[Joseph Stalin, communist dictator of the Soviet Union.] Printed propaganda: handbill in English, translating text by ‘J. STALIN’ exhorting his followers to do ‘as Lenin taught us’.

Joseph Stalin, communist dictator of the Soviet Union [Lenin; Rabochaya Gazeta, Moscow; Communist Party of Great Britain; propaganda]
Publication details: 
No date or place. [English, 1920s?] Translated from letter sent by Stalin in 1925 to the Rabochaya Gazeta (Worker’s Newspaper), Moscow.

The parallel which Bertrand Russell showed between Marxism and Christianity is apparent in this piece of quasi-religious propaganda, which presumably emanates from the Communist Party of Great Britain. It is printed in red on one side of a 20 x 29 cm piece of shiny paper, scarcely thicker than tracing paper. Lightly aged, and with creasing and wear to extremities. The text, which translates part of a letter sent by Stalin to the Rabochaya Gazeta on the first anniversary of Stalin’s death, reads as follows: ‘Remember, love and study Lenin, our teacher and leader.

[Peteris Cedrins [Peteris Cedrinš], Latvian-American poet and translator.] Collection of English language poetry typescripts, most apparently unpublished, including ‘A Working’ (8pp, in 20 sections) and ‘Aphrodite Weaning’.

Peteris Cedrins [Peteris Cedrinš] (1964-2022), Latvian-American poet and translator
Publication details: 
Dating from between 1990 and 1992. From Latvia (Riga, Vilnius), Germany (Berlin), and US (Boston, Cambridge, Cruger Island, Glasco Turnpike Saugerties New York).

Peteris Cedrins possessed an interesting dual heritage: born in the US to exiles from communism, he grew up in Chicago, was educated at Bard College (NYS), and settled in Latvia on the fall of the Soviet Union. He published in English and Lavian in the US, UK and Latvia. See the appreciative obituary by Jeffrey Sommers, posted on the ‘Counterpunch’ website on 11 August 2022: ‘Memoriam: Latvia’s Peteris Cedrins, Last of the National Poets’.

[Ivan Maisky, Soviet Union Ambassador to the United Kingdom during the Second World War.] Autograph Signature ('I. Maisky').

Ivan Maisky [Ivan Mikhailovich Maisky] (1884-1975), Soviet Union Ambassador to the United Kingdom during the Second World War
Publication details: 
No date or place.

On 6 x 7.5 cm slip of paper, laid down on a piece of card. In good condition, lightly aged. A good firm and large signature, reading 'I. Maisky'.

[ The Russian Revolution: the Assistant Minister of War addresses the Council of Peasants' Delegates. ] Account, in English, of a report by 'Colonel Iakubovitch' on the state of the Russian Army, in a speech to the Council of Peasants' Delegates.

Colonel G. A. Iakubovich [ G. A. Yakubovich; G. A. Iakubovitch ], Assistant Minister of War under Kerensky in the Provisional Russian Government of 1917 [ Russian Revolution ]
Publication details: 
'Council of Peasants' Delegates [ Moscow ]. 24 May 1917.

After the February Revolution and abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, Kerensky, as Minister of War, was the dominant figure in the provisional government that held power until overthrown by the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution. According to Semion Lyandres, 'The Fall of Tsarism', along with Lev Stepanovich Tugan-Baranovskii and G. N. Tumanov, Captain G. A. Iakubovich 'belonged to the troika of Kerenskii's most trusted military aides during his tenure in the Provisional Government'. 4pp., foolscap 8vo. First page headed: 'Council of Peasants' Delegates. | 24th. May 1917.

[ Russian Propaganda post-War ] New Times. A Weekly Journal, Nos. 1, 2 & 15

[ Editor: V. Berezin ]
Publication details: 
Ist January, 7th January, 7th April 1948

Three issues, printed paper wraps, 4to, some staining and rusted staples, mainly good+. "An interesting perspective on world affairs and Cold War issues". As far as I can trell from COPAC and WorldCat, no British or US library hold any issues.

[ Russian text; medical; Kiev ] Photographic album of the graduation of the pediatrician Doctor L. M. Shuster from the A. A. Bogomoletz National Medical University, Kiev, of the Medical Institute of the Ukraine.

[Doctor L. M. Shuster; A. A. Bogomoletz National Medical University, Kiev, of the Medical Institute of the Ukraine]
Publication details: 
A. A. Bogomoletz National Medical University, Kiev, of the Medical Institute of the Ukraine. 112th Graduation of Pediatric Faculty Doctors, 1950-1956.

Landscape 8vo album, containing eighteen leaves in embossed light-green card, each carrying a 17.5 x 23.5 cm black and white photograph. In embossed brown waxed imitation-leather cloth. Lightly-aged but good. The first photograph is of Shuster, and this is followed by three photographs each carrying numerous portraits of tutors, the rest of the photographs each carrying a portraits of a number of students, superimposed over images of Kiev, and of the students on their courses. A few photographs carry texts in Russian by Russian leaders.

[ Tass Agency, London. ] Number ('Evening Bulletin') of 'Soviet Monitor', with two articles: 'The Situation in India | Lecture by Academiciann Zhukov' and 'The Former "Siberia of Siberia" | Object-Lesson of Yakutia's Development'.

[ Tass Agency; Soviet Union; Evgenyii Mikhailovitch Zhukov of the USSR Academy of Sciences; Jimmy Shields (1900-1949) ]
Publication details: 
Issued by Tass Agency, Chronicle House, 72-78 Fleet Street, E.C.4., London. No. 8669, 28 June 1947.

5pp., folio. Duplicate typescript on three leaves. In fair condition, on aged paper. The first article, produced on the eve of Indian independence, begins: 'Moscow radio broadcast an account of a lecture given by Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Zhukove on "The Situation in India" at the Polytechnical Museum in Moscow.' It proceeds with a summary of Zhukov's lecture, the view he expounds including the following: 'Britain's new policy derives from the economic changes which took place in India during the years of the Second World War.

[ Soviet Poland, printed periodicals. ] Three numbers of 'Polish Facts & Figures | Issued by the Press Office of the Polish Embassy in London'.

[ Soviet Poland; the Polish Embassy in London; Jimmy Shields (1900-1949) ]
Publication details: 
[ The Press Office of the Polish Embassy in London. ] Three numbers: No. 5, 16 July 1946; No. 14, 19 September 1946; No. 51, 28 June 1947. [ Printed by St. Clements Press Ltd., Portugal Street, London, W.C.2.' ]

The three items are each 4pp., 4to, in bifoliums, and uniform in design. Each carrying a number of articles in small print. Each on aged paper and with wear to margin along outer edge, but with text clear and undamaged. No. 5 includes articles titled: 'Referendum Results', 'Poland's National Day', 'Polish-British Relations', 'Poland's Independence and Freedom Secured | M. Bierut speaks to Democratic Party Congress', 'A Polish Economic System'. No. 14 has in it articles on 'Mr. Byrnes v.

[ Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia, 1968. ] Duplicated typed document issued by 'Kilburn VSC', titled 'Czechoslovakia - A Marxist Analysis'.

Kilburn Vietnam Solidarity Campaign [ VSC ] [ Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia, 1968; Aubrey Walter? ]
Publication details: 
At foot: 'published by Kilburn VSC, 329a West End Lane, London NW6' [ 1968 ].

1p., folio. Printed in red. Sixty lines of text. In fair conditon, lightly aged and worn. The first paragraph reads: 'The Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia has provoked the expected emotional outburst from the reformist Left, tailing as usual behind the hypocritical phrases of the British ruling class, who weep over "poor Czechoslovakia" while actively supporting the 100-times-worse suffering inflicted by the US on the Vietnamese.

[ Belfrage; Soviet spies ] Typed Note Signed "Cedric" to "Adrian".

Cedric Belfrage, Film Critic, journalist, writer, political activist, MI6 Agent, alleged Soviet spy.
Publication details: 
[Typed heading] Cedric Belfrage, 49 Hallam Street, London W1, 13 July [c.1944].

One page, 8vo, fold marks, good condition. I've been hoping for an opening so as to make that excursion to Gerrards Cross, but alas it has not opened. Now I am completely involved in a Shaef [SHAEF = Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force] press job and hope to be over the water very soon - so such delights fade from view. || It's a disappointment - it would have been fun to dish the dirt with you - but there's always after the war and by that time they'll be more dirt."BBC website headline: "Cedric Belfrage, the WW2 spy Britain was embarrassed to pursue"


[ Belfrage; Soviet spies ] Typed Note Signed "Cedric" to "Adrian".

Cedric Belfrage, Film Critic, journalist, writer, political activist, MI6 Agent, alleged Soviet spy.
Publication details: 
[Typed heading] Cedric Belfrage, 49 Hallam Street, London W1, 13 July [c.1944].

One page, 8vo, fold marks, good condition. I've been hoping for an opening so as to make that excursion to Gerrards Cross, but alas it has not opened. Now I am completely involved in a Shaef [SHAEF = Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force] press job and hope to be over the water very soon - so such delights fade from view. || It's a disappointment - it would have been fun to dish the dirt with you - but there's always after the war and by that time they'll be more dirt."BBC website headline: "Cedric Belfrage, the WW2 spy Britain was embarrassed to pursue"


Press Pass, signed by Leslie Boyd, Clerk of the Central Criminal Court, to the Old Bailey trial of the Soviet spy John Vassall.

Leslie Boyd (1914-1998), Clerk of the Central Criminal Court, London [John Vassall [William John Christopher Vassall] (1924-1996), British Admiralty clerk who spied for the Soviet Union]
Publication details: 
Central Criminal Court, London. Undated [October 1962].

Crisply printed on one side of a piece of 9 x 14 cm card, with Boyd's signature in blue ink, and Vassall's name typed. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Headed in gothic letters 'Central Criminal Court', with the rest reading: 'PRESS PASS | The holder is authorised, as a Press Representative, to obtain admission to the Court during the trial of [typed: 'WILLIAM JOHN CHRISTOPHER VASSALL'] | This pass does NOT entitle the holder to a seat.

[Printed pro-Polish and anti-Soviet pamphlet.] The Polish Conspiracy? By H. W. Henderson.

Publication details: 
[Second edition, revised.] Published by H. W. Henderson, 44 Maxwell Drive, Glasgow. [Kirkwood (Printers) Limited, Glasgow. No date [1942].

15pp., 16mo. Fair, on aged and lightly-worn paper. In an 'Introduction' on the reverse of the title, Henderson explains that he thinks 'a second edition of the pamphlet would be timely, the more so that the presentation of Polish-Soviet relations in their true perspective is of great importance to the Allies.' In writing the pamphlet his 'purpose was primarily to reply to Mr.

[Pamphlet.] The Fate of Europe. An Article broadcast from Moscow by Ilya Ehrenburg the famous Soviet writer.

Ilya Ehrenburg [The Communist Party of Great Britain]
Ilya Ehrenburg [The Communist Party of Great Britain]
Publication details: 
Published by the Communist Party of Great Britain, 16 King Street, London, W.C.2, and printed by the Farleigh Press Ltd. (T.U. all depts.), Beechwood Works, Watford. [31 April 1943.]
Ilya Ehrenburg [The Communist Party of Great Britain]

12mo, 8 pp. Slight damage from rust of paperclip, otherwise good, on aged paper. Priced at '0d'. Photograph of Ehrenburg on p.3. The slug carries the code 'CP/C/31/4/43.', the last three elements indicating the date of publication. Scarce: COPAC only lists a microfilm reproduction at the British Library.

Contemporary and apparently unpublished typescript translation by L. A. Shiffner of 'The Battle of the Waves for Freedom' by Maxim Gorky [Gorki]. Headed 'Forbidden in Russia'. Made on behalf of Mrs Gill's Translating Office, Ludgate Hill, London.

Maxim Gorky [L. A. Shiffner, translator, of Mrs R. V. Gill's Translating Office, Ludgate Circus, London]
 'The Battle of the Waves for Freedom' by Maxim Gorky
Publication details: 
[Circa 1910.] With stamp of 'Mrs. Gill, Translating Office, Ludgate Hill, London EC.'
 'The Battle of the Waves for Freedom' by Maxim Gorky

The story on nine numbered 4to pages, with a covering page carrying the title: 'THE BATTLE OF THE WAVES FOR FREEDOM. | By Maxim Gorki.' On the rectos of ten 4to leaves, attached by a brass pin. Text clear and complete at 26 lines to the page. On worn, discoloured paper (watermarked 'CONQUEROR | LONDON'), with loss to extremities. Mrs Gill's purple oblong stamp in bottom left-hand corner of reverse of last leaf: 'Mrs.

Autograph account by Frederick Leman Whelan of a visit by him to the Soviet Union in 1936, as leader of 'the League of Nations Union party' of British 'useful idiots'; with other matter relating to the U.S.S.R.

Frederick Leman Whelan (1867-1955), Fabian socialist author and founder of the Stage Society [the Soviet Union; USSR; Russian Revolution; League of Nations Union; useful idiots]
MS. Account a visit to the Soviet Union in 1936
Publication details: 
'To Leningrad & Moscow Intourist "S.S. Cooperazia". Sat. 27th June to Sunday 19th July 1936.' [First entry dated 22 June 1936.]
MS. Account a visit to the Soviet Union in 1936

Small 4to, 61 pp, with the first four pages unpaginated and the last ones paginated 1-57. In notebook of good laid paper, in decorative boards. Text clear and complete. Very good, on lightly-aged paper; in worn and chipped wraps, with 'U.S.S.R.' on spine and front board. Various addresses by Whelan inside the front cover, with the date 1936 amended to 1945 and 1950. Pages of slogans and abbreviations are followed by the notebook itself. The volume intersperses notes on the visit (ending at p.31) with extracts of quotations, statistics and other matter about the Soviet Union.

Autograph Signature ('Beatrice Webb').

Beatrice Webb (1858-1943) [Martha Beatrice Potter Webb], wife of Sydney Webb [The Fabian Society; Socialism]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Good, bold signature on slip of laid paper (presumably cut from letter) roughly 3.5 x 11.5 cm. In good condition. Simply reads 'Beatrice Webb'.

Souvenir handbill, with photographs of the nine riders and facsimiles of their signatures.

The Don Cossack Riders [Russia; the Soviet Union; 'A. Boulanoff'; 'N. Golouboff']
Publication details: 
Date and place of printing not stated [England?]. Docketed in pencil 'Don Cossack Riders - Sept. 1950'.

Bifolium (dimensions of the two leaves 14.5 x 22.5 cm), 4 pp. Printed on light-green paper. Lightly worn and creased with one short closed tear. Contains 14 photographs of riders engaged in impressive stunts, including riding through flame, riding upside down and in a pyramid formation. No trace of existence of the troupe appears to have survived. Although in costume, to the ignorant eye they do not look particularly Cossack, and their signatures are not written in Cyrillic. The names, which do not yield any clues either, include 'A Boulanoff' and 'N. Golouboff'.

Signed photograph.

Nicolai Malko (1883-1961), Russian conductor, latterly chief conductor in Australia with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra
Publication details: 

Dimensions of photograph roughly nine inches by seven wide. Aged, lightly creased and a little scuffed. Slight loss to bottom right-hand corner of border, not affecting image. A bespectacled Malko in a double-breasted pinstripe jacket, in the act of conducting, baton aloft, and with violinist in the background. Malko has written his inscription over his torso, beginning 'Cnacudo', and giving the date 1949.

Autograph Postcard Signed to [George Kenneth] Menzies, [Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Edward Alexander Cazalet [Anglo-Russian Literary Society]
Publication details: 
"Neva", Westgate-on-Sea, Thanet. | 21 Novr 1918.'

English linguist and traveller (died 1923), founder (in 1893) and president of the Anglo-Russian Literary Society. One page, 16mo. Very good. Bearing the Society's stamp. 'I thank you for your kind invitation for the 28th Inst, of which I will be pleased to avail myself, if able to go to London. Has our old friend, your predecessor, resigned the Secretaryship, & is his address the Liberal Club as before? If you and any friends care for music, I enclose a Card.' Signed 'Ed. A. Cazalet'.

The dethronement of Stalin full text of the Khrushchev speech.

[The Manchester Guardian]
Publication details: 
Published by the MANCHESTER GUARDIAN | June 1956'.

33 pages, 8vo. In original printed wraps, with cartoon of Khrushchev on front wrap. In good condition, with slight spotting and staining to front wrap. Rust stains from staples and from paperclip at heads of front wrap and first leaf. Offsetting to inside of front wrap from newspaper cutting of article by Walter Lippman, 'WHAT KHRUSHCHEV DID NOT SAY ABOUT THE TERROR | Stalin Insufficient as Scapegoat'. Introduction by 'A STUDENT OF SOVIET AFFAIRS'. Internally subtitled 'The unmasking of Stalin'.

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