') to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts

William Lawrence Balls (1882-1960), FRS, botanist who specialised in cotton technology [ the Fine Cotton Spinners' and Doublers' Association, Limited, Manchester; Royal Society of Arts, London ]
Publication details: 
All on letterheads of the Fine Cotton Spinners' & Doublers' Association, Limited, St. James's Square, Manchester. Two from 1917 and eight from 1918.

The ten letters total 4pp., landscape 8vo, and 6pp., 4to. The collection in good condition, lightly aged and worn. With stamps and annotations of the Royal Society of Arts. The correspondence relates to a lecture given by him by invitation, and its subsequent publication in the Society's journal. He originally suggests that it be titled 'The Application of Science to economic purposes, with illustrations from the Cotton Trade', thinking that it would 'attract people outside cotton circles', but is persuaded to alter this to 'Examples of Applied Science in the Cotton Industry'.

[ 'Privately printed opuscula', signed by author. ] Mediaeval Pilgrims' Badges. A Discourse read at the Four Hundred and Forty-Ninth Meeting of Ye Sette of Odd Volumes held at ye Savoy Hoselrie on ye Twenty-Fifth Day of March, MCMXXX.

Tancred Borenius [ Carl Tancred Borenius (1885-1948); Ye Sette of Odd Volumes, London ]
Publication details: 
Copy 11 of 199. 'London: Secretly Imprynted for ye Authour by Eyre and Spottiswoode Limited, His Majesty's Printers, and to be had of no Booksellers MCMXXX [ 1930 ]'.

29pp., 16mo. Nicely printed with nine plates. In brown card wraps, with the following on the cover: 'Mediaeval Pilgrims' Badges | Privately printed opuscula issued to members of ye Sette of Odd Volumes | No. XC'. 'Imprimatur' preceding title, signed by 'Frederick Keal' and 'Tancred Borenius', states that this is copy 11 of 199. Good copy, in lightly-worn wraps. Uncommon.

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