[12th (The Suffolk) Regiment of Foot.] Manuscript 'Assignment Offreckonings [sic]' to Messrs John, Nicholas & Brice Pearse, with Clothing Board certification, signed by 3 British Army Generals: William Picton, Sir William Fawcett, Sir David Dundas.

General William Picton (c.1724-1811); General Sir William Fawcett (1727-1804); General Sir David Dundas (1735-1820); 12th (The Suffolk) Regiment of Foot; British Army; J. C. Pleydell
Publication details: 
'From 6th July 1800: | To 5th July 1801' With certification by three General Officers of the Clothing Board, from Horseguards [Whitehall, London], 18 November 1801.

See E. A. H. Webb, 'History of the 12th (The Suffolk) Regiment, 1685-1913' (1914). Picton was the uncle of 'the illustrious Picton', Lt-Gen. Sir Thomas Picton (1758-1815), who was his sole executor and residuary legatee. The year of Picton's birth is variously reported, but the Monthly Magazine, December 1811, is among several sources reporting his death in Bond Street at the age of 87. 4pp, folio. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and with closed tears along the three fold lines. Endorsed on reverse of second leaf: '12th.

[John Fawcett, actor and playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Fawcett'), as Treasurer of the Covent Garden Theatrical Fund, to 'C Perkins Esq', regarding money 'intended for the Widow Paulo', and the sending of account books.

John Fawcett (1769-1837), actor and playwright associated with the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden
Publication details: 
'Botley Southampton | (The proper way to direct to me) | 9 Sepr 1835'.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight wear at head repaired on reverse with archival tape. The context of the letter is explained in Fawcett's entry in the Oxford DNB: 'In September 1829 Fawcett was superseded in the management of Covent Garden […] the theatre in which he had been a main prop for thirty-nine years. With a salary of £100 a year allowed him as treasurer and trustee of the Covent Garden Theatrical Fund he retired to a cottage at Botley, near Southampton.' The letter begins: 'Some weeks back I enclos'd you a draft for £10 intended for the Widow Paulo.

[ John O'Connor, Irish Nationalist ] Autograph Postcard, third person, to "Mr and Mrs Fawcett" [perhaps the supporters of Women's suffrage?]

John O'Connor (1850-1928), Irish Nationalist M.P.
Publication details: 
[Embossed stamp] House of Commons LIbrary, 30 Dec. 1912.

Card, c.11 x 9cm, verson blank, minor staining, text clear and complete: "Mr John O'Connor would be pleased if Mr and Mrs Fawcett would do him the honour of dining with him at the House of Commons on Thursday next at 8 o C. RSVP | 30-12-12"

[ Sir Oswald Walters Brierly, English marine artist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('O S Brierly') to Walter J. Fawcett

Oswald Brierly [ Sir Oswald Walters Brierly ] (1817-1894), English marine artist [ Prince Victor of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1833-1891), Admiral in the Royal Navy, and sculptor ]
Publication details: 
38 Ampthill Square, NW [London]. 10 February 1873.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He acknowledges receipt of a cheque for 35 guineas, for 'the small drawing of Constantinople', adding that 'Prince Hohenlohe called and saw it here today, and liked it very much'. He ends with the news that he has engaged 'Heffer to call here for it, & pack & send it to its destination'.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Government Factory Bill. Speech on the Second Reading of the Bill, June 11th, 1874.

Henry Fawcett, Esq., M.P. [Government Factory Bill, 1874; Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer; women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Manchester: A. Ireland & Co. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. Dated on p.4: 'OFFICES OF THE ASSOCIATION OF FACTORY OCCUPIERS, | 96, KING STREET, MANCHESTER. | August, 1874.'

26pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. One copy on COPAC, at the BL, and two copies on OCLC WorldCat.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Report of a Meeting in St. James' Hall, on Saturday, March 25th, 1871, for the London National Women's Suffrage Society.

[London National Women's Suffrage Society] [Jacob Bright; Lyon Playfair; Cliffe Leslie; Professor Fawcett; George Howell; P. A. Taylor; Auberon Herbert] [female emancipation; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
[London National Women's Suffrage Society] [1871.]

15pp., 8vo. Drophead title. In fair condition, lightly-aged and worn, no wraps, disbound, with outer leaves separating. Reports of speeches by Bright, Playfair, Leslie, Fawcett, Howell, Taylor and Herbert. Two copies on COPAC and three copies on OCLC WorldCat.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet containing a speech by John Stuart Mill.] Report of a Meeting of the London National Society for Women's Suffrage, Held at the Gallery of the Architectural Society in Conduit Street, Saturday, July 17th, 1869.

[London National Society for Women's Suffrage] [John Stuart Mill; Rev. Charles Kinglsey; Professor Henry Fawcett; Lord Houghton (Richard Monckton Milnes); John Morley; Professor David Masson]
Publication details: 
[London National Society for Women's Suffrage.] ['London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-street Square and Parliament Street'] [1869.]

34pp., 8vo. Drophead title. Disbound, with front leaf loose, otherwise in good condition, lightly-aged, without wraps. Including a seven-page speech by John Stuart Mill (pp.7-13); a speech of three and a half pages by the Rev. Charles Kingsley (pp.14-17); and others by Mrs Taylor; Thomas Hare; Boyd Kinnear; Lord Houghton; John Morley; Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, P. A. Taylor; Professor Masson; Mr Stansfield. Three copies on COPAC, and none (other than surrogates) on OCLC WorldCat. No other copy curently on the market.

['Gwen John' [Gladys Jones], dramatist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Gwen John') and three corrected copies of her published play 'The Prince'; Typed Letter Signed from Victor Gollancz to H. F. Rubinstein, copies of two letters by Rubinstein.

'Gwen John' [Gladys Jones], sister of the suffragette Winifred Jones [Harold Frederick Rubinstein (1891-1975), playwright; Victor Gollancz (1893-1967), publisher; Millicent Fawcett]
Publication details: 
Letters by 'Gwen John' both on letterheads of 2nd Floor South, 9 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, WC2; 11 January 1925 and 1 May 1927. Gollancz's letter on letterhead of Ernest Benn Limited; 24 July 1924. Play published by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1923.

Gladys Jones ('Gwen John') lived with her sister the suffragette Winifred Jones in Lincoln's Inn. Her play 'The Prince' - three corrected copies of which are in the present collection as Items Three to Five - was retitled 'Gloriana' [= Elizabeth I] when performed at the Adelphi Theatre in London in December 1925, with a youthful John Gielgud in the role of Sir John Harrington. Items One, Six and Seven below relate to the volume 'Plays of Innocence' by 'Gwen John', published in 1925 by Ernest Benn (by whom Victor Gollancz was then employed).

Autograph Letter Signed ('D Egerton') from the actor-manager Daniel Egerton to Pierce Egan, suggesting, on behalf of the managers of Sadler's Wells Theatre, that he write a farce continuation of 'Tom and Jerry', with a 'good part' for Robert Keeley.

Daniel Egerton (1772-1835), English actor-manager of Sadler's Wells [Pierce Egan (1772-1849), author of 'Tom and Jerry'; Robert Keeley (1793-1869), actor-manager; John Fawcett (1768-1837), actor]
Publication details: 
Sadler's Wells; 27 June 1822.

1p., small 4to. Very good: trimmed and neatly laid down on backing. Egerton has had 'some communication with our Managers', and if Egan will 'write a Farce, with a good part for Keeley, in his way, perhaps some sort of continuation of Jerry', he knows it will 'be accepted, & put into training'. He asks to hear from Egan by return, as he wishes to see the managers on the subject 'previous to Mr. Fawcetts leaving Town on Tuesday next, or the matter must rest three months'.

Autograph Signature of Phillips ('Montague F. Phillips'), with manuscript of score of musical phrase; autograph signature of Butterworth ('Clara Butterworth').

Montague Phillips [Montague Fawcett Phillips] (1885-1969), English composer and organist; his wife Clara Butterworth (1888-1996), soprano
Publication details: 
Phillips's signature dated 1927.

On the recto of a piece of pink paper, roughly 17.5 x 23.5 cm, removed from an autograph album. Good, on lightly aged paper. Phillips's autograph is in the top left-hand corner, reading 'Montague F. Phillips | March 1927.' Above it are four bars of musical notation, marked 'allegro' and titled 'The Fishermen of England. The Rebel Maid" - both by Phillips).' Beneath this, and divided from it by a diagonal line, is Phillips's wife's autograph: 'Yours sincerely | Clara Butterworth'. The couple met while both students at the Royal Academy of Music.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Stansfeld') to Henry Fawcett.

Sir James Stansfeld (1820-1898), English politician [Henry Fawcett (1833-1884), English economist and politician]
Publication details: 
Friday [no date] on House of Commons Library letterhead.

12mo, 2 pp. On foxed and aged paper. He has not seen Fawcett that night, despite 'looking out' for him. He would like to talk with him before the following Monday, and if Fawcett writes, he can visit him 'at any time'. 'I can easily drive over, if you will give me your new address.'

Autograph Letter Signed to Henry Fawcett.

[G.O. TREVELYAN] Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928), Liberal politician and author [Henry Fawcett (1833-1884), English economist and politician]
Publication details: 
9 October 1882; on letterhead of the Chief Secretary's Office, Dublin Castle.

12mo, 4 pp. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. The 'appointment of examiners' is entirely a matter for 'the Commissioners of Intermediate Education'. However Trevelyan will be glad 'to send the papers on to the proper quarter, and will do so accordingly'. He is 'much obliged' to Fawcett for his 'kind expressions about my proceedings here. It is a very queer post, and I always feel as if on the brink of an appalling escape.' He has been 'much struck' with the success of Fawcett's policy at Trinity College, Dublin. The Trevelyans 'spent some days in Salisbury in 1879.

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