[Linley Sambourne (1844-1910)], ‘First Cartoonist’ with Punch, artist and illustrator.] Three Autograph Letters Signed, one to 'Griffiths' and the others to different recipients.

Linley Sambourne [Edward Linley Sambourne] (1844-1910), ‘First Cartoonist’ with Punch magazine, artist and illustrator [Harry Furniss (1854-1925), illustrator]
Publication details: 
ONE: 10 April 1889; on letterhead of Whitefriars, London. TWO (to 'Griffiths'): 14 October 1889; on embossed letterhead of 18 Stafford Terrace, Kensington W. [London] THREE: 19 May 1890; 18 tafford Road, Kensington W [London]. THREE:

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. All three items signed 'Linley Sambourne'. All three in good condition, lightly aged and worn, and all folded for postage. ONE: 10 April 1889. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Begins 'Dear Sir / Mr Furniss [Harry Furniss, Punch illustrator] has kindly written enclosed & I am sending a boy to you at / 5, Clarendon Place / Hyde Park'.

[‘Scotland’s greatest ambassador’: Sir Harry Lauder, music hall singer and comedian.] Autograph Inscription and Signature.

[Harry Lauder] Sir Henry Lauder (1870-1950), hugely-popular Scottish music hall singer and comedian popular, described by Sir Winston Churchill as ‘Scotland’s greatest ambassador’
Publication details: 
On stamped postcard with Tooting postmark of 13 January 1905.

Lauder was the highest-paid entertainer in the world in 1911, and the first British artist to sell a million records (by 1928 he had sold two million). See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 14 x 9 cm plain postcard, addressed (by the recipient) to ‘Norman Wetton / 7 Claremont Road / Forrest Gate.’ On the blank reverse Lauder has written: ‘ “D’you Know this ” / Yours very truly / Harry Lauder’. A little grubby and discoloured, but in fair condition. Scan on application.

[Harry Furniss, Punch cartoonist.] Autograph Letter Signed to the editor of The Connoisseur Marion Spielmann, arranging a visit.

Harry Furniss [Henry Furniss, pseud. Lika Joko] (1854-1925), Anglo-Irish Punch cartoonist, illustrator of Lewis Carroll’s ‘Sylvie and Bruno’ [Marion Spielmann, editor of The Connoisseur]
Publication details: 
‘Wednesday’, on 1880s letterhead of the Clef Club, Birmingham.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount on blank reverse. Folded once. Addressed to ‘My dear Spielmann’ and signed ‘Harry Furniss’. He asks if Spielmann is ‘at home on Sundays’, as he will be in town between Saturday and might be able to ‘look in for a minute sometime but I’ll not say exactly when’. ‘I’ll have so much to do, but probably it will be sometime in the morning before noon. / Leave all till then. / You don’t say how you are’. Postscript: ‘Lectures going very well’ (last two words underlined four times).

Harry de Windt [Captain Harry Willes Darell de Windt], explorer and travel writer.] Autograph Note Signed: a quotation with signature provided for an autograph hunter.

Harry de Windt [Captain Harry Willes Darell de Windt (1856-1933)], explorer and travel writer, aide-de-camp to his brother-in-law Charles Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak
de windt
Publication details: 
No date or place.
de windt

See the entry for Sir Charles Brooke in the Oxford DNB. On one side of an 18 x 9 cm piece of paper, the upper part torn from a larger sheet, with neatly-torn bottom edge resulting in a little loss to the flourish beneath the signature and the tip of the downstroke of the ‘y’ in ‘Harry’. In fair condition, lightly aged, with a central vertical fold. The text, in a bold hand, reads: ‘ “Though obstacles beset you - struggle still!” / Even a worm may climb this highest hill! / Yrs Sly / Harry de Windt’ See Image.

[Harry Plunket Greene, Anglo-Irish baritone associated with Elgar and Vaughan Williams.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding an engagement.

Harry Plunket Greene (1865-1936), Anglo-Irish baritone associated with Elgar and Vaughan Williams
Publication details: 
11 October 1927. On letterhead of 65 Holland Park Road, Kensington W14 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Signed ‘H. P. Greene’. Truly atrocious handwriting. Apparently addressed to ‘Dear Miss Salt’, and beginning: ‘I’ll be proud.’ He gives a date which will ‘suit me best’, and asks to be informed ‘if there is anything special [?] like [?]’.

[Spike Milligan, influential British comedian, originator of 'The Goon Show'.] Good bold Autograph Signature, on a leaf from an album.

Spike Milligan [Terence Alan Milligan] (1918-2002), British comedian, originator of the BBC radio series 'The Goon Show', in which he performed with Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe and Michael Bentine
Spike Milligan
Publication details: 
No place or date.
Spike Milligan

See his entry, and those of Sellers, Secombe and Bentine, in the Oxford DNB. On 11.5 x 10 cm leaf of light-blue paper, extracted from an album. In good condition, lightly aged, with short crease to one corner. Nothing else is written on either side of the leaf, apart from the large spidery signature 'Spike Milligan'. See Image.

[Sir Cliff Richard, popular British singer and film actor.] Autograph Signature to black and white print of publicity photograph of him in swimming trunks, seated on a beach between two girls in bikinis.

Sir Cliff Richard (born 1940 as Harry Rodger Webb), popular British singer and film actor, the top-selling artist in the English singles chart, behind the Beatles and Elvis Presley
Cliff Richard
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Early 1960s.]
Cliff Richard

Lightly-written signature (?Cliff Richard?) in blue ink at bottom left of 21 x 16 cm photographic print on glossy paper of black and white publicity photograph of a tanned Richard sitting in swimming trunks with his hands on his knees, looking at the viewer between two rather plain brunettes in bikinis. The print is somewhat creased and worn, with minor discoloration to white border at the top edge. See Image.

[Arts and Crafts architecture in the Potteries, 1908.] Blueprint of plans and elevations by the architect William Ford Slater for ‘3 HOUSES HIGH LANE BURSLEM / FOR MR: HARRY H. ROSE / 1/8th Scale’, for construction by John Henry Broadhurst and Son.

[Arts and Crafts achitecture in the Potteries.] William Ford Slater (1866-1951), architect and surveyor; J. H. Broadhurst and Son [John Henry Broadhurst], builder of Burslem, Staffordshire.
Publication details: 
J. H. Broadhurst & Son, Burlem, Staffordshire. 27 [June?] 1908. ‘John Henry Broadhurst / [June?] 27/08 / p pro J H Broadhurst & Son’.

In 1907 the ‘Builder’ describes ‘Mr. W. F. Slater, Overhouse-chambers, Burslem’ as a ‘Surveyor’, and in 1909 the ‘Electrical Review’ refers to him as an ‘architect’ at the same address. Five years later ‘Building News’ reports that Slater is ‘architect to the education committee’. In 1921 (‘The Surveyor’) he is the ‘surveyor, Urban Council Offices, Wolstanton, Staffs’, and in 1926 (‘Public Works Weekly Surveyor’) he is ‘architect to the corporation’.

[Cuala Press, Dublin.] Printed publication: number of ‘A Broadside’, limited to 300 copies, with two poems, one by Padraic Colum, set to music by Arthur Duff, each with a hand-coloured illustration by Harry Kernoff. From the Lynd archive.

Cuala Press, Dublin; Padraic Colum; Harry Kernoff [‘A Broadside’: W. B. Yeats and F. R. Higgins, eds; Arthur Duff, musical ed.; Robert and Sylvia Lynd]
Publication details: 
No. 7 (New Series) July 1935. Cuala Press, Dublin.

An attractive item on four unpaginated folio pages, in a bifolium. Uncommon. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, but not folded, with small closed tear at head of first leaf. Drophead title: ‘No. 7 (New Series) July 1935. / A Broadside / Editors: W. B. Yeats and F. R. Higgins; Musical Editor, Arthur Duff.

[‘What a play!’: Percy Merriman, musician and songwriter, mainstay of the Roosters troupe of entertainers.] Autograph Letter Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope, recalling Sir George Alexander’s 1896 production of ‘The Prisoner of Zenda’.

Percy Merriman [Percival Harry Merriman] (1882-1966), musician and songwriter with the Roosters troupe of entertainers, who began as a First World War concert party [Walter James Macqueen-Pope]
Publication details: 
14 October [no year, but before 1958]. On letterhead of ‘Percy Merriman / Lecturer and Entertainer / 37 Parliament Hill / London / N.W.3’.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers (see his entry in the Oxford DNB). Merriman was accorded the honour of an episode of the BBC’s Desert Island Discs in 1964. 2pp, 12mo. Signed ‘Percy’ and addressed to ‘Dear Popie’. In good condition, lightly aged, with one dog-eared corner and folded twice for postage. Begins: ‘Am not of course seeking any publicity over your book on St. James Theatre [published in 1958] only wish I could help more. / You know of course Allan Ainsworth [sic, for ‘Aynesworth’] is alive the doyen of the Garrick Club! He played often with G[eorge]. A[lexander]. - in Pinero & Wilde.

[‘What stirring times these are!’ Eliza Lynn Linton, novelist and pioneering woman journalist.] Autograph Letter Signed, asking Sir Richard Temple to find employment for ‘one of the cream of the Indian Civil Service’, H. A. Acworth.

Eliza Lynn Linton (1822-1898), novelist, pioneering woman journalist and anti-feminist [Sir Richard Temple (1826-1902); Harry Arbuthnot Acworth (1849-1933)]
Publication details: 
24 January [no year, but 1895 or after]. On letterhead of Brougham House, Malvern.

According to her entry in the Oxford DNB, Eliza Lynn Linton moved to Malvern in 1895. (See also Temple’s Oxford DNB entry.) 4pp, 16mo. Bifolium. Sixty-six lines of closely-written text. The two leaves of the bifolium have been separated, and re-attached with archival tape; resulting in slight loss to some text on the third page, otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Signed ‘(Mrs.) E. Lynn Linton’. While he may not recall that she had the honour of being introduced to him by ‘Mr.

[Victor Silvester, bandleader and ballroom dancer.] Autograph Signature on ‘Souvenir Programme’ for the ‘Grand Empire Day Dance’ at the Alexander Hall, Halifax, with local band 'Harry Nicholl and his Alexandrians' .

Victor Silvester [Victor Marlborough Silvester] (1900-1978), British bandleader and ballroom dancer [Harry Nicholl and his Alexandrians; Alexandra Hall, Halifax]
Publication details: 
Date of the ‘Grand Empire Day Dance’: 24 May 1957. At the Alexandra Hall, Halifax, for T. F. Firth & Sons Ltd. Sports Club.

On 15 x 11 cm card, with vertical central fold making it into a bifolium with front and back covers, and central text across the opening. In fair condition, a little aged. Perforated outer corner removed from bottom of second leaf, no doubt as proof of use; with slight creasing to first leaf at same point. Printed at the head of the back cover is the word ‘AUTOGRAPHS’, and here in blue ink is the signature ‘Victor Silvester’. There are no other autographs. The front cover is headed ‘T. F. Firth and Sons Ltd.

[Harry Roy, British dance band leader responsible for the 1931 classic 'My Girl's Pussy' ; Joe Daniels, Dixieland drummer.] Autograph Signatures of Roy and Daniels, the latter cut from letter describing himself as ‘One of the Drumming Fraternity.’

Harry Roy [born Harris Litman] (1900-1971), British dance band leader and clarinettist; Joe Daniels (1909-1993), British Dixieland drummer, born in South Africa
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See Roy’s entry in the Oxford DNB. He part-wrote and performed the perennially popular ‘My Girl’s Pussy’, with other songs with suggestive titles. The two men’s careers both began in the 1920s, and Daniels played in the band of Roy’s brother Sid Roy. The two signatures laid down on an 8.5 x 7 piece cut from the leaf from an autograph album. Somewhat discoloured, otherwise in good condition. ONE: Signature of ‘Harry Roy’. On 6 x 4.5 cm slip of paper. Large signature, with the downstrokes of the final letter y’s extending unusually far. TWO: Signature of ‘Joe Daniels’.

[Harry Plunket Greene, Irish baritone singer.] Autograph Signature and valediction cut from letter.

Harry Plunket Greene (1865-1936), Irish baritone singer
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On strip of paper, roughly 10 x 3.5 cm, cut into an irregular rectangular shape. On one side is the valediction: ‘Yours very sincerely / Harry Plunket Greene’. On the other a fragment of three lines of the letter: ‘[...] I hope no [...] / started that things [...] / go on well. I am part[...]’. See image.

[A Welsh poet at work: Harry Guest.] Three Autograph Poems: ‘Climbing a Volcano’ (two drafts), ‘At Shoreham’ (holograph), and ‘Sentence’ (fragment); with covering Autograph Letter Signed to Claire Freiburger; and transcription from Abelard.

Harry Guest [Henry Bayly Guest] (1932-2021), Welsh poet and noted translator from French and Japanese
Publication details: 
The poems undated. The letter dated 3 September 1970; ‘c/o Mr. T. Mugishima, | Kugahara 4-Chome 23-9, | Ohta-Ku, / Tokyo 165’.

See Tony Lopez's obituary in the Guardian, 11 April 2021.The letter was sent, with Items One and Two at least, while Guest was Lecturer in English at Yokohama National University, 1966-1972. All four items are neatly written in black ink in a close hand. The first three items are in good condition; Item Four is in fair condition, on aged paper and with wear to the outer edges. The parallel drafts of ‘Climbing a Volcano’ in Item One present an excellent example of the working process of a poet in the pre-digital age. ONE: Autograph Manuscript (2pp, folio) on one leaf.

[Harry Harkness Flagler, fabulously-wealthy son of the founder of Miami and Palm Beach, Florida.] Autograph Letter Signed to Mrs Helen Lossing Johnson, explaining why he declines to buy the New York diaries and other material she has sent him.

Harry Harkness Flagler (1870-1952), President of Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York, son of Henry Morrison Flagler (1830-1913), founder of Standard Oil and of Miami and Palm Beach, Floriida
Publication details: 
5 January 1933; on letterheads of 32 Park Avenue [New York].

Harry Harkness Flagler was son and heir to one of America’s greatest fortunes, inheriting the sumptuous Whitehall estate in Florida (now the Flagler Museum). The recipient was the wife of Frank Edgar Johnson, whose obituary is in New York Times, 5 December 1932 (‘Yonkers life insurance man was an authority on birds’). 6pp, four of which in 12mo and two in 8vo. On two bifoliums, each with the final page of text written lengthwise across the central opening. In envelope, with post mark and stamp, addressed by Flagler to ‘Mrs.

[C. L. Graves and Punch editor E. V. Knox.] Autograph Letter Signed from 'C L. G.' to 'Evoe', discussing in detail questions relating to his planned history of Punch, with long autograph 'Notes on your Memorandum'.

C. L. Graves [Charles Larcom Graves (1856-1944), assistant-editor of Punch and the Spectator, uncle of poet Robert Graves [E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox] (1881-1971, 'Evoe'), editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of Kent Lodge, Westgate-on-Sea, Thanet. 30 May 1938. Memorandum undated.

For information on Graves see the generous obituary of him in The Times, 18 April 1944. Both items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with minor staining from paperclip to first leaf of letter. The work was not published, and although Graves states in Item One that the greater part of the text is 'in the hands of my typist', there is no record of its survival, or of the thousand related documents he states were sent to him by M. H. Spielmann. ONE: ALS from 'C L. G.' to 'Dear Evoe'. 4pp., landscape 8vo.

[Sir Henry Keppel, Admiral of the Fleet.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Harry Keppel') to 'Willis' about his autobiography and the 'neuralgic pains' which he fears may kill him.

Sir Henry Keppel ['Harry Keppel'] (1809-1904), Admiral of the Fleet who served in Opium Wars and Crimean War
Publication details: 
7 February [1900]. On letterhead of the Grand Hotel, Cannes.

1p, 8vo. On aged and worn paper. Attractive letterhead of the hotel and its surroundings. Addressed to 'My dear Willis'. Written in a shaky hand. Clearly writing in reference to his 1899 autobiography 'A Sailor's Life under Four Sovereigns', he states that he is glad that Willis is 'pleased with the book', and explains that he was 'suddenly driven' to Cannes 'by neuralgic pains'. He concludes: 'If I live to get back I should like to insert the Authors name in your Copy! Your sincere old friend | Harry Keppel'.

[Sir Henry Keppel, Admiral of the Fleet.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Harry Keppel') to 'Willis' about his autobiography and the 'neuralgic pains' which he fears may kill him.

Sir Henry Keppel ['Harry Keppel'] (1809-1904), Admiral of the Fleet who served in Opium Wars and Crimean War
Publication details: 
7 February [1900]. On letterhead of the Grand Hotel, Cannes.

1p, 8vo. On aged and worn paper. Attractive letterhead of the hotel and its surroundings. Addressed to 'My dear Willis'. Written in a shaky hand. Clearly writing in reference to his 1899 autobiography 'A Sailor's Life under Four Sovereigns', he states that he is glad that Willis is 'pleased with the book', and explains that he was 'suddenly driven' to Cannes 'by neuralgic pains'. He concludes: 'If I live to get back I should like to insert the Authors name in your Copy! Your sincere old friend | Harry Keppel'.

[Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Frederick') to 'Grenville' [William Wyndham Grenville, future prime minister], regarding war and 'opportunity of humbling France', Welch Fusiliers, Allerton, buying a town house.

Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany (1763-1827), second son of George III, heir to George IV, reformer of the British Army [William Wyndham Grenville, Lord Grenville (1759-1834), Prime Minister
Publication details: 
Allerton Maleverer [sic]; 14 October 1787.

An interesting intimate letter from the Duke of York, credited with having done more to reform the British Army than any other man, to the future Prime Minister Grenville, who at the time was Paymaster General of the Forces. Of particular note is the Duke's desire to go to war, 'for I am sure we never have had for these two Centuries so favourable an opportunity of humbling France'. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf. Folded three times. Sixty-one lines of text.

[Sylvester, Lord Glenbervie and Thomas Steele, Joint Paymasters General of the Forces.] Both men's Autograph Signatures, with seals, to document witnessed by P. George Craufurd and Harry Harmood, appointing their attorneys.

Sylvester, Lord Glenbervie [Sylvester Douglas, 1st Baron Glenbervie] and Thomas Steele, Joint Paymasters General of the Forces; Patrick George Craufurd and Harry Harmood of Army Pay Office
Publication details: 
'this 26th. day of March In the Forty first Year of His Majesty's Reign, and in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and One.'

See the entries for Sylvester Douglas, 1st Baron Glenbervie (1743-1823), and Thomas Steele (1753-1823) in the Oxford DNB. The two men served as Joint Paymasters General of the Forces, 1801-1803. 2pp, foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip from mount adhering to the reverse of the leaf. Embossed tax stamp at top left of first page. The signatures of 'Thos. Steele' and 'Glenbervie' are at bottom right, with the men's seals in red wax beside them (Steele's in fair condition, and Glenbervie's lacking a segment from chipping). Witnessed at bottom left by P.

[Ballooning and Victorian Music Hall.] Anonymous Manuscript of the lyrics of two comic songs: 'Balooning [sic]' (inspired by a piece in Charles Dickens's 'Household Words') and Harry Sydney's 'It's just as well to take it in a quiet sort of way'.

[Ballooning and Victorian Music Hall; Harry Sydney, music hall artiste and songwriter; Charles Dickens and 'Household Words']
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [London? Circa 1865.]

3pp., foolscap 8vo. On a bifolium of laid paper. In fair condition, aged and worn. The first poem, 'Balooning [sic]', covers both sides of the first leaf. No evidence has been discovered that this poem was ever published, but it is inspired by the exploits of 'Mr. Green' in a humorous essay titled 'Ballooning', which appeared in Charles Dickens's 'Household Words' on 25 October 1851. The choice of two phrases ('pipes & backy' and 'Mounted Meershaums') is given in the present manuscript, these variants perhaps suggesting that this item is authorial rather than a transcription.

[Punch history; C. L. Graves and Punch editor E. V. Knox.] Autograph Letter Signed from 'C L. G.' to 'Evoe', discussing in detail questions relating to his planned history of Punch, with long autograph 'Notes on your Memorandum'.

C. L. Graves [Charles Larcom Graves (1856-1944), assistant-editor of Punch and the Spectator, uncle of poet Robert Graves [E. V. Knox [Edmund George Valpy Knox] (1881-1971, 'Evoe'), editor of Punch]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of Kent Lodge, Westgate-on-Sea, Thanet. 30 May 1938. Memorandum undated.

For information on Graves see his generous obituary in The Times, 18 April 1944. Both items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with minor staining from paperclip to first leaf of letter. The work was not published, and although Graves states in Item One that the greater part of the text is 'in the hands of my typist', there is no record of its survival, or of the thousand related documents he states were sent to him by M. H. Spielmann. ONE: ALS from 'C L. G.' to 'Dear Evoe'. 4pp., landscape 8vo.

[General Sir Kenneth Anderson, commander of British First Army during Operation Torch.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Kenneth Anderson'), discussing Kenya, the 'severe crisis' in Britain, conscription. With ANS from recipient Brigadier H. H. Dempsey

General Sir Kenneth Anderson [General Sir Kenneth Arthur Noel Anderson, KCB, MC] (1891-1959), commander of British First Army during Operation Torch [Brigadier Harry Hamilton Dempsey CBE (1895-1973)]
Publication details: 
Dun Eaglais, Kippen, Stirlingshire [Scotland]. 14 February 1947. Dempsey's note dated 10 August 1960.

Dempsey's obituary in The Times, explains how 'In April, 1945, he was appointed Brigadier I/C Administration, East Africa Command', holding the position into the following year, and retiring in December 1947 on account of ill health. For a full account of Dempsey's military career, see his entry in Catholic Who's Who, vol.35 (1952). In an eight-line Autograph Note Signed at the end of Anderson's letter, Dempsey states that Anderson 'had been my personal & immediate superior as G.O.C. in C., East Africa Command, when I was his Brigadier I/C Administration.

[Flatbush Motor Corps, National League for Woman's Service, New York.] Programme of entertainment in aid of the Corps, including 'Houdini | The World's Greatest Mystifier' and 'The Celebrated Creator of the Jazz Dance Craze' Bert Kelly.

Flatbush Motor Corps, National League for Woman's Service, New York [Harry Houdini; Bert Kelly's Famous Band; Red Cross]
Publication details: 
[Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York.] Flatbush Theatre, Church and Flatbush Avenues. 9 December 1918.

[40]pp., small 4to. Stapled in brown printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Title from cover, where it is printed in blue, enclosed in a border of US flags, with clutch of four flags (UK Red Ensign, Cuban, French, US) in blue and red at head. Filled with advertisements, including an illustrated full-page one inside the front cover for 'Dodge Brothers | Convertible Car'.

[ Camilla Urso, 'The great violin virtuoso': pamphlet issued by the United States Lyceum Bureau. ] Drophead title: 'Camilla Urso. | A Tribute.' Title on front wrap: 'A Tribute | Charles Barnard | Camilla Urso'.

Charles Barnard [ Camilla Urso, French violinist and child prodigy who settled in America; Harry St. Ormond, Business Manager; United States Lyceum Bureau ]
Publication details: 
'Compliments of United States Lyceum Bureau, 757 Broadway, New York.' No year, but back cover gives details of 'Transcontinental Tour. | 1885 - Season - 1886.'.

[32]pp., 16mo. Not paginated. Stapled in brown wraps, with text on front and back covers in gold and dark brown, with closed tear at foot of spine. Contains one full-page engraving: 'Testimonial Presentation to Mme. Camilla Urso in the Town Hall, Melbourne.' Cheaply printed on browned high-acidity paper, in aged and worn wraps. The wraps are attractively designed, with the violinist's name printed in large decorative type diagonally across the centre of the front cover. The back cover gives details of Urso's 'Transcontinental Tour.

[ Arthur Calder Marshall, author. ] Typed Letter Signed to Harry L. Spilstead, regarding his edition of the ballads of George R. Sims.

Arthur Calder Marshall (1908-1992), English novelist, essayist, critic, memoirist and biographer [ Harry Leonard Spilstead; George R. Sims (1847-1922), author and bon vivant ]
Publication details: 
3 The Grove, Lower Teddington Road, Hampton Wick, Kingston-upon-Thames. 15 January 1968.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. The main topic of the letter is Marshall's work preparing his book 'Prepare to shed them now. The Ballads of George R. Sims' (London: Hutchinson, 1968). A long and characteristic letter. After references to their meeting at the British Museum and to 'that excellent bookseller, Mr Wallace of The Guild Hall Bookshop' ('he showed me a selection of the Dagonet Ballads – nothing like as good as the copy you saw'), he turns to a 'Sims letter' which Spilstead sent him: 'I cant at the moment date it.

[ T. J. Wise: Proof of what would be the first volume of his Tennyson bibliography, with Signed Autograph Inscription to W. M. Rossetti. ] A Bibliography of the Writings of Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

'T. J. W.' [ Thomas James Wise; T. J. Wise ] (1859-1937), book collector, forger and thief [ William Michael Rossetti (1829-1919); Rose Esther Dorothea Sketchley (1875-1949) ]
Publication details: 
'Of this Book One Hundred Copies Only have been Printed.' London: Printed for Private Circulation. 1907. [ Printer not named, but with date stamp of Richard Clay and Sons, Bread Street Hill, E.C. [ London ], and Bungay, Suffollk, 1 November 1907. ]

Alan Bell, in his entry on Wise in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, characterizes him as 'both a careless and a dishonest bibliographer' (see also Simon Nowell-Smith, 'T. J. Wise as Bibliographer' in the Library, 1969). One of Wise's aims was clearly to legitimize his forgeries, and as John Collins states in 'The Two Forgers' (1992), his bibliographies are all 'more or less tarred with Wise's own publications'.

[ Sir Harry Bodkin Poland and Sir Richard Harington on the Criminal Evidence Act, 1898. ] Autograph Letter Signed from Poland to Harington and Autograph Draft of Letter from Harington - with two autograph riders by Poland - to the Attorney General..

Sir Harry Bodkin Poland (1829-1928), barrister; Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911) [ Sir Richard Webster [ Richard Everard Webster, 1st Viscount Alverstone ] (1842-1915), Attorney General, 1895-1900 ]
Publication details: 
Poland's letter to Harington on letterhead of 28 Sloane Gardens, S.W. [ London ]; 1 May 1897. Harington's draft letter to the Attorney General from 87 Eaton Terrace, S.W. [ London ]; 2 May 1897.

The background to the present correspondence is dealt with exhaustively in C. J. W. Allen's 'The Law of Evidence in Victorian England' (1997) and David Bentley's 'English Criminal Justice in the 19th Century' (1998), chapters 17 ('The Campaign for a Prisoners' Evidence Act') and 18 ('Reform'). ONE: Autograph Letter Signed from Poland ('Harry Bodkin-Poland') to Harington ('His Honour Judge Sir Richard Harington Bart.'). 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged.

[ Alexander Wedderburn, 1st Earl of Rosslyn, Lord Chancellor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Al. Wedderburn') to an unnamed recipient

Alexander Wedderburn, 1st Earl of Rosslyn (1733-1805), Lord Chancellor, 1793-1801, Scottish lawyer
Publication details: 
Cavendish Square [ London ]. '4 o Clock' [ no date ].

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, and with the neat remains of windowpane mount adhering to the edges. He writes that 'Sir Harry Erskine had applied to the Duke of Ancaster for a passport Ticket for me, but He has just now informed me That He has had an Answer from his Grace about another Ticket but no notice taken of his application for the Pass Ticket. This embarrasses me exceedingly as I have engaged myself with a party who go from the Abbey to the Hall and I should be infinitely obliged to you if you happen to be enough acquainted with the D.

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