[Robert Cruikshank, caricaturist and illustrator.] Autograph Letter Signed, offering a specimen of proposed illustrations to J. R. Planch??s ?Jewess?, to be like his brother George Cruikshank?s illustrations of W. B. Rhodes?s ?Bombastes Furioso'.

Robert Cruikshank (1789-1856), caricaturist and illustrator, son of Isaac Cruikshank and brother of George Cruikshank
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See the entries for the Cruikshanks in the Oxford DNB. 1p, landscape 12mo. On 20 x 11.5 cm piece of paper. Somewhat aged and worn, with small pinhole at head, and postage folds; neatly inserted in trimmed windowpane mount. The recipient is not named, the text reading: ?Mr Ryan was suggesting an idea of something come upon the Jewess which is very popular after the manner of Bombastes and also a ballad part of which I leave as a specimen perhaps you will consider of it and let me know / R. Cruikshank?.

[Felix Moscheles, genre painter.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Lewis’ [Kate Terry], regarding ‘the necklace you spoke of the other day’.

Felix Moscheles [Felix Stone Moscheles] (1833-1917), English genre painter of German Jewish extraction, pacifist and advocate of Esperanto [Kate Terry (1844-1924), actress]
Publication details: 
29 June 1888. No place.

Felix Mendelssohn was his godfather. See the entry on his father Ignaz Moscheles (1794-1870) in the Oxford DNB. Moscheles discusses his acquaintance with Kate Terry and her husband Arthur Lewis in his 1896 reminiscences ‘In Bohemia with Du Maurier’. 1p, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and creased, with part of mount adhering to the blank second leaf. Addressed to ‘Dear Mrs Lewis’ and signed ‘Felix Moscheles’. He asks her to ‘let the bearer have the necklace you spoke of the other day’, as he ‘can just use it this morning’.

[Miron Grindea, editor of the long-lived London literary magazine ‘ADAM International Review’.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Adam’), advising Philip Dosse of ‘Books and Bookmen’ on the question of applying to Jean-Paul Sartre for a review.

Miron Grindea [born Mondi-Miron Grimberg] (1909-1995), Romanian-born founder and editor of the London literary magazine ‘ADAM International Review’, published 1941-1995 [Philip Dosse (1925-1980)]
Publication details: 
‘Saturday’ [no year]. On letterhead of 1 Palmeira Square, Hove, Sussex.

An interesting item, linking the editors of two prominent literary magazines. See his entry in the Oxford DNB, which states, without giving a date, that ‘Chaotic working conditions led to desperation: Grindea sold the title to Frank Cass and retreated to Hove hoping to write his memoirs, but quickly decided he didn't want to and “in agonies of self-flagellation begged Cass to sell back the magazine”’. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players.

[Dannie Abse, Welsh Jewish poet.] Autograph Letter Signed to Paul Furness, recalling poets like Paul Potts and George Barker in the Soho pub the French House, and John Conway and Alun Owen in pubs in Cardiff, and Jews and pubs.

Dannie Abse [Daniel Abse] (1923-2014), Welsh Jewish poet, brother of politician Leo Abse and psychologist Wilfrid Abse [Gaston Berlemont (1914-1999), landlord of the French House, Soho, London]
Publication details: 
November 1982; 85 Hodford Road, London NW11. On embossed government letterhead.

A good informative letter. See Abse's entry in the Oxford DNB, along with that of Gaston Berlemont, proprietor of the French House (the nickname of the York Minster), Soho. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded one for postage. On a leaf of light-grey paper, in matching stamped envelope with postmark, addressed to Furness in Battersea. One of a number of letters from British poets in response to enquiries from Furness with regard to their pub memories.

[ Sir Waldemar Mordechai Wolff Haffkine, Russian bacteriologist described by Lister as a saviour of humanity. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed and an Autograph Card Signed (all 'W. M. Haffkine') [ to editor ], regarding his entry in Men of the Times.

Sir Waldemar Mordechai Wolff Haffkine [ born Vladimir Aaronovich Chavkin ] (1860-1930), Russian bacteriologist described by Joseph Lister as a saviour of humanity
Publication details: 
All on letterheads of the Buckingham Palace Hotel [ London ]. All dating from July 1899.

A Ukrainian Jew, Haffkine found his early career obstructed by his refusal to convert to the Russian Orthodox Church. He emigrated and worked at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, where he developed an anti-cholera vaccine that he tried out successfully in India. He is recognized as the first microbiologist to develop and use vaccines against cholera and bubonic plague. He tested the vaccines on himself. The three items in good conditon, lightly aged. ONE: ALS. 2pp., 12mo. He has been 'away from town', but now hopes to send 'a note on my work' within the week. 'It wd.

[Giacomo Meyerbeer, German operatic composer.] Secretarial Letter (because of injury to his right arm) in French, Signed 'Meyerbeer', to instrument maker Raoul Allary, recommending the opera singer Louise Gned to a post.

Giacomo Meyerbeer [born Jakob Liebmann Meyer Beer] (1791-1864), German opera composer of Jewish extraction based in Paris [Raoul Allary, instrument maker; Louise Gned (b.1810), Austrian opera singer]
Publication details: 
'Paris, 15 Décembre 1853.' On his embossed armorial letterhead, with initals 'G M'.

Meyerbeer’s diary records (25 May 1853) a visit ‘from Raoul Allary, who makes wind instruments. He is an opponent of Sax, and came to me because he had heard that I had spoken to the emperor on Sax’s behalf’ (1999 English translation of volume for 1850-1856). A pencil note at the head of the present letter identifies the subject as ‘Louise Gned / 4 Rue [de] Bellefond [Paris]’. Gned (b.1810) was an Austrian soprano from a musical/theatrical family, who faded into obscurity.

[Solomon J. Solomon, RA, English artist.] Signed Autograph Inscription for an autograph hunter.

Solomon J. Solomon [Solomon Joseph Solomon] (1860-1927), English painter of Jewish extraction, Fellow of the Royal Society, President of the Royal Society of British Artists
Publication details: 
14 October 1894; on letterhead of 60 Finchley Road, N.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 9.5 x 10 cm piece of paper, laid down on 11 cm square piece of card. In good condition, lightly browned and aged. The letterhead is printed in red. The inscription reads ?Faithfully yours / Solomon J Solomon?.

[Dannie Abse, Welsh poet.] Autograph Letter Signed thanking Derek Stanford for a review.

Dannie Abse [Daniel Abse] (1923-2014), Welsh poet of Jewish extraction, brother of politician Leo Abse and psychologist Wilfrid Abse [Derek Stanford (1918-2008), critic and poet]
Publication details: 
‘85, Hodford Road, / London N.W.11 / Oct 74’.

See his entry, and that of his brother Leo, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, landscape 12mo. The top half of a small 4to leaf of grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient’s name is not well written, but he is the critic Derek Stanford (1918-2008), who also has an entry in the Oxford DNB. Reads: ‘Dear Derek, / Thanks for send me a copy of your review. And thanks too for writing it! It is as generous as I would expect you to be. I do hope we may meet up somewhere soon. Our brief meetings over the years are punctuated - as far as I’m concerned - by intervals much too long.

[‘Missionary to the World’: Joseph Wolff, Jewish-German traveller and Church of England Vicar of Isle Brewers, Somerset.] Autograph Letter Signed attempting to clear up a confusion over agreeing a date.

Joseph Wolff (1795-1862), traveller and Christian ‘Missionary to the World’, of Jewish-German origin, Vicar of Isle Brewers, Somerset, and father of Conservative politician Henry Drummond Wolff
Publication details: 
26 December 1851; Isle Brewers [Somerset].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly creased and discoloured paper. Folded three time. Signed ‘Joseph Wolff’ and addressed to ‘My very dear Sir’. The letter concerns a confusion over a planned date, due to one of the recipient’s letters miscarrying and the other being received only ‘this moment’, and after his return from Norfolk. ‘I am most heartily grieved that unforeseen Parochial business of my own Parish will prevent me from leaving it before the 23d January. I therefore beg you to let me know when it will be convenient for you.’

[Adolph Saphir, Hungarian Jew who became a Free Church of Scotland minister.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘A Saphir’), asking ‘Mr Maclaren’ to give his writings a ‘little impulse’ in Edinburgh.

Adolph Saphir [Aaron Adolph Saphir] (1831-1891), Christian polemicist, a Hungarian Jew who settled in England as a Free Church of Scotland minister
Publication details: 
25 October [no year, but after 1880]. 57 Ladbroke Grove W. [London.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition; with slight traces of mount on blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. He begins by explaining that he was ‘not able to call before leaving Edinburgh’, as he was ‘much harried at last’.

[John Cowper Powys (1872-1963), novelist and poet.] Envelope addressed by Powys in Autograph to his London bookseller G. L. Lewin, with his name and address written by him on the reverse.

John Cowper Powys (1872-1963), novelist and poet [George Lionel Lewin (1890-1970), bookseller of Great Russell Street, London]
Publication details: 
'From / J. C. Powys / Corwen / Merioneth / N. Wales'. Oxford postmark dated 13 August 1941.

An evocative artefact of the interesting connection between Powys and the man who supplied him with the books for his translation of Rabelais. Writing on 24 September 1940, in 'Letters to Sea-Eagle', Powys gives a lengthy account of 'Our Jew Book-Pedlar' and the bombing by the Germans of his Russell Street address.

[André Deutsch, Hungarian-born British publisher, the original of John Le Carré’s ‘Toby Esterhase’.] Typed Letter Signed to Louis B. Frewer, Keeper of Rhodes House Library, Oxford, commenting on an ‘amusing’ postcard featuring Herr von Papen.

André Deutsch (1917-2000), Hungarian-born British publisher, the original of John Le Carré’s ‘Toby Esterhase’
Publication details: 
3 July 1952; on letterhead of Andre [sic] Deutsch Limited Publishers, 12 Thayer Street, Manchester Square, London W1.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Folded twice. Signed ‘André Deutsch’ (but note that there is no accent to the name on the letterhead). He thanks him for his letter, and hope that ‘the enclosed postcard [not present] will be of some help. It is rather an amusing one, as Herr von Papen gives a literal translation of the German expression for the appendix’. Here Deutsch adds in autograph: ‘(Physical).’ He ends by stating that he is enclosing ‘a copy of our list for your information’ (also not present).

[ Claude J. Montefiore; Judaism ] Autograph Letter Signed Claude J Montefiore, to Field, mainly anticipating his wedding.

Claude J. Montefiore [Claude Joseph Goldsmid Montefiore (1858–1938), intellectual founder of Anglo-Liberal Judaism, founding president of the World Union for Progressive Judaism ]
Publication details: 
Invergarry. NB | address 18 Portman Sq. W, 10 Aug. 188[6].

Three pages, 12mo, fold marks, good condition. He begins, I write to tell you that your bestman will [now?] not be able to be best man to anybody else. Yes! I am going to do it myself, the 'it' at which I helped you. | It was only arranged a short few days before my mother & I left London. Her name is Therese Schorstein. She is 21 years old. She was a Girton[iau?]. That is the bare outline of the facts so to speak. But I hope you will ere very long get to know the individual yourself & that you will like her. Our marriage is to take place somewhere about the 12 or the 19th of October.

[Paul Tabori, author, novelist and psychical researcher.] Typed Letter Signed ('Paul Tabori') to Eileen M. Cond, from the 'strange and unreal city' of Los Angeles, sending an Autograph Inscription to be pasted into his book 'The Frontier'.

Paul Tabori [Pál Tábori, pseudonym 'Peter Stafford'] (1908-1974), Hungarian-Jewish author, novelist, journalist and psychical researcher
Publication details: 
4 December 1950. Apt 106, 1345 N. Hayworth Avenue, Los Angeles 46, Cal. USA.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, on aged and creased paper. Folded twice. In the typewritten letter he explains that he has been in Los Angeles for four months with his wife, and that they 'intend to stay on for a while as I have film and television commitments here'.

[Sir George Jessel, Master of the Rolls.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Jessel') to E. A. Scott, explaining why he has changed his mind about withdrawing his son [the future Sir Charles James Jessel] from Rugby School.

Sir George Jessel (1824-1883), British judge, Master of the Rolls, the first Jew to be a regular member of the Privy Council [his son Sir Charles James Jessel (1860-1928); E. A. Scott of Rugby School]
Publication details: 
24 October 1878; Ladham House, Goldhurst.

For Jessel's judicial high standing see his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. In envelope with Penny Red and postmarks, and 'LADHAM HOUSE, | GOLDHURST' printed on the flap, addressed by Jessel to 'E. A. Scott Esq | Schoolfield | Rugby | Warwickshire'. The envelope is signed 'G. Jessel' at bottom left of cover, and the letter concludes with the same signature. He is 'glad to be able now to withdraw the notice' he gave Scott about his son Charles 'leaving Rugby'.

[John Cowper Powys to his 'Jewish Book-Pedlar'.] Nine envelopes, all addressed in autograph by Powys to 'G. L. Lewin Esq' of 41 Great Russell Street, London, eight with Powys's signature and address on reverse.NO LETTERS PRESENT.

John Cowper Powys (1872-1963), novelist and poet [George Lionel Lewin (1890-1970), 'Jewish Book-Pedlar' of Great Russell Street, London]
Publication details: 
Between 1945 and 1959. All from Merioneth, North Wales (the first four from Corwen and the last five from Blaenau Ffestiniog).

Evocative artefacts of the interesting connection between Powys and the man who supplied him with the books for his translation of Rabelais. On 24 September 1940, in 'Letters to Sea-Eagle', Powys gives a lengthy account of 'Our Jew Book-Pedlar' and the bombing by the Germans of his Russell Street address.

[The Temple of Solomon.] Four German architectural engravings of 'Tempels Salomonis', extracted from 'Uebersetzung der algemeinen Welthistorie'.

Siegmund Jacob Baumgarten [The Temple of Solomon, Jerusalem; Tempels Salomonis]
Publication details: 
Extracted from work published in Halle by Johann Justinus Gebauer, 1744-1793.

Four original engravings, on laid paper, extracted from the third volume of S. J. Baumgarten et al., 'Uebersetzung der algemeinen Welthistorie, die in Engeland durch eine Geselschaft von Gelehrten ausgefertiget worden' (Halle: J. J. Gebauer, 1744-1793). Each with the binder's instruction 'T III p 365' engraved at top right. Attached to one another and in fair condition, aged and worn on browned paper, with some creasing along outer edge of the first two prints. Paper dimensions are approximate. ONE: 'Grund-Riss von dem Modell des Salomonischen Tempels'. Paper dimensions: 23 x 36 cm.

[Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Israel, and Michael Ayrton.] Duplicated Typescript of 'Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Friends of the Tel-Aviv Museum of Art', London, including four-page list of art library of David Leder.

Friends of the Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, London [Michael Ayrton (1921-1975), artist and author; David Leder, German textile manufacturer, and his wife Lola Leder, art patrons; Haim Gamzu (1910-1982)]
Publication details: 
'held on the 13th April 1948 at the House of Commons.' [London]

An interesting document, produced on the eve of the establishment of the State of Israel. Full heading on first page: 'Minutes of the Sixth Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Friends of the Tel-Aviv Museum of Art held on the 13th April 1948 at the House of Commons.' 5pp, foolscap 8vo, on five stapled leaves. Paginated and complete. In fair condition, aged and worn, with first leaf detached. Recorded as present are: 'Mrs Barbara Ayrton-Gould [Michael Ayrton's mother and a Member of Parliament] (Sitting-in for the Chairman) | Mr. J. Isaacs | Mr. Michael Ayrton | Mr.

Sir Frederic Hymen Cowen, British pianist, conductor and composer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Frederic H Cowen')

Sir Frederic Hymen Cowen (1852-1935), British pianist, conductor and composer of Jewish extraction [[Richard Alexander Streatfeild (1866-1919), musicologist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Windsor Hotel, Glasgow. 21 December [no year].

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and grubby, with three folds. The letter reads: 'Dear Streatfield | it is no use sending me the Score of the Symphony here at present, as I am too busy to look at it properly, besides which, all my Programmes are definitely fixed till the end of the season, but if you will ask Mr. Hinton to send it to me to Hamilton Terrace (54, not 73) after Feby., when I shall be back in town, I shall be pleased to look through it.'

[ 'Lewis Melville' [ Lewis Saul Benjamin ], Anglo-Jewish author. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Lewis Melville')

'Lewis Melville', pen name of Lewis Saul Benjamin (1874-1932), English author, born into a Jewish family
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Playgoers Club, Strand, W.C. [ London ]. 'Please reply | 28 Clifton Gardens | Madia Vale. W' 28 September 1900.

1p., 12mo. On grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Dear Sir, | Will you please give me an appointment on Thursday next when I am in town? | Faithfully yours, | Lewis Melville'.

[ Alfred Mond, Lord Melchett, industrialist, politician and Zionist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A Melchet [sic]') to 'My dear Anthony', regarding the Ancient Greek concept of the 'daimon'.

Alfred Moritz Mond, 1st Baron Melchett [ Lord Melchett ] (1868-1930), industrialist, financier, politician and Zionist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Melchet Court, near Romsey. 21 February 1928.

6pp., 12mo, on six leaves. In good condition, lightly aged. He begins by thanking him for his 'most charming letter; and an inspiration to a young man', before commenting: 'Nothing pleases me more than your letters, which occur like intellectual milestones, epitomizing, where we have lately come from and where we are going.' The rest of the letter discusses the recipients use of the Greek word '[daimon]', of which Mond approves. He begins: 'Modern languages hardly have a translation of it.

[ Solomon Alexander Hart, the first Jewish member of the Royal Academy. ] Autograph Signature ('S: A: Hart RA | Secy to the Committee') to document in another hand, to the physician Sir W. H. Allchin regarding an exhibition of 'the old Masters'.

Solomon Hart [ Solomon Alexander Hart; S. A. Hart ] (1806-1881), English artist, the first Jewish member of the Royal Academy [ Sir William Henry Allchin (1846-1912), physician ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, Piccadilly, W. London. 1 December 1869.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'W. H. Allchin Esq'. The 'arrangements for the intended Exhibition of the works of the old Masters have already progressed too far' for 'any further works offered [...] on loan' to be considered for acceptance.

[ Yehudi Menuhin, one of the greatest violinists of the twentieth-century. ] Autograph Signature.

Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999), American-born Jewish violinist who settled in England and was ennobled as Baron Menuhin
Publication details: 
Dated 6 November 1934.

On one side of an 11.5 x 17 cm leaf extracted from an album. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Large bold signature, slightly smudged by Menuhin, written diagonally and upwards at the centre of the page. Reads: 'Yehudi Menuhin | Nov. 65, 1934'. On the reverse have been lightly tipped-in two cuttings from magazines.

[ Alexander Nicoll, Regius Professor of Hebrew, Oxford University. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Alex. Nicoll')

Alexander Nicoll (1793-1828), Scottish orientalist, Regius Professor of Hebrew and canon of Christ Church, Oxford
Publication details: 
'Ch. Ch. [ i.e. Christ Church, Oxford ] May 16. [ no year ].

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Laid down on a leaf removed from an album. Reads: 'My Dear Sir, | I did not receive your Note including those from Mess. Irvine & F until late last night. It will give me great pleasure to see you and Mrs. Hughes, and I shall have the pleasure of calling upon you soon after 11, being now obliged to go to Prayers.'

[ Joseph Cowan, Anglo-Jewish radical Liberal journalist and MP. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jos Cowan') to autograph collector F. W. Finch of Birmingham, expressing relief at being freed from the 'restraints & embarrassments' of Parliament..

Joseph Cowan (1829-1900, nicknamed 'the Blaydon Brick'), Anglo-Jewish radical Liberal journalist and Member of Parliament, friend of Mazzini, Herzen, Bakunin. Garibaldi and Kossuth.
Publication details: 
Blaydon on Tyne. 29 March 1887.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'Mr. F. W. Finch, | Woodbridge Row | Mosley | Birmingham'. He thanks him for his letter and continues: 'I am sorry that you have not been so successful as you wished in collecting autographs, but I hope you will be more fortunate in future.' He is 'engaged in other and equally useful work outside of Parliament', and is 'glad to be freed from its restraints & embarrassments'.

[ Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild. ] Autograph Note Signed ('R.') to 'Mr May', i.e. Frank May, Chief Cashier of the Bank of England.

Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild [ Nathan[iel?] Mayer Rothschild, Lord Rothschild ] (1840-1915) [ Frank May (1832-1897), disgraced Chief Cashier of the Bank of England, 1873-1893 [
Publication details: 
Mentmore; 25 August 1887.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'My dear Mr May - | I am delighted you can come on Saturday. Please let me know the train you come by. Our station is Cheddington. | Yrs sincerely | R.' On May's death the New York Times reported (10 February 1897) that in 1893 he 'suddenly resigned after a mysterious meeting of the Board of Directors, and for several days exciting rumours circulated in London that something was wrong with the finances.

[ Bill for Removing the Civil Disabilities of the Jews, 1834. ] Contemporary manuscript transcript of the conclusion of the debate on the motion for the second reading of the bill.

Bill for Removing the Civil Disabilities of the Jews, 1834 [ British Parliament; House of Lords ]
Publication details: 
[ 1834. ]

21pp., 4to. On six loose bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Incomplete: paginated 23 to 32 (the last a mistake for 33).

[ Jewish Tales ] Mimeographed typescript, in German and English, of 'Jewish Tales from Jerusalem', including stories told by Ascher Horowitz and T. Holpern, and an English translation of 'King Artus'.

Ascher Horowitz; T. Holpern [Jewish tales; Judaism; Hebrew; Jerusalem; Israel; Palestine]
Publication details: 
Undated (1920s?) and with place not stated.

4to, 71 pp, with one 12mo page at end. In poor condition, damp damaged and detached from green cloth covers, but with texts legible and complete. Manuscript table of contents on recto of first leaf describes nine tales in German, told by Ascher Horowitz and T.

[ Mabel H. Spielmann, author. ] Latter part of Autograph Letter Signed ('Mabel H Spielmann.')

Mabel H. Spielmann [ Mabel Henrietta Spielmann ] (1862-1938), wife of art critic Marion Spielmann (1858-1948), author, sister of Liberal politician Herbert Samuel, Viscount Samuel (1870-1963)
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated. [ After 1919. ]

2pp., 12mo. The last two pages of a letter, numbered 3 and 4. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with short closed tears at edges of central fold. The item begins with part of a sentence regarding 'dramatization in Paris', before turning to Spielmann's desire to have her novel 'The Sterndales of Sterndale House' (1919) filmed. She praises the recipient's 'critical faculty', adding 'The points taken are seldom just the points.' She will let the recipient's 'good opinion' of her be known 'in one or two quarters'.

[ 'Baron', society photographer. ] Three family photographs of 'Baron' [ Sterling Henry Nahum ], one with a signed inscripion by him, and a contact sheet of nine shots of his face.

'Baron' [ Sterling [ Stirling ] Henry Nahum ] (1906-1956) ], London dance, film and celebrity photographer
Publication details: 
The inscription on the back of the photograph is dated May 1940. The other items undated.

Three black and white prints, ranging in size from 12 x 17 cm to 10 x 7.5 cm. The contact sheet is 12.5 x 13 cm. The four items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. One of the three pictures shows a smiling Baron outdoors with a young blonde boy (his son?), who is holding a camera tripd; another shows him standing with his arm on the shoulder of another man (his brother?), both on skis in the snow; and the third shows him in a heavy wool coat, on the steps of a European building, with a man in Slavic costume. The last is inscribed on the reverse: 'May 1940 |

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