[Max Müller, Sanskrit scholar, Oxford's first Professor of Comparative Philology.] Autograph Signature and Note to printed letter of thanks (addressed in autograph to 'Mr. Conway') for congratulations on his appointment to the Privy Council.

Max Müller [Friedrich Max Müller; Muller] (1823-1900), Sanskrit scholar and philologist in England, born in Germany, Oxford's first Professor of Comparative Philology
Publication details: 
Printed date and place: ‘7 NORHAM GARDENS, / OXFORD, / May, 1896.’

See his long and appreciative entry in the Oxford DNB, concluding with the praise of his ‘pioneering achievements, especially in the fields of Vedic studies and comparative philology'. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lighty aged. Folded for postage. In autograph are the salutation (‘Dear Mr. Conway’) and valediction and postscript (‘Yours very truly / F. Max Müller / (in bed with a cold)’. The printed body of the letter reads: ‘Being quite unable to answer the numerous letters addressed to me, I had to choose this way of thanking my friends for their kind congratulations.

Sir Walter Elliot, Scottish orientalist, archaeologist, naturalist, and senior East India Company servant.] Autograph Letter Signed to the German orientalist Reinhold Rost, regarding books he donated to ‘the Library’, needing a ‘Pandit’ to read them.

Sir Walter Elliot (1803-1887), Scottish orientalist, archaeologist, naturalist, and senior East India Company functionary [Reinhold Rost (1822-1896), German orientalist in England]
Publication details: 
11 November 1876; on letterhead of Wolfelee, Hawick, N[orth]. B[ritain]. (i.e. Scotland).

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. Addressed to ‘R. Rost Esq Ph.D’ and ‘Dear Dr Rost’, and signed ‘Walter Elliot’. He thanks him for taking the trouble to ‘hunt out the books. I gave a large number in 1866 & some in subsequent years but it is difficult to recal [sic] to mind the details of transactions of so distant a date’.

[Sir John Bowring, fourth Governor of Hong Kong.] Playful Autograph Letter Signed to Lady Theresa Villiers, explaining how on receipt of her dinner invitation he wrote to her brother by mistake.

Sir John Bowring (1792-1872), fourth Governor of Hong Kong, traveller, writer and economist [Lady Theresa Villiers (1775-1856), wife of George Villiers (1759–1827), son of Earl of Clarendon]
Publication details: 
‘1 Queen Square West [London] / 4 April 1836’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 5pp, 16mo, on two bifoliums of gilt-edged laid paper. In very good condition, lightly aged and folded once for postage. Signed ‘John Bowring’. Written in playful, mock-heroic style. Begins: ‘Many, many days ago my dear Mrs Villiers, did I put sackcloth on my shoulders & pile ashes on my head anent a very wicked sin of omission, in which I was peccant towards you - you who I humbly trust in your great goodness will fling over me the mantle of your forgiving charity’.

[Beilby Porteus, Bishop of London.] Five Autograph Letters Signed (all ‘B. London’) to Thomas Maurice of the British Museum, two with detailed criticism of Maurice’s poem on Pitt the Younger.

Beilby Porteus (1731-1809), Bishop of London [Thomas Maurice (1754-1824), Assistant Keeper of Manuscripts at the British Museum, Anglican cleric and oriental scholar]
Publication details: 
1798, 1800 (2), 1806 and 1807 (the last apparently a mistake for 1806). The first from St James’s Square, the last from Clifton, the others from Sundridge [Kent].

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. The five items are in good condition, lightly aged, with each on a 4to bifolium, and all folded for postage. In a neat and attractive hand. The text of each letter is on the first leaf, and the first two letters are addressed by Porteus on the reverse of the second leaf, each with broken seals in red wax. In Letters Four and Five Porteus lays out his objections to Maurice’s ‘Elegy on the late Right Honourable William Pitt’, published in 1806 under the name ‘T. M.’ ONE (St James’s Square, 10 April 1898): 1p, 4to. Addressed to ‘Revd. Mr Maurice / No.

[William Marsden, orientalist, First Secretary to the Admiralty who broke the news of the victory at Trafalgar.] Autograph Signature ‘Wm Marsden’ to printed Admiralty order, addressed to Commodore Darby, regarding overmanning with 'young Gentlemen'.

William Marsden (1754-1836), Anglo-Irish orientalist, numismatist, and linguist, and Royal Navy official, First Secretary to the Admiralty, 1804-7 [Admiral Sir Henry D'Esterre Darby (1749-1823)]
Publication details: 
Admiralty Office [Whitehall, London]. 6 May 1802.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, which states that ‘it fell to him in October 1805 to wake Lord Barham, as first lord of the Admiralty, with the news of victory at Trafalgar and the death of Nelson’. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with creasing at head. Folded into packet. 1p, folio, and docketed on reverse: ‘Admiralty Order of 6 May 1802 respecting Bearing Boys of 1st Class recd. 1 July 1802 -’. Signed by Marsden, and addressed by him ‘To / Commodore Darby / &c. &c.

[Carl Haag, Bavarian-born orientalist watercolour painter to the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.] Autograph Letter in the third person to ‘Mr. & Mrs. Arbuthnot Guthrie’

Carl Haag [Johann Carl Haag] (1820-1915), Bavarian-born orientalist watercolour painter and naturalized British subject, court painter to the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Publication details: 
‘5 November [no year] - Monday -’. On letterhead of 16 New Burlington Street, W. [London]

As a naturalized British subject, resident in England from the 1850s to 1903, Haag has an entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Reads: ‘Mr. Carl Haag presents his compliments to Mr. & Mrs. Arbuthnot Guthrie, and very much regrets not being able to accept their polite invitation for Wednesday next, having already accepted a previous engagement for that day.’

[George Henry Lewes, editor of the Fortnightly Review, 'husband' of the novelist 'George Eliot' (Mary Ann Evans).] Autograph Letter Signed ('G H Lewes'), to Reginald Stuart Poole, regarding his article on 'Pagan and Muslim Arabs'.

G. H. Lewes [George Henry Lewes] (1817-1878), critic and philosopher, editor of the Fortnightly Review, 'husband' of the novelist 'George Eliot' (Mary Ann Evans) [Reginald Stuart Poole (1832-1895)]
Publication details: 
'Friday' (no date, but in 1865); on letterhead of The Fortnightly Review, Office, 193 Piccadilly [London].

2pp, 12mo. Twenty-seven lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. A nice item, giving an indication of Lewes's editorial principles at the Fortnightly Review (he held the position from 1865 to the following year). Addressed to 'R. S. Poole'. He begins by explaining that he only returned to England the previous night, '& found your notes & m.s awaiting me'.

[Heinrich Leberecht Fleischer, German orientalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Fleischer'), in French, to Edward William Lane, full of interesting content about orientalists, including an attack on Juynboll's edition of the 'Merasid el-ittila'.

Heinrich Leberecht Fleischer (1801-1888), German orientalist, Professor of oriental languages at the University of Leipzig [Edward William Lane (1801-1876), orientalist, translator of Arabian Nights]
Publication details: 
23 June 1851; Leipzig.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, no thin paper, with several folds. Seventy-two lines of closely and neatly written text. Addressed by Fleischer on reverse of second leaf 'A Monsieur Edward Wm. Lane | en | Angleterre. | West Terrace, Worthing, Sussex. | par l'entremise de Mss. Williams & Norgate. | avec | Zeitschrift d. D. M. G. | T. 5, Cah. 3.' A fine letter, full of interesting content indicating a liberal attitude to the sharing of information among Victorian orientalists. He begins by writing that he received Poole's letter of 3 May a little before one from 'Mr.

[Sir Austen Henry Layard, archaeologist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('A. H. Layard') to the orientalist W. B. Barker, sending a 'specimen' of his 'detestable handwriting', and calling him 'a fortunate man' for being satisfied with his position.

Sir Austen Henry Layard (1817-1894), archaeologist who excavated Nimrud and Nineveh, discoverer of library of Assyrian king Ashurbanipal [William Burckhardt Barker] (c.1810-1856), orientalist]
Publication details: 
10 July 1837. Athenaeum Club [London], on club letterhead.

2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount unobtrusively adhering at head of reverse. Folded twice. The salutation is to 'My dear Barker', and the name of the recipient is given at the foot of the first page as 'W. B. Barker Esqe'. He thanks him for his 'kind, but too complimentary note'. He is afraid that Barker's friend, who has clearly requested Layard's autograph, 'sets too much value upon a specimen of such detestable handwriting', but in this matter, 'as in anything else', he will be happy to oblige Barker.

[Thomas Pell Platt, orientalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T P Platt'), as Librarian to the British and Foreign Bible Society, to Rev. Charles Sumner [later Bishop of Winchester], Librarian to George IV at Carlton House, presenting a set of volumes.

Thomas Pell Platt (1798-1852), English orientalist, Librarian of the British and Foreign Bible Society [Charles Sumner (1790-1874), Bishop of Winchester, librarian to King George IV at Carlton House]
Publication details: 
Bible Society's House | Earl Street, Blackfriars | March 30. 1825'.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, aged and worn, with creasing and heavy wear at head. Folded three times. Addressed to 'The Rev. C. R. Sumner'. Reads: 'Rev. Sir | As Librarian of the British & Foreign Bible Society, I have the honor to state to you that a Resolution has been passed by the Committee of that Society, requesting permission to offer to His Majesty as a mark of their dutiful homage a set of Copies of the Versions of Holy Scripture executed or reprinted at their expence.

[Samuel Lee, Professor of Arabic and Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Cambridge.] Autograph Letter Signed ('S Lee') to John Yonge Akerman, regarding a collection of coins and medals he has been offered by S. Jackson of Keswick.

Samuel Lee (1783-1852), orientalist and linguist, Professor of Arabic and Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Cambridge [John Yonge Akerman (1806-1873), numismatist and antiquary]
Publication details: 
'D. C.' [Downing College, Cambridge?] 2 April 1847.

2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with several folds. Twenty-two lines written in a close, crabbed hand. Begins: 'My dear Sir | I looked for you at the last meeting of the Antiquarian Society [i.e. the Cambridge Antiquarian Society] – in vain.' He is forwarding a letter he has received from 'Mr S. Jackson of Keswick, Cumberland – concerning some coins & medals for sale', He does not 'wish to be a purchaser', but Akerman may wish to give notice to 'some one who would wish to possess some of the collection'.

[Thomas Pell Platt, orientalist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('T P Platt'), as Librarian to the British and Foreign Bible Society, to Rev. Charles Sumner [later Bishop of Winchester], on presenting a set of volumes to 'His Majesty's library'.

Thomas Pell Platt (1798-1852), English orientalist, Librarian of the British and Foreign Bible Society [Charles Sumner (1790-1874), Bishop of Winchester]
Publication details: 
Bible Society's House | Earl St. London. | Octr. 11. 1824.'

2pp, 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with dogeared corners. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'The Rev. C. Sumner'. Begins: 'Rev. Sir | I have been encouraged by the advice of friends to propose to you confidentially a question, to which you would much oblige me by returning a reply. The Committee of the British & Foreign Bible Society have occasionally transmitted to different quarters, as presents, a set of Copies of the version of the Holy Scripture executed by their aid, and the new edition, which they have published.

[ Alexander Nicoll, Regius Professor of Hebrew, Oxford University. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Alex. Nicoll')

Alexander Nicoll (1793-1828), Scottish orientalist, Regius Professor of Hebrew and canon of Christ Church, Oxford
Publication details: 
'Ch. Ch. [ i.e. Christ Church, Oxford ] May 16. [ no year ].

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Laid down on a leaf removed from an album. Reads: 'My Dear Sir, | I did not receive your Note including those from Mess. Irvine & F until late last night. It will give me great pleasure to see you and Mrs. Hughes, and I shall have the pleasure of calling upon you soon after 11, being now obliged to go to Prayers.'

[ Joseph Freiherr von Hammer-Purgstall, Austrian orientalist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Joseph von Hammer'), in English,

Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall (1774-1856), Austrian orientalist
Publication details: 
Vienna. 14 January 1831.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with creases unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. A long letter, addressed to an unnamed English recipient (perhaps the editor of an literary journal) interested in news of Austrian literary culture. The letter contains references to: 'the polyglott Georgian', 'the new litterary [sic] gazette', 'Mr.

[Offprint.] Further Notes on "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves".

Duncan B. MacDonald [Duncan Black MacDonald (1863-1943), American orientalist] [The Royal Asiatic Society, London]
Publication details: 
From the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, January, 1913. [Stephen Austin and Sons, Ltd., Printers, Hertford.]

13pp., 8vo, paginated 41-53. Stapled, in brown printed wraps. On aged and worn paper, with rusted staples. Largely unopened. A learned exposition, with quotations in the original, beginning: 'It is now possible for me to supplement my Arabic text of Ali Baba by printing in full the only other original version so far known. I shall add some further information which I have gathered on the identity of the scribe of the Bodleian MS. and various notes on the text of that version.' No copy in the British Library, and a total of six copies on OCLC WorldCat and COPAC.

[John Wilks, Liberal politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to James Silk Buckingham, regarding his own reasons for retiring from Parliament, and Buckingham's coming 'extensive undertaking' (a tour of North America).

John Wilks (1776-1854), English Whig and Liberal politician, father of the swindler 'Bubble Wilks' [James Silk Buckingham (1786-1855), Cornish author, orientalist, and Member of Parliament]
Publication details: 
Worthing. 2 September 1837.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'Want of health induced me to retire from Parliament in opposition to the wishes of my kind constituents and hurrying me from Town as soon as my votes had been given for the Liberal candidates at the Kent Surrey Essex and Middlesex Elections - unavoidably deprived me of the interesting though mournful pleasure of attending your final lecture at Finsbury Chapel.

[Sir Edwin Arnold.] Holograph Poem, signed 'Edwin Arnold', titled 'The Heavenly Secret', exhibiting a few differences from the printed version, presented to Mrs A. G. Henriques.

Sir Edwin Arnold (1892-1904), poet and journalist, best-known for his 'Light of Asia' (1879) [Mrs A. G. Henriques]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 6 March 1887.

1p., 8vo. Laid down on a piece of card. Aged and discoloured, with chipping to extremities and some loss of text. The poem is sixteen lines long, arranged in two eight-line stanzas. The first stanza reads: '"Sometimes" - Althaea sighed - "in hours of sadness, | A sudden pleasure shines upon the soul; | The heart beats quick to half-heard notes of gladness, | And from the dark mind all its clouds unroll: | How comes this, Poet! You, who know things hidden, | Whence sounds that undersong of soft Content? | What brings such peace, unlooked-for & unbidden! | Answer me!

Autograph Letter Signed ('D Forbes') from the orientalist Duncan Forbes to J. D. R. Robinson of the Asiatic Society, concerning his translation of the 'Bagh-o-Bahar', and the mental state of 'Anderson'.

Duncan Forbes (1798-1868), Scottish orientalist and linguist, translator of Mir Amman's Urdu 'Bagh-o-Bahar, or Tales of the Four Darweshes'
Publication details: 
No place; 'Wednesday' [no date].

3 pp, 12mo. 41 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper with a couple of closed tears. He is sending 'the trans. of the Baghobahan together with the Original', and trusts that Robinson will keep his promise 'and not detain it long'. Considers it fair that Robinson's friend 'should pay the carriage thereof from & to London'. 'The younger Stewart is to send me up a book of mine in about a week - the best way will be to send the Bagh along with it as it will be the same expence'. Suggest sending another book with 'the Bagh to Haileybury', rather than to Portman Square.

Autograph Letter Signed ('S. Lane-Poole') to Miss Hollingworth.

Stanley Lane-Poole (1854-1931), British orientalist and archaeologist, Professor of Arabic Studies, Dublin University
Publication details: 
16 June 1896; 3 Newnham Road, Bedford.

12mo, 2 pp. 20 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with slight creasing to corners. He is glad to have the autographs she has sent him. He is sending '28 of my duplicates'. His wife is 'very fairly well, but the heat tries her a good deal'. He himself enjoys the heat. 'The temperature here in the sun to-day was only 110 degrees - just the same as it was in the shade in Cairo when I was there last June!'

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. C Lyall') to Lane-Poole.

Sir Alfred Comyn Lyall (1835-1911), Indian civil servant, poet and historian [Stanley Lane-Poole (1854-1931), British orientalist and archaeologist,]
Publication details: 
Undated; Flitwick, Swift Hill (on cancelled letterhead of 16 Queen's Gate, London S.W.

12mo, 1 p. Nine lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with a neat cut (not affecting text) neatly repaired on reverse. The Registrar at the India Office has informed Lyall that Lane-Poole's name is 'on the list of those to whom the India Archaeological Reports are sent'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Quatremère'), in French, to 'Monsieur Feuillet, Bibliothecaire de l'Institut'.

Étienne Marc Quatremère (1782-1857), French Orientalist [Laurent François Feuillet (1768-1843), from 1823 chief librarian of the Institut de France]
Publication details: 
Undated [between 1823 and 1843].

12mo: 1 p. Eight lines of text. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. A bifolium, addressed by Quatremère on the reverse of the second leaf. He is returning a work borrowed from the library of the Institut, and asks Feuillet 'de vouloir bien me communiquer le Voyage de l'Anglois en Afrique, et le 5e. volume de la nouvelle histoire des voyages.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Cha de Paravey') to the Abbé Guerin, 'chez l'abbé Tesson, aux Millions Etrangeres, Paris'.

Charles de Paravey [Charles-Hippolyte de Paravey] (1787-1871), French orientalist, palaeographer and engineer
Publication details: 
12 September 1848; Paris.

16mo (13.5 x 10 cm): 2 pp. A bifolium, addressed on the reverse of the second leaf. The first leaf has been slightly trimmed at the bottom, resulting in some loss to the bottom line of the recto. A formal letter in the third person, written in a close, difficult hand. Carefully detailing the missing sections in his copy of the 'Dictionnaire Anamitique-Latin'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Sédillot, professeur d'histoire, Secrètaire du Collège de France') in French to 'Monsieur Le Maire' [of the XIe arrondissement of Paris].

Louis Pierre Eugène Amélie Sédillot (1808-1875), French orientalist
Publication details: 
12 January 1849; on letterhead of the Collège de France.

4to, 1 p. Good, on aged paper worn at extremities. Text clear and entire. Gives details of his placement in 1837 in the 'cadre de reforme de la Garde Nationale', and of the registration of the decision by the Mayor. 'Cette décision [...] m'est réclamée par le nouveau Sergent major de la compagnie, M. Alger, et je viens vous prier de m'en faire délivrer une copie dûment légalisée.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('Carl Haag') to Mrs Grant Morris.

Johann Carl Haag (1820-1915), Bavarian watercolour painter who settled in England and became a leading orientalist
Publication details: 
7 November 1884; on letterhead of Ida Villa, Lyndhurst Road, Hampstead, London N.W.

8vo, 1 p, 8 lines. Folded twice. Good, on lightly discoloured paper. Informing the Morrises of 'our safe arrival', and thanking them for 'the very amiable hospitality we have enjoyed'. 'Mrs. Haag in this moment feels a little the fatigue of the journey but will ere long use a leisure hour to write to you.'

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Francis'.

Walter Charles Horsley
Publication details: 
5 July 1904; 6 Bedford Gardens, West.

English artist (1855-1934) of the oriental school, a member of a family whose papers are in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Two pages, 12mo. Very good, though grubby and on paper discoloured with age. He thanks her for her note and is sorry that she 'should have had any trouble about the bundles' Has heard 'on all hands that the Bargain went off extremely well', and hopes 'it was as financially successful'. 'The Egyptian called on me to-day and seemed much pleased with himself.' Hopes he 'behaved and acquitted himself well.' Signed 'Walter C Horsley'.

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