[‘I knew the lady well’: General Sir Nevil Macready on Millicent, Duchess of Sutherland, her field hospital and marital misadventures.] Autograph Letter Signed to William Toynbee, editor of the diaries of his father, actor William Charles Macready.

Sir Nevil Macready [Cecil Frederick Nevil Macready] (1862-1946), World War general, son of William Charles Macready [William Toynbee (1849-1942); Millicent, Duchess of Sutherland (1867-1955)]
Publication details: 
28 August [no year]. On embossed letterhead of Les Sapins, Boulevard Thiers, Fontainebleau S & M’.

Macready’s entry in the Oxford DNB states that he destroyed his diary and personal papers after the publication of his memoirs in 1924. If the present gossipy specimen is anything to go by, the loss of this material is most regrettable. (The ODNB entry for his father notes that he dealt with William Charles Macready's ‘copious and uninhibited diaries’ in similar fashion in 1914 - two years after the appearance of Toynbee’s edition.) See also the entry for Millicent, Duchess of Sutherland (1867-1955). 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage.

[World War One.] Handbill with ornate coloured decorative border, headed ‘ROLL OF HONOUR’, intended for ‘A Record of Friends and Relatives who answered the call of King and Country in the Great War: 1914-1915.’

[World War One] Geo. Newnes Limited, London; Hudson & Kearns Limited, lithographic printers
Publication details: 
Circa 1915 or 1916. ‘Published by Geo. Newnes Ltd., Southampton St. Strand [London]’. Printer: ‘Hudson & Kearns, Ltd., London, Litho, London, S.E.’

A nice piece of First World War ephemera, from the period of transition from volunteering to conscription. Newnes was a leading British publisher of the period, and the present item may have been inserted in one of its periodicals, which included ‘The Strand Magazine’, ‘Women’s Own’ and ‘John O’London’s Weekly’. It is printed on a leaf of good quality cream 4to wove paper, and was intended for completion. In fair condition, lightly aged, with light wear and creasing to extremities.

[Rowland Edmund Prothero [Lord Ernle], author, politician and first-class cricketer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed, as President of the Board of Agriculture, reporting on the wartime situation to the Speaker of the House of Commons [James Lowther].

Rowland Edmund Prothero [latterly Lord Ernle] (1851-1937), author, agriculturalist, Conservative politician and first-class cricketer [James Lowther (1855-1940), Speaker of the House of Commons]
Publication details: 
1 July and 5 September 1918. Both on letterhead of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 4 Whitehall Place, S.W.1 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both letters 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, but with the first bearing two tape stains. Both folded for postage. Each signed ‘R. E. Prothero’ and addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Speaker’. ONE (1 July 1918): He explains that ‘Agricultural labourers are specially excluded from the category of men to whom the War Office appeal to the V.T.C is addressed’, but that it was ‘only to be expected, as I had pointed out, that the appeal would still be made to them and that they would go in the middle of the harvest season. / The scheme is opposed by the Min.

[Lady Maud Wilbraham, President of the Silver Thimble Fund.] Autograph Card Signed to ‘Mrs Allan’ [Mrs Evelyn Julia Allan] of the Red Cross, thanking her for a contribution, and deploring the state of the times.

Lady Maud Wilbraham [Lady Alice Maud Bootle-Wilbraham] (1861-1922), President of the Silver Thimble Fund [Mrs Evelyn Julia Allen of the Chelsea Red Cross; Mrs Hope Elizabeth Hope Clarke of Wimbledon]
Publication details: 
1 June 1918. With printed details of ‘The “Silver Thimble” Fund’, its Wimbledon address deleted and replaced by Wilbraham’s: 26 Lower Sloane Street, SW1 [London].

An evocative artefact of one of the most successful British charities of the Great War. The Silver Thimble Fund was founded by Hope Elizabeth Hope Clarke of Wimbledon in 1915, and run from her house. Damaged trinkets made of precious metals, including 60,000 silver thimbles, were collected and melted down, paying for fifteen ambulances for the front and other medical transportation and equipment. The recipient is Mrs. Evelyn Julia Allan, listed in 1918 in the London Gazette as Honorary Secretary, Chelsea Division, British Red Cross.

[‘Pray destroy this letter.’ Hall Caine, English novelist, regarding his war work for the B.ritish Government.] Long ‘Strictly Private’ Autograph Letter Signed to Douglas Sladen, also assessing the position of the man of letters in his England.

Hall Caine [Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine] (1853-1931), hugely-popular Victorian and Edwardian Isle of Man author [Douglas Sladen [Douglas Brooke Wheelton Sladen] (1856-1947), author and academic]
Publication details: 
10 April 1917; on letterhead of Heath Brow, Hampstead Heath.

An excellent letter, in which Caine evaluates his wartime activities, criticises those of others, and gives his opinion of the the standing of the man of letters in the England of his time. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. A long letter: forty-two lines in Caine’s distinctive close hand, with the first two pages on the rectos of the leaves, and the third page written lengthwise on the verso of the first leaf. Signed ‘Hall Caine’ and addressed to ‘My dear Sladen’.

[The Campaign in Mesopotamia, British Army, First World War.] Duplicated Typescript, apparently contemporary, of satirical poem by British soldier [by ‘A Tommy’] titled ‘Alphabet of Mesopotamia’.

[‘A Tommy’; Mesopotamia Campaign, British Army, First World War; Iraq; Indian Army; Ottoman Turks]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but apparently written in Mesopotamia in late 1916.

This poem is said to be an earlier work by ‘A Tommy’, the pseudonymous author of the collection ‘If I Goes West’, published in London by Harrap in 1918. WorldCat has no entries to support a second claim: that the present poem was published in 1917, with the subtitle ‘Verses written by a “Tommy” who has fought, suffered and triumphed in Mesopotamia, and is still on active service there’.

['Bert Thomas', British political cartoonist.] Copy of his book 'Close-ups Through a childs eyes / by Bert Thomas', with label bearing autograph inscription.

‘Bert Thomas’ [Herbert Samuel Thomas MBE (1883-1966)], British political cartoonist who contributed to Punch magazine and created British propaganda posters during the two world wars
'Bert Thomas'
Publication details: 
No date (circa 1943). 'A Tuck Book / Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd / Copyright Printed in England'.
'Bert Thomas'

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. A scarce item: no copy in the British Library and the only copies on COPAC at Cambridge and the V & A. In fair condition, lightly aged and with slight creasing to outer edge of front cover, on which a label has been laid down, carrying an inscription (repaired at one corner with archival tape) by Thomas: ‘From one child to another - Love and I cant thank you enough for everything - I’ll look forward to Janiuary - Muh love I’ll writer later’. A stapled pamphlet in brown card wraps. 16pp, landscape 8vo.

[The growing First World War pensions crisis discussed by a member of the government.] Autograph Letter Signed from William Hayes Fisher [the future Lord Downham] to Willoughby Hyett Dickinson, discussing the problem ‘full of difficulty’.

William Hayes Fisher [Lord Downham] (1853-1920), Conservative politician, President of Local Government Board and Minister of Information in Lloyd George's War Cabinet [Sir Willoughby Hyett Dickinson]
Publication details: 
25 October 1915. 13 Buckingham Palace Gardens, S.W. [London.]

See Fisher’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Earlier in 1915 he had joined the Asquith government as Parliamentary Secretary to the Local Government Board, and he would retain this post until June of 1917, when Lloyd George would promote him to the cabinet as President of the Local Government Board. The recipient Willoughby Hyett Dickinson (1859-1943), later an influential proponent of the League of Nations, began his career as a Liberal MP. He was knighted in 1918, and elevated to the peerage as Baron Dickinson of Painswick in 1930, the same year in which he joined the Labour Party.

[Lord Hankey [Maurice Hankey, 1st Baron Hankey], Secretary of Lloyd George’s War Cabinet.] Typed Letter Signed (‘Hankey’) to T. Lloyd Humberstone, regarding a book he is working on, and pressure to ‘cut out all reference to my diary’.

Lord Hankey [Maurice Pascal Alers Hankey, 1st Baron Hankey] (1877-1963), British civil servant, Secretary of Lloyd George’s War Cabinet [T. Lloyd Humberstone]
Publication details: 
11 June 1954. On letterhead of Highstead, Limpsfield, Surrey.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Thomas Lloyd Humberstone (1876-1957) was a prominent member of the Convocation of the University of London. The work referred to in this letter is probably Hankey's 'The Supreme Command', the two volumes of which would be published in 1961. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded three times. He is returning his letter and ‘its interesting enclosure’. Not having had any experience of the Central Office of Information, he is left with the impression ‘that they are not very well informed on questions of Military Organisation’.

[‘A deliberate attempt was made to overthrow the Government’: Lloyd George’s Chief Whip lays into a Liberal on the eve of the ‘Coupon Election’ following the end of the Great War.] Long Typed Letter Signed from Frederick Guest to W. H. Dickinson.

Frederick Edward Guest [Freddie Guest] (1875-1937), politician, sportsman and promoter of aviation, Chief Whip in Lloyd George's Coalition Liberal Party [Sir Willoughby Hyett Dickinson (1859-1943)]
Publication details: 
26 November 1918. On embossed letterhead of 12 Downing Street, S.W.1. [London.]

An extraordinary letter, rubbing the nose of a pro-Asquith Liberal in the muck on the eve of his leader Lloyd George’s landslide Coalition victory in the 1918 ‘Coupon Election’. Guest, who was Winston Churchill’s cousin, is described in his entry in the Oxford DNB as a ‘highly controversial’ figure who ‘knew where all the bodies were buried’, a useful attribute for someone who served as the Coalition Chief Whip from 1917 to 1921. The recipient Willoughby Hyett Dickinson (1859-1943), later an influential proponent of the League of Nations, began his career a Liberal MP.

[Sir Ian Hamilton, British commander in the Gallipoli Campaign.] Autograph Letter Signed to George Townsend Warner, following consultation with Lord Roberts over a musketry matter and Harrow School.

Sir Ian Hamilton [Sir Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton] (1853-1947), soldier, commander of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force in the First World War Gallipoli Campaign [George Townsend Warner]
Publication details: 
2 March 1901; on letterhead of 3 Chesterfield Street, Mayfair. [London.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient is the Harrow housemaster George Townsend Warner (1865-1916), father of the novelist Sylvia Townsend Warner, referred to as ‘Townsend Warner / Historian’ in a pencil note to this letter. Signed ‘Ian Hamilton’. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with a few pin holes from attachment of a no-longer-present enclosure. Folded twice. Possibly concerning shooting practice for the Harrow army cadets.

[Christopher Fry: the schoolboy diaries of his elder brother Charles Leslie Harris.] Four years of diaries, 1916-1919, covering his time at Bedford School.

[Christopher Fry [born Arthur Hammond Harris] (1907-2005), playwright] his brother Charles Leslie Harris (b.1902) [Bedford School]
Publication details: 
1916 to 1919, each a ‘Charles Letts School-Boy’s Diary’. At front of diaries for 1916 and 1917 he writes: ‘C L. Harris / 120 Gladstone St / Bedford’.

See Fry’s entry by Michael Billington in the Dictonary of National Biography. His brother survives as a rather shadowy figure: he was certainly alive in 1978, when Fry referred to him in the account of his family background ‘Can You Find Me / A Family History’ (OUP). In that volume Fry describes his ‘brother Leslie’ as a baby ‘growing sturdily’, noting that ‘though he was later called by his first name Charles, he was Leslie for many years to come’.

[‘Snub him & send him home.’ President Woodrow Wilson is a ‘Bally Ass’ and ‘distinctly Socialistic’.] Autograph Letter Signed from Republican politician A. H. Olmsted to P. A. Currie, attacking Wilson on the eve of the Paris Peace Conference.

A. H. Olmsted [Albert Henry Olmsted] (d.1842-1929), banker and Republican party politician, half-brother of ‘father of landscape architecture’ Frederick Law Olmsted [President Woodrow Wilson]
Publication details: 
26 January 1919; on letterheads of the Hotel Del Monte, California.

Having made the first state visit to the United Kingdom by an American President, 26 to 28 December 1918, Wilson was in Europe at the opening of the Paris Peace Conference, which would result in the League of Nations and Treaty of Versailles. The present letter presents in forthright terms the Republican position on his activities in the aftermath of the First World War. 5pp, 12mo. On five leaves of letterheads of the Hotel Del Monte, California (‘Carl S. Stanley, Manager’). In postmarked envelope from the Hotel (stamps torn away), addressed to ‘Mr. P. A.

[Annie Besant; Bloomsbury Group; Periodical; One issue of United India, vol.II, No. 26

[Annie Besant; Bloomsbury Group]
Publication details: 
September 29, 1920. Printed at the Pelican Press [...] and published by United India Co., Ltd [...],

Paginated [387]-402, fold marks, small rust marks from staples, punch-hole. From the papers formerly held at the headquarters of the National Indian Association and the Northbrook Society, 21 Cromwell Road, later by its former Warden, Roland Knaster. BUT stamped 1917-CLUB, a club founded by Leonard Woolf, frequented by his friends and (re. Wikipedia entry, Gordon Childe, Ramsay MacDonald, Aldous Huxley, H. G. Wells, H. N. Brailsford, Elsa Lanchester, Rose Macaulay,[3] Frederick Pethick-Lawrence, J. A. Hobson, Norah C. James, W. C. Anderson, Mary Hamilton, Emile Burns, E. D.

Copy of the Irish republican newspaper 'Saoirse na h-Éireann. Irish Freedom', from the papers of Robert Lynd, and with the front-page article 'Germany is not Ireland's Enemy' possibly written by him.

Robert Lynd [Robert Wilson Lynd; Riobard ua Floinn] (1979-1949), Irish essayist [Saoirse na h-Éireann. Irish Freedom]
Publication details: 
'Printed by Patrick Mahon, 3 Yarnhall St., Dublin, for the Proprietors and published by them at their Office, 12 D'Olier Street, Dublin.' September 1914.

8pp., folio. Unopened. On aged high-acidity paper, with wear along central vertical fold, and chipping to extremities. The article is unsigned, and covers the whole of the front page and p.5 (which is headed 'Ireland won't be fooled again.') and ends on p.6. An inflammatory piece of writing, as the following paragraph indicates: 'Good-bye, Tommy! | Firstly, the army of occupation has been taken from Ireland. Dozens of ships were steaming in and out of Dublin Bay for a week, taking away the men who held this country for England before Mr. Redmond offered Mr.

[ Bayard Taylor, Poet ] Autograph Note Signed Bayard Taylor to an unnamed correspondent about My subject [...]

Bayard Taylor (1825–1878), American poet, literary critic, translator, travel author, and diplomat.
Publication details: 
Kennett Square, Peoria, 20 Oct. 186[4?].

Piece of paper from lined exercise book, 11 x 13cm, good condition. Text: My subject will be 'Ourselves and Our Relations' [all underlined]. OURSELVES AND OUR RELATIONS.; Lecture by Mr.

[ Lauri Wylie; playwright; Dinner for One; Der 90. Geburtstag ] Three Typed Letters Signed Lauri (2) and L. (1) AND one Autograph Letter Signed Lauri | LAURI WYLIE to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, about theatre topics including his own writing.

Lauri Wylie [Lauri Wylie (1880 – 1951), originally Maurice Laurence Samuelson Metzenberg, British actor and author, inc. the play Dinner for One (most frequently repeated TV programme ever).]
Publication details: 
All from Two Courtenay Towers | Hove 3, 13, 20, 27 August 1950 (typed letters) and 22 January 1951 (Holograph).

Total 4pp., 4to, one with corner torn off, all a little battered but texts clear and complete. Letter One: He asks if anything can be done with [his] book, and discusses his re-writing another straight play. They don't seem to be able to stop me. I roughed it out during the war but have now done a lot to it. I think it's a winner! So does every one else who writes plays [further lighthearted comment on writing plays]. He asks finally whether Macqueen-Pope has any new books coming on. They seem to go down big.

[Dodie Smith, author of 'The Hundred and One Dalamatians'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Dodie') to 'Popie' (theatre historian W. J. MacQueen-Pope), regarding her contract with Walt Disney, a celebratory dinner in London, the death of her own dalmatians

Dodie Smith [Dorothy Gladys Smith] (1896-1990), children's writer and playwright, author of 'The Hundred and One Dalmatians' (1956) and 'I Capture the Castle' (1948) [W. J. MacQueen-Pope (1888-1960)]
Publication details: 
2 December 1957. On letterhead of The Barretts, Finchingfield, Essex.

See the entries for Smith and MacQueen-Pope in the Oxford DNB. Walt Disney had read The Hundred and One Dalmatians earlier in the year in which the present letter was written, and had immediately begun negotiations for the rights, much to Smith's delight, as she had hoped that he would make it into a film. 2pp, 8vo. A long letter, in a close and elegant hand. Writing on behalf of herself and her 'friend' and business manager Alec Macbeth Beesley, and on receipt of his latest book, she begins: 'Dear Popie, | How very, very kind of you to send us Give me Yesterday! Thank you so much.

[Lucy Kemp-Welch, painter noted for her depiction of military horses in the Great War.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lucy Kemp-Welch'), accepting an invitation from 'Cousin Florence'.

Lucy Kemp-Welch (1869-1958), painter noted for her depiction of horses, especially during the First World War
Publication details: 
24 December 1902. On letterhead of Kingsley, Bushey, Hertfordshire.

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Having found among her correspondence an unanswered letter from her cousin she apologises for the apparent rudeness, before accepting her 'kind invitation to luncheon when next we are in your neighbourhood'. She hopes that they 'may be in the Forest some time in the summer'. She ends by stating that she is enclosing an autograph for her cousin's friend.

[Lucy Kemp-Welch, painter noted for her depiction of military horses in the Great War.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lucy Kemp-Welch'), accepting an invitation from 'Cousin Florence'.

Lucy Kemp-Welch (1869-1958), painter noted for her depiction of horses, especially during the First World War
Publication details: 
24 December 1902. On letterhead of Kingsley, Bushey, Hertfordshire.

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Having found among her correspondence an unanswered letter from her cousin she apologises for the apparent rudeness, before accepting her 'kind invitation to luncheon when next we are in your neighbourhood'. She hopes that they 'may be in the Forest some time in the summer'. She ends by stating that she is enclosing an autograph for her cousin's friend.

[Sir Edward Morris [as Lord Morris], Prime Minister of Newfoundland.] Typed Letter Signed ('Morris') to Mrs Eustace Hills, accepting her invitation to 'say a few words in connection with the work ahead for women in Empire Citizenship'.

Sir Edward Morris [Edward Patrick Morris, 1st Baron Morris] (1859-1935), Prime Minister of Newfoundland, 1909-1917 [Mrs Eustace Hills, Vice President, Lend-a-Hand Club, London]
Publication details: 
17 October 1924; 3 Heath Drive, Hampstead, N.W.3 [London].

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Bold signature in light-blue ink. He has not forgotten the 'very pleasant meeting' he had with Hills and her husband when she was on a trip to Newfoundland, and will be 'very pleased to accept your kind invitation for luncheon on the 5th November, and say a few words in connection with the work ahead for women in Empire Citizenship'. He assumes that the invitation extends to his wife.

[Walter H. Page, American ambassador to the United Kingdom during the First World War.] Typed Letter Signed ('Walter H. Page') to Lady Lloyd, regarding a letter she wants to be sent to Berlin about a missing British officer.

Walter H. Page [Walter Hines Page] (1855-1918), journalist and publisher, American ambassador to the United Kingdom during the First World War
Publication details: 
2 November 1916. On letterhead of the Embassy of the United States, London.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with tissue labels from mount adhering to the reverse. Folded twice. Embossed letterhead with US seal. Salutation and valediction in Page's autograph, with addition of an exclamation mark. Addressed to 'Lady Lloyd, | 26, Great Cumberland Place, | W. | Enclosure.' He has had 'two moods' about the 'touching letter' that she is enclosing, but believes that 'the best thing to do is not to send it to Berlin'.

[Great War ep'mera: Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges, Brussels, Belgium; Edith Cavell] Nicely-printed notebook intended for correspondence filled with illustrations of German and Allied proclamations & illustrations of devastation by Léon Huygens.

Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges [Brussels, Belgium] [Henri de Schoonen, Président] Léon Huygens (1876-1919), Belgian artist [First World War; the Great War; World War One]
First World War
Publication details: 
[Brussels, Belgium.] Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges. Circa 1917 or 1918.
First World War

An unusual piece of First World War ephemera, a nicely-printed notebook intended for correspondence produced to raise funds for the charity. 48pp, 12mo, each page printed on its own leaf of wove paper. The leaves are perfect bound at the head, notebook-style, into grey card printed wraps, but with the glue now brittle and with the leaves now detached from the wraps, and with some leaves now loose.

[UK Parliament: the first Secret Session in House of Lords, 1916.] Twenty-seven items from papers of N. D. Bosworth Smith of Privy Council Office, including draft Order in Council, correspondence from Lords Crewe, Lansdowne, Morley, Haldane, Milner.

UK Parliament: the first Secret Sessions, 1916 [House of Lords; Secret Sittings; N. D. Bosworth Smith of Privy Council Office; Lords Crewe, Lansdowne, Morley, Haldane, Milner, Duke of Devonshire
Publication details: 
Privy Council Office and other locations in London and elsewhere in Great Britain. 20 to 25 April 1916.

An interesting collection of material relating to the preparations for the historic first Secret Session in the House of Lords, from the papers of Neville Digby Bosworth Smith (1886-1964) of the Privy Council Office. The material dates from the five days preceding 25 April 1916, when the House of Lords having voted in favour of the measure, it held a secret session to debate a motion regarding conscription following the passing of the Military Services Act 1916. (For a contemporary account of the parallel proceedings in the other house, see Sir C. P.

[Admiral Jellicoe, commander of the Grand Fleet at the Battle of Jutland.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J R Jellicoe') congratulating 'Cecil', i.e. future Admiral Sir Stanley Colville, on the birth of a son, discussing his 'joining' the ship as guest.

Admiral Jellicoe [Admiral of the Fleet John Rushworth Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe] (1859-1935), commander of Grand Fleet at Battle of Jutland [Admiral Sir Stanley Cecil James Colville (1861-1939)]
Publication details: 
30 September 1907. On letterhead of HMS Albemarle, Atlantic Fleet.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with a few light stains from mount. Folded once. Having seen the Times announcement of the birth of Cecil's son the previous Saturday, Jellicoe sends his 'Most hearty congratulations' on the birth of Cecil's son, and is 'so delighted that all is going so satisfactorily & that you can come to see us on the 14th.

[James, Viscount Bryce, jurist and British Ambassador to the United States.] Typed Draft Signed ('Bryce') of joint letter 'To the Chairman of | The Government Distress Committee', criticising methods for relieving 'the distress caused by the war'.

James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce (1838-1922), Ulster-born Liberal poltician, academic, British Ambassador to the United States
Publication details: 
No place or date. [London? During the early years of the First World War.]

3pp, 8vo. On three leaves with hole in one corner where they were attached with stud. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter is clearly a draft of a public letter to be signed by a number of eminent individuals, and was presumably composed by Bryce himself. No date or place, simply headed: 'To the Chairman of | The Government Distress Committee.' It begins: 'Sir, | We whose names are appended hereto view with concern the methods that seem about to be adopted for the relief of the distress caused by the war.

[First World War commemoration.] Printed pamphlet with fold-out plan: 'The Empire's War Memorial and a Project for a British Imperial University of Commerce by Ernest H. Taylor and J. B. Black, M.A., B.A.'

Ernest H. Taylor; J. B. Black [Isambard Owen, W. H. Hadow, H. F. Wilson, Angus Watson, T. J. Lennard, A. K. Wright] ['The Empire's War Memorial'; First World War commemoration]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh: Macniven & Wallace, 138 Princes Street, 1920.

56pp, 8vo. With fold-out 'Chart indicating the suggested arrangement of buildings etc:' at rear, 29.5 x 53.5 cm. In grey printed wraps. Internally in good condition, lightly aged, in worn and torn wraps which are becoming detached. With label, stamp and shelfmarks of the Board of Education Reference Library. Black's preface (pp.5-6) begins by explaining that 'The ideas embodied in the following pages are the product of some eight months incarceration in Germany.

[Lyric Theatre, London: First World War benefit concert.] Programme for 'Ellen Terry's Bouquet', 'In Aid of the Concerts at the Front'. Containing 'Letter from the Commander-in-Chief', Douglas Haig.

Lena Ashwell; Concerts at the Front; Lyric Theatre, London; Dame Ellen Terry; Lilian Braithwaite; Dorothy Moulton; E. V. Lucas; Harry Grattan; Howard Carr; Frederick Rosse; Douglas Haig
Publication details: 
Lyric Theatre, London ('Organised by Miss Lena Ashwell in conjunction with the Ladies' Auxiliary Committee of the Y.M.C.A.'), on 29 June 1917. [Slug: 'LONDON: FINDEN BROWN AND CO. LTD., 15, CRAVEN STREET, STRAND'.]

11 + [1]pp, 4to. Stitched with pink thread and unbound. In fair condition, lightly aged. Nicely printed on laid paper, with cover illustration in black and green of view from back of stage of dancer receiving a bouquet from an audience. The second page gives details of the performance, with a list of the names of the 'Executive Committee'. The programme is on pp.3-11. Divided into 16 numbers. After five songs, the main feature (numbers 6-15 pp.4-8) is 'Chelsea on Tiptoe | New Version', with 'A Prologue | Written specially for “Ellen Terry's Bouquet” | By E. V.

[Sir John Lavery, Irish artist, to Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope, portraitist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Lavery'), regarding the Artists' General Benevolent Institution and a man who has 'pestered' him 'by his visits and letters'.

Sir John Lavery (1856-1941), RA, Irish painter [Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope (1857-1940), RA, portrait painter; Artists' General Benevolent Institution, London]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 5 Cromwell Place, S.W.7 [London]. 30 January 1918.

2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Addressed to 'My dear Cope'. After thanking him for his letter Lavery writes: 'Our “friend” [Braynard?] when he called to ask for my signature told me many things, amongst others that the A. G. B. I. had already given him a grant some time back and that [Charleton?], Brangwyn and I were his sponsors | I had a hazy recollection of him and made up my mind that I would sign his paper and let the Secretary of the A. G. B. I. know the circumstance, which I did do that same day.

[Sir Charles Trevelyan and the Union of Democratic Control.] Typed Letter Signed ('Charles Trevelyan') to 'Mr. Armstrong [the journalist George Gilbert Armstrong]', offering to review his book.

Sir Charles Trevelyan (1870-1958), Liberal politician, one of the founders of the Union of Democratic Control, prominent group opposing the First World War [George Gilbert Armstrong (1870-1945)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Union of Democratic Control, 37 Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. London. 31 March 1916.

1p., 4to. Aged and creased, with closed tears and damage to extremities. He will be 'very glad if you will instruct Allen's to send me a copy of your book. I will review it, though I cannot promise to do it in any particular month for the "U.D.C".' The organisation will be glad to 'enclose a number of your circulars, if you will have them sent. Not more than a thousand.'

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