[Private Press: ‘The first (and only) title set, printed and published by the Janus Press at Bickley in Kent.] Printed play by Charles Duff: ‘An Irish Idyll’ (previously broadcast on the Home Service of the BBC).

Charles Duff [Charles St Lawrence Duff] (1894-1966); The Janus Press, Bickley, Kent [British Broadcasting Corporation]
Publication details: 
‘THE FIRST BOOKLET set, printed and published by the Janus Press at Bickley in Kent 1933’. [The Janus Press, Albyfield, Bickley, Kent, England.

See his entry in the Dictionary of National Biography. From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: only three copies on JISC (Oxford, NLS and BL). 24pp, 12mo. Stapled. In blue printed wraps with flaps. Colophon on first page, with small indistinguishable device: ‘THE FIRST BOOKLET / set, printed and published by the / Janus Press at Bickley in Kent / 1933’. Title-page: ‘AN IRISH IDYLL / CHARLES DUFF / [crude vignette of shamrock] / Janus Press’. Information on reverse of title includes: ‘An Irish Idyll was first used by / The British Broadcasting Corporation / on the 12th.

[Heinz Berggruen, German and American art dealer, with a renowned private collection of twentieth century masters.] Typed Letter Signed to London printseller Robert Erskine, regarding prints he has ‘set aside’ for him.

Heinz Berggruen (1914-2007), German and American art dealer, with a renowned private collection of twentieth-century masters [Robert Erskine, London printseller]
Publication details: 
10 May 1954; Paris. On letterhead of Berggruen & Cie, ‘gravures originales modernes’.

Berggruen was awarded the French Legion of Honour and the German Order of Merit. Among those attending his funeral were German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Horst Köhler. One of his sons is the US billionaire investor and philanthropist Nicholas Berggruen. In the year this letter was sent Erskine opened his influential St Georges Gallery Prints off Cork Street. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, but with slight damage and creasing at the centre of the right-hand margin. Highly stylized signature, ‘Heinz Berggruen’. Folded once for postage. Reads: ‘Dear Mr.

[Edmund Boyle, 7th Earl of Cork and 7th Earl of Orrery, Irish peer ] Autograph Signature ('Cork') to part of document addressed to the Duke of York (as Commander in Chief of the British Army).

Earl of Cork [Edmund Boyle, 7th Earl of Cork and 7th Earl of Orrery] (1742-1798), Irish peer, on whose wife Mary Monckton Dickens modelled Mrs Leo Hunter in 'Pickwick Papers'
Publication details: 
[November 1795]; no place.

On one side of 8 x 18.5 cm piece of paper, torn from the end of a letter. In fair condition, aged and worn, with traces of brown paper from mount adhering to the blank reverse. The item would appear to be entirely in the hand of the Earl, but the matter is not quite certain, and it may be in a secretarial hand, with only Cork's signature in autograph. It reads: '[...] | Sir | Your Royal Highness's | very obedient | and very humble Servant | Cork | Col | [Som.?] Reg.] Addressed to 'His R. H. | The Duke of York | &c &c &c'. Annotated, in two separate contemporary hands: 'Novr. 1795' and 'Nov.

[[General Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork and Orrery.] Autograph Signature ('Boyle') to frank addressed in his Autograph to 'Miss L: Inglis | Milton Bryand | Wooborn'.

General Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork and Orrery (1767-1856), Irish peer and soldier, styled Viscount Dungarvan, 1768-1798
Publication details: 
'Woolverhampton [sic] July seventeenth 1848'.

The frank is on a piece of paper cut from the front of an envelope. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on part of leaf from album. The frank is set out in the customary manner, with the signature 'Boyle' at bottom left, and the address reading: 'Woolverhampton [sic] July | seventeenth 1848 | Miss L: Inglis | Milton Bryand [sic] | Wooborn'. The recipient is probably Mary Louisa Inglis (d.1853), sister of Sir Robert Harry Inglis (1786-1855), Conservative politician and Lord of the Manor of Milton Bryant (or Bryan), Bedfordshire.

[General Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork and Orrery.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Cork') to 'Mr: Vuillamy' [i.e. Benjamin Lewis Vuillamy, Clockmaker to the Crown], regarding a broken watch. Also franked by him, as 'Boyle'.

[General Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork and Orrery (1767-1856), Irish peer and soldier, styled Viscount Dungarvan, 1768-1798 [Benjamin Lewis Vulliamy (1780-1854), Clockmaker to the Crown]
Publication details: 
Marston. 25 November 1814.

1p, 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Franked on reverse of second leaf, with seal in red wax broken into two pieces, and franking postmark: 'Frome – November twenty fifth 1814 | Messrs: Wulliamys | Watch Maker's | Pall Mall | London | Boyle'.

[ John Francis Maguire, Irish politician and author of 'The Irish in America'. ] Autograph Signature.

John Francis Maguire (1815-1872), Irish writer and politician, MP for Dungarvan, 1852-1865, and Cork City, 1865-1872
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 4 x 11.5 cm piece of paper cut from letter. In fair condition, lightly aged and a little creased. Reads: 'purposes. | Yours very truly | John Francis Maguire'. On reverse: '[...] printer can easily understand my marking. Buf if you have any difficulty [...]'

[Printed parliamentary paper.] Irish Universities Act, 1908. A Statute for University College, Cork. (Presented in pursuance of the Act 8 Edward VII., cap. 38, sec. 5 (1).)'

[Irish Universities Act, 1908; University College, Cork]
Publication details: 
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 3rd May, 1911. Dublin: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, By Alex. Thom & Co. (Limited), 87, 88, & 89, Abbey-Street. 1911.

36pp., crown 8vo. Stitched. In poor condition, on aged and worn paper, with title leaf loose and chipped, and with the last blank leaf also loose, with a long closed tear. With stamp of the Science Museum Board of Education Science Library, and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce.

[Printed parliamentary paper.] Irish Universities Act, 1908. Statute IV. For University College, Cork. (Presented in pursuance of the Act 8 Edward VII., cap. 38, sec. 5 (1).)

[Irish Universities Act, 1908; University College, Cork]
Publication details: 
Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 27th May, 1913. Printed by A. Thom and Co., Ltd., 87, 88, and 89, Abbey Street, Dublin. 1913.

4pp., crown 8vo. Bifolium. On aged paper, with closed tear to both leaves at spine. Stamp, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce.

[Pamphlet.] Technical Education: A National Necessity. Its Uses and Advantages.

Henry Corby, B.A., M.D., M.Ch., F.O.S.L., Professor, Queen's College, Cork
Publication details: 
Cork: J. Mahony, Cork Printing Hall, 36 & 37, Cook St. 1896.

38pp., 8vo. Stapled. In printed wraps. With stamps, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, otherwise in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Harriette Waylett') from the actress and singer Harriet Waylett to J. M. Donnell of the Theatre Royal, Cork.

Harriet Waylett [née Cooke; other married name Harriet Lee] (1800-1851), English actress and singer [J. M'Donnell, proprietor, Theatre Royal, Cork]
Publication details: 
'Dublin Saturday [18 April 1829]'. Postmarked 20 April 1829.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed by Waylett on reverse of second leaf 'To/ | J. M. Donnell Esq | Theatre Royal | Cork', with oval postmark in red, in two parts: 'MIDDAY MAIL | 20 AP | 1829'. According to Waylett's entry in the Oxford DNB, 'On 12 May 1825 she made, as Zephyrina in The Lady and the Devil, her first appearance at the Haymarket, under D. E. Morris. It was a successful début, but she was not encouraged by the managers, and after playing many different parts, some original, she went to Dublin.

Autograph Signature ('Wellesley') of Richard Wellesley, Marquess Wellesley, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, on printed warrant appointing Walter Redmond of Ballycotton [Baile Choitín], County Cork, a Customs and Excise 'Preventive Officer (Water Guard)'.

Richard Wellesley [formerly Wesley], Marquess Wellesley (1760–1842), Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [Walter Redmond of Ballycotton [Baile Choitín], County Cork, Eire; Irish Customs and Excise]
Publication details: 
'Given at His Majesty's Castle of Dublin, the eleventh Day of July 1822'.

On one side of piece of 27 x 38 cm paper. Aged and heavily-creased, with central closed tear. A printed document, with engraved portrait of King George IV in the top left-hand corner, completed in manuscript and signed by Wellesley and three others, with fading to the manuscript parts. The document is headed: 'To all People to whom these Presents shall come Greeting.

Autograph Letter Signed from Robert Miller, informing 'Captain Pack' [Colonel Arthur John Reynell Pack] of troop movements from Cork to Gibraltar and the West Indies, and discussing Pack's desire for a transfer to the Royal Fusiliers.

Publication details: 
[Received 7 December 1841.]

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with red wax seal and postmark in red ink, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Captain Pack | Royal Fusiliers | Barbados'. The letter begins: 'My dear Captain Pack | I take the earliest opportunity of letting you that [sic] the Ship Herefordshire - a noble vessel - has been taken up to convey the 67 to Gibraltar, & the 66 & 72 from thence to the West Indies, proceeding afterwards with the Fusiliers & 19th Halifax'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the wood-engraver Robert Gibbings to Mrs de Navarro in Canada, discussing his future plans.

Robert Gibbings (1889-1958), Anglo-Irish wood-engraver and author
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 91 Warwick Road, London, SW5. 1 January 1953.

1p., 4to. Eight lines. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with slight discoloration to the blank reverse, caused by tape repair to a short closed tear. In envelope addressed by Gibbings to 'Mrs. de Navarro | P.O. Box 88 | Mont-Rolland | P.Q. | Canada'. He thanks her for her 'nice letter'. He is 'now hard at work on the engravings for my new book "Coming Down The Seine" to be published in the autumn; then I may be going back to Ireland again.' He ends in sending 'every good wish for 1953'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H Macnaughton Jones') from the Irish gynaecologist Henry Macnaughton Jones to 'Dr. Coffin', concerning the diagnosis of 'Mrs. Damon'.

Dr Henry Macnaughton Jones (d.1918), Irish consulting surgeon and writer; Professor of Midwifery, Queen's College, Cork; President of the British Gynaecological Society
Dr Henry Macnaughton Jones
Publication details: 
Undated; on letterhead of 141 Harley Street, Cavendish Square, London.
Dr Henry Macnaughton Jones

12mo, 2 pp. Twenty-six lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Having examined Mrs Damon in her bed, he now finds her 'up & down stairs', and requests Coffin to 'kindly give her a look up & control her & force her to be an invalid for a few days'. Ends with the news that his wife is 'still most seriously & dangerously ill'. For some of Jones's many achievements see his entry in Who Was Who, and also his obituary, British Medical Journal, 4 May 1918, pp.521–522

Proof engraving on India paper of ruined abbey, with signed inscription by Fisher to 'L Stocks'.

Samuel Fisher (c.1802-1855), British engraver
Samuel Fisher (c.1802-1855), British engraver
Publication details: 
London. Undated (c. 1837?).
Samuel Fisher (c.1802-1855), British engraver

The proof itself is in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, 22 x 14 cm. Dimensions of image roughly 10.5 x 7 cm. Mounted on the original foxed and aged paper, 43 x 29 cm, with wear to extremities, carrying Fisher's inscription in pencil: 'L Stocks Esqr with S Fisher's Comts'. Oval vignette, showing what appears to be a ruined Norman abbey, with stone staircase and high window, a skull, a sword, a helmet, a stork and a key in rushes on water in foreground. Possibly one of the enravings from Leitch Ritchie's 'Ireland, Picturesque and Romantic' (London: Longmans, 1837-8).

Proof engraving on India paper of 'Bantry Bay Cork' (from a drawing by Thomas Creswick), with signed inscription by Fisher to 'L Stocks'.

Samuel Fisher (c.1802-1855), British engraver [Thomas Creswick]
Samuel Fisher (c.1802-1855), British engraver
Publication details: 
London. Undated (c. 1837).
Samuel Fisher (c.1802-1855), British engraver

The proof itself is in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, 24 x 16 cm. Dimensions of image roughly 12 x 10 cm. Mounted on the original foxed and aged paper, 43 x 29 cm, with Fisher's inscription in pencil: 'Bantry Bay Cork. L Stocks Esqr with S Fisher's Comts'. Oval vignette, giving tasteful view from hill, with soldiers and women, down into the bay, with mountains behind. The engraving appeared in Leitch Ritchie's 'Ireland, Picturesque and Romantic' (London: Longmans, 1837-8).

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