[‘Mademoiselle Rachel’ [Elisabeth Félix], celebrated French actress.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rachel') to ‘Madame Goreau’, about getting the Comte de Noailles or Marquis of Normanby to help in getting fabrics for costumes to Paris from London.

‘Mademoiselle Rachel’ [Elisabeth Félix] (1821-1858), French actress of Jewish extraction, mistress of Napoleon III and others [Comte de Noailles; Marquis of Normanby]
Publication details: 
7 October 1847; no place [Paris?].

2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. Folded three times. In fair good condition, lightly browned. 36 lines, sloping upwards and written in an untidy hand, which renders the following report somewhat tentative. Signed ‘Rachel’. In French. She has been so busy since the resumption of the ‘théâtre français’ that she is only now able to tackle the need to get her ‘étoffes’. She reports that the ‘Comte de Noailles’ is in London, and asks the recipient, who also appears to be there, to go again to the embassy to ask him to send by two or three packets what she needs to make ‘mes robes’.

[Henri Hoener [Haener]; Printing History] Letter (secretarial?) Signed "H Haener" to "Née de la Rochelle, libraire" [bookseller](Wikipedia

Henri Haener [Hoener ], Imprimeur du Roi, Nancy, France [Printer to the King]
Haener printer
Haener printer
Publication details: 
Nancy, le 22 7bre 1787 (date corner chipped but year found within the letter).
Haener printer
Haener printer

Four pages including address panel, 4to, bifolium, edges dulled, a little foxing. He outlines what he has done (sending things?), in a one page letter, and, on the other two pages, given a detailed account of what he has done for the bookseller from December 1787 to May 1788, including "brochures" (pamphlets). The recipient has noted when he replied. See images on my website.

[ Les Français de Grande-Bretagne (Franco-British Liaison Committee), Second World War Free French organisation. ] Membership card of 'Sympathiser-Member' William R. Guillet, signed by him and by T. J. Guérille, President.

Les Français de Grande-Bretagne (Franco-British Liaison Committee), Second World War Free French organisation [ William R. Guillet; T. J. Guérille ]
Publication details: 
Les Français de Grande-Bretagne (Franco-British Liaison Committee), Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London. 4 November 1941.

On both sides of a 7.5 x 12 cm card, with curved corners. A frail survival, heavily aged and worn. The text on the recto is printed in black, with the organisation's logo to the left in blue and red. The recto also has a large red 'S' superimposed at centre, and carries the two signatures, that of Guérille certifying that Guillet has been 'enrolled as a Sympathiser-Member'. Printed on the reverse are the 'Aims of the Association': 'To continue the war at the side of the British Government and of our Allies. | To co-operate with General de Gaulle's Free French Forces.

[ Anouilh ] A collection of material, mainly correspondence, from the papers of Edward Marsh, translator of Anouilh and others, including two ALsS in French from Anouilh and a publishing agreement signed by him (about 40 items).

Jean Anouilh, French playwright [Edward O. Marsh, translator and biographer of Anouilh].
Publication details: 

A small archive of material relating to the translation into English and production in the UK and USA of works by Jean Anouilh (particularly "Dinner with the Family"), comprising: A. Two Autograph Letters Signed "Jean Anouilh", in French, to Edward Marsh, translator and biographer of Anouilh, one dated in pencil "Feb. 1953", one of two pages, the other of one, both 4to, condition only fair.

[ African Expeditionary Force ][MS, in French, titled 'Avis de la Commission, chargée de l'étude préparatoire des questions relatives à l'armement des Navires à Vapeur, sur l'embarquement des troupes expeditionnaires à bord de ces Navires.'

V. Couchard, J. Houssard, Chopard Fourichon [members of an official Commission of the French Government producing a report on the foundation of a French naval expeditionary force]
Publication details: 
dated 'à la Cote d'Afrique. Paris; le 19 Mars 1849. Les Membres de la Commission, Signée: V. Couchard, J. Houssard, Chopard Fourichon.'

Folio, 30 pp. In brown leather half-binding, with marbled boards. One simple pen illustration, p. 18, showing arrangement of 'Muraille' and 'Pont'. Good, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding. Neatly set out, in a secretarial hand, with a synopsis beside each paragraph in red ink in the widened left-hand margins. As a loosely-inserted printed slip explains in English, the manuscript sets out 'instructions by a French Official Commission for the preparation and arming of a fleet of steam ships to be equipped to carry marines to form an expeditionary force to the coast of Africa.

[ Printed item, inscribed by the author ('G Vapereau'). ] L'Année Littéraire et Dramatique.

G. Vapereau, Auteur du Dictionnaire universel des Contemporains [ Louis Gustave Vapereau (1819-1906), French critic and lexicographer ]
Publication details: 
Première Année (1858). Paris: Librairie de L. Hachette et Cie, Rue Pierre-Sarrazin, No 14. 1859.

viii + 491 + [1]pp., 8vo. Aged and slightly damp-stained along the fore-edge. In worn calf quarter-binding, marbled endpapers. Inscribed on half-title 'A M. J de Vasconcellos | Hommage de l'auteur | G Vapereau'.

[ Société des Artistes Français, Paris. ] Printed and illustrated certificate, giving 'Mention Honorable' to 'Monsieur [sic] INGLIS (Jean)' at the painting section of the Salon of 1928. Signed by president Paul Chabas and secretary 'A. Bréauté'.

Paul Chabas [ Paul Émile Chabas ] (1869-1937), French artist, President of the Société des Artistes Français [ Jean Inglis (1884-1959), English artist ]
Publication details: 
'Salon de 1928'. 'Paris - Imp. A. Salmon Porcabeuf Sr.'

Printed in black on one side of a 49.5 x 65 cm. piece of thick paper. In fair condition, aged and rolled into a tube. A tasteful design, featuring an engaving of a palm leaf. Signed at foot by 'Paul Chabas' and 'A. Bréauté'.

[ Pierre Paul Leroy-Beaulieu, French economist. ] Autograph Letter Signed and Autograph Note Signed (both 'Paul Leroy-Beaulieu'), in French, letter to 'Monsieur Petit' (with signed autograph letter by Petit on reverse) and note to a 'confrère'.

Pierre Paul Leroy-Beaulieu (1843-1916), French economist
Publication details: 
Letter One: on letterhead of 27 Avenue du Bois de Boulogne, 17 March 1883. Letterr Two: Paris. 9 June 1886.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 1p., 8vo. Despite being unacquainted with 'M. Tirman', he offers to do his best to be of assistance to 'M. Emile Farrence'. Petit's letter, dated 19 May 1883 is on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium. Writing to one of the individuals mentioned in Leroy Beaulieu's letter, he explains that he is forwarding that letter, and asks for it to be returned to him on his arrival. TWO: 1p., 16mo. He apologises for making him wait 'deux jours de plus'.

[{Waddington; ] Autograph Note Signed 'Waddington' to an unnamed correspondent trying to arrange a meeting.

[William Henry Waddington] Waddington, French diplomat, statesman, and archaeologist (1826-1894
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] Ambassade de France, a Londres, Wednesday (no date).

One page, 12mo, bifolium, pin=holes at top and some marking, mainly good condition. "I hear that you are in town on your way back from Brussels. Should you have any time to spare, I should be happy to see you. You would find me at home tomorrow [...]".

[Book in paper wraps] La Mort de Henri Quatre, POEME

Mrie J.J. Victorin Fabre (1785-1831), poet and orator.
Publication details: 
Paris, de l'imprimerie de Farge [...], 1808

46pp., 8vo (21cms), marbled pink paper wraps (original), spine and edges a little ragged, foxing, fair condition, sound. Scarce. Copies at BnF and Loyola Marymount University (USA)

Autograph Card Signed "P. Loti", French author ["to A . Chasserian", (publisher?)pencil note]

Pierre Loti, French novelist
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Card, 11.5 x 9cm, vestiges of laying down in corners of verso, good condition. "J'ai été obligé de changer mes petits places de voyage. Voulez-vous aussi chamger les votres et venir mercredi au lieu de Vendredi. |Amitié[ ...]"Note in another hand on verso: "Autograph of Pierre Loti, Académician, officier in the French Navy (real name Viaud) author of Pecheur d'Islande, Fantomes d'Orient, etc. | Given me by M. Arthur Chasserian to whom it was addressed, Decr/92."

Typed Letter Signed "Zeke Berlin", theatre director, to Edward Marsh, translator of Anouilh, Cocteau etc.

Zeke Berlin, director (Gramercy Theatre, New York).
Publication details: 
NY, 29 Jan. 1961.

Substantial TLS from Zeke Berlin to Marsh, 29 Jan. 1963, 2pp., sm. folio, giving information about rehearsals, the Theatre, the actors, commenting on the "idiom" in the play, music, characters. Play not mentioned but characters named reveal Anouilh's "Dinner with the Family".

Autograph Note Signed "Jules Roy" to [Edward Marsh, translator of Anouilh, Cocteau, etc.],

Jules Roy, French writer, friend of Camus
Publication details: 
No place, 3 Nov. 1950.

One page, 12mo, 9 lines, In Roy's small hand, 3 Nov. 1950, in French. He is awaiting Marsh's sign, depending on him for how England will receive his work.

A small archive mainly involving correspondence with translator, Edward Marsh.

Marc Camoletti, French playwright, best known for "Boeing-Boeing":
Publication details: 

Total: 6 items, 1957-1961.One substantial ALS from Marc Camoletti to Edward Marsh, translator, 2pp. 4to, 25 Jan.

A small archive mainly involving correspondence with translator, Edward Marsh.

Marcel Achard, French Playwright, French Academician:
Publication details: 

Total: 18 items, 1957-1961, including:One ALS, one TLS, one telegram from Marcel Achard to Edward Marsh, translator, only the TLS in French, others in English.Subjects: rights to translation of "Voulez-vous jouer avec moa" (gentleman's agreement for six months); this play "on appelle communément un 'théatre d'avant-garde'", requiring "excellent" actors like Peter Sellers; other information, including his agent's name; [telegram] "Waiting for you Stop Love".Memorandum of Agreement between Achard and Dr Van Loewen, agent, with Donmar Productions Ltd (New Theatre, London), not signed, 4pp., fol.T

A small archive, mainly correspondence involving the translator, Edward Marsh.

Georges Neveux, French playwright:
Publication details: 

Total: c.38 items, some more than one page, 1953-1968, 1984-1991, including:8 ALsS, Neveux to "Edward" [Marsh, translator], total 13pp., various formats, 1953-1961.

A small archive mainly involving correspondence with translator, Edward Marsh.

Félicien Marceau, French playwright, novelist:
Publication details: 

Total: c.21 items, 1977-1983.Four TLsS from Félicien Marceau to Edward Marsh, in French, (1978) saying that he'll go along with Marsh's proposals [about "L'Ami du Président"], reiterating two thirds for him; (1979) declining an adaptation for British television, anxious about the effect on "sa carrière théatrale"; (March 1983) having agreed film rights he is not free to authorise TV production; (May 1983) repeating what he understands about the cinema deal, and saying he'll be in touch on expiration.Eight copy TLs, some very substantial (one heavily worked), from Marsh to Félicien Marceau, 1

A small archive, mainly of correspondence to one of his translators, Edward Marsh.

Claude-André Puget, French playwright:
Publication details: 

Total: c.43 items, some more than one page, 1953-1961, including:18 ALsS, TLsS and APCsS, to Edward Marsh, translator, total 26 pages/sides, various formats, with a telegram to him with note from him, and telegram from him to Edward Marsh.

Typed Letter Signed "Bernard" (full name typed beneath) to Edward Marsh, translator of Anouilh, Cocteau, etc.

Bernard Miles, actor, Director of the Mermaid Theatre.
Publication details: 
Mermaid Theatre, 27 July 1971.

TLS, 27 July 1971, one page, 4to, saying that the Camus Estate only want Robert Baldick to translate, giving background, so he's returning a script..

Typed Letter Signed "Benvenuto Hauptmann" to Edward Marsh, translator of Anouilh, Cocteau, etc.

Benvenuto Hauptmann, German writer.
Publication details: 
Munich, 14 Dec. 1951.

A very substantial TLS from Hauptmann to Marsh, 14 Dec. 1951, 2pp., 4to, in English, recalling their first meeting, commenting on Marsh's autograph collection from that time (1921), and responding to finding Marsh had adapted his "The Rats". He gives detailed response, complimentary but constructive.

A small archive mainly involving correspondence with translator, Edward Marsh.

Armand Lanoux, French writer:
Publication details: 

Total: 5 items, all 1979.Postcard and TLS from Armand Lanoux to Edward Marsh, in French, (13 June and 27 July 1979) about the production in England of "notre fresque télévisuelle" "Zola ou la Conscience Humaine". He has asked his wife, Cathérine Tolstoi-Lanoux, to send Marsh "les deux pieces radiophoniques".WITH:Manuscript Draft, heavily worked over, letter from Marsh to Lanoux, 3pp., 4to, in French, 5 June 1979, broaching the question of an English production of the "Zola" programme (BBC etc).AND: ALS from Renée [de Conquele?

Five Autograph Letters Signed, in French, from the French artist and designer Jean-Denis Malclès to an unnamed correspondent, regarding the sale of maquettes of costumes of a production of 'Orphée aux Enfers'. With price list of 31 items.

Jean-Denis Malclès (1912-2002), French artist, illustrator and costume, set and poster designer for film, theatre, ballet and opera, who worked with Cocteau, Anouilh and others
Publication details: 
The five letters from 152 rue Leon-Maurice Nordmann, Paris. One from 1980 and the other four from 1982.

The first four letters are each 1p., 12mo; and the fifth letter is 1p., 4to. The price list, which accompanies the last letter, is 2pp., 4to. All items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In the first letter (4 May 1980) he replies to his correspondent, thanking him for a letter 'concernant la representation d'Orphée aux Enfers que vous avez vu à Oxford en 1977'.

Manuscript priced inventory, in French, of furniture, plate, linen and fine wines (with vintage), made on a marriage between the Picard and Faurel families, titled 'Mariés le 24 September 1839. Régistre de notre mobilier.' With genealogical notes.

[Nineteenth-century priced inventory, in French, of furniture, plate, linen and fine wines, made on a marriage between the Picard and Faurel families]
Publication details: 
The inventory is dated 24 September 1839. The genealogical notes date from the 1860s.

The inventory (14pp.) is at the front of a 4to notebook, with ten pages of genelogical and other notes at the back. In good condition, on aged-paper, in worn original vellum quarter-binding, with blue patterned paper boards, and ties. Label on front board: 'Mobilier Picard A Faurel'. The inventory is dated 1839 on a title-page, but includes entries from the 1840s. It is divided into the following four sections, under calligraphic headings: 'Argenterie' (2pp.), 'Meubles Meublant' (5pp.), 'Linge' (4pp.) and 'Vins Fins' (3pp.).

[Printed offprint, in French, from 'L'Annotateur'.] Discours du Roi aux Chambres, Prononcé le 22 décembre 1824.' [An address from the new French king, Charles X, to the two chambers of Parliament.]

Charles X (1757-1836), King of France and Navarre, 1824-1830 [Sir William Hamilton (1788-1877), British Consul at Boulogne-sur-Mer from 1826 to 1873]
Publication details: 
'Supplément à l'Annotateur du 23 décembre 1824.' [Imprimerie de P. HESSE, rue des Pipots, à Boulogne.]

16mo, 2pp. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, attached along one edge to a piece of paper bearing part of the address of the English Consul in Boulogne, William (later Sir William) Hamilton.

[Printed pamphlet in French.] Lucien Achille Mauzan / 1883-1952 / affichiste . peintre . sculpteur / graveur . modéliste . décorateur . humoriste'.

[Lucien Achille Mauzan (1883-1952), French Art Deco poster designer and decorative illustrator]
Lucien Achille Mauzan
Publication details: 
[Imprimerie Dardelet, Grenoble.] No date [1980s?].
Lucien Achille Mauzan

8pp., 4to. In stiff printed wraps. Printed in black and white. Photographic portrait of the artist tipped-in as frontispiece, twenty illustrations in text, and loosely inserted in a wallet at the rear a facsimile (2pp., 8vo) of an article from the Argentine Magazine, Christmas 1929: 'How MAUZAN makes lively posters' by A. Lancelotti. Cover carries image of smiling fat black man shining his foot with a shoebrush, above facsimile of Mauzan's signature. Scarce: does not appear to be present in the Bibliotheque Nationale.

[Printed catalogue of Linotype type specimens.] Spécimen de Charactères, Vignettes & Filets Linotype. Entièrement exécuté sur machines a composer Linotype.

[French Linotype type specimen book]
Publication details: 
[Morgenthaler Linotype.] Without date or place [French, 1930s?].

28pp., landscape 12mo, printed on rectos only of 28 leaves. Dimensions 21 x 15 cm. In brown card wraps with brown cloth tape spine over staples. In fair condition, on aged thick paper, with foxing to title leaf, and damp staining at foot of first and last few pages. Printed decorative border on front cover, with same border in black ink on title page, enclosing the title in block capitals in red ink: 'SPÉCIMEN | DE | CARACTÈRES, VIGNETTES | & FILETS | LINOTYPE'.

[Printed handbill poem.] A la Garde Nationale de Honfleur. Choeur des Républicains. Air du Chœur des Girondins.

'Achille de Naguet Desportes, Propriétaire à Equemauville, près Honfleur' (d.1879) [La Garde Nationale de Honfleur; E. Dupray, printer]
Publication details: 
'Honfleur. Typographie ve E. Dupray.' Undated [1840s].

1p., 8vo. On wove paper. Lightly worn and aged. Text in two columns within ornate decorative border. Author's details at foot, above printer's slug. Thirty-five line poem, in five seven-line stanzas. First stanza: 'O! toi, ma France bien-aimée, | Pour toi, nous faison tous des voeux, | Oh! sois à jamais vénérée, | Élevons nos voix vers les cieux. | Oh! France, ma patrie!

Autograph Letter Signed ('P-N. Bonaparte.. | Repr. du Peuple'), in French, from Pierre-Napoleon Bonaparte to Lieutenant-Colonel Lherbette, requesting that Samuel Colt be admitted 'aux expériences de tir des carabines à tige des chapeurs à pied'.

Pierre-Napoléon Bonaparte (1815-1881), son of Lucien Bonaparte, deputy for Corsica to the Constituent Assembly of 1849 [Samuel Colt (1814-1862), inventor and manufacturer of the celebrated revolver]
Pierre-Napoléon Bonaparte (1815-1881), son of Lucien Bonaparte, deputy for Corsi
Publication details: 
2 September 1849; Paris.
Pierre-Napoléon Bonaparte (1815-1881), son of Lucien Bonaparte, deputy for Corsi

12mo, 3 pp. Thirty-six lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed by Bonaparte, with stamp, red wax seal and postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Monsieur le Lieutenant-Colonel Lherbette Adt. au comm. de l'artillerie dans la 1re. division militaire | Vincennes'. Were he not leaving for the country, he would have presented in person 'Mr. Colt, citoyen des Etats-Unis, inventeur d'un ingénieux système d'armes à feu à plusieurs coups'.

Autograph Letter Signed from Louis-Antoine-François de Marchangy ('L de Marchangy') to 'Monsieur le Comte' [Vincent-Marie Viénot, comte de Vaublanc?].

Louis-Antoine-François de Marchangy (1782-1826), French writer [Vincent-Marie Viénot (1756-1845), comte de Vaublanc?]
Louis-Antoine-François de Marchangy
Publication details: 
'Limoges ce 22 8bre. [Octobre]' [on paper watermarked 1823].
Louis-Antoine-François de Marchangy

8vo, 4 pp. Seventy lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with the outer pages browned. The identity of the recipient is suggested by the following, written in the margin of the first page: 'Ces Dames vous supplient d'agréer l'hommage de leurs souvenirs. Mesdames de Vaublanc et veulent elles me permettre de leur offrir ici la mienne?' His correspondent is writing his memoirs, and de Marchangy considers that he has 'mille fois raison de vivre dans le passé, s'il vous console du present'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Explication des Tableaux, Statues, Bustes, etc. composant les Galerie [sic] du Palais de la Chambre des Pairs de France.

[Pierre Didot, l'ainé, printer; Musée national du Luxembourg, France ]
 Explication des Tableaux, Statues, Bustes, etc.
Publication details: 
A Paris, de l'Imprimerie de P. Didot l'Ainé, Imprimeur de la Chambre des Pairs de France, rue du Pont de Lodi, no 6. 1814.
 Explication des Tableaux, Statues, Bustes, etc.

12mo, 72 pp. Stitched. In remains of original grey wraps, with front wrap present (though worn at extremities), but only a trace of rear wrap remaining. Text clear and complete. On aged paper with many dog-eared corners. An ephemeral item by one of the greatest of French printers: COPAC only lists three copies, at Oxford, University College London, and the Victoria and Albert Museum. None of these record the misprint in the title of 'les Galerie' for 'les Galeries', and it is not present in the Harvard copy either.

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