[Royal Marines; Admiralty] Regulations and Instructions relating to the Royal Marine Forces, when on shore. [Containing section on 'Infirmaries', and appendix on 'Vaccine Inoculation'.] With manuscript additions.

Admiralty Regulations, Royal Marines, 1819 [Barrack Office, Chatham Division; Royal Navy; naval and military; vaccination; inoculation]
Publication details: 
[Undated.] In manuscript on front board: 'Admiralty Regulations 1819. Barrack Office Chatham Division'.

[Copy, from the 'Barrack Office' at Chatham, printed ] 4to: 120 + [19] pp. The last 19 unpaginated pages comprise the appendix, divided into 18 parts. Text clear and complete. On aged and foxed paper. Original boards rebacked in leather, with title on spine and new free endpapers. Title-leaf carries no date or printing details. In manuscript scored through on reverse: 'Adjutants Office by order | [signed?] T. G. Gascoigne | Adjutant', with crude drawings.

[ Edward VII Coronation; Printed poster giving instructions and regulations for carriages and traffic. ] Metropolitan Police. Coronation of Their Majesties King Edward VII. and Queen Alexandra, at Westminster Abbey, on Thursday, 26th June, 1902.

E. R. C. Bradford, Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis; Charles T. Ritchie [ Coronation of King Edward VII, 1902; Metropolitan Police; London ]
Publication details: 
Metropolitan Police Office, New Scotland Yard, 2nd June, 1902. [ Printed by the Receiver for the Metropolitan Police Division, New Scotland Yard, London, S.W. ]

Printed on one side of a 50.5 x 32 cm leaf of wove paper. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, folded three times. In relatively small print. Underneath the title, by 'Charles T. Ritchie': 'The following instructions for Carriages have been prepared and published in the "London Gazette" of 13th May, 1902, by direction of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and will be strictly carried out by Police'. Eight 'Regulations to be observed on the day of the coronation' follow.

[Two printed items.] 'Regulations for The Organisation of Detachments of The British Red Cross Society' (January 1939) and 'Dress Regulations for British Red Cross Detachments and the Society's Voluntary Detachments' (May 1939).

[The British Red Cross Society, regulations and dress regulations, 1939]
Publication details: 
Both items by The British Red Cross Society, London. The 'Regulations' ('Form D'): 14 Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.1. January 1939). The 'Dress Regulations' ('Form D(7)'). May 1939.

Two stapled pamphlets. Both in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Both items are scarce, with no copies of either listed on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. ONE ('Regulations'). 52pp., 8vo. Fold-out at rear: 'Chart shewing the organisation of the British Red Cross Society and its connection with (a) the International Red Cross, and (b) His Majesty's Government departments'. Table of contents at front, listing numerous topics from 'Definitions' to 'Air Raid Precautions Reserve'. Addendum (1p., 8vo) headed 'FORM D. January, 1939 | Amendments No. 1', loosely inserted.

['Official Copy' of British Army publication.] Regulations for the Medical Services of the Army. 1938.

[British Army regulations for the Medical Services]
Publication details: 
London: Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1943. ['Notified in Army Orders for July, 1938'.] 'Printed [...] by William Clowes & Sons, Ltd., London and Beccles.'

xiii + 457pp., 12mo. In green printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Divided into 14 sections (from 'Composition and General Organization of the Medical Services of the Army' to 'Regulations affecting the Royal Air Force'), with 56 appendices ('Sanitary Reports' to 'Contents of Case of Tracheotomy Instruments'). Scarce: no copy of this 1943 issue traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat (and only four of the 1938 version). From a small archive of material belonging to Daphne Kayton of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

[Printed parliamentary paper.] National Education (Ireland). New Rules and Regulations, 1900-1. Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty.

[National Education (Ireland). New Rules and Regulations, 1900-1; parliamentary papers]
Publication details: 
Dublin: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Alexander Thom & Co. (Limited), Abbey-Street. 1901.

"Rules appliicable to all principal and assistant teachers". 9pp., crown 8vo. On aged and worn paper, with front leaf loose. Shelfmarks, labels and stamp of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Scarce.

[Printed booklet.] De Quincey Society. 1889. [Rules of the De Quincey Society.] [With manuscript menu, on paper with crest of Worcester College, Oxford.]

The De Quincey Society, Worcester College, Oxford
Publication details: 
Booklet: [The De Quincey Society, Worcester College, Oxford.] Art & Stationery Co., Printers, Oxford. Revised, 1894. Menu: Worcester College, Oxford. 'High Table - 18 June 1905'.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Booklet: 8pp., 32mo. Staples rusting. Cover with Worcester College crest printed in red. Pp.3-6 carry the 20 rules, and p.7 contains a list, in three columns, of 46 'Members of the Society since its foundation.', from F. E. C. Drew to W. T. Lancaster. Menu: on small rectangle of card, headed with 'Menu' and the college crest printed in blue. At the head of the card, in pencil: 'High Table - 18 June 1905'. The menu is written out in another hand, in blue ink: 'Boiled Turbot | Poulet a la Marengo. Kromeskys. | Roast Sirloin of Beef.

[Printed pamphlet.] Association of Preparatory Schools. Rules. 1911.

[Association of Preparatory Schools, England.]
Publication details: 
[Association of Preparatory Schools, England.] 1911.

8pp., 12mo. Stapled and unbound. In fair condition, on aged paper, with stamps, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC.

Printed 'Regulations for the Admission of Gentlemen Cadets into the Royal Military College, near Bagshot. January 1st, 1852.' With one other printed item and four manuscript items relating to John Miller Dickson's attempt to join the British army.

William Dickson; John Miller Dickson; General Henry Shadforth [Royal Military College, Bagshot; British army; military history]
Publication details: 
The printed 'Regulations' 1852; the other printed item is dated 1851; the four manuscript items between 1852 and 1854.

The collection is in good condition, with occasional light creasing. The 'Regulations' ('ON HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE') consist of four pages printed on a folio bifolium. The other printed item, in facsimile handwriting, dated '15.11.51' (and dated in manuscript 'Horse Guards 1st.

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