[Henry Hart Milman, historian, Dean of St Paul’s and Professor of Poetry at Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed to the novelist Thomas Henry Lister.

Henry Hart Milman (1791-1868), historian, Dean of St Paul’s and Professor of Poetry at Oxford [Thomas Henry Lister (1800-1842), novelist]
Publication details: 
‘Cloisters [Westminster Abbey] / Decr 31st. 1841 -’.

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage. 2pp, 16mo. Signed ‘H H Milman’ and addressed to ‘My dear Mr Lister’ (the item is from the papers of Lister’s wife Lady Theresa Lewis (1803-1865; ODNB). He begins by congratulating Lister on the birth of his daughter ‘and the safety of Lady Theresa’.

[Henry Hart Milman, historian, Dean of St Paul’s and Professor of Poetry at Oxford.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir George Cornewall Lewis, regarding his desire to build a church.

Henry Hart Milman (1791-1868), historian, Dean of St Paul’s and Professor of Poetry at Oxford [Sir George Cornewall Lewis (1806-1863), Chancellor of the Exchequer]
Publication details: 
‘Cloisters West[minste]r. Abbey / March 20th’ [no year].

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged and folded for postage. 2pp, 12mo. Signed ‘H H Milman’ and addressed to ‘G. C. Lewis Esq’. Written in a crabbed hand. Begins: ‘My dear Lewis / I think that I mentioned to you my great wish to build a Church for the [?] of St Margarets.

[Francis Newbery & Sons, London medicine proprietors.] Manuscript Letter to the Dean of Carlisle [Francis Close), providing a translation of a letter on the best way of taking a medicine.

Francis Newbery & Sons, the medical arm of the London publishers founded at St Paul’s Churchyard by John Newbery [Francis Close (1797-1882), Dean of Carlisle]
Publication details: 
1 February 1876. On letterhead of ‘37, Newgate Street, / (Established 125 Years in St. Paul’s Church Yard,) / London’.

The history of the business is convoluted. See the entries in the Oxford DNB of the founder of the firm John Newbery (c.1713-1767) of St Paul’s Churchyard, his son Francis Newbery (1743-1818), and Elizabeth Newbery, née Bryant (c.1746-1821, widow of Francis Newbery (c.1740-1780), cousin of the aforementioned Francis, who, according to Oxford DNB, ‘had studied chemistry and medicine but on the death of his father in 1767 he was urged by Samuel Johnson and Robert James to continue the business of publishing and selling patent medicines which he had inherited as the only surviving son. ...

[Henry Westmacott, sculptor, brother of Sir Richard Westmacott.] Signature to Autograph Receipt for payment for ‘Monument to the Memory of Col[one]l. Campbell - including cases - Inscriptions - &c’.

Henry Westmacott (1784-1861), sculptor who worked on Nelson’s tomb in St Paul’s Cathedral, brother of Sir Richard Westmacott (1775-1856), and member of British sculpting dynasty
Publication details: 
Dated 18 February 1814. No place.

On one side of slip of laid paper, with watermark date ‘1811’. Dimensions: 18.5 x 7.5 cm. In good condition, folded three times. Good firm signature. Reads: ‘Received Feby: 18th: 1814. of Mrs. Campbell One Hundred & fifty Pounds for a Monument to the Memory of Coll. Campbell - including cases - Inscriptions - &c | £150 | Henry Westmacott.’ For Westmacott's work on Nelson's tomb, see the Archaeological Journal, 1894, vol. 51 (2nd series no. 1), p.161..

Autograph Letter Signed ('H H Milman') from Henry Hart Milman, later Dean of St Paul's Cathedral, to Francis Cohen [later Sir Francis Palgrave], discussing his poem 'The Martyr of Antioch', the Rev. James Garbett and Milton's Adam and Eve.

Henry Hart Milman (1791-1868), Dean of St Paul's Cathedral [Dean Milman] [Sir Francis Palgrave [born Francis Ephraim Cohen] (1788-1861); Rev. James Garbett (1775-1857), Prebendary of Hereford]
Publication details: 
St Mary's, Reading. 11 April 1822.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Francis Cohen Esq | King's Bench Walk | Temple | London'. Fair, on aged paper, with the narrow remains of a paper windowpane mount around the edges of the second leaf. Milman begins: 'I found Garbett so much occupied that until yesterday I have not had an opportunity of seeing him'. Garbett has promised to send Milman 'a detailed answer' to all of Cohen's questions, 'and is very much flattered by your favorable opinion'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'T: Dibdin') from the playwright and song-writer Thomas Dibdin to his publisher John Whitaker of Button & Whitaker of St Paul's Churchyard, discussing work and finances; with an autograph cheque signed by Dibdin.

Thomas Dibdin [Thomas John Dibdin] (1771-1841), dramatist, song-writer, author of pantomime 'Mother Goose' and song 'The Snug Little Island' [Button & Whitaker, music publishers, St Pauls Churchyard]
Publication details: 
The two letters: 'Weston Green 10th: July [1812]' and 'Johnsons Coffee House | Monday Evg: [July 1812]'. Cheque: 'London September 19th: 1817'.

All three items are on stubs, within a card wallet. All good, on aged paper. Letter One: 'Weston Green 10th: July'. 1 p, 4to. On bifolium, with verso of second leaf addressed to 'Mr: Whitaker | St: Pauls Church Yard | London', with two postmarks (one 'KINGSTON - T | 12'), and docketed 'Mr; T.

Three catalogues of publications by the Religious Tract Society ('Illustrated Gift Books', 'The "Pen and Pencil" Series' and general catalogue for September 1906) together with three ephemeral items relating to the Society.

[The Religious Tract Society; Victorian booktrade]
Three printed catalogues of publications by the Religious Tract Society
Publication details: 
The general catalogue dated to September 1906, another item from 1899, and the rest undated. [London: Paternoster Row.]
Three printed catalogues of publications by the Religious Tract Society

All items unbound. Texts clear and complete. On aged and dusty paper, with some spotting and one item creased at extremities. ITEM ONE: General catalogue (4to, 68 pp). In original yellow printed wraps. ITEM TWO: Catalogue of 'Illustrated Gift Books' (12mo, 12pp). Numerous vignettes. The front page, bearing an engraving of a seagull, headed in red 'Sold by W. EARDLEY, Crewe'. ITEM THREE: 'The "Pen & Pencil" Series.' (12mo, 10pp). Illustrations, including one of the Bishop's Rock Lighthouse. ITEM FOUR: Handbill advertisement (8vo, 4 pp) for 'The Annotated Paragraph Bible'.

[drophead title] The Conversion of Martin Luther.

James Macaulay (1817-1902), doctor, editor and author of devotional works [Martin Luther; The Religious Tract Society]
Publication details: 
[circa 1890] London: The Religious Tract Society, 56 Paternoster Row, 65 St. Paul's Churchyard, 164 Piccadilly.

12mo: 12 pp. Stitched and unbound. Fair, on lightly-aged paper with slight wear to extremities. Numbered 1355 at foot of first page. On first page 9 x 7 cm engraving of the monk Luther reading in a library. Beneath the title the author is described as 'James Macaulay, Esq., M.A., M.D., Author of "Luther Anecdotes," [published c.1883] etc. etc.' Curiously scarce considering the publishers: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC. For more on Macaulay see his entry in the Oxford DNB.

Etching of the church of St Mary-le-Strand, London, and surrounding streets. Signed in pencil 'Hanslip Fletcher.'

Hanslip Fletcher (1874-1955), English engraver [Emery Walker]
Publication details: 
Dated 1912. 'Copyright A. D. Power. Emery Walker'

Printed in brown on a piece of watermarked laid paper, 29 x 36 cm. Dimensions of image 18 x 22 cm. On lightly-creased paper, with a few short closed tears to margins at extremities. A bustling scene, from the top storey of a building, showing the traffic of coaches, carriages and carts around the church, which is seen from the front with St Paul's Cathedral in the background. In addition to the pencil signature, the print has the dated facsimile signature 'Hanslip Fletcher 1912'.

A Catalogue of New & Popular Works, And of Books for Children, Suitable for Presents, Sunday School Libraries, and Prizes.

E. P. Dutton & Co., publishers, New York [book catalogue; children's books; juvenile]
Publication details: 
[October 1881] New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 713, Broadway. Griffith & Farran, St. Paul's Churchyard, London.

12mo. 32 pages. Unbound. On browned high-acidity paper. Loss to margins of first and last leaves, but text clear and complete, save for the dating in bottom left-hand corner of the title: <...> 8. 81. Cancelling all previous Editions of this Catalogue.' Line in blue pen around the words 'for Children' in the title, and pencil markings (by a child) to p.30. Circular engraving beneath title captioned 'Goldsmith introduced to Newbery by Dr.

Autograph Letter Signed to Helen Frances Church [née Bennett].

Robert Scott (1811-1887), Dean of Rochester, lexicographer [Liddell & Scott's Greek-English Lexicon; Richard William Church (1815-1890), Dean of St Paul's]
Publication details: 
23 July 1875. Deanery of Rochester.

12mo, 2 pp. Fourteen lines of text. He has put her 'memorandum' with 'the others of a like kind', and does not doubt that he will 'be able to vote for your Orphan Boy -'. The Scotts are 'on the point of escaping to Folkestone', and hopes that Mrs Church is 'going to some place which [will] do you all much good'. Sends kind regards to Mrs Church '& the Dean'.

Printed Advertisement Leaf advertising Mavor's 'Voyages, Travels, and Discoveries'.

E[dward]. Newbery, Bookseller, Corner of St. Paul's Church-Yard, London
Publication details: 
London; [1797].

Two pages, on leaf roughly eight and a half inches by five. Very good, with three stab holes along one margin. Headed 'NEW COLLECTION OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, [...] This Day is published'.

Autograph letter signed to 'Mr Thornton'.

William Charles Edmund Newbolt, Canon of St Paul's Cathedral
Publication details: 
On letterhead '3, Amen Court, | St. Paul's E.C.'; 4 August 1908.

Clergyman and theologian (1844-1930), Canon of St Paul's Cathedral, London. One page, 16mo, on grey paper. In good condition. Possibly referring to a volume in the 'Oxford library of practical theology' of which he was co-editor. 'I am sorry to hear that a proof is coming. It is worse than preaching the Sermon. I hope to be here all August - I hope you are havinng a holiday.' Signed 'W Newbolt'.

Autograph Letter Signed to the Archdeacon of Winchester [George Sumner].

Richard William Church
Publication details: 
12 March 1885; on letterhead 'THE DEANERY, | ST. PAUL'S.'

Dean of St Paul's Cathedral (1815-90). 4 pages, 16mo. Heavy discoloration, and rust damage from paper-clip. He is glad that he can address his correspondent as Archdeacon, praising him for having shown 'so much judgement & ability in important positions in convocation'. Goes to great lengths declining an invitation, explaining that for health reasons he intends 'to be as far as I dare get in the South, perhaps to Sicily'. Signed 'R W Church'.

Autograph Letter Signed to the Prolocutor of Synod.

Richard William Church
Publication details: 
3 July 1888; on black-bordered letterhead 'THE DEANERY, | ST. PAUL'S.'

Dean of St Paul's Cathedral (1815-90). 3 pages, 16mo. In poor condition: discoloured and with rust damage from paper clip. Begins 'My dear Mr. Prolocutor | I think the best arrangement will be for the members to meet at the Chapter House to robe, not later than 10.30'. Describes the arrangements for a procession 'to the West end of the Cathedral' and a service involving 'Holy Communion with Sermon'. Signed 'R W Church'. Apologises in a postscript for not answering sooner: 'I only got the necessary information this morning.'

Autograph Note Signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Frederick W. Walker
Publication details: 

High Master of St Paul's (1830-1910). One page, 8vo. He gives thanks for a book, adding that "In my younger days I used continuously & valued your abstracts of Gk & Roman History & notes on Herodotus".

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