[ Erasmus Middleton, Evangelical clergyman. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Squire of Wragby full of pious sentiment.

Erasmus Middleton (1739-1805), Evangelical Church of England clergyman and editor
Publication details: 
'B. Friars [ Blackfriars ], London, April 27th. 1785.'

3pp., folio. Bifolium. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, 'To | Mrs. Squire, | Wragby, | near Lincoln.' In fair condition, aged and worn, with Middleton's seal cut away from the second leaf (without any loss to text) and a number of closed tears along creases. Seventy lines of neatly-written text. A letter filled with pious sentiment, beginning: 'Mr. Squire favored us To-day with a Call, and it gave us a peculiar Pleasure to see that he is so well recovered from that Fit of Illness in which my Brother & I saw him, notwithstanding the uncommonly severe Winter we have since had.

[ Peter de Rome, 'Grandfather of Gay Porn'. ] Eight Letters (five in Autograph, three Typed), seven of them signed ('Peter.' and 'P.') to costume designer Ivan Alderman.

Peter de Rome (1924-2014), homosexual filmmaker, called 'Grandfather of Gay Porn' [ Ivan Alderman (d.2003), costume designer ]
Publication details: 
Four from 1986-1987, on letterheads of the Paramount Pictures Corporation, New York. The others from New York, 1997-1998, the last two with his monogram letterhead.

The eight letters total 10pp., 4to., of which 3pp. are typed and 7pp. in autograph. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. De Rome's reputation was enlarged towards the end of his life, with the British Film Institute mounting a thrusting retrospective season, with an accompanying DVD and a penetrating documentary by David McGillivray, 'Peter de Rome: The Grandfather of Gay Porn' (2007). For more information on Alderman, who acted in de Rome's films 'Scopo' (1966) and 'The Second Coming' (1970), and who had been J. R.

[Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of radio: family correspondence.] 40 items to governess Millicent Goodsir ('Miss Unger') from Marconi's second wife Cristina [née Bezzi Scali], her mother and daughter: letters and cards in English, inscribed photographs.

[Guglielmo Marconi [Marquis of Marconi] (1874-1937), inventor of radio, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics; his second wife Maria Cristina Bezzi-Scali, their daughter Elettra Giovanelli
Publication details: 
Most from 11 Via Condotti, Rome. 1914-1968.

Forty items, in good condition, lightly aged and worn, with some of the photographs with evidence on reverse of having been mounted. Millicent Goodsir [née Unger] (1885-1983) was governess to Christina Bezzi Scali (1900-1994), daughter of Francesco, Count Bezzi Scali and his wife Anna (1879-1968). In 1927 Cristina became Marconi's second wife. Their only child was Maria Elettra Elena Anna Marconi (b.1930), who would marry Prince Carlo Giovannelli (1942-2016).

[Anatomical plates by Carlo Cesio, published by Luis Fabri.] ‘Cognizione de Muscoli del Corpo Umano / Per uso di disegno / Opera / di Carlo Cesio’.

Carlo Cesio [Carlo Cesi] (1622-1682), Baroque painter and engraver of the Roman school; Luigi Fabri [Aloisio Fabri; Luis Fabri] (1777-1835), Roman engraver and publisher
Publication details: 
[Early nineteenth century.] ‘In Roma presso Luigi Fabri, Via del Bufalo No. 141.’

First published in Rome in 1679 as ‘Cognitione [sic] de muscoli del corpo humano per il disegno’. The present edition is scarce. JISC LHD suggests that there is no copy in the United Kingdom (not even at the Wellcome), and WorldCat lists only four: at Harvard, Boston Athenaeum, Michigan and Padua University. 18pp, folio, on the rectos of eighteen leaves, of which the first is a new title-page and the second carries the text ‘A chi studio il disegno’ by ‘Carlo Cesio’. Dimensions of plate 21 x 34 cm; dimensions of leaf 33 x 44 cm.

[Arthur Hinsley, Catholic Prelate] Autograph Card Signed A Hinsley to Douglas, blessing his and displaying discomfort at being In Rome (no place of peace and rest), longing to return to Africa.

Arthur Hinsley (1865–1943), English prelate of the Catholic Church. Sometime Archbishop of Westminster elevated to the cardinalate in 1937.
Publication details: 
[Headed] Mons. Arturo Hinsley | Vescovo Titulare di Sebastapoli | Rettore del Collegio Inglese in Roma. No date.

Two sides of card with printed heading as above, 13 x 10cm, sl. crumpled but text clear and complete. Many hearty thanks for your kind letter of Dec. 20th and for all your kind wishes. May God bless you and all yours during the New Year and for all the years to come and for all Eternity. I am so overwhelmed with work annd so full of cold I have not been able to answer half my letters. Rome is no place of peace and rest for me. I shall have to get back to Africa as soon as I can. Give my love and my blessing to all the tender Olive shoots. How I wish I could see them.

[Gustav Adolf, Cardinal Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingfürs.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘G Card d’Hohenhohe’) in Italian, enclosing a book by ‘Signora Costanza’, and 3 letters of recommendation for a voyage [neither book not letters present!]

Gustav Adolf, Cardinal Prince of Hohenlohe-Schillingfürst (1823-1896), German aristocrat and Roman Catholic cleric and friend of Franz Liszt
Publication details: 
5 May 1891; Rome.

In fair condition, on lightly aged paper. Folded once. Signed ‘G Card d’Hohenhohe’, and with his embossed monogram. He is enclosing ‘il libro per la Signora Costanza’, together with the three letters of recommendation, which she may read before sealing. He ends with good wishes for the voyage. See image.

['Shady deals' re Aylesford Priory.] Two Typed Letters Signed from Carmelite friar and prior Malachy Lynch to Major G. Wynne-Rushton, with two letters written for him (by ‘J. Cleeves’ and ‘J. R.’), on ‘Soulsby’s shady deals’ over a pilgrimage to Rome

Malachy Lynch (1899-1972), Irish Carmelite friar who restored Aylesford Priory, Kent, and was its Prior [Major Gerald Wynne-Rushton (b;1894), Roman Catholic author]
Publication details: 
Lynch's two letters: 21 January [1950] and 4 February 1950. Letter by 'J. Cleeves': 9 February [1950]. Letter by 'J. R.': 24 March [1950]. All four on letterhead of The Friars, Aylesford, Kent.

The context appears to be that Wynne-Rushton is supplying Aylesford with ‘inside information’ regarding the ‘shady deals’ of one Soulsby, proprietor of the Westminster Association, a travel agent’s being employed by Aylesford with regard to a pilgrimage to Rome. Lynch’s two letters and that of J. Cleeve’s all in good condition, lightly aged and each folded three times. Letter by ‘J. R.’ in fair condition, on aged paper. Lynch’s letters are both signed ‘Malachy Lynch O. Carm.’ ONE: By Lynch, 21 January [1950]. He explains: ‘I understood that the Agency had made provision already for 1,000.

[Joseph Fesch, Prince of France, French cardinal, diplomat, art collector, and uncle of Napoleon Bonaparte.] Autograph Letter in the third person, welcoming 'Monsieur Payne', i.e. bookseller John Payne of Payne and Foss, and his wife, back to Rome.

Joseph Fesch, Prince of France (1763-1839), French cardinal, diplomat and art collector, uncle of Napoleon Bonaparte [John Payne, bookseller of London firm Payne and Foss; his wife, born Sarah Burney]
Publication details: 
[Rome.] 7 August 1833.

1p, 12mo. On bifolium, addressed on the reverse of the second leaf, with the cardinal's seal in red wax to one corner, 'A Monsieur Payne'. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering to inner edge. Folded twice. In a close, neat hand, the letter reads: 'Le Cardinal Fesch fait ces compliments à Monsieur et à Madame Payne et les Félicites de leurs heureux Retour a Rome. | Le Cardinal est toujours visible vers midi mais il tachera de visiter les aimables voyageurs, à leurs auberge avant leur depart.

[Michael Ramsay, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Cardinal Heenan, Archbishop of Westminster.] Autograph Signatures ('+ Michael Canuar:' and '+ John Card. Heenan') on Vatican first day cover. With covering Typed Note Signed from Rev. Michael Moore.

Michael Ramsay [Arthur Michael Ramsay] (1904-1988), hundredth Archbishop of Canterbury; John Carmel Heenan [Cardinal Heenan] (1905-1975), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster
Publication details: 
The first day cover with Vatican postmark dated 8 December 1965. Moore's note: 26 February 1968, on Lambeth Palace letterhead of the Church of England Council on Foreign Relations.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged. The first day cover, celebrating the end of the second Ecumenical Council, is printed in brown, red and green, illustrated with photographic portraits of Ramsay and Pope Paul VI. It carries two Vatican stamps and a Vatican postmark. Towards the right of the cover, one over the other, are the signatures of '+ Michael Canuar:' and '+ John Card. Heenan'. Moore's Typed Letter Signed is addressed to Umberto Giorgi of Vicenza, Italy, and reads: 'The Archbishop of Canterbury was grateful for your letter.

[Pope Pius XII.] Printed ticket of admission ('Biglietto personale') to the 'Anticamera Pontificia', on the occasion of his pontifical mass and coronation, issued by Alberto Arborio-Mella di Sant'Ella, Maestro di Camera.

Pope Pius XII [Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli] (1876-1958), Roman Catholic pontiff [Alberto Arborio Mella di Sant'Elia (1880-1953), Maestro di Camera; Vatican City, Rome]
Publication details: 
Invitation dated 'Vaticano, 4 marzo 1939', for event on 12 March 1939. ['Tip. Vaticana. 6-3-1939']

A nice piece of papal ephemera, printed in blue on one side of 15 x 21 cm piece of blue wove paper, with large ornate watermark of 'SACRI PALAZZI APOSTOLICI', with triregnum and crossed keys. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice. Numbered 7370, with following at head: 'Ingresso: Facciata della Basilica | (Cancello di destra N. 3)', and at foot 'Accesso: VIA DI PORTA ANGELICA'. At left-hand side: '12 | GRATIS'.

[Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of radio: family correspondence.] 40 items to governess Millicent Goodsir ('Miss Unger') from Marconi's second wife Cristina [née Bezzi Scali], her mother and daughter: letters and cards in English, inscribed photographs.

[Guglielmo Marconi [Marquis of Marconi] (1874-1937), inventor of radio, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics; his second wife Maria Cristina Bezzi-Scali, their daughter Elettra Giovanelli
Publication details: 
Most from 11 Via Condotti, Rome. 1914-1968.

Forty items, in good condition, lightly aged and worn, with some of the photographs with evidence on reverse of having been mounted. Millicent Goodsir [née Unger] (1885-1983) was governess to Christina Bezzi Scali (1900-1994), daughter of Francesco, Count Bezzi Scali and his wife Anna (1879-1968). In 1927 Cristina became Marconi's second wife. Their only child was Maria Elettra Elena Anna Marconi (b.1930), who would marry Prince Carlo Giovannelli (1942-2016).

[Edmund Stonor, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Trebizond.] Eleven Autograph Letters Signed, in a collection of fifteen items of correspondence to his London lawyers Philip Witham and F. R. Ward. With two letters from Judge Henry James Stonor.

Edmund Stonor (1831-1912), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Trebizond and Senior Canon of St John Lateran, Chamberlain to Pope Pius IX [Philip Witham (1843-1921) and F. R. Ward, Irish lawyers in London]
Publication details: 
The fifteen items between 1884 and 1906. Eight of Stonor's letters from 27 Via Sistina, Rome. Other letters from 23 Clarges Street, London; Brighton; Abbey Hill, Winchester; and Imberhorne Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex.

Fifteen items of correspondence, including eleven autograph letters from Stonor himself, eight signed 'Edmund Stonor', the other three '+ Edmund Stonor | Abp of Trebizond'. The collection aged and worn, with fraying to edges. The items attached with a brass stud. Regarding the two recipients, prominent solicitors serving the Irish and Roman Catholic interests in London, Philip Witham (1843-1921) - whose firm was Roskell, Witham, Munster and Weld - appears to have succeed F. R. Ward at 1 Gray's Inn Square. The main topic of the correspondence is the drafting in 1888 of Stonor's will.

[Mrs Humphry Ward, novelist.] Autograph Signature ('Mary A. Ward'), on letter in a secretarial hand, to 'Mrs. Story', suggesting - with 'a considerable hesitation' - a meeting when she and her family reach Rome.

Mrs Humphry Ward [Mary Augusta Ward] (1851-1920), novelist, author, educationalist and founding President of the Women's National Anti-Suffrage League
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Hotel Timeo, Taormina. 3 April 1903.

2pp, 12mo. Creased and worn. Folded once. She explains that she and her husband and daughter are on the way to Rome, where they will stay at the Hotel Molaro for six days, and expresses the hope that 'we may have the pleasure of seeing you & Mr. Story during that time, if you are at home'. She admits that she feels 'a considerable hesitation about letting any of our friends in Rome know of our coming', as they are 'so overdone with “forestieri” at this time of year'.

[ Beulah Patterson (née Busha), kinswoman of Ezra Pound. ] Two long Typed Letters Signed (both 'aunt Beulah') to her nephew 'Tommy'

Beulah Patterson [ née Beulah Elizabeth Busha ] (1886-1979) of Big Timber, Montana, kinswoman of the American poet Ezra Pound [ Olivia Shakespear; Dorothy Pound; Omar Shakespear Pound ]
Publication details: 
Both on her letterhead, as 'Clerk of District Court', of 'County of Sweet Grass | Big Timber, Montana'. 18 May 1945 and 19 August 1947.

Pound was related to the Busha family through the marriage of his first cousin once removed Ida Lillian Pound (1858-1949) to Charles Thomas Busha (see 'Ezra and Dorothy Pound: Letters in Captivity, 1945-1946, ed. Omar Pound and Robert Spoo, 1999). The two letters are each 2pp., 4to. Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Both closely typed on both sides, with a few autograph emendations; the second letter with an autograph postscript. 'Tommy', who at the time of the first letter is serving with the United States armed forces, is also referred to by his nickname 'Toppie'.

[ Cardinal Francis Bourne, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster. ] Autograph Signature ('F. Card. Bourne').

Cardinal Francis Bourne [ Francis Alphonsus Bourne ] (1861-1935), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster
Publication details: 
Place and date not statred.

Neat signature ('F. Card. Bourne'), if a little shaky, at top left of one side of a light-green leaf extracted from an autograph album. No other text on either side. In good condition, lightly aged.

Printed pamphlet: 'The Home and Church of St. Gregory the Great.' [ With eight plates. ]

Rt. Rev. T. B. Snow, O.S.B.[ Church of St Gregory the Great, Rome ]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from the Downside Review.' Printed by the Western Chronicle Company, Limited, Yeovil. 1890.

24pp., 8vo. With frontispiece and seven plates. In grey printed wraps. Disbound. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear. The only copy on COPAC at Aberdeen, and now scarce.

Anonymous pamphlet in illustrated wraps: 'Irish National Church in Honour of Saint Patrick, Rome.'

[ St Patrick's Church, Rome; Browne and Nolan, Printers, Dublin; Patrick Glynn of Limerick ]
Publication details: 
Browne and Nolan, Printers, Dublin. [ Circa 1887. ]

32pp., 8vo. Stitched. With leaf tipped-in carrying a one-page addendum transcript of a 'Letter from His Eminence Cardinal Manning', 1887. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. In illustrated wraps printed in green and yellow, the front cover carrying an illustration of 'St. Patrick receiving the Commission at Rome from Pope Celestine I. to preach the Gospel to the Irish People'; the back cover with illustration of 'St. Patrick preaching to the Irish Chieftains at Tara'. Over the last five pages, in small type, is a 'List of Contributors'.

[ Printed item. ] Catalogo delle Opere di Musica o ad essa relative che nel Decennio sono state depositate nell'Archivio della Congregazione ed Accademia di Santa Cecilia di Roma.

'L. ROSSI Segret. ed Archivista della C. ed A.' [ L'Archivio della Congregazione ed Accademia di Santa Cecilia di Roma, Italia ] [ Italy ]
Publication details: 
[ L'Archivio della Congregazione ed Accademia di Santa Cecilia di Roma, Italia [ Italy ] ] 'Roma li 22. Novembre 1846.'

[2] + 28 + [2]pp., 12mo. Unbound sewn pamphlet. In good condition, lightly aged. A crisply and attractively printed item, with a businesslike listing of mostly recent compositions, in four categories: 'Offerte' (from 'DI CASTELBARCO Conte Cesare' to 'SCHMID Antonio'), 'Doni', 'In Adempimento delle Prescrizioni Statutarie' (from 'BARATTINI Luigi' to 'RIVALTA Giuseppe') and 'Acquisti'. The only copy on OCLC WorldCat at the Bibliothèque nationale de France.

[ Printed item. ] Les Cosaques Pontificaux par Antonio Watripon.

Antonio Watripon [ Louis Veuillot (1813-1883), French journalist and supporter of Ultramontanism; Gustave Havard ]
Publication details: 
Paris: Librairie Moderne, 19, Boulevard Sébastopol (Rive Gauche). Gustave Havard, Éditeur. 1861.

32pp., 8vo. Disbound. In printed yellow wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and spotted, with the wraps detached from one another and the volume. An attack on Ultramontanism, and on Louis Veuillot in particular. Four copies on OCLC WorldCat and now scarce.

[ Annotated by Author ]The History of the Church of Rome. to the End of the Episcopate of Damasus, A.D. 384 (with related items).

Edward John Shepherd, Rector of Luddesdown.
Publication details: 
London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1851

Author's own copy. Pp.vxi.541, cr. 8vo, with additional "Corrections" page, hf-lea, raised bands, worn, contents good, interleaved with additional blank pages, a few of which have notes in Shepherd's hand. The book derives from the residual archive of the family of E.J. Shepherd. No copy recorded in Lambeth Palace Library Catalogue. With (from the same archive): the Accounts, 1851-1853, prepared by Longmans giving costs and sales, these in MS. but they are on the reverse of a lengthy printed statement by Longman's headed "Paternoster Row, London | January 1843. | Messrs.

[ Jakob Salomon Bartholdy, Prussian diplomat. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J S Bartholdy') to the French composer and singer Sophie Gail

Jakob Salomon Bartholdy [ Jakob Ludwig Salomon Bartholdy ] (1779-1825), Prussian diplomat, Consul-General in Rome, uncle of Felix Mendelssohn [ Sophie Gail [ née Edmée Sophie Garre ] (1775-1819) ]
Publication details: 
2 January 1819.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on second leaf, with broken seal in red wax, 'A Madame | Madame Sophie de Gail | &c &c &c | Paris'. Nine lines of neatly and elegantly written text. A somewhat flirtatious acceptance of an invitation, with Bartholdy noting 'les belles choses que vous daignez me dire [...] Votre maniere est trop sedisante pour ne pas faire de l'impression'. It was at Bartholdy's suggestion that his sister Lea, the mother of the composer Felix Mendelssohn, joined him in adopting the surname Bartholdy.

[ Mitchell S. Buck, American classicist. ] Typescript of his novelette 'Rose of Corinth', inscribed to its illustrator Franz Felix, with covering Autograph Letter Signed ('M S B') from Buck to Felix, regarding arrangements for illustrating the book.

Mitchell S. Buck [Mitchell Starrett Buck] (1887-1959), American poet, translator and classical scholar, praised by H. L. Menken [ Franz Felix (1892-1967), American artist of Austrian extraction ]
Publication details: 
Typescript without place or date. Letter on letterhead of Vapor Engineering Company, Philadelphia. 10 September 1928.

Both letter and typescript in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope with three postmarks between 9 and 11 September 1928, addressed 'For: Franz Felix, Esq. | Apt. 3-c | 790 Riverside Drive, | New York City.' LETTER: 1p., 4to. He explains that he is sending the 'MS' [sic] that day by registered mail, and asks Felix to keep it 'strictly confidential for the present', adding that he has 'not even told Mr. Brown [his publisher] what it is about'. If Felix has time to 'make up a sketch' Buck will collect it and take it to Brown.

[Sir John Goodricke.] Engraved calling card of 'Sr. John Goodricke', depicting the Basilica of St Peter's in Rome. With address in contemporary hand on reverse.

Sir John Goodricke (1708-1789) of Bramham Park, Yorkshire, diplomat and Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
Undated (late eighteenth century). London address on reverse.

The card is 6 x 8 cm, with the engraved image of the Basilica 5 x 7 cm, within a ruled border, with 'Sr. John Goodricke' in copperplate in a cartouche at the foot. In fair condition, aged and lightly ruckled and spotted. In a contemporary hand, on the reverse: 'No 9, Somerset Street. | Portman Square'. An attractive and unusual item. Goodricke's connection with St Peter's is unclear, but a common feature shared with Bramham Park is the presence of an obelisk. Goodricke's son was the noted 'deaf astronomer' John Goodricke (1764-1786).

[John Francis Clark of Newmarket, architect and 'racing judge'.] Three unpublished Autograph lectures, one a vivid account of a visit to 'Naples and Mount Vesuvius' in 1841, the second a similar account of Rome; the third a history of architecture.

John Francis Clark (1816-1898) of Newmarket, Suffolk architect and 'racing judge' [Horse Racing]
Publication details: 
The first paper signed 'J. F. Clark | Newmarket | Feb. 2. 1852 read at Kirtling [Suffolk]'. The second dated 'Jan. 1860'. The third without date or place.

For more information on Clark, see the account by Eric C. Graham, privately printed in 2010. All texts clear and legible, on aged and worn paper (especially the outer ones). ONE: Headed 'J. F. Clark | Newmarket | Feb. 2. 1852 read at Kirtling'. 30pp., foolscap 8vo. Saddle stitched.

Autograph Letter Signed in Italian from the future cardinal Giovanni Soglia Ceroni to the 'Sig. Dotte. Galeati', regarding the 'Causa già agitata fra il Sacerde. Francesco Gardi di Lugo, il Sig. Antonio Fornioni, e la Mensa Vescovile d'Imola'.

Giovanni Soglia Ceroni (1779-1856), Italian Roman Catholic cardinal [Francesco Gardi di Lugo; Antonio Fornioni; la Mensa Vescovile d'Imola]
Publication details: 
Rome. 1 January 1817.

2pp., 4to. 29 lines, in a neat calligraphic hand. In good condition, on lightly-aged laid paper. The document is signed 'Giovanni Soglia' and begins: 'Dal Sig. Dotte. Galeati ho ricevuto il fatto informativo della Causa già agitata fra il Sacerde. Francesco Gardi di Lugo, il Sig. Antonio Fornioni, e la Mensa Vescovile d'Imola; qual causa, atttesa la difformità delle due sentenze già pronunciate, si vorrebbe portare al Tribunale della Sac.

Autograph Letter Signed.

Letter to Sir James Rennell Rodd from H. Nelson gay
Publication details: 
Palazzo Orsini, Rome, 'Xmas 1916'.

The author is obscure, but the letter is addressed to 'Sir Rennell' [Sir James Rennell Rodd (1858-1941), diplomat and author]. 2 pages, 16mo, creased but in good condition. A florid missive beginning 'In this tempest of egotism and hate which has plunged us all into Teutonic darkness, you will not have forgotten, my dear Sir Rennell, the lines of Coleridge: | [...]'.

Typed Letter Signed ('Gilbert Murray') to K. W. Luckhurst, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Gilbert Murray [George Gilbert Aimé Murray] (1866-1957), English classical scholar and intellectual, the 'Adolphus Cusins' of Shaw's 'Major Barbara'
Publication details: 
13 February 1941; on embossed letterhead of Vatscombe, Boars Hill, Oxford.

Landscape 12mo (12.5 x 20.5 cm), 2 pp. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper, with pinhole to one top corner. Concerning a meeting at the Society, Murray is 'so glad to hear that His Excellency, the Greek Minister has consented to take the Chair'. 'My lecture on Hellenism will be practically the same as that which I gave on January 21st to the Royal Institution, [...] I hardly think you will wish to print it again, [...] I did not know when accepting your invitation that you proposed to publish the lecture afterwards.

Frontispiece (?) to 'Dianæ Fabulas olim a Dominico Zamperio pictore vulgo Domenichino in Palatio Bassani Principis Justiniani depictas'

Domenico Zampieri (or Domenichino) (1581-1641) [Giovanni Girolamo Frezza (1659-1741)]
Publication details: 
Io. Hieronymus Frezza Sculp. Rome Sup. Lic. Ann. 1713, e dal Medemo Frezza si vendano in Piazza Barberini

Dimensions of paper roughly twelve and a half inches by fifteen and a half. Dimensions of plate roughly eleven inches by six and a half. On top of a stone plinth two eagles support a crowned crest with shell motif, showing a crowned eagle over a castle. The inscription on the base reads 'DIANAE FABVLAS | OLIM | A DOMINICO ZAMPERIO | PICTORE | VVLGO DOMENICHINO | IN PALATIO BASSANI | PRINCIPIS IVSTINIANI | DE PICTAS'. Apparently the frontispiece or engraved title to an oblong folio volume published in 1713.

Two Letters Signed "Ducros" (body of letters secretarial) to "Monsignor" and (presuambly the same party) Monsignor Pacca "maestro di Camera di Sua Santita".

[J.] Ducros, ingénieur
Publication details: 
Hotel de la Minerva, Rome, 23 avril 1857 and 5 octobre 1857

One page each, 4to, sl. chipped. (avril)He requests an audience with a Cardinal and concludes with a statement about himself: "Ingénieur en chef au Corps impérial des Ponts et Chausées; ingénieur en chef de la Compagnie du Chemin de fer de Rome à Ceprano." (octobre) requesting another (?0 audience (or is it the same one?)

Autograph Card Signed [to Rev. E. J. F. Davies].

Edward Hutton (1875-1969), British writer on travel and Italy
Publication details: 
21 April 1934; Rome.

One page, on back of printed postcard. Very good. Photograph of the Via Appia on reverse. Reads 'Dear Sir | In reply to your request I have pleasure in sending you this'.

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