[Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon.] 37 items, including 21 ALsS from librarian W. S. Brassington to one of the Theatre’s governors, Dr E. M. Boddy, regarding his gift of portraits to Shakespeare Memorial, and resulting disagreement.

Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon [William Salt Brassington (1859-1939), archaeologist; Evan Marlett Boddy (c.1847-1934), FRCS; Stewart Dick; Edgar Flower; Archibald Flower]
Publication details: 
20 of Brassington’s 21 letters from between 1899 and 1902, and on letterheads of Shakespeare Memorial, Stratford-upon-Avon; the other is from 1910. Among the other items are ones dated from between 1899 and 1928.

The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre was founded through the efforts of local brewer Charles Edward Flower (1830-1892), after whose death its management was taken over by his brother Edgar Flower (1833-1903), also Chairman of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. On Edgar’s death these duties fell to his son Archibald Flower (1865-1950), several times mayor of Stratford-upon-Avon. The present correspondence concerns a gift to Shakespeare Memorial Association by the appropriately-named anatomist Evan Marlett Boddy.

[Henry Livings, working-class Lancastrian playwright, screenwriter and actor.] Typed Letter Signed to Paul Furness, discussing the pubs he has frequented.

Henry Livings (1929-1998), working-class Lancastrian playwright, screenwriter and actor in the first 'Carry On' film and the 'Coronation Street' television series
Publication details: 
Undated [1982 or 1983]. 49 Grains Road, Delph, ‘via Oldham’ [Lancashire].

Livings’s entry in Encyclopaedia Britannica notes that his farces ‘convey serious truths’ with ‘both a dazzling comic flair and an unexpected force and profundity that is heightened by his use of colloquial language’. 1p, foolscap 8vo. Twenty-two lines of text. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with four light ink underlinings. Signed ‘Yours, / Henry Livings’. One of a number of letters to Furness by writers, responding to his enquiry about socialist authors and British pubs.

[Alexander Pope, Poet] Slip of paper with Pope's Signature and dedication, A. Pope, the My Lord Bolingbroke | With sincere Gratulations | Ap[ril] 5.

Alexander Pope [(1688 O.S. – 1744), poet, translator, and satirist].
Publication details: 
Place added below Twick[enha]m Grotto.

Slip of paper, 11 x 4.5cm, foxing and smudging but text legible. See Image. Text given above. Perhaps it accompanied a text dedicated to Bolingbroke. For example, 'An Essay on Man' is a poem published by Alexander Pope in 1733–1734. It was dedicated to Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke.

[Frederic Vanson, Essex poet, journalist and lecturer.] 19 letters (12 in autograph and 7 typed), to the playwright Christopher Fry, with draft introduction by Fry to a proposed poetry collection by Vanson, and typescript of three of Vanson's poems.

Frederic Vanson (1919-1993), Essex poet, journalist and lecturer, wife of the painter Olive Bentley [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
Between May 1971 and November 1986 (two undated). All from 24 Morley Grove, Harlow, Essex.

An interesting and sprightly correspondence, mainly concerned with the practicalities of the vocation of a minor provincial poet. See David Gaskin’s obituary of Vanson, Independent, 27 July 1993, and Fry’s entry in the Oxford DNB. A second slice of Vanson material from the Christopher Fry papers (the other collection is offered separately). The collection consists of twenty-one items: nineteen letters from Vanson to Fry, a one-page typescript of three of Vanson’s poems, and a draft of an introduction by Fry to a proposed collection of poems by Vanson.

[Oscar Alfred Le Beau, Headmaster of the Lower School of John Lyon, Harrow on the Hill.] Inscribed copy of offprint ‘Halley’s Comet. / By / O. A. Le Beau, B.Sc.’

O. A. Le Beau, B.Sc. [Oscar Alfred Le Beau (1885-1975), headmaster of the Lower School of John Lyon, Harrow on the Hill, 1926-1951; Halley’s Comet]
Publication details: 
‘Reprinted from the “Beds. Times and Independent,” April 8th, 1910.’

Scarce: no copy on ViaLibri, OCLC WorldCat and JISC LHD. Stapled pamphlet. 7pp, 12mo. Unpaginated. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with light spotting and slightly rusted staples. Inscribed at head of cover: ‘With the author’s compliments / O. A. LeBeau’. Drophead title on third page: ‘HALLEY’S COMET. / BY O. A. LE BEAU, B.Sc. / [Mr. Le Beau is an O. B. of the Grammar School, whose Astronomical Notes in our columns some years ago many of our readers will no doubt remember. - ED.]’

[Frederic Vanson, Essex poet and journalist; his wife the painter Olive Bentley.] Eight Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed from Vanson to playwright Christopher Fry, collection of poetry typescripts, and ALS to Fry from Bentley.

Frederic Vanson (1919-1993), Essex poet and and journalist; his wife the painter Olive Bentley [Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright]
Publication details: 
Correspondence dating from between 29 December 1983 and 12 January 1993. Letters of 1983 and 1984 from 24 Morley Grove, Harlow (Essex); the rest from 178 Elm Tree Avenue, Walton on the Naze (Essex).

See David Gaskin’s obituary of Vanson, Independent, 27 July 1993, and Fry’s entry in the Oxford DNB. The material is in good condition, lightly aged, with one leaf of poetry typescript creased. Vanson’s eight Autograph Letters Signed date from between 29 December 1983 and 12 January 1993. total 11pp, 8vo, and 2pp, 12mo. One of the letters is lacking all but the last (signed) page; the others are complete. Vanson’s Typed Letter Signed is 1p, 8vo. It is undated, but dated by Fry to 14 August (no year, but from the context written in 1992). The nine letters are all signed ‘Frederic’.

[Annie Besant; Bloomsbury Group; Periodical; One issue of United India, vol.II, No. 26

[Annie Besant; Bloomsbury Group]
Publication details: 
September 29, 1920. Printed at the Pelican Press [...] and published by United India Co., Ltd [...],

Paginated [387]-402, fold marks, small rust marks from staples, punch-hole. From the papers formerly held at the headquarters of the National Indian Association and the Northbrook Society, 21 Cromwell Road, later by its former Warden, Roland Knaster. BUT stamped 1917-CLUB, a club founded by Leonard Woolf, frequented by his friends and (re. Wikipedia entry, Gordon Childe, Ramsay MacDonald, Aldous Huxley, H. G. Wells, H. N. Brailsford, Elsa Lanchester, Rose Macaulay,[3] Frederick Pethick-Lawrence, J. A. Hobson, Norah C. James, W. C. Anderson, Mary Hamilton, Emile Burns, E. D.

[President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's mother Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Sara D Roosevelt') to 'Peggy', on a sketch to be made of the 'village' library she and her son are endowing in Hyde Park in memory of her husband.

Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt (1854-1941), second wife of James Roosevelt I, mother of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt [James Roosevelt Memorial Library, Hyde Park on the Hudson]
Publication details: 
23 February [no year]; on letterhead of Hyde Park on the Hudson, N.Y. [New York].

The subject of the letter is a sketch which Mrs Roosevelt wishes the recipient to make on a scroll, depicting the library which she and her son the future president Franklin Delano Roosevelt are endowing in the 'village' of Hyde Park, in memory of her husband James Roosevelt I (1828-1900). (The library opened in 1927, and is still in use.) 4pp, 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once, with short closed to one edge of the fold. She begins: 'My dear Peggy | I received your parcel just before I came up here so have a few days of country air with my son [F. D.

[Antique china, furniture and silverware.] Notebook containing a mixture of illustrations on silk and card, with printed and manuscript descriptions.

[Antique china, furniture and silverware; antiques; Victorian and Edwardian collecting]
Publication details: 
[English: late Victorian or Edwardian.] In album with label on front pastedown of Hatton & Son, Law and General Stationers, Booksellers & Binders, 81 Chancery Lane, London, W.C.

70pp, on thirty-six leaves of a worn 16.5 x 10.5 late-Victorian album, bound in black cloth. An additional seven pages at the end of the volume carry an index, divided into 'China', 'Furniture' and 'Silver Pages'. In fair condition, aged and worn. The compiler is unidentified. The first nineteen pages of the volume carry a total of thirty-six 5.5 x 3.5 cm silk labels, each with a coloured illustration of an item of porcelain (from 'Astbury' to 'Zurich'), with the manufacturer's name and marks beneath, each accompanied by a strip of paper carrying a caption printed in blue.

[The Stephenson Centenary 1881'.] Well-designed lithographic poster, 'Presented as a memento of the Centennial Commemoration' by Thomas Pumphrey, Newcastle grocer, with central portrait of Stephenson surrounded by seven related engravings.

The Stephenson Centenary, 1881; Thomas Pumphrey, Grocer, Newcastle-on-Tyne; George Stephenson (1781-1848), engineer, 'Father of the Railways'
Publication details: 
'Presented as a memento of the Centennial Commemoration, by Thomas Pumphrey, Grocer, 48, Cloth Market, Newcastle-on-Tyne.' 9 June 1881.

An extremely attractive memento, no other copy of which has been traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. Lithographic printing in black on 57 x 44.5 cm piece of wove paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight creasing to margin at one edge, and the merest of spotting. Folded four times.

[ Victorian campaign for a national system of labour exchanges. ] Printed pamphlet: 'A National Labour Bureau with Affiliated Labour Registries, and the Evidence given thereon before the Royal Commission on Labour.'

E. T. Scammell, Honorary Secretary of the Exeter and District Chamber of Commerce [ Victorian campaign for a national system of labour exchanges ]
Publication details: 
Published by A. Wheaton & Co., Booksellers, Fore Street, Exeter. 1893.

16pp., 8vo. Stapled pamphlet. Aged and worn, with all text intact. Dedicated 'To | Nathaniel Lewis Cohen, Esq., | Founder of the First | Free Labour Registry | in England.' The text begins: 'A National Labour Bureau, with Affiliated Labour Registries, | Is one of the pressing needs of the time.

[ Royal Commission on Cathedrals, 1853 ] Signed Copy of long Autograph Letter from Rev. Dr Richard Harington, Principal of Brasenose College, responding to circular letter signed by Richard Jones, Secretary. With printed 'copy of the Commission'.

Rev. Richard Harington D.D. (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford; Rev. Richard Jones, Secretary of the Royal Commission on Cathedrals in Whitehall
Publication details: 
All three items from 1853. Harington's letter from Brasenose College, Oxford. Jones's circular letter from Cathedral Commission, 1 Parliament Street, Whitehall, London.

Three items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Harington's 28-page letter is a significant assessment, by a senior member of the university, of the situation in the period immediately preceding the Oxford University Act of 1854. ONE: Signed Autograph Copy of Letter from 'Richd Harington' to 'The Rev. R. Jones'. Brasenose College, Oxford. 28pp., foolscap 8vo. On seven bifoliums of grey paper. Deletions and emendations throughout.

[ Joseph Cowan, Anglo-Jewish radical Liberal journalist and MP. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jos Cowan') to autograph collector F. W. Finch of Birmingham, expressing relief at being freed from the 'restraints & embarrassments' of Parliament..

Joseph Cowan (1829-1900, nicknamed 'the Blaydon Brick'), Anglo-Jewish radical Liberal journalist and Member of Parliament, friend of Mazzini, Herzen, Bakunin. Garibaldi and Kossuth.
Publication details: 
Blaydon on Tyne. 29 March 1887.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'Mr. F. W. Finch, | Woodbridge Row | Mosley | Birmingham'. He thanks him for his letter and continues: 'I am sorry that you have not been so successful as you wished in collecting autographs, but I hope you will be more fortunate in future.' He is 'engaged in other and equally useful work outside of Parliament', and is 'glad to be freed from its restraints & embarrassments'.

Printed pamphlet: 'Agriculture'.

Peter Kropotkin [ James Tochatti, Liberty Press, Chiswick ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed and Published by James Tochatti, "Liberty" Press, Chiswick, W. 1896.

18 + [2]pp., 8vo. Disbound. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Two pages of advertisements at rear: the first carrying a list of titles in the 'Liberty Bookshelf' series, the second listing 'Liberty Pamphlets'. Now uncommon.

[ Sir Richard Harington, judge. ] Autograph five-page 'Suggestion', being the evidence he proposes to give, as Vice-President of the Society of Chairmen of Quarter Sessions, to the Royal Commission on the Selection of Justices of the Peace.

Sir Richard Harington (1861-1931) of Ridlington, 12th Baronet, judge [ Royal Commission on the Selection of Justices of the Peace, 1910 ]
Publication details: 
Harington's document undated, on reverse of letterhead of the Shire Hall, Hereford. With TLS from the Society of Chairmen and Deputy-Chairmen of Quarter Sessions in England and Wales, Guildhall, Westminster, dated 21 April 1910.

In fair condition, on lightly-aged and rolled paper, attached with a rusty safety-pin. ONE: Harington's 'Suggestion'. 5pp., 4to. The document begins with his CV as it relates to England, the last entry in which reads: 'Chairman of Herefordshire Quarter Sessions since October 18, 1880. V[ice]. P[resident]. of Society of Chairmen of Q[uarter] S[essions].

[Printed Book; authorial inscription etc] Discourses in America

Matthew Arnold [ Lady Dorothy Neville, 'writer, hostess, horticulturist and plant collector']
Publication details: 
First edition. London, Macmillan and Co., 1885

[xiv], 207pp., dark green cloth, corners bumped, mainly good to very good. A copy inscribed by Matthew Arnold to Lady Dorothy Neville, 'writer, hostess, horticulturist and plant collector', with a letter by Arnold concerning his gift of the book tipped in. Also with prined "From the Author" note enclosed (loose), a printed bookplate alleging "Stolen from Lady Dorothy Neville", and a newspaper clipping concerning Matthew Arnold's burial place tipped in. The letter from Arnold reads as follows: "Dear Lady Dorothy | The Fourth Party are excellent company, but Sunday is impossible for me.

League of Nations. Advisory Committee on the Traffic of Women and Protection of Children. Report on the Fourth Session.

[Report of the Advisory Committee on the Traffic of Women and Protection of Children, Council of the League of Nations, 1925] [prostitution; venereal disease; Cuba; Spain]
Publication details: 
Geneva, May 1925. [Imp. de la "Tribune de Genève".]

Folio, 27 pp. Unbound and stapled. Ownership signature ('Cross') of S. T. Cross, of the Registry of the International Court of Justice in the Hague. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with closed tear at head of first leaf, and indentation from paperclip. Sections on child welfare, the traffic in women, licensed houses, women police, emigration and propaganda.

[ 'The Girl on a Motorcycle', 1968 film starring Alain Delon and Marianne Faithfull. ] Material relating to arbitration by Jack Pulman, for the Writers' Guild of Great Britain, of dispute over credits between Jack Cardiff and Ronald Duncan.

Jack Pulman (1925-1979), British screenwriter [ Ronald Duncan (1914-1982), author; Jack Cardiff (1914-2009), film director; The Writers' Guild of Great Britain; 'The Girl on a Motorcycle' ]
Publication details: 
[ The Writers' Guild of Great Britain, 430 Edgware Road, London. ] Two items on Pulman's letterhead, 31 Steele's Road, London. 1968.

Six items relating to Pulman's arbitration, including 'a careful breakdown [by him] of scene continuity of the Bourguignon script, the Duncan script and the final shooting script', these three breakdowns (Items Two to Four below) totalling 8pp. In his four-page arbitration, Pulman gives a detailed account of the process of the film's composition, of all the more interest as coming from a master screenwriter and contemporary. All six items in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Carbon copy of Pulman's signed four-page 'Arbitration - "GIRL ON A MOTORCYLE" | Writers involved - S.

[ J. T. Maleville, nineteenth-century printer in Washington, DC. ] Menu printed on pink silk.

J. T. Maleville, printer of Washington DC [ American printing ]
Publication details: 
'J. T. MALEVILLE, PRINT, 407 10TH ST.' [ Washington, DC] Undated [1880s?].

Printed in black ink on one side of a 23.5 x 17.5 cm piece of pink silk. An interesting piece of American nineteenth-century printing, with only the printer's details giving a clue to the occasion of the dinner. Within a decorative border, and with Maleville's slug in bottom left-hand corner. A sumptuous 'service à la russe', with potages, hors d'oeuvre, poisson, relevé, entrées roti, entremets and dessert.

[ Robin Wallace, British artist in the Second World War. ] Ten items including three Typed Letters Signed from Arnold Palmer of the Committee on the Employment of Artists in Wartime, Pilgrim Trust Grant, and the War Office and Ministry of Labour.

Robin Wallace (1897-1952), English landscape artist [ Arnold Nottage Palmer (1886-1973), artist and arts administrator; the Committee on the Employment of Artists in Wartime, Pilgrim Trust Grant ]
Publication details: 
Palmer's three letters on letterheads of the Committee on the Employment of Artists in Wartime, Pilgrim Trust Grant, The National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London. Also items from the War Office and Ministry of Labour.

Wallace, a well-known painter of landscapes and still life subjects in oil and water-colour, was born at Kendal in the Lake District and studied in Kensington at the Byam Shaw and Vicat Cole School of Art. He exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1922, and at the Royal Institute of Oil Painters, the Royal Institute of Watercolour Painters, and with the Lake Artists' Society. He was a full member of the Royal Society of British Artists. The present collection casts an interesting light on the efforts of a good English artist to be of use to the war effort. Ten items.

[ Walter Greenwood, novelist. ] Autograph signature.

Walter Greenwood (1903-1974), English novelist, author of 'Love on the Dole' (1933)
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

In blue ink, on 3.5 x 10 cm piece of thick paper, cut from a letter. In good condition, with traces of glue from mount on reverse. Reads: 'Yours faithfully | Walter Greenwood'.

[Lichfield House, Richmond upon Thames.] Nine indentures, deeds, and other property documents, including one signed by novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon and her son, another by her husband William Babbington Maxwell, and one by Sir Henry George Norris.

Lichfield House, Richmond upon Thames, owned by novelist Mary Elizabeth Braddon [Mrs Maxwell] (1835-1915), Sir Henry George Norris (1865-1934), MP, Henry Lascelles (1690-1753), MP and slave owner
Publication details: 
[Relating to Lichfield House, Sheen Road, Richmond upon Thames.] London; between 1914 and 1933.

Lascelles bought Lichfield House in 1729, and committed suicide there in 1753. The enormous success of Braddon's novels 'Lady Audley's Secret' (1862) and 'Aurora Floyd' (1863) allowed her to buy Lichfield House, where she too died. It was demolished in the 1930s. ONE: Manuscript indenture on vellum. 'Mrs. M. E. Maxwell to G. M. Maxwell Esq | Conveyance of freehold property known as "The Homestead" Sheen Road Richmond Surrey'. 10 June 1914. 4pp., 8vo, with covering page. Laid out in usual fashion, bound with green ribbon with tax stamps, Land Registry stamp, and two seals in red wax.

[Printed document.] Motor Cars. Memorandum of the Cheltenham Rural District Council to the President of the Local Government Board, With reference to the recent Report of the Royal Commission on Motor Cars.

Gilbert McIlquham, clerk to the Cheltenham Rural District Board [The Local Government Board; The Royal Commission on Motor Cars, 1905-1907]
Publication details: 
Stamped '13th September 1906'.

2pp., folio. Bifolium. In small type. Containing two copies of a printed circular by McIlquham, on Cheltenham Rural District Council letterhead, dated 14 September 1906. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The memorandum is divided into five sections, and begins by putting the Council's position that 'Motor Cars travelling at high speed in dry weather along the unwatered roads of country districts occasion an intolerable dust nuisance to other users of the highway, and seriously prejudice the comfort and even the health of the inhabitants of road-side dwellings'.

[Royal Commission on Capital Punishment, 1950.] Published 'Minutes of Evidence' on Day 13 ('Howard League for Penal Reform Dr. Denis Hill and Dr. F. H. Taylor') and Day 27 ('Howard League for Penal Reform').

[Royal Commission on Capital Punishment, 1948-1953] [Sir Ernest Gowers, chairman; Gowers Report, 1953; British parliamentary papers; hanging]
Publication details: 
Both items: London, His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1950.

Two stapled pamphlets, uniform in layout, each with the ownership signature of M. Rooff at head of title. Day 13: [2] + 35pp., paginated 279-313, folio. Day 27: [2] + 25 pp., paginated 591-616. Substantially Howard League views, and mainly concerned with 'The Experience of Abolition in other Countries'. Both in fair condition, aged and worn, and each with particular wear to the title leaf.

[Printed parliamentary report.] Departmental Committee on Reformatory and Industrial Schools. Evidence taken by the Departmental Committee on Reformatory and Industrial Schools.

[Departmental Committee on Reformatory and Industrial Schools; British parliamentary report, 1913; Board of Education Inspectors' Circulating Library, Whitehall, London]
Publication details: 
Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. London: Printed under the Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office by Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd., East Harding Street, E.C., Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1913.

v + 542pp., foolscap 8vo. In blue printed wraps. On aged and worn paper, with some loss to front wrap. Stamps, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Inspectors' Circulating Library, London; and printed label of the 'Board of Education Library. H.M. Inspectors' Circulating Library, Board of Education, Whitehall, S.W.', with 'Rules' and space for stamping date of withdrawal.

[Printed pamphlet.] A Retrospect of the Education of the Deaf, on the occasion of the Clerc Centennial Commemoration. December 28th, 1885. With numerous illustrations engraed by Wm. R. Cullingworth.

Henry Winter Syle, M.A. Pastor of All Souls' Church for the Deaf, Missionary of the Pennsylvania Diocesan Commission on Church Work among Deaf Mutes [William R. Cullingworth of Philadelphia]
Publication details: 
Philadelphia: Wm. R. Cullingworth, 517 Locust Street, 1886.

36pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with historic repairs to last leaf, and slight damage to spine from disbinding. Printed grey front wrap only. With stamp and label of the Educational Library, Science & Art Department, London. An attractive production, with numerous illustrations including several sign-language alphabets. Scarce: no copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] Saorstát Éireann. Report of the Commission on the Relief of the Sick and Destitute Poor, including the Insane Poor.

[Saorstát Éireann, Commission on the Relief of the Sick and Destitute Poor, including the Insane Poor]
Publication details: 
Baile Atha Cliath. Dublin. Foillsithe ag Oifig an rSolathair. Published by the Stationery Office. To be purchased through Messrs. Eason and Son, Litd., 40 and 41 Lr. O'Connell Street, Dublin. 1927.

163pp., crown 8vo. xiv + [1] + 163pp. Stitched. In cream printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper in worn wraps. With shelfmark, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library.

[Printed Book; authorial inscription etc] Discourses in America

Matthew Arnold [ Lady Dorothy Neville, 'writer, hostess, horticulturist and plant collector']
Publication details: 
First edition. London, Macmillan and Co., 1885

[xiv], 207pp., dark green cloth, corners bumped, mainly good to very good. A copy inscribed by Matthew Arnold to Lady Dorothy Neville, 'writer, hostess, horticulturist and plant collector', with a letter by Arnold concerning his gift of the book tipped in. Also with prined "From the Author" note enclosed (loose), a printed bookplate alleging "Stolen from Lady Dorothy Neville", and a newspaper clipping concerning Matthew Arnold's burial place tipped in. The letter from Arnold reads as follows: "Dear Lady Dorothy | The Fourth Party are excellent company, but Sunday is impossible for me.

[Maurice F. Strong of the United Nations Environment Programme.] Two Typed Letters Signed to the English environmentalist Arthur Bourne, with typed copies of five letters from Bourne to Strong.

Maurice F. Strong (b.1929), Canadian entrepreneur, Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development ['Earth Summit'], 1992 [Arthur G. Bourne; Oil For Food Programme]
Publication details: 
Strong's letters both from Geneva, on letterheads of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, 29 August 1972, and the United Nations Environment Programme, 26 July 1973. Four of Bourne's drafts from Flitwick, Bedfordshire, 1972-1975.

The seven items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Strong's two letters are each 1p., 8vo, and are both on thin paper with slight wear to the edges; the second letter is docketed on the reverse by Bourne. In his first letter Strong congratulates Bourne on 'the new journal "The Environment This Month"'. He was 'favourably impressed with the first issue' and congratulates Bourne 'on the initiative you have taken in filling in such a promising way the need which existed for a high quality international journal on environmental affairs'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L. Solon') from the French potter Louis Marc Emmanuel Solon of Minton's, Stoke on Trent, thanking the unnamed recipient and his friend 'Mr Bailey' for a parcel of circulars, and discussing his library of works on ceramics.

Louis Marc Emmanuel Solon (1825-1913), French potter, first at the Sèvres, and then with Minton's, Stoke upon Trent
Publication details: 
1 The Villas, Stoke on Trent, 8 July 1893.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Solon has been informed by their common friend 'Mr Bailey' that the recipient has 'been kind enough to gather the parcel of circulars issued at various time [sic] by your firm, and which reaches me this morning.' He is sending 'a small pamphlet of mine [...] as an inadequate acknowledgement of the trouble I have caused you'. He continues: 'Mr Bailey must have told you that all printed matter having reference to ceramics has a special interest to me.

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