Printed pamphlet: 'Diocesan Seminaries and the Education of Ecclesiastical Students.'

Francis A. Bourne, Rector of St. John's Diocesan Seminary, Wonersh, Guildford
Publication details: 
London: Burns & Oates, Limited. New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: Benziger Brothers.[ 1893. ]

66pp., 8vo. Stitched and disbound. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, but with the cover and first 16pp. separated from the rest; in worn binding with damage to spine. Two page preface by 'F. A. B.' Divided into four sections: 'Some Remarks on the Proposed Establishment of a Central Seminary', 'An Alternative Policy and Its Feasibility', 'Our Resources and our Models' and 'On the Separate Education of Ecclesiastical Students'. Now scarce.

[ Lord Francis Leveson-Gower, later Earl of Ellesmere. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('F Leveson Gower') to Viscount Melville, as Chief Secretary for Ireland, regarding the post of Vice Admiral for the Province of Munster.

Lord Francis Leveson-Gower [ later Francis Egerton, 1st Earl of Ellesmere ] (1800-1857), Conservative politician and patron of the arts [ Robert Saunders–Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville (1771-1851) ]
Publication details: 
London. 30 March 1830.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Docketed on reverse of second leaf: 'Lord Frs. Lewson [sic] Gower | 30. Mar: 1830 | Vice Admiral for the Province of Munster'. Headed 'Private'. He was unable to answer Melville's letter 'without previous communication with the Ld Lieutt'. In response to Melville's 'question whether there is any Peer in the Province of Munster to whom it would be proper to offer the vacant Vice Admiralty jurisdiction, I have now to communicate the Ld Lieuts opinion, in which Mr Peel concurs, that it would be admirable to offer it to Ld Donoughmore'.

[ Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of Godolphin. ] Autograph Signature ('Godolphin') on Exchequer receipt, as assignee of Hugh Chudleigh.

Francis Godolphin, 2nd Earl of Godolphin [ Viscount Rialton between 1706 and 1712 ] (1678-1766), nobleman and politician
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 5 July 1716.

On a 21 x 19 cm. piece of paper. On aged and worn paper, with wear along one edge (not affecting signature). Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records the receipt by 'ffra. Earl of Godolphin Ass Hugh Chudleigh' of £125 from an annuity. The customary calculations in the right-hand margin. At foot: 'Wittness | Jam Edwards | J Wingfield' (with 'g' and 'f' of second signature cropped).

[ Francis Wollaston, scientist and Fellow of the Royal Society. ] Autograph Signature ('Francis Wollaston') to Exchequer receipt, with reference to his children 'Mary, Francis & George Wollaston'.

Francis Wollaston (1694-1774), scientist and Fellow of the Royal Society, father of the author and astronomer Francis Wollaston (1731-1815)
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 22 July 1765.

1p., 8vo. On aged paper, with particular wear to one edge. Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Good firm signature. Recording a payment of £150, on an annuity of £300 per annum, 'during the Life of [Mary, Francis & George Wollaston]' (his three surviving children, two others having died). Signed at the foot of the page, with the signature of the witness 'W Wright' beside it. In manuscipt on reverse: 'Paid 31 July 1765 | £1636 : 2 : 6'.

[ Francis Cudworth Masham, Accountant-General to the Court of Chancery. ] Autograph Signature ('F C Masham | Acct General') on part of Treasury receipt.

Francis Cudworth Masham (1686-1731), Accountant-General to the Court of Chancery, son of John Locke's friend and pupil Damaris Masham, Lady Masham (1658-1708)
Publication details: 
[ Treasury, London. ] 4 September 1728.

On 17 x 18.5cm. piece of paper. In fair condition, on aged paper. The signature (beneath the words '4 Sept. 1728 | Recd in full', in another hand) is on the reverse of part of a printed Treasury document, completed in manuscript, recording payment to 'Francis Cudworth Masham Esqr. Accountant General to the Court of Chancery', 'in Repayment of Loan on the Seventeenth 4s. Aid, Ano 1727'.

[ Francis Wollaston, scientist and Fellow of the Royal Society. ] Autograph Signature ('Francis Wollaston') to Exchequer receipt, with reference to his children 'Mary, Francis & George Wollaston'.

Francis Wollaston (1694-1774), scientist and Fellow of the Royal Society, father of the author and astronomer Francis Wollaston (1731-1815)
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 22 July 1765.

1p., 8vo. Removed from an Exchequer ledger. On aged paper, with particular wear to one edge. Laid out in the usual way, with printed text completed in manuscript. Good firm signature. Recording a payment of £150, on an annuity of £300 per annum, 'during the Life of [Mary, Francis & George Wollaston]' (his three surviving children, two others having died). Signed at the foot of the page, with the signature of the witness 'W Wright' beside it. In manuscipt on reverse: 'Paid 31 July 1765 | £1636 : 2 : 6'.

[ Anthony Berkeley Cox, crime writer. ] Eleven Typed Letters Signed (nine 'Francis Iles' and two 'A. B. Cox') and one Typed Postcard Signed to Margaret Greenwood, on her wish to adapt 'Malice Aforethought' for film, with copies of her letters to him.

Anthony Berkeley Cox (1893-1971), British crime writer under the pseudonyms 'Francis Iles', 'Anthony Berkeley', and 'A. Monmouth Platts', best-known for 'Malice Aforethought' [ Margaret Greenwood ]
Publication details: 
Nine on letterheads of 86 Hamilton Terrace, NW8 [ London ]; and two on letterheads of Linton Hills, Welcombe, Bude. Between 8 June 1949 and 13 July 1950.

A total of 30 items. Cox's eleven letters total 16pp., and Greenwood's eighteen letters total 28pp. (several written on drafts of pages of her writing). In good condition, lightly aged, held together with a brass stud. An amusing correspondence, with Cox responding with amused bewilderment to the inexperienced approaches of his enthusiastic correspondent. Greenwood – who writes from 15 Horsham Road, Bexleyheath, Kent – is something of a bluffer.

[ Francis Paget, Bishop of Oxford: 'I dread a Controversy at the beginning of Term.' ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Francis Paget') to 'Dearest Bright' [ the patristic theologian William Bright ]

Francis Paget (1851-1911), Bishop of Oxford [ William Bright (1824-1911), Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History at the University of Oxford and Deam of Christ Church ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Christ Church, Oxford. 1 October [ no year, but before his consecration as Bishop of Oxford in 1901 ].

3pp., 12mo. Grey-paper bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He begins by thanking him 'with all my heart for the kindness of a most interesting and valuable note', before describing '[t]he case of which I was trying to recall the details', that of William Whittingham (c.1524-1579), Dean of Durham. He gives his source and discusses the matter with reference to Whitgift and Fuller, giving the opinion that the argument 'surely looks like an effort to stretch & dignify an irregular laxity, and not at all like an appeal to an authorized permission'.

[ Printed. ] Fly Leaves; Or, Scraps and Sketches, Literary, Bibliographical and Miscellaneous [...] [ With 'Cheap Books, for Ready Money, selected from the Stock of John Miller, Bookseller, and now on Sale, at 43, Chandos Street, Trafalgar Square.' ]

[ Edward Francis Rimbault (1816-1876); John Miller, London bookseller ]
Publication details: 
London: John Miller, 43, Chandos Street, Trafalgar Square. 1854. [ Publisher's catalogue undated. ]

(The book is anonymous, but Rimbault is generally accepted to have been the author.) x + 189 + 32pp., 12mo. A 32-page publisher's catalogue is bound in at the end. In publisher's blind-tooled black ribbed cloth, with gilt spine. Advertisements printed on endpapers. Tight copy on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding with damage to hinges. Ownership inscription on half-title.

[ Francis Paget, Bishop of Oxford. ] Autograph Note Signed ('F. Oxon.') to 'Mr. Hutchison' [ Rev. Robert Hutchison of Woodeaton or his son Robert Hamilton Hutchison ].

Francis Paget (1851-1911), 33rd Bishop of Oxford, and Regius Professor of Pastoral Theology at the University of Oxford
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Cuddesdon, Oxford. 6 April 1904.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: '6 April 1904. | Dear Mr. Hutchison, | With all good wishes, I send, duly signed, the enclosed, received this morning. | Yours very sincerely, | F Oxon.'

[ Sir Edward George Clarke, barrister who represented Oscar Wilde. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edward Clarke'), reminiscing about a trial at which he considers his client was wrongly convicted, and commenting on his son William Francis Clarke.

Sir Edward Clarke [ Sir Edward George Clarke ] (1841-1931), Conservative Solicitor-General who represented Oscar Wilde against the Marquis of Queensbury [ William Francis Clarke (1883-1961) ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Peterhouse, Staines [ Middlesex ]. 22 December 1927.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. He begins by expressing pleasure at having been asked to write his name in Tyrrell's copy of his book (probably 'Benjamin Disraeli', published in 1926). He also thanks him for 'the kind things said about me in your letter'. He has 'tried to be useful in various ways', and remembers 'the case you mention.

[ James Stuart ('Athenian Stuart'), painter and architect. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Stuart'), requesting that the bookseller Francis Wingrave ('Frank') place a number of advertisements regarding 'our exhibition'.

James Stuart [ called 'Athenian Stuart' ] (1713-1788), painter and architect [ Francis Wingrave (c.1745-1820), London bookseller ]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. Written in an elegant assured hand. Addressed on second leaf, 'To | Mr Francis Wingrave'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Reads: 'Dear Frank | I shall be much obliged to you if you can possibly get the copies I leave with this, inserted in the Gazeteer, the Public, & the Ledger, & the Morning Chronicle, we suppose it of consequence to the success of our exhibition, the interests of which I have greatly at heart. | Yours sincerely | J Stuart | Any expence attending the publication I shall gladly reimburse you'.

[ Winifred Gordon, W. J. Barwick of Truslove and Hanson, and C. F. Cazenove. ] Autograph Letter Signed by Gordon, two Autograph Letters Signed and Autograph Note Signed by Barwick, and three copies by Cazenove, on her book on Romania.

Winifred Gordon [ Winifred Monckton Campbell Gordon ] (d.1957), author; W. J. Barwick, director, Truslove and Hanson, London publishers; Charles Francis Cazenove (1870-1915), London literary agent
Publication details: 
Gordon's letter on letterhead of the Hotel d'Angleterre, Copenhagen. 24 June 1912. Barwick's three items on letterheads of Truslove and Hanson, 6a Sloane Street, London. June and July 1912.

Gordon is described in The Times, 20 August 1958, as a 'traveller, lecturer, and author', and a resident of Lausanne at the time of her death. All seven items in fair condition, on aged paper, with some rust spotting from a paperclip. The book referred to is 'Roumania, Yesterday and Today' (1918), which has an introduction and two chapters by the Queen of Romania. ONE: Gordon's letter to Barwick. 24 June 1912. 3pp., 8vo. She writes that she has already tried to place 'the little book' with 'Geo. Bell - Jacks - & Gay & Hancock. As to yr.

[ Francis Henry Hill Guillemard, English botanist. ] Elegiac Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Guillemard'), writing movingly to 'Annie & her coadjutors' on his impending death.

Henry Guillemard [ Francis Henry Hill Guillemard ] (1852-1933), English botanist and traveller
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Old Mill House, Cambridge. 11 August 1933.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. He begins by stating that he has of late found the act of writing almost impossible, but that when he goes into his garden, 'there are various things determined that you should not be forgotten; above all those beautiful white Turks' Cap lilies'. He has not been able to enter his garden, and now realises 'that old Charon is in the offing with that low, flat boat of his, ready to convey me, not entirely unwilling, to the other side.

[ The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London; Augustus Harris; Walter Slaughter ]

W. H. K. Wright, Hon. Sec. of the Committee of the National Armada Tercentenary Commemoration, July, 1888
Publication details: 
[ The National Armada Tercentenary Commemoration, 1888. ]

Three printed, interesting and uncommon items celebrating the three-hundredth anniversary of the defeat of the Spanish Armada. All three in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. The first two items relate to a theatrical production at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, to commemorate the anniversary, Item One being a catalogue of an exhibition that had travelled up from Plymouth. ONE: 'Catalogue of the Exhibition of Armada and Elizabethan Relics Held in the Grand Saloon of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London. Opened October 24th, 1888. Compiled by W. H. K. Wright, F.R.H.S., Hon.

[ Rev. Francis William Galpin, musicologist. ] Autograph Card Signed and Autograph Letter Signed (both 'F. W. Galpin') to the author Austin Dobson, regarding the Broad Oak in Hatfield Forest.

Francis William Galpin (1858-1945), Church of England cleric and musicologist and collector of musical instruments [ Henry Austin Dobson (1840-1921), English author ]
Publication details: 
The card dated 30 August 1904 [ no place ]. The letter addressed from Hatfield Vicarage, Harlow [ Essex ]; 7 May 1906.

Both items in good condition, with light signs of age. The card, with postmarks, is addressed to 'Austin Dobson Esq | 75 Eaton Rise | Ealing | W.' The letter is also to Dobson, but is only addressed 'Dear Sir'. In the card he reports that 'The old oak in the forest is now in ruins and quite dead. It has been surrounded with a railing and a young tree planted by its side.' He offers to send a photograph, and asks for 'anthing about my parish which you may publish'.

[ Cyril Maude, actor-manager, and his wife the actress Winifred Emery. ] Five Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed by him, and two Autograph Letters Signed by her, all to the journalist 'Mrs. Whitley'

Cyril Maude [ Cyril Francis Maude ] (1862-1951), English actor-manager; his wife 'Winifred Emery' [ stage name of actress Maud Isabel Emery; later Maud Isabel Maude ] (1861-1924)
Publication details: 
On following letterheads: four from 26 Cleveland Gardens, Lancaster Gate, W. [ London ]; two from 33 Egerton Crescent, S.W. [ London ]; one from the Playhouse, Northumberland Avenue, Charing Cross (from 1907); one from the Haymarket Theatre, London.

The eight items are in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. Maude's six letters (all signed 'Cyril Maude') total 8pp., and his wife's two (both signed 'Winifred Emery') total 3pp. In the typed letter the recipient is named as 'Mrs. Whitley, | 78 Alexandra Rd., | St. John's Wood, | N.W.' All eight items deal with interviews conducted by her with the couple. On 20 December Maude writes, 'as I told you I fear there will be nothing in particular for me to tell you, as it is very necessary for me to avoid telling anyone anything just yet awhile.

[ Francis Ingram-Seymour-Conway, 2nd Marquess of Hertford. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hertford') to Sir Robert Bateson Harvey, requesting his political support.

Francis Ingram-Seymour-Conway, 2nd Marquis of Hertford [ previously Viscount Beauchamp ] (1743-1822), British peer and politician
Publication details: 
Suffolk, 29 October [ 1806 ].

1p., 4to. On bifolium. In good condtion, lightly aged. Addressed, with part of red wax seal, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Sir Robert Bateson Harvey Bt | Langley Park'. He is 'perfectly aware' of his 'having not the smallest pretention to apply' to Harvey, but is encouraged 'by the friendly support which you gave to Mr Macnaughten at the general election in the county of Antrim to beg a continuance of your support and assistance on the present occasion'. Previously represented Lisburn and Antrim in the 1770s. See Wikipedia for details of his political career (not revealing about 1806 though).

[ Francis Maseres, lawyer. ] Autograph Letter in the third person, from 'Mr: Baron Maseres' to the printer Robert Wilks, regarding the disposal of copies of his 'Scriptores Logarithmici'.

'Baron Maseres' [ Francis Maseres ] (1741-1824), English lawyer, Attorney-General of the Province of Quebec
Publication details: 
[ London. ] 5 March 1807.

1p., landscape 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with central spike hole. Addressed on reverse 'For Mr: Wilks, printer, in Chancery Lane'. Having received a letter from 'Dr: Mackay' he gives instructions regarding copies of the fifth volume of the book, 'which he proposes to be sent to Newcastle and Inverness, and other places in Scotland'. If Wilks has not received copies from the bindery, he should 'take the said six copies back from Mr: Maseres's chambers'. He also asks for a copy to be sent to Dr Aikin.

[ Mark Hambourg, classical pianist. ] Autograph Card Signed to 'Cyril' [ English actor Cyril Maude ], regarding arrangements for his performance at Maude's 'grand benefit'.

Mark Hambourg (1879-1960), Russian-born English pianist [ Cyril Maude [ Cyril Francis Maude ] (1862-1951), English actor-manager
Publication details: 
Card with letterhead 5 Langford Close, Langford Place, NW8 [ London ]. 24 February [ 1942 ].

In good condition, lightly aged, with one vertical crease. Stamped and postmarked, and addressed to 'Cyril Maude Esqre. | Redlap | Dartmouth. | Devon'. For more about Hambourg, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. He writes: 'My dear Cyril | I'm afraid the Chappell Piano is necessary for me, as however good a theatre piano, it would not be good enough for a performance at your "Grand Benefit." | Yours with best wishes | Mark Hambourg'. Maude's 'Birthday Benefit Matinée' took place for charity at the Haymarket Theatre, 24 April 1942.

[ Edward Loomis Davenport, American actor. ] Autograph Letter in the third person, to T. F. D. Croker, praising his 'Dramatic Register'.

Edward Loomis Davenport (1816-1877), American actor [ Thomas Francis Dillon Croker (1831-1912), son of Irish antiquary Thomas Crofton Croker (1798-1854) ]
Publication details: 
'T[heatre] R[oyal]. D[rury] Lane | Mar 19 [ 1853 ]'.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on aged paper. In envelope with Penny Red stamp and postmarks (including one dated 21 March 1853), addressed by Davenport to 'J F. D. Croker Esq | 3 Gloucester Road | Old Brompton'. He thanks him for sending 'his Dramatic Register of 52 (& one also 51 while in Scotland)', and congratulates 'Mr C upon the very excellent style in which he has put the facts together'. Also present are a cutting relating to Davenport, from the New York Albion, 24 February 1855, and a small engraved portrait of 'MR.

[ Tanganyika Territory in the nineteen-thirties; Big Game Hunting ] Six long Autograph Letters Signed from Hugo Meynell to his father F. H. Lindley Meynell, including a sixteen-page letter describing a safari in the Serengeti.

Hugo Meynell (1909-1960), son of Francis Hugo Lindley Meynell (1880-1941) of Hoar Cross, Burton-on-Trent [ Tanganyika Territory in the nineteen-thirties; big game hunting in Africa; African Safari]
Publication details: 
Four of the letters on letterheads of Mtotohovu, Tanga, Tanganyika Territory; one on letterhead of Union-Castle Line SS 'Durham Castle', and another from Thaba Bosigo, Fouriesburg Rail, Orange Free State. Between 1 September 1932 and 4 January 1933.

A total of 46pp., mostly on 4to Mtotohovu letterheads. In fair condition, aged and worn. From the Meynell family papers. In the first letter he describes his preparations for an elephant shoot on the Serengeti: 'I a taking a 400 elephant gun a 300 high velocity gun, and a shot gun. My escort consists of a gun bearer, cook, tent boy lorry driver & skinner.' Of the participants in the '"Ngoma" native dance games' he writes: 'they really were awful, covered in red & yellow clay or mud - they really did look maniacs & I am sure are more than half Savages'.

[ Sir Francis Seymour Haden, etcher. ] Autograph Note Signed ('F. S. H'), thanking an unnamed recipient in warm terms.

Sir Francis Seymour Haden (1818-1910), etcher and surgeon
Publication details: 
Place not stated. Dated '9th.', with 'January 1906' added in another hand.

1p., landscape 12mo. On aged, worn and creased paper. Written in a shaky hand. Reads: '9th. | This was just going out as your Letter came in yesterday. So thought it better too keep back till I had mastered the contents of yours which was most satisfactory and told me all I wanted to know - | A thousand thanks for all you have done | F. S. H.'

[ Sir Francis Chantrey, English sculptor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('F Chantrey') giving instructions for the erection of a statue to an unnamed recipient.

Sir Francis Chantrey [ Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey ] (1781-1841), English sculptor
Publication details: 
Belgrave Place [ London ]. 23 April 1836.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, laid down on a leaf removed from an album. The letter begins by directing the recipient to 'place the head stone upon the figure if you intend to place it before the rest of the figure is erected'. If the recipient's 'previous arrangements did not contemplate putting the whole figure together' he asks him not to do as he has directed. Chantrey is 'desirous that the figure should be in the best possible condition to be looked at' before the next Wednesday morning.

[ Emilia, Lady Dilke. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Emilia F. S. Dilke') to 'Mrs Lewis', on topics including an article in 'The World', 'Mr Whitmore', 'Mrs Jay' and the Dilkes' 'island'.

Emilia, Lady Dilke [ born Emily Francis Strong ] (1840-1904), feminist and trades unionist, wife, first of Oxford academic Mark Pattison (1813-84), and then of Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke (1843-1911)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Dockett Eddy, by Shepperton, Middlesex. 26 June 1890.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. She begins with criticism of an article 'which has also appeared in the "World", which she is sure 'will vex Mr Whitmore'. She assures Mrs Lewis that no-one will suspect her of involvement, and thanks her for having 'secured the valuable services of Mrs Jay for Park Walk [...] Her playing has been invaluable to us [...] I want to ask her to come on our sub-committee'. She would like Mrs Lewis and her daughter to 'come down & dine & sleep on our island!', the Thames running under the house's verandah.

[ Pamphlet poem. ] The Mass of Christ, by the Late Francis Adams.

Francis Adams [ Francis William Lauderdale Adams (1862-1893), Australian radical nationalist poet ]
Publication details: 
No publication details. Undated. [ Manchester? 1890s? ]

14pp., 12mo. Disbound without wraps. In good condition, lightly aged. Poem of seventy five-line stanzas, arranged in four parts.

[ James Spedding, editor of Sir Francis Bacon. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Mrs. Pollock' [ later Lady Juliet Pollock ], one listing the twenty-two 'greatest' English authors, the other concerning the 'Swedish nightingale' Jenny Lind.

James Spedding (1808-1881), editor of Sir Francis Bacon, literary critic and Cambridge Apostle [ Lady Juliet Pollock [ née Creed ] (1819-1899), wife of Sir William Frederick Pollock (1815-1888) ]
Publication details: 
Both letters from '60 L. I. F.' [ i.e. 60 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London ]. 3 June 1847 and 24 April 1854.

Learned and witty, Spedding was a popular figure within the literary scene of Victorian London. As he lay dying following an accident, Tennyson rushed to the hospital and begged admission to his bedside. When approached by Delia Bacon, he dismissed the Baconian theory with contempt, and was the first to realise that the play 'Henry VIII' was a collaboration between Shakespeare and John Fletcher. Both of the present letters are signed 'Jas Spedding' and addressed to 'My dear Mrs. Pollock', and both in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with minor traces of glue from mount.

[ Francis Elgar, naval architect. ] Autograph Letter Signed [ to W. J. Fisher ], regarding the fund set up at the death of Harold Frederic.

Francis Elgar (1845-1909), English naval architect [ Harold Frederic (1856-1898), London correspondent of the New York Times ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 18 York Terrace, Regent's Park, London. 3 January 1899.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, with light signs of age. He is enclosing a cheque for two guineas towards 'The Frederic Fund', and writes that he had 'the pleasure of often meeting Mr Harold Frederic at the Savage Club some years ago'. He was 'deeply grieved to hear of his sad & untimely end'. He hopes enough money will be collected to be an 'appreciable help to his widow & children'. The letter relates to a celebrated Victorian scandal. In 1884 Frederic had come to England with his wife and five children as the London correspondent of the New York TImes.

[ John Francis Maguire, Irish politician and author of 'The Irish in America'. ] Autograph Signature.

John Francis Maguire (1815-1872), Irish writer and politician, MP for Dungarvan, 1852-1865, and Cork City, 1865-1872
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 4 x 11.5 cm piece of paper cut from letter. In fair condition, lightly aged and a little creased. Reads: 'purposes. | Yours very truly | John Francis Maguire'. On reverse: '[...] printer can easily understand my marking. Buf if you have any difficulty [...]'

[ British Expeditionary Force, German East Africa. ] Autograph article titled 'The Little Nurses of Morogoro. A character study from "German East"'. With newspaper cutting about the author Captain Francis Robinson, and a print of a drawing by him.

Captain Francis Robinson, Chaplain, 4th South African Horse [ British Expeditionary Force, German East Africa ]
Publication details: 
The article (regarding Morogoro, German East Africa, in the First World War) and the drawing are both without place, the latter being dated to 1902. Newspaper cutting from 'The Pictorial', Durban, 9 February 1917.

12pp., 4to, including title-page: 'The Little Nurses of Morogoro | A character study from "German East" | by Capt. Francis Robinson | Chaplain. | South African Horse | with the British Expeditionary Force | German East Africa'. In good condition, on aged paper, with closed tear to last leaf. A reference dates the item to after the Battle of Salaita Hill on 12 February 1916. The following captures the tone of an enthusiastic tribute: 'Wherever you go in that unattractive collection of miscellaneous buildings, you come across a little nurse, prim & smart in her uniform & cap.

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