["La marseille, 1864" in another hand], 9 September.
French adventurer (esp. in Madagascar). One page, 8vo, good condition. Text as follows: Je vais m'embarquer dans un moment. Je vous ecrirai longuement de Messina ou d'Alexandrie. Je ne passe pas par Malta - je vous [?] d'Aden ce que vous me demandez. / Mes hommages respetueux a les Dames . . . [postscript] J'ai laisse les choses dans la meme etat je n'ai pas fait faire de nouvelles procurations [Orobin?] . . .
Political Economist. One page, 12mo, good condition. Difficult to read but he talsk of submitting a "tirage" [printing; proof?] to his correspondet's attention (or vetting), mentioning sending [?] a title and "''indication que [?] extrait du journal d'agriculture".
French playwright. One page, 8vo, minor defects, text clear and complete, in French as follows: "M. Seuferd [?] me fait le plaisir de dejeuner avec moi; vous seriez fort aimable de venir prendre votre part de ce frugal [?meal of some sort] et cette conversation litteraire." Postscript: "La cene [souligne] se passe chez moi dans mon petit etablisement."
French politician (1755-1849). 2pp., 4to, sl. creased. In French with official stamp.He recommends to Persil’s attention a “M. Ducon”, lawyer and “sous-prefet”, describing his exemplary character and his achievements, and requesting an extension of his period in office.