[Photograph; Egyptian Army Sports 1906] Panoramic Photograph Entitled Egyptian Army Sports at Abbassia Cairo - Ap[ril 1906

[Photograph; Egyptian Army Sports 1906]
Publication details: 
[Abbassia, 1906.

Panoramic Photograph entitled Egyptian Army Sports at Abbassia Cairo - April 1906, 28.5 x 15.7cms, partly laid down on somewhat grubby album leaf, 28 x 25cms. See Image for details.

[Mortimer Wheeler, archaeologist] Typed Note Signed REM Wheeler to an Arnold Brierley about a drawing.

Mortimer Wheeler [Sir Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler (1890 ? 1976), archaeologist and officer in the British Army.]
Publication details: 
[Headed] The British Academy, Burlington Gardens, W1, 24 February 1954. Secretary of the British Academy.

One page, 4to, fold marks, good condition. Thank you very much indeed for your extremely kind appreciation, and for the drawing which you enclosed. I am doing exactly as you tell me and send the cards back herewith.

[Independent Company of Invalids [Royal Navy]] Manuscript entitled Return of Levy money & subsistence for Captain Thomas Hardymans Independent Company Subsisted from the dates of attestations till disposed of. Signed T.J. Hardyman | Captain[...]

Independent Company of Invalids [British Army]
Publication details: 
[1790 ish]

Two pages, fol., bifolium (partly separated), aged, closed tears, text apparently complete. The text comprises columns headed as follows: Names; Subsisted From/To; [Days?]; Amount; Remarks. Example: [Serjeants] John Johnston; 15 Oct.1790/21 Jan.1791. Forty Five soldiers were invalids delivered to the Town Mayor of Portsmouth.

[Sir Henry Ellis, Principal Librarian at the British Museum.] Autograph Letter Signed to William James Smith, thanking him for a set of the 'Historical and Literary Curiosities' by his brother the engraver Charles James Smith.

Sir Henry Ellis (1777-1869), Principal Librarian at the British Museum [Charles John Smith FSA (1803-1838), engraver]
Publication details: 
'British Museum [London] / 14th Oct. 1840'.

See the entries for Ellis and the recipient?s brother Charles James Smith in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with negligible traces of mount on reverse. Folded for postage. In Ellis?s disciplined and attractive hand. Addressed to ?William James Smith Esqr / &c &c &c? and signed ?Henry Ellis.? He begins by apologising for the delayed response, then writes: ?Pray accept my kind and sincere Thanks for the two beautiful and splendid Numbers of the ?Historical and Literary Curiosities?: I only wish that your poor brother had lived himself to have sent them to me.? (C. J.

[Lord Combermere [Field Marshal Stapleton Cotton, 1st Viscount Combermere, army officer and Governor of Barbados] Autograph Letter Signed to W. J. Smith, regarding ?the correspondence of the late Mrs: Cathne. Stapleton with the Grenville family'.

Lord Combermere [Field Marshal Stapleton Cotton, 1st Viscount Combermere (1773-1865), British Army officer, Commander in Chief in Ireland and India, and Governor of Barbados [William James Smith]
Publication details: 
?C[ombermere]: Abbey [Shropshire] Novr: 5th: 1855.?

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, with that of the engraver Charles John Smith FSA (1803-1838), the brother of the recipient. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, on first leaf of bifolium, the second leaf carrying a thin strip of tape from the mount. Folded twice. Addressed to ?Wm. James Smith Esqr:? and signed ?Combermere.? (the addressed and signature being somewhat smudged and merged).

[Sir William Wilson Hunter, author of the monumental ‘Imperial Gazetteer of India’.] Autograph Letter Signed to A. M. Broadley, with signed portrait photograph, giving his reason for ‘resigning the Committee’ of the Welcome Club.

Sir William Wilson Hunter (1840-1900), Scottish historian and statistician in the Indian Civil Service, author of the monumental 'Imperial Gazetteer of India’ [Alexander Meyrick Broadley (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
LETTER: 26 April 1895; on letterhead of Oaken Holt, near Oxford. PHOTOGRAPH: dated 1890.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient (‘Broadley Pasha’), who does not have the entry he deserves in the same work, had been involved in homosexual scandals in India, in 1872, and in England (‘The Cleveland Street Affair’), in 1889. LETTER: 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of tape from mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Folded once. Addressed to ‘A. M.

[Ernest Hart, medical journalist, editor of the British Medical Journal and collector of Japanese art.] Autogaph Letter Signed to A. M. Broadley, describing the meetings by his club, with reference to Tenniel, Lister, Du Maurier, Sambourne and others

Ernest Hart [Ernest Abraham Hart] (1835-1898), editor of the British Medical Journal, ophthalmic surgeon and collector of Japanese art [A. M. Broadley [Alexander Meyrick Broadley] (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
No date [1880s?]. On letterhead of 38 Wimpole Street, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB (from which the scandalous Broadley is unaccountably absent). 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium of grey paper. Tears to the second leaf (not affecting signature) have been unobtrusively repaired with archival tape, and its blank reverse carries a thin remnant of the mount. One postage fold. Addressed to ‘My Dear Broadley’ and signed ‘Ernest Hart’.

[The man who coined the term ‘scientist’: William Whewell, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge.] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. J. E. Dalton of the British and Foreign Bible Society, declining the position of chairman of the Cambridge committee.

William Whewell (1794-1866), polymath who coined the word ‘scientist’, Master of Trinity College Cambridge and authority on the history of science [Rev. J. E. Dalton; British and Foreign Bible Society
Publication details: 
‘Trin. Lodge, [Trinity College, Cambridge] Oct 26 1849’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, and the entry for ‘scientist’ in the OED. Whewell first used the word in 1834 in the Quarterly Review, stating that ‘some ingenious gentleman proposed that, by analogy with artist, they might form scientist, and added that there could be no scruple in making free with this termination when we have such words as sciolist, economist, and atheist’. It is probable that the ‘ingenious gentleman’ is Whewell himself. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with the blank second leaf slightly damaged by removal from mount.

Richard Acland [Sir Richard Thomas Dyke Acland, 15th Baronet], Liberal and Labour politician and a founder of CND.] Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse of Books and Bookmen, explaining in detail why he cannot write a review for him.

Richard Acland [Sir Richard Thomas Dyke Acland, 15th Baronet] (1906-1990), politician with Liberal, British Common Wealth and Labour parties, a founder of CND [Philip Dosse (1925-1980)]
Publication details: 
14 February 1974. Sprydon, Broadclyst, Exeter.14 February 1974. Sprydon, Broadclyst, Exeter.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including ‘Books and Bookmen’ and ‘Plays and Players’. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice for postage. In autograph: ‘Dear Philip Dossé [sic]’ and ‘Yours sincerely / Richard Acland’. He begins by thanking Dosse for his ‘most generous letter’ with regard to his autobiography ‘Four Years Hard Labour’, and for the offer of a free advertisement in ‘Books and Bookmen’, continuing: ‘But how sad.

[Lawrence of Arabia: unpublished personal recollections of Henry Williamson, author of ‘Tarka the Otter’.] Autograph Typescript by Williamson, with one Autograph Manuscript emendation, of passage from memoir.

Henry Williamson (1895-1977), novelist, author of ‘Tarka the Otter’ [T. E. Lawrence [Thomas Edward Lawrence; ‘Lawrence of Arabia’] (1888-1935), author of ‘The Seven Pillars of Wisdom’]
Publication details: 
No date or place. (1930s or 1940s?)

From the Henry Williamson papers. The present text does not feature in Williamson’s 1941 memoir of Lawrence ‘Genius of Friendship’, and appears to be unpublished. (According to Williamson’s entry in the Oxford DNB, the publication in 1927 of ‘Tarka the Otter’ ‘attracted the attention of T. E. Lawrence, whose letter of praise started a correspondence and friendship between the two.

[General Sir David Dundas, General William Schaw Cathcart, 1st Earl Cathcart, General George Hotham, British Army officer.] Autograph Signatures of the three men to manuscript instruction for payment for clothing of the Loyal Surrey Rangers.

General Sir David Dundas (c.1735-1820), military theoretician; General William Schaw Cathcart, 1st Earl Cathcart 1755-1843), diplomat; General George Hotham (1741-1806), officers in the British Army
Publication details: 
‘Horse Guards [Whitehall, London] / 23d. January 1801.’

See the entries for Cathcart and Dundas in the Oxford DNB. 1p, folio. In fair condition, on aged paper, with wear along one edge, and repair with archival tape along folds. Addressed ‘To / The Paymasters General of His Majesty’s Forces, or the Paymasters General for the time being -’. Signed ‘G Hotham Lt Genl. / D. Dundas Lt Gl.

[Felix Moscheles, genre painter.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Lewis’ [Kate Terry], regarding ‘the necklace you spoke of the other day’.

Felix Moscheles [Felix Stone Moscheles] (1833-1917), English genre painter of German Jewish extraction, pacifist and advocate of Esperanto [Kate Terry (1844-1924), actress]
Publication details: 
29 June 1888. No place.

Felix Mendelssohn was his godfather. See the entry on his father Ignaz Moscheles (1794-1870) in the Oxford DNB. Moscheles discusses his acquaintance with Kate Terry and her husband Arthur Lewis in his 1896 reminiscences ‘In Bohemia with Du Maurier’. 1p, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and creased, with part of mount adhering to the blank second leaf. Addressed to ‘Dear Mrs Lewis’ and signed ‘Felix Moscheles’. He asks her to ‘let the bearer have the necklace you spoke of the other day’, as he ‘can just use it this morning’.

[Frank Brangwyn [Sir Frank William Brangwyn], Welsh artist.] Autograph Signature with conclusion of a letter.

Frank Brangwyn [Sir Frank William Brangwyn] (1867-1956), Welsh painter
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. A 17.5 x 9.5 cm rectangle of grey paper, torn from the conclusion of a letter, evidently in response to a request for an autograph. In good condition, lightly aged, with central vertical fold. Reads: ‘[…] part or else the picture will be gone. / Yours sincerely / F Brangwyn’. The ‘F’ of the signature is more lightly inked than the rest. See Image.

[Eric Kennington, artist and sculptor.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Cuthbert Ackroyd, Lord Mayor of London, concerning a commission for an oil painting. With carbons of three replies including one from Vice-Admiral T. B. Drew.

Eric Kennington [Eric Henri Kennington] (1888-1960), artist and sculptor who illustrated T. E. Lawrence’s ‘Seven Pillars of Wisdom’ [Sir Cuthbert Ackroyd (1892-1973), Lord Mayor of London]
Publication details: 
Kennington’s letters: 11 June, 26 [September] and 7 October 1956; all on his letterhead of Homer, Ipsden, Oxon. Replies of 20 June and 3 and 10 October 1956.

See Kennington’s entry in the Oxford DNB. All six items in good condition, lightly aged. Previously pinned together, with Kennington’s letters folded for postage, and all three are 1p, 8vo, and signed ‘Eric Kennington’. ONE: Kennington ALS, 11 June 1956. Having conferred with Ackroyd’s clerk ‘Mr. Osborne’, he explains that he cannot give his attention to the portrait until September.

[Dame Margaret Lloyd George, wife of Liberal Prime Minister David Lloyd George.] Autograph Letter Signed, asking George Robey (comedian, singer and actor) for his assistance with a Downing Street concert for the Electrical Industries Association.

Dame Margaret Lloyd George [née Owen] (1864-1941) wife of Liberal Prime Minister David Lloyd George [George Robey [Sir George Edward Wade] (1869-1954), music hall comedian]
Publication details: 
25 May 1919. On embossed notepaper of the Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street, Whitehall, London.

See her entry, and those of Robey and her husband, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. With two folds. Addressed to ‘Geo Robey. Esq. C.B.E.’ and signed ‘Margaret Lloyd George.’ She gives details of a concert she is having at Downing Street the following month, ‘in aid of the Electrical Industries Association’, and has been asked by its committee to ‘invite your kindly assistance’.

Copy of ‘Poems by C. Edmund Maurice / Edited by Emily Southwood Maurice’, with presentation inscription to Queen’s College Library, London, from ‘Mrs C. S. Maurice’., sister of the School's founder

C. Edmund Maurice (1843-1927), historian, and his wife Emily Southwood Maurice [née Hill] (1840-1931), sister of the reformer Octavia Hill
Publication details: 
Book published in 1929 by Methuen & Co. Ltd., 36 Essex Street W.C., London. Inscription dated 1931.

See the entries for Mrs Maurice’s sister Octavia Hill and their mother Caroline Southwood Hill in the Oxford DNB. Book: viii + 77 + [1]. 12mo. Errata slip between pp.56 and 57. In original green cloth, gilt. Good copy, lightly aged and worn, in original green cloth binding gilt. Bookplate of Queen’s College, London, on front paste-down, stamped ‘WITHDRAWN’. Presentation inscription on recto of front free endpaper: ‘Queens College Library / Presented by Mrs C. S. Maurice / 1931’.

[‘Yes, I suppose the name did come from the Church’: ‘Clemence Dane’ [pen name of Winifred Ashton, English novelist and playwright.] Typed Letter Signed (‘Clemence Dane’) to ‘Mrs. Bagnall’, thanking her for her kind words regarding ‘Broome Stages’.

‘Clemence Dane’ [pen name of Winifred Ashton (1888-1965)], English novelist and playwright
Publication details: 
15 September [no year]. On letterhead of Hunthay, near Axminster, Devon.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, landscape 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with curling to inner edge. Central vertical fold. She thanks her for writing about ‘Broome Stages’, and is glad she enjoyed it. ‘You are quite right, it is a pleasure and an encouragement to hear that a book makes friends.’ She concludes, ‘Yes, I suppose the name did come from the Church: it gave me the idea, but it was pure chance, there is no association.’

[Sir George Smyth Baden-Powell, explorer and colonial official, brother of the founder of the Scouting movement Sir Robert Baden-Powell.] Autograph Signature cut from letter.

Sir George Smyth Baden-Powell (1847-1898), explorer, author, commissioner in Victoria, Australia, the West Indies, Malta and Canada, and brother of Sir Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry, and those of his father and brother, in the Oxford DNB. On rectangle of paper, roughly 8.5 x 3.5 cm. In good condition, lightly aged, with the 'Powell' of the signature slightly smudged, and traces of glue from mount on reverse. Reads '[...] and Love [...] / Yours truly / George Baden-Powell'.

[Sir Oswald Mosley and his secretary Jeffrey Hamm; British Union of Fascists.] Typed Letter Signed from Hamm to Philip Dosse of Books and Bookmen, regarding a review by Mosley and Peter Liddle, with copy of Mosley letter on Boothby and Skidelsky

Sir Oswald Mosley and his secretary Jeffrey Hamm [Edward Jeffrey Hamm] (1915-1992), Welsh fascist who succeeded him as leader of the Union Movement and edited ‘Lodestar’ [British Union of Fascists]
Publication details: 
Hamm's letter: 15 March 1979; on letterhead of the 'Sir Oswald Mosley Secretariat', 76A Rochester Row, London SW1. Copy of Mosley letter to Dosse: undated ('For June Issue' in 1975); on his letterhead, 1 Rue des Lacs, Orsay 91, France.

See Mosley’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Hamm’s papers are in the University of Birmingham. The recipient Philip Dosse (1925-1980) was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players.ONE: Typed Letter Signed from ‘Jeffrey Hamm’ to ‘Mr. Dossé’ (Dosse did not employ an accent). 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and folded once. Begins: ‘Sir Oswald dictated this review over the telephone today on to my recording machine.

[Sir Robert Smirke, RA, architect of the British Museum.] Autograph Note Signed to Charles Fowler, a vice-president of the Artiists' General Benevolent Institution, enclosing a cheque.

Sir Robert Smirke (1780-1867), RA, architect of the British Museum
Publication details: 
'Stanmore / April 20. 1843'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, torn along the inner edge on removal from mount. Addressed to ‘Chas. Fowler Esqr:’ (a vice-president of the Artists’ General Benevolent Institution) and signed ‘Rob. Smirke.’ Reads: ‘Dear Sir / May I request you will have the goodness to add the amount of the enclosed cheque for me to the collection recently made for the Artists Genl. Benevolent Institution.’

[Sir David Wilkie, Scottish genre painter.] Four Autograph Letters, two of them signed and two in the third person, to different individuals.

Sir David Wilkie (1785-1841), Scottish painter noted for genre pieces such as 'The Chelsea Pensioners' [George Doo (1800-1886), engraver]
Publication details: 
1832, 1837, 1838, 1839. All written from Kensington.

See his entry, and that of George Doo, engraver, in the Oxford DNB. The four items are in good condition, lightly aged and worn The items of 1832 and 1838 are in the third person; those of 1837 and 1839 are signed, 'D. Wilkie' and 'David Wilkie' respectively. The 1832 letter, accepting a dinner invitation from 'Dr and Mrs Baillie', is 1p, 16mo; the other three items are each 1p, 12mo. In 1838 he writes to 'Capt Seymour' to ask for 'the present address of Sir William Knighton'.

[Sir David Wilkie, Scottish genre painter.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'the Director Waagen' [Gustav Friedrich Waagen], arranging a visit to 'the house of the Duke of Wellington.

Sir David Wilkie (1785-1841), Scottish painter noted for genre pieces such as 'The Chelsea Pensioners' [Gustav Friedrich Waagen (1797-1868), Director of the Berlin Gemäldegalerie; Duke of Wellington]
Publication details: 
'7 Terrace Kensington / July 19th 1835'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Wilkie was in a good position to assist Waagen, who was touring England making notes on significant art collections, for use in his ‘Kunstwerke und Künstler in England und Paris’ (3 vols, Berlin, 1837–39), which formed the basis for his influential ‘The Treasures of Art in Great Britain’ (translated by Lady Eastlake, 4 vols, London, 1854 and 1857). Wilkie had strong connections with Wellington. His 1822 painting ‘The Chelsea Pensioners reading the Waterloo Dispatch’ had been commissioned by the Duke, and was sold to him for the unheard-of sum of 1,200 guineas.

[Sir Aston Webb, RA, Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch.] Autograph Letter Signed Aston Webb .

Sir Aston Webb (1849-1930), President of the Royal Academy and Royal Institute of British Architects, who worked on Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch
Publication details: 
8 October 1922. On letterhead of 1 Hanover Terrace, Ladbroke Square, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with small and slightly rusted staple holes to one corner. Folded once. Addressed to ‘My dear [Gern?] King / A. G. B. I’ (i.e. the Artists’ General Benevolent Institution) and signed ‘Aston Webb / Presd. A G B I -’. He is writing at the request of ‘the Council’, ‘to express to you on their behalf & my own our sincere regret at your resignation from our Council’.

[Sir Charles Craufurd [Sir Charles Gregan Craufurd], gallant British soldier.] Autograph itemised financial statement: 'Major Craufurd's Account', with signed receipt, for costs including the Duke of York's 'Pellice' and 'Post Horses'.

Sir Charles Craufurd [Sir Charles Gregan Craufurd] (1761-1821), gallant British soldier, equerry to the Duke of York, and later a Tory Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
16 January 1794. No place [on active duty in the Netherlands].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. In 1787 he had been appointed equerry to the Duke of York, and he accompanied him to the Netherlands as Aide-de-Camp. The present item was written a three months before the Battle of Villers-en-Cauchies, at which Craufurd, at the head of two squadrons, is said to have captured three guns and a thousand men. 1p, 12mo. On watermarked laid paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with creases from having been folded into a packet. Docketed on reverse. Reads: ‘Major Craufurd’s Account. / Paid to the Russian Minister at Brussels for a Pellice for the Duke ..

[G. A. Storey, RA, painter and illustrator.] Two Autograph Letters Signed. ONE: to 'My dear Wolfestan', on artists, scientists and colour theory. TWO: to 'Mrs A'Beckett' on writing a memoir of his brother-in-law.

G. A. Storey [George Adolphus Storey] (1834-1919), RA, English painter and illustrator
Publication details: 
LETTER ONE (to Wolfestan): 2 June 1884; 19 St John's Wood Road. LETTER TWO (to Mrs A'Beckett): 5 May 1898; on letterhead of Hougoumont, [39] Broadhurst Gardens, South Hampstead, N.W. [London]

LETTER ONE (to Wolfestan): 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Damage to text (including signature 'E. A. Storey') along inner edge of last page by clumsy removal from mount, repaired with archival tape. Otherwise in good condition, lightly aged. Folded. Wolfestan's letter is 'capital' and he hopes he will send it 'as it exactly backs up my own statement'.

[Alphonse Legros, French painter and etcher, who settled in England in 1863.] Autograph Note Signed to an unnamed woman, accepting a dinner invitation.

Alphonse Legros (1837-1911), French painter and etcher, who settled in England in 1863
Publication details: 
21 June 1900 ('21 jui 00'). On embossed letterhead of 57 Brook Green, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with the blank second leaf damaged on removal from mount. Addressed to an unnamed woman (‘Chère Madame’) and boldly signed ‘A. Legros’. He accepts her dinner invitation with ‘le plus grand plasir’.

[Private Press: ‘The first (and only) title set, printed and published by the Janus Press at Bickley in Kent.] Printed play by Charles Duff: ‘An Irish Idyll’ (previously broadcast on the Home Service of the BBC).

Charles Duff [Charles St Lawrence Duff] (1894-1966); The Janus Press, Bickley, Kent [British Broadcasting Corporation]
Publication details: 
‘THE FIRST BOOKLET set, printed and published by the Janus Press at Bickley in Kent 1933’. [The Janus Press, Albyfield, Bickley, Kent, England.

See his entry in the Dictionary of National Biography. From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: only three copies on JISC (Oxford, NLS and BL). 24pp, 12mo. Stapled. In blue printed wraps with flaps. Colophon on first page, with small indistinguishable device: ‘THE FIRST BOOKLET / set, printed and published by the / Janus Press at Bickley in Kent / 1933’. Title-page: ‘AN IRISH IDYLL / CHARLES DUFF / [crude vignette of shamrock] / Janus Press’. Information on reverse of title includes: ‘An Irish Idyll was first used by / The British Broadcasting Corporation / on the 12th.

[Home Rule, 1912: ‘The Voice of the Empire is on the Side of Ireland.’] Printed pamphlet: ‘The Empire and Home Rule / Special Messages to “The Daily Chronicle” from Premiers, Ministers, Representative Public Men, and Editors in the Oversea dominions’

[Home Rule for Ireland, 1912] The Daily Chronicle, London newspaper [Andrew Fisher, Prime Minister of Australia]
Publication details: 
[1912.] Published by: The Daily Chronicle, 31, Whitefriars Street, London, E.C.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: the only copy on JISC at Bristol University. Not in NLI or BL. 16pp, 12mo. Stapled. In green printed wraps. Heavily worn, with lightly-rusted staples, and with the back wrap separated. The centre pages carry a map of ‘The Real Position in Ulster’, with explanatory note. Begins with ‘Facsimile of Message from the Hon. A. Fisher, Premier of the Australian Commonwealth.’, dated 16 February 1912. Quotations (some with portraits) from individuals from South Africa, Canada, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Australia, New Zealand.

[Sydney Smirke, RA, architect of the British Museum Reading Room.] Autograph Letter Signed to fellow Royal Academician Edward William Cooke, regarding a photograph by Vernon Heath.

Sydney Smirke (1797-1877), RA, architect of the British Museum Reading Room [E. W. Cooke [Edward William Cooke] (1811-80), RA, marine painter; Vernon Heath (c.1819-95), photographer]
Publication details: 
'The Hollies / Tunbridge Wells / Aug: 7 [no year]'.

See Smirke’s entry, and those of Cooke and Heath, in the Oxford DNB. His most celebrated design is the Reading Room of the British Museum. 2pp, 12mo. With monogram and mourning border. On first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Begins: ‘My dear Sir, / Vernon Heath, of Piccadilly, has made me a photograph of our new front, which is I think fairly satisfactory.’ He has told Heath to deliver a copy ‘addressed to you at the R. Academy’. As it is ‘rather large’, he did not like to send it ‘by post or Parcel’, as it ‘might get crushed on its way to you.

[Patrick Moore [Sir Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore], British astronomer, broadcaster and celebrity.] Typed Postcard Signed (‘P. M.’) to John Graham, complaining of being ‘a broken reed’ with regard to future plans.

Patrick Moore [Sir Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore] (1923-2012], English astronomer, broadcaster and celebrity
Publication details: 
Postmark dated 15 April 1972 from Chichester, Sussex. Letterhead ‘From Patrick Moore, Farthings, 39 West Street, Selsey, Chichester, Sussex, PO20 9AB’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Plain postcard. Lightly aged. Addressed to John [Graham, obscured by postmark], The Willows, Church Road, Lowfield Heath, Crawley, Sussex. Reads: ‘Many thanks. I am terribly sorry to say that I am a broken reed at the moment, because there are various conference dates I haven’t got. I’ll write when the situation clarifies. / Best wishes / [in autograph] P. M. / PS Last Wed. of each month is no good: BAA [i.e. British Astronomical Association monthly meeting] day!’ Image on application.

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