[Alys Pearsall Smith, first wife of Bertrand Russell.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Alys Russell') to 'Mr Armstrong' [radical journalist George Gilbert Armstrong], regarding his 'valuable little pamphlet'.

Alys Russell [born Alyssa Whitall Pearsall Smith] (1867-1951), American Quaker activist, sister of critic Logan Pearsall Smith, first wife of Bertrand Russell [George Gilbert Armstrong (1870-1945)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 11 St Leonard's Terrace, Chelsea, S.W. [London] 29 June 1917.

She thanks him for sending his 'most interesting & valuable little pamphlet', which she will give to her friends to read, hoping that it will 'really help at this most difficult time'. She is struck by his 'footnote about “The Freedom of the Seas”', and wishes she 'could really understand that subject'. She ends by asking (disingenuously?) if anything has been written which 'puts your point of view at more length & simply enough for an ordinary mortal to take it in'. The pamphlet referred to is presumably Armstrong's 'Peace with Security' (1917).

[Flatbush Motor Corps, National League for Woman's Service, New York.] Programme of entertainment in aid of the Corps, including 'Houdini | The World's Greatest Mystifier' and 'The Celebrated Creator of the Jazz Dance Craze' Bert Kelly.

Flatbush Motor Corps, National League for Woman's Service, New York [Harry Houdini; Bert Kelly's Famous Band; Red Cross]
Publication details: 
[Flatbush, Brooklyn, New York.] Flatbush Theatre, Church and Flatbush Avenues. 9 December 1918.

[40]pp., small 4to. Stapled in brown printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Title from cover, where it is printed in blue, enclosed in a border of US flags, with clutch of four flags (UK Red Ensign, Cuban, French, US) in blue and red at head. Filled with advertisements, including an illustrated full-page one inside the front cover for 'Dodge Brothers | Convertible Car'.

[The Tank in the First World War.] Autograph Letter Signed from Captain R. B. Otter-Barry of the School of Musketry, Hayling Island, to marine artist W. L. Wyllie, writing during the First World War, and giving 'informatkon on tank fighting'.

Captain Richard Briere Otter-Barry, School of Musketry, Hayling Island, Hampshire [William Lionel Wyllie (1851-1931), distinguished English marine artist; the British Army tank in the First World War]
Publication details: 
School of Musketry, Hayling Island, Hampshire. 24 March [no year, but around 1916].

2pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'Dear Mr. Wyllie'. Writing following a visit to the School by Wyllie (who from the context appears to have been doing war work to assist Otter-Barry), Otter-Barry begins by stating that he will be sending him a sketch, adding: 'I was sorry to see so little of you on the day you came over, but I was pretty well occupied & taxed with all these infernal staff people about.

[Admiral Beatty, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Fleet, thanks the U.S. Sixth Battle Squadron for their help in 'bringing about the greatest naval victory in history'.] Pamphlet: '“Comrades of the Mist” | Admiral Beatty's Message to U.S. Squadron'.

[Earl Beatty [Admiral of the Fleet David Richard Beatty, 1st Earl Beatty] (1871-1936), distinguished Royal Navy officer]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from “The Times,” London, Wednesday, 18 December 1918.' London: Chiswick Press. [1918]

An attractive Chiswick Press item (on the firm's own paper), possibly printed for Beatty himself. No other copy traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC. 3pp., 12mo. Printer's slug at foot of otherwise-blank reverse of second leaf. On laid paper with 'Chiswick Press' watermark. Aged and worn, with pin-hole through top inner corner of both leaves, and light staining at foot of first page. Reprinting a speech thanking the US Atlantic Fleet 'again, again, and again for the great part the Sixth Battle Squadron has played in bringing about the greatest naval victory in history'.

Edward VII's socialist mistress 'Daisy' Greville, Countess of Warwick, argues for the abolition of the aristocracy as hereditary landowners. ] Corrected Typescript, signed 'Frances E Warwick.', of an article titled 'We Must Go'.

Daisy Greville, Countess of Warwick [ Frances Evelyn Greville, Countess of Warwick, née Maynard ] (1861-1938), campaigning socialist and mistress of Edward VII
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [ Published in the Daily Chronicle, 12 April 1917, under the title 'Why the State should Own the Land', and reprinted in the journal 'Land Values', May 1917. ]

[1] + 8pp., 4to. On one side each of nine leaves, held together with a brass stud. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with the first page (carrying only the title and with pencil note 'Ordered') detached.

[ Thomas Nelson Page, U.S. Ambassador to Italy under President Woodrow Wilson during World War I. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos Nelson Page'), addressed to 'My dear Ladies', an amusing letter regarding his lack of a 'favorite recipe'.

Thomas Nelson Page (1853-1922), American author and lawyer, U.S. Ambassador to Italy under President Woodrow Wilson during World War I
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 1759 R Street, Corner, New Hampshire Avenue [ Washington D.C. ]. 20 December 1897.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He explains that if he had 'a favorite recipe' he would 'with pleasure impart it', but that he has none. He prefers to 'follow St Paul's advice and eat what is set before me asking no questions. I may say that I believe that I get better results in this way than if I were to interfere.'

[ Ministry of Munitions, First World War: Banbury factory. ] Two post cards, each with printed poem: 'An Appreciation' (of women workers), 'Composed by G. Gilbert, Munition Worker' and 'An Answer to "An Appreciation." By One on “The Other Shift.”'

'Mr. G. Gilbert, Munition Worker' and 'One on "The Other Shift"'[ Ministry of Munitions National Filling Factory No. 9, Banbury, Oxfordshire, in the First World War; The Banbury Advertiser ]
Publication details: 
Both dating from the First World War. The 'Answer' published from '"Advertiser" Office, Banbury.' [ Oxfordshire ]

Two First World War postcards, with the poems printed in black lengthwise on one side, and 'POST CARD' and the usual arrangement printed on the other side. Neither item with any manuscript text or other additions. Both in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Valuable artefacts, filled with information about the workings of a munitions factory, and reflecting the tensions between the male and female workers. No other copies traced, either in the Imperial War Museum, on OCLC WorldCat, or on COPAC. ONE: Headed 'An Appreciation. | (Copyright.)' At foot: 'Composed by Mr. G.

[ Sir Bertram Sausmerez Carey on the Burma Labour Corps: signed presentation copy. ] A Recruiting Speech made by the Hon'ble Mr. B. S. Carey, C.S.I., at Sagaing, on 1st November 1917.'

B. S. Carey [ Sir Bertram Sausmerez Carey (1864-1919), Commissioner at Sagaing in the Burma Civil Service; the Burma Labour Corps, First World War ]
Publication details: 
'Printed by order of the Government of Burma. | G, B. C. P. O. [i.e. Government of Burma Central Printing Office ] - No. 867, Chief Secy, 9(a), 19-11-17 [ i.e. 19 November 1917 ] - 150. [i.e. 150 copies ]'

11pp., 8vo. Unbound as issued: on three bifoliums attached at one corner with string. In good condition, lightly aged. Inscribed by Carey above the drophead title: 'Mrs. H. Tonkinson with grateful thanks for her work in connection with the Corps | B. S. Carey'. (See p.10: 'I cannot leave the subject without paying a tribute to Mrs. Tonkinson for her untiring and successful efforts as Honorary Secretary of the Committee.

[ British Women on the Home Front in the First World War. ] Mimeographed Leaflet, on Government letterhead, of poem '"The Girls They Left Behind Them" | Air -: The Minstrel Boy.'[

[ British Women on the Home Front in the First World War; Sir Richard Harington, 12th Baronet, of Ridlington (1861-1931; Thomas Moore) ]
Publication details: 
Undated. Circa 1916.

The item derives from the papers of Sir Richard Harington, 12th Baronet of Ridlington (1861-1931), who volunteered for the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve on the outbreak of the First World War, and was promoted to the rank of Chief Petty Officer in the Anti-Aircraft Corps, serving in that capacity until 1916. 2pp., foolscap folio. On both sides of a leaf of paper with embossed Government crest. In fair condition, lightly-aged and worn, with a few short closed tears to edges. Mimeographed duplication of a manuscript poem parodying Thomas Moore's poem 'The Minstrel Boy'.

[ Mabel Dearmer, author and pacifist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dearest Molly'

Mabel Dearmer [ Jessie Mabel Prichard Dearmer, née White ] (1872-1915), English illustrator, writer, nursing orderly and pacifist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of St. Mary's Vicarage, Primrose Hill, N.W. [ London ] 23 April [ 1909 ].

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. A warm and characteristically solicitous letter. She has heard 'such a sad account' of the recipient, and hopes she is 'quite well & fit again now'. The Dearmers 'couldn't manage Paris but we should have loved it - There has been so much - boys' holidays & my book & now another new play! I am sending you "Gervase" - I always think of correcting the proofs at Alnmouth and the sunshine there - & your little red cap with the tassel!' She asks if 'Mrs.

[ First World War: British Military Mission to Italy. ] Four Autograph Letters Signed from 'Charlie' to 'Nonna', with reference to 'intrigues', his superior Delmé-Radcliffe, and a visit to Austrian trenches in 'the Caroo'.

[ British Military Mission to Italy, First World War ] [Missione Militare di Sua Maestà Britannica, Addetta al Comando Supremo, Italia; Brig. Gen.Sir Charles Delmé-Radcliffe (1864-1937) ]
Publication details: 
All four on letterheads of the 'Missione Militare di Sua Maestà Britannica, Addetta al Comando Supremo, Italia' [ British Military Mission Italian Army in the Field ]. 30 December 1916; 10 January and 16 and 20 June 1917.

Four interesting and evocative letters. The identity of the writer is not known. All but the third letter are addressed to 'Dearest Nonna', who appears to be married to 'George' and living in Viareggio. ONE: 30 December 1916. 2pp., 4to. 'This place is simply a nest of intrigues and I wish I had some of your dear familys clever brains to sort things out a bit & put them right. I loathe the double-faced dealing necessary to combat intrigues and am afraid I may lose my temper one day & tell them what I think of them - & that wd be fatal.

[ The Russian Revolution: the Assistant Minister of War addresses the Council of Peasants' Delegates. ] Account, in English, of a report by 'Colonel Iakubovitch' on the state of the Russian Army, in a speech to the Council of Peasants' Delegates.

Colonel G. A. Iakubovich [ G. A. Yakubovich; G. A. Iakubovitch ], Assistant Minister of War under Kerensky in the Provisional Russian Government of 1917 [ Russian Revolution ]
Publication details: 
'Council of Peasants' Delegates [ Moscow ]. 24 May 1917.

After the February Revolution and abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, Kerensky, as Minister of War, was the dominant figure in the provisional government that held power until overthrown by the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution. According to Semion Lyandres, 'The Fall of Tsarism', along with Lev Stepanovich Tugan-Baranovskii and G. N. Tumanov, Captain G. A. Iakubovich 'belonged to the troika of Kerenskii's most trusted military aides during his tenure in the Provisional Government'. 4pp., foolscap 8vo. First page headed: 'Council of Peasants' Delegates. | 24th. May 1917.

[ Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, actor. ] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Johnston') to his sister the artist Cecilia, on family matters, with a description of his passage across the Atlantic on a troop ship.

Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson (1853-1937), distinguished Shakespearian actor [ Cecilia Forbes-Robertson, artist ]
Publication details: 
First: 10 June 1916, letterhead of Hartsbourne Manor, Bushey Heath, Hertfordshire. Second: 28 December 1917, letterhead of 18 Sussex Square, Brighton. Third: 4 October 1915; Wychdene, St. Cliff Parade, Broadstairs.

All three items in good condition, lightly aged and worn, and all in envelopes addressed by him to her at 48 Hogarth Road, South Kensington (the third 'Earls Court'). ONE: 10 June 1916. 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. He begins by expressing a desire to visit the family, and then gives directions for the use of field glasses which he is sending his father. 'They are German I am sorry to say, but the best.' TWO: 28 December 1917. 2pp., 12mo. He found her 'beautiful drawing' on his return home, and 'Auntie Gertrude will see it today. - I was thirteen days at sea, the ship having to go up to Halifax.

[ Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount Astor. ] Typed Letter Signed, as Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, to Mrs. B. Le Cras, defending Sir Eyre Crowe against the charge of being too soft on the Germans.

Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount Astor (1879-1952), American-born English politician and newspaper proprietor [ Sir Eyre Crowe (1864-1925), diplomat ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Ministry of Food, Palace Chambers, Westminster, London, S.W.1. 23 January 1919.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. His reply to her letter has been delayed by his 'absence in Paris on official business'. He is 'satisfied that the attacks upon Sir Eyre Crowe are based upon entire ignorance of the facts'. Crowe 'has always held strongly anti-German views and expressed himself officially in this sense as long ago as 1908'. Astor understands 'that the Kaiser personally requested his removal from the Foreign Office for this reason on more than one occasion'.

[ British Expeditionary Force, Flanders. ] Galley proofs of article for the First World War National Guard titled 'A Visit to Flanders | Notes from the Diary of Captain Leigh Wood, C.M.G.', relating to the Belgian Field Hospital in Hoogstade.

Lt Col. Sir James Leigh-Wood KBE, CB, CMG (1870-1949) [ British Expeditionary Force, Flanders; Belgian Field Hospital, Hoogstadt [ Hoogstade ]; National Guard in the Great War; Sir Richard Harington ]
Publication details: 
[ The National Guard, England. ] Describing events over 10 to 15 May [ 1916 ], and published around that time].

Three strips of paper, each with a single column of text in small print: 47 + 55 + 30 cm. Complete article, paginated to 3. The second strip has the running title 'National Guard - A Visit to Flanders - 2'. Aged and creased, and with a corner torn away from the third strip, resulting in loss of text to six lines and the running title, Two minor manuscript corrections.

[ Low Moor Explosion, Bradford, 1916. ] Printed handbill poem: 'The Yorkshire Munitions Disaster. A descriptive Poem on the Munitions Disaster, which occurred on August 21st, 1916, resulting in loss of life and destruction of property.'

Ben Norton, The Yorkshire Poet [ Low Moor Explosion, Bradford, 1916; Blackburn & Co., Printers, Leeds ]
Publication details: 
Copyright. Price one penny. Wholesale, or Retail from the Author: Ben Norton, Newsagent, 17, Alexandra Road, Leeds. Blackburn & Co., Printers, 188, Cardigan Road, Leeds. [ 1916. ]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Heavily creased and worn. A large number of Norton's productions are listed on the front and back pages. Eleven eight-line stanzas. The poem, which does not mention Bradford once, begins: 'On the 21st of August, | In the year nineteen-sixteen, | A great munition works in Yorkshire | Was a busy, lively scene.

[ Field Marshal Haig. ] Original duplicated typed 'Notification', warning the population of the occupied territories against 'hostile actions' against the British Army.

Field Marshal Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig [ General Haig ] (1861-1928), Commander of the British Expeditionary Force on the Western Front in the First World War [ British Army of the Rhine ]
Publication details: 
[ British Army of the Rhine. ] 'Given out December 1st, 1918 in my great headquarters | Sig. D. HAIG, Field Marshall | Commander in Chief of the British Armies.'

1p., folio. On wove paper with watermark of 'MONCKTON | BASTED MILL | KENT'. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Pinholes to top corners, the item presumably having been displayed on a noticeboard. One word has been added in a contemporary hand (details given below). An historic piece of Great War ephemera, of which no other copy has been traced, with no copies at the Imperial War Museum, on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[ The British Army in Egypt (Suez Canal), First World War. ] Three typed duplicated documents, including a typed four-page 'Disposition of Troops in the Canal Defences, 15th January, 1915.', and a list of 'British Force in Egypt in August, 1914.'

[ The British Army in Egypt and at the Suez Canal during the First World War; Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener [ Lord Kitchener ]; General Sir John Grenfell Maxwell [ General Maxwell ]]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but the quoted documents dating from 1914 and 1915. ]

Three documents, all in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, each of the total of six leaves with three (later?) punch holes to the inner margins of the leaves. On the same browned thin wove paper. The source of these items is uncertain, but they appear to date from the first decades of the twentieth century. ONE: 'Disposition of Troops in the Canal Defences, 15th January, 1915.' 4pp., folio. Beginning with: 'G.O.C., Canal Defences. - Major-General A. Wilson. | Chief Staff Officer, Canal Defences. - Br.-General A. H.

[ Chelsea Hospital for Officers. ] Programme for an entertainment, signed by 25 performers ('The P.U.O.'s. (Pierrots of Unknown Origin)') and Sir Edward Marshall Hall

Chelsea Hospital for Officers, London, founded by Lady Violet Brassey; Sir Edward Marshall Hall (1858-1927), barrister and Conservative MP
Publication details: 
[ Chelsea Hospital for Officers, 40 Upper Grosvenor Street, London. ] 'Xmas 1918.'

[4]pp., 8vo. On shiny art paper. Stitched with red, white and blue ribbon into cream card wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The front cover of the wraps has the signature of 'E. Marshall-Hall' at its head, and is illustrated with a spoof coat of arms, featuring three nurses, beneath the heading 'The P.U.O.'s. (Pierrots of Unknown Origin)'. Inside the front cover is a page of spoof advertisements, with in-jokes about the performers, as well as one clearly referring to Marshall Hall: 'I will cure you of the Swearing Habit in 9 days.

[ Lieut-Col. Arthur Campbell Yate, traveller and soldier. ] Autograph Card Signed and Two Autograph Letters Signed (all 'A. C. Yate') to Sir H. T. Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, on papers on the Indian Branch of the Red Cross and Indian Army

Lieut-Col. Arthur Campbell Yate (1853-1929) of Beckbury Hall, Shifnal, traveller, soldier, author, and Honorary Secretary, Central Asian Society [ Sir Henry Trueman Wood; Royal Society of Arts ]
Publication details: 
The three items on letterheads of Beckbury Hall, Shifnal. Postcard: 5 March 1915. Letters: 10 and 13 December 1916.

According to his long obituary in The Times, 13 June 1929 ('Central Asian Politics'), Yates's 'studies of the affairs of the Indian borderland, Central Asia, and the Middle East were probably excelled by few retired officers of the Indian Army in wealth of detail and personal knowledge of events and personalities spread over the last half-century'. See also his long entry in Who Was Who. The three items are in fair condition, on aged and worn paper with rusting from paperclip. They carry the stamp and docketing of the Society. The card - signed 'A. C. Yate (Lt..

[ First World War printed pamphlet. ] The National Party to promote Reform, Union and Defence. A Statement of Policy.

The National Party, London [ First World War ]
Publication details: 
Published by The Provisional Committee of The National Party, at 22, King Street, St. James', London, S.W.1. [1917]

15pp., 8vo. Stapled. With stamp on cover of the 'Secretary – National Party, | 23 Kilvert's Buildings, | Withy Grove, | Manchester.' In good condition, lightly aged and worn. List at front of 27 'Members of both Houses of Parliament and other public men' who issued the 'original Manifesto', from 'Colonel Lord Ampthill, G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E.' to 'Lt.-Col. Lord Stafford, D.S.O.' Headings include 'Failure of the old Party System' and 'Aims of the National Party'.

[Carl Joubert; anti-Tsarist articles ] Typescripts (3 signed) of 5 (unpublished?) anti-Tsarist articles.

'Carl Joubert' [Adolphus Waldorf Carl Grottey] [Tsarist Russia]
Publication details: 
Place and date of none stated, but probably Edwardian.

'The Reason Why', 'The Eastern Ukase of 1905', 'The Coming Revolution in Russia', 'The Soldier of Russia' and 'Some Aspects of Russian Life'. Manuscript corrections. The six works by 'Joubert' listed on COPAC appeared between 1904 and 1906, and it is reasonable from the context to assume that these five items date from the same period. All five items clear and complete, with all text on one side only of A4 leaves. The first four in fair condition, on aged paper, and in worn brown card bindings. The fifth item unbound and with the first and last leaves worn and grubby.

[ Printed pamphlet on First World War military disability. ] Disabled Sailors and Soldiers. How they are being Re-built at the Nation's Cost.

Ministry of Pensions, London [ John Hodge (1855-1937), Labour politician, first Minister of Labour (1916-1917) and second Minister of Pensions (1917-1919); First World War; military disability ]
Publication details: 
'Ministry of Pensions - Official.' [ London ] Printed by 'D & S' in November 1917 ('11/17'). [ '(13715). Wt. 2275 - G 93, 200 m, 11/17. D & S. E 1256.' ]

16pp., 16mo. Stapled pamphlet. Aged and worn, with rusted staple. Inside the front cover are quotations from Hodge and his predecessor as Minister of Pensions G. N. Barnes. Initial note: 'The following pages contain a general and necessarily brief description of the system followed by the Pensions Ministry.

[ Joint V. A. D. Committee (British Red Cross and Order of St. John of Jerusalem), ] Printed 'Certificate of Enrolment in a Voluntary Aid Detachment and Permit to wear the Uniform', signed by two officers (Henry Gandy and John Mason MD).

[ Joint V. A. D. Committee, London; British Red Cross Society; The Order of St. John of Jerusalem; Dorothy Marion Cameron Bower; Henry Gandy; John Mason, M.D. ]
Publication details: 
Headed: 'J. V. A. D. 24. | Joint V.A.D. Committee. | The Territorial Force Association. | The British Red Cross Society. | The Order of St. John of Jerusalem.' [ 83 Pall Mall, London. ] Dated 1 November 1916.

4pp., 16mo. Bifolium. A scarce piece of First World War ephemera, on creased and aged paper. The certificate has been made out in order to enroll 'Dorothy Marion Cameron Bower' into 'Detachment [8] in the County of [Westmorland]', but has not been signed by her. The first page carries the conditions of use, the second a declaration by the signatory, and the third the permit itself, with facsimile signatures of Arthur Stanley, Chairman, and Louis Pearson, Hon. Secretary, and the actual signatures of Henry Gandy, County Director, and John Mason M.D, Commandant.

[ H. H. Asquith, Prime Minister. ] Autograph Signature ('H. H. Asquith').

H. H. Asquith [ Herbert Henry Asquith ] (1852-1928), Liberal Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, 1908-1916
Publication details: 
Without place and date.

On 3 x 9 cm piece of card, cut from the end of a letter. Reads: 'Yours sincerely | H. H. Asquith'. In poor condition, heavily creased and marked.

[ Sir Hugh Jamieson Elles, first commander of the Tank Corps, during the Battle of Amiens, 1918. ] Duplicated Typed Circular 'SPECIAL ORDER No. 15 | by | Major-Genl. H. J. ELLES, CB, DSO, Comdg.', thanking 'all ranks' during 'the present battle'.

Major-General H. J. Elles [ Lieutenant General Sir Hugh Jamieson Elles ] (1880-1945), first commander of the Tank Corps [ First World War; Battle of Amiens, August 1918 ]
Publication details: 
'Tank Corps in the Field. [ Battle of Amiens] | 13th August, 1918'

From the papers of Lieutenant Colonel William Otter Gibbs (1883-1960), Sixth Tank Battalion. Duplicated Typed Circular headed 'SPECIAL ORDER No. 15 | by | Major-Genl. H. J. ELLES, CB, DSO, Comdg. Tank Corps in the Field. | 13th August, 1918.' With facsimile signature of 'H. J. Elles. | Major-General, | Commanding Tank Corps in the Field.' 1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper.

[ The British Empire Union, Incorporating the Anti-German Union. ] Printed handbill advertising a 'Competition for Poster Design.', and including a transcript of a letter on war memorials by sculptor Sir George Frampton.

The British Empire Union, Incorporating the Anti-German Union, London [ Sir George Frampton (1860-1928), English sculptor; Henry Wood Promenade Concerts (The Proms) ]
Publication details: 
The British Empire Union, 346 Strand, London, WC2. [ 1917. ]

1p., folio. On aged and worn paper. A jingoistic wartime outfit, with the letterhead proclaiming 'THE BRITISH EMPIRE FOR BRITISH SUBJECTS' and 'NO GERMAN INFLUENCE. | NO GERMAN LABOUR. | NO GERMAN GOODS | That compete with British.' The organisations chairman is named as Lord Leith of Fyvie, and the chairman Lieut-Col. Sir Mervyn Manningham-Buller. The long text begins: 'The British Empire Union offers a Prize of £2 2s.

[ A. C. R. Carter, editor of 'The Year's Art'. ] Two circular letters, both in the form of facsimiles of signed autograph letters,

A. C. R. Carter [ Albert Charles Robinson Carter ] (1864-1957), English journalist and collector, editor of 'The Year's Art'
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of 'The Year's Art', 34, 35, 36 Paternoster Row, London. 31 October 1916 and September 1917.

Each 1p., 12mo. Both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Both carry the stamp and manuscript mark of the Royal Society of Arts. Convincing facsimiles of signed autograph letters. The first reads: 'In the third year of war my publishers and myself are determined to carry on "The Year's Art" without a break. | Will you, therefore, be good enough to amend the enclosed extract describing the institution in your charge, with especial reference to changed conditions. | Please notify also names (with dates of death) of any of your members or staff dying at home or abroad.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] Man-Power. A Speech delivered by General Sir A. Hunter-Weston, M.P. (In the House of Commons, January 24th, 1918.)

General Sir A. Hunter-Weston, M.P.
Publication details: 
Printed in Great Britain by Alabaster, Passmore & Sons, Ltd., 35-47, Whitecross Street, London, E.C.1.

8pp., 8vo. Stapled pamphlet. Aged, worn and creased. Photograph (by 'Swaine') of author in uniform on front cover, and 'Introductory Note' on p.2, beginning: 'General Sir Aylmer Hunter-Weston, K.C.B., D.S.O., was elected Member of Parliament for North Ayrshire last year, and he delivered his maiden speech in the debate on the Military Service Bill (Man-Power) in the House of Commons on January 24th, 1918.

[ Major-General Sir Cecil Lowther of the Scots Guards. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. C. Lowther | Brig. Genl.') asking for Captain Barron's credentials.

Major-General Sir Cecil Lowther [ Henry Cecil Lowther; H. C. Lowther ] (1869-1940) of the Scots Guards
Publication details: 
On letterhead of G.H.Q., Home Forces, Horse Guards, Whitehall, S.W. [ London ]. 24 October 1916.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. One can hear the clipped tones of the military man: 'Dear Capt. Barron, | Gen. Gosling spoke & wrote to me about you. | What is your present state, duty, light duty, leave, or what? | Please let me know & tell me when you get orders to join a reserve unit, & which. | Yours very truly | H. C. Lowther | Brig. Genl.' Lowther's entry in Who Was Who reads: 'Entered Scots Guards, 1888; Capt.

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