[Pamphlet.] The Fate of Europe. An Article broadcast from Moscow by Ilya Ehrenburg the famous Soviet writer.

Ilya Ehrenburg [The Communist Party of Great Britain]
Ilya Ehrenburg [The Communist Party of Great Britain]
Publication details: 
Published by the Communist Party of Great Britain, 16 King Street, London, W.C.2, and printed by the Farleigh Press Ltd. (T.U. all depts.), Beechwood Works, Watford. [31 April 1943.]
Ilya Ehrenburg [The Communist Party of Great Britain]

12mo, 8 pp. Slight damage from rust of paperclip, otherwise good, on aged paper. Priced at '0d'. Photograph of Ehrenburg on p.3. The slug carries the code 'CP/C/31/4/43.', the last three elements indicating the date of publication. Scarce: COPAC only lists a microfilm reproduction at the British Library.

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