[Victory in Europe thanksgiving, St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh, 1945.] Three printed items: two orders of service, one signed by Lord Cunningham of Hyndhope, and Commodore C. M. Ford of the Queen Elizabeth; with Usher Hall radio broadcast songsheet.

[Victory in Europe thanksgiving, St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh, 1945] Andrew Browne Cunningham (1883-1963), 1st Viscount Cunningham of Hyndhope; Commodore Charles Musgrave Ford (1887-1974)
Publication details: 
Items One and Two from St Giles' Cathedral. ONE: 'Solemn Thanksgiving to Almighty God for Victory in Europe', 16 May 1945. TWO (signed): ''Presentation and Reception', 27 September 1945. THREE: Songsheet from Usher Hall, undated.

The three items are in good condition, lightly aged and discoloured. Slight traces of glue from mount to the blank last page of the second item. Each with neat creases from folding. ONE: ‘St Giles’ Cathedral / Solemn Thanksgiving to Almighty God / for / Victory in Europe / WEDNESDAY, 16th MAY 1945 / This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.’ (‘ORDER OF DIVINE SERVICE’.) [4]pp, 12mo. Bifolium.

[Lady Diana Cooper, English society beauty, actress and memoirist.] Autograph Signature on publicity photograph of her dressed as a nun, from the play 'The Miracle'.

Lady Diana Cooper [née Lady Diana Olivia Winifred Maud Manners, later, as wife of Duff Cooper, Viscountess Norwich] (1892-1986), English society beauty, actress and memoirist
Publication details: 
1932. No place.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, which describes how she accepted Max Reinhardt's offer ‘to play the Madonna in a mime play, The Miracle. This was first staged in the USA from November 1923 to the following May, and again for the following three autumns and winters. It toured Europe in 1927, and London and the provinces in 1932; the last performance was in January 1933.

[Lord Halifax [Charles Lindley Wood, 2nd Viscount Halifax], ecumenist.] Autograph Letter Signed to the editor of the Church Review, regarding a new chapel for Edward King, Bishop of Lincoln, paid for by Halifax’s English Church Union.

Lord Halifax [Charles Lindley Wood (1839-1934), 2nd Viscount Halifax], Anglo-Catholic ecumenist, for fifty years President of the English Church Union [Edward King (1829-1910), Bishop of Lincoln]
Publication details: 
‘88 Eaton Sqr [London] / Jany 3 / 1888.’

See his entry, and that of Bishop King, in the Oxford DNB. For the context of the present item - a chapel ‘built by an ingenious use of a portion of the Old Palace ruins’ - see Randolph and Townroe, ‘The Mind and Work of Bishop King’ (1918), chapter 6: ‘The entire furnishing and decoration of the chapel was undertaken by members of the English Church Union, in response to an appeal made by the President of the Society. The consecration took place in 1888.’ (The Bishop’s letter of thanks to Lord Halifax is quoted.) 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice.

[The Abdication Crisis, 1936: Sir Osbert Sitwell.] Mimeographed copy, marked ‘Private’, of the unexpurgated version of the satirical poem ‘RAT WEEK. / by Osbert Sitwell’, the cause of a legal action with ‘Cavalcade’.

The Abdication Crisis, 1936: Sir Osbert Sitwell [Sir Francis Osbert Sacheverell Sitwell, 5th Baronet] (1892-1969) [King Edward VIII and Mrs Wallis Simpson; Abdication, 1936; Cavalcade]
Publication details: 
Undated, but circa 1936. On paper watermarked 'BELFAST BOND / MADE IN CANADA'.

See Sitwell’s entry in the Oxford DNB. In his 1999 biography Philip Ziegler describes how the ‘doggerel polemic Rat Week’ ‘excoriated’ the supporters of the Edward VII and Mrs Simpson: ‘Osbert realised that this diatribe, if published, might land him in a flurry of libel actions, but he could not resist having a few copies made and distributed to his closer cronies; Mrs. Greville, Lady Aberconway, Lady Cholmondeley and Philip Frere among them.

[Edward Bouverie Pusey, Regius Professor of Hebrew at Oxford and a leading figure of the Oxford Movement.] Autograph Letter Signed to [Henry James Coleridge or John Duke Coleridge] regarding nursing arrangements.

Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800-1882), Regius Professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford, a leading figure in the Oxford Movement [Henry James Coleridge (1822-1893)]
Publication details: 
1 June 1868. With the embossed device of Oxford University Press.

See Pusey's entry in the Oxford DNB, along with those of the Coleridge brothers and (perhaps tangentially) Robin Schofield, ‘Sara Coleridge and the Oxford Movement’ (2020). 2pp, 12mo. Twenty-seven lines, in a close hand, rather difficult to decipher. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘My dear Coleridge’ and signed ‘E B Pusey’. What follows is a tentative transcription. ‘On hearing from your brother of the condition of dearest J. Rd & Mrs. Ks.

[‘The most fashionable place in London’: The Clarendon Hotel, Bond Street; Foreign 'Great and Good@] Around 180 entries in the hotel guestbook, on extracted leaves, the greater part of them signatures of ‘Nobility and Gentry, and Foreigners of rank’.

‘The most fashionable place in London’: The Clarendon Hotel, Bond Street [Georgian England]
Publication details: 
The Clarendon Hotel, Bond Street, London. The entries all said to date from 1831.

The Clarendon Hotel was once - as ‘Routledge’s Popular Guide to London’ stated in 1862 - ‘the most fashionable place in London’, and the present collection of autograph signatures from its guestbook, all of them said to date from 1831, bear witness to the fact that - as ‘Gilbert’s Visitor’s Guide to London’ (1851) states - it was ‘frequented by the Nobility and Gentry, and Foreigners of rank’. Its reputation had been made during the Regency period, and in 1820 ‘Leigh’s New Picture of London’ stated that it ‘and Jaquiers are now one hotel’.

[High Court of Admiralty (Sir William Scott): the wreck of the Eliza (James Driver, Master), 4 August 1818.] Two manuscript documents: an affidavit by 'Messrs. Cobb & Son / Margate / by favor of Mr. Meagher', and a memorandum regarding a dispute.

High Court of Admiralty, London (Sir William Scott): The wreck of the Eliza (James Driver, Master), 4 August 1818 [Messrs Cobb & Son, Margate]
Publication details: 
[High Court of Admiralty, London.] Neither item dated, but both circa 1819 (the memorandum on paper watermarked 1817).

The Eliza was on her way to Bristol from Memel in Prussia when she was wrecked on the Kentish Knock on 4 August 1818. The court is not named, but the second document contains a reference to 'the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court'. ONE: Affidavit headed ‘Eliza James Driver Master.’ 1p, foolscap 8vo. Forty-six lines, closely written. Text clear and entire on aged paper with chipping along head of leaf. On reverse: ‘Messrs. Cobb & Son / Margate / by favor of Mr.

[Lord Sankey [John Sankey, 1st Viscount Sankey], judge, Labour politician whose committee drew up the 1940 Sankey Declaration of the Rights of Man.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘[A.G.L.] Rogers’, regarding a 'hostel' and the Bishop of St David's.

Lord Sankey [John Sankey, 1st Viscount Sankey (1866-1948)], High Court judge, Labour politician who chaired the committee that drew up the 1940 Sankey Declaration of the Rights of Man [A.G.L. Rogers]
Publication details: 
1 January 1926. On embossed letterhead of the Royal Courts of Justice.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of Arthur George Liddon Rogers (1864-1944), son and editor of the economist Thorold Rogers [James Edwin Thorold Rogers] (1823-1890), for information regarding whom see his entry in the Oxford DNB. A little grubby, but in fair condition, folded once. Good clear signature. Reads: ‘The 1st. of January 1926. / My dear Rogers, / Many thanks for your letter and information re the hostel. I have already brought it before The Bishop of St. David’s and hope that something may result. / With kind regards and best wishes.

[Lord Brougham, Lord Chancellor.] Autograph Letter Signed, insisting that ‘M. D’ [‘M. P’?] visit the family estate in Westmoreland, where his mother awaits.

Lord Brougham [Henry Peter Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux] (1778-1868), Lord Chancellor, Scottish Whig politician and leading light of the Edinburgh Review
Publication details: 
'Brougham [i.e. Brougham Hall, Westmoreland] / [morning?] [?] Oct [no year, but before his mother's death in 1839]'.

2pp, 12mo. On grey paper. In good condition, lightly aged, in neatly-trimmed remains of windowpane mount. Headed ‘Private’, addressed to ‘My dear M. D [M. P?]’, and signed ‘H. Brougham’. Thirty-four lines of text, in a somewhat challenging hand, resulting in the following tentative reading. (In his 1995 biography of Brougham’s later life, Trowbridge H.

[‘The most remarkable pulpit orator of his time’: James Parsons of York, Congregational minister.] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. J. Rawlinson, discussing his ‘intended retirement from my Pastorate in York’.

James Parsons (1799-1877) of York, Congregational minister, son of the preacher Edward Parsons (1762-1833)
Publication details: 
20 July 1870. High Harrogate [Yorkshire].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, which characterizes him as ‘the most remarkable pulpit orator of his time’, and that of his father. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. Somewhat aged and with the recto of the first leaf grubby, but with text clear and complete, with thirty-three lines of text in Parsons’ close and neat hand. Signed ‘James Parsons’ and addressed to ‘Revd. J. Rawlinson’. He ‘must, reluctantly, decline to comply’ with Rawlinson’s request. He wonders whether he has ‘seen, or heard of an announcement in “the Leeds Mercury” with reference to my intended retirement from my Pastorate in York’.

[‘God save the Quin’: Frederic Quin, homeopathic physician and society figure.] Joking Autograph Letter, inviting ‘Jesse’ to a dinner at ‘Vun Undred and Vunety Vun Mount Street [...] No Dogs admitted’.

Frederic Quin [Frederic Hervey Foster Quin] (1799-1878), the first homeopathic physician in England, figure of high society, friend of Dickens and Thackeray
Publication details: 
111 Mount Street [London]. ‘Friday evening’ [no date].

The present item gives an indication of the high spirits, though hardly the ‘brilliant wit’, which, according to Quin’s entry in the Oxford DNB, afforded him a welcome to high society. 3pp, 16mo. Bifolium, with second leaf slightly damaged at foot by removal from mount. The body of the letter reads: ‘Dear Jesse / Don’t you or your fair friends forget Supper at Vun Undred and Vunety Vun Mount Street tomorrow Saturday night at 11 oclock or as soon after it as you can come. / N.B.

[ Lucy Soulsby; Headmistress ] Autograph Note Signed Lucy H.M. Soulsby to Mr Cochrane, about someone seeking employment

Lucy H.M. Soulsby, Headmistress (Oxford DNB)
Publication details: 
[Headed] The High School, Oxford, 3 May 1895.

Two pages, oblong 12mo, creases, foxing but legible. My delay in writing to you has been caused by some change of place on Miss Scrivens part. Just after seeing you, I heard she had found work which suited her; - yesterday she told me that she has finally reg=fused this work & hoped to make an appointmet to see you & Mr William Gardner. I will write again in a few days when I know more. - I spoke to Mr Pascoe Glynn yesterday about finding you someone suitable.

[Lord Cairns [Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns], Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain.] Printed warrant, signed by him 'Cairns C.', appointing John Amherst Philpott a Commissioner for Oaths.

Lord Cairns [Hugh McCalmont Cairns, 1st Earl Cairns (1819-1885), Irish-born Conservative statesman, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain under Benjamin Disraeli
Publication details: 
12 June 1876.

2pp, folio. On bifolium endorsed on reverse of second leaf. In fair condition, lightly creased and aged. Three folds. Embossed with five pound tax stamp at head. Printed in copperplate, with the details of the appointee 'John Amhust Philpott of Cranbrook in the County of Kent, Gentleman' filled-in in manuscript. Circular stamp of the Court of Justice at end of document with two signatures: 'Entd. | H. R. W.' and 'Entered 14th June 1876 | E W Williamson | Deputy Registrar of Solicitors'.

[Sir Allen Young, Arctic explorer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Allen Young') to society homeopathist Dr Chepmell, conveying a message regarding an appointment.

Sir Allen Young [Sir Allen William Young] (1827-1915), English master mariner and Arctic explorer who searched for Sir John Franklin [Edward Charles Chepmell (1820-1885); Lillie Langtry (1853-1929)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Turf Club, Piccadilly [London]. 'Wednesday Evg' [no date].

In addition to his achievements, Young is remembered for holding a dinner party in 1877, at which the Prince of Wales arranged to sit next to Lillie Langtry while her husband was discreetly seated elsewhere, thus beginning their affair. 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and ruckled, with two small pinholes at head of first leaf, and traced of mount on blank reverse of second leaf. The letter begins: 'I have just got note from Mrs Langtry saying that she will have to go out of Town tomorrow morning and asking me to write to you to tell you'.

[Mary Endicott Carnegie, American socialite, daughter of William Crowninshield Endicott and wife of Joseph Chamberlain.] Two Autograph Letters Signed ('Mary E. Carnegie') to journalist Collin Brooks

Mary Endicott Carnegie (1864-1957), daughter of William Crowninshield Endicott and wife of Joseph Chamberlain [Collin Brooks (1893-1959), journalist]
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of 41 Lennox Gardens, S.W.1. 28 December 1950 and 4 January 1951.

Mary Endicott Carnegie was the daughter of William Crowninshield Endicott (1826-1900), Secretary of War in Grover Cleveland's first administration. She married the British politician Joseph Chamberlain (1836-1914) in 1888 and moved to England. After Chamberlain's death she married William Hartley Carnegie (1859-1936), Sub-Dean of Westminster Abbey and Chaplain to the House of Commons. She was painted by Sir J. E. Millais and John Singer Sargent.

[ Sir Robert Phillimore, English judge and politician. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Robert Phillimore') to the Earl of Clarendon, stating his intention of attending 'the sitting of the naturalisation commission'.

Sir Robert Phillimore [ Sir Robert Joseph Phillimore, 1st Baronet ] (1810-1885), last judge of the Court of the Lord High Admiral of England, Member of Parliament for Tavistock
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Privy Council Office. 'Monday' [ no date ].

1p., 12mo. On grey paper. Aged, with wear and creasing to corners. Reads: 'My dear Lord | I hope to attend without fail the sitting of the naturalisation commission on Wednesday.'

[ Sir Robert Phillimore, last judge of the Court of the Lord High Admiral of England. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Robert Phillimore') to 'Mr Hammond' (his clerk?), with directions regarding a copy of a letter.

Sir Robert Phillimore [ Sir Robert Joseph Phillimore ] (1810-1885), last judge of the Court of the Lord High Admiral of England, and politician
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 5 Arlington Street, London, S.W. 21 March [ no year ].

1p., 12mo. With mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on part of a leaf from an album. Reads: 'My dear Mr Hammond | Will you cause a copy of Mr 's letter to Mr Fane to be sent, as speedily as may be convenient, to the Neutrality Laws Commiss[ion]ers'.

[ Norman Robertson, Canadian High Commissioner in London. ] Typed Letter Signed ('N A Robertson') to Sir Harry Lindsay, Chairman of the Council, Royal Society of Arts accepting an invitation to become a Fellow.

Norman Robertson [ Norman Alexander Robertson; N. A. Robertson ] (1904-1968), Canadian diplomat, twice High Commissioner in London, one of Mackenzie King's advisers
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Office of the High Commissioner for Canada, Canada House, London. 22 December 1947.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Robertson's name in capitals in blue pencil at head. In response to the invitation he writes: 'I should be grateful if you would convey to the Council my thanks for the honour which they have done me in extending this invitation. It gives me great pleasure to accept, and I enclose herewith the application form which you were kind enough to forward.' Note in pencil in another hand at bottom right.

[ Lord Hatherley, Lord Chancellor of England. ] Autograph Document Signed ('Hatherley C') regarding closure of circuit court of Richard Harington, in franked envelope. With signed document ('Hatherley C'), appointing Harington to another circuit.

William Page Wood (1801-1881), 1st Baron Hatherley [ Lord Hatherley ], Liberal Lord Chancellor, 1868-1872 [ Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet, of Whitbourne Court, Worcester ]
Publication details: 
Document regarding closure of circuit court: 19 March 1872. Place not stated, but in envelope with London official frank. Appointment document: 28 August 1872.

ONE: 1p., 4to. Embossed with government seal at head. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'I The Right Honourable William Page Baron Hatherley, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, do hereby sanction the closing of the County Courts of the Circuit No. 34 during four weeks in the month of August next, Richard Harington Esqre., The Judge of the Same Courts, being desirous of holding Courts in the month of September next. | Hatherley C'. In envelope with Hatherley's signature ('Hatherley') at bottom-left of front, addressed in autograph to 'Richard Harington Esq | Heath Lodge | Hanwell'.

[ Ciro of Bond Street, London jewellers. ] Four 1930s trade catalogues: 'A Treasury of Pearls & Jewels', 'A Book of New and Exclusive Jewels', 'Exclusive Watches' and 'A Book of New and Exclusive Watches by Ciro - Part 2 - Jewelled Watches'.

Ciro of Bond Street, London jewellers, founded in 1917
Publication details: 
'Ciro of Bond Street' [ Ciro, 48 Old Bond Street, London, W.1. ] None of the four dated, but all from the 1930s.

The four items date from around the same period, all printed in black and white on shiny art paper, stapled in cream card wraps with simple and elegant titles printed in gold on the front covers. All four are profusely illustrated, with accompanying effusive text. Two have price lists printed in red tipped-in at the end. All four are in fair condition, with pages of text in a good state, and light signs of age and wear to the covers, the two larger items exhibiting slight rolled creasing, and one of them with wear at foot of spine.

[ King William IV, as Lord High Admiral. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('William') to Sir James Cockburn, Inspector General of the Royal Marines, concerning officer's examinations, divisional reports, and the preparation of a portrait.

King William IV (1765-1837) of the United Kingdom, King of Hanover [ Sir James Cockburn (1771-1852), 9th Baronet, Inspector General of the Royal Marines ]
Publication details: 
Bushy House. 14 November 1829.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Cockburn is not named as the recipient, but the item comes from his papers. William (at the time the Duke of Clarence) writes: 'I rejoice exceedingly at the favourable account you are enabled to give me concerning the late examination for Adjutants amongs the Royal Marine Officers'. He is anxious to have Cockburn's 'various reports from the different Divisions'.

[ King William IV as Lord High Admiral. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('William') to Sir James Cockburn, Inspector General of the Royal Marines, on Lt-Col. Robert Moncrieff acting 'foolishly' over his commission. With ALS from Moncrieff on the subject.

King William IV (1765-1837) of the United Kingdom, King of Hanover [ Sir James Cockburn (1771-1852), 9th Baronet, Inspector General of the Royal Marines; Lt Col. Robert Moncrieff ]
Publication details: 
Admiralty [ London ]. 22 November 1827. [ Moncrieff's letter to Cockburn from Portsmouth, 22 November 1827. ]

2pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight tear to one edge. Cockburn is not named as the recipient, but the item comes from his papers. William (at the time the Duke of Clarence) writes that he is enclosing Moncrieff's letter, 'by which you will perceive he is acting foolishly not to use a harsher term. My determination therefore is when I arrive tomorrow afternoon at Portsmouth to be informed by you whether he sells or goes on the Half pay of a Colonel which is Fourteen Shillings and Six Pence pr: diem.

[ Offprint ('corrected Copy'). ] Address delivered by Sir Llewelyn Turner (High Sheriff of Carnarvonshire), to the Segontium Society, On the 18th of November, 1886.

Sir Llewelyn Turner, High Sheriff of Carnarvonshire [ The Segontium Society, Carnarvon, Wales ]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the "North Wales Observer and Express" of November 26, 1886. Carnarvon: Printed by D. W. Davies and Co., "Express" Office. 1887.

15 + [1]pp., 12mo. Unbound pamphlet. In fair condition, lightly aged, with strip of adhesive tape on spine. 'Corrected Copy' in manuscript at head of title-page, and minor manuscript emendation on p.13. Address made at the Society's inaugural meeting, and ranging in topic from Carnarvon's ancient history to 'The Terrible Competition of the Age'. Scarce: no copy on COPAC.

[ Laurence Hyde, 1st Earl of Rochester, and Sir John Ernle. ] Signatures of 'Rochester' and 'J Ernle', cut from a treasury document.

Laurence Hyde (1642-1711), 1st Earl of Rochester, statesman, Lord High Treasurer and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [ Sir John Ernle (1620-1697), Chancellor off the Exchequer, 1676-1689 ]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On rectangle of laid paper, roughly 4 x 7 cm. In good condition, lightly-aged paper with one vertical fold. Good firm signatures, wih Rochester's above Ernle's. Writing on reverse relates to Sir Thomas Vernon and the payment of an order.

[ Henry Brougham Loch, 1st Baron Loch, High Commissioner for South Africa. ] Autograph Signature ('Henry B Loch').

Henry Brougham Loch (1827-1900), 1st Baron Loch, High Commissioner for South Africa, 1889-1895; Governor of Victoria, 1884-1889; Governor of the Isle of Man, 1863-1882
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 4 x 9.5cm piece of paper. In fair condition, aged, and with rust staining from staple to left of signature.

Seventeenth-century Vellum Manuscript Indenture, a Terrier of John Head's lease lands in West Hendred, Berkshire.

[John Head of Langley, Hampstead Norreys, High Sheriff of Berkshire, 1698-1699; terrier his lease lands in West Hendred]
Publication details: 
[West Hendred, Berkshire.] Late seventeenth-century.

On one side of a strip of vellum (circa 40 x 18 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn. In English. Scan of part on application

[Printed booklet.] De Quincey Society. 1889. [Rules of the De Quincey Society.] [With manuscript menu, on paper with crest of Worcester College, Oxford.]

The De Quincey Society, Worcester College, Oxford
Publication details: 
Booklet: [The De Quincey Society, Worcester College, Oxford.] Art & Stationery Co., Printers, Oxford. Revised, 1894. Menu: Worcester College, Oxford. 'High Table - 18 June 1905'.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Booklet: 8pp., 32mo. Staples rusting. Cover with Worcester College crest printed in red. Pp.3-6 carry the 20 rules, and p.7 contains a list, in three columns, of 46 'Members of the Society since its foundation.', from F. E. C. Drew to W. T. Lancaster. Menu: on small rectangle of card, headed with 'Menu' and the college crest printed in blue. At the head of the card, in pencil: 'High Table - 18 June 1905'. The menu is written out in another hand, in blue ink: 'Boiled Turbot | Poulet a la Marengo. Kromeskys. | Roast Sirloin of Beef.

[An young English Quaker relief worker in Germany.] Seven Autograph Letters Signed from 'David' [to the Tennant family?], describing in vivid terms his work in Lower Saxony (Harzburg, HIldersheim, Goslar) in the aftermath of the Second World War.

'David', a young English Quaker relief worker in Germany [The Tennant family of High Wycombe; British Army of the Rhine; Friends Relief Service]
Publication details: 
The first five from 124 Friends Relief Section [or 'Service'] (Quakers), B.A.O.R. [British Army of the Rhine]; the sixth letter from 17 Friends Relief Section; seventh from Work-Camp at Hildesheim,. Between March and July 1947.

66pp., 12mo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, each of the letters kept together with rusty staples. All the letters are signed 'David' and addressed to 'My Dear All'. Accompanying them is an envelope addressed in another hand to S. W. J. Tennant, Beechcote, Brands Hill Avenue, High Wycombe, and this may provide a clue to the identity of the recipients, to whom 'David' makes it clear on a couple of occasions that he is not related, signing off one letter 'from your muddle-headed friend'.

[Printed pamphlet in defence of the British House of Lords.] Civilisation and the Constitution. A Catechism.

Graham Bower [Sir Graham John Bower, RN] (1848-1933), Irish-born British colonial official, Imperial Secretary to High Commissioners for Southern Africa, 1884-1897 [Parliament; House of Lords]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [South Africa, 1880s or 1890s.]

2pp., 4to. On the rectos of the two leaves of a bifolium. Signed in type at end 'GRAHAM BOWER.' On laid paper with 'SOUTHERN CROSS | FINE QUALITY' watermark, suggesting, with the typographic style, that it was written during the period of that he served as Imperial Secretary. Very good, on lightly aged and creased paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho Mozley') from the Church of England cleric and Times leader-writer Thomas Mozley to 'My dear Rickards' [Rev. Samuel Rickards], like him associated with the Oxford Movement.

Thomas Mozley (1806-1893), Church of England clergyman, author and Times leader-writer, associated with the Oxford Movement [Rev. Samuel Rickards (1796-1865), Tractarian]
Publication details: 
7 Holly Place, Hampstead. 21 June 1853.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. He thinks that Rickards 'could answer the question in the enclosed letter with much more authority, exactness, and detail, than I could.' If Rickards has 'anything to say on the subject', Mozley asks him to 'send it at once to my brother at Oxford, as he is in the last crisis of an article on the Manuscript Commission'. He continues with news of 'Grace' ('now home for the holidays') and of his health.

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