[Cholera epidemic in Madeira, 1856.] Autograph Letter Signed from Tom Taylor, Secretary of the Board of Health (and future editor of Punch), to his former school fellow Rev. A. J. D. D’Orsey, arranging for medical publications to be sent him.

Tom Taylor (1817-1880), editor of ‘Punch’, journalist, author and civil servant [Rev. Alexander James Donald D’Orsey (1812-1894); cholera epidemic in Madeira, 1856]
Publication details: 
‘Azerley Hall / nr. Ripon / Wednesday Oct 1. [1856]’

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. D’Orsey was Professor of Elocution at University College, London. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. On aged, brittle paper, with slight wear and discoloration, a few closed tears along folds and traces of stub adhering to second leaf, but with entire text clear and intact. A long untidy letter, with writing up the margin on outer two pages. Addressed to ‘The Revd. A J D’Orsey’ and signed ‘Tom Taylor’. The topic is an outbreak of cholera at Madeira, about which D’Orsey has clearly launched an appeal.

[The Navy Office, London.] Manuscript document, addressed to ‘Mr: Turnpenny’ from the Navy Office, in the matter of ‘the Hire of the Pulteney Advice Boat’, regarding a request to delay payment of a bill, signed by six Commissioners of the Navy.

The Navy Office, Seething Lane, City of London [Commissioners of the Navy; Navy Board; Royal Navy; Admiralty]
Publication details: 
30 December 1748. Navy Office [Seething Lane, City of London].

The War of Jenkin’s Ear had ended a few months before, and Daniel A. Baugh, ‘British Naval Administration in the Age of Walpole’ (Princeton, 1965) describes the sorry state into which the Navy Board had fallen at this point. 1p, foolscap 8vo. On recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, the verso of the second leaf being addressed ‘To / Mr Turnpenny / Navy Office’ and docketted ‘Com[missione]rs of Navy to Mr Turnpenny’. In poor condition and urgent need of archival repair. The laid and watermarked paper is flaking away, and part of text, including a couple of the signatures, is lacking.

[Royal Navy, 1804: Board of Admiralty, Whitehall.] Contemporary Manuscript Translation of 'Project' by 'Hy: Ernst: Seiffert, senior' of Hamburgh, who offers to arrange for the inventor of a naval weapon to come to England with 'four proper workmen'.

[Royal Navy, 1804: Board of Admiralty, Whitehall] Heinrich Ernst Seiffert senior, Hamburgh, Germany
Publication details: 
'Hamburgh. 6 Nov 1804'. Postscript dated from same place, 9 November 1804. On paper with Britannia watermark, dated 1803.

There is a record of one 'Heinrich Ernst Seiffert aus Altona bei Hamburg' in 1787. The letter is clearly addressed to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, whom, we may be sure, were not taken in by what was either the production of a madman or a clumsy confidence trickster. 3pp, foolscap 8vo. On bifolium of gilt-edged paper. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper with slight wear and short closed tears to extremities. Folded twice.

[James Smith, humorist, co-author with his brother Horace Smith of the celebrated ‘Rejected Addresses’ (1812).] Autograph Letter Signed to John Wilson Croker, regarding his post as Assistant Solicitor to the Board of Ordnance.

James Smith (1775-1839), humorist, co-author with his brother Horace Smith [Horatio Smith] (1779-1849) of the ‘Rejected Addresses’ (1812) [John Wilson Croker (1780-1857), politician and diarist]
Publication details: 
‘18 Austin Friars [London] / 26 June 1826’.

See his entry, and those of his brother and the recipient, in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 4to. Bifolium. The letter had been torn in half, with loss of a strip of paper from the second leaf, resulting in damage to a couple of words from the valediction; it has been carefully repaired with archival tape, and is otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged, with slight fading of the ink on the first page. The large signature ‘James Smith’ is clear and undamaged. Addressed to ‘J. W. Croker Esq’. An interesting letter, casting light on the workings of the Georgian civil service.

[Rowland Edmund Prothero [Lord Ernle], author, politician and first-class cricketer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed, as President of the Board of Agriculture, reporting on the wartime situation to the Speaker of the House of Commons [James Lowther].

Rowland Edmund Prothero [latterly Lord Ernle] (1851-1937), author, agriculturalist, Conservative politician and first-class cricketer [James Lowther (1855-1940), Speaker of the House of Commons]
Publication details: 
1 July and 5 September 1918. Both on letterhead of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 4 Whitehall Place, S.W.1 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both letters 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, but with the first bearing two tape stains. Both folded for postage. Each signed ‘R. E. Prothero’ and addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Speaker’. ONE (1 July 1918): He explains that ‘Agricultural labourers are specially excluded from the category of men to whom the War Office appeal to the V.T.C is addressed’, but that it was ‘only to be expected, as I had pointed out, that the appeal would still be made to them and that they would go in the middle of the harvest season. / The scheme is opposed by the Min.

[Cloudesley Brereton, educationalist and poet.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Society of Arts, topics including a proposed lecture and America. With inscribed printed prospectus for 'Roger Bacon Commemoration'.

Cloudesley Brereton [Cloudesley Shovell Henry Brereton] (1863-1937), educationalist and poet [Sir Henry Trueman Wood (1845-1929), Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, London; Roger Bacon]
Publication details: 
Letters: 4 January 1900, on letterhead of Briningham House, Melton Constable; 2 July 1901, on letterhead of Westminster Hotel, New York; 12 July [1913], on letterhead of 7 Lyndhurst Road, Hampstead, N.W. [London] Prospectus: July 1913.

Four items, in good condition, lightly aged. The three letters with date stamps of the Society of Arts, and two with pencil annotations. All three signed 'Cloudesley Brereton'. ONE: ALS of 4 January 1900. 2pp, 12mo. He thanks him for his 'kindly intervention with the Board of Education', which he believes 'will in time bear good fruit'. He has been 'thinking over' Wood's 'suggestion of giving a lecture on the Rural Schools of France', and would 'much like to take it up if you have still a vacant date & you do not want it too soon - as I am just now overwhelmed with work'.

[Vice Admiral Thomas Brodrick.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos: Brodrick') to the Board of Ordnance, renewing a request for an armorer for his ship the Phoenix, 'now that I am going to Longreach and my Smallarms Coming on Board'.

Vice Admiral Thomas Brodrick (died 1769), Royal Navy officer who served with distinction in the War of the Austrian Succession, the War of Jenkins' Ear and the Seven Years' War [Board of Ordnance]
Publication details: 
Deptford; 24 August 1743.

For Brodrick's distinguished and eventful career, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, folio. In fair condition, aged and worn, with chipping to one edge carrying traces of grey paper mount, and closed tear at foot repaired on reverse with archival tape. Addressed at bottom left 'To the Honle: Board of Ordnance'. Reads: 'Gentlemen | I wrote you the 7th Inst: to desire that you would please to appoint an Armorer for his Majestys Ship the Phoenix under my Command and now that I am going to Longreach and my Smallarms Coming on Board I beg you Will appoint for me'. Endorsed: 'answer'd 26 August'.

[Edwardian paediatric dentistry.] Four pamphlets: Rev. J. O. Bevan, 'Dental Hygiene'; G. Cunningham, 'What the Dentist can do for the State'; C. Edward Wallis, 'The Care of Teeth in Public Elementary Schools'; British Dental Association, 'Memorandum'

[Edwardian paediatric dentistry] Rev. J. O. Bevan; British Dental Association; G. Cunningham; C. Edward Wallis; London County Council; Board of Education
Publication details: 
All London, two by John Bale & Sons (one for British Dental Association), London1896, 1906, 1908 and undated.

Four pamphlets. Three with red labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London, and all four bearing its stamps and shelfmarks. All in good condition, lightly aged and worn. All now scarce. ONE: Rev. J. O. Bevan, M.A., F.S.A. - Dental Hygiene, Especially in Relation to Children and Schools. ('To be obtained from the author, 55, Gunterstone Road, West Kensington, London, W.' No date.) 8pp, 12mo. Stapled into grey printed wraps. No copy on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[ Walter Long, 1st Viscount Long, as President of the Board of Agriculture. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Walter H. Long') to Sir Richard Harington, on proposed measures to 'exterminate Rabies & Hydrophonbia'. With draft reply by Harington.

Walter Long [ Walter Hume Long ], 1st Viscount Long [ Lord Long ] (1854-1924), Conservative politician [ Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911) of Ridlington, 11th Baronet ]
Publication details: 
Both Long's letters on letterhead of the Board of Agriculture, 4 Whitehall Place, S.W. [ London ]. 2 September 1897 and undated [ received 11 September 1897 ]. Harington's draft letter from 'W[hitborne]. C[ourt]. W[orcester].' 8 September 1897.

The three items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Long to Harington, 2 September 1897. 2pp., 12mo. He thanks him for his 'courteous letter' and is sending 'another memo. dealing with points raised by you'. He continues: 'We, of course, do not imagine that our orders and procedure are beyond criticism or are faultless - but we are supported by the Committee, & by the large majority of experts.

[ The Severn Fishery Board and the Board of Agriculture. ] 23 items from the papers of Board member Sir Richard Harington of Whitbourne Court, mainly concerning his opposition to a 'Provisional Order', including correspondence, drafts, publications,

[ Severn Fishery Board; Board of Agriculture, Whitehall, London'; Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911) of Whitbourne Court, Worcestershire; Victorian freshwater fishing; salmon fishing; angling ]
Publication details: 
Board of Agriculture, Whitehall [ London ]; and the Severn Fishery Board. One item from 1886-1887; the others from between 1907 and 1910.

23 items relating to the Severn Fishery Board. The collection is generally in good condition, but with a few items (One below for example) damaged and discoloured. The material derives from Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911) of Whitbourne Court, Worcestershire, an ex-officio member of the Severn Fishery Board. It mainly concerns his opposition to a 'Provisional Order asked for by the Worcestershire County Council, to deal with the Severn Fisheries and all Rivers & Waters within the area' (quoted from Four below). The following description is in fourteen parts.

[ Printed item. ] George Newnes, Limited | Balance Sheet and Directors' Report | For the Year Ended 31st March, 1935.

George Newnes, Limited, London publishers noted for their popular magazines and part-works
Publication details: 
Secretary and Registered Offices: Horace Cole, 8-11 Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. [ 1935 ] [ Williams, Lea & Co., Ltd., Printers, Clifton House, Worship Street, London, E.C.2.'

[8]pp., 4to. Stapled pamphlet. Aged and worn, with rusting staples. Two-page 'Directors' Report', with topics including a yearly balance of £134,953 5s 3d, the death of Lord Riddell and the decision to 'rebuild the old-fashioned sections of the Company's premises in Southampton Street, Tavistock Street and Exeter Street; centrefold balance sheet; single-page 'Statement Showing Combined Assets and Liabilities of George Newnes, Limited and Subsidiary Companies'; single-page 'List of Magazines and Periodicals'; and cover page. The subsidiary companies included Country Life; W. H. & L.

Publicity album for Harold C. Harvey of the Homasote Company of New Jersey, manufacturers of wall board, containing 96 cloth-backed photographs, mostly captioned and many architectural, with a few signed on the plate 'Rand '29'.

Harold C. Harvey [Homasote Company of West Trenton, New Jersey, wall board manufacturers, founded in 1909 as the Agasote Millboard Company by Eugenius Harvey Outerbridge (1860-1932)]
Publication details: 
[Homasote Company, West Trenton, New Jersey.] A few of the photographs dated on the plate to 1929.

96 black and white photographic prints, each cloth-backed and with the landscape dimensions 20 x 25 cm. In black leather loose leaf album by Wilson Jones Co., Kansas City. Stamped in gilt in bottom right-hand corner of first leaf, 'HAROLD C. HARVEY'. The prints are in good condition, curling a little at the fore-edge, and with slight creasing at right-hand margin of the first two. The binding is somewhat worn, but still tight, with the three original metal screws holding the album together.

Manuscript account book of the estates of Sir Thomas Maryon Wilson of Charlton House, titled 'Account of Payments Allowances and Expenditures for the Charlton Woolwich and Leicester Estates | From Christmas 1797'.

[Sir Thomas Maryon Wilson (1774-1821), 7th Baronet, of Charlton House; Woolwich and Charlton in Kent; Leicestershire]
Publication details: 
[Woolwich and Charlton.] Covering the period between 1797 and 1804.

36pp., 12mo. In worn calf-bound account book. In good internal condition, on aged paper; detached from the worn leather binding, and with the front free endpaper (bearing the title) loose. Label pasted to front cover reads: 'Accounts | G. B. R. | Charlton | Woolwich | Leicestershire | 1797 to 1804'. The volume is the work of Wilson (who acquired the estates in 1798 on the death of his father) or of his land agent. Paginated by the writer to 64, and with the accounts for 'Land Tax paid and allowed' on pp.1-7, for 'Cash paid & allowed for' on pp.11-23, and 'Cash paid & allowed for.

[ Jefferson Miles, Proof Master General of Ordnance. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jeaffreson Miles') to Robert Eddowes, Ordnance Storekeeper at Portsmouth, directing him to have all his receipts signed.

Jeaffreson MIles [ Jefferson Miles ] (d.1763), Proof Master General of Ordnance [ Robert Eddowes, Ordnance Storekeeper at Portsmouth; Royal Navy ]
Publication details: 
Office of Ordnance [ London ]. 17 July 1753.

1p., folio. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with postmark, 'To | Robert Eddowes Esqr | Ordnance Storekeeper | at | Portsmouth'. 24 lines of neatly-written text. An unusually emphatic communication, the possibility of fraud clearly being in the air.

[ William Griffin, Secretary to the Board of Ordnance. ] 'Copy' circular letter, in secretarial hand, signed by him ('W: Griffin.'), to the 'Officer Commanding the Oldham Regiment of Local Militia', calling in their 'Arms and Accoutrements'.

William Griffin (d.1827), Secretary to the Board of Ordnance, London [ John Crossley of Scaitcliffe, near Rochdale, Lancashire, collector; Napoleonic Wars ]
Publication details: 
Office of Ordnance [ London ]. 10 April 1816.

1p., folio. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with some chipping and a few closed tears to edges. Addressed 'To | The Officer Commanding | the Oldham Regiment of Local Militia. | Oldham Lancashire' (i.e. John Crossley of Scaitcliffe near Rochdale, who built up a notable collection of military memorabilia, dispersed after his death). Attached to a leaf of paper with a note by the recipient concerning the permission he has been granted to retain a 'Musquet and Set of Accoutrements'.

[ E. M. O'R. Dickey, Irish wood engraver. ] Two ALsS, two TLsS and an ANS (all 'E. M. O'R. Dickey'), to K. W. Luckhurst and W. Perry of the Royal Society of Arts, concerning the Sanderson 'Travelling Bursary for a teacher of art'.

E. M. O'R. Dickey [ Edward Montgomery O'Rorke Dickey ] (1894-1977), Irish wood engraver [ Harold Sanderson; William Perry and K. W. Luckhurst, Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts; Board of Education ]
Publication details: 
Six items to Luckhurst on Board of Education letterheads; letter to Perry from Plas Dulas, Llanddulas, North Wales. The seven items dating from between 1936 and 1938.

The seven items in good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. With stamps of the Royal Society of Arts. The letter to Perry is a typed report of 2pp., folio, and more heavily worn than the rest of the correspondence. It is dated 11 August 1936, and discusses 'schemes similar to Sandersons [...] in which a firm offers work experience as part of a course taken by full-time students not previously employed in industry' and 'part-time release'.

[ 'The Higher Butterfatters' League'; MS. ] Anonymous humorous manuscript poem titled 'Nanette', with illustrations, in praise of the Guernsey cow.

[ The Guernsey Gazette; The Higher Butterfatters' League; dairy farming in the United Kingdom ]
Publication details: 
In manuscript, but laid out as a printed book ('A "Guernsey's Own" Publication') said to be 'Specially printed by the "Guernsey Gazette"' and sponsored by the non-existant 'Higher Butterfatters' League'. Undated [ 1950s? ].

28pp., 4to. Sewn into a booklet, and bound in cream boards, with 'A "Guernsey's Own" Publication' on the front cover, and 'Sponsored by the Higher Butterfatters' League' on the back. There is no indication that the manuscript has been published. It is laid out as a printed book, with title-page (with charming illustration of the smiling cow) and dedication page reading: 'To V, M., the Honorable Patroness of the foster Mothers' Welfare Group, This book is respectfully dedicated.' The poem consists of 36 four-line stanzas, with fifteen charming vignettes.

[ General Alexander Ross; Gunning ] Autograph Letter Signed "George Gunning" to Alexander Ross, sometime General, due in days to become Surveyor-General of the Ordnance. With copy of Ross's note, both about his engagement to Gunning's sister.

[ General Ross ] George Gunning, Sir George Gunning, 2nd Baronet (1763-1823), of Horton, Northamptonshire, politician.
Publication details: 
Horton, 5 July 1795 [copy London, 3 July 1795]

Both letters one page, cr. 8vo, bifolia, edges dusted and sl. worn, second leaf (a blank) of Ross's letter torn, texts clear and complete. ROSS's letter (file copy) says that Gunning would have heard of his sentiments from his sister, and her father has given permission, but he would also appreciate Gunning's approval "of the connexion [sic] that I am soon to join with your family." He asks for a reply to be sent to the Board of Ordnance" (hius new posting, see above).

[ Board of the Inland Revenue, Excise Department, London.] Late-Victorian Manuscript Notebook, compiled by several parties, with sections of questions and definitions, and others treating allowances, 'Liverpool Allowances' and 'Quarantine Practice'.

A. C. Collyer [ Board of the Inland Revenue, Excise Department, London ]
Publication details: 
[ Board of the Inland Revenue, Excise Department, London. Circa 1891. ]

169pp., 12mo. Covering the whole of a ruled notebook in black waxed cloth binding. In fair condition, aged and worn, in like binding with some damage to spine. Ownership signature of 'A. C. Collyer' on front free endpaper, with the word 'Notes' written under it, and beneath that a seal (hand holding a sword) in red wax. The notebook has been compiled by at least three different parties (with a couple of notes in shorthand), and is certainly the work of instructors rather than students, possibly Scottish.

[ George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland. ] Autograph Note in the third person to R. Lambert, suggesting a meeting.

George Eden (1784-1849), 1st Earl of Auckland, English Whig politician
Publication details: 
Admiralty [ London ]. 20 August 1835.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Docketed: '20 August 1835 | Lord Auckland to R L'. Reads 'Lord Auckland would be much obliged to Mr Lambert if he would call here tomorrow soon after two o'clock -'.

[ Charles Watkin Williams-Wynn, Georgian politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C W Williams Wynn'), regarding outstanding business since his departure from the office of President of the Board of Control.

Charles Watkin Williams-Wynn [ C. W. Williams Wynn ] (1775-1850), English politician, War Secretary under Earl Grey, 1830-1831
Publication details: 
6 Clarges Street [ London ]. 20 March 1828.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter, addressed to an unnamed recipient, begins: 'My dear Sir | Before I quitted Office I communicated to the Court of directors the Draft of an Insolvent Bill & some letters on the subject which I had received from the Judges in India, together with a request that they might be laid before you for your opinion & observations.' He should like the opportunity to talk over the subject with him, as he considers himself 'pledged to bring the measure forward [in the House of Commons]' with the approval of the present Board.

[ 'The Dirigible Balloon' game. ] Printed instructions, in French, for 'un nouveau jeu instructif' titled 'Le Ballon Dirigeable', with reference to 'le comte Zeppelin', 'Santos Dumont', the 'Freres Wright' and the 'major de Parseval'.

'Le Ballon Dirigeable', French game [ Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin; Alberto Santos-Dumont; Wright brothers; August von Parseval]
Publication details: 
French. Unattributed and undated (pre-First World War?).

1p., 8vo. On cheap paper stock. Aged, and with chipping and closed tears to extremities. Stamped on the reverse by the Paris bookseller C. F. Labarre (fl. 1970). Printed in the bottom left-hand corner: 'No. 6012.' 37 lines of text.

[ The Osborne Judgment, 1909, on union funding of British political parties. ] Handbill from 'The Joint Board' (Trades Union Congress and Labour Party) regarding a 'Special Conference' to discuss the 'Osborne Decision'.

The Osborne Judgment, 1909; W. A. Appleton; C. W. Bowerman; J. Ramsay MacDonald; The Joint Board (Trades Union Congress and Labour Party); Walter Victor Osborne (1870-1950) ]
Publication details: 
The Joint Board representing the Parliamentary Committee of the Trades Union Congress, The General Federation of Trade Unions, and the Labour Party. 'Conference, Caxton Hall, November 10th, 1910.'

2pp., 12mo. Printed on one side of a 25 x 31.5 cm piece of shiny paper, with a central vertical perforation line. Damp damage to the heading (with some loss of text), otherwise in good condition. The text, by Appleton, Bowerman and MacDonald, is on the left-hand page, and begins: 'Osborne Decision.

[Printed pamphlet.] Workmen's International Exhibition, 1870. Report of the General Conference of Delegates, held at the Theatre of the Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, on Monday, January 10, 1870.

[ Conference of Delegates, Workmen's International Exhibition, 1870; Theatre of the Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, London; A. J. Mundella; T. H. Huxley; Auberon Herbert; Samuel Morley ]
Publication details: 
London: Published at the Offices of the Workmen's International Exibition, 150, Strand, W.C. [1870.] [Dunlop & Co., Printers, King's-head Court, Shoe Lane, E.C.]

40pp., 12mo. In small print. In good condition, in brown paper wraps with manuscript label. Giving the text of speeches by delegates including the MPs Samuel Morley, Thomas Hughes, W. H. Smith, and A. J. Mundella; Auberon Herbert; and the chairman T. H. Huxley. Stamp and shelfmark of the Board of Education Library on title-page, and stamp on front wrap.

[Printed document.] Motor Cars. Memorandum of the Cheltenham Rural District Council to the President of the Local Government Board, With reference to the recent Report of the Royal Commission on Motor Cars.

Gilbert McIlquham, clerk to the Cheltenham Rural District Board [The Local Government Board; The Royal Commission on Motor Cars, 1905-1907]
Publication details: 
Stamped '13th September 1906'.

2pp., folio. Bifolium. In small type. Containing two copies of a printed circular by McIlquham, on Cheltenham Rural District Council letterhead, dated 14 September 1906. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The memorandum is divided into five sections, and begins by putting the Council's position that 'Motor Cars travelling at high speed in dry weather along the unwatered roads of country districts occasion an intolerable dust nuisance to other users of the highway, and seriously prejudice the comfort and even the health of the inhabitants of road-side dwellings'.

[Printed item.] Past Students of the Cambridge University Training College for Schoolmasters, with the Schools in which they are now serving.

W. Durnford, Principal; S. S. F. Fletcher, Vice-Principal [Cambridge University Training College for Schoolmasters]
Publication details: 
[Cambridge University Training College for Schoolmasters.] Warkworth House, Cambridge, March, 1912.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper with slight wear to extremities. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. A chronological list, in small type, covering the period 1898 to 1911. Divided into five columns: Name of Student; College; Year of leaving College; Degree; Present School. Scarce: no copy traced on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet by the Children's Branch, Home Office, Whitehall.] Retarded and Mentally Defective Children.

S. W. Harris [Children's Branch, Home Office, Whitehall, London]
Publication details: 
Children's Branch, Home Office, Whitehall, S.W.1. [London] 27 January 1926.

6pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with two slight rust stains from staple. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Divided into five sections: Causes of Incapacity; Importance of early recognition of Mental Defect; Definition of Mental Defect, under the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913; Methods of dealing with mentally defective children; Procedure. No copy found on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[University of London Tutorial Classes for Working People.] Two printed items, including 'Report of the University of London Joint Committee for the Promotion of the Higher Education of Working People on the Work of the Four Years 1909-1913'.

[University of London Tutorial Classes for Working People]
Publication details: 
[University of London.] July 1911 and February 1914.

Both items with shelfmarks, stamps and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. ONE: 'University of London Tutorial Classes for Working People | Report of the University of London Joint Committee for the Promotion of the Higher Education of Working People on the Work of the Four Years 1909-1913'. February 1914. 23 + [1]pp., 4to. Stitched. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The only copies on COPAC and OCLC WorldCat at the British Library and King's College London. TWO: 'University of London.

[Three printed Home Office pamphlets.] 'Education in Reformatory and Industrial Schools', 'Disposal of Reformatory and Industrial School Boys to Farm Service in England and Wales' and 'Reformatory and Industrial Schools. Working of Financial Scheme'

[S. W. Harris, Children's Branch, Home Office, Whitehall; Arthur H. Norris, Chief Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools]
Publication details: 
All London. ONE: Printed under the Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office, By Jas. Truscott & Son, Ltd., Suffolk Lane, EC. 1919. TWO: Printed by His Majesty's Stationery Office. 1920. THREE: Children's Branch, Home Office, Whitehall. 1925.

All three with shelfmarks, stamp and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. ONE: Arthur H. Norris, 'Home Office. Education in Reformatory and Industrial Schools. Circular letter of H.M. Chief Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools, to the Managers and Staff of the Schools.' 1919. [2] + 8pp., 8vo. Stitched. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. London. The only copy on COPAC at the London Schooll of Economics. TWO: Arthur H. Norris, 'Home Office. Disposal of Reformatory and Industrial School Boys to Farm Service in England and Wales. Circular letter to H.M.

[Three printed Home Office reports.] Child Adoption Committee. First Report. [Second Report. Third and Final Report.]

[Mr Justice Tomlin, Chairman, Child Adoption Committee, Home Office; Sir William Joynson-Hicks, Home Secretary]
Publication details: 
All three published in London by His Majesty's Stationery Office. The first two published in 1925, and the last in 1926.

All three 8vo; the first and last 12pp, the second 8pp. All three in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. With shelfmarks, stamps and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. The remit of the committee was 'to examine the problem of child adoption from the point of view of possible legislation and to report upon the main provisions which in their view shuold be included in any Bill on the subject'.

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