[Henry Arthur Jones, playwright and polemicist.] Autograph Letter Signed to T. E. Woodrow of the London Library, thanking him for his trouble over the 'Restoration Dramatists' and proffering 'places for the Vaudeville' in return.

Henry Arthur Jones (1851-1929), naturalist playwright and conservative polemicist [T. E. Woodrow, Chief Clerk, London Library]
Publication details: 
14 November 1884; on letterhead of The Hill House, Chalfont St Peter, via Slough, Bucks.

'There are three rules for writing plays', Oscar Wilde is said to have declared. ‘The first rule is not to write like Henry Arthur Jones; the second and third rules are the same.’ See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, slightly trimmed at the edges, and in a windowpane mount. With two folds for postage. Addressed to ‘J E Woodrow Esqre / London Library’, and signed ‘Henry A Jones’.

[Sir John Betjeman, Poet Laureate.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Lady Jones' [the writer Enid Bagnold], regarding her housing of a 'prize' and Lady Billa Harrod.

Sir John Betjeman (1906-1984), Poet Laureate and popular broadcaster and public figure [Enid Bagnold [Lady Jones] (1889-1981), writer and dramatist; Lady Billa Harrod]
Publication details: 
No date. On letterhead of 43 Cloth Fair, London EC1.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, but lightly discoloured, with a large rectangle of sunning covering most of the lower part, and a neat crease at bottom right (not affecting the signature, which is partially sunned). Annotated in pencil by a later hand on the reverse. Betjeman’s handwriting is bad, so the following reading is tentative. ‘Dear Lady Jones, / I meant to write to you long ere this to tell you how grateful I was to you & Sir Roderick [Jones, her husband] for letting us [house?] this prize in your capacious drawing room.

[John Wood, distinguished English actor, associated with Tom Stoppard.] His copy of the script of ?The Fantasticks / A Parable about Love / Words by Tom Jones / Music by Harvey L. Schmidt?, with autograph note by him and stage plans.

John Wood (1930-2011), English actor associated with Tom Stoppard [?The Fantasticks?, musical by Tom Jones and Harvey L. Schmidt]
Publication details: 
Title page: ?Copyright 1959 by Tom Jones and Harvey L. Schmidt / Property of: Music Theatre Inc. / 119 West 57th Street/ New York 19, New York?. By ?the studio duplicating service / 434 west 43rd street, n.y.c. / LO 3-1225? [New York City, USA.]

See Michael Coveney?s obituary in the Guardian, 10 August 2011, which states that Wood was ?one of the greatest stage actors of the past century?, and that he ?returned to the West End in 1961 as Henry Albertson in the whimsical off-Broadway musical The Fantasticks, at the Apollo?. 86pp, 4to. Each act separately paginated. Duplicated and bound with metal studs into black waxed-card wraps, with each page on the recto of a separate leaf. Title ?THE FANTASTICKS? printed on front cover, with details of the Studio Duplicating Service. In good condition, lightly aged, in lightly creased wraps.

[Henry Festing Jones, author and musical composer, literary executor of Samuel Butler.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Secretary of the Royal Literary Fund, asking that Lord Tennyson does not nominate him 'as Steward of the Royal Literary Fund'.

Henry Festing Jones (1851-1928), author and musical composer, friend and literary executor of Samuel Butler (1835-1902)
Publication details: 
3 June 1921. On letterhead of 120 Maida Vale, W9, London.

See the Oxford DNB entry for Samuel Butler, which describes his close friendship with Jones (‘It has been said that for twenty years they shared the favours (for a consideration) of the same woman, on different days of the week.’) and musical collaborations. Signed ‘Henry Festing Jones’. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and lightly creased paper. As he is ‘intending to be out of England by 1 July’, he asks him to ‘ask Lord Tennyson not to nominate me as Steward of the Royal Literary Fund & assure him that at the same time I am sensible of the honour he proposed’.

[Lady Burne-Jones [Georgina Burne-Jones, née Macdonald], wife and biographer of Pre-Raphaelite artist Sir Edward Burne-Jones.] Her calling card (‘Lady Burne-Jones’) with autograph addition.

Georgina Burne-Jones [née Macdonald, known as ‘Georgie’], Lady Burne-Jones (1840–1920), wife and biographer of Pre-Raphaelite artist Sir Edward Burne-Jones
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

See her entry by Jan Marsh in the Oxford DNB, added in 2022 after the publication of Marsh’s ‘Pre-Raphaelite Sisters’ (2019). 9 x 5.5 calling card, engraved in copperplate. In fair condition, lightly aged. Laid out in the customary fashion, with centred ‘Lady Burne-Jones.’, and at bottom left: ‘The Grange, / 49, North End Road, / West Kensington, W.’ In her autograph at head: ‘with sincere thanks / from’, and beneath her engraved name ‘& family’. See image.

[Marian McPartland, jazz pianist and composer.] Autograph Letter Signed to Les Tompkins of Jazz magazine ‘Crescendo’, announcing a collaboration with ‘charming’ Benny Goodman, with news of other jazz greats, including Quincy Jones.

Marian McPartland [Margaret Marian McPartland, née Turner] (1918-2013), Anglo-American jazz pianist and composer, wife of trumpeter Jimmy McPartland [Les Tomkins; Benny Goodman; Quincy Jones]
Publication details: 
29 September [1963]; 41 Webster Street, Merrick, New York.

A good letter, full of content. 2pp, 8vo. Air mail letter with New York postmark, 30 September 1963. Signed ‘Marian’ and addressed to ‘Mr. Les Tompkins / 96, St Helier Ave / Morden / Surrey’. Writing after the publication of an interview with her by Tompkins in ‘Crescendo’, she begins: ‘Dear Les. Thank you, & Tony also, for the copies of Crescendo - Boy! I was verbose, wasn’t I! I got a kick out of the record review, & thought everyone was very complimentary. Wish Steve Race had been there! He always insists you can tell a female player (and of course I think that is a lot of you-know-what)’.

[American War of Independence.] Three original hand-tinted engravings: portraits of ‘The Honble Horatio Gates, Major General of the American Forces’ and ‘John Paul Jones’, and ‘First Action between the English and Americans at Concord in 1775’.

American War of Independence; Horatio Gates; John Paul Jones; Battle of Concord, Massachusetts, 1775; John Chapman; James Cundee; Robert Faulder, London bookseller
Publication details: 
[1780, 1796 and 1806; all London.]

Three contemporary engravings, now scarce. All three items are in good condition, each laid down in a nineteenth-century mount. All have been trimmed (the information concerning each comes from another source), and all are partially tinted. ONE: ‘The Honble Horatio Gates, Major General of the American Forces’. From ‘An impartial history of the war in America, between Great Britain and her colonies’ (R. Faulder, London, 1780). 9 x 16 cm; in 21 x 27 cm mount. A full-length portrait of Gates, with right hand on chest and left hand holding the ‘Articles of Capitulation’.

[‘I feel rather as a brother than as a client’. Captain George Jones, RA, Librarian of the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘George Jones’) to his close friend Sir Francis Chantrey, explaining his embarrassment at selling him a painting.

Captain George Jones (1786-1869), RA, Librarian and acting President of the Royal Academy, and army officer, close friend and executor of J. M. W. Turner and Sir Francis Chantrey
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but before Chantrey's death in 1841, and probably from London.

See the entries for Jones and Chantry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. An interesting letter of 39 lines with text intact, in poor condition, aged and with closed tears, and discoloration from tape used in repair, and ink blot to first page. The surname of the recipient is not given, but the close friendship between the two men (Jones published a memoir of Chantrey in 1849) puts Chantrey’s identity beyond doubt.

[ Clare Leighton; wood engraver ] Substantial Typed Letter Signed Clare Leighton to specialist bookseller, Barry Marks, responding comprehensively to questions about her activities, exhibitions of her work, whether she sells engravings, and so on.

Clare Leighton [Clare Marie Veronica Leighton (1898–1989), English/American artist, writer and illustrator best known for her wood-engarvings
Publication details: 
Ash Swamp Road, Woodbury Co., 7 September 1977.

One page, sm. folio, airmail, one small closed tear, good condition. Text: I was glad to get your letter of 8th August and must apologise for my delay in answering it. I was, just then, caught up into a confusion of work. | I telephoned Mr Leventhal (he doesnt live in Woodbury, but in Boston; howeyer, we are in touch) and he was delighted at his good fortune in acquiring a copy of my FARMER'S YEAR.

[Ernest Jones, Welsh neurologist and psychoanalyst, official biographer of Sigmund Freud.] Typed Letter Signed ('Ernest Jones | MD.') to 'Dr. Culpin', i.e. Millais Culpin, on a 'remark' by Sir Patrick Hastings and Culpin's new professorship.

Ernest Jones [Alfred Ernest Jones] (1879-1958), Welsh neurologist and psychoanalyst, official biographer of Sigmund Freud [Millais Culpin, psychologist; Sir Patrick Gardiner Hastings, barrister]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 81 Harley Street, London, W1. 18 May 1931.

For the recipient Millais Culpin (1874-1952), see the Oxford DNB. The first part of the letter concerns an incident involving the celebrated barrister Sir Patrick Hastings (1880-1952), who would appear from Jones's account to have made a remark – objectionable to Jones and Culpin – 'about the distinction' (between psychiatry and psychology?), in response to a question from a judge (in a case in which Culpin had been called as a medical witness?).

[BBC General Television Training Course, 1958.] Folder compiled by the producer Charles Chilton, containing documents (typescripts and forms) relating to the course, headed by Andrew Miller Jones, another attendee being the poet Louis MacNeice.

BBC General Television Training Course, 1958, headed by Andrew Miller Jones (1910-1994), Chief Television Instructor [Charles Chilton (1917-2013), producer; Louis MacNeice (1907-1963), poet]
Publication details: 
The British Broadcasting Corporation [BBC], London. April to June 1958.

A significant document in the history of BBC Television, casting valuable light on production practices and internal procedure in the years following the end of the BBC's television monopoly. From the papers of distinguished producer Charles Chilton (1917-2013), best known for his radio series 'Journey into Space' and association with the Goon Show. The present item relates to the first of the BBC Television Training Courses.

[Enid Bagnold, author and playwright, to celebrity wig-maker Stanley Hall.] Nine Autograph Letter Signed, written in ebullient tones to 'Dear Stanley', discussing dramatic failures, Lady Diana Cooper, Harold Pinter, Dame Sybil Thorndyke, and others.

Enid Bagnold [Enid Algerine Jones, Lady Jones] (1889-1981), author and playwright [Stanley Hall (1917-1994), celebrity wig-maker]
Publication details: 
On letterheads of North End House, Rottingdean, Sussex. Two from 1965, the others from 1967, 1968 and 1969..

The nine letters are in good condition, lightly aged. They total nineteen pages, on a mixture of 4to and 12mo leaves, and cards. A chatty and gossipy correspondence, written in a flowing loose hand, going well beyond business matters. The first letter, 9 May 1965, is signed 'Enid B.', the others being signed 'Enid'. It is the only letter in its envelope, which is marked 'Private' by EB and addressed by her to 'Stanley Hall Esq | Wig Creations | 25 Portman Close | Baker Street | London W.1'. The tone of the first letter is representative.

[ Letters in Welsh from Jerusalem, 1865: Victorian pamphlet, printed in Liverpool. ] Llythyrau Cymraes O Wlad Canaan: Gan Margaret Jones.

Margaret Jones [ Tyst Cymreig, Liverpool ]
Publication details: 
Liverpool: Argraffwyd Yn Swyddfa'r "Tyst Cymreig," Dros Y Cyhoeddydd. 1869.

56pp., 12mo. Disbound pamphlet without wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. A series of seventeen letters, written from Jerusalem in 1865. The author was the daughter of Owen Jones, and these letters are edited with a preface by Owen Jones. The book went to at least seven editions. No copy of this first edition at the National Library of Wales, and no other copy on COPAC either. Now scarce.

[ Victorian Welsh Christmas carols ] Y Cantor, Yn Cynwys Detholion Barddonol, Sef Carolau Ac Emynau Newyddion, Englynion Coffadwriaethol Am Amrai Anwyllion Ymadawedig, Can Ar Ostegiad Y Dymhestl Ar Y Mor, Yn Nghyda Chyfieithiadau O Linellau Saesonig,

Evan Breece. (Ieuan Cadfan.) [ Evan Breece (1798-1855), also Evan Brees, Evan Breeze ]
Publication details: 
Llanidloes: Argraffwyd Gan J. Jones, Albion-Wasg, Dros Yr Awdwr. [ 1846 ]

A collection of carols for 'Plygain' services at Christmas, plus memorial 'Englynion' by Breece, who was also a local preacher with the Wesleyans. 36pp., 12mo. Disbound pamphlet without wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Beneath the 'Rhagymadrodd' in Welsh by 'E. B. | Llangadfan, | Hydref 28ain, 1846.' is the following note in English: 'The author of this little book of Welsh POEMS begs to return his sincere thanks to his esteemed Friends, who afforded him their kind assistance to publish his humble Compositions.' Two-page table of contents at rear.

[ Georgian pamphlet with parallel text in English and Welsh. ] The Complete Duoglott Letter-Writer; Or, Art of Polite Correspondence: […] Cyfansoddiad Cyflawn O Lythyrau Dwyieithawg'.

[ L. E. Jones of Caernarfon [ Carnarvon ] ]
Publication details: 
Caernarfon: Argraphwyd ac ar werth gan L. E. Jones. 1832.

96pp., 12mo. Disbound and without wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with light staining to last leaf, and some light manuscript annotation. No copy at the National Library of Wales, and the only copies on COPAC at Bangor and Cardiff Universities.

[ Sir Henry Jones, baritone singer of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Henry A. Jones') to 'Miss Randall'.

Sir Henry Lytton [ Sir Henry A. Lytton; born Henry Alfred Jones ] (1865-1936), actor and baritone singer of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Grand Hotel Ltd, Birmingham. 4 February 1920.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Dear Miss Randall | I am pleased to sign myself | Yrs. sincerely | Henry A. Lytton'

[ Admiral Sir Lewis Jones, Governor of Greenwich Hospital. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lewis T Jones') to 'Mr Wills', paying his subscription to 'the South Hants Archery Society'.

Admiral Sir Lewis Jones [ [ Admiral Sir Lewis Tobias Jones ] (1797-1895), Governor of Greenwich Hospital and Commander-in-Chief, Queenstown
Publication details: 
'Down End Fareham | May 14th 1875'.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, with small stain from mount at head of leaf. He is sending a postal order for eleven guineas, 'being the Subscription of Miss Jones & myself to the South Hants Archery Society fm 1875'. He ends in the hope that Wills and his wife have enjoyed their 'trip on the Continent'.

[ John Winter Jones, Principal Librarian of the British Museum. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Winter Jones.') to 'Mr. Jefferies', regarding his 'New Testament of 1538'.

John Winter Jones (1805-1881), Principal Librarian of the British Museum, 1866–1873, and first President of the Library Association
Publication details: 
British Museum [ London ]. 11 March 1864.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged, but with central spike hole through both leaves, from which a horizontal closed tear has been made through the fore-edges (not affecting signature or its immediate surrounds). The note is hurried, and reads: 'I find that we have the New Testament of 1538. I will therefore return your copies at once if you will be so good as to say by what mode they shall be forwarded to you.'

[ Sir Pendrill Varrier-Jones, founder of the Papworth Village Settlement, pioneer in the treatment of tuberculosis. ] Typed Letter Signed ('P. Varrier Jones') to 'Robin Goodfellow' of the Cambridge Daily News, referring to his struggles.

Sir Pendrill Varrier-Jones (1883-1941), pioneer in the treatment of tuberculosis, founder of the Papworth Village Settlement [ now Papworth Hospital ] [ Morley Stuart; Cambridge Daily News ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Papworth Village Settlement, Papworth Hall, Cambridge. 5 April 1934.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, laid down on leaf removed from album (with ticket and two press cuttings relating to the Honorary Degrees Ceremony on the reverse). He has seen a 'Table Talk' article in the Cambridge Daily News, and writes to thank the pseudonymous individual for 'this very great appreciation of my work'.

[In original boards, with catalogue of Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, London booksellers.] Memoir of the Early Life of William Cowper, Esq. written by himself, And never before published..

William Cowper [ Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London. ]
Publication details: 
Second edition. London: Printed for R. Edwards, Crane Court, Fleet Street; and sold by all booksellers. 1816. [ Printed by R. Edwards, Crane Court, Fleet Street, London. ] With catalogue of Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London, 1816.

Subtitle: 'With an Appendix containing some interesting letters, and other authentic documents, illustrative of the memoir.' 130pp., 12mo. Frontispiece. Bound in at the end is a twelve-page catalogue, dated 1 October 1816, and with drophead title: 'Valuable Periodical Works, Published by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London. Beneath the drophead title is a woodcut of a lion. Only one copy of the trade catalogue traced on OCLC WorldCat.

[ Sir Cecil Harcourt Smith, archaeologist and Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Cecil H. Smith.') to Sir Henry Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, describing arrangements for the judging of the Owen Jones prizes

Sir Cecil Harcourt Smith (1859-1944), archaeologist and Director and Secretary of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1909-1924 [ Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. 24 October 1916.reg

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. With the Society's oval date stamp. He is sending as promised 'a note of the arrangements agreed upon between us at our interview to-day'. Undertaking to provide space at the Museum 'for the purpose of receiving, arranging for judgment, and re-despatching the designs submitted for the Owen Jones prizes for industrial design. The judging will be done by your nominees, and all correspondence in connection with the matter will be in your hands'.

[ Rev. Robert Whiston, the inspiration for Trollope's 'The Warden'. ] Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Note Signed (both 'Robert Whiston') to Richard Prall, Rochester solicitor

Robert Whiston (1808-1895), Headmaster of Rochester Cathedral Grammar School [ King's School ], 1842 -1877, inspiration for Anthony Trollope's 'The Warden' [ Richard Prall (1802-67), solicitor ]
Publication details: 
Letter from Rochester [ Kent ]; 28 September 1872. Note from St. Margarets; 20 April 1877.

Both items in fair condition, aged and worn. ONE: ALS. 28 September 1872. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He is 'taking somewhat of a liberty', but having heard 'that you are parting with one of your Clerks', says 'a word in favour of a person in whom for many reasons I take a great interest, & of whom you & your Brothers may know something. | I mean Mr. Prothero for many years an Inmate of my House, & an Assistant Master in the School'. Prothero was 'for some years a Clerk in the County Court', but 'is obliged from paucity of business to leave it, & is now out of employment'.

[ Thomas Heron Jones, 7th Viscount Ranelagh. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ranelagh') to an unnamed recipient, complaining of the actions of 'Mr. Clarke

Thomas Heron Jones (1812-1885), 7th Viscount Ranelagh, leading figure in the volunteer movement [ later incorporated into the Territorial Army ] and "known for his links to glamorous women"
Publication details: 
7 New Burlington Street [ London ]. 16 April 1861.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He is 'very much disgusted and indignant against Mr. Clarke for his Impertinence' in calling on the recipient, and has 'expressed as much to him'. He discussed with Clarke the question of the number of gentlemen contacting him about the matter, and hoped to put Clarke in touch with the recipient. The letter concludes: 'It seems Mr. Clarke, when I was out of the Room, took up your Letter addressed to me, and copied your name and direction, a most unwarrantable and unjustifiable act.'

[ Lord Snowdon and Sir Peter Hall. ] Print of photograph of Sir Peter Hall, with stamp of 'Tony Armstrong Jones' on reverse, and Autograph Invoice by Armstrong Jones.

Tony Armstrong Jones [ Antony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon [ Lord Snowdon ] ] (born 1930), photographer and husband of Princess Margaret [ Sir Peter Hall (b.1930), theatre director ]
Publication details: 
Invoice on letterhead of Armstrong Jones Ltd., 20 Pimlico Road, London, SW1. 2 February 1960. Print with stamp from same address, undated.

Both items in good condition, with minor signs of age and wear. The black and white photographic print is 24.5 x 19.5 cm, and depicts a chubby Hall, in shirtsleeves and tie, leaning over a seat at the back of a darkened theatre, with a positive look of concentration on his face, as he stares at the stage, a playscript in his hand. The reverse carries two stamps by 'Tony Armstrong Jones, one of them declaring his copyright. Also on the reverse are pencil calculations of dimensions for cropping for publication.

[ 'Mrs. Cecil Chesterton' on her brother-in-law G. K. Chesterton. ] Typescript of an article ('sketch') titled 'G. K. C. IN FLEET STREET. | by | Mrs. Cecil Chesterton.'

'Mrs. Cecil Chesterton' [ Ada Elizabeth Chesterton, née Ada Eliza Jones ] (1869-1962), journalist and sister-in-law of the writer G. K. Chesterton [ Gilbert Keith Chesterton ] (1874-1936)
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but after the demise of the 'New Witness' in 1923, and before G. K. Chesterton's death in 1936.

3pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged, worn and browned paper. Ada Chesterton worked with her brother-in-law while assistant editor of the 'New Witness'. Her admiration for his talents was fully reciprocated, G. K. Chesterton describing his sister-in-law as 'brilliant'. It begins: 'Very much has been written and said of G. K. C. the poet, the pamphleteer, the genius of paradox, who holds the attention of his listeners by his dazzling sleight of words. I am going to write of him from a different angle - G. K. C. the journalist as he is known and gauged in Fleet Street.

[Printed Popish Plot pamphlet.] The Resolutions of the House of Commons, for the Impeachment of Sir William Scroggs Knt. Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench; [...]

[Sir William Scroggs, Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench; Sir Thomas Jones; Sir Richard Weston, Baron of the Court of Exchequer; the Popish Plot, 1678-1681; the House of Commons]
Publication details: 
LONDON, Printed for John Wright, at the Crown on Ludgate-Hill, and Richard Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1680.

ESTC 228205. Nelson and Seccombe, 647.50B. 17pp., 2o. Disbound. Paginated: [4] 145-148 139-142 153-159 [1]. The title-page reads: 'THE | RESOLUTIONS | OF THE | HOUSE of COMMONS, | FOR THE | IMPEACHMENT | OF | Sir WILLIAM SCROGGS Knt. | Chief Justice of the COURT of | King's Bench; | [this and following three lines bracketed on the left] Sir THOMAS JONES Knight, one of the | Justices of the same Court. | Sir RICHARD WESTON Knight, one of | the Barons of the Court of EXCHEQUER.

[Robert Machray, Bishop of Rupert's Land, Primate of All Canada.] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. Rupert's Land') to the Rev. Charles Alfred Jones, Vicar of Dedham, regarding the ordination of a 'man [who] seems promising'.

Robert Machray (1831-1904), first Primate of the Church of England in Canada [now the Anglican Church of Canada [Bishop of Rupert's Land; Primate of All Canada; Rev. Charles Alfred Jones (1837-1909)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Bishop's Court, Winnipeg, Manitoba [Canada]. 23 March 1891.

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear friend', the letter concerns the ordination of a 'man' who 'seems promising'. He states that it will be necessary before accepting him to ask for a college testimonial: 'This is adviseable [sic] lest there be anything of which you do not know.' After discussing the 'Exam[inatio]n. for Deacon's orders' he states: 'I am glad to see that you are Rural Dean of Dedham. The Dean told me that he had seen your appointment, but it escaped me.' He is 'holding an Ordination on Whitsunday.

['Gwen John' [Gladys Jones], dramatist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Gwen John') and three corrected copies of her published play 'The Prince'; Typed Letter Signed from Victor Gollancz to H. F. Rubinstein, copies of two letters by Rubinstein.

'Gwen John' [Gladys Jones], sister of the suffragette Winifred Jones [Harold Frederick Rubinstein (1891-1975), playwright; Victor Gollancz (1893-1967), publisher; Millicent Fawcett]
Publication details: 
Letters by 'Gwen John' both on letterheads of 2nd Floor South, 9 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, WC2; 11 January 1925 and 1 May 1927. Gollancz's letter on letterhead of Ernest Benn Limited; 24 July 1924. Play published by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1923.

Gladys Jones ('Gwen John') lived with her sister the suffragette Winifred Jones in Lincoln's Inn. Her play 'The Prince' - three corrected copies of which are in the present collection as Items Three to Five - was retitled 'Gloriana' [= Elizabeth I] when performed at the Adelphi Theatre in London in December 1925, with a youthful John Gielgud in the role of Sir John Harrington. Items One, Six and Seven below relate to the volume 'Plays of Innocence' by 'Gwen John', published in 1925 by Ernest Benn (by whom Victor Gollancz was then employed).

[Charles Edward Fewster of Hull.] Scrapbook containing chromolithograph leaves from the Sermon on the Mount, 'Illuminated by Owen Jones', and other material including a long manuscript letter on 'Japanesque stationery' by Charles Goodall & Son.

Charles Edward Fewster (1847-1896), Hull paint maker; Owen Jones; Henry Warren; Chas. Goodall & Son [Charles Goodall & Son] of Camden, printers; Marcus Ward & Co., of Belfast; Albrecht Dürer [Durer]
Publication details: 
In album by Marcus Ward & Co. of London and the Royal Ulster Works, Belfast. Owen Jones item: London: Longman & Co., 1844. Charles Goodall & Son letter: London: 1 February 1877.

A cultured man (an authority on numismatics), Fewster worked for the family firm of Thomas Fewster of Hull, paint, colour and varnish manufacturers. The present item is an attractive example of his professional interest in the developments in late nineteenth-century design (another is his collection of the designs of Christopher Dresser, in two albums, is now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London). It is a small 4to (21 x 17 cm) album of green cloth, with embossed design of birds and foliage around the words 'Scrap Album' on front cover, and printed illustrated title by Marcus Ward & Co.

[England Rugby Union Football Team, 1954.] Autograph Signatures of 17 members of the squad, including Dickie Jeeps; Gordon Rimmer; Peter Yarranton; Jeff Butterfield; John Kendall-Carpenter; Vic Leadbetter; Tug Wilson; Bob Stirling; Pat Quinn.

England Rugby Union Football Team, 1954 [Dickie Jeeps; Vic Leadbetter; Ted Woodward; Phil Jones; John Kendall-Carpenter; Jeff Butterworth; Pat Quinn; Tug Wilson; Gordon Rimmer; Peter Yarranton]
Publication details: 
[England; 1954.]

The seventeen signatures are on a piece of 8.5 x 11 cm paper, laid down on a leaf removed from an album, captioned '"ENGLAND" RUGBY FOOTBALL TEAM | 1954'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Present (with one unidentified) are the signatures of Vic Leadbetter; Ted Woodward; Phil Jones; John Kendall-Carpenter; <?>; Jeff Butterworth; Pat Quinn; Eric Evans; Tug Wilson; Peter Young; Dickie Jeeps; Gordon Rimmer; Peter Yarranton; Rob Stirling; Martin Regan; Sandy Sanders; Reg Higgins. It may be that the item is misdated, as this exact team did not play in the Five Nations of that year.

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