Autograph Letter Signed ('W Maccall') [to the publishers W. S. Sonnenschein & Co.].

William Maccall (1812-1888), Scottish writer and lecturer [W. S. Sonnenschein & Co.]
Publication details: 
14 November 1882; Stanhope Cottages, Bexley Heath.

4to, 1 page and 12mo, 2 pp (single 4to leaf, folded as to give two 12mo pp on one side). Thirty-seven lines of text. Maccall is 'willing to accept any proposal which is reasonable and just' concerning his 'Christian Legends' (published by Sonnenschein in 1882), and also 'to make sacrifices for the sake of obliging [...] As the one manuscript is about twice the length of the other - I speak from memory, - it might honestly claim better remuneration'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Henry Newbolt') to Routledge.

Sir Henry Newbolt (1862-1938), English poet [George Routledge & Sons, publishers]
Publication details: 
13 October 1906; on letterhead of 23, Earl's Terrace, Kensington, W.

12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Thanking them for the cheque, and returning the 'form of permission to reprint the four poems, signed' (not present).

Signed legal agreement, docketed 'Mr. Richard Muskette agreem[en]t that <?> take the wholl benefitt of the Tenem[en]t - thermewoods -'.

Richard Muskett of 'Walpoole' [Walpole] in the County of Suffolk [Harleston Hall; Edward Winniffe of Brettenham]
Richard Muskett
Publication details: 
Richard Muskett

4to: 1 p. Good, though lightly stained and ruckled, and with seal removed from bottom right-hand corner. 18 lines of text. The document describes part of a previous agreement by 'Edward Wenyefe of Brottenham' to buy the Manor of Harleston Hall from 'Richard Muskett of Walpoole in the County of Suffc', and states a new agreement by Muskett that 'the sd Edward Wenyefe shall from the day & day hereof take the wholl proffitt of the sd Tenement [...]'. Signed 'Richard Muskett' and witnessed by 'Richard Walker', 'Tho: Sparrow' and Ed: '. J. J.

Signed Typed Memorandum of Agreement between Lindsay and the publisher Anthony Blond Limited, for 'a contribution to THE NEW LONDON SPY edited by Hunter Davies on the subject of Lesbianism'.

Cressida Lindsay [Anthony Blond Ltd; The New London Spy]
Publication details: 
1965; no place.

One page, A4. In poor condition: creased and dogeared with several closed tears and a staple in the top left-hand corner. With 'not valid' in ms in top right-hand corner. The contribution, to be delivered by 1 August 1965, was to have been five thousand words in length, 'at the rate of 10 guineas for each thousand words of the contribution'. In the event it was replaced by Maureen Duffy's piece on 'Lesbianism in London'. Signed by 'Cressida Lindsay' and by 'Desmond Brian' on behalf of Blond.

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