[The Universal Group of Intuitives, Essex spiritualist society.] Printed prospectus: ‘A Message from Angela (General Secretary)’, with portrait, ‘concerning first vol. of the group’s issue of “Spirit Revelation unveils the Bible” by Charles Kingsley.

‘Angela’ (Susan Boltwood), General Secretary of the Universal Group of Intuitives, Essex, founded by her and her husband Charles Dennis Boltwood (‘Crusader’); spiritualism; Charles Kingsley
Publication details: 
‘November, 1937. Written from’ ‘Parent Centre, “Eversley”, Thorpe-le-Soken, Essex.’

The item advertised in the present prospectus (no other copy of which has been traced) is unaccountably absent from the bibliography of the Victorian author Charles Kingsley. Information regarding the Universal Group of Intuitives was provided to ‘Light’, the journal of the Spiritualist Alliance, by its General Secretary Mrs Frances Boltwood (‘Angela’), and appeared in its number of 10 September 1936.

[John Bunnell Davis, physician, founder of the Universal Dispensary for Children [now Royal Waterloo Hospital.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jno B Davis M D') [to the trustees], tendering in odd terms his resignation from the 'valuable Institution'.

John Bunnell Davis (1777-1824), physician, founder in 1816 of the Universal Dispensary for Children [now Royal Waterloo Hospital for Children and Women], London
Publication details: 
'103 Great Surry [sic] Street | Blackf[riar]s [London]. | July 1 1824'.

For Davis see Munk's Roll, the Gentleman's Magazine for January 1825, and I. S. L. Loudon's paper 'John Bunnell Davis and the Universal Dispensary for Children' (BMJ, 5 May 1979). The Universal Dispensary for Children, founded by Davis in 1816 and open to the under-twelves, was as Loudon points out 'the first major institution in England devoted solely to the care of sick children, 35 years before the first children's hospital in Liverpool, and 36 before Great Ormond Street'.

[ Richard McKeon, American philosopher. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Richard P. McKeon') to Mark Bonham Carter, teasing him egarding his trip to Chicago.

Richard McKeon [ Richard Peter McKeon ] (1900-1985), American philosopher whose work for UNESCO led to Universal Declaration of Human Rights [ Mark Bonham Carter (1922-1994), Baron Bonham-Carter]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Department of Philosophy, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. 21 July 1948.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, creased and lightly aged. Addressed to 'Mr. Mark R. Bonham Carter | c/o The Commonwealth Fund | 41 East 57th Street | New York 22, New York'. He writes having just returned 'from another trip to Paris', and has seen Bonham-Carter's 'note of farewell - with the conspicuous marks of the Wegener influence'. He is glad Bonham-Carter enjoyed his visit to Chicago, and looks forward to a visit to England by 'one or more of the McKeons', which will give him 'an opportunity to retaliate for some of the ragging that constitutes the American conception of hospitality'.

[Printed transcript of the Chartist Petition of 1839.] Supplement to the Votes and Proceedings. Veneris, 14o die Junii, 1839. Petition (national) of the thereundersigned, for universal suffrage, &c.

[Chartist Petition of 1839; Universal Suffrage]
Chartist Petition of 1839
Publication details: 
[From the Journals of the House of Commons, 1839?]
Chartist Petition of 1839

Folio, 2 pp, paginated 241 and 242. Text clear and complete. On worn and aged paper, with closed tears, and repair to the margins. Circular red stamp of the Mansion House (the official resident of the Lord Mayor of London) at head of first page. The item had been folded into a package, docketed in pencil 'A', and in pen 'H.M | No. 1', and has manuscript marking to the margins.

Printed prospectus, with separate leaves of testimonials and illustration, for shares in 'The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited

The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited [the Perry Green Gardiner Patent Elliptic and Sprial Spring; Victorian locomotives; nineteenth-century railways]
The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited [
Publication details: 
London: 1876.
The Universal Railway & Carriage Spring Company, Limited [

The prospectus is folio, 3 pp, in a bifolium. Loosely inserted is a folio leaf, with the testimonials printed on one side, and a quarto leaf with four engraved illustrations: two of wheels under carriages, and two showing details of the springs on those wheels. The three items are on aged paper, with the illustrated leaf in good condition, and the other two items with chipping and closed tears. The texts and illustrations of all three items are clear and complete, apart from some loss to a footnote to the testimonials, caused by the page being printed too low on the leaf..

The Description and Explanation of a "Universal Character;" or, Manner of Writing, that may be intelligible to the Inhabitants of every Country, although ignorant of each others Language; and which is to be learnt with facility, [...].

[anon.] [Bath, Somerset; provincial printing; pasigraphy; linguistics; universal language]
Publication details: 
Bath: Printed by J. Hollway, Engraver and Copper-Plate Printer, Union Street.' [1830? 1833? 1835?]

4to: 48 + [3] pp of letterpress, with additional leaf after title of 'Errata of Letter Press' and 'Errata in Plates'. Twenty numbered plates (the first two transposed), including one fold-out, and a final seventeen full-page unnumbered plates ('Examples'). Apparently complete. In original brown quarter binding, with cloth spine and paper boards. Ownership inscription of 'Lady Rolle' (1796-1885, born Louisa Barbara Trefusis) on front board. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly-spotted paper, with wear to extremities and wraps, and cloth spine torn and worn.

A Letter to the Protestant Dissenters of England & Wales. [Education: and recent educational publications.]

Rev. Robert Ainslie (c.1802-1876), Secretary of the Congregational Board of Education
Publication details: 
London: John Snow, 35, Paternoster-row. [Dated, p.53: 'Mornington Road, Regent's Park, February 1st, 1847.' Printed by J. Unwin, Bucklersbury.]

8vo: 55 pp. Disbound. Tight, on aged, grubby paper, with wear to the title-leaf, which has a 7cm closed tear along the spine. Inscribed at head of title-page: 'Rev. S. Martin wh ye Authors Affec regards'. An informed discussion, with footnotes, tables and statistics, of the desirability of the education of the poor, by a correspondent of Charles Darwin. Excessively scarce: no copy at the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at King's College, London.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Spencer Todd') to autograph collector S[eymour]. C. J. Freeman-Matthews of Cape Town.

John Spencer Brydges Todd (1840-1921), Executive Commissioner, Paris, for the Universal Exhibition of 1878, and colonial officer
Publication details: 
18 August 1900; on crested letterhead '112, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.'

One page, 12mo. Very good. 'Although I am surprised at your wishing to include mine in your collection of autographs, here it is. | I agree with Sir Alfred Milner that Work, Brains & Opportunity are necessary to success; and that the last is most necessary. But I think that Self-control should be added to His Excellency's list.' A printed biographical cutting is appended.

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