[Cardinal Vaughan, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Peacock’, regarding his note published in the Archaeological Journal.

Cardinal Vaughan [Herbert Alfred Henry Joseph Thomas Vaughan] (1832-1903), Roman Catholic prelate, Archbishop of Westminster
Publication details: 
‘Archbishop’s House / Westminster / July 16 94 [1894]’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, in trimmed windowpane mount, with a little light creasing and one fold. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Peacock’ and signed ‘Herbert Card Vaughan’. He is ‘greatly obliged’ to Peacock for his note which he has ‘read through with much interest’. He thanks him for publishing it in the Archaeological Journal, ‘where it occupies a public & as it were official position of authority. / God bless you’.

[Cardinal Vaughan, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Peacock’, regarding his note published in the Archaeological Journal.

Cardinal Vaughan [Herbert Alfred Henry Joseph Thomas Vaughan] (1832-1903), Roman Catholic prelate, Archbishop of Westminster
Publication details: 
‘Archbishop’s House / Westminster / July 16 94 [1894]’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, in trimmed windowpane mount, with a little light creasing and one fold. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Peacock’ and signed ‘Herbert Card Vaughan’. He is ‘greatly obliged’ to Peacock for his note which he has ‘read through with much interest’. He thanks him for publishing it in the Archaeological Journal, ‘where it occupies a public & as it were official position of authority. / God bless you’.

[Florence Nightingale and her charity the Nightingale Fund, established in 1855.] Printed Circular of facsimile of an ALS by Samuel Carter Hall, on the proposed dissolution of the Fund, with manuscript letter announcing a meeting of the trustees.

[Florence Nightingale and her charity the Nightingale Fund, established in 1855.] S. C. Hall [Samuel Carter Hall] (1800-1889), editor of Art Journal; Lord Herbert of Lea [Sidney Herbert] (1810-1861)]
Publication details: 
Facsimile letter as a circular from 'Office of the Nightingale Fund. / 5 Parliament Street / May 19. 1857.' Actual manuscript letter: 22 March 1858; on letterhead of Lord Herbert's town house, 49 Belgrave Square [London].

See the entries on Nightingale, Hall and Herbert in the Oxford DNB. The Nightingale Fund was established in the Crimea on 29 November 1855, to raise money for the training of nurses. As a result of discussions held at the time of this circular the money from the Fund was used to set up the first nursing school, the Nightingale Training School, at St Thomas’s Hospital in 1860. ONE: Printed circular in form of a facsimile ALS from ‘S. C. Hall / Hon. Sec.’ 1p, 8vo. On first leaf of a bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Twenty-four lines of text.

[Herbert Marshall, English actor and Hollywood movie star.] Autograph Signature on publicity photograph.

Herbert Marshall [Herbert Brough Falcon Marshall] (1890-1966), English actor and Hollywood movie star
Publication details: 
No date or place. [1930s]

11.5 x 16 cm image on 18 x 12.5 cm card. Signed at foot ‘Herbert Marshall.’ An urbane Marshall is seated, looking over his left shoulder while cradling his hands on his knees, in a grey pin-striped suit, in front of a plain white background. In good condition, but with a horizontal strip of the card trimmed above Marshall’s head. Scan on application.

[Street Ballads: ‘T. BROOKS, Song Publisher’ of Bath.] Handbill with three street ballads (the first two with crude woodcut vignettes): ‘Could you lend my Mother a Saucepan. / Silver Threads among the Gold / Death of Nelson.’

Street Ballads: ‘T. BROOKS, Song Publisher’ of Bath, nineteenth-century seller of handbills [Eben Eugene Rexford and Herbert Peas Danks]
Street Ballads
Publication details: 
No date [1870s or 1880s]. ‘T. BROOKS, Song Publisher, 4, Kingsmead Square, Bath.’
Street Ballads

The second of these ballads, 'Silver Threads Among the Gold', by the American Eben Eugene Rextord (1848-1916), was immensely popular on its release in 1873 with music by Hart Peas Danks (1834-1903). The earliest reference to the first ballad, 'Could you lend my mother a saucepan?' is in an 1885 number of 'All the Year Round'. The song is an absolute hoot, but its text is not to be found anywhere on the internet.

[Lord Carnarvon: Henry Herbert, 3rd Earl of Carnarvon.] Autograph Letter in the Third Person, thanking Mrs Page for papers on the boundaries of Highclere, and commiserating with her on the death of Colonel Page.

Lord Carnarvon [Henry John George Herbert, 3rd Earl of Carnarvon (1800-1849)], English nobleman, Tory politician and traveller, owner of Highclere Castle, Hampshire [Colonel Page]
Publication details: 
‘43. Grosvenor Sq / July 2. 1835.’ [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Folded four times. Begins: ‘Lord Carnarvon presents his Compliments to Mrs. Page and is extremely obliged by her polite attention in sending him the Papers relating to the boundaries of Highclere - Burghclere, and Woodhay Parishes, which he has no doubt will prove extremely useful to him’. He has ‘many apologies to make for not sooner acknowledging the receipt of the Papers, but he has been for some time past incessantly occupied in attending the Committee on the Gt.

[Sir Herbert Maxwell, 7th Baronet, Scottish writer, salmon fisher and Conservative MP.] Autograph Letter Signed to Grant Reid, sending a copy of one of his books, and explaining that his days of drawing are over.

Sir Herbert Maxwell [Sir Herbert Eustace Maxwell, 7th Baronet] (1845-1937), Scottish writer, artist, antiquarian, horticulturalist, salmon angler and Conservative MP
Publication details: 
4 December 1895; on his crested letterhead from The Airlour, Whauphill, Wigtownshire, N[orth]. B[ritain]. (i.e. Scotland).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient would appear to have been an impudent autograph collector. Addressed to ‘Grant Reid / Esq’ and signed ‘Herbert Maxwell’. Begins: ‘Dear Sir / I have directed a copy of Post Meridiana to be sent to you according to your desire.’ He cannot however comply with Reid’s other request. ‘I have no time to give to drawing now, and my family have possessed themselves of all my old drawings.’

[Princess Sophia of Gloucester, niece of King George III.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Sophia Matilda’) [to Sir Herbert Taylor, Private Secretary to George IV], regarding ‘the kind Legacy from the late Queen at Wirtemberg’.

Princess Sophia of Gloucester [Sophia Matilda] (1773-1844), daughter of the Duke of Gloucester, niece of King George III [Lieut-Gen. Sir Herbert Taylor (1775-1839), Private Secretary to the Sovereign]
Publication details: 
‘Bagshot Park / Septr. 16th. [1829]’.

See Taylor’s entry, and that of Princess Sophia’s brother William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh (1776-1834), in the Oxford DNB. Bagshot Park was the residence of her brother the duke (Silly Billy’), to whom she was very much attached. The siblings were not entirely accepted by the Royal Family due to the unequal nature of their parents’ marriage. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Taylor, who is not named but is clearly the recipient, has marked the letter as ‘Private’. Good firm signature ‘Sophia Matilda’.

[Sir Herbert James Read, Governor of Mauritius, and his wife Lady Violet.] Six items including autograph speech by him for members of Second Colonial Office Conference to British Empire League, and other speech, and commonplace book by Lady Read.

Sir Herbert James Read (1863-1949), Governor of Mauritius, and his wife Lady Violet Kate Read [n?e Maclachlan] (d.1951) [Second Colonial Office Conference, 1930]
Publication details: 
Second Colonial Office Conference speech from 1930, on letterhead of Government House, Mauritius. Lady Read's commonplace book dated March 1924. Another item from 1934.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Six items. Items Two and Five in fair condition, somewhat creases; the other four items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Autograph fair copy of speech by Read on behalf of his ?fellow-members on the [Second] Colonial Office Conference? [1930] to the British Empire League and the British Empire Club. Apparently unpublished. Unsigned. 5pp, 12mo. On bifolium and single leaf, both with letterhead of Government House, Mauritius.

[H. H. Asquith, Liberal Prime Minister.] Autograph Signature to Printed Circular regarding 'the University Settlements' [in London's East End and elsewhere] as a solution for 'social problems'.

H. H. Asquith [Herbert Henry Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith] (1852-1928), Liberal Prime Minister [University Settlements; Toynbee Hall, Whitechapel; Oxford House, Bethnal Green]
H. H. Asquith
Publication details: 
Printed Circular dated 'October, 1911.' No place.
H. H. Asquith

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The ‘settlement’ movement was the result of growing unease among the educated classes regarding the condition of the poor. The two most celebrated settlements, both still active, are Toynbee Hall in Whitechapel and Oxford House in Bethnal Green. From the papers of Sir William David Ross (1877-1971), Vice-Chancellor of Oxford. The present printed circular is 1p, 12mo. Printed on wove watermarked paper. In good condition, lightly aged and folded once. Asquith’s signature is genuine. Reads: ‘October, 1911.

[Herbert Morrison, Labour politician.] Three Typed Letters Signed to Sir David Ross, the first regarding the release of Harold Butler from work for his department, and the last two regarding personal arrangements for a debate at the Oxford Union.

Herbert Morrison [Herbert Stanley Morrison; Lord Morrison of Lambeth] (1888-1965), Labour politician, leader of London County Council, Home Secretary in war under Churchill [W. D. Ross] (1877-1971)]
Publication details: 
ONE: 25 November 1941; on letterhead of the Ministry of Home Security, Whitehall, S.W.1. TWO: 19 January 1944; on Home Secretary letterhead. THREE: 24 January 1944; on Whitehall letterhead of Home Secretary.

See the entries for Morrison and Ross in the Oxford DNB. The three items are in good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage. The second item has a punch hole centred at the head of the leaf. All three 1p, 12mo, and each with Morrison’s sprawling signature ‘Yrs sincerely / Herbert Morrison /’, the first in green ink. ONE (25 November 1941): Addressed by Morrison in green ink to ‘Dear Sir David’. Thanking him for a note ‘in which you assure me of the appreciation of the Nuffield College Committee at my action in agreeing to release Mr.

[H. Brereton Baker, distinguished English chemist.] Autograph Letter Signed [to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts, London], agreeing to give three Cantor lectures.

H. Brereton Baker [Herbert Brereton Baker] (1862-1935), distinguished English inorganic chemist [Sir Henry Trueman Wood (1845-1929), Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, London]
Publication details: 
30 July 1913; on letterhead of Latchmoor House, Gerrard?s Cross, Bucks.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightl aged. Folded once for postage. The recipient is not named, but the letter has at its head the date stamp of the Royal Society of Arts, London, and is docketed by Wood. Signed ?H. Brereton Baker?. He agrees to give ?the three Cantor lectures as you suggest, provided they can begin after the 3rd. week in February?. He gives the subject as ?Catalysis in its scientific and industrial aspects?. A pencil note at the foot gives dates for the lectures as ?Mch 16, 23, 30?.

[Arts and Crafts architecture in the Potteries, 1908.] Blueprint of plans and elevations by the architect William Ford Slater for ‘3 HOUSES HIGH LANE BURSLEM / FOR MR: HARRY H. ROSE / 1/8th Scale’, for construction by John Henry Broadhurst and Son.

[Arts and Crafts achitecture in the Potteries.] William Ford Slater (1866-1951), architect and surveyor; J. H. Broadhurst and Son [John Henry Broadhurst], builder of Burslem, Staffordshire.
Publication details: 
J. H. Broadhurst & Son, Burlem, Staffordshire. 27 [June?] 1908. ‘John Henry Broadhurst / [June?] 27/08 / p pro J H Broadhurst & Son’.

In 1907 the ‘Builder’ describes ‘Mr. W. F. Slater, Overhouse-chambers, Burslem’ as a ‘Surveyor’, and in 1909 the ‘Electrical Review’ refers to him as an ‘architect’ at the same address. Five years later ‘Building News’ reports that Slater is ‘architect to the education committee’. In 1921 (‘The Surveyor’) he is the ‘surveyor, Urban Council Offices, Wolstanton, Staffs’, and in 1926 (‘Public Works Weekly Surveyor’) he is ‘architect to the corporation’.

[Sir Robert Herbert, first premier of Queensland, Australia.] Typed Letter Signed to S. H. Gatty, marked as ?Confidential?, asking whether Mr. Justice Cook, Puisne Judge in Trinidad is to your knowledge in the habit of drinking to excess?.

Sir Robert Herbert [Sir Robert George Wyndham Herbert] (1831-1905), the first and youngest-ever Premier of the Australian state of Queensland [Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922)]
Publication details: 
15 May 1891. From Downing Street, on embossed letterhead of the Colonial Office [Whitehall].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The item is from the Gatty papers. (Herbert is writing to Gatty in Trinidad, and it is Gatty who will be appointed in place of the subject of the letter.) 1p, 8vo, on good laid paper. In good condition, but with creases from having been folded into packet (not through signature). A good looking item, with ?Confidential? in left-hand margin. Reads: ?Sir, / I am directed by Lord Knutsford to ask you to be so good as to inform him confidentially whether Mr. Justice Cook, Puisne Judge in Trinidad is to your knowledge in the habit of drinking to excess.

[Herbert Thurston, SJ, Roman Catholic liturgical scholar and member of the Society for Psychical Research.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding Samuel Butler and the ‘Oxford theory’ of Shakespeare’s sonnets.

Herbert Thurston [Herbert Henry Charles Thurston] (1856–1939), Jesuit priest, Roman Catholic liturgical scholar, andt member of the Society for Psychical Research [Samuel Butler; William Shakespeare]
Publication details: 
3 December 1930; on letterhead of 114 Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London, W.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. The recipient is not identified. Addressed to ‘My dear Sir’ and signed ‘Herbert Thurston’. He begins by thanking him for ‘the nice things you say’, and continues: ‘I fear I have no defence as regards Samuel Butler. I knew that he had written on the Sonnets and that some people thought highly of his book but I have never seen it. The fact was that I was provoked into talking up the question by some friends who have recently become obsessed by the Oxford theory.

[Edward Hubert Fitchew, artist & editor; Nelson] Autograph Letter Signed to Herbert Wrigley Wilson, discussing the printing of a book (‘Nelson and His Times’ by Beresford and Wilson, 1898). With two pages covered in notes in another hand (Wilson’s?).

Edward Hubert Fitchew (1851-1934), artist and editor [Herbert Wrigley Wilson (1866-1940), journalist and naval historian; Her Majesty’s Printing Office, London]
Publication details: 
10 January 1898. On letterhead of Her Majesty’s Printing Office, 6 Middle New Street, Fetter Lane, E.C. [London].

An interesting item, providing a sidelight into the process of Victorian scholarly editing and publication. Fitchew’s letter is 2pp, 4to, on the outer pages of a bifolium; the inner pages being filled with notes (citations?) in a minuscule hand, possibly the recipient’s. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, and folded for postage. Addressed to ‘H. W. Wilson’ and signed ‘E. H. Fitchew’. The letter begins: ‘Dear Mr. Wilson / I think it is possible we may want a little more letterpress, but probably not much. Up to end of pt. 7 we have used 82 slips.

[‘Become an ambassador if you like’: H. A. L. Fisher [Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher], English historian and Liberal politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to Beresford-Hope, congratulating him on his ‘triumph in the Diplomatic Service examination’.

H. A. L. Fisher [Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher] (1865-1940), English historian and Liberal politician; Virginia Woolf’s cousin [Harold Thomas Beresford-Hope (1882-1917)]
Publication details: 
9 June 1907; 34 Norham Road, Oxford.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. At his death in 1917, H. T. Beresford-Hope was Third Secretary at the British Legation at Athens; and he left the enormous sum of £67,167. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘My dear Beresford-Hope’ and signed ‘H. Fisher’. Twenty-eight lines of text. He begins a gently teasing letter by stating that he is delighted to hear of Beresford-Hope’s ‘triumph in the Diplomatic Service examination’, his wife joining him in sending congratulations.

[Percy Nash, film producer and director, key figure at Elstree Studios.] Typed Letter Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope, recounting an anecdote about his time at His Majesty’s with Sir Herbert Beerbohm-Tree; with a signed Typed CV.

Percy Nash (1869-1958), British film producer and director, key figure in creation of Elstree Studios [W. J. Macqueen-Pope [Walter James Macqueen-Pope] (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
Letter: 12 November 1948. On letterhead of 2 Bristol Court West, Marine Parade, Brighton. CV undated, but with autograph address 'Percy Nash / 2 Bristol Court West / Marine Parade. / Brighton. / Sussex'.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See MP's entry in the Oxford DNB.) Nash made around 70 films between 1912 and 1927, and was a key figure in the creation of Elstree Studios. His career as a film maker was effectively ended following the screening of his 1921 film 'How Kitchener was betrayed'. See Bernard Ince, ' “For the Love of the Art”: The Life and Work of Percy Nash, Film Producer and Director of the Silent Era’, ‘Film History’, September 2007. Both items in good condition, lightly aged, each with light rust staining at one corner from paper clip. LETTER: 1p, 4to. Signed ‘Percy Nash’.

[Maud Tree, actress and wife of Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs. Le Blond’, regarding her efforts to stage a matinée, with reference to Sir Oswald Stoll, Sir Alfred Butt, George Grossmith and various London theatres.

Mrs Beerbohm Tree [Maud Tree; Lady Tree; born Helen Maud Holt] (1863-1937), actress, wife of Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, mother of Viola Tree [Sir Oswald Stoll; Sir Alfred Butt; George Grossmith]
Publication details: 
Undated (after 1901). On letterhead of 7 Adam Street, Adelphi [London].

See the entries on the various members of the Tree family in the Dictionary of National Biography. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Thirty-eight lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged, with pin holes to corner. Folded once. Good firm signature ‘Maud Tree’. She does not want her to think that she is ‘losing sight of the Sunday Matinée’. She had to wait for Sir Oswald Stoll’s answer, ‘& it was kind, but it said regretful No’. She then wrote to Sir Alfred Butt ‘for the Palace or the Empire. His answer was also a sad No. - But now Mr. George Grossmith has offered me His Majestys or the Winter Garden.

[Margot Asquith, Countess of Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed (Draft?), urging her ‘Darling’ to overcome the ‘love of blue in yr. pictures’ and ‘do an oil sketch of white on white’. With reference to Selwyn Image.

Margot Asquith [Emma Margaret Asquith, Countess of Oxford and Asquith, née Tennant] (1864-1945), wife of Liberal Prime Minister H. H. Asquith, author and socialite
Publication details: 
12 March 1932; on letterhead of 44 Bedford Square, W.C.1. [London.]

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. An interesting letter, whose circumstances are intriguing. 3pp, 12mo. On two leaves of letterheaded paper. In pencil. From the Asquith papers, and possibly a draft letter to her son Anthony (‘Puffin’). In good condition, lightly creased. Folded once. The signature is a short squiggle. The handwriting is challenging, and the following interpretation is tentative. She begins: ‘My Darling, I felt rather guilty after leaving you about abusing yr. love of blue in yr. pictures. - I can see that nothing I say can alter yr. love of this colour, & I hate hurting yr.

['Bert Thomas', British political cartoonist.] Copy of his book 'Close-ups Through a childs eyes / by Bert Thomas', with label bearing autograph inscription.

‘Bert Thomas’ [Herbert Samuel Thomas MBE (1883-1966)], British political cartoonist who contributed to Punch magazine and created British propaganda posters during the two world wars
'Bert Thomas'
Publication details: 
No date (circa 1943). 'A Tuck Book / Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd / Copyright Printed in England'.
'Bert Thomas'

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. A scarce item: no copy in the British Library and the only copies on COPAC at Cambridge and the V & A. In fair condition, lightly aged and with slight creasing to outer edge of front cover, on which a label has been laid down, carrying an inscription (repaired at one corner with archival tape) by Thomas: ‘From one child to another - Love and I cant thank you enough for everything - I’ll look forward to Janiuary - Muh love I’ll writer later’. A stapled pamphlet in brown card wraps. 16pp, landscape 8vo.

[Lord Carnarvon [Henry Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon], Conservative politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to E. Lovell, expressing a desire to attend an event, while explaining that this is unlikely.

Lord Carnarvon [Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon] (1831-1890), Conservative politician, known as Lord Porchester from 1833 to 1849, who served as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
Publication details: 
4 April 1857; Torquay.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, aged and worn, with slight damage to one corner from removal from mount. Folded four times. Signed ‘Carnarvon’ and addressed to ‘E. Lovell Esr.’ If he possibly can he will ‘attend on the Wednesday’, but he doubts whether his ‘other business’ will allow this. ‘Wednesday is a less convenient day than Tuesday to me, but I sd. be very glad to attend if possible.’

[‘English church music is in dire need of reform’: Sir Herbert Oakeley, Professor of Music at Edinburgh University.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘H. S. Oakeley’) to Sir Lovelace Stamer, attacking the ‘degraded’ standard of English hymn tunes.

Sir Herbert Oakeley [Sir Herbert Stanley Oakeley; H. S. Oakeley] (1830-1903), English composer and organist, Professor of Music at University of Edinburgh [Sir Lovelace Tomlinson Stamer (1829-1908)]
Publication details: 
10 June 1875; Bristol Hotel, Brighton.

A splendidly-forthright missive on a subject close to Oakeley's heart. See both men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. The two were near-contemporaries at Rugby School, and Stamer, at the time of writing a Prebendary at Lichfield, would go on to become the Bishop of Shrewsbury. 8pp, 12mo. On two bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged, with the two bifoliums folded twice and unobtrusively attached with tape. From the context it appears that Oakeley has been invited through Stamer to give a paper on church music to the Church Congress.

[Lady Pembroke, object of the affections of the insane King George III.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Eliz: Pembroke’) to her nephew the Hon. George Ellis, having received permission from the Queen to allow him to ‘cut a dash abroad’.

Lady Pembroke [Elizabeth Herbert [née Spencer], Countess of Pembroke and Montgomery] (1737-1831), object of the affections of King George III during his first bout of insanity [Hon. George Ellis]
Publication details: 
'Saturday morning. 29th. June. [no year]'

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, which states that ‘During his periods of ‘madness’, George III imagined that he was married to Lady Pembroke. Apparently, 'his infatuation went back to the days when he was only seventeen and she, of the same age, was Elizabeth Spencer'. The king went so far as to make 'her handsome offers if she would be his mistress.’ [...] In 1804 the king suffered another attack of dementia and again announced his desire for Lady Pembroke. This situation aroused some amusement among younger courtiers since she was by this time almost seventy years old.” 1p, 12mo.

[Julia Neilson, actress and manager with her husband Fred Terry.] Autograph Letter Signed and four Typed Letters Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope (?Popie?), one inviting him to a meeting, others thanking him for his attentions.

Julia Neilson [Julia Emilie Neilson] (1868-1957), actress and manager with husband Fred Terry, associated with W. S. Gilbert, Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Haymarket [W. J. MacQueen-Pope, theatre historiian]
Publication details: 
ALS: 1 March 1949. TLsS: 19 June 1949, 20 June 1950, 26 June 1951 and 28 June 1955. All five from 4 Primrose Hill Road, NW3 [London].

See her entry and that of her husband Fred Terry (1863-1933), brother of Dame Ellen Terry, and of the recipient of these letters W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), the foremost British theatre historian of the twentieth century, in the Oxford DNB. The seven items (Neilson?s five letters and carbon copies of two typed letters to her from Macqueen-Pope) are in good condition, lightly aged and creased. The first letter is signed ?Julia Neilson-Terry? and the other four ?Julia?. The first is addressed to ?Mr Macqueen Pope? and the others to ?Popie?. ONE: ALS, 1 March 1949. 3pp, landscape 12mo.

[Irish Independence] Striking original coloured Conservative Party election poster by Halkett, captioned 'Their Irish Master', showing John Redmond, with flag of 'IRISH INDEPENDENCE', leading Asquith, Lloyd George, Winston Churchill by the nose..

George Roland Halkett (1855-1918), cartoonist [John Redmond; Herbert Henry Asquith; David Lloyd George; Winston Churchill; Irish Home Rule; Eire]
Publication details: 
[1910.] 'No. 256. Published by the National Union of Conservative and Constitutional Associations, St. Stephen's Chambers, Westminster, S.W. Printed by Sir Joseph Causton & Sons, Limited, 9, Eastcheap, London, E.C.'

Lithograph. Landscape, 51 x 76 cm. In fair though fragile condition and worthy of framing, although aged and with a few small holes repaired. Weakened folds mainly repaired on reverse.. A determined Redmond marches to the right of the picture, large green flag of 'IRISH INDEPENDENCE' over his right shoulder, in his left hand three chains, linked to the noses of Asquith (with 'HOME RULE' paper under his arm), Lloyd George (holding a 'BUDGET BILL') and Winston Churchill (carrying a 'HOME DEPARTMENT' paper), who follow submissively.

[Percy Anderson, painter and D'Oyly Carte stage designer.] Autograph Letter Signed to Cecil H. Broadhurst, regarding the 'tremendously fantastic' dresses he has designed for Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree's production of 'Joan of Arc'.

Percy Anderson (1851-1928), painter and stage designer with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company and Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree [Cecil Herbert Broadhurst (1866-1934); Gilbert and Sullivan]
Publication details: 
6 October 1913; on letterhead of 55 York Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W.

2pp, 12mo; and 1p, 8vo. On a bifolium, with the 8vo page written lengthwise across the central pages. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Signed 'Percy Anderson.' According to a pencil note Broadhurst was Beerbohm Tree's 'press agent'. He has received Broadhurst's letter late the same night, and begins by informing him that he cannot go to Covent Garden the following day as he will be with a sitter.

[Percy Anderson, D'Oyly Carte stage designer.] Four Autograph Letters Signed to theatrical wigmaker William Berry Clarkson, praising the work he has done on his behalf, in connection with several productions.

Percy Anderson (1851-1928), stage designer and painter with D'Oyly Carte Opera Company and Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree [William Berry Clarkson (1861-1934), theatrical wigmaker; Gilbert and Sullivan]
Publication details: 
12 March 1912, 31 December [1912], and the other two without year; all on letterheads of 55 York Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W.

Total of 7pp, 12mo. All in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Each folded once. All signed 'Percy Anderson'. ONE: 12 March 1912. Begins: 'Your properties are quite splendid.' He thanks Clarkson and his assistant for the trouble they have taken 'over the “M[?]”'. Ends: 'I thought everything as good as it cd be – I refer to yr work of course'. TWO: 31 December [1912]. He thanks him for his 'delightful' card, and for 'yr. good wishes & for the tickets you so kindly send me for The Miracle.

['Johnson's Alamode Beef House': celebrated London eaterie associated with Charles Dickens.] Autograph Letter Signed from proprietor R. J. P. Jaquet, asking Sir Herbert Taylor to help with application to Bow Street magistrates Birnie and Minshull.

'Johnson's Alamode Beef House', Drury Lane, London, Robert John Philip Jaquet, (1799-1867), proprietor [Sir Herbert Taylor (1775-1839); Sir Richard Birnie (c.1760-1832); Charles Dickens; Bow Street]
Publication details: 
21 Clare Court [Drury Lane, Covent Garden, London]; 2 March 1829.

An interesting document relative to London social history, and a nice piece of Dickensiana. George Johnson is said to have established his celebrated restaurant Johnson's Alamode Beef House at 21 Clare Court, Drury Lane, in the 1780s, although the present letter states that it was licensed around 1805 . In 1824 a twelve-year-old Charles Dickens – employed in a nearby blacking warehouse as a result of his father's imprisionment for debt – himself experienced an incident which he later made use of in 'David Copperfield'.

[Sir Robert Christison, eminent toxicologist and physician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. Christison') to R. Herbert Story, regarding attending an address at Edinburgh Univesity by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton.

Sir Robert Christison (1797-1882), Scottish toxicologist and physician; President of Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh [Robert Herbert Story (1835-1907), Principal, University of Glasgow]
Publication details: 
40 Moray Place [Edinburgh]; 9 January 1854.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse. Folded twice. With Christison's expansive signature, and written while Story – future Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Glasgow – was studying at the University of Edinburgh. If he is not 'prevented by professional occupations, which are apt to be rather pressing at this season', it will give him great pleasure 'to attend on the occasion of the delivering of the address of Sir E. B. Lytton to the Associated Societies of the University on the evening of Wednesday the 18th.

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