[Ernest Hart, medical journalist, editor of the British Medical Journal and collector of Japanese art.] Autogaph Letter Signed to A. M. Broadley, describing the meetings by his club, with reference to Tenniel, Lister, Du Maurier, Sambourne and others

Ernest Hart [Ernest Abraham Hart] (1835-1898), editor of the British Medical Journal, ophthalmic surgeon and collector of Japanese art [A. M. Broadley [Alexander Meyrick Broadley] (1847-1916)]
Publication details: 
No date [1880s?]. On letterhead of 38 Wimpole Street, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB (from which the scandalous Broadley is unaccountably absent). 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium of grey paper. Tears to the second leaf (not affecting signature) have been unobtrusively repaired with archival tape, and its blank reverse carries a thin remnant of the mount. One postage fold. Addressed to ‘My Dear Broadley’ and signed ‘Ernest Hart’.

[Patrick Moore [Sir Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore], British astronomer, broadcaster and celebrity.] Typed Postcard Signed (‘P. M.’) to John Graham, complaining of being ‘a broken reed’ with regard to future plans.

Patrick Moore [Sir Patrick Alfred Caldwell-Moore] (1923-2012], English astronomer, broadcaster and celebrity
Publication details: 
Postmark dated 15 April 1972 from Chichester, Sussex. Letterhead ‘From Patrick Moore, Farthings, 39 West Street, Selsey, Chichester, Sussex, PO20 9AB’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Plain postcard. Lightly aged. Addressed to John [Graham, obscured by postmark], The Willows, Church Road, Lowfield Heath, Crawley, Sussex. Reads: ‘Many thanks. I am terribly sorry to say that I am a broken reed at the moment, because there are various conference dates I haven’t got. I’ll write when the situation clarifies. / Best wishes / [in autograph] P. M. / PS Last Wed. of each month is no good: BAA [i.e. British Astronomical Association monthly meeting] day!’ Image on application.

[Yves Delage, Professor at the Sorbonne, French zoologist who believed in the authenticity of the Turin Shroud; critic of Darwinism] Printed publishers? catalogue, headed by Delage's ?La Structure du Protoplasma et les Th?ories sur l?H?r?dite?.

Yves Delage (1854-1920), French zoologist who discovered the function of the canals in the inner ear and believed in the authenticity of the Turin Shroud [Librairie C. Reinwald & Cie, Paris.]
Publication details: 
Librairie C. Reinwald & Cie, 15, rue des Saints-P?res, Paris.

A scarce piece of scientific publishing ephemera. No other copy traced. 8pp, 8vo. Aged, worn and spotted, with staples rotted away. The cover is headed 'Librairie C. Reinwald & Cie, 15, rue des Saints-P?res, Paris / Derni?res publications / relative aux sciences m?dicales et naturelles.' Delage's work ('Vient de para?tre') is noticed on the cover, with an 'Extrait de la table des mati?res' extending to the end of the second page. Other many other publications noticed are 'L'Embryologie compar?e par Le Dr Louis Roule'. and 'Trait? d'anatomie compar?e pratique par Carl Vogt et ?mile Yung'.

[Thomas Lamb Phipson, editor of the Scientific Review and violinist.] Autograph Letter Signed to the meteorologist G. J. Symons, asking for advice on where to get a good rain-gauge.

Thomas Lamb Phipson (1833-1908), scientific and musical writer and violinist, editor of the Scientific Review [George James Symons (1838-1900), British meteorologist]
Publication details: 
15 September 1868. 4 The Cedars, Putney, [London] S.W.

C. A. Russell’s 2003 biography of Edward Frankland contains a thumbnail biography of Phipson, who ‘obtained a doctorate at Brussels in 1855, and after editing Cosmos in Paris, directed an analytical laboratory at Putney (at 4, The Cedars, almost on the site of Frankland’s earlier exploits at the now demolished College of Engineering). He became a Fellow of the Chemical Society in 1862 and was a prolific author of short papers as well as an accomplished amateur violinist’. See the short biographical notice in C. J. Bouverie, ‘The scientific and literary works of Dr. T. L.

[H. Brereton Baker, distinguished English chemist.] Autograph Letter Signed [to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary of the Royal Society of Arts, London], agreeing to give three Cantor lectures.

H. Brereton Baker [Herbert Brereton Baker] (1862-1935), distinguished English inorganic chemist [Sir Henry Trueman Wood (1845-1929), Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, London]
Publication details: 
30 July 1913; on letterhead of Latchmoor House, Gerrard?s Cross, Bucks.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightl aged. Folded once for postage. The recipient is not named, but the letter has at its head the date stamp of the Royal Society of Arts, London, and is docketed by Wood. Signed ?H. Brereton Baker?. He agrees to give ?the three Cantor lectures as you suggest, provided they can begin after the 3rd. week in February?. He gives the subject as ?Catalysis in its scientific and industrial aspects?. A pencil note at the foot gives dates for the lectures as ?Mch 16, 23, 30?.

[Gordon Daniell Knox, journalist and author.] Duplicated Typed Circular, signed by Knox (as editor of The Standard), ‘to all Fellows of the Royal Society’, accompanied by three question to which he invites answers.

Gordon Daniell Knox (b.1880), son of Sir George Edward Knox, journalist and author, editor of the Standard [the Royal Society, London]
Publication details: 
A son of Sir George Edward Knox, Gordon Daniell Knox was educated at Balliol College, Oxford, before going into journalism. He served as deputy editor of the Times of India, and was the author of several works of popular science.

A son of Sir George Edward Knox, Gordon Daniell Knox was educated at Balliol College, Oxford, before going into journalism. He served as deputy editor of the Times of India, and was the author of several works of popular science. The letter and questionnaire are on separate pieces of paper, pinned together. Each 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Circular letter, 9 November 1909.

[Sir Lyon Playfair, chemist and Liberal politician.] Printed offprint of synopsis of Royal Institution talk: ‘On the Food of Man in relation to his Useful Work.’

Sir Lyon Playfair [Lyon Playfair, 1st Baron Playfair; Lord Playfair] (1818-1898), chemist and Liberal politician, born in India of Scottish extraction [Royal Institution of Great Britain]
Publication details: 
'Royal Institution of Great Britain. / Weekly Evening Meeting, / Friday, April 28, 1865.' [London.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The full lecture, fifty-four pages in length, was published for Playfair in Edinburgh by Edmonston & Douglas in 1865, with the subtitle ‘Lecture delivered at the Royal Society, Edinburgh, 3d April 1865, and Royal Institution, London, 28th April 1865.’ Although reset, the text of the present three-page synopsis does not appear to differ from the version printed on pp.431-433 of the ‘Notices of the Proceedings’, vol.4 (1862-1866). No other copy of this offprint has been traced. In very good condition, lightly aged.

[Rollo Russell, meteorologist, son of Lord John Russell and uncle of Bertrand Russell.] Autograph Postcard Signed.

Rollo Russell [Francis Albert Rollo Russell] (1849-1914), meteorologist and scientific writer, son of Liberal Prime Minister Lord John Russell and uncle of philosopher Bertrand Russell
Publication details: 
No date, but with Haslemere postmark of 8 May 1895. In autograph: 'Dunrozel. Haslemere.'

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 11.5 x 9 cm plain post card with printed half penny stamp. In fair condition, lightly aged, with dog eared corner and spike hole (through part of address on one side and blank space at bottom left on message side). Addressed by Russell to ‘The Secretary / Society of Arts / John St / Adelphi / London / W.C.’ Reads: ‘Dunrozel, Haslemere. / In reply I beg to say I shd like the Journal “supplied in a bound volume at the conclusion of the Vol. in Nov.” / J. A. R. Russell’.

[Sir James Paget, founder of scientific medical pathology.] Autograph Letter Signed to Charles Klugh on receiving his baronetcy, with printed card on his wife’s death, and newspaper cutting from The Times on his funeral.

Sir James Paget (1814-1899), 1st Baronet, prominent English surgeon, considered with Virchow as one of the founders of scientific medical pathology [Charles Klugh]
Publication details: 
Letter: 27 September 1871; on letterhead of 1 Harewood Place, Hanover Square, W. Card: April 1895; 5 Park Square West. Newspaper cutting from The Times, 5 January 1900.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The three items are laid down on a leaf from an album, the letter on one side and the other two items on the other. The material is in good condition, lightly aged, with the letter slightly ruckled. LETTER: 1p, 12mo. Letterhead printed in red. Beneath the letter, on the album leaf, in a contemporary hand: ‘In reply to my congratulatory note upon his being made a baronet.’ Addressed to ‘Charles Klugh Esqr’ and signed ‘James Paget’. Reads: ‘My dear Mr. Klugh / By mistake, your note was not sent to me at Lucerne, and I have only lately received it.

[Russell John Reynolds, radiologist and inventor.] Two Typed Letters Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, London, the first concerning the Röntgen Society and the second agreeing to become a Fellow of the Society.

Russell John Reynolds (1880-1964), radiologist, inventor with his friend Sir William Crookes of a type of cineradiography (x-ray) machine [G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, London]
Publication details: 
ONE: 14 January 1926; on letterhead of the Röntgen Society, London. TWO: 9 July 1947; on his letterhead (‘Dr. Russell Reynolds’), 30 Welbeck Street, W1 [London].

Despite the fact that Reynolds and Crookes’s X-ray apparatus is now in the Science Museum at South Kensington, Reynolds has no entry in the Oxford DNB, although Crookes’s entry can be consulted. The two items are in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Both folded several times. Both 1p, 4to, and both signed ‘Russell J. Reynolds’. ONE: Addressed to G. K. Menzies of the Royal Society of Arts. With recipient's red pencil tick.

[Sir Oliver Lodge, physicist, inventor and Christian spiritualist.] Typed Letter Signed to Rev. A. H. Sayers, declining to speal to the Monmouth Town League of Nations Union.

Sir Oliver Lodge [Oliver Joseph Lodge] (1851-1940), physicist, inventor and Christian Spiritualist [Rev. A. H. Sayers of the Monmouth Town League of Nations Union]
Publication details: 
18 April 1928; on letterhead of Normanton House, Lake, Salisbury.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Addressed ‘To the Rev. A. H. Vayers’, but with the ‘V’ corrected in manuscript to ‘S’. Signed ‘Oliver Lodge’. Reads: ‘My dear Sir, / I am exceedingly busy, and a visit to Monmouth is quite out of the question. There are many others better qualified to speak for The League of Nations Union; and I trust you will have a successfull meeting.’

[W. C. R. Watson, English botanist.] Two Autograph Cards Signed (both ‘W. Watson’), concerning botanical matters, one to F. O. Whitaker of Plumstead, and the other to C. G. Grinling of Woolwich.

W. C. R. Watson [William Charles Richard Watson; William Watson] (1885-1954), English botanist, author of ‘Handbook of the Rubi of Great Britain and Ireland‘ (1958)
Publication details: 
TO GRINLING: No date (postmark of 6 September 1921); “The Meadows”, Saham Toney, Watton, Norfolk. TO WHITAKER: No date (postmark of 16 September 1929); 245 Southlands Rd, Bickley, Kent.

Note to be confused with the Kew curator William Watson (1858-1925). Both cards are plain: the first with a self-printed stamp and the second with stamp affixed. Both in fair condition, lightly aged. ONE (to Grinling): He identifies the fungi he sent, adding a comment on bacteoles of mallow. Ends in the hope of attending ‘the Epping Forest foray this year’. TWO (to Whitaker). The previous Saturday he noted ‘Pyrus torminalis in the old rough lane between fences nearly opposite the Bull Inn on Shooters Hill (? Jack Wood Lane)’.

[John Tyndall, distinguished Anglo-Irish physicist.] Autograph Letter Signed to John Symonds, reluctantly declining a dinner invitation, and praising Lady Morrison’s effect on one ‘whose intellectual side has won general renown’.

John Tyndall (1820-1893), Anglo-Irish physicist [John Symonds of the Corporation of London]
Publication details: 
1 November [no year]. On embossed letterhead of the Royal Institution of Great Britain [London].

See Tyndall’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Written in purple ink with bold flowing signature. Addressed to ‘John Symonds Esq’ (in the 1870s Symonds was Chairman of the Library Committee of the Corporation of London). Reads: ‘My dear Sir / Most willingly would I permit your friendly letter to draw me towards you to day. But I am bound with a chain. / I was glad to learn that Lady Morrison was your niece. She is obviously drawing out the inherent tenderness of a nature whose intellectual side has won general renown.

[James Glaisher, aeronaut and meteorologist.] Two Unsigned Autograph Drafts: the first of Letter to ‘Mrs Wallis’ on ‘English legislation against Sunday trading’; the second with reference to the Fabian Society.

James Glaisher (1809-1903), English aeronaut and meteorologist who made balloon ascents with Henry Tracey Coxwell (1819-1900) [Sunday trading; Fabian Society]
Publication details: 
Draft of letter to 'Mrs Wallis': 18 May 1900. 50 Great Russell Street, W.C. [London offices of the Photographic Society of Great Britain.] Other draft [Fabian Society] without date or place.

See Glaisher’s entry in the Oxford DNB. The story of Glaisher’s balloon flights is travestied in the 2019 film ‘The Aeronaut’, with his co-pilot Henry Tracey Coxwell being replaced by the fictional female character ‘Amelia Wren’. The object of the ascents, made on behalf of the British Association between 1862 and 1866, was to carry out scientific observations in such matters as the variation in temperature and humidity of the atmosphere at high elevations.

[Felix Eugen Fritsch, Professor and Head of Botany, Queen Mary College, University of London.] Autograph Note SIgned F.E. Fritsch to Crow.

Felix Eugen Fritsch (1879–1954), algologist, Professor and Head of the Botanical Department, Queen Mary College, University of London, from 1911-1948
Publication details: 
3 June 1929; on letterhead of the Department of Botany, East London College, Mile End Road, E1. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient is William Bernard Crow, and the work referred to in the letter is his University of London thesis, presumably written under Fritsch’s supervision. 1p, 4to. Aged and creased, with chipping to edges. Folded three times. Good firm signature at foot: ‘F. E. Fritsch’. He thanks him for the copy of his book on “Contributions to the Principles of Morphology”, which he hopes to read ‘when the present rush dies down’. He hopes he is ‘getting on well at Huddersfield’.

[Ren? Louiche Desfontaines, Professor of Botany at the Jardin des Plantes.] Autograph Letter Signed (?Desfontaines?) [to the negotiator of the Louisiana Purchase, the Marquis of Barb?-Marbois], thanking him for his ?Histoire de la Louisiane?.

Ren? Louiche Desfontaines (1750-1833), French botanist, Professor of Botany at the Jardin des Plantes [Fran?ois, Marquis de Barb?-Marbois (1745-1837), French negotiator of Louisiana Purchase]
Publication details: 
Erroneously dated ?paris 21 decembre 1888? [1829?].

The letter is addressed to ?Monsieur Le marquis?, and the recipient is undoubtedly Barb?-Marbois. The letter presumably dates from 1829, the year of publication of Barb?-Marbois?s ?Histoire de la Louisiane?. The other work referred to, ?Le Complot d?Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton contre les Etats-Unis?, was published in 1816.

[ Johann Gaspar Spurzheim, phrenologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Spurzheim'), in English, to his landlord 'Mr Booth', regarding the possibility of his vacating his house early.

Johann Gaspar Spurzheim (1776-1832), German phrenologist, developing the system of Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828), to whom he served as assistant
Publication details: 
'Friday Evening | 23. Foley Place. [ London ]'

1p., small 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, with light signs of age. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with remains of red wax seal, to 'Mr Booth | Duke street'. It is his intention 'to go abroad and not to keep the house longer than Ii am obliged', so he asks Booth if he will 'put up a bill that the house is to be let. it is understood that, if no one will take it before february, I must pay the rent.' He asks if Booth knows 'any poor family in whom you have confidence and who would be glad to live in it till it is let again', suggesting 'the same family who was in it before me'.

[Dionysius Lardner, Irish scientific writer, editor of the Cabinet Cyclopaedia.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Dion: Lardner') to Messrs Dickinson & Co, regarding a business proposal, with part of signed document about an 'article' 'fabricated from rags'

Dionysius Lardner (1793-1859), Irish scientific writer, editor of the 133-volume Cabinet Cyclopædia, repeatedly trounced in controversies with Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Publication details: 
Letter: 18 August 1851; 56 rue de Lille [Paris]. Accompanying document without place or date.

Both the letter and the accompanying document are in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Both items signed 'Dion: Lardner'. ONE: Letter to Dickinson & Co. 1p, 12mo. He wishes to add 'these few lines' to 'the enclosed business letter' (not present), 'to aprise you that from the private knowledge I have of the parties interested in the business that I am of opinion that they are entitled to serious attention.

[Sir J. B. Lawes and Sir J. H. Gilbert, agricultural scientists.] Three printed works: 'Report of Experiments on the Growth of Wheat', presentation copy; 'The Effect of Different Manures'; 'On the Chemistry of the Feeding of Animals', by Lawes alone.

J. B. Lawes and J. H. Gilbert [Sir John Bennet Lawes (1814-1900) and Sir Joseph Henry Gilbert (1817-1901), agricultural scientists] [Royal Agricultural Society of England; Royal Dublin Society]
Publication details: 
First two: [Royal Agricultural Society of England.] London: Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street, and Charing Cross. 1863 and 1864. Third: [Royal Dublin Society.]: Dublin: Printed at the University Press, by M. H. Gill. 1864.

See the entries on the two men in the Oxford DNB. In an impressive description of their joint achievements, the entry on Gilbert describes his association with Lawes as 'one of the longest and most productive scientific partnerships on record [...] In agricultural circles their names are for ever linked'. The first two items are in uniform light-blue printed card covers; the last is of similar appearance, in printed card covers of the same colour. In good condition, lightly aged.

[Sir Oliver Lodge, physicist, inventor and spiritualist.] Autograph Signature ('Oliver Lodge') for autograph collector.

Sir Oliver Lodge [Oliver Joseph Lodge] (1851-1940), physicist and inventor in the field of radio, and Christian Spiritualist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

The signature 'Oliver Lodge' is firmly written in the bottom of three rectangular panels printed in red, with no other writing on the page, on one side of a 12mo leaf removed from 'The Meredith Birthday Book', the other side featuring quotations from the novelist for 13 to 15 June. In good condition, lightly aged.

[Phrenology in Manchester: Johann Gaspar Spurzheim, celebrated phrenologist.] Autograph Letter in the third person, in English, to 'Mr Sowler' [proprietor of the Manchester Courier], announcing postponement of lecture at Mechanics Institution.

Johann Gaspar Spurzheim (1776-1832), German physician and celebrated phrenologist
Publication details: 
Without date or place [Manchester. Circa 1829 to 1830.]

1p, 12mo. Written lengthwise on a single leaf. In good condition, lightly aged, with strips of thick paper from mount adhering to the reverse, which carries Spurzheim's address to 'Mr Sowler | St Anns Square [Manchester]'. The recipient is Thomas Sowler the second, proprietor of the Manchester Courier, and father of Sir Thomas Sowler (1818-1891). The text reads: 'Dr.

[John Lee, astronomer and mathematician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Lee.') to 'Miss May' [daughter of astronomer Charles May], regarding the procurement of lodgings for a meeting of the British Association of Science at Ipswich.

John Lee [born John Fiott] (1783-1866), astronomer, mathematician, antiquarian, barrister, numismatist and physicist [Charles May (1800-1860) of Ipswich, astronomer]
Publication details: 
On embossed letterhead of Totteridge Park School, Hertfordshire. No date. [1840s?]

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Neatly and closely written. At the end of the letter Lee names the recipient as 'Miss May | Carr Street | Ipswich'. (She was the daughter of Quaker astronomer Charles May, a partner in the firm of civil engineers Ransomes and May.) Lee begins by stating that he and his wife 'are anxious to come to Ipswich on tuesday the first of July in order to attend the meeting of the British Association of Science'.

[John Lee, astronomer and mathematician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Lee.') to George Ransome of Ipswich, urging him or 'some delegate' to attend 'our peaceful congress', 'the Hartwell Peace Festival'.

John Lee [born John Fiott] (1783-1866), astronomer and philanthropist [George Ransome (1811-1876), Secretary of the Ipswich Museum; Hartwell Festival of Peace and Temperance]
Publication details: 
'Hartwell [i.e. Hartwell House] near Aylesbury'. 4 August 1851.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Lee and his wife held regular festivals of 'Peace and Temperance' in the grounds at Hartwell, and he writes that he hopes Ransome has received the prospectus of the festival which he sent him. He and his wife would be pleased were Ransome to attend, and he offers him 'a Bed in our house, or to secure one for you in Aylesbury'. In a postscript he states: 'If you cannot come or your Brother; I hope that you will send some delegate, or MP. to represent Ipswich at our peaceful Congress'.

[Humphrey Lloyd, Irish physicist, Provost of Trinity College, Dublin.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H Lloyd') to Alfred Fox, regarding his 'paper on Magnetical Observations' and Fox's brother's 'instrument', i.e. Robert Were Fox's magnetic dip compass.

Humphrey Lloyd (1800-1881), Irish physicist, Provost of Trinity College, Dublin [Robert Were Fox the Younger (1789-1877), geologist, inventor of the magnetic dip compass]
Publication details: 
Trinity College Dublin. 24 March 1835.

The recipient was a brother of the geologist and inventor Robert Were Fox the Younger (1789-1877), whose magnetic dip compass, constructed in the previous year, is the 'instrument' referred to at the end of the letter. (Fox's compass was used by Sir James Clark Ross on his Antarctic expedition, and was later used to discover the position of the South magnetic pole.) 1p, 4to. In fair condition, aged and creased, with traces of paper mount adhering to one edge, and repair to a closed tear with archival tape. Several folds.

[Andrew Duncan, the elder, Scottish physician and Professor at Edinburgh University.] Autograph Letter Signed ('A Duncan Sen.') to 'Samuel Parks', i.e. the chemist Samuel Parkes, regarding the discourse he delivered at an award to Parkes.

Andrew Duncan, the elder (1744-1828), Scottish physician and Professor at Edinburgh University, joint founder of the Royal Society of Edinburgh [Samuel Parkes (1761-1825), eminent chemist]
Publication details: 
Adams Square [Edinburgh]; 29 August 1825.

For the recipient Samuel Parks, internationally-renowned chemist and member of twenty-one learned societies, see his entry in the Oxford DNB, which explains his presence in Edinburgh at the time of the letter by explaining that it was during a visit to the city in June 1825 that Parkes 'was attacked by a painful disorder, which proved fatal'. 1p, 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf, which is addressed by Duncan to 'Samuel Parks [sic] Esqr | 59 Lothian Street'.

[Sir Charles Blagden, physician and scientist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Blagden') to Louis Odier, Genevan physician, regarding the sojourn in England of Jean-François Berger, and the changes in Geneva.

Sir Charles Blagden [Sir Charles Brian Blagden] (1748-1820), physician and scientist, Royal Society secretary [Louis Odier (1748-1817) and Jean-François Berger (1779-1833), physicians of Geneva]
Publication details: 
No place. 13 February 1810.

3pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the reverse of second leaf, which is addressed 'À Monsieur | Monsieur L. Odier | Docteur et Professeur en Médecine | à Genève.' He begins by expressing the 'great pleasure' he has felt in again seeing Odier's handwriting, and learning that he and his family are in good health.

[George Combe, phrenologist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo. Combe') to educationist W. E. Hickson, praising his book 'History of Sunday' and discussing his 'broken down' health.

George Combe (1788-1858), Scottish phrenologist and lawyer, founder of the Edinburgh Phrenological Society [William Edward Hickson (1803-1870), author and educationist]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh; 7 May 1857.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Second leaf, blank except for endorsement, with traces of glue from mount. Addressed to 'W E. Hickson Esq'. He thanks him for his 'kind remembrance', and for 'sending me your “History of Sunday”; It is a most valuable, & from its small compass & cheapness, a most serviceable, contribution to the great cause of human emancipation from superstition'. He states that he has himself 'lately published a work with the same end in view'.

[Forbes Winslow, nineteenth-century physician and psychiatrist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F Winslow'), urging Sir John Philipart to 'make an effort to come among yr old friends & shake them again by the hands'.

Forbes Winslow [Forbes Benignus Winslow] (1810-1874), nineteenth-century physician, psychiatrist, author and authority on lunacy [Sir John Philippart (1784?–1874), author and editor]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 23 Cavendish Square [London]. 28 November [no year].

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to edge of reverse of second leaf, and two central folds, one vertical and one horizontal. He invites Philipart to 'do us the pleasure of meeting Dr & Mrs Bennett on Wednesday next at dinner at 6.40 for 7 o Cl'. He is 'most anxious', as they are 'both going down the hill [last four words underlined] to renew an old & much valued friendship & to re introduce you to some of my grown up children'.

[Sir Henry Holland of Knutsford, physician, travel writer and socialite.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H Holland') [to Lovell Reeve?], giving detailed 'memoranda' of his life for inclusion in a 'biography of living men'.

Sir Henry Holland (1788-1873) of Knutsford, physician, travel writer and socialite [Lovell Reeve?]
Publication details: 
Brook Street [London]. 2 November 1856.

4pp, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to one edge. Seventy-four lines of closely and neatly written text. Although the date is somewhat early, the recipient may be Lovell Reeve, editor until 1865 of 'Portraits of Men of Eminence in Literature, Science, and Art, with Biographical Memoirs' (1863-1867). Having received the recipient's letter on his 'return from abroad', Holland states his 'general objection to the biography of living men'.

[Sir William Lawrence, President of the Royal College of Surgeons and Serjeant Surgeon to Queen Victoria.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Wlm. Lawrence') to 'Professor Owen' [Sir Richard Owen], asking him to amend a document.

Sir William Lawrence (1783-1867), President of the Royal College of Surgeons of London and Serjeant Surgeon to Queen Victoria [Sir Richard Owen (1804-1892)]
Publication details: 
Whitehall Pla[ce] [London]. 25 July 1848.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with slight damage at head repaired with archival tape, and thin strip from stub of mount adhering to one edge. He asks Owen to 'alter or add to the paper sent herewith in any way you please, so that it may harmonize with the report you have drawn up, & represent the meaning you may intend to convey'. He will 'call at the College in the course of the day & affix my signature to the completed document'.

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