[Ifan Kyrle Fletcher, theatre historian and antiquarian bookseller.] Typed Letter Signed to fellow theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope, regarding theatrical ephemera he is supplying for ‘the redecoration of the Whitbread house in Covent Garden’.

Ifan Kyrle Fletcher (1905-1969), theatre historian and antiquarian bookseller [Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
16 March 1951; on letterhead of Ifan Kyrle Fletcher, Rare Books, 12 Lansdowne Road, Wimbledon, SW20, London.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers (see his entry in the Oxford DNB). 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once, with one dogeared corner. He thanks him for ‘having mentioned my name in connection with the playbills, prints, etc., needed for the redecoration of the Whitbread house in Covent Garden’. He believes MP will be ‘seeing my selection within the next few days’, and hopes that, ‘in general, you will approve of it’.

[Rudyard Kipling: rare pamphlet, American first printing preceding English publication.] A Naval Mutiny.

Rudyard Kipling
Publication details: 
Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. 1931. ['Printed in the United States at the Country Life Press | Garden City, N. Y.'

[2] + 18pp, 8vo. In cream printed wraps, with duplication in green on cover of title-page, but without year. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with crease running next to the spine, slightly at an angle. This American Copyright printing - said to have been limited to 75 privately-distributed copies - was published 13 November 1931, and preceded the English publication (in The Story-Teller magazine, December 1931) by around a month. Stewart 596; Livingston 569. The rare American Copyright issue. Richards A399, Livingston 569, Stewart 596. Reprinted in 1932 in Limits and Renewals.

[Rudyard Kipling: rare first edition.] The Science of Rebellion: A Tract for the Times. Specially written for The Imperial South African Association.

Rudyard Kipling [Imperial South African Association, London]
Publication details: 
[Imperial South African Association, London. February 1901.] London: Printed by Vacher & Sons, 20 & 22, Millbank Street, Westminster.

10pp, 8vo. Stapled into grey wraps, with the front cover carrying the title, publication details and price (sixpence). P.1 has drop-head title, author's name, and the start of the tract, dated 'CAPE TOWN, | February, 1901.' In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper, with rusted staple having short closed tear to spine at its head. First published in February 1901 by the Imperial South African Association. It was reprinted in the New York Tribune on 4 August 1901, and is in both the Sussex and Burwash Editions. Livingston 78; ORG Uncollected 237.

[Rudyard Kipling: rare pamphlet.] The . . . Sin of Witchcraft. From The Times, March 15, 1900. Published by the Imperial South African Association. [Drophead title: 'The Sin of Witchcraft']

Rudyard Kipling [Imperial South African Association, London]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by George Edward Wright, The Times Office, Printing House Square. 1901.

[1] + 8pp, 8vo. Stapled pamphlet, issued without wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, staple inclining towards rust. Publication details on front cover. Drophead title on p.1, 'The Sin of Witchcraft', with the article dated 'CAPE TOWN, February, 1900.' Livingston 76a. Rare.

[Rudyard Kipling: rare pamphlet, later titled 'The Claims of Art', with enclosure by A. Forbes Sieveking.] Speech of Mr. Rudyard Kipling, as Chairman at the Annual Dinner of the Artists' General Benevolent Institution, on May the Ninth, 1907.

Rudyard Kipling; A. Forbes Sieveking [Artists' General Benevolent Institution, London]
Publication details: 
Pamphlet without publication details. Enclosure by Sieveking dated from 12 Seymour Street, Portman Square, W. [London.] June 1907.

Pamphlet: 4pp, 8vo. Bifolium of thick wove paper. In red wraps, with title printed in black on front cover, with words: 'Printed by permission.' The full phrase is printed at the end of the article on p.4. Drophead title on p.1 same as title on cover. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The bifolium of text was formerly glued into the wraps, but the glue has become brittle, and the wraps and contents are now detached from one another. There was a report of the meeting, and of Kipling's speech, in The Times, 10 May 1907; and the speech was later collected in 'A Book of Words' (1928).

[Joseph Sams of Darlington, Quaker bookseller and traveller.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Sams.'), explaining his practice with regard to the return of items, and including a list of 'fine & curious coloured prints' and drawings.

Joseph Sams (1784-1860) of Darlington, Quaker bookseller, dealer in antiquities, traveller in Egypt and Palestine
Publication details: 
'Darlington 21/7mo (July) 1853'.

See Sams's entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. On a bifolium, the second leaf of which has had a rectangle, almost amounting to half, cut away from the bottom. The text of the letter is complete, but the priced list of the prints and drawings on the last page, lacks the lower half. A long letter, closely written. Signed 'J. Sams.' Aged, worn and lightly stained, but nevertheless in passable condition. The recipient, saluted as 'Esteemed Friend', is not named.

[Joseph Sams of Darlington, bookseller and traveller.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'J. Sams'), to prospective customer Godfrey Meynell, describing the merits and deficiencies of 'a rare edition of Chaucer', and another book, in his catalogue.

Joseph Sams (1784-1860) of Darlington, bookseller, dealer in antiquities, traveller in Egypt and Palestine [Godfrey Meynell]
Publication details: 
Both from Darlington. 15 and 17 August 1847.

See Sams's entry in the Oxford DNB. Two letters providing an interesting glimpse of the practicalities of Victorian antiquarian bookselling. Both letters 3pp, 12mo, and bifoliums addressed on reverse of second leaf, with broken seals and postmarks, to 'Godfrey Meynell Esqre | at Mr Stamp's, | Surgeon, | Seaton Carew, | nr Hartlepool.' Both addressed to 'Respected Frd.' In fair condition, aged and worn. ONE: 15 August 1847. He begins by explaining that he was 'from home in the city of Durham' when Meynell's letter came.

[ Charles L. Woodward, New York bookseller. ] Printed catalogue: 'Bibliotheca Bloodandthunder | No. 3. | Trials and kindred Literature, for sale by Charles L. Woodward, Dealer in Rare Books and Pamphlets relating to America, 78 Nassau St., New York'.

Charles L. Woodward, New York bookseller [ Bibliotheca Bloodandthunder ]
Publication details: 
Charles L. Woodward, 78 Nassau Street, New York. Undated [ late nineteenth century ].

18pp., 8vo. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged and brittle paper. 404 items in double column. First page headed 'IX. LXXX. XVII.' An interesting collection of Americana. First entry: 'ABBOT, LIEUT. JOEL. Naval Court Martial. Scandalous Conduct. Printed from Official Record on file in Navy Department. 8vo, pp. 152. Washington, 1822. 75 [cents] | Another, Reported by F. W. Waldo, to which is added an Appendix, containing Sundry Documents in Relation to Management of Affairs on Boston Station. 8vo, pp. 237, boards, uncut. Boston, 1822. 1 00 [i.e. one dollar]'. Last entry: 'ZANE, SARAH.

[ Selwyn Jepson, British author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Selwyn') to 'Sewell', giving an assessment of the career of H. A. Feisenberger, to whom he has sent 'the Van Gogh material'.

Selwyn Jepson (1899-1989), British author [ Hellmut Albert Feisenberger (1909-1999), bookseller ]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead. Liss, 14 December 1976.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, lightly-aged and somewhat creased at extremities. He explains that he has sent 'the Van Gogh material' to Feisenberger, whose address he gives.

Autograph Note Signed ('Grantley') to unnamed bookseller, requesting 'trout-fly books'.

John Richard Brinsley Norton (1855-1943), 5th Baron Grantley [Lord Grantley], British peer and numismatist [trout fishing]
John Richard Brinsley Norton, Baron Grantley, Letter
Publication details: 
28 September 1886; on letterhead of Grantley Hall, Ripon, Yorkshire.
John Richard Brinsley Norton, Baron Grantley, Letter

12mo, 1 p. Aged, grubby and creased, with slight loss to bottom left-hand corner, and closed tear to one margin. Requesting 'one or two choicest leather trout-fly books with plenty of pages, but not those with printed descriptions of flies'.

Autograph Signature.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On a piece of wove paper, cut into a shape roughly corresponding to a 5 x 8 cm rectangle. Aged, discoloured and worn, with some of the autograph slightly smudged with blotting. The autograph of one of America's greatest poets. In Longfellow's small, tight hand, reads: 'With regards | Henry . W . Longfellow .' Thin slip of paper laid down on the reverse reads 'S. ENGLEFIELD COLLECTION | HENLEY ON THAMES'.

The Leadenhall Press Sixteenpenny Series. Illustrated Gleanings from the Classics. Numbers 1 to 4.

The Leadenhall Press - Field and Tuer
Publication details: 
London: no date[, but 1886-8].

4 volumes, 4to, each with a preface by John Oldcastle. Number one: Sir Charles Grandison, 36 pages, 6 illustrations; number two: Solomon Gessner ("The Swiss Theocritus"), 28 pages, 6 illustrations and extra portrait; number three: Thomson's Seasons, 32 pages, 4 illustrations and extra portrait; number four: Tristram Shandy, 28 pages, 6 illustrations. All four numbers replete with attractive vignettes. Only these four numbers were published (vide number four, page 4). Each of the four numbers has an eight-page publishers' catalogue at the end.

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