[Home Rule, 1912.] Printed item: ‘A “Modern Eye”-Opener. 60 Points against Home Rule (A reply to the Daily News “50 Points in Favour of Home Rule”) by T. S. Frank Battersby, M.A., K.C. With a preface by The Right Hon. Sir Edward H. Carson, M.P.'

T. S. Frank Battersby [Thomas Stephenson Francis Battersby (1855-1933)], M.A., K.C., author; with preface by Sir Edward H. Carson, M.P.; Unionist Associations of Ireland, Dublin and Belfast
Publication details: 
1912. Unionist Associations of Ireland: Dublin, 109 Grafton Street, and Belfast, Old Town Hall.

From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers. Scarce: three copies on JISC and in NLI. The Lynd copies of the first and third editions of the work to which this is a response are offered separately. 76pp (vi + 66 + [4]), 12mo. Stapled. In printed card wraps with vertical red, white and blue bands on the cover. Grubby and worn, with slightly-rusted staples, and short closed tear to fore-edge of front cover. Includes four-page index.

[USA President; Ireland: Conscription Crisis of 1918.] Two printed items by O’Neill, Lord Mayor of Dublin, as Chairman of the Mansion House Conference, protesting British actions, one to the American President, the other to the American Ambassador.

Laurence O’Neill (1864-1943), Lord Mayor of Dublin, Chairman of the Mansion House Conference, 1918; Irish Independent, Dublin; J. R. N. MacPhail [James Robert Nicolson MacPhail] (1858-1933)
Publication details: 
Both items dated from the Mansion House, Dublin, the first (to the president) on 11 June 1918, and the second (to the US ambassador) on 18 June 1918. [Irish Independent, Dublin.]

Although large numbers of Irishmen had willingly signed up to fight for the British cause in the First World War, by April 1918 a shortage of troops moved the British government to propose conscription in Ireland. This was violently opposed by republicans, and O’Neill convened an Irish Anti-Conscription Committee which met at the Mansion House in Dublin. Strikes and protests followed, and although a law was passed, conscription was never implemented in Ireland. These two items are now extremely scarce.

[Home Rule, 1912: ‘The Voice of the Empire is on the Side of Ireland.’] Printed pamphlet: ‘The Empire and Home Rule / Special Messages to “The Daily Chronicle” from Premiers, Ministers, Representative Public Men, and Editors in the Oversea dominions’

[Home Rule for Ireland, 1912] The Daily Chronicle, London newspaper [Andrew Fisher, Prime Minister of Australia]
Publication details: 
[1912.] Published by: The Daily Chronicle, 31, Whitefriars Street, London, E.C.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: the only copy on JISC at Bristol University. Not in NLI or BL. 16pp, 12mo. Stapled. In green printed wraps. Heavily worn, with lightly-rusted staples, and with the back wrap separated. The centre pages carry a map of ‘The Real Position in Ulster’, with explanatory note. Begins with ‘Facsimile of Message from the Hon. A. Fisher, Premier of the Australian Commonwealth.’, dated 16 February 1912. Quotations (some with portraits) from individuals from South Africa, Canada, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Australia, New Zealand.

[Home Rule for Ireland, 1911.] Printed item: ‘3rd Edition. / The Daily News 1d. Series. No. 16. / 50 Points for Home Rule.’

[Home Rule for Ireland, 1911] The Daily News, Liberal newspaper, London and Manchester
Publication details: 
Third edition. [1911 or 1912.] Published by The Daily News, London and Manchester.

From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd Papers. Scarce: one copy on JISC (Bristol University), and at the NLI, but no copy in the BL. The Lynd copies of the first edition of this title, and of the response by T. S. Frank Battersby, ‘60 Points against Home Rule’ (answering point by point many of those made here), are offered separately. [4] + 52pp, 16mo. Stapled. In green printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged paper, with dogeared corners, staples slightly rusted, in worn wraps. Preceded by index and preface, of two pages apiece.

[Home Rule for Ireland, 1911.] Printed item: ‘The Daily News 1d. Series. No. 16. / 50 Points for Home Rule.’

[Home Rule for Ireland, 1911] The Daily News, Liberal newspaper, London and Manchester
Publication details: 
[1911.] Published by The Daily News, London and Manchester.

From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd Papers. Scarce: five copies on JISC, and at the NLI, but no copy in the BL. The Lynd copies of the third edition of this title, and of the response by T. S. Frank Battersby, ‘60 Points against Home Rule’ (answering point by point many of those made here), are offered separately. [4] + 52pp, 16mo. Stapled. In green printed wraps. In fair condition internally, on browned newspaper stock, with dogeared corners, staples slightly rusted, in brittle and chipped wraps, with some damage repaired with archival tape.

[Irish governance, 1921.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The Government of Ireland. By Mrs J. R. Green. Foreword by George Russell (Æ)’.

‘Mrs J. R. Green’ [Alice Stopford Green], author; foreword by George Russell (Æ)
Publication details: 
‘Labour Booklets No. 5’. 1921. The Labour Publishing Co. Ltd., 6 Tavistock Square, London. Printed by The Riverside Press Limited, Edinburgh.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Eight copies on JISC, but now scarce. 16pp, 12mo. Stapled. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper. With heavily-worn remains of front cover, of brittle green paper, carrying the title and publication details. Drophead title ‘THE / GOVERNMENT OF IRELAND’ on p.1. The first part titled ‘Historical’, with subtitle ‘The Rule of a Nation by a Nation’. The second part titled ‘Four Suggested Plans’, with subsections ‘The Home Rule Act of 1914’, ‘The Government of Ireland Act of 1920’, ‘Dominion Status’ and ‘The Republic’.

[American War of Independence: Tarleton’s Raiders (in fact Tarleton’s Legion).] Autograph text of newspaper advertisement by Sir Banastre Tarleton, for his ‘Southern Campaigns in America [...] by Major General Tarleton.'

American War of Independence: Tarleton’s Raiders [in fact Tarleton’s Legion]. Sir Banastre Tarleton (1754-1833), British soldier and Whig politician
Publication details: 
Undated, but circa 1787, when the work was published.

Tarleton has become a quasi-mythical figure in the early history of the United States, his actions misrepresented and his character traduced. See his entry in the Oxford DNB, and the magnificent portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, in the National Portrait Gallery, London. The present item is 1p, landscape 12mo, on one side of an 18 x 10.5 cm piece of gilt-edged watermarked laid paper. In fair condition, aged, worn and lightly creased, with central horizontal and vertical folds, and evidence of mount on the blank reverse.

[Fanny Parnell [Frances Isabel Parnell], sister of the Irish nationalist leader Charles Stewart Parnell.] Contemporary manuscript copy of her poem ?Post Mortem? (?Shall mine eyes behold thy glory, O my country??).

Fanny Parnell [Frances Isabel Parnell] (1848-1882), sister of the Irish nationalist leader Charles Stewart Parnell
Publication details: 
Undated, but on paper with watermark ?J Dollard / IRISH MANUFACTURE?, hence late Victorian or Edwardian, as Dollard was a printer and stationer in Dublin during that period. (Dating supported by provenance.)
Upon request

See her entry and her brother?s in the Oxford DNB. The item is from the collection of Irish nationalist autographs assembled by Miss Burgess of Norfolk in the 1890s, who has endorsed one leaf in her distinctive hand ? ?Post Mortem? / By Fanny Parnell?. Undated. 3pp, 4to. On two leaves of paper with Dollard watermark. Poem of twenty-eight lines, in seven stanzas, titled ?Post Mortem?. From a comparison with a letter in the National Library of Ireland certainly not in Fanny Parnell?s hand. A fair copy, with one mistake (corrected) confirming transcription: ?loveliness? for ?loneliness?.

[General Sir James Pulteney [Sir James Murray-Pulteney, 7th Baronet], Scottish soldier.] Autograph Signature, as Secretary at War, to War Office printed circular regarding clothing, made out ‘for the Establishment of the Cambridge Regiment of Militia

General Sir James Pulteney [Sir James Murray-Pulteney, 7th Baronet (c.1755-1811), Scottish soldier with the British Army in the American War of Indendence, Member of Parliament and Secretary at War
Ja: Pulteney
Publication details: 
'(CIRCULAR.) / WAR-OFFICE, / 10th JULY, 1807.' [Whitehall, London.]
Ja: Pulteney

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Folded twice. A printed circular, completed in manuscript by a secretary for the ‘Earle of Hardwicke Kt’ (as Colonel of the Cambridge Regiment of Militia), and signed by Pulteney ‘Ja: Pulteney’. Note at head of page in a third contemporary hand: ‘Copied for Col. the Rt. Hon. Chas. Yorke - 14/7/7’.

[?Billy Blue?: Admiral Sir William Cornwallis, as Commander-in-Chief of the East Indies Station.] Manuscript Copy of letter to Philip Stephens, Secretary to the Admiralty, suggesting five ?additional Lieutenants?.

Sir William Cornwallis (1744-1819), distinguished Royal Navy admiral, nicknamed ?Billy Blue?, brother of the Marquis of Cornwallis [Sir Philip Stephens (1723-1809), Secretary to the Admiralty]
Publication details: 
?Crown [i.e. HMS Crown], in Santa Cruz Bay. / Teneriffe 12th March 1789 -?.

See his entry, and that of the recipient, in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, foolscap 8vo. Laid-paper bifolium with ?I TAYLOR? Britannia watermark. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice into a packet. Reverse of second leaf docketed: ?12 March / Copy / to Philip Stephens Esqr / Duplicate - left at Santa Cruz / Triplicate. sent by the shop from Port Praya Bay 24th. March 89.? See the ODNB: ?When his brother Earl Cornwallis was appointed governor-general of Bengal, Cornwallis was sent out as commodore and commander-in-chief in the East Indies in October 1788?.

[John Dillon, Irish nationalist politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to the daughter of the novelist George Meredith, announcing his plans for a trip to Australia.

John Dillon (1851-1927), Irish nationalist politician, Member of the British Parliament and leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party, originally a follower of Charles Stewart Parnell [George Meredith]
Publication details: 
15 February [1889]. On letterhead of 2 North Great George’s Street, Dublin.

Dillon's entry in the Oxford DNB states that on 6 March 1889 he ‘sailed for Australia to solicit contributions; he also toured New Zealand, and returned to Ireland via the United States in late April 1890. His mission raised about £33,000’. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed to ‘My dear Miss Meredith’ and signed ‘Yours very Sincerely / John Dillon’. In fair condition, lightly aged, with very light transfer of ink from another letter (from blotting pad?) onto third leaf, including signature. Folded for postage.

[‘Nor will I lose a farthing for all the Generals in the Kings dominions’.] Autograph Letter Signed from future Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Dashwood, concerning prize money for the Danish ship the Venus, captured by him at the Battle of Copenhagen, 1807

Sir Charles Dashwood (1765-1847), Royal Navy Vice-Admiral who served during the American War of Independence, French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, and War of 1812 [Battle of Copenhagen, 1807]
Publication details: 
‘Franchise [HMS Franchise], Spithead / 16th Feby. 1808.’

See his long obituary in the Gentleman’s Magazine, December 1847. This letter, which concerns the prize money for the capture of the 36-gun Danish fifth-rater the Venus, captured by Dashwood at the Battle of Copenhagen, 1807. 2pp, 4to, on the first leaf of a bifolium, the reverse of the second leaf is addressed, with two postmarks, to ‘James Sykes Esqe / Arundle St / London’, and docketed ‘C. Dashwood / 16 Feb 1808 / Recd 17 do’. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight damage to second leaf from breaking open of the wafer. Folded for postage.

[Admiral of the Fleet James Gambier, distinguished Royal Navy officer.] Navy Office document, signed by Gambier, John Henslow and Charles Hope, querying an account submitted by ‘Captain Stanhope / late of L’Achille’.

James Gambier [Lord Gambier] (1756-1833), Royal Navy Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty and First Naval Lord; John Henslow (1730-1815); Captain Charles Hope
Publication details: 
'Navy Office 20th March 1799.'

See Gambier’s entry in the Oxford DNB. He served during capture of Charleston during American Revolutionary War, at the Glorious First of June, and commanded at Battle of Copenhagen and Battle of the Basque Roads. He was First Naval Lord, three times: 1795-1801, 1804-6 and 1807-8. Henslow was Surveyor to the Navy, 1784-1806, and Hope was Deputy Comptroller of the Navy, 1795-1801.

[Admiral Sir Richard Rodney Bligh, Royal Navy officer in American War of Independence.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Admiralty, regarding ‘Her Majesty’s Sloop the Wasp under my Command’.

Admiral Sir Richard Rodney Bligh (1737-1821), GCB, Royal Navy officer who saw service in the American War of Independence and French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars [HMS Wasp]
Publication details: 
‘Wasp, Portsmouth 1st. Decr. 1775.’

Bligh’s entry in the Oxford DNB does not note his service on HMS Wasp, to which he was appointed in October 1774. According to one authority the ship ‘saw service out of Passage, County Cork, Ireland from [November 1774]. In October 1775 [Bligh] brought sixty volunteers from Ireland into Plymouth, and in June 1776 sailed from Portsmouth to Plymouth with money for the dockyard artificers.

[American War of Independence, 1782.] Manuscript folio leaf from British governmental [War Office?] ledger of payments to 'David Thomas Esq. / Carolina', re General Leslie and the British Army of the South, headed ‘Extraordinaries in North America’.

American War of Independence, 1782: General Leslie and the British Army of the South: David Thomas, Carolina [Major General Alexander Leslie (1731-1794), British army officer]
American Revolution
Publication details: 
10 and 11 October 1782. [London, War Office? Regarding Carolina, North America.] With other accounts from 1826 on reverse.
American Revolution

A valuable artefact of the American War of Independence: a leaf from a British War or Colonial Office ledger detailing payments to officials in General Leslie’s administration in Carolina in 1782.

[Duke of Newcastle (Henry, 2nd Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne).] Autograph Signature, with that of Henry Saxby, to extracted manuscript document with debenture entry.

Duke of Newcastle [Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, 9th Earl of Lincoln and 2nd Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne, KG, PC] (1720-1794); Henry Saxby
Publication details: 
Circa 11 October 1773. [London.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. While shunning the limelight, Newcastle was an influential figure in British politics; it was through his lobbying that his cousin Sir Henry Clinton was appointed commander-in-chief of the British forces in America during the American Revolution. According to Timothy Mowl's 1996 biography of Horace Walpole, Newcastle was 'famed for an unusually large penis', which he deployed on both sexes. On one side of a 12 x 19 piece of laid paper, with large triangle cut at top right (not near signature).

[King George III.] Seven examples of the king's signature on a page, six of them cut from parchment documents, the last two made while insane, with the last on a fragment of a warrant.

King George III (1738-1820) of Great Britain and of Ireland, the mad monarch who lost America
George III
Publication details: 
One with annotated with date 28 March 1792, the others undated. None with place.
George III

See image. It is hard to see how this collection could be bettered, the range of signatures from sanity to madness being of particular interest. All seven examples laid down on a folio leaf extracted from an album. The leaf is in poor condition, creased and with closed tears, but the parchment and paper bearing the signatures themselves in good condition, the six parchment items having the usual discoloration, but the example on paper in excellent condition.

[Patrick Tonyn, Governor of East Florida during American War of Independence.] Autograph Letter Signed from W. H. Sands of Edinburgh, W.S., to wife of Admiral Charles William Paterson, regarding Marchmont Estate and town of Greenlaw. ,

Patrick Tonyn (1725-1804), British Governor of East Florida during the American War of Independence; Admiral Charles William Paterson (1756-1841); Marchmont Estate] Warren Hastings Sands (1791-1874)
Publication details: 
15 March 1830; 6 Royal Circus, Edinburgh.

See the entries on Tonyn and Paterson in the Oxford DNB, the latter stating of the recipient of this letter: ‘On 28 December 1799 he married, at St Pancras chapel, London, Jane Ellen Yeats (1771/2–1846), daughter of David Yeats, formerly registrar of East Florida, and sister of his first cousin, the physician Grant David Yeats.’ Paterson’s mother was a Tonyn, and he was also related to the Marchmont family, the Earl having been his early patron. The present item is 3pp, 4to, and a bifolium.

[American War of Independence.] Three original hand-tinted engravings: portraits of ‘The Honble Horatio Gates, Major General of the American Forces’ and ‘John Paul Jones’, and ‘First Action between the English and Americans at Concord in 1775’.

American War of Independence; Horatio Gates; John Paul Jones; Battle of Concord, Massachusetts, 1775; John Chapman; James Cundee; Robert Faulder, London bookseller
Publication details: 
[1780, 1796 and 1806; all London.]

Three contemporary engravings, now scarce. All three items are in good condition, each laid down in a nineteenth-century mount. All have been trimmed (the information concerning each comes from another source), and all are partially tinted. ONE: ‘The Honble Horatio Gates, Major General of the American Forces’. From ‘An impartial history of the war in America, between Great Britain and her colonies’ (R. Faulder, London, 1780). 9 x 16 cm; in 21 x 27 cm mount. A full-length portrait of Gates, with right hand on chest and left hand holding the ‘Articles of Capitulation’.

[Dudley Coutts Stuart; Hungarian War of Independence] Substantial Autograph Letter Signed to Lord Albert Denison, politician and diplomat, initially about the Hungarians, and contributions to the cause, and Earl Fitzwilliam's Memorial re. Hungarians.

Dudley Coutts Stuart [Lord Dudley Coutts Stuart (1803 – 1854), politician.]
Publication details: 
34 St James's Place, 6 Nov. 1849.

Four pages, 12mo, bifolium, with thin neat strip of windowpane mount at edges (loss of part of a letter), very good condition. I am shocked to think you sh[ou]ld have had the trouble, after so kindly responded to my appeal to you in behalf of the Hungarians, to [send?] to enquiries whether your donation had come safe to hand - The truth is that every instant of my time has for the last two days been engrossed by to me very pressing business; but even this ought not to have hindered me from writing to acknowledge your kindness - and I beg, to apologize for my delay in so doing.

[Dudley Coutts Stuart; Hungarian War of Independence] Substantial Autograph Letter Signed to Lord Albert Denison, politician and diplomat, initially about the Hungarians, and contributions to the cause, and Earl Fitzwilliam's Memorial re. Hungarians.

Dudley Coutts Stuart [Lord Dudley Coutts Stuart (1803 – 1854), politician.]
Publication details: 
34 St James's Place, 6 Nov. 1849.

Four pages, 12mo, bifolium, with thin neat strip of windowpane mount at edges (loss of part of a letter), very good condition. I am shocked to think you sh[ou]ld have had the trouble, after so kindly responded to my appeal to you in behalf of the Hungarians, to [send?] to enquiries whether your donation had come safe to hand - The truth is that every instant of my time has for the last two days been engrossed by to me very pressing business; but even this ought not to have hindered me from writing to acknowledge your kindness - and I beg, to apologize for my delay in so doing.

[Irish Independence] Striking original coloured Conservative Party election poster by Halkett, captioned 'Their Irish Master', showing John Redmond, with flag of 'IRISH INDEPENDENCE', leading Asquith, Lloyd George, Winston Churchill by the nose..

George Roland Halkett (1855-1918), cartoonist [John Redmond; Herbert Henry Asquith; David Lloyd George; Winston Churchill; Irish Home Rule; Eire]
Publication details: 
[1910.] 'No. 256. Published by the National Union of Conservative and Constitutional Associations, St. Stephen's Chambers, Westminster, S.W. Printed by Sir Joseph Causton & Sons, Limited, 9, Eastcheap, London, E.C.'

Lithograph. Landscape, 51 x 76 cm. In fair though fragile condition and worthy of framing, although aged and with a few small holes repaired. Weakened folds mainly repaired on reverse.. A determined Redmond marches to the right of the picture, large green flag of 'IRISH INDEPENDENCE' over his right shoulder, in his left hand three chains, linked to the noses of Asquith (with 'HOME RULE' paper under his arm), Lloyd George (holding a 'BUDGET BILL') and Winston Churchill (carrying a 'HOME DEPARTMENT' paper), who follow submissively.

[Gurdit Singh Dara, Activist; Indian Independence; Pamphlet] Government of India In Miniature at 21 Cromwell Road, London. WITH additional related material from the Cromwell Road papers.

Gurdit Singh Dara (Bar[rister]-at-Law, Lahore) [Mrs Sarojini Naidu, Activist]
Publication details: 
London: Murray & Co., 1921.

Pamphlet from the Papers of the objective of the attack, 21 Cromwell Road, 15pp. 8vo, grey paper wraps, stapled together (staples rusted), small rust mark on cover, one punch-hole, marginally affecting the printed text. No other copy recorded (on WorldCat or COPAC). Annotated in pencil, probably by Roland Knaster, Warden of 21 Cromwell Road 1921-1923 (see The India Office and Burma Office List for 1945). The author, Dara, was an agitator for Indian Independence as was the writer of the note that concludes this pamphlet, Mrs. Sarojini Naidu (see Wikipedia).

[Antonio Gallenga, Italian author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Gallenga (Mariotti)') [to James Payn, Cornhill Magazine editor], discussing recipient's association with 'Chambers in Edinburgh'; declaring that he has 'got on well in the world'.

Antonio Carlo Napoleone Gallenga [pseud. 'Luigi Mariotti'] (1810-1895), Italian author, patriot, follower of Cavour, Italian deputy, Times correspondent [James Payn (1830-1898); Cornhill Magazine]
Publication details: 
27 July 1871; 17 James Street, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W., with embossed letterhead of the Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall [London].

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The recipient is not named, but the item derives from the papers of James Payn, the editor of the Cornhill Magazine, London. Gallenga begins: 'My dear Sir. | The last time I saw you - it may be 20 years ago - you were leaving London to write for Chambers in Edinburgh.

[Admiral John Markham, Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty and First Naval Lord.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Markham') to John Atkins, regarding the 'general drunken habits' of 'Mr [Miles] Burn', and the impossibility of reinstating him 'to his rank'

Admiral John Markham (1761-1827), Royal Navy officer who served in the American and French Revolutionary Wars, Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty and First Naval Lord, MP for Portsmouth [Miles Burn]
Publication details: 
Admiralty [London]. 21 August 1806.

The letter is 1p, 12mo, and is accompanied by the covering 8vo leaf, addressed to 'John Atkins Esqre | Duke Street | Westminster', with a second signature for franking. The covering leaf is endorsed: 'Admiralty August 21 1806 | Adml. Markham concerning Miles Burn that it would be impossible to get him reinstated'. Both letter and covering leaf in good condition, lightly aged and worn, with fold lines. Markham could hardly be more decisive.

[Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Dundas, Royal Navy officer who distinguished himself at Trafalgar.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thomas Dundas') to Sir John Philippart, regarding his writing of an article for the Naval and Military Gazette.

Vice-Admiral Sir Thomas Dundas (1765-1841), Royal Navy officer in American War of Independence, French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, and at Battle of Trafalgar [Sir John Philippart]
Publication details: 
Falkirk. 11 January 1832.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with traces of mount, and red wax seal, adhering to the reverse of the second leaf, which is franked (the franker's name and signature illegible) to 'Sir John Phippart [sic] | &c &c | No 8 New Burlington St'. Slight loss to one corner of second leaf, from breaking open of seal, with damage to one word of text.

[Lord Gambier, Admiral of the Fleet.] Manuscript designs of heraldic achievements (coats of arms), made by a signwriter for display at his funeral.

[Admiral Lord Gambier [James Gambier, 1st Baron Gambier (1756-1833), Admiral of the Fleet, Royal Navy officer in American Revolutionary War and French Revolutionary Wars and Glorious First of June]
Publication details: 
'April 22nd.' [1832].

An interesting and unusual survival, casting light on funerary practice in Georgian London. In black ink on 37 x 15 cm piece of watermarked laid paper, clearly cut from the working ledger of the signwriter responsible for the display at Gambier's funeral. Two excellent drawings, marked up with notes for colours, as a guide for the painting process.

[Admiral Saumarez ] Autograph Note in the third person describing the gratitude of Emperors/Kings (Russian, Austrian, Prussian and Swedish).

Admiral Sir James Saumarez [1st Baron de Saumarez (or Sausmarez), GCB (1757–1836)].
Publication details: 
No date or place. Docketed [ 1827 ]

Two pages, obl.12mo, fold mark, good condition. "Previous to leaving the Baltic, Sir James Saumarez was presented with a magnificent Sword [sett?] in Diamonds by His Majesty The King of Sweden for the Services he rendered to thjat country and upon the arrival of the Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia in England he was honored with their Majesties persoanl thanks for the benefit derived to the Common Cause of Europe, which were also communicated to him from the Emperor of Austria by his Excellency Prince Metternich.

[Charles Townshend, British politician behind the Townshend Acts.] Autograph Signature ('C Townshend') and seal, with signatures of Charles Bembridge, John Powell, Thomas Farraine, to document appointing Robert Digby deputy paymaster of Minorca.

Charles Townshend (1725-1767), British politician behind the Townshend Acts in the American Revolution; Charles Bembridge; John Powell; Thomas Farraine [Admiral Robert Digby (1732-1815); Minorca]
Publication details: 
'the 12th. of June 1765 in the Fifth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Third of Great Britain, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c.'

1p, foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to edge on reverse. Folded once. Signed 'C Townshend' with good impression of seal in red wax at bottom right. Nineteen-line document in a secretarial hand, with tax stamp at head. At foot, by two members of the Army Pay Office, Horse Guards: 'Sign'd, Sealed and delivered, (being first duly stamp'd) in the presence of | John Powell | Chas: Bembridge'.

[Apartheid in South Africa and British Foreign Office] Foreign Office briefing document titled 'The measures which have been taken to establish the policy of APARTHEID in South Africa and its effect on the European, Indian and African communities'.

Apartheid in South Africa and the British Foreign Office [Information Research Department; Special Intelligence Service]
Publication details: 
[United Kingdom Foreign Office, Whitehall, London. Circa 1953.]

From a batch of Foreign Office documents, including material from the Information Research Department (for whose activities, financed from the budget of the Special Intelligence Service, otherwise MI6, see The Times, 17 August 1995; and also Michael Cullis's obituary of Sir John Peck in the Independent, 20 January 1995). Duplicated typescript. Headed: '(g) The measures which have been taken to establish the policy of APARTHEID in South Africa and its effect on the European, Indian and African communities.' 10pp, foolscap 8vo. Pagination on pp.2-10 preceded by '(g)'.

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