Autograph Letter Signed ('Vera Meynell') from Lady Vera Meynell, wife of the typographer Sir Francis Meynell, to 'Dear Jack' [the anthropologist J. H. Driberg], asking him to 'let bygones be bygones' and visit her at Toppesfield, 'Hitler permitting'.

Lady Vera Meynell [née Vera Rosalind Wynn Mendel] (1895-1947), wife of Sir Francis Meynell (1891-1975), publisher and typographer, founder of the Nonesuch Press [Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 39 Woburn Square, WC1 [London]. 5 July [no year, but during the Second World War].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'Dear Jack | It is a long time since we met - but perhaps that is my fault. If so, will you let bygones be bygones - and come over to Toppesfield some time?' She suggests a date, 'Or any Sunday lunch in the immediate future', stating that 'after July, all plans are "Hitler permitting"!' Driberg has noted his acceptance of the invitation up one margin. [Driberg was a Lecturer in Anthropology at Cambridge University from 1934 to 1942. His brother was the colourful Labour MP Tom Driberg.

[Cloth-backed lithographic engraving.] A Chart of Anglican Church Architecture: Arranged Chronologically with Examples of the Different Styles.

F. Bedford [Francis Bedford (1816-1894), lithographer and photographer; R. Sunter, York publisher; John Weale, London publisher; Standidge & Co., London printers]
Publication details: 
Drawn and Lithographed by F. Bedford, 40 Ely Place, Holborn. Published as the Act directs by R. Sunter, 23 Stonegate, York, and John Weale, 59 High Holborn, London: 17 August 1843. Printed by Standidge & Co. 77 Cornhill, London.

An attractive Gothic Revival item, tastefully printed in red and black. Printed on nine 13 x 9 cm panels, laid down on a cloth backing opening out to 39.5 x 28 cm; in original 14 x 10 cm printed card cover, with engraved title on front, within a gothic arch. In fair condition: aged and worn in worn and rubbed covers, with small white circular label on front board. Arranged, appropriately enough, in four columns headed: Name of Style; Reign A.D.; Illustrative Examples; Characteristics.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W F Butler') from Sir William Francis Butler, Irish officer in the British Army, to an unnamed correspondent, discussing the 'great mediaeval Sin' that was committed by the English in Ireland.

Sir William Francis Butler (1838-1910), Irish officer in the British Army in the Red River and Asante [Ashanti] campaigns, member of the Irish privy council and supporter of Charles Stewart Parnell
Publication details: 
On letterhead of North Camp, Aldershot. 13 May 1894.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear Sir'. England and Ireland are not named in the letter, but subject of the letter is clear from the context. He has read 'with very great pleasure' the pamphlet which the recipient sent him. 'You are correct in surmising that for the present at least I take no part in the political question of the day - but my views show no change'.

[Catalogue by the London bookseller Francis Edwards, titled] How England saved Europe. Catalogue of Books, Engravings and Autographs relating to Napoleon the First and the wars in which he was engaged, 1793-1815.

[Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French; Francis Edwards, London bookseller, printseller and dealer in autographs]
Publication details: 
'Offered for sale by Francis Edwards, Bookseller, Printseller and Dealer in Autographs, 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W.' March1917.

46pp., 12mo. In original printed wraps, with the last two pages of the catalogue on the back cover. 704 priced items, with descriptions. Reproduction of no. 612 (mezzotint of Napoleon by Charles Turner from J. J. Masquerier) on front cover. In fair condition, on aged paper, in aged and worn wraps, with occasional pencil markings in margins. An important catalogue, issued in part to make a point during the Great War.

Unpublished holograph poem (signed 'J. F. Hollings') by the Leicester poet and local historian James Francis Hollings, entitled 'Edgehill', regarding the English Civil War battle, 1642.

James Francis Hollings (1806-1862), poet and local historian, President of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society [Leicestershire; English Civil War; Battle of Edgehill, 1642;]
Publication details: 
Without place place or place, on paper with watermarked date 1831. [Leicester, 1830s?]

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. On wove paper watermarked 'R TASSELL | 1831'. 56 lines, arranged in seven eight-line stanzas. Presentable, despite wear and age, closed tears along crease lines, and traces of yellow-paper mount on blank reverse of second leaf. There is no sign that this item was ever published, which is surprising, as it is a superior effort, written with some conviction, the subject being one on which Hollings was regarded as an authority.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. C. Bernand') from the humorist Sir Francis Cowley Burnand to the illustrator Harry Furniss, lamenting that there will be 'no dinner for the Punch boys' in Christmas week, and discussing an unsuccessful illustration.

F. C. Burnand [Sir Francis Cowley Burnand] (1836-1917), English humorist and dramatist, a main contributor to 'Punch' [Harry Furniss (1854-1925), 'Punch' caricaturist and illustrator]
Publication details: 
On Burnand's letterhead, 27 The Boltons, SW [London], 8 December 1891.

2pp., landscape 12mo. Addressed to 'Dear Furniss'. He is glad to hear of Furniss's success: 'Your tour ends after the last dinner but one of the year. No dinner Xmas week! awful that isn't it? When all are feasting no dinner for the Punch boys!!' He hopes Furniss will be 'here with us'. Had Furniss been 'on the spot' Burnand would have got him 'to substitute something for your John Bull picture in almanack which no one (I do not speak of "The Table" but of our best friends outside) comprehends.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Chauncey B. Tinker') from the Boswell scholar Chauncey Brewster Tinker, Professor of English Literature at Yale University, concerning the proposed presentation of a manuscript by Charles McCamie of West Virginia.

Chauncey Brewster Tinker (1876-1963), Professor of English Literature at Yale University, and authority on James Boswell and Doctor Samuel Johnson
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Yale College Department of English. 8 October 1924.

2pp., 12mo. With stamped and postmarked envelope, addressed by Tinker to 'Chas. Mc.Carnie, Esqr., | Natl. Bank of W. V. Bldg, | Wheeling, W. V.' Tinker considers that 'The MSS.

[Mimeographed catalogue of manuscripts of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich.] List of Manuscripts in two Glazed Cupboards of Billiard Room. Hinchingbrooke. March 1930.

[Catalogue of Hinchingbrooke manuscripts of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792)]
Publication details: 
March 1930.

7pp., 4to. Attached with a brass stud. The six pages of the catalogue are in fair condition, on aged paper, the title leaf is dusty and spotted. The manuscripts listed in this catalogue are primarily of a political and diplomatic nature. They do not appear to correspond with those in the 'Hinchingbrooke Collecton' listed by Cambridgeshire County Record Office on the National Archives website, an entry which gives a useful account of their origins (mainly the stables at Hinchingbrooke).

Typed Letter Signed, in French, from Jacques Lerolle of Paris music publishers Rouart, Lerolle & Cie, to Henry Prunieres of 'La Revue Musicale', concerning the manuscript of 'Valse-improvisation sur le nom de Bach' by Francis Poulenc.

Jacques Lerolle, of the French music publishers Rouart, Lerolle & Cie [Henry Prunieres of 'La Revue Musicale'; Francis Poulenc (1899-1963), French composer]
Publication details: 
On the letterhead of Rouart, Lerolle & Cie, Editeurs de Musique, Paris. 18 November 1932.

1p., 4to. Fair, on aged and worn paper. He begins: 'M. POULENC vous a sans doute remis le paraître dans votre supplément et nous charge de vous demander de nous le renvoyer au plus tôt lorsque votre graveur n'en aura plus besoin.' He accepts that it is likely that the Revue will ask Poulenc to correct the proof.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Francis Paget') from the future Bishop of Oxford, Francis Paget of Christ Church, to 'Mr. Dowdeswell' [Rev. Edmund Richard Dowdeswell], suggesting his brother-in-law Rev. Henry Lewis Thompson as a lecturer.

Right Rev. Francis Paget (1851-1911), Bishop of Oxford and Dean of Christ Church [Edmund Richard Dowdeswell (1845-1915); Henry Lewis Thompson (1840-1905), Rector of Iron Acton; Mandell Creighon]
Publication details: 
Christ Church, Oxford. 20 July 1887.

4pp., 12mo. Good, on aged paper, with one small spot at head of first page. He feels sure that 'if Canon Creighton [Mandell Creighton, then Canon of Worcester] could be persuaded to undertake the Lectures he would do the work far better and far more worthily than I can hope to do it', but he does not know Creighton well enough to ask him to take his place. 'And so, in view of your letter, I think that I had better look forward to coming and doing my best: though I greatly fear that the work may be less thoroughly prepared than it shold be'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Francis Paget') from the future Bishop of Oxford, Francis Paget of Christ Church, to Canon Hemming Robeson of Bristol, complaining of the 'malignant perversity of trains'.

Right Rev. Francis Paget (1851-1911), Bishop of Oxford, Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology, and Dean of Christ Church [Rev. Canon Hemming Robeson (1833-1912) of Bristol, Vicar of Tewkesbury]
Publication details: 
Christ Church, Oxford. 8 December 1887.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He thanks him for his letter, stating that it will be 'a great pleasure to look forward to staying at the Abbey House', and hopes that, 'in spite of the malignant perversity of trains', he will 'get to Tewkesbury at 4.16'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Francis Crossley') from the carpet manufacturer and Liberal Member of Parliament Sir Francis Crossley, explaining his reason for declining a dinner invitation.

Sir Francis Crossley (1817-1872) carpet manufacturer, philanthropist and Liberal MP, whose carpet factory at Dean Clough Mills, Halifax, Yorkshire, was the largest in the world
Publication details: 
Halifax; 28 March 1866.

1p., 12mo. On aged paper, with traces of grey paper mount adhering to the reverse. He thanks the unnamed male recipient for the 'very kind favor of the 23rd. Instant': 'my Parliamentary duties & business engagements demand so much of my time that I am obliged to decline, with but very rare exceptions indeed, all invitations of the character named'. He asks the recipient 'to have me excused complying with your wishes'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H H Milman') from Henry Hart Milman, later Dean of St Paul's Cathedral, to Francis Cohen [later Sir Francis Palgrave], discussing his poem 'The Martyr of Antioch', the Rev. James Garbett and Milton's Adam and Eve.

Henry Hart Milman (1791-1868), Dean of St Paul's Cathedral [Dean Milman] [Sir Francis Palgrave [born Francis Ephraim Cohen] (1788-1861); Rev. James Garbett (1775-1857), Prebendary of Hereford]
Publication details: 
St Mary's, Reading. 11 April 1822.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Francis Cohen Esq | King's Bench Walk | Temple | London'. Fair, on aged paper, with the narrow remains of a paper windowpane mount around the edges of the second leaf. Milman begins: 'I found Garbett so much occupied that until yesterday I have not had an opportunity of seeing him'. Garbett has promised to send Milman 'a detailed answer' to all of Cohen's questions, 'and is very much flattered by your favorable opinion'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the dramatist and editor of 'Punch' Tom Taylor to Francis Mewburn of Darlington, announcing his retirement from the Northern Circuit, and describing his appointment as Assistant Secretary of the Board of Health.

Tom Taylor (1817-1880), playwright and comic writer, author of 'The Ticket of Leave Man' (1863) and editor of 'Punch' [Francis Mewburn (c.1785-1867) of Larch Field, Darlington, 'railway solicitor']
Publication details: 
near Thirsk; 23 March [1850].

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on aged paper, with remains of stub along one edge. Written in a difficult hand. Taylor begins: 'Dear Mr Mewburn, I shall not be at Sessions [as a barrister on the northern circuit] any more. I have just accepted an appointment as legal Assistant Secretary to the Board of Health, and I enter on the duties of the place on Monday. The salary is £500 per: an: to begin with, with the prospect of increase.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F Jeffrey') from Francis Jeffrey, editor of the Edinburgh Review, to Thomas Francis Kennedy, MP for Ayr, discussing sundry matters including 'Littleton's Irish tythe scheme'.

Francis Jeffrey (1773-1850), Lord Jeffrey, Scottish judge and author, editor of the Edinburgh Review [Thomas Francis Kennedy (1788-1879) of Dunure and Dalquharran Castle, Whig MP for Ayr (1818-1834)]
Publication details: 
18 Berkeley Square, London; 21 February 1834.

7pp., 12mo. On two bifoliums. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Written in a difficult, hurried hand. Jeffrey begins his letter: 'It grieves me to annoy you, in your retreat - especially with dull Scotch matters But they tell me at the Treasury that you are still the person to settle such things as this'. The first part of the letter apparently concerns the Edinburgh solicitors Robertson and Sands, who are to lose salaries of

Autograph Letter Signed ('J Morley') from the politician John Morley to the National Liberal Federation secretary Francis Schnadhorst, rearranging meetings in the build-up to the 1885 General Election.

John Morley (1838-1923), 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn, Liberal politician, writer and newspaper editor [Joseph Chamberlain (1836-1914); Francis Schnadhorst (1840-1900), Birmingham Liberal]
Autograph Letter Signed ('J Morley') from the politician John Morley
Publication details: 
Putney, on cancelled letterhead of Joseph Chamberlain's mansion Highbury, Moor Green, Birmingham; 2 September 1885.
Autograph Letter Signed ('J Morley') from the politician John Morley

2 pp, 12mo. He is only in Putney for a day, and does not expect to be able to see Schnadhorst. Sir Charles Dilke 'says that Oct. 13 is fixed for Halifax, and that he is not sure that he may not be able to go there after all'. If this is so, 'it would be best to change my day at Newport from the 13th. October'. He will tell '', and would be grateful to Schnadhorst for arranging another day.

Autograph Letter Signed from the publisher of 'The Athenaeum' John Francis, declining to buy back issues of the magazine from Miss Emily Cole of Teignmouth.

John Francis (1811-1882), publisher of 'The Athenaeum', 1831-1882 [Miss Emily Cole (c.1819-1894) of Teignmouth, daughter of the lawyer and autograph collector Robert Cole, FSA]
John Francis (1811-1882), publisher of 'The Athenaeum'
Publication details: 
5 February 1875; on letterhead of the Athenaeum Office, 26 Wellington Street, Strand, London.
John Francis (1811-1882), publisher of 'The Athenaeum'

12mo, 1 p. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. He is 'unable to make an offer for the back Vols of The Athenaeum - our stock in house being sufficient to meet demands'.

Autograph Letter Signed, in the third person, from Lord Churchill to the cartographer William Faden

Francis Almeric Spencer (1779-1845), 1st Baron Churchill of Whichwood [Lord Churchill] [William Faden (1750-1836), cartographer and map seller, Charing Cross, London]
Autograph Letter Signed, in the third person, from Lord Churchill
Publication details: 
31 December 1826; Wychwood Forest, Witney, Oxfordshire.
Autograph Letter Signed, in the third person, from Lord Churchill

12mo, 2 pp. Nine lines. Text clear and complete. Addressed by Churchill on reverse of the second leaf, with red wax seal, and his frank: 'Witney Dec. thirty one 1826. | Mr. Faden | Map Seller | Charing Cross | London. | [signed] Churchill'. On aged and lightly-creased paper, with a spike hole. Asking Faden to 'send him a small Case map of Gloucestershire, as soon as possible', directed to him by 'Pratt's Gloucester Coach, to be left at Witney'.

Manuscript 'Case for Mr. Wheeler', asking 'Whether Mrs. Boulton [Anne, wife of James Watt's partner Matthew Boulton] is or is not dowable of a Moiety of this Estate?' With Francis Wheler's signed autograph legal opinion on the question.

Francis Wheler of Whitley, lawyer [Matthew Boulton (1728-1809), business partner of John Watt; Boulton's brother-in-law Luke Robinson; John Barker, Lichfield banker; Lunar Society of Birmingham]
[Matthew Boulton (1728-1809), business partner of John Watt]
Publication details: 
Wheler's opinion dated 'Temple July 12 1764'.
[Matthew Boulton (1728-1809), business partner of John Watt]

Folio, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Lightly-aged and creased. Remains of red wafer in left margin. Folded into a packet, and docketed on reverse 'Case for Mr. Wheler | 1 G[uine]a. | Martin & Hay for Nevill'. The upper half of the document consists of eighteen lines in the hand of the enquirer (presumably one of a firm of solicitors named 'Martin & Hay", acting for one 'Nevill'), with the last two lines posing the question; the lower half consists of fifteen lines in Wheler's hand, signed by him 'Frans Wheler', and dated by him in the bottom left-hand corner.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F Carruthers Gould') from the cartoonist Francis Carruthers Gould to Eliot P. J. Reed.

Francis Carruthers Gould [F. Carruthers Gould] (1844-1925), British caricaturist and political cartoonist [Pall Mall Gazette; Westminster Gazette]
Autograph Letter Signed ('F Carruthers Gould')
Publication details: 
12 May 1902; on letterhead of the Westminster Gazette, Tudor Street, Whitefriars, EC.
Autograph Letter Signed ('F Carruthers Gould')

12mo, 2 pp. Eighteen lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear Reed'. He thanks him for his note and is glad he likes the cartoon on 'the Educational Model'. He had 'been hoping the Tories would tread on the Nonconformists' toes to shut them up and now they have done it.' He doubts whether his agent has sold the original drawing, and is writing to him 'to let you have an offer if possible'.

[Printed pamphlet on Nova Scotia, Canada.] The Royal Province of New Scotland, and Her Baronets.

Major Francis Duncan, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., Royal Artillery [Nova Scotia, Canada]
The Royal Province of New Scotland, and Her Baronets.
Publication details: 
London: William Clowes and Sons, 13, Charing Cross. 1878.
The Royal Province of New Scotland, and Her Baronets.

8vo, 20 pp. In original blue printed wraps, with publisher's advertisement ('List of Military Works') on back. Clear and complete. On aged paper, with wear and slight marking to wraps. Two appendices.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John Hullah') from the English composer John Pyke Hullah to the organist Edward Francis Rimbault.

John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla] (1812-1884), English composer for one of whose operas Charles Dickens wrote the libretto [St Martin's Hall, Long Acre; Edward Francis Rimbault (1816-1876), organist]
John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla]
Publication details: 
30 March 1868; on letterhead of 11 Devonshire Place, W., London.
John Hullah [John Pyke Hulla]

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. 12 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He would 'much like' to show him a song he has written for 'Exeter Hall', and proposes dinner the following day. In a postscript asks if he has 'learnt anything about R. J. S. Stevens'.

[Printed paper] Studies on the Mouth Parts and Sucking Apparatus of the Blood-Sucking Diptera. No. 4. The Comparative Anatomy of the Proboscis in the Blood-Sucking Muscidae. By Captain F. W. Cragg, M.D., I.M.S., King Institute of Preventive Medicine.

Captain F. W. Cragg [Francis William Cragg (1882-1924)], M.B., I.M.S.
Publication details: 
Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing, India. 1913. [Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. New Series. No. 60.]


Autograph Letter Signed from the editor of 'Punch' F. C. Burnand to T. H. Lacy, regarding the publication of a farce.

F. C. Burnand [Sir Francis Cowley Burnand] (1836-1917), English comic writer and editor of 'Punch' [Thomas Hailes Lacy (1809-1873), actor and theatrical publisher]
Autograph Letter Signed from the editor of 'Punch' F. C. Burnand
Publication details: 
29 April 1869; on letterhead of Hale Lodge, Edgware.
Autograph Letter Signed from the editor of 'Punch' F. C. Burnand

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Fair, on aged paper. He begins 'Print the farce', and gives two conditions, ending 'There that's definite'. He will have the farce published after it is performed in London, 'at a good theatre of course'. 'But get on with it and lets have the proofs.' He will 'most likely' play it himself 'at Manchester and somewhere else, when I will put all this stage business &c in'. Ends 'Toole wants to do it. | Yours Tooley - I mean Truly'. In one of two postscripts he hopes Lacy has 'a good supply of Billy Taylor. Hopewood & Crew publish it.'

Autograph Signature ('P. Francis:'), cut from letter, of Sir Philip Francis, the leading candidate for the authorship of the Letters of Junius.

Sir Philip Francis (1740-1818), English politician and writer, the leading candidate for the authorship of the Letters of Junius
Autograph Signature ('P. Francis:'), cut from letter, of Sir Philip Francis
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Autograph Signature ('P. Francis:'), cut from letter, of Sir Philip Francis

On piece of laid paper, 5.5 x 8 cm. Clear signature on lightly-aged and spotted paper. From the collection of James C. Webster, Secretary, Athenaeum Club, London, who has written, above the signature, 'Royal Society of L<...>', and beneath it, 'Sir Philip Francis | author of "Junius"'.

Printed notice from the General Manager of the South Eastern and Chatham Railway's Managing Committee, headed 'Government Control of Railways. Free conveyance of traffic carried on behalf of the Admiralty or War Office'.

Francis H. Dent, General Manager, South Eastern and Chatham Railway's Managing Committee [First World War; British Army; Royal Navy; War Office; Admiralty]
South Eastern and Chatham Railway. Printed Notice
Publication details: 
[London.] Dated in print 10 October 1916.
South Eastern and Chatham Railway. Printed Notice

Folio, 1 p. Thirty-eight lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and creased paper, with spike-hole at head, with 'ack[nowledge]d 3/10/16' in manuscript. Giving instructions regarding the means by which 'all consignments conveyed by Passenger or Goods Trains over controlled Companies' Lines on behalf of the Admiralty or War Office, [...] be invoiced without charges'. 'The above instructions will also apply to Traffic with Irish Ports when conveyed by Controlled Companies' Steamboats.'

The Entermores. A Play by John Cowper Powys.

John Cowper Powys [Paul Roberts]
Publication details: 
Written by Powys circa 1905. Roberts' transcript 'for a public reading of the play at the Powys Society's Annual Conference', 28 August 1994.

8vo, [iii] + 66 pp. Computer printout in plastic binder. Text clear and complete. Creasing to first four leaves, otherwise in very good condition. On title-page: 'ACTING COPY ONLY'. Note by 'C. W.' on next page: 'This version of the script is taken from Paul Roberts' unedited first draft transcription for a public reading of the play at the Powys Society's Annual Conference, at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, at 7.30pm on Sunday, 28th August, 1994. | Where words have still not been deciphered in the transcript, temporary ones have been inserted.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Storr') to Rev. E. J. Shepherd of Luddesdown, containing a reference to Thomas Hardy.

Francis Storr (1839-1919), M.A., editor of the Journal of Education; Master of Marlborough College, 1864-75; Merchant Taylors' School, 1875-1901 [Edward John Shepherd (1805-1874); Thomas Hardy]
Publication details: 
4 April [1874]; on letterhead of Marlborough School.

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Thirty-two lines. Very good, on lightly-aged paper, apart from the tearing away of the single-word answer to 'a very old riddle' in ancient Greek from Sir Thomas Browne, resulting in the loss of a few words of text from the reverse. Begins by thanking Shepherd for the unnecessary return of 'the Harper', followed by congratulations on his birthday. Hopes to amuse him with the riddle.

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. F. Bayard') to the Hon. Francis Lanley.

Thomas Francis Bayard (1828-1898), Secretary to President Grover Cleveland [Francis Lanley; Timothy Bigelow Laurence]
Publication details: 
3 April 1881; on letterhead of 1413 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington D.C.

12mo, 3 pp. In bifolium. 28 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. He is going to do Lanley 'a great favor' by assisting him 'to become acquainted with my friend Mrs. Bigelow Laurence [widow of Timothy Bigelow Laurence (1826-1869)] - who will be in England during the summer or autumn'. Reminisces about 'a book you and Casserly and I once planned at a breakfast table here', which was 'to consist of the best specimens of the skill and power of the Poets giving one chance to each'. To assist Lanley he is letting him know 'a woman who is a judge of poetry in its best sense.

Autograph Letter, in the third person, to Captain Mason.

Thomas Francis Bayard (1828-1898), Secretary to President Grover Cleveland [Lord George Hamilton]
Publication details: 
24 May 1894; on letterhead of the Embassy of the United States, London.

12mo, 1 p. Thirteen lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and foxed paper. Acknowledging 'Captain Mason's note of yesterday', and in response to the request of 'Lord George Hamilton and the Committee', 'Mr Bayard' states that he will 'respond with much pleasure to the toast of "the United States" tonight at the banquet to the Admiral and officers of N.SS Chicago'.

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