[John Timbs, antiquary and author.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Hogg', complaining of poor health and asking him to write prescriptions for him and his 'poor friend Bates'.

John Timbs (1801-1875), antiquary and author
Publication details: 
‘40, Bartholomew Villas, / Kentish Town, / Jan. 17 1874’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of mount adhering to one edge. Folded for postage.

[Sheila Shannon, poet, and wife of Patric Dickinson; personalised] Copy of her poetry collection 'The Lightning-Struck Tower, inscribed to her husband's mistress Sarah Hamilton, with two ALSs from her to Hamilton, and two printed keepsakes.

Sheila Shannon [Sheila Dunbar Shannon] (1913-2002), poet, wife of Patric Dickinson [Patric Thomas Dickinson] (1914-1994), poet, translator, BBC radio broadcaster
Publication details: 
BOOK: London: Frederick Muller Ltd., 1947. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS SIGNED: 19 February 1965 and 16 June 1994.

Sarah Shannon (married name Sarah Dickinson) was a fine poet in her own right (see the blurb quoted in Item One below), and it is unfortunate that she allowed herself to be eclipsed by her husband the self-styled ‘poet and impresario of poetry’, Patric Dickinson. He occupied a central position in the cultural landscape of post-war Britain. As an editor and broadcaster he worked with poets such as Dylan Thomas, Cecil Day Lewis and Roy Campbell, actresses Flora Robson, Peggy Ashcroft and Jill Balcon, and actors Robert Donat, Ralph Richardson, John Gielgud.

[Barbara Cartland, ‘The Queen of Romance’, best-selling author of romantic fiction.] Typed Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, proprietor of ‘Books and Bookmen’, responding to his praise of a speech she has given.

Barbara Cartland [Dame Mary Barbara Hamilton Cartland] (1901-2000), ‘The Queen of Romance’, best-selling author of more than 700 works of romantic fiction [Philip Dosse (1925-80); 'Books and Bookmen']
Publication details: 
‘From: Miss Barbara Cartland, D.ST.J.’ 1 October 1979; on letterhead of Camfield Place, Hatfield, Hertfordshire.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse (often addressed, as in this letter, as ‘Dossé’) was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Large and ebullient signature in red felt-tip pen.

[‘According to Cocker’: Edward Cocker, calligrapher, engraver and arithmetician.] Engraved calligraphic Copy Slip in his customary exquisite style, with text beginning ‘No Instrument of Musicke’.

Edward Cocker [Edoardus Coccerius] (1631-1676), English calligrapher, engraver and arithmetician (‘Philomath’), whose name became proverbial because of a work of arithmetic attributed to him
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [London, mid-seventeenth century.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. He published two dozen works on calligraphy, and Pepys described him as ‘the famous writing-master’, and employed him to engrave his slide rule, but it is as an arithmetician that he is remembered: two works published shortly after his death, purportedly from his manuscript, gave rise to the expression ‘according to Cocker’. It has not been established which one of Cocker’s works the present item comes from (his earliest, ‘Pen’s Experience’, is lost). In black ink on one side of a 17 x 11 cm piece of laid paper.

[Rudyard Kipling, Nobel prize winning author and poet.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rudyard Kipling') to Captain [Stowe?], concerning the his recent departure from Rottingdean (to Batemans) and continued interest in the Rottingdean Rifle Club.

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), Nobel prize winning author and poet
Publication details: 
[Headed] Bateman's Burwash, Sussex, 17 Oct. 1902.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, fold marks. Twenty-nine lines of text in Kipling's neat and close hand. Text: Many thanks for your letter & enclosed slip. As you say, your competition is the First step in the right way: next comes the unknown range for the disappearing man. I am afraid you will find [masses?] of opposition from the 'crack' shots &c to whom the solemn ritual of [?] paint-box and all the rest of it has all the dignity of a 'sport'. Also the meagre scores will not 'look well in the papers'.

[L. A. G. Strong, English writer and published.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Miss Murphy’, expressing delight at her enjoyment of his work, and the hope that it will never ‘disappoint’ her.

L. A. G. Strong [Leonard Alfred George Strong] (1896-1958), English writer and publisher
Publication details: 
23 March 1932; on letterhead of 10 Brunswick Gardens W.8. [London.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Sixteen lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Stylized signature: ‘L A G Strong.’ He replies to her letter by saying that he is ‘delighted’ that she enjoys reading his books, ‘and I very much appreciate your kindness in taking the trouble to write and tell me so’. He hopes that she will continue to read his work, and that it will ‘never disappoint’ her. ‘Nothing is more encouraging to a writer than to know that he has numbers of friends, whom he has never seen, but who are following what he does with interest and pleasure.’

[Jane Elizabeth Hornblower, poet and novelist, daughter of Liverpool abolitionist William Roscoe.] Holograph Manuscript of ‘Sonnet / written in a young lady’s album’, signed ‘J E R.’

Jane Elizabeth Hornblower [née Jane Elizabeth Roscoe] (1797-1853), poet and novelist, daughter of Liverpool connoisseur and abolitionist William Roscoe (1753-1831)
Publication details: 
No date or place, but before her 1838 marriage to Rev. Francis Hornblower.

1p, 12mo. On recto of first leaf of bifolium of pink patterned paper. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The sonnet, which does not appear to have been published, begins: ‘Midst the young eyes that on this book shall shine / Kindling with genius or with feeling bright, / Lit up with all youth’s visions of delight, / There yet shall gage no dearer ones than thine!’ Signed at end ‘J E R.’ See image.

[Jack Rosenthal, playwright and television dramatist (including eight years on ‘Coronation Street’.] Two photographs of Rosenthal while teaching the residential writer course at Fen Farm, Suffolk, each with signed caption by organizer Sally Worboyes

Jack Rosenthal [Jack Morris Rosenthal] (1931-2004), playwright and television dramatist (including eight years on ‘Coronation Street’), husband of actress Maureen Lipman [Sally Worboyes, Fen Farm]
Publication details: 
1992. Fen Farm, Suffolk.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The two items are from the papers of Sally Worboyes, organiser of the residential arts courses at her home, Fen Farm in Suffolk, who has provided a signed caption on the reverse of both of the prints. Both colour prints. ONE: 23 x 16 cm photograph, in Landscape. Slightly creased at corners. A relaxed Rosenthal, in plaid shirt, jeans and trainers, seated on the steps of a farm outhouse, with five students and Warboyes grouped around him. On the reverse: ‘Jack Rosenthal / with his students / Sally Worboyes’.

[Alan Plater, playwright and television dramatist (Z-Cars and the Beiderbecke series).] Three photographs of Plater with students at the residential writing course at Fen Farm in Suffolk, each with signed caption by organizer Sally Warboyes.

Alan Plater [Alan Frederick Plater] (1935-2010), playwright and television dramatist (Z-Cars and the Beiderbecke series) [Sally Worboyes, Fen Farm, Suffolk]
Alan Plater
Publication details: 
No date (1990s). Fen Farm, Suffolk.
Alan Plater

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The three items are from the papers of Sally Worboyes, organiser of the residential arts courses at her home, Fen Farm in Suffolk, who has provided a signed caption on the reverse of each of the prints. All three in good condition. ONE and TWO: Black and white photographs, both 12 x 17 cm. ONE is in portrait, and shows Plater seated at a country table, in shirtsleeves, jeans and trainers, looking over with concentration and expressively spread hands. On back: ‘Alan Plater at my home. / Sally Worboyes’. TWO is in landscape.

[Thomas Adolphus Trollope, prolific author, older brother of Anthony Trollope.] Autograph Signature ('T. Adolphus Trollope') on part of letter.

Thomas Adolphus Trollope (1810-1892), prolific author with a renowned villa in Florence, elder brother of the novelist Anthony Trollope, husband of Theodosia Trollope and Frances Eleanor Trollope
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On one side of 5 x 13 cm slip of paper cut from the end of a letter. In good condition, lightly aged, with central vertical fold. Laid down on piece of paper removed from album. Reads: '[...] I shall be delighted to come to you. | Yrs always faithfully | T. Adolphus Trollope'.

[Juliana Horatia Ewing, children's author.] Autograph Letter Signed (in her view 'Not an elegant signature!'), writing in high spirits to [Marion?] regarding 'our "Play"' with 'a round chess board' (illustrated), quoting from Alice in Wonderland.

Juliana Horatia Ewing [née Gatty] (1841-1885), Victorian children's author
Publication details: 
1 February 1880; Ecclesfield.

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with the conclusion and signature ('Juliana Horatia Ewing. | (Not an elegant signature!)') of the letter cross-written at the head of the first page. Drawing of a 'round chess board', with explanation, on second page. An excellent intimate letter, to a family member or friend whose name is not clearly written (Marion? Marnie?). She begins by acknowledging her 'very delightful' letter, and expressing pleasure at 'the prospect of our "play" in town'.

[John Lehmann, poet and man of letters.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Lehmann') to the Cheltenham bookseller Alan Hancox, including in a book deal a copy of a book by his father, his own being 'in pieces'.

John Lehmann [Rudolf John Frederick Lehmann] (1907-1987), poet and man of letters who founded New Writing and The London Magazine, and the publishing house of John Lehmann Limited [Alan Hancox]
Publication details: 
85 Cromwell Gardens, SW7 [London] (on cancelled letterhead of the Royal Literary Fund), 5 June 1976.

1p, 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded once. 'I was hoping you would make a suggestion about price. I had at first thought of asking £5 for each copy, but if you would throw in that copy of my father's book (my own is in pieces) I suggest £12 for the three. Of course I want you to make your profit.' He ends by asking if Hancox would like the books signed.

[Jane Cornwell, second wife of spy writer 'f John le Carré' (David Cornwell).] Two Autograph Cards Signed ('Jane Cornwell.' and 'Jane C.') to Ian McPherson, regarding getting her husband to inscribe one of his books for him.

Jane Cornwell [born Valérie Jane Eustace], second wife of John le Carré, pen name of David Cornwell (born 1931), spy writer
Publication details: 
Both cards with letterhead 'From Mrs. David Cornwell', at their London address. 25 April and 25 May 1983.

The two cards are accompanied by the envelope in which the first card was sent, with stamp and postmark. All three items in good condition, lightly aged. Envelope addressed to 'Ian McPherson, Esq.' at his house on the Isles of Scilly. Both cards written in blue ink on side with letterhead, the other side being blank. ONE: 25 April 1983. She thanks him for his letter and cheque, adding: 'I have no signed copies at present, and in any case we must wait for my husband's return from a research trip during the next week before I can get him to inscribe it specifically for Andrew'.

[Elizabeth Missing Sewell, nineteenth-century religious author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Elizabeth M Sewell') to 'My dearest Annie'

Elizabeth M. Sewell [Elizabeth Missing Sewell] (1815-1906), nineteenth-century author of religious and educational books
Publication details: 
Bonchurch [Isle of Wight]. 13 July 1868.

See Sewell's entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, landscape 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter reads: 'My dearest Annie | Eliza tells me you wanted a copy of the French Book. I am so glad I happen to have one by me. - for I want you to have it from me. Please accept the book with love. | Yours very affly | Elizabeth M Sewell | Bonchurch. July 13th. 1868'.

[ Georgian pamphlet with parallel text in English and Welsh. ] The Complete Duoglott Letter-Writer; Or, Art of Polite Correspondence: […] Cyfansoddiad Cyflawn O Lythyrau Dwyieithawg'.

[ L. E. Jones of Caernarfon [ Carnarvon ] ]
Publication details: 
Caernarfon: Argraphwyd ac ar werth gan L. E. Jones. 1832.

96pp., 12mo. Disbound and without wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with light staining to last leaf, and some light manuscript annotation. No copy at the National Library of Wales, and the only copies on COPAC at Bangor and Cardiff Universities.

[ John Edmund Reade, poet and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed party, describing how his 'audience hitherto have been fit tho few'.

John Edmund Reade (1800-1870), Victorian poet and author who met 'the contempt of the literary world'
Publication details: 
40 Upper Baker Street [ London ]. No date.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, tipped in onto leaf removed from album. After apologising for the late reply to the recipient's note he acknowledges 'the Compliment you make me'. He continues in his customary vainglorious style, appropriating Milton's words to himself: 'I am so deeply occupied in writing works I have been writing the last 20 years, that I have scarce a moment: my audience hitherto have been fit tho few'.

[ Geoffrey Drage, author and Conservative politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss May' [ children's author Beatrice Irene Magraw ], acknowledging her 'kind and graceful hospitality.

Geoffrey Drage (1860-1955), author and Conservative politician [ Beatrice Irene Magraw [ B. I. Magraw, born Beatrice Irene May ] (c.1888-1970), children's author ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Commission on Labour, 44 Parliament Street, London. 10 November 1892.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition. He thanks her for 'the very pleasant glimpse of yourself and your family which I got last Saturday to Monday'. He hopes she will excuse the delay in acknowledging her 'kind and graceful hospitality'.

[ Freya Stark, explorer and travel writer. ] Three Autograph Cards Signed (all 'Freya Stark') to the crime writer Susan Gilruth, socialising and praising her books.

Freya Stark [ Dame Freya Madeline Stark; Mrs Stewart Perowne ] (1893-1993), British explorer and travel writer [ Susan Gilruth [ born Susannah Margaret Hornsby-Wright ], crime writer ]
Publication details: 
9 and 23 February, and 9 March. The first two from 30 Chester Street, SW1 [ London ], the last from Asolo [ Italy ].

Three plain postcards (no illustrations), with stamps and postmarks, all addressed to Gilruth (author of seven crime novels punlished between 1951 and 1963) at 7 Reston Place, Hyde Park, London. The three cards in fair condition, aged and worn, with staining to corners from mounting, and two of the signatures only half-legible through fading. In the first she says that she is in London until the end of February, and 'would like so much' to see her again: 'Could you come in for drinks with a few friends on Tuesday Feb 17th?' The second begins: 'Thank you ever so much.

[ Travel book ] A student in Sicily

Mrs Nevill Jackson [Emily Nevill Jackson]
Publication details: 
London: John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd., 1926

Small octavo. Pages: xx + 257. Original black cloth decorated in orange. Orange dustwrapper. Eight illustrations in colour, sixty-five in half-tone, and map. Good copy, though foxed throughout, in good binding lightly worn at head and tale of spine and with a little spotting. Dustwrapper discoloured and with wear and loss at corners and head and tail of spine.

[ John George Wood, naturalist and author. ] Autograph Signature ('J. G. Woods') on conclusion of Autograph Letter

Rev. J. G. Wood [ John George Wood ] (1827-1889), English naturalist and author
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On one side of piece of 13.5 x 8.5 cm piece of paper. Aged and worn. Reads: 'know when I shall have an evening to myself, for in the last fifteen days or so, I have only dined at home twice, and as far as I see, that much of vagrant life seems rather on the increase than otherwise. But the first evening that I have, I will dedicate to you, & give you notice thereof | Best remembrances to your family - | Yours very sincerely | J. G. Wood'. On reverse, in another hand: 'J. G. Wood | the great naturalist'.

[Michael Gilbert, crime writer] A large collection of Typed Letters Signed.

Michael Gilbert.
Publication details: 

MICHAEL GILBERT, Detective Story Writer, Founder Member, sometime Membership Secretary, 21 TLSs and TNSs, total 23pp., 8vo and 4to, some with ms. additions, 1955-1960, mainly concerning the financial affairs of the Crime Writers' Association (CWA), the financial consequences of publishing the Anthologies, details of income tax, the Accounts (Income/Expenditure), request for information for tax purposes, the ultimate tax position, sales of the Anthology Choice of Weapons.

[Roy Vickers, crime writer] Five Typed Letters Signed and other signed material [T.C.H. Jacobs of the Crime Writers' Association (CWA)].

Roy Vickers.
Publication details: 

ROY VICKERS, Detective Story Writer, 5TLSs, total 6pp., 4to, all 1961, jokey, gossipy letters concerning CWA affairs - Rosemary Robinson being co-opted to the general committee, German rights to an Anthology sold, an enquiry from Japan about Anthologies (leading to a discussion), subject for debate in A.O.B., analysis of membership ("talented amateur mixed with pro"), a new detective publishing house in the U.S.A., guests for the Dinner. Attached to letter of 3 March 1961: copy TL and typescript, total 5pp., including the letter to Gielgud on CWA Anthologies [= source of income for the Asso

[Julian Symons, crime writer] A large collection of Typed Letters Signed to [T.C.H. Jacobs of the Crime Writers' Association (CWA).

Julian Symons.
Publication details: 

Julian Symons, Detective Story Writer and Historian of the Genre, Founder Member, sometime Chairman of CWA (1958/9), 12 TLSs, one page each, 8vo and 4to, some with ms. additions, concerning CWA affairs - news of the Anthology, financial dealings, expenses, the funeral of a member, the Exhibition, Jacobs election as Vice-Chairman, "Margery Allingham has joined!" (3 April 1959, having declined to do so in 1953), personal, the Awards ceremony, appreciation of congratulations on an award, an "abridged novel venture", a criminal case re-enacted (potential BBC tie-up).

[Josephine Bell, crime writer] A collection of autograph letters.

Josephine Bell.
Publication details: 

Detective Story Writer, sometime Chairman of the Crime Writers Association (1959/60). 14 ALSs, TLSs and TNSs, total 17pp., 8vo and 4to, 1958-1960, about CWA affairs - finances, the Dinner (with some incoming correspondence), the Japanese CWA, news from members, meetings, royalties on CWA Anthologies, an agent's malfeasance, a newspaper serial, Lorna Graeme's illness and death (see Bruce Graeme below), Sir Alan Herbert's Literary Project (Public Lending Rights), and the Society of Authors.

Two completed standard membership forms for the Crime Writers Association (of Great Britain).

Ellery Queen [autograph ]
Publication details: 

Detective Story Writing Team. Manfred B. Lee, typed, 16 Sept. 1957,with minor ms. additions and Frederic Dannay, handwritten, 12 Sept. 1957, both adding a note concerning co-authorship, typed and handwritten respectively. The additions and changes include excising the membership fee in sterling and adding $3 [?], and both asterisk their names and add at the foot of the page (typed and handwritten respectively) "co-author with . . . under pseudonym of "Ellery Queen". The Crime Writers Association printed form includes a brief history of the Association and terms of membership.

Manuscript account book of an East London sign painter: 'F. J. L. Foot | Ledger & Journal | Business Commencing | Aug 27th 1934'.

F. J. L. Foot, East London sign painter of the nineteen-thirties [sign writing]
Publication details: 
Dating from 27 August 1934 to 9 September 1937.

286pp., foolscap 8vo, with 143 numbered double-page spreads. In sturdy ruled account book with stamp of the London stationers Parnell & Co. Very good, on lightly-aged paper, in worn black-cloth binding. Each entry gives the name and address of the business for which the work was done, with details of the job including the dimensions of the letters, and cost. Although some work is done in central London (Bedford College, Regent's Park), most is for firms in the E17 (Walthamstow) and E18 (Woodford) postcodes, suggesting Foot's location in the same neighbourhood.

The Universal Letter-Writer; or, New Art of Polite Correspondence: Containing A Course of Interesting Original Letters, [...] With a new plain and easy Grammar of the English Language. [...] Likewise, The Complete Petitioner, [...].

Rev. Thomas Cooke, A.B. 'One of the Authors of the New Royal and Universal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences.'
Publication details: 
Gainsborough: Printed by and for Henry Mozley. 1812.

Full title: 'The Universal Letter-Writer; or, New Art of Polite Correspondence: Containing A Course of Interesting Original Letters, on the Most Important, Instructive, and Entertaining Subjects, which may serve as copies for inditing letters on the various Occurrences in Life. With a new plain and easy Grammar of the English Language. To which are added, Forms of Mortgages, Letters of License, Bonds, Indentures, Wills and Powers, Letters of Attorney, &c. &c. &c.

Typed Letter Signed by Nicolas Bentley to the actor C. Kenneth Benda, concerning the rights to his book 'Trent's Last Case', and a proposal by Benda for a stage adaptation.

Nicolas Bentley [Nicolas Clerihew Bentley (1907-1978)], British author and illustrator [C. Kenneth Benda (1902-1978), British actor]
Typed Letter Signed by Nicolas Bentley
Publication details: 
10 June 1966; on Bentley's letterhead, 7 Hobury Street, Chelsea.
Typed Letter Signed by Nicolas Bentley

4to, 1 p. 19 lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly creased paper, with strip of sunning to left-hand margin. Neat signature: 'Nicolas Bentley'. The film and television rights to the book were all 'bought some years ago by Herbert Wilcox, who, as I understand it, still owns them'. Bentley has reports the opinion of 'Messrs A. P. Watt, my late father's agent', on the question of the radio rights. 'I control the stage rights', Bentley states, giving the conditions on which he would agree to a stage adaptation.

Les vacances de Lumineux petit cheval de cirque.

Cécile Aubry
Publication details: 
Paris: Éditions Émile-Paul Frères, 14 Rue de L'Abbaye, VI. 1955.

PRESENTATION COPY: inscribed on half-title 'Pour Louise | avec mon bien amical souvenir - | Cécile Aubry'. 32 pages, quarto. In printed coloured boards, with decorated endpapers. llustrated by Aubry in colour (one double-page and nine full page) and black and white (five vignettes) and red (final page and endpapers). On the poor side of good, with minor staining, spotting and wear; negligible damp damage to boards.

The Description and Explanation of a "Universal Character;" or, Manner of Writing, that may be intelligible to the Inhabitants of every Country, although ignorant of each others Language; and which is to be learnt with facility, [...].

[anon.] [Bath, Somerset; provincial printing; pasigraphy; linguistics; universal language]
Publication details: 
Bath: Printed by J. Hollway, Engraver and Copper-Plate Printer, Union Street.' [1830? 1833? 1835?]

4to: 48 + [3] pp of letterpress, with additional leaf after title of 'Errata of Letter Press' and 'Errata in Plates'. Twenty numbered plates (the first two transposed), including one fold-out, and a final seventeen full-page unnumbered plates ('Examples'). Apparently complete. In original brown quarter binding, with cloth spine and paper boards. Ownership inscription of 'Lady Rolle' (1796-1885, born Louisa Barbara Trefusis) on front board. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly-spotted paper, with wear to extremities and wraps, and cloth spine torn and worn.

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