
[Fanny Stirling [née Mary Anne Hehl] (1813-1895), English actress.] Autograph Letter Signed asking the actor W. H. Swanborough, manager of the Strand and Royalty Theatres, to ‘wade thro’ the accompanying “M S”’.

Fanny Stirling [née Mary Anne Hehl] (1813-1895), English comedy actress whose career spanned five decades [William Henry Swanborough, actor and manager of the Strand and Royalty Theatres, London]
Publication details: 
No date [between 1858 and 1872, when Swanborough managed the Strand Theatre]. ‘3 Duchess Street / Portland Place [London]’.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The Swanboroughs were a significant Victorian theatrical dynasty, and the absence of any member of the family from the same work is puzzling. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and lightly worn paper, with traces of glue and strip of tape from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. Addressed to ‘Mr. Swanborough’ and signed ‘Fanny Stirling’.

[Czech Classical Music and Culture of the early 20th Century.] Album of Dr Stanislava Weinerová, with Autograph Material relating to many Czech musical and cultural figures, including Jan Kubelik, Antal Stašek, Josef Suk, Pavel Ludikar.

Czech Classical Music and Culture of the early 20th Century [Jan Kubelik, Antal Stašek, Josef Suk, Pavel Ludikar, Vratislav Vycpálek, Ceské Kvarteto, Ondríckovo Kvarteto, Dr Stanislava Weinerová]
zech Classical Music
Publication details: 
Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic). Material dating from between 1932 and 1970.
zech Classical Music

51pp, 4to, of autograph material, including 33pp with inscriptions directly on the page, and 28 items (almost all with signed inscriptions) laid down, the latter consisting of publicity photographs, parts of programmes, an Autograph Card Signed and an original drawing. In a superior 4to album of 116pp, on 58 leaves of good watermarked laid paper. The final 32pp are blank. Twelve pages carry empty corner mounts, and there are also signs of leaves torn out and other evidence of removal of material. With stationer’s ticket of ‘JOSEF HODEK / UMELECKÉ KNIHARSTVÍ / JAROMER’.

[Doris Langley Moore, fashion historian and Byron scholar.] Typed Letter Signed, three Typed Cards Signed and Typed Note to Philip Dosse, publisher of Books and Bookmen, discussing Byron's family, reviews, and a 'personal disclosure'.

Doris Langley Moore [n?e Doris Elizabeth Langley Levy] (1902-1989), fashion historian and founder of the Fashion Museum at Bath, authority on Lord Byron [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher]
Publication details: 
1976 and 1977. All items with her printed address 5 Prince Albert Road, London NW1.

An interesting range of content. See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ?Death of a Bookman? by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ?Books and Bookmen? at the time of Dosse?s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The letter, with her printed letterhead, is somewhat worn and creased, the other four items are in good condition. Three items (including the letter) signed ?Doris Moore? and one ?DLM?.

[‘Suzette Tarri’, music hall comedienne.] Typed Letter Signed to P. W. Kerby and Typed Letter (signed on her behalf by her husband David Jenkins) to ‘Mr. Horsfield’, regarding bookings, with Autograph Letter Signed to W. Macqueen-Pope from Jenkins.

Suzette Tarri [stage name of Ada Barbara Harriett Tarry (1881-1955), music hall and 'radio comedienne'; her husband and accompanist David Edmund Jenkins [W. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
ONE (ST to Kerby): 23 January 1944; her Southgate letterhead. TWO (ST to Horsfield): 29 March [no year]. THREE (Jenkins to Macqueen-Pope): 23 June 1950; different Southgate letterhead.

From the papers of theatre historian Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960). (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) The three items are in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Her two letters are pinned together. The letter to Kerby has the large and firm signature ‘Suzette Tarri’; the letter to Horsfield is evidently signed ‘Suzette Terri’ on her behalf by her husband. ONE (ST to P. W. Kerby): 23 January 1944. Letterhead of ‘“Suda” / 25 Manor Drive, Southgate, N. 14’ (‘SUZETTE TARRI / RADIO COMEDIENNE / WITH / DAVID JENKINS / THE POPULAR PIANIST-VOCALIST’). 1p, 4to.

[‘Edna Lyall’ (Ada Ellen Bayly), novelist and suffragist.] Autograph Signature on inscription.

‘Edna Lyall’ [Ada Ellen Bayly] (1857-1903), English novelist and suffragist
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. Clearly written in response to a request for an autograph. On 11.5 x 5.5 piece of wove paper, cut from an album. In good condition. Reads: ‘Yours very truly / Ada Ellen Bayly / “Edna Lyall.” ’.

['Edna Lyall' [Ada Ellen Bayly), novelist and feminist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ellie Bayly') to her 'Aunt Agnes', regarding the publication of her novel 'Knight Errant', family birthdays, and her father's seal.

'Edna Lyall', pen-name of Ada Ellen Bayly (1857-1903), novelist and feminist
Publication details: 
27 February 1887. On letterhead of 6 College Road, Eastbourne.

3pp, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Begins: 'My dearest Aunt Agnes | Thank you very much indeed for your last letter. I send with this the announcement of my new book "Knight Errant", & if it would not trouble you to pass on the cards to any likely readers I should be very grateful.' She gives news of her children Amy and Maurice, and is enclosing 'a list of all the children of the family & their birthdays' (not present).

[ Katharine Ada Esdaile, art historian. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Katharine A. Esdaile') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, requesting access to James Barry's paintings in the Adelphi and explaining the nature of the work.

Katharine Ada Esdaile [ née McDowall ] (1881-1950), art historian, wife of Arundell Esdaile (1880-1956), Secretary of the British Museum [ Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Royal Society of Arts; James Barry ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Keynes, Austenway, Gerrard's Cross. 22 January 1913.

5pp., 12mo. On two bifoliums. With the Society's oval Adelphi date stamp. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight rust-staining from paperclip. She begins by asking if 'there would be any difficulty in my examining Barry's paintings at the Adelphi, & taking a few notes on them. | My old friend & my husband's colleague at the British Museum, Mr.

[ 'Mrs. Cecil Chesterton' on her brother-in-law G. K. Chesterton. ] Typescript of an article ('sketch') titled 'G. K. C. IN FLEET STREET. | by | Mrs. Cecil Chesterton.'

'Mrs. Cecil Chesterton' [ Ada Elizabeth Chesterton, née Ada Eliza Jones ] (1869-1962), journalist and sister-in-law of the writer G. K. Chesterton [ Gilbert Keith Chesterton ] (1874-1936)
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but after the demise of the 'New Witness' in 1923, and before G. K. Chesterton's death in 1936.

3pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged, worn and browned paper. Ada Chesterton worked with her brother-in-law while assistant editor of the 'New Witness'. Her admiration for his talents was fully reciprocated, G. K. Chesterton describing his sister-in-law as 'brilliant'. It begins: 'Very much has been written and said of G. K. C. the poet, the pamphleteer, the genius of paradox, who holds the attention of his listeners by his dazzling sleight of words. I am going to write of him from a different angle - G. K. C. the journalist as he is known and gauged in Fleet Street.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Legislative Restrictions on the Industry of Women, considered from the Women's Point of View.

Josephine E. Butler, Ada Smith, Elizabeth C. Wolstenholme, Dinah Goodall, Emilie A. Venturi [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
'Matthews and Sons, Steam Printers, 54, Berwick Street, London, W.' [1874.]

18 + [1]pp., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, no wraps, disbound. Authors named at end as: 'JOSEPHINE E. BUTLER, Liverpool. | ADA SMITH, (Factory Worker,) Nottingham. | ELIZABETH C. WOLSTENHOLME, Congleton. | DINAH GOODALL, (Factory Worker,) Leeds. | EMILIE A. VENTURI, London.' Apparently no copy on market currently.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ada Ellen Bayly / "Edna Lyall."') by the novelist Edna Lyall (real name Ada Ellen Bayly), on the part played by illustrations in novels.

'Edna Lyall', pseudonym of the novelist Ada Ellen Bayly (1857-1903)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 6 College Road, Eastbourne. 11 January 1893.

2pp., 12mo. Fifteen lines. On bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. The male recipient is not named. She apologies that 'the crowd of Christmas engagements' has meant that his letter has gone unanswered until now. 'With regard to the question you ask, my feeling is that where an artist and an author can contrive to work well together illustrations are a decided improvement to novels. But it is most trying to an author to see his characters presented to the public in a way utterly unlike his own conception of them.' In her view it is 'clear gain' if a book can be 'well illustrated'.

autograph letter signed to Miss [?] Lewis,

Ada Rehan, actress
Publication details: 
18 June 1890, on letterhead of the Hotel Métropole, London

Irish-born American actress (1860-1916). 3 pp, 12mo. "I fear a matinée will prevent my coming on July 4th. Some benefit I have promised to play for - but if I come off early enough - & am not too tired I will certainly <?> in & see you / I hope that you and all your delightful family are well". Creased, but otherwise in reasonable condition.

autograph note signed to Miss [?] McCarthy,

Ada Rehan, actress
Publication details: 
8 November 1891, on letterhead of the Gordon Hotels Ltd.

Irish-born American actress (1860-1916). 2 pp, 8vo. "Can you and your dear Father come and have a little lunch with me on Wed: at 1 o.clock {- just really to say goodbye / drop me a line if you will - With love - but in haste / Ada Rehan". Traces of paper and glue from previous mounting on blank sides.

calling card signed,

Ada Rehan, actress
Publication details: 
dated 1894.

Irish-born American actress (1860-1916). Calling card 2½ by 3¼ inches, "Miss Rehan. / 164 West 93rd. Street.", with the name crossed out and signed on the reverse "Ada Rehan / 1894."

Document signed "Anne Isabella Noel Byron" and others.

Anne Isabella Baroness Noel Byron
Publication details: 
I August 1853.

Conveyance of Lands at Stapleton in the County of Leicester, Joseph Knight and John Edwards (the other signatories) to Baroness Noel Byron, widow of the poet, and others (family). A vellum deed, 26" x 20", folded, 2 leaves, with a PL:AN including the land (coloured) involved in the agreement, c. 12 x 12", adjacent to Wigstones Farm Stapleton and Kirkby Lordship.. Good condition although front panel of folded item is stained without loss or obscuring.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Edna Lyall (Ada Ellen Bayly)
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English novelist (1857-1903). Paper dimensions roughly four and a quarter inches by two and a quarter inches. Very good, but grubby and with a few light glue stains. From autograph album and mounted on larger piece of light blue paper. Reads '[...] | it will save confidencce. | In gt. haste | Yrs. truly | A. E. Bayly.' Docketed '(Edna Lyall)' in pencil beneath signature.

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