[Henry Cole as sub-commissioner under the Record Commission; Exchequer Records] Incomplete Autograph Letter or Draft in Cole's Handwriting about an impediment in the arrangement of the Miscellaneous Records of the Exchequer.

[Henry Cole][Sir Henry Cole (1808 – 11882), civil servant and inventor who facilitated many innovations in commerce & education in the 19th century in the U.K.]
Publication details: 
No place, 4 March 1835.

Two pages, 4to, good condition, lacking at least a signature page. An impediment in the arrangement of the Miscellaneous Records of the Exchequer which I feel it my duty to submit to the notice of the Board.

[Annie Besant; Bloomsbury Group; Periodical; One issue of United India, vol.II, No. 26

[Annie Besant; Bloomsbury Group]
Publication details: 
September 29, 1920. Printed at the Pelican Press [...] and published by United India Co., Ltd [...],

Paginated [387]-402, fold marks, small rust marks from staples, punch-hole. From the papers formerly held at the headquarters of the National Indian Association and the Northbrook Society, 21 Cromwell Road, later by its former Warden, Roland Knaster. BUT stamped 1917-CLUB, a club founded by Leonard Woolf, frequented by his friends and (re. Wikipedia entry, Gordon Childe, Ramsay MacDonald, Aldous Huxley, H. G. Wells, H. N. Brailsford, Elsa Lanchester, Rose Macaulay,[3] Frederick Pethick-Lawrence, J. A. Hobson, Norah C. James, W. C. Anderson, Mary Hamilton, Emile Burns, E. D.

[Card games: 'Whist for two' and 'the game of Mrs. Allport'.] Autograph instructions by 'Miss Stanton' on 'How to play the game of Mrs. Allport' and 'Whist for two'.

[Card games; pastimes; Miss Stanton; Mrs Allport; whist; Chelsea, London]
Publication details: 
No date (1920s?). On letterhead of 72 Elm Park Mansions, Park Walk, Chelsea, London, S.W.

9pp, 12mo. On twi bifoliums and a single leaf, only the first of the bifoliums carrying the letterhead. In good condition, on aged paper. Folded once and in an envelope with 'Whist for 2. | Rules by Miss Stanton.' on cover. The letterhead has the feel of the 1920s, but the handwriting is Victorian, and presumably that of an old spinster. The first bifolium carries a separate set of instructions over four pages, headed 'Whist for two', and concluding: 'Hope you can read it excuse blots for I cant see what I have written'.

['Max O'Rell' [Léon Paul Blouet], French author and journalist.] Cabinet Card photographic portrait by Taber of San Francisco, signed 'Max O'Rell'; with Autograph Letter Signed to his lecture agent E. W. Appleton, regarding fees.

'Max O'Rell' [Léon Paul Blouet] (1847-1903), French author and journalist who wrote in English for British and American markets, crossed swords with Mark Twain [E. W. Appleton; Taber of San Francisco]
Publication details: 
Letter to Appleton: 14 December 1885; 2 Lime Grove, Uxbridge Road, W. [London] Cabinet Card by Taber, 8 Montgomery Street, 'opposite the Palace and Grand Hotels', San Francisco; undated.

ONE: Cabinet Card: 13.5 x 10 cm photographic head-and-shoulders portrait of Blouet, smartly-dressed with glasses and handlebar moustache, mounted on 16.5 x 10.5 cm card, with printed details of the photographers Taber's printed in gold below the image, and an elaborate advertisement for the firm printed in brown on the reverse. In fair condition, lightly aged. Inscribed on the base of the print: 'Yours Sincerely | Max O'Rell'. TWO: Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Appleton', i.e. E. W. Appleton. 1p, 12mo. On bifolium. 14 December 1885; 2 Lime Grove, Uxbridge Road, W.

[Christmas Card from the British Expeditionary Force, France, 1939.] Lithographed Christmas Card, with 'B.E.F.' and Spearhead Badge of 1 British Corps, and illustration by 'L. D. C.' of White Cliffs of Dover, France, military convoy, army camp.

[British Expeditionary Force (B.E.F.), France, 1939; 1 British Corps; British Army]
Publication details: 
British Expeditionary Force [France]. Christmas 1939.

A nice piece of Second World War ephemera, of which no other copy has been traced. 1 British Corps formed part of the B.E.F., travelling to France in September 1939, and withdrawing from Dunkirk at the 'Darkest Hour' in May 1940. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Lithographed in black on the four sides of a 9.5 x 15 cm bifolium. Two parallel diagonal red lines printed at top left of front cover, which also carries the Spearhead badge of 1 British Corps at centre, above 'B.E.F.' in a scroll, with 'Christmas – 1939' at bottom left.

[ Evelyn Jamison, Vice-Principal of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. ] Around 40 calling cards by the Army and Navy Stores, in box, of 'Miss Evelyn Jones | Lady Margaret Hall | Oxford'.

Evelyn Jamison (1877-1972), Vice-Principal of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, mediaevalist [ Army and Navy STores Limited, London ]
Publication details: 
Army and Navy Stores Limited, Westminster, S.W.1. No date (Edwardian?).

The forty cards are printed in black on one side, engraved in the customary copperplate, and laid out in the conventional way. Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5 cm. In good condition, lightly aged. Most are arranged in pairs, separated with tissue leaves. In 'drawer' inside 9.5 x 6 x 2 cm box, printed on all sides with the firm's details. On front: '50 Finest Quality De La Rue's Thin Ivory Visiting Cards' and the firm's address. Written on the front, presumably by Jamison is 'Lady Margaret Hall Oxford'.

[ Gerald Bullett, author and broadcaster. ] Christmas card containing his poem 'White Frost', signed by him and printed by James Guthrie's Pear Tree Press.

Gerald Bullett (1893-1958), writer and broadcaster; his wife Rosalind Bullett [ Edith Marion Rosalind Barker, née Gould ] (1887-1982) [ James Guthrie, The Pear Tree Press, Bognor Regis ]
Publication details: 
'This is one of 75 copies of White Frost a copyright poem by Gerald Bullett printed by James Guthrie at The Pear Tree Press Flansham Bognor Regis December 1936'. [ The Old Farm, East Harting, Sussex. ]

On piece of laid paper folded twice to make a 19 x 14 cm. card. In good condition, with light signs of age. Tiny printer's device on back cover the only illustration. Front cover in black ink reads: 'Christmas Greetings from Rosalind & Gerald Bullett The Old Farm East Harting Sussex'. Colophon in brown ink on left-hand side of opening. Right-hand opening carries the sixteen-line poem, in four four-line stanzas, the first of which reads: 'I went to the window, where the morning was, | And saw innocence scattered on the grass.

[ George Cruikshank, English caricaturist. ] Cabinet card photographic portrait of 'Mr George Cruikshank' by the London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company.

George Cruikshank (1792-1878), English caricaturist and illustrator [ The London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company ]
Publication details: 
The London Stereoscopic Company, 110 & 108 Regent Street and 54 Cheapside [ London ]. Undated [ circa 1873? ].

Albumen print photograph, dimensions 15 x 10 cm. Mounted on 16.5 x 10.5 cm card. Printed in red ink on the reverse of the card are the firm's illustrated details ('Photoraphers to the Queen the Prince of Wales and other members of the Royal Family' and 'Prize Medal For Portraiture Vienna Exibitiion 1873.' In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The National Portrait Gallery lists four versions of this image, but not within an oval, as here.

'1st. Battn. Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. | Drill Programme.' [ Printed card with autograph note by Scovell stating authorship. ]

Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders [ Lieut-Col. G. J. S. Scovell [ George Julian Selwyn Scovell ] (1881-1948), deputy Director-General of Recruiting, 1918; General Secretary of National Liberal Party ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but dated by Scovell to 1910.

Printed on both sides of a 15 x 11 cm piece of card. In good condition, lightly-aged. Unsigned autograph note by Scovell on reverse: 'Drawn up by me when adjt.

Printed Victorian Christmas card with the poem 'Christmas Greeting' by 'S. K. Cowan M.A.' on one side, and a coloured chromolithographic illustration by J. N. Drummond on the other.

'S. K. Cowan M.A.' [ Samuel Kennedy Cowan ]; J. N. Drummond
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [ England, 1880s? ]

On a thick piece of shiny card, with rounded edges, 12.5 x 18cm. Aged, and with two dog eared corners and a 3cm closed tear (not affecting illustration). On one side is the chromolithographic illustration, with 'J. N. Drummond' in the bottom right-hand corner, showing an English rural landscape - more autumnal than winter - with river in the foreground and trees and viillage with church in the background.

[ London bookseller's trade card. ] Unusual and attractive trade card of M. A. Harvey, 'Book & Printseller', with handcoloured engraving of three youngsters looking at his name and address, which are placed on an easel.

M. A. Harvey, Book & Printseller, 11 Red Lion Passage, Red Lion Street, Holborn, London
Publication details: 
M. A. Harvey, 11 Red Lion Passage, Red Lion Street, Holborn [ London ]. No date [ 1920s? ]

On one side of 7 x 11 cm piece of card. In good condition, lightly-aged. An unusual and attractive piece of London booktrade ephemera. The whole design, including the text, is engraved, and is in the style of a children's book illustration. With the text represented on a piece of board placed on an easel, around which three children crowd. On the left is a girl in a red dress, with yellow bonnet and umbrella, beside her is a louche individual in a yellow and orange checked suit, and to the right is a zouave, with red hat, holding a paintbrush and palette.

[ Victorian valentine Card. ] Hand-coloured engraved Victorian valentine card, depicting a young lady in shorts posting a letter, with the caption 'A valentine for my little friend'.

[ Victorian valentine card, engraved and hand-coloured ] [ Royal Mail; Post Office; women's fashion ]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [ London, 1880s? ]

On one side of a piece of 14 x 9 cm paper, with embossed design to the scalloped edges. Hand-coloured in yellow, pink, red, purple, grey and plum. A smiling young girl, blonde-haird and rosy cheeks, in gentleman's hat, muffler, plum velvet jacket, purple shorts and red tights, stands on the pavement, looking smiling at the viewer as she posts a letter with a red wax seal into a box marked 'Post Office' and 'London 12'. The caption at the foot reads: 'A VALENTINE | FOR MY LITTLE FRIEND'.

[ Mary Knox, illustrator. ] Printed illustrated Christmas card 'from E. V. & Mary Knox.' With manuscript address and telephone number at foot.

Mary Knox [née Mary Shepard] (1909-2002), illustrator; E. V. Knox [ Edmund George Valpy Knox ] (1881-1971), poet and satirist ('Evoe'), editor of Punch magazine, 1932-1949
Publication details: 
[London, 1930s or 1940s.]

Printed in black on one side of a 12.5 x 16.5 cm piece of card. A charming image, framed within the drawn curtains of a theatre stage, showing four snowmen, dressed as toff in top hat, flat-capped figure with spade, lady with shawl and umbrella, and bowler-hatted figure with muffler and broom. At head of image 'A Merry Christmas', and at foot, 'from E. V. & Mary Knox'. In blue ink in border at foot of page: '110 Frognal. N.W.3.' and 'Hampstead 7330.' Mary Knox's father E. H. Shepard was the illustrator of the Winnie the Pooh books.

[Ornate engraved advertisement for 'James Salmon Cambridge Carrier, Sets out from the Green Dragon Inn Bishopsgate Street London [...]'.

James Salmon, Cambridge Carrier [Eighteenth-century transport; Norfolk; East Anglia]
Publication details: 
Without publication details or date. [1780s?]

12.5 x 16 cm. Irregularly-cut and laid down on paper backing. Lightly-aged and worn. Slight loss to extremities. Crisply printed, with characteristic eighteenth-century engraved border of floral and architectural details. Text reads: 'James Salmon | Cambridge Carrier, | Sets out from the Green Dragon Inn Bishopsgate street | London | evry [sic] Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday, in ye. Forenoon, & carry Goods as usual For | [list of places in four columns] Cambridge Ely Lynn Wisbeach Holbeach March Downham Dereham Watton Fakenham Swaffham Walsingham | And all other adjacent Places.

[Nathaniel Wegg, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Red Lion, No. 1, East Street, Greenwich.] Printed circular advertisement, informing the public that he has purchased the business of Mr. Gosling. With price list and engraving of the Red Lion Inn.

Nathaniel Wegg, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Red Lion, No. 1, East Street, Greenwich
Publication details: 
Nathaniel Wegg, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Red Lion, No. 1, East Street, Greenwich. [Henry S. Richardson, Printer, Greenwich.] July 1841.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. The recto of the first leaf is headed by a 6.5 x 8 cm engraving of the Red Lion Inn. Beneath this is an advertisement in the form of a letter from 'NATHANIEL WEGG' to 'Sir, or Madam', addressed from 'RED LION, EAST STREET, GREENWICH. | July, 1841.' He states that he has 'repurchased the business lately carried on by Mr. GOSLING', and recommends his 'STOCK OF WINES, which was laid in by me at my commencement in business in December 1838, and which for selection and flavour may safely defy competition'.

[Sir John Goodricke.] Engraved calling card of 'Sr. John Goodricke', depicting the Basilica of St Peter's in Rome. With address in contemporary hand on reverse.

Sir John Goodricke (1708-1789) of Bramham Park, Yorkshire, diplomat and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
Undated (late eighteenth century). London address on reverse.

The card is 6 x 8 cm, with the engraved image of the Basilica 5 x 7 cm, within a ruled border, with 'Sr. John Goodricke' in copperplate in a cartouche at the foot. In fair condition, aged and lightly ruckled and spotted. In a contemporary hand, on the reverse: 'No 9, Somerset Street. | Portman Square'. An attractive and unusual item. Goodricke's connection with St Peter's is unclear, but a common feature shared with Bramham Park is the presence of an obelisk. Goodricke's son was the noted 'deaf astronomer' John Goodricke (1764-1786).

[George William Childs, American publisher.] Cabinet card portrait by the F. Gutekunst Co. of Philadelphia.

George William Childs (1829-1894), American publisher and co-owner of the Philadelphia Public Ledger [The F. Gutekunst Co., Philadelphia]
Publication details: 
The F. Gutekunst Co., 712 Arch Street, Philadelphia. [1880s.]

14 x 10 cm albumen print, on 16.5 x 11 cm card. In fair condition, lightly-faded. Docketed on reverse: 'G. W. Childs | who erected monument over <?>' From the papers of the Anglo-American astronomer Mary Proctor (1862-1957).

[Mathew Varenne, bookseller, near Somerset House in the Strand.] Engraved bookplate ('H: Hulsbergh Sc.') with inscription 'This Book and all sorts are to be had at Math: Varrenne's at the Senecas head near Sommerset house in ye Strand.'

[Mathew Varenne [Matthew de Varenne; Varens] (d.1726), bookseller at the sign of Seneca's Head, near Somerset House in the Strand, London; Hendrik Hulsbergh (d.1729), London-based Dutch engraver]
Publication details: 
[Mathew Varenne, bookseller at the sign of Seneca's Head, near Somerset House in the Strand, London. Before 1726.]

Note that Varenne's Christian name is spelled with one 't' on the bookplate, and generally with two 't's by later sources. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, tipped in onto a grey paper mount. Engraved on a 12 x 8 cm piece of wove paper, with no margin.

[Johannes Groenewegen and Abraham van der Hoeck, Dutch booksellers in the Strand, London] Engraved eighteenth-century bookplate with portrait of Horace above text 'This Book is to be sold by J: Groenewegen & A: vander Hoeck in the Strand.'

[Johannes Groenewegen and Abraham van der Hoeck, Dutch booksellers in the Strand, London, between 1715 and 1728]
Publication details: 
[Johannes Groenewegen and Abraham van der Hoeck, booksellers in the Strand, London. Early eighteenth century.]

In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, tipped in onto a grey paper mount. Engraved on 13 x 8 cm piece of wove paper, with no margin. The firm's shop was at the sign of Horace's head in the Strand, and the engraving depicts a lapidary carving off the head and shoulders of the poet, with laurel leaf above, in an oval frame, around which are 'carved' decorations (including lyre and grapes).

Printed handbill advertisement by 'W & A Gilbey | Wine Growers & Distillers', featuring five engravings headed 'Some Views of W & A Gilbey's Head Establishments'. With list of prices for wines and spirits.

W. & A. Gilbey, 'Wine Growers & Distillers' [Gilbey's Gin; business ephemera; priced trade catalogue]
Publication details: 
'Revised for 1884-5'. ['Agent Christopher L. Mead Wine & Spirit Merchant 65 Crouch Street Colchester.']

Printed on both sides of a piece of wove paper, 30.5 x 22.5. Text clear and complete, on aged paper with slight wear and a few short closed tears to extremities. The reverse consists of a list of prices for seven types of wine ('Selected from W & A Gilbey's List of 183 varieties.') and six types of spirit ('Selected from W & A Gilbey's List of 72 varieties.'). On the front, beneath the firm's heading (with tiny illustration of the 'Pantheon A.D. 1722') and Mead's details, are the five 'views', ranging in size from 4.5 x 18 cm to 4.5 x 5.6 cm.

French nineteenth-century handbill poem by 'L. N.' on the game of whist, titled 'Le Whist.'

'L. N.' [French nineteenth-century handbill poem on the game of whist]
Handbill poem by 'L. N.' on the game of whist
Publication details: 
Date of publication and name of printer not stated [1840s Paris?].
Handbill poem by 'L. N.' on the game of whist

2 pp, 12mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium of wove paper. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Signed 'L. N.' in type at end. A 114-line poem, in rhyming alexandrine couplets, beginning 'Messieurs, au jeu du whist adoptez constamment | L'air grave britannique et le flegme allemand.

Calling card of Admiral Sir Charles Napier, on which he has written 'Sir Chas Napier | Merchistoun'.

Admiral Sir Charles Napier (1786-1860) [Charles John Napier], Royal Navy, of Merchiston [Merchistoun]
Calling card of Admiral Sir Charles Napier
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Calling card of Admiral Sir Charles Napier

On piece of card, 4 x 7 cm. Aged and spotted. Reads 'Sir Chas Napier | Merchistoun', with the words centred as usual. Drawing or floor plan in pencil on reverse. From the Paterson papers.

The History of Playing Cards and Card-Conjuring. Les Cartes a Jouer et la Cartomancie par P. Boiteau D'Ambly. (Illustrated with forty curious woodcuts.)

P. Boiteau D'Ambly [John Camden Hotten]
Publication details: 
London: John Camden Hotten, Antiquarian Bookseller, Piccadilly. 1859.

12mo: [ii] + ii + 390 pp. In contemporary quarter-binding with burgundy leather spine ('CARTES A JOUER' in gilt) and red paper boards. Top edge gilt. Binder's ticket of Bone & Son, Fleet Street. Tight copy, on aged and spotted paper, in worn binding with damage and loss to spine. In French, with Boiteau's preface dated 'Juin 1854'. Evidently the sheets of the French edition, with Hotten's new title-leaf. An interesting and informative work, with attractive engravings in text by Coppin. Scarce: the only copies on COPAC at the British Library and the National Library of Wales.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Laurence W. Meynell') to 'Miss Card'.

Laurence Meynell [Laurence Walter Meynell] (1899-1989), English children's writer
Publication details: 
19 April 1937; on letterhead of Lime Tree Cottage, Great Kingshill, Buckinghamshire.

12mo, 2 pp. Creased, and with an unobtrusive 1 cm closed tear. He thanks her for her 'charming letter of appreciation'. He is delighted that she 'so enjoyed' 'The Door' ['The Door in the Wall' (1937)]: 'a similar story (or rather one dealing with Phillip Markham & Baikie) will be appearing in the autumn probably in early October'. 'It always cheers an author up to know that he has pleased his readers - & if they do him the good turn of recommending his book to their friends he is vastly obliged!'

Engraved trade card with illustration.

[PRINTING] Henry Sandon, Victorian engraver
Publication details: 
Without date [circa 1850?]; 60, Wellington Street, Goswell Street, London.

On good thick wove paper, roughly six and a quarter inches by four and three-quarters wide. Dimensions of plate indentation five inches by three wide. Good, on aged and lightly-foxed paper, left edge irregular indicating extraction. A very attractive card, carrying an engraving of a sylvan scene giving a very good idea of Sandon's qualities. Reads, in a variety of hands, 'EVERY | Description | OF | ENGRAVING & PRINTING | Neatly executed. | [vignette] | HENRY SANDON, | 60, Wellington Street, Goswell Street, | London.' Sandon does not feature in BBTI. is he real?

Trade Card

William Curtis, bookseller, stationer, music seller (BBTI 1812-1836)
Publication details: 
No date.

Card, c.4 x 3", soiled, remnants of album page on verso (four corners). Within the Royal Arms of the Duke of Clarence is printed "William Curtis / Bookseller / To H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence / Plymouth". At the botton "Harps, Pianofortes &c. on Sale or Hire."

Valentine card.

Ronald Searle
Publication details: 

Dimensions when folded roughly 4 3/4 inches by 6 inches. Somewhat grubby, but well printed and in good condition overall. Front of card printed in black with Searle's printed signature and 'to my Valentine -' in red at head. Cartoon illustration of bespectacled young lady with bouffant hair and hairband, in dainty skirt and heels, holding beribboned had in front of her, posing in front of wall on which she casts large shadow of horned devil with tail.

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