[Robert Cruikshank, caricaturist and illustrator.] Autograph Letter Signed, offering a specimen of proposed illustrations to J. R. Planch??s ?Jewess?, to be like his brother George Cruikshank?s illustrations of W. B. Rhodes?s ?Bombastes Furioso'.

Robert Cruikshank (1789-1856), caricaturist and illustrator, son of Isaac Cruikshank and brother of George Cruikshank
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See the entries for the Cruikshanks in the Oxford DNB. 1p, landscape 12mo. On 20 x 11.5 cm piece of paper. Somewhat aged and worn, with small pinhole at head, and postage folds; neatly inserted in trimmed windowpane mount. The recipient is not named, the text reading: ?Mr Ryan was suggesting an idea of something come upon the Jewess which is very popular after the manner of Bombastes and also a ballad part of which I leave as a specimen perhaps you will consider of it and let me know / R. Cruikshank?.

[Joseph Hatton, novelist and journalist, editor of the Sunday Times.] Autograph Letter Signed to Alexander Ireland, describing his grief at the death of his son the explorer Frank Hatton, and the comfort he has found in Ralph Waldo Emerson's writing.

Joseph Hatton (1837-1907), novelist and journalist, editor of the Sunday Times [his son Frank Hatton, geologist and explorer; Alexander Ireland, Scottish journalist and bibliophile]
Publication details: 
14 April 1883; with his stamped letterhead, 14 Titchfield Terrace, Regent's Park [London].

See the two men?s entries in the Oxford DNB. A long letter, covering all four sides of a 12mo bifolium with mourning border, with the first pages written conventionally on the recto of the first leaf, and the rest written lengthwise. Signed ?Joseph Hatton? and addressed to ?Alexander Ireland Esq?. In good condition, on aged and worn paper, with tape from mount adhering to the second leaf. Folded once. There were some doubts regarding Frank Hatton?s death in the jungles of Borneo, but the accepted account was that he had been accidentally shot.

[John Scott Russell, engineer and shipbuilder who built Brunel?s ?Great Eastern?.] Autograph Letter Signed to an invalid, responding to a request [for an autograph].

John Scott Russell (1808-1882), Scottish civil engineer, naval architect and shipbuilder who built the Great Eastern of Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Publication details: 
10 August 1878; Sydenham.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with strip of tape from mount adhering to the blank second leaf of the bifolium. Folded once. The recipient (?Dear Sir?) is not named. Signed ?J. Scott. Russell?. Apparently responding to a request for an autograph from an invalid, he begins by stating that he is ?sorry to hear? of the recipient?s ?prolonged suffering?, but that he is ?glad to learn that you occupy your inforced in [sic] thinking more about others than about yourself?. He ends by expressing pleasure in complying with the recipient?s request.

[John Lane; Bodley Head edits] The Bodleian, vols. 1 & 4 only. Twenty-four numbers (including the first twelve) of 'The Bodleian | A Journal of Books at the Bodley Head'.

The Bodley Head, London publishing house owned by John Lane (1854-1925)
Publication details: 
John Lane, The Bodley Head, Vigo Street, W. [London]. 24 numbers, 1909-1913. Comprising the first twelve (Vol.I, Nos.1-12), March 1909 to February 1910; and 12 between April 1912 and March 1913 (Nos. 37 (vol.3) and 38-48 (vol.4)).

Scarce. The only complete runs of the magazine located on COPAC are at the British Library and (possibly) Oxford, with Cambridge and St Andrews holding copies from between 1932 and 1935. Bound in two volumes of grey buckram, with titles in gilt on spine and front board. Internally in good condition, lightly aged; in lightly-worn binding.

[Lord St Helens [Alleyne Fitzherbert, Baron St Helens], diplomat, Ambassador to Russia and Chief Secretary for Ireland.] Autograph Letter Signed to Charles R. Broughton, authorizing a charge on refunded Land Tax as retired Foreign Ministers.agent.

Lord St Helens [Alleyne Fitzherbert, Baron St Helens (1753-1839], diplomat, Ambassador to Russia, Chief Secretary for Ireland, for whom Mount St Helens is named [Charles R. Broughton]
Publication details: 
?Grafton Street [London] / 2 May 1810?.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 8vo. Sixteen lines of closely-written text. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with short closed tears along the five creases from the folding of the item into a packet. Docketed on the reverse of the leaf: ?May 2d 1810 / Lord St Helens / Authy to charge Agency at the rate of 1 P Ct on Monies recovered on accot of Land Tax refunded to Foreign Ministers &cr.? Signed St Helens.

[Edward Bulwer-Lytton, poet, novelist and politician.] Autograph Note Signed Lytton to Mr. De lane ( Editor of the Times, John T. Delane) thanking him for the friendly review of [his] Translation of Horace.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton, poet, novelist and politician.
Publication details: 
Steads Hotel, Bath, 18 Nov. 1869

One page, 12mo, very good condition, thin neat strip of windowpane mount at edges. Allow me to thank you cordially for the very indulgent & friendly review of my Translation of Horace which appears in The Times of to-day. Note: The Odes and Epodes of Horace; A Metrical Translation into English (1869).

[James Cleland, Scottish statistician and historical writer; W.J. Hooker] Autograph Letter Signed James Cleland to Doctor Hooker, Bath Street [W.J. Hooker

James Cleland, (1770–1840) Superintendent of Public Works in Glasgow, Scottish statistician and historical writer
Publication details: 
Glasgow, 23 Nov. 1821
Upon request

See Image.One page, 4to, staining, sl. crumpled, closed tears, but text complete and clear. Dear Sir [Doctor Hooker in bottom corner] I regret exceedingly that hitherto it has not been in my power to offer my services in the way of showing your friend our Manufactures; I have been taken up with two or three meetings every day. On Monday next or any subsequent day which may be convenient for you and your friend.I will bemost happy to accompany you[...]. At the foot of the page is written [James Cleland] Author of Annals of Glasgow - a Statistical Account of the City of Glasgow &c. Notes: a.

[Cinderella: William Brough, author and dramatist.] Autograph Letter Signed, asking the theatre critic Charles Lamb Kenney to give a notice to his brother Lionel Brough, ?in a new comic and musical Entertainment - subject ?Cinderella.??

William Brough (1826-1870), author and dramatist, brother of actor and comedian Lionel ?Lal? Brough (1836-1909) [Charles Lamb Kenney (1821-1881), playwright and theatre critic; Cinderella, pantomime]
Publication details: 
?Lea Place / Tottenham / 1 March 1863?.

See the entries in the Oxford DNB for his brothers Robert Barnabas Brough and the subject of this letter Lionel Brough, as well as that of C. L. Kenney. 1p, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight discoloration in one margin from the wax seal, and evidence of mount on blank second leaf. Folded for postage. Addressed to ?Chas Kenney Esq / &c &c? and signed ?William Brough?.

[?The Shakespeare feeling is wider than we any of us thought?: William Hepworth Dixon, editor of the Athenaeum.] Autograph Letter Signed, as member of the National Shakespeare Committee, discussing the ?fitting form of memorial?.

William Hepworth Dixon (1821-1879), journalist, editor of the Athenaeum, a Deputy Commissioner of the Great Exhibition of 1851 [National Shakespeare Committee]
Publication details: 
25 February 1864. On letterhead of the National Shakespeare Committee, 120 Pall Mall, S.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with small nick at foot of gutter, and glue from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf showing through very slightly. Folded for postage. The recipient is not named. Signed ?W. H. Dixon?. Begins: ?Dear Sir / Many thanks for your note.

[William Moy Thomas, theatre critic, and associate of Charles Dickens.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Will Williams Esq'.

William Moy Thomas (1828?1910), journalist, theatre critic, novelist and associate of Charles Dickens
Publication details: 
'Garden House, Clement's Inn, W.C. [London] / July 27, 1875.'

Thomas was for upwards of twenty-five years the theatrical critic of the London papers Daily News and the Graphic. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with evidence of mount adhering to the blank second leaf. Folded for postage. Addressed to ?Will Williams Esq? and signed ?Moy Thomas?. He would have answered Williams?s note sooner, but he has been ?on the Continent for a few days?.

[R. B. Brough [Robert Barnabas Brough], playwright, poet and journalist, brother of Lionel ?Lal? Brough and William Brough.] Autograph Letter Signed, teasing actor-manager Thomas Hailes Lacy over his wish for a 'tag' (to a piece Brough is writing).

R. B. Brough [Robert Barnabas Brough] (1828-1860), playwright, poet and journalist, brother of actor Lionel ?Lal? Brough and author William Brough [Thomas Hailes Lacy (1809-1873), actor-manager]
Publication details: 
19 April [1852]. From 'Cl[?]'.

See his entry, with those of his brother Lionel and Lacy, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, landscape 8vo. On grey paper. Neatly placed in a trimmed windowpane mount, with a triangle of paper lost on opening the seal skilfully replaced with paper. In fair condition, folded for postage. On the reverse is a penny red stamp, a black wax seal, and two postmarks, with the address by Brough: ?T. H. Lacy Esqr. / 17 Wellington Street / Strand / London?, and Brough?s initials ?R. B. B.? at bottom left.

[Sir Frederick Pollock, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer.] Autograph Letter Signed to Dr William Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society, regarding the writing of an ?abstract?.

Sir Frederick Pollock [Sir Jonathan Frederick Pollock] (1783-1870), Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer [William Sharpey (1802-1880), Scottish anatomist and physiologist, Secretary of the Royal Society]
Publication details: 
?Hatton / Hounslow / W. [London] / Thursday / 15th. Decr. / 1864?.

See his entry, and Sharpey?s, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of tape from mount adhering to blank second leaf. Folded for postage. Addressed to ?Dr. Sharpey Secy F S.? and signed ?Fred Pollock?. Begins: ?My dear Dr. Sharpey / I have nearly completed the abstract - I intend to dine at the Club & be present at the meeting to day & I shall ask you when you require the abstract?? He explains that he is ?presiding in the nisi prius C[our]t.?, and that he would like to have ?the leisure of a Sunday to finish it?.

[Sir William Bovill, English judge.] Autograph Letter Signed to his wife, regarding temporary living arrangements for the family [at the time of the Duke of Wellington?s funeral?].

Sir William Bovill (1814-1873), English judge, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas [The Duke of Wellingtons Funeral, 1852]
Publication details: 
?Westmr [Westminster, London] / Wednesday morg.? [No date, but 1852?].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded for postage. Docketted in pencil in a contemporary hand: ?1853 [sic] / Duke of Wellingtons funeral? (on 18 November 1852). Signed ?W: Bovill?. Begins with reference to the family business (corn factors) in Milford Lane, City of London: ?My dearest Wife. / I have just seen George & find that there is the large bed room at the top of the house in Milford Lane unoccupied & we can have it - they can arrange something for the two boys & I dare say Mr.

[The man who brought Gilbert and Sullivan together: John Hollingshead, theatrical impressario.] Autograph Letter Signed to theatre critic A. M. Broadley, thanking him for a notice in The World, and discussing his Corinthian Club.

John Hollingshead (1827-1904), theatrical impressario who brought Gilbert and Sullivan together, and founded the Corinthian Club, London [A. M. Broadley [Alexander Meyrick Broadley] (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
8 February 1889; on letterhead of The Corinthian Club, 8A, St James?s Square [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient (?Broadley Pasha?) was a renowned autograph collector and shady social figure, as well as the de facto editor of Edmund Yates?s ?World?. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, in trimmed windowpane mount, with traces of grey paper adhering to the blank reverse. Folded for postage. Addressed to ?Dear Broadley?, and signed ?John Hollingshead?. He begins by thanking him for ?the very valuable notice in the World?.

[John Baldwin Buckstone, comic actor and playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed to Charles Manby, regarding the arrangements surrounding a bill and an insurance policy for ?300.

John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), dramatist and actor-manager of the Haymarket Theatre, London [Charles Manby (1804-84), Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers]
Publication details: 
'T[heatre]. R[oyal]. Haymarket, [London] / 10 February 1854'.

See his entry, and Manby?s, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, on first leaf of bifolium, with the blank second leaf carrying traces of tape from the mount. Neatly folded for postage. Addressed to ?My dear Manby? and signed ?Jno. B Buckstone?. In addition to his work as an engineer Manby was for many years involved in the management of the Adelphi and Haymarket theatres.

[Genevi?ve Ward [Dame Lucy Genevi?ve Teresa Ward; Countess de Guerbel], Anglo-American soprano singer and actress.] Autograph Letter Signed, offering A. M. Broadley a ticket to come and see her ?as Stephanie? in the play ?Forget Me Not?.

Genevieve Ward [Dame Lucy Genevi?ve Teresa Ward; Countess de Guerbel] (1837-1922), Anglo-American soprano singer and actress [A. M. Broadley [Alexander Meyrick Broadley] (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
?May 8th [1889]?. On her letterhead (with facsimile initials), 10 Cavendish Road, Regent?s Park, N. W. [London]?.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient (?Broadley Pasha?) was a renowned autograph collector and shady social figure, as well as the de facto editor of Edmund Yates?s ?World?. 3pp, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight sunning to first page, and traces of mount on blank final page. Folded once. Signed ?Genevi?ve Ward? (note the accent). The letter relates to the 1889 revival at the London Opera Comique of the role which made her famous, Stephanie, Marquise de Mohrivar, in Merivale and Grove?s 1879 play ?Forget Me Not?.

[George Hudson, ?the Railway King?.] Autograph Note Signed [to Charles Manby, Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers]

George Hudson (1800-1871), ?the Railway King? [Charles Manby (1804-84), Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers]
Publication details: 
26 July 1846; York.

The recipient is not named, but the item is from Manby's papers. See his entry, and Hudson's, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with slightly-discoloured indentation of the royal crest, and thin strip of tape from mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. The recto of that leaf is docketted 'July 26 1846 / Geo Hudson Esq / York'. Folded for postage. Reads: 'Sir / being unable to give my attention to the Society of which you solicite [sic] my name I beg to [?] becoming a Provisional Director / I am / Your obt. St. / Geo Hudson'.

[J. L. Toole [John Lawrence Toole], comic actor, proprietor of Toole?s Theatre.] Autograph Letter Signed to ?Edmonston? in Edinburgh, asking him to procure a book, and sending regards to ?friends in Auld Reekie?.

J. L. Toole [John Lawrence Toole] (1830-1906), comic actor, a farceur championed by Charles Dickens, proprietor of Toole?s Theatre, Charing Cross, London
Publication details: 
21 April 1877; on embossed letterhead of the Garrick Club [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Thin strip of mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded for postage. Begins: ?Dear Edmonston - / Will you kindly get me Dr. Sydie? book of ballads with music. It is I think published in Edinburgh.? He asks for the book to be sent to him at the Gaiety Theatre and he will pay the cost. Ends: ?I hope you are jolly & well / Kind regards to yourself & all friends in Auld Reekie?. Signed ?J. W. Toole?. Postscript: ?Did you read the ?World? this week? There is something about me in it.?

[Theatre Royal, Drury Lane: James Robertson Anderson, Scottish actor and playwright, lessee and manager.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking Peter Whelan for his sympathy, and assuring him that he will adopt his advice.

James Anderson [James Robertson Anderson] (1811-1895), Scottish actor and playwright, lessee and manager of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane [Peter Whelan]
Publication details: 
9 February 1850; on letterhead of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. He had taken on the management of Drury Lane in 1849, and had hoped to profit from the Great Exhibition, but retired from it in 1851, having incurred substantial losses. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, on the first leaf of a bifolium, with the reverse of the second leaf bearing minor traces of mount, as well as the following annotation in a contemporary hand: ?Jas: Anderson Esqre / Lessee Drury Lane / Theatre / T Bateman Esqre. / a P. Whelan?. Anderson addresses to ?Peter Whelan Esqr.? and gives an untidy signature ?James Anderson?.

[?Poor old Oscar?: Edmund Yates [Edmund Hodgson Yates], Scottish journalist and author.] Autograph Letter Signed (?E Y.?) to his de facto editor at The World, with apparent reference to Oscar Wilde, and to Randolph Stewart (Earl of Galloway).

Edmund Yates [Edmund Hodgson Yates] (1831-1894), Scottish journalist and author, friend of Charles Dickens [Alexander Meyrick Broadley (1847-1916); Oscar Wilde]
Publication details: 
?Sep 10 [1891]?. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient (?Broadley Pasha?) was a renowned autograph collector and shady social figure, as well as the de facto editor of Yates?s ?World?, until the Cleveland Street scandal drove him into exile in 1890. Broadley was a prominent figure in freemasonry, and the present item appears to link two individuals who were members of Oxford?s Apollo University Lodge: Oscar Wilde (whose proclivities Broadley shared) and Randolph Stewart (later Earl of Galloway). 1p, 16mo. On first leaf of bifolium, with second leaf tipped-in onto a page from one of Broadley?s albums.

[Edmund Yates, journalist and author, friend of Dickens, proprietor of The World newspaper.] Auttograph Signature and conclusion of letter, with autograph not by his de facto editor A. M. Broadley.

Edmund Yates [Edmund Hodgson Yates] (1831-1894), Scottish journalist and author, friend of Charles Dickens, proprietor of The World newspape
Publication details: 
Dated by Broadley to 1890.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient (?Broadley Pasha?) was a renowned autograph collector and shady social figure, as well as the de facto editor of Yates?s ?World?, until the Cleveland Street scandal drove him into exile in 1890 (the year of this item with its reference to 'going away'). A 9 x 5 cm piece of paper, cut from the end of a letter, and laid down on a 13 x 7.5 cm piece, which has been neatly annotated by Broadley: 'Signature of Edmund Yates 1890'. In good condition, lightly aged, with one postage fold. Reads, with good firm stylized signature: '[...] of going away?

[Augustus Mayhew, author, editor of the Comic Almanac.] Autograph Letter Signed to C. L. Kenney [?Charlie?], giving the legal position with regard to Kenney?s desire to get his hands on his infant son?s legacy.

Augustus Mayhew [Augustus Septimus Mayhew] (1826-1875), author, brother of Henry Mayhew, editor of the Comic Almanac [Charles Lamb Kenney (1821-1881), author and playwright]
Publication details: 
?31st Octr. 1873 / Twickenham?.

See his entry, and those of his brother and Kenney, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Twenty-two lines of text, addressed to ?C. L. Kenney Esq? and signed ?Aug: Mayhew?. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of glue from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Begins: ?Dear Charlie/ Of course, we have to act under legal guidance.

[The ?political economy? of the Royal Academy: Charles Landseer RA, historical painter, elder brother of Sir Edwin Landseer.] Autograph Letter signed, regretting that he cannot provide Charles Manby?s wife with a ticket to a private view.

Charles Landseer RA (1799-1879), historical painter, elder brother of Sir Edwin Landseer [Charles Manby (1804-84), Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers]
Publication details: 
?Royal Academy WC [London] / 30th April [no year]?.

See his entry, with those of his brother and of Manby, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 16mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with strip of tape from mount adhering to the blank second leaf. Good signature with attractive flourish: ?Chas Landseer?. Begins: ?My dear Manby / I don?t know what Knight means by saying C. L is rich, but I do know that if I had a ticket for the private view left, I would have given it to Mrs. Manby with the greatest pleasure.? He is sure there is ?something wrong in the political economy of the R.

[Clement Scott, theatre critic for the Daily Telegraph.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to A. M. Broadley of The World, one about ?that impertinent idiot Mr James Runciman?, the other about a scene at a dinner in Liverpool Street.

Clement Scott [Clement William Scott] (1841-1904), influential theatre critic, mainly for the Daily Telegraph, who feuded with Bernard Shaw [A. M. Broadley [Alexander Meyrick Broadley] (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
ONE: ?Wednesday? [March 1887]; on letterhead of 52 Lincoln?s Inn Fields, W.C. [London] TWO: 2 October 1901; on letterhead of 15 Woburn Square, W.C. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. In addition to being the de facto editor of Edmund Yates?s ?World?, the recipient (?Broadley Pasha?) was a renowned autograph collector and shady social figure. Scott?s handwriting is not entirely legible. ONE: ?Wednesday?, dated by Broadly ?March 1887.? 1p, 12mo. In good condition, with glue from mount adhering to the blank reverse. Folded once. Signed ?Clement Scott?. On the question of ?the letter from the impertinent idiot Mr James Runciman? he comments: ?He thinks that calling a man ?Tommy Rot? is a complaint! I conclude that he must be a madman?.

[Sir Wentworth Dilke [Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, 1st Baronet], Whig politician.] Autograph Letter Signed asking the recipient to resend references to Lord Campbell and the ‘Carlton Pamphlets’.

Sir Wentworth Dilke [Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, 1st Baronet] (1810-1869), Whig politician, Leading Commissioner of the Great Exhibition of 1851
Publication details: 
‘Sloane St. [London] 3 Jany [no year]’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Signed ‘W Dilke’. Embossed armorial letterhead of a falcon. The recipient is not named. In good condition, lightly aged, neatly inserted in trimmed windowpane mount. Twice folded for postage. Thirteen lines of text in his distinctive close backwards-leaning hand. The hand is not entirely straightforward, and what follows is a tentative reading.

[Thomas Coutts, banker with London firm Coutts & Co.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding arrangements for a party with the Duke of Sussex.

Thomas Coutts (1735-1822), Scottish banker, a founder of the London banking house Coutts & Co. [Prince Frederick Augustus (1773-1843), Duke of Sussex]
Publication details: 
‘Stratton Street [London] / 2nd March / 1818’.

See his entry and that of the Duke of Sussex in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo, on first leaf of bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with strip of tape from mount adhering to blank second leaf. With two folds. The recipient is not named; signed ‘Thomas Coutts’. Twenth-two lines of text, neatly written and sloping upwards. Begins: ‘My Dear Sir / I send for your personal attn from The Duke of Sussex by which you will see he has promised to attend The Subscription Dinner for the benefit of decayd artists & cannot dine with me but says he will call before a day with Mrs Coutts’.

[‘The most famous newspaper correspondent the world has ever seen': W. H. Russell [Sir William Howard Russell] of The Times.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘brother Broadley’ [A. M. Broadley], regarding a masonic ‘junction’ and ‘promotion’.

W. H. Russell [Sir William Howard Russell] (1820-1907), correspondent for The Times in the Crimean War, American Civil War, Indian Mutiny [A. M. Broadley [Alexander Meyrick Broadley] (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
‘The Raven [Hotel] / Droitwich / Ap. 6. 87 [1887]’.

According to Russell’s entry in the Oxford DNB, while reporting on the Civil War, he was described by one American newspaper as ‘the most famous newspaper correspondent the world has ever seen'. The inscription on his memorial in St Paul’s Cathedral calls him ‘'the first and greatest of War Correspondents'. He coined the phrase ‘thin red line’, was instrumental in the sending of Florence Nightingale to the Crimea, and is said to have written the report that inspired Tennyson to write ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’.

[The Astor Place Riot, Manhatten, 1849.] Autograph Letter from William Charles Macready, asking Benjamin Nottingham Webster to entertain George Ticknor Curtis while he is in London, as he helped him against the 'brutality of the New York mob'.

William Charles Macready, distinguished Victorian actor [Benjamin Nottingham Webster, actor-manager; George Ticknor Curtis (1812-94), historian; John Forster; Astor Place Riot, New York, 1849]
Publication details: 
13 May 1850. 5 Clarence Terrace, Regent’s Park [London].

An interesting letter from one great of the nineteenth-century stage to another. See the entries on Macready, Webster and Forster in the Oxford DNB. Curtis is a noted Federalist historian. 4pp, 16mo. Bifolium with mourning border. (His eldest daughter Nina had died at the age of twenty on 24 February 1850.) In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of tape from mount adhering to the second leaf. Two postage folds. Forty lines of text, addressed to ‘Benj. Webster Esq.’ and signed ‘W. C.

[Edinburgh Festival, 1953.] Festival Letterhead with autographs of Sir Malcolm Sargent, Sir Michael Hordern, Alda Noni and two others.

Sir Malcolm Sargent (1895-1967), conductor; Sir Michael Hordern (1911-1994), actor and the original voice of Paddington Bear; Alda Noni (1916-2011), soprano; Edinburgh International Festival, 1953
Publication details: 
1953. On letterhead of The Edinburgh International Festival of Music and Dance.

2pp, 12mo. The five signatures in pencil on a single Festival letterhead. In good condition, slightly discoloured, with two unobtrusive dabs of glue from mount at head of reverse. The three signatures on the recto are headed by Noni’s large bold one: ‘Alda Noni / Edinburgh 1953’. Beneath this is that of ‘[Raul Herrman?] / (beardless) / Aug. 28, ’53’. At the foot is an indecipherable Easter European signature, with small pencil illustration: ‘[Woftniltuntz?]’. On the reverse: ‘Malcolm Sargent’ above ‘Michael Hordern’. Image on request.

[Postal history: Sir Matthew John Tierney, surgeon.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Francis Freeling, Secretary of the General Post Office, complaining of a misdirected letter, with annotation by Freeling and postal inspector Benjamin Critchett.

Sir Matthew John Tierney (1776-1845), Anglo-Irish surgeon [Sir Francis Freeling (1764-1836), Secretary of the General Post Office; Benjamin Critchett, Inspector of Letter Carriers]
Publication details: 
5 February 1835. Brighton.

See the entries on Tierney (Physician-in-Ordinary to George IV and William IV) and Freeling (also a noted bibliophile) in the Oxford DNB. The letter is 3pp, 12mo, with underlinings in red pencil (probably by Freeling), and the reverse of the second leaf carrying the address and annotations by Freeling and Critchett. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with folds for postage and strip of tape from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf, which also has a strip of paper with an ANS by Critchett laid down lengthwise along the outer edge.

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