Autograph Letter Signed ('Vera Meynell') from Lady Vera Meynell, wife of the typographer Sir Francis Meynell, to 'Dear Jack' [the anthropologist J. H. Driberg], asking him to 'let bygones be bygones' and visit her at Toppesfield, 'Hitler permitting'.

Lady Vera Meynell [née Vera Rosalind Wynn Mendel] (1895-1947), wife of Sir Francis Meynell (1891-1975), publisher and typographer, founder of the Nonesuch Press [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 39 Woburn Square, WC1 [London]. 5 July [no year, but during the Second World War].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'Dear Jack | It is a long time since we met - but perhaps that is my fault. If so, will you let bygones be bygones - and come over to Toppesfield some time?' She suggests a date, 'Or any Sunday lunch in the immediate future', stating that 'after July, all plans are "Hitler permitting"!' Driberg has noted his acceptance of the invitation up one margin. [Driberg was a Lecturer in Anthropology at Cambridge University from 1934 to 1942. His brother was the colourful Labour MP Tom Driberg.

Typed Letter Signed ('Raglan') from Fitzroy Richard Somerset, 4th Baron Raglan [Lord Raglan] to fellow anthropologist J. H. Driberg, regarding a proposed stay at Trinity College, Cambridge.

FitzRoy Richard Somerset (1885-1964), 4th Baron Raglan [Lord Raglan], President, Royal Anthropological Society [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge University,1934-42
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Cefntilla Court, Usk, Monmouthshire. 11 October 1938.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Having been 'very comfortable' at Trinity College, Cambridge, as a guest of Bernard Thomas, Raglan thinks it will be 'very pleasant' to stay there again. He gives details of his proposed itinerary, makes suggestions regarding his motor-car, and accepts an invitation to 'dine in Hall'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E J Lindgren') from Dr Ethel John Lindgren to fellow-anthropologist J. H. Driberg, concerning a book by another author, accepted for publication by the Council of the University of Cambridge in 1904, and returned in 1928.

Dr Ethel John Lindgren (1905-1988), anthropologist [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge University, 1934-42; brother of Labour MP Tom Driberg (1905-76)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 34 Causewayside, Fen Causeway, Cambridge. 8 November 1939.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. She asks him if he can 'shed any light' on a book or paper (not named), 'or indicate what amount of interest it is likely to have': 'The author wrote it in 1904, added to it in 1907. Council [of the University of Cambridge] accepted it for publication in 1916. It was returned to the author, at his request, in 1928!' She could send it to Driberg, 'to look through, if you like (or rather if you are willing!)' A postscript regarding Sir E. E. Evans-Pritchard, emphatically underlined, reads: 'Is it true that E-P is married???'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Basil A. Yeaxlee') from the English educational pioneer Basil Yeaxlee [Basil Alfred Yeaxlee] to the anthropologist J. H. Driberg, regarding his difficulty in acquiring a copy of 'Island India goes to School' by E. R. Embree.

Basil Yeaxlee [Basil Alfred Yeaxlee] (1883-1967), English pioneer in the field of adult education [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), anthropologist, brother of colourful Labour politician Tom Driberg]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 109 Woodstock Road, Oxford. 9 May 1939.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He begins: 'My bookseller has sent me tonight "Island India at School" - Chicago University Press $2 [in fact 'Island India at School', E. R. Embree et al, 1934], and therefore, presumably, C.U.P. in this country.' He apologises for troubling Driberg unnecessarily: 'But yesterday they told me that they couldn't even trace it in Publishers' Catalogues.' Postscript reads: 'I hope I'm not robbing you of your proper style & title. I feel that it might be "Dr."

Field notebook compiled by J. H. Driberg, later Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge University, compiled while a British colonial official, and dealing with local, linguistic and other matters.

Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge University, 1934-42; and brother of the Labour MP and gossip columnist 'William Hickey' Tom Driberg (1905-1976); Uganda; Africa]
Publication details: 
The earliest dated entry from Longarim, Uganda, 27 March 1923; and the latest from Loriya HIll, 15 January 1925.

A significant item, written, as his biographer Roy Abrahams explains, by a man who was 'almost single-handedly responsible for keeping academic social anthropology, and one might add the place of African research within it, alive in the small Archaeology and Anthropology Department in Cambridge in those otherwise rather barren days of the 1930s'. 45pp., 12mo. In a ruled, stitched notebook without cover. Written in pencil on stained and aged paper. Some of the text is faded.

Autograph Letter Signed from the bookseller and publisher Herbert van Thal to the gossip columnist 'William Hickey' [Tom Driberg], regretting his sacking from the Daily Express

Herbert van Thal [Bertie Maurice van Thal] (1904-1983), bookseller and publisher [Tom Driberg [Thomas Edward Neil Driberg] (1905-1976), Baron Bradwell, the 'William Hickey' of the Daily Express]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the White House, Regents Park, NW1. 5 July 1943.

1p., 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Van Thal was 'most distressed to read in the Daily Express this morning that you were no longer connected with that paper.' He thanks him 'for the pleasure that you have given me over a number of years of reading a first class column'. He hopes it will be 'discoverable as to where you are going to continue to write - or have politics put an end to a chapter?' In a postscript he states that he is at least 'able to console myself with Hansard!'

[The Bee Kingdom Leaflets No. 19] Swarming and Its Control.

H. J. Wadey [Herbert James Wadey], Editor, 'Bee Craft', England, Vice-President, B.K.L.
Publication details: 
'REPRINTED | From the "BEE KINGDOM" | May, 1938'. Published at 60, Rue Menasce, Alexandria, Egypt.

12pp., 8vo. Stapled and unbound. Fair, printed on browned high-acidity paper, with some creasing and wear at foot. No copy of this offprint in the British Library or on COPAC.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L. Homburger'), in English, from the French linguist Lilias Homburger to the Cambridge anthropologist J. H. Driberg, discussing the difficulties arising from mixing anthropology and linguistics, with reference to Africa.

Lilias Homburger (1880-1969), French linguist, authority on African languages [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), social anthropologist]
Publication details: 
Written from 'London Tuesday [no date]', giving the French address as '98 rue de la Tour | Paris | 16e'.

2pp., 12mo. 28 lines. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper. Homburger begins by thanking Driberg for his 'papers' and expressing pleasure at their meeting. He encloses 'a list [not present] of feila words (just a few typical) and a draft of my paper not complete nor absolutely definite but which will shew you that I have pretty sound basis for my ideas as to the sénégalais nilotique.' 'Great difficulties', he considers, 'have arisen [...] from mixing anthropologie [sic] & linguistics.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Powell-Cotton') from Antoinette Powell-Cotton, discussing the 'specimens from Angola' in her father Major P. H. G. Powell-Cotton's collection (the Quex Museum at Birchington) with the anthropologist J. H. Driberg.

Antoinette Powell-Cotton (1913-1997), daughter of Major P. H. G. Powell-Cotton (1866-1940), founder of the Quex Museum, Birchington, Kent [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), social anthropologist]
Publication details: 
25 Craven Road, London, W2. 29 January [1930s].

Antoinette (Tony) Powell-Cotton was the daughter of Major Percy Horace Gordon Powell-Cotton (1866-1940), explorer, naturalist, founder in 1896 of the Quex Museum (the Powell-Cotton collection), at Birchington, Kent. 3pp., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with a couple of minor damp stains to the first leaf of two. She writes that her family have just spoken to Professor Herskovits [the American anthropologist Melville Jean Herskovits (1895-1963)], 'and he gave us a message that you would like to see our specimens from Angola'.

Two Signed Manuscript Legal Agreements with Sir Herbert Hay Langham, the first by the fraudster Walter Hastings Coward, the second by James Donaldson, regarding prospecting on the island of Madeira for 'Mines or Deposits of Chromium or Chrome Ore'.

Sir Herbert Hay Langham (1840-1909); Walter Hastings Coward; James Donaldson; William Lattey, London solicitor [chromium and chrome ore mining in the island of Madeira; prospecting]
Publication details: 
The agreement with Coward dated 31 October 1892; drawn up by Henry Lattey, 24 Cornhill, E.C., London. The agreement with Donaldson dated 26 July 1895.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Neither is signed by Langham. ONE: Agreement with Coward, 1892. 1p., foolscap 8vo. On vellum paper with red embossed tax stamp. 'I Walter Hastings Coward hereby bind myself to disclose to Herbert Hay Langham all Chrome Ore or Chromium Mine that I may discover or otherwise acquire any right or share to or that I may have at present discovered or otherwise have acquired any right or share in the Island of Madeira'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Alfred Gatty') from Rev. Alfred Gatty, Vicar of Ecclesfield, to his son the Hon. Stephen Gatty, Puisne Judge of the Straits Settlements [Singapore], filled with family news.

Rev. Alfred Gatty (1813-1903), Vicar of Ecclesfield and Subdean of York Minister, father of Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), chief justice of Gibraltar, and of Juliana Horatia Ewing (1841-1885)
Publication details: 
Ecclesfield, Yorkshire. 23 May 1894.

3pp., 12mo. 62 lines of text. On bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper; neatly written in a close hand. An affectionate letter, addressed to 'Dearest Stephen'. He begins: 'It seems a long while since I heard anything of or from you - the last news was in a letter from Alice [Stephen's wife], which Horatia [Stephen's sister] allowed me to see.' He complains jokingly that his son 'cannot be in a more trying climate than ours is this May - for it is as cold as Xmas, and the bitter cold of a settled N. E.

Black and white photograph showing 'Proclamation of H. M. King Edward VII. Gibraltar, 25th January, 1901.' From the collection of Chief Jusstice Stephen Herbert Gatty, who read the proclamation.

Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, son of Rev. Alfred Gatty (1813-1903), Vicar of Ecclesfield, and brother of the children's writer Juliana Horatia Ewing (1841-1885)
Publication details: 
Without place and date. [Gibraltar, 1901.]

Black and white photograph, 11 x 15 cm, laid down on piece of white paper 12 x 16.5 cm, itself laid down on a piece of grey card, 200 x 255 cm. In fair condition, slightly discoloured and with one tiny chip to the right-hand edge; in lightly-aged mount with wear to corners. The card carries the printed caption: 'Proclamation of H. M. King Edward VII. | GIBRALTAR, 25TH JANUARY, 1901.' A large crowd looks up at a large official party on the stone balcony of the Governor's House, Gibraltar, which is decked with a large Union Flag.

Autograph Letter Signed, in English, from a French interpreter ('M. Daller'?), informing Brig.-General Herbert Cecil Potter of the King's Regiment (Liverpool) that he has been ordered to join 'the Yankee Army'. With two initialled notes by Potter.

[Brigadier-General Herbert Cecil Potter (1875-1964), CB, CMG, DSO, of the King's Regiment (Liverpool)]
Publication details: 
No place. 25 September 1917.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter is written in pencil, and begins: 'Sir, | I am awfully sorry to say that I have just been ordered to report tomorrow to G. H. Q. where I shall very probably receive the order to go to the Yankee Army. | I am really very sorry to leave you without having even been able to present to you my respects and my thanks for the kindness you have always shown to me during the time I have been attached to this brigade which is now exactly a year ago.

Autograph Card Signed ('Herbert E Ryle') from Herbert Edward Ryle, Dean of Westminster, to 'Mr. Johnson', explaining to him the consequences of his missing lectures at Queens' College, Cambridge, because of the 'flu' ('that detestable "pestilence"').

Herbert Edward Ryle (1856-1925), Dean of Westminster from 1911 to 1925, who composed the inscription on the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey [Queen's College; Cambridge]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Lodge, Queen's College, Cambridge. 25 January 1898.

On both sides of a card with a mourning border. Good, on lightly-aged grey card. If Johnson does not miss more than two lectures he will be in no danger of 'losing a certificate through failure of attendance'; if he misses three, 'it becomes a serious, but not hopeless question. Four absences would certainly disqualify'. Ryle will put a note against Johnson's name, 'that you have been made captive by the "flu"', and trusts that he will 'soon be released from the grip of that detestable "pestilence"'.

Nine Autograph Letters Signed from the poet Herbert Palmer to Rev. Harry Escott of Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, editing a book of Escott's poetry, discussing Christian verse, and attacking T. S. Eliot, the Faber poets and modernism.

Herbert Palmer [Herbert Edward Palmer] (1880-1961), English poet and critic [Rev. Harry Escott (1905-1987), MA, Congregational Minister at Rhynie, Aberdeenshire]
Publication details: 
All from 22 Batchwood View, St Albans, Hertfordshire. One from 1938, two from 1942, one from 1943, and the rest undated.

Totalling 36pp., 4to. In fair condition, bound by Escott with brown paper into paper wraps, with the front wrap signed by Escott and bearing the typed label 'LETTERS from HERBERT PALMER on "Minstrels of Christ" and my second book of verse "Soar for Victory", amended in February 1948 to "Back to the Fountain."' An interesting correspondence, casting light on the workings of the mid-twentieth century publishing industry, from the point of view of a successful traditional poet strongly opposed to modernism.

Contemporary manuscript copy of letter to the writer Henry William Herbert ('Frank Forester') from 'Titrao Cupido' on 'the Primated Grouse'. With pencil signature 'Jno. B. Hearsh', and note describing this as 'a pseudonym of John H. Beardsley'

'Titrao Cupido' [John B. Hearsh; John H. Beardsley; Henry William Herbert ('Frank Forester'), sportsman and author]
Contemporary manuscript copy of letter to the writer Henry William Herbert
Publication details: 
Undated, but contemporaneous with the letter, which is dated 'Cleveland, March 17th. 1857'.
Contemporary manuscript copy of letter to the writer Henry William Herbert

4to, 2 pp. On bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Text clear and complete. The letter, of 39 lines, requests Herbert's opinion of 'the feasibility of a plan for the domestication of the Primated Grouse of the western prairies in this section of the country'. He writes because 'some few passages in your own writings have led me to know that one who has the heart of, and a desire to be a true sportsman, would not, if requesting a favor at your hand be overlooked'. Signed 'Titrao Cupido | Box 841 O.O. | Cleveland Ohio'. This has been lightly crossed-out in pencil, with the signature 'Jno.

Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis of Proctor's Theatre, New York, regarding his acquaintance with the author 'Frank Forester' (Henry William Herbert).

Frederick Mather (1833-1900), author, editor of the Chicago 'Field' and Superintendent of the New York and United States Fish Commissions [Henry William Herbert ('Frank Forester'), 1807-1858)]
Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis
Publication details: 
19 November 1893; on printed card of the New York and United States Fish Commissions, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.
Autograph Card from Frederick Maher to J. Charles Davis

13 x 7.5 card. Fair, on aged paper, with minor creasing to one corner. Stamped and addressed on one side to 'Mr. J. Charles Davis | Proctor's Theatre | New York'. The unsigned card (with the words 'and United States' deleted from the heading) has partly printed text. Mather completes it in pencil, acknowledging the 'inquiry about Frank Forester' and stating that 'as a boy I knew him and shot with him but my recollections would be of no value'. He ends by saying that he will 'try to brush them up' on his 'return from the west'.

Typed Letter Signed ('H A L Fisher') from the historian H. A. L. Fisher to the educationist Thomas Lloyd Humberstone.

H. A. L. Fisher [Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher] (1865-1940), historian and Liberal politician [Thomas Lloyd Humberstone (1876-1957), educationist; William Napier Bruce (1858-1936)]
Publication details: 
14 March 1918; on letterhead of the Board of Education, Whitehall, London.

4to, 1 p. Good, on aged paper, with light traces of mount on reverse. Giving the results of his enquiries 'with regard to the statement attributed to one of our Inspectors by a speaker at the January Educational Conference at University College', with reference to W. N. Bruce.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Herbert') from Lady Elizabeth Herbert to 'My dear Bishop' [probably Samuel Wilberforce, Bishop of Oxford], regarding a vote in the House of Lords, and 'base & ungenerous treatment' of Lord Sydney.

Lady Elizabeth Herbert
Lady Elizabeth Herbert
Publication details: 
11 May 1858; on letterhead of 49 Belgrave Square.
Lady Elizabeth Herbert

12mo, 2 pp. Fair, on lightly aged and creased paper. Although it is 'unnecessary' , she is writing 'in Sidney's name to implore for your Vote & interest on Friday next as against the Govt. - Independently of the grave question at issue as regards India no friend of Lord Canning's can be indifferent to the base & ungenerous treatment he has received'. Sidney is writing to the Bishop of Salisbury 'in the same sense', and if he cannot come to London for the vote, he will, she hopes, 'send his proxy'. Docketed on reverse 'Authoress'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed ('Richard Waller' and 'Richard or Dick (Waller)') from the son of British Prison Commissioner Richard Lyndham Waller, to his father's biographer A. S. Baxendale, with copy of biography, and eight family photographs.

Maurice Lyndham Waller (1875-1932), Chairman of the Prison Commission, 1921-1928; Prison Commissioner, 1910-1921; A. S. Baxendale
Maurice Lyndham Waller (1875-1932), Chairman of the Prison Commission,
Publication details: 
Waller's letters both from Chagford, Devon, 1991 and 1997. The photographs pre-First World War. The biography published in 1993.
Maurice Lyndham Waller (1875-1932), Chairman of the Prison Commission,

Photographs: All black and white prints. The first (21 x 15 cm) a portrait of Waller (reproduced in Baxendale, p. 26, below). The second (23 x 17 cm) a family photograph of six Edwardian individuals, three younger ones (including a woman and with Waller at centre) standing, and three older men seated. The other six (all 14 x 8.5 cm and taken at the same time) showing Waller and family outdoors: one of him rowing, and one with a smiling woman (presumably his wife). Overall condition of the photographs is fair. They are lightly-aged, with a little creasing here and there.

Substantial Autograph Letter Signed from Herbert Palmer to Amy Cruse, discussing in detail the relative merits of his book 'Post-Victorian Poetry' and her 'After the Victorians', with unsigned autograph draft of Cruse's reply.

Herbert Palmer [Herbert Edward Palmer] (1880-1961), English poet [Amy Cruse, English author]
Substantial Autograph Letter Signed from Herbert Palmer to Amy Cruse
Publication details: 
Both Palmer's letter and the copy of Cruse's reply undated [both circa 1938]. Palmer's letter from 22 Batchwood View, St Albans, Herts.
Substantial Autograph Letter Signed from Herbert Palmer to Amy Cruse

Both items good, on lightly-aged paper. Palmer's letter: 4to, 6 pp. Text clear and complete. He begins by apologising if his letter to her 'sounded very ungracious': 'I was unaware at the time that you had made any acknowledgement to me, and as I have had my brains picked so frequently without acknowledgment (including, of course, plagiarisms from my poems) I was again feeling rather depressed & exasperated'. While describing her book as 'really [...] very good' and 'reliable', he suggests a number of changes, giving examples of 'where we clash'.

Three printed reports of meetings held at the Council House, Chichester, of the West Sussex branch of the British 'War Agricultural Committee' (two from 1915 and one from 1916) and one report from the 'War Agricultural Executive Committee'.

[Herbert Padwick, Chairman, War Agricultural Committee, West Sussex Branch; First World War; British farming; women and agriculture]
Publication details: 
The three 'War Agricultural Committee' reports: 16 November and 22 December 1915, and 9 February 1916. 'War Agricultural Executive Committee' report: 29 January 1917. All meetings held at the Council House, Chichester [West Sussex Committee].

All four items clear and complete, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Item One: Report of WAC meeting of 16 November 1915. Folio, 6 pp. Includes 'Reports from District Sub-Committees' and section on 'Enlistment as to Skilled Agricultural Labourers'. Also section on 'Women's County Committee'. Item Two: Report of WAC meeting of 22 December 1915. Folio, 4 pp. Sections on 'Instruction in milking to women' and 'Employment of women on farm work'. Signed in type as Chairman by Padwick. Item Three: Report of WAC meeting of 9 February 1916. Folio, 4 pp. Signed in type as Chairman by Padwick.

Five Typed Letters Signed and two Typed Notes Signed from Herbert Morrison to F. W. Pethick-Lawrence (one dealing with Churchill's 'outburst on the word Empire ' and another of his failure in the Labour leadership contest).

Herbert Morrison [Herbert Stanley Morrison] (1888-1965), British Labour politician [Frederick William Pethick-Lawrence (1871-1961), 1st Baron Pethick-Lawrence, Financial Secretary to the Treasury]
Publication details: 
The nine letters dating from between 1936 and 1957; all sent from London.

All texts clear and complete, and good, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Several annotated in pencil, one extensively. Letter One: 27 January 1936; on letterhead of County Hall, London. 4to, 1 p. '[...] if it be the case that under a given government the finances are really getting into difficulty but that the Chancellor will not be frank with his colleagues and insist upon action, the civil servants concerned are put in somewhat of a difficulty.' Letter Two: 21 May 1943; on letterhead of the Home Secretary, Whitehall. 4to, 2 pp.

[Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing] Book of Words. J. H. E. 16th November, 1893.

'J. H. E.' [J. H. Ewing; Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing] [Rugby School]
[Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing] Book of Words.
Publication details: 
[1893.] Rugby: Printed by J. H. Pepperday, 24, High Street.
[Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing] Book of Words.

12mo: unpaginated. Pamphlet of eight leaves, on good laid paper, stitched with lilac ribbon. A total of 14 pp, with the body of the text on 12 pp, plus title on front cover and woodcut vignette ('S. JULIANI') on back. Creased and with light staining to front cover, otherwise fair. Eight poems, preceded by a quotation from 'We and the World', and followed by three pages of notes, containing background information about the writing of the poems. Scarce: issued with a programme (not present) for 'Entertainment to be given in New Big School' at Rugby.

Rules of the Mediterranean Club. [proof copy, with autograph emendations by Sir Stephen H. Gatty, Chief Justice of Gibraltar]

[The Mediterranean Club, Gibraltar; Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905]
Rules of the Mediterranean Club. [proof copy]
Publication details: 
[Gibraltar, c.1900. Name of printer not given.]
Rules of the Mediterranean Club. [proof copy]

12mo, 9 pp. Stapled. In original plain green wraps. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with rusted staple. Folded once, vertically. Wraps creased and discoloured. Divided into 29 rules and 9 bye-laws. The club is said, in Rule 1, to be 'open to Officers of the Army and Navy and Colonial Services, and Gentlemen residing at or visiting Gibraltar'. Emendations by Gatty in pencil, including, on the front wrap, 'Proof' and 'Rules as altered at the meeting carried!' A few minor emendations in text, and additional rule by Gatty, seven lines in length, on the back wrap.

[Printed] Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Malta Union Club 1893. Established 1826.'

[Malta Union Club; Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905]
 Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Malta Union Club
Publication details: 
[1893.] Printed at the "Malta Chronicle Office," 80 Strada Sta. Lucia.'
 Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Malta Union Club

16mo, 20 pp. Stitched. In original blue printed wraps. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with the pamphlet folded once. The Club's 25 rules are preceded by a list of the Committee of Management. Ownership inscription of L. Barnes-Lawrence at head of front wrap, but annotated and amended throughout in Gatty's hand. From the residue of Sir Stephen H. Gatty's papers. A scarce piece of Malta ephemera: no copies at the British Library or listed on COPAC (although the latter does carry a record for a 1903 edition).

[Pamphlet reproducing reviews of Gatty's performances in 'Winchester College Theatricals' between 1867 and 1882.]

[Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905; Winchester College]
Gatty's performances in 'Winchester College Theatricals'
Publication details: 
Circa 1882.
Gatty's performances in 'Winchester College Theatricals'

12mo, 7 pp. Text clear and complete. On aged discoloured paper, with rusting staple having been removed. The last page carries a 'List of Characters' played by Gatty, from the 'First Gravedigger' in 'Hamlet' in 1866 to 'Tony Lumpkin' in 'She Stoops to Conquer' in 1882. The reviews, in small type over the previous six pages, are highly favourable, from a range of papers from the Guardian to the Sheffield Daily Telegraph. The last set of reviews relates to the 'Harmonomaniac Concerts, Oxford'. From the residue of Sir Stephen H. Gatty's papers.

[Printed] Collection of eight printed testimonials, addressed to Gatty by ten leading figures of the British bar, in support of his application to Lord Kimberley for 'a Colonial legal appointment'.

Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905 [Tindal Atkinson; Thomas Ellison; Sir J. B. Maule; Lord Norton; William Overend; George Ridding; Earl of Wharncliffe]
Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty, Collection of eight printed testimonials
Publication details: 
All written in December of 1882.
Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty, Collection of eight printed testimonials

As one of the authors makes clear, the collection was assembled by Gatty himself, for forwarding to Lord Kimberley and others in support of his application. The texts of all eight items clear and complete. On aged and folded paper. They are attached to one another by a brass pin in the top left-hand corner. Each is addressed to Gatty in early December, and all are on one side of a loose leaf of 12mo paper. The writers are as follows: Tindal Atkinson ('Sergeant at Law | Judge of County Courts'); John E. Barker ('Recorder of Leeds'); Thomas Ellison ('Judge of County Courts'); Sir J. B.

Collection of ten printed testimonials, addressed to Gatty by ten leading figures of the British bar, in support of his application to Lord Kimberley for 'a Colonial legal appointment'.

Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905 [Tindal Atkinson; Thomas Ellison; Sir J. B. Maule; Lord Norton; William Overend; George Ridding; Earl of Wharncliffe]
Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty, Collection of ten printed testimonials
Publication details: 
All written in December of 1882.
Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty, Collection of ten printed testimonials

As one of the authors makes clear, the collection was assembled by Gatty himself, for forwarding to Lord Kimberley and others in support of his application. The ten items are in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. They are attached to one another by a brass pin in the top left-hand corner. Each is addressed to Gatty in early December, and all are on one side of a loose leaf of 12mo paper. The writers are as follows: Tindal Atkinson ('Sergeant at Law | Judge of County Courts'); John E. Barker ('Recorder of Leeds'); J. H. de Ricci; Thomas Ellison ('Judge of County Courts'); Sir J. B.

Collection of ten testimonials (nine printed and one in his hand) supporting Gatty's application to Lord Kimberley for 'a Colonial legal appointment'.

Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty (1849-1922), Chief Justice of Gibraltar, 1895 to 1905 [Tindal Atkinson; Thomas Ellison; Sir J. B. Maule; Lord Norton; William Overend; George Ridding; Earl of Wharncliffe]
Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty, Collection of nine printed testimonial, one ms.
Publication details: 
All written in December of 1882.
Sir Stephen Herbert Gatty, Collection of nine printed testimonial, one ms.

As one of the authors makes clear, the collection was assembled by Gatty himself, for forwarding to Lord Kimberley and others in support of his application. It is on aged paper, with all texts clear and complete, except for two small central holes (affecting two words) in one of the printed testimonials (Wake). The ten items are attached to one another by a brass pin in the top left-hand corner.

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