
[Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville, Liberal statesman and diplomat.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Belgian ambassador Henri Solvyns, regarding ?a temporary unpopularity of the late King of the Belgians?.

Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville (1815-1891), Liberal statesman and diplomat [Henri Solvyns, Belgian ambassador to the United Kingdom]
Publication details: 
19 February 1879. 'C. H. T.' (i.e. Carlton House Terrace).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with strip of tape from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. Signed ?Granville?. Begins: ?My dear Solvyns. / Lady G. sends no invitations, but she is at home every Monday Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.? He next asks for ?the date and the cause of a temporary unpopularity of the late King of the Belgians, which he so signally checkmated (excuse talking shop) by an offer to go away?.

[Eric Kennington, artist and sculptor.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Cuthbert Ackroyd, Lord Mayor of London, concerning a commission for an oil painting. With carbons of three replies including one from Vice-Admiral T. B. Drew.

Eric Kennington [Eric Henri Kennington] (1888-1960), artist and sculptor who illustrated T. E. Lawrence’s ‘Seven Pillars of Wisdom’ [Sir Cuthbert Ackroyd (1892-1973), Lord Mayor of London]
Publication details: 
Kennington’s letters: 11 June, 26 [September] and 7 October 1956; all on his letterhead of Homer, Ipsden, Oxon. Replies of 20 June and 3 and 10 October 1956.

See Kennington’s entry in the Oxford DNB. All six items in good condition, lightly aged. Previously pinned together, with Kennington’s letters folded for postage, and all three are 1p, 8vo, and signed ‘Eric Kennington’. ONE: Kennington ALS, 11 June 1956. Having conferred with Ackroyd’s clerk ‘Mr. Osborne’, he explains that he cannot give his attention to the portrait until September.

[Marshal Petain [Marechal Philippe Petain], French general, 'the lion of Verdun' in WW1 and head of the collaborationist Vichy regime in WW2.] Calling card of 'LE MARECHAL PETAIN / Ministre de la Guerre', with autograph inscription by him.

Marshal Petain [Marechal Philippe Petain; Henri Philippe Benoni Omer Petain; Petain] (1856-1951), French general, 'the lion of Verdun' in WW1 and head of the collaborationist Vichy regime in WW2
Publication details: 
No date or place (but in 1934, while Petain was Minister of War).

There can be few greater falls from grace than Petain's in the whole of human history. A 10 x 6.25 calling card. In good condition, lightly aged and ruckled, with glue and traces of paper mount on the blank reverse. The engraved text ('LE MARECHAL PETAIN / Ministre de la Guerre') is centred, with the top line in shaded block capitals and the bottom in copperplate. Beneath this Petain writes: 'avec ses remer'. See Image.

[Marie Descorches, French revolutionary diplomat, formerly Marquis d`Escorches de Sainte Croix.] Two communications as ‘Préfet du Département de la Drome’: a Secretarial Letter Signed by him to Mayor of ‘Commune de Propiac’, and printed decree.

Marie Descorches [Marie Louis Henri Descorches] (1749-1830; Marquis d`Escorches de Sainte Croix), French soldier and revolutionary diplomat, Ambassador to Poland and Ottoman Empire, Prefect of Drôme
Publication details: 
Both on revolutionary letterheads. Secretarial letter: ‘Valence, le 20 frimaire, an 12 de la République française. [i.e. 12 December 1803]’ Printed decree: ‘Valence, le 7 brumaire, an 12 de la République française. [i.e. 30 October 1803]’

The two items are on variations of the revolutionary letterhead of the Prefect of the Drôme Department, with oval medallion illustration of a seated liberty with a phrygian cap on a stick, forearm leaning on the fasces and the words ‘Libérté’ and ‘Égalité’. The printed decree is in good condition, lightly aged, with slight foxing and discoloration. The secretarial letter is in fair condition, with darker patches of discoloration.

[Martin Nadaud, French revolutionary in exile as Wimbledon teacher ‘Henri Geo. Martin’.] Autograph Letter Signed, as ‘Martin’, in French, telling ‘Mons Delabussière’ to seek assistance from his ‘bon ami’ the Christian Socialist J. M. Ludlow.

Martin Nadaud (1815-1898), French revolutionary who spent 18 years in exile in England after 1848, under the name ‘Henri Geo. Martin’ [John Malcolm Forbes Ludlow (1821-1911), Christian Socialist]
Publication details: 
‘18bre [sic] 1855’ [Wimbledon, London].

An interesting letter, indicating the networks of sympathisers who assisted those fleeing to England in the years following the revolutions of 1848. In the July 1895 edition of the Atlantic, the subject of this letter, the Christian Socialist J. M. Ludlow, in reviewing Nadaud’s memoirs, described him as ‘a friend of my own, of many years’ standing’. The present item was written in the seventh of the eighteen years of Nadaud’s English exile, part of which was spent as a teacher in Wimbledon under the name ‘Henri Geo. Nadaud’. The identity of the recipient is not known. 4pp, 16mo.

[Great War ep'mera: Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges, Brussels, Belgium; Edith Cavell] Nicely-printed notebook intended for correspondence filled with illustrations of German and Allied proclamations & illustrations of devastation by Léon Huygens.

Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges [Brussels, Belgium] [Henri de Schoonen, Président] Léon Huygens (1876-1919), Belgian artist [First World War; the Great War; World War One]
First World War
Publication details: 
[Brussels, Belgium.] Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges. Circa 1917 or 1918.
First World War

An unusual piece of First World War ephemera, a nicely-printed notebook intended for correspondence produced to raise funds for the charity. 48pp, 12mo, each page printed on its own leaf of wove paper. The leaves are perfect bound at the head, notebook-style, into grey card printed wraps, but with the glue now brittle and with the leaves now detached from the wraps, and with some leaves now loose.

[Johann Heinrich Samuel Formey [Jean H.S. Formey], contributor to Diderot's 'Encylopédie'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Formey | Conseiller intime du Roi | Secretaire perpetuel de l'Academie'), in French, declining present to the Berlin Academy.

Johann Heinrich Samuel Formey [Jean Henri Samuel Formey] (1711-1797), German churchman, of French descent, 'savant' and contributor to Diderot's 'Encylopédie', a founding member of the Berlin Academy
Publication details: 
'a Berlin le 9 Mars 1787'.

1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. With stub from mount adhering along one edge. From the celebrated manuscript collection of Richard Monckton Milnes (Lord Houghton). In reply to the unnamed recipient's letter, he writes that he has presented to the Berlin Academy 'votre Prospectus que vous les avez deja fait parvenir par M le Directeur Merian [i.e. Johann Bernhard Merian (1723-1807)].' The Academy wishes Formey to thank the writer for his attentions, but as such works do not feature 'dans le plan de la Bibliotheque', the Academy will not be able to profit from the offer.

[ The 'Alpine Singers', Switzerland, 1840. ] Autograph 'Signatures of the Alpine Singers': Henri Augustin, 'Ferdinand Augustin aus Tirol', Wilhelm Schmidt.

The 'Alpine Singers', Switzerland, 1840: Henri Hellwig, 'Ferdinand Augustin aus Tirol'q, Wilhelm Schmidt
Publication details: 
Torquay [ Devon, England ], 17 January 1840.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The whole page is filled in an attractive way, with the three signatures in different styles of handwriting: 'Henry Hellwig.' (in Gothic style, surrounded by flourishes), 'Ferdinand Augustin aus Tirol.' (in a modern cursive hand), 'Wilhelm Schmidt, <?>' (in a German style, the last four words not deciphered). At the foot of the page: 'Signatures of the Alpine Singers | Torquay Jany 17th 1840.'

[ Textiles; French ]Collection of 105 items of correspondence, in French, 1815 and 1822 by various companies to Messrs Henry Pierre Delacroix et Fils, textile manufacturers of Elbeuf, Normandy, including accounts and political and social references.

Messrs Henry Pierre Delacroix et Fils, textile manufacturers of Elbeuf, Normandy
Publication details: 
Written between May 1815 and October 1822. Addressed to Messrs Henri Pierre Delacroix et Fils of Elbeuf, Normandy, from various French locations (principally Paris).

105 items of correspondence, in French, in various formats (mainly 8vo). In good condition on lightly-aged paper. Each text clear and complete. The whole contained in a grey paper folder with 'Juillet 1818' on the front wrap. Each item unobtrusively numbered in neat red pencil. Featuring a wide range of the correspondents, as few write more than once. Occasional letters docketed. Accompanied by a modern abstract by a French-speaker, reflecting the difficulty of the various hands contained in the collection.

[ Louis de Rougemont, 'colonial Munchausen' in Australia. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Sub-Lieutenant Sidney R. Conson, RN.

Louis de Rougemont [ born Henri Louis Grin ] (1847-1921), hoaxer, 'colonial Munchausen' claiming adventures in Australia
Publication details: 
13 Bloomsbury Street, London W.C. 19 April 1899.

1p., 12mo. In good condition. He thanks him for his 'very kind note', but regrets that 'owing to my being engaged on a lecturing tour for some time to come I am at present unable to fix a date to avail myself of your invitation'. He hopes to be able to do so when 'free from my appointments'. For information on de Rougemont', see B. G. Andrews's entry on him in the Dictionary of Australian Biography. Born in Switzerland, at around the age of sixteen 'he became a footman to the actress Fanny Kemble, touring extensively and learning fluent English.

[ Henri Rochefort, French politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('henri Rochefort'), in French, to a 'Bien Cher Confrere', with reference to his future son-in-law Frédéric Dufaux. With copy of J. Mercier's satirical journal 'La Laterne d'Arlequin'.

Henri Rochefort [ Victor Henri Rochefort, Marquis de Rochefort-Luçay ] (1831-1913), French politician and polemicist [ Frédéric Dufaux (1852-1943), Swiss sculptor; Jerome Mercier, editor ]
Publication details: 
The letter without place or date. 'La Lanterne d'Arlequin': Imprimerie Ernest Mazereau, Tours. 24 October 1886.

Rochefort's letter: 1p., 12mo. Thirteen lines of text. In fair condition, aged and worn. Following an 'aimable visite' he thanks him for 'le plus charmant article', with reference to 'Mr. Dufaux' (Rochefort's future son-in-law) and 'son tableau ' and 'son buste'. After more graceful thanks and a request he ends, 'Mille poignés de main avec la moitié pour Neville'. The copy of 'La Laterne d'Arlequin' (not to be confused with Rochefort's 'La Lanterne') is 16pp., 12mo, in its original orange printed wraps. In good condition, lightly aged.

[Henri Cernuschi, Italo-French banker and collector.] Autograph Letter Signed to the London parliamentary bookseller Philip Stephen King, apologising for not being able to supply him with autographs, as his collection has been stolen 'toute entière'.

Henri Cernuschi [Enrico Cernuschi] (1821-1896), Italo-French banker and collector, whose Paris mansion is now the Musée Cernuschi [Philip Stephen King (1819-1908), London parliamentary bookseller]
Publication details: 
On the letterhead of his Paris mansion at 7 Avenue Velasquez, Parc Monceau [now the Musée Cernuschi]. 29 April [c. 1889].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper, with slight wear to one corner. Signed 'H. Cernuschi'. He begins by stating that from King's 'première lettre' he had recognised his handwriting. He apologises for not being able to comply with a request of King's: 'Je possédais une importante collection d'autographes - mais elle m'a été volee toute entière'. He concludes by instructing King to send to Westminster '600 copies de Bimetalism in England aand Abroad et 50 copies de mon Speech a Paris 1889'.

Two Typed Letters Signed from the Czech sound and concrete poet Ladislav Nov

Ladislav Nov
Publication details: 
Both from 44 Nezvalova, Treb

Both items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Each is in its original envelope, with typed address to Cobbing at 262 Randolph Avenue, London. First Letter: 1p., 8vo. He does not 'object to the publication of "Descartes metamorphosis': 'I am looking forward to the record and some other news. What will be the price of were [sic] not high, I should buy another specimen for my friends from my royalties.' Striking bold 13 x 16 cm design in black at foot of page, somewhat like a melted anthropomorphic letter H. Letter Two: 1p., folio (42 x 21 cm).

ALS, TLS and ACS, all in French, from the Czech writer Ladislav Nov

Ladislav Nov
Publication details: 
All from Trebic. TLS: 19 May 1973. ACS: 17 April 1973. ALS: 20 March 1974.

All three in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The ALS is accompanied by its stamped and postmarked envelope, addresed by Nov

Album containing 112 well-executed pen and ink drawings by the French nineteenth-century artist H. Du Chene de Vere [H. Duchene de Vere].

H. Du Chene de Vere [H. Duchene de Vere], French nineteenth-century painter
H. Du Chene de Vere [H. Duchene de Vere], French nineteenth-century painter
Publication details: 
All undated [1850s?]. Captions may indicate that the drawings were executed in France, Italy and England.
H. Du Chene de Vere [H. Duchene de Vere], French nineteenth-century painter

4to album of 33 leaves, with the 112 illustrations each on a separate piece of paper, and all laid down on 59 of the album's 66 leaves (the blank leaves of the album bearing traces of other illustrations having been removed). The illustrations range in size from 19 x 15.5 cm to 6 x 3 cm, with the average around 15 x 11 cm. The album's brown cloth covers are faded and worn, but internally the album is sound, with the illustrations themselves in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Around twenty are signed, half with the spelling 'Duchene' and the other half 'Du Chene'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H Fournel'), in French, to unnamed correspondent.

Henri Fournel [Henri-Jérôme-Marie Fournel (1799-1876), French civil engineer, geologist and disciple of Saint-Simon] (1799-1876)
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

4to: 3 pp. Bifolium. Good on lightly aged and creased paper. Text clear and entire. Eighty lines of text, beginning abruptly, without salutation, 'Vous m'avez demandé ma pensée sur le prospectus que vous avez proposé.

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