[American War of Independence, 1782.] Manuscript folio leaf from British governmental [War Office?] ledger of payments to 'David Thomas Esq. / Carolina', re General Leslie and the British Army of the South, headed ‘Extraordinaries in North America’.

American War of Independence, 1782: General Leslie and the British Army of the South: David Thomas, Carolina [Major General Alexander Leslie (1731-1794), British army officer]
American Revolution
Publication details: 
10 and 11 October 1782. [London, War Office? Regarding Carolina, North America.] With other accounts from 1826 on reverse.
American Revolution

A valuable artefact of the American War of Independence: a leaf from a British War or Colonial Office ledger detailing payments to officials in General Leslie’s administration in Carolina in 1782.

Number of the South Atlantic Bulletin, inscribed by Fredson Bowers, author of the leading article 'Death in Victory'.

Fredson Bowers [ Harry Levin; William Shakespeare ]
Publication details: 
[ Chapel Hill, North Carolina. ] South Atlantic Bulletin, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Vol. XXX No. 2, March 1965.

16pp., 4to. Stapled. In fair condition, on aged paper a little rolled at head and foot. Bowers' article, 'an attempt to understand the workings of Shakespeare's tragic effect', is on the first seven pages. He has inscribed the head of the first page: 'For Harry Levin - | With my compliments - | Fredson Bowers'. From the papers of the American critic Harry Levin (1912-1994). Now scarce.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Woodward'.

Eliot O'Hara (1890-1969), American watercolour artist
Publication details: 
March 12? 1936' [deleted] 'Thursday'; 10 East Taylor St, Savannah Gardens.

Three pages, small octavo. Good, though a little aged. He is having an exhibition of his 'new Mexican things [...] and teaching a small class' in Savannah. He is pleased that Woodward is going to Chapel Hill ('They need a breath of fresh air.'). The rest of the letter consists of an interesting assessment of the artistic situation in the area, beginning, 'In N.

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