Discourse, On the Objects and Importance of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science, Established at Washington, 1840, Delivered at the First Anniversary.

Joel R. Poinsett, Secretary of War and Senior Director of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science [Smithsonian Institution]
Publication details: 
Washington: P. Force, Printer. 1841.

8vo: 52 pp. Stitched pamphlet in marbled paper wraps. On aged, damp-stained paper, with foxing to last leaf. The Institution was later renamed the National Institute and eventually became a part of the Smithsonian Institute.

The Pilgrim Fathers (1620-1920).

W. J. Douglas-Hamilton [Pilgrim Fathers Records Society]
Publication details: 
Published by Commonwealth Fine Art and General Publishers, Ltd., For the Pilgrim Fathers Records Society, 4, Vernon Place, London, W.C.1. 1920.

8vo, [ii] + 8 pp. Unbound stitched pamphlet. Lightly aged, and with short closed tears at head and foot of outer leaves. Dogeared corner to rear leaf. A 116-line 29-stanza poem, beginning 'The Pilgrims loved Old England, | Their hearts fed on her sod, | Their souls clung close to England, | But closelier [sic] to God.' and ending 'And through those centuries strenuous | In services to Man, | If sometimes sadly tenuous, | We claimed, and kept the Van.' Scarce: no copy on COPAC, in the British Library or Library of Congress.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W G Stanard | Cor Sectry') to Augustus Bamtridge of Lincoln, England.

William Glover Stanard [W. G. Stanard] (1858-1933), American editor and antiquary
Publication details: 
15 July 1920; on letterhead of the Virginia Historical Society.

Landscape 12mo, 2 pp. 17 pages of text. Blue oval stamp at head. Good, on lightly creased paper, with small closed tear at head. Difficult hand. 'Bambridge is not a familiar name in Virginia. Very many of the early settlers died from malaria & other fevers soon after arriving.' Discusses the difficulty of genealogical research ('we have a hundred Counties in Virginia').

Autograph Letter Signed ('Bob. Crosby') to 'Dear Ken' [Ken Ryan].

Bob Crosby (1913-1993), American dixieland bandleader and vocalist, best known for his group 'Bob Crosby and the Bob Cats'
Publication details: 
New Years Eve, 1955.' On letterheads of The Aladdin Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri.

4to, 4 pp. Good, on lightly creased paper. From the Ken Ryan collection. Long, rambling, good-humoured letter on the . 'Here it is New Years Eve and I'm at home, and being quiet. - I was tired as we have worked hard all week. - and its good to be quiet. [...] London must have been interesting during the holiday season - I hope to some day see it but when I ever will is the question I'm never to [sic] good to save money. - Next week we have the Monte Carlo Ballet. Russe. and I am looking forward to seeing it. with pleasure. I've always been so fond of ballet.'

Autograph Note Signed ('Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie') to unnamed male correspondent.

John Oliver Hobbes' (Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie, nee Richards, 1867-1906), Anglo-American Catholic novelist
Publication details: 
12 December 1901; Steephill Castle, Ventnor.

One page, 12mo. On aged and spotted paper, with traces of previous mount on reverse. Craigie's 'PMTC' monogram in top left-hand corner, and a red '45' in a red circle in top right-hand. Fourteen-line biographical cutting laid down along one edge. Reads 'Dear Sir | I have much pleasure in sending you my autograph. | Yours faithfully | Pearl Mary-Teresa Craigie.'

Autograph Note Signed to S. C. J. Freeman-Matthews, [autograph hunter of] Cape Town, South Africa.

John Fiske (1842-1901), American philosopher and historian
Publication details: 
31 May 1900; Cambridge, Massachusetts.

One page, 12mo. Very good on lightly aged paper. 'It gives me much pleasure to add my autograph to your collection.' With a 38-line biographical cutting on Fiske.

Catalogue of Fourteen Thousand Portraits of Authors, Actors, Legislators, Ministers and Celebrated Men and Women of All Countries. The Largest Sale that has ever taken place in the United States. [...] by Edelinck, Lemperour, Bause, Schidt, Doo [...]

Banks, Merwin & Co., Auctioneers, Broadway, New York [Auction Catalogue]
Publication details: 
New York: To be Sold at Auction [...] 8th, 9th and 10th of March, 1864, By Banks, Merwin & Co., At the Irving Buildings, Nos. 594 and 596 Broadway].

Octavo: 18 pp. Unbound: stabbed and unstitched. First leaf and leaves with pp. 15/16 and 17/18 loose. Leaves with pp.3/4 and 15/16 half-separated. Paper discoloured and chipping at edges. Extends to 918 lots. The odd number of leaves implies the loss of a final leaf, possibly bearing text. Stamp of the Public Library Ford Collection. Docketing in pencil notes a duplicate at the New York Public Library. No other copy traced.

The Constitutional Convention. The Constitution of New Hampshire as amended by the Constitutional Convention held at Concord on the first Wednesday of December, A. D. 1876: with the Several Questions involving the amendments proposed [...].

T. J. Smith, Secretary to the Convention, et al. [New Hampshire]
Publication details: 
Concord: Edward A. Jenks, State Printer. 1877.

Octavo: 31 pp. Stitched and unbound, with front of the original printed wraps, which bears the title-page, still present. Text clear and entire, on aged paper with some dogearing and chipping to top outer corner. Front wrap creased and lightly stained, with a little chipping, but with text clear and entire. Pencil ownership inscription in contemporary hand at head of title. Reproduces the proposed amended constitution and various resolutions regarding a referendum on the subject.

Autograph Note Signed ('J. M. Weston') to James Rees, with the latter's docketing addressed to 'F Powell'.

J. M. Weston, 'comedian', playwright and stage manager of the Charles Street Theatre, Baltimore [James Rees; F. Powell]
Publication details: 
[6 April 1847]; place not stated.

One page. On piece of paper roughly seven inches by three and a half wide. Bottom part of letter cut away. Reads 'Dr Sir | In compiance with your wish | I subscribe myself | truly yours | [signed] J. M. Weston | To/ | Jas. Reese Esq'. Docketed by Rees 'The above autograph is that of my friend J M Weston, Stage Manager of the St Charles Theatre - he is the Author of Several popular pieces, among which is the beautiful drama of Lucretia Borgia'. Dated in another hand on reverse. Not much appears to be known about Weston, whose translation of Victor Hugo's play was first published in 1850.

Unsigned Typed Letter; with two-page Typed Letter from 'The Advertisers'; both to Morley Stuart, Croydon House, Pelham Road, Seaford, Sussex.

George Thompson Brown Davis [John Wilbur Chapman; Charles McCallon Alexander]
Publication details: 
Letter from 'The Advertisers': 20 July 1908, Birmingham [England]; letter from Davis: 27 November 1908, 158 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

American evangelist (1873-1967), founder of the Pocket Testament League and the Million Testaments Campaign. One page damp-affected but text clear, some creasing. The letter from Davis is mounted on a leaf from an autograph album, and the two leaves of the other item are both glued along one edge to the same leaf. Letter from the Advertisers, two pages (on two leaves of different size), quarto. Some words of text on second leaf obscured through first leaf being glued over left-hand margin of leaf, but legible through paper of first leaf.

Autograph Letter Signed by George Lumbard ('Geo Lumbard') to unnamed correspondent.

Christy's Minstrels [The Christy Minstrels; Edwin Pearce Christy; George Christy [Harrington]; George Lumbard]
Christys Minstrels
Publication details: 
Town Hall, Buckingham; 12 March 1866.
Christys Minstrels

One page, 12mo. Good on piece of lightly-creased and aged paper, neatly mounted on slightly-larger piece of paper. Enclosing funds 'for the Use of St Andrews Hall April 2nd. 3rd. & 4th./66 for Christys Minstrels Concerts'. Postscript requests that receipt be sent to Reading in Berkshire: 'Shall be there on Thursday next'. A significant document. 1866 marked the introduction of the minstrel show into England by Christy's Minstrels, and the first of several extremely successful tours by the company.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Woodward'.

Eliot O'Hara (1890-1969), American watercolour artist
Publication details: 
March 12? 1936' [deleted] 'Thursday'; 10 East Taylor St, Savannah Gardens.

Three pages, small octavo. Good, though a little aged. He is having an exhibition of his 'new Mexican things [...] and teaching a small class' in Savannah. He is pleased that Woodward is going to Chapel Hill ('They need a breath of fresh air.'). The rest of the letter consists of an interesting assessment of the artistic situation in the area, beginning, 'In N.

Three Autograph Letters Signed to Mrs [?] Kent.

John Bigelow
Publication details: 
14 March 1911, 27 April 1911, and undated.

American diplomat and author (1817-1911), editor of Benjamin Franklin's works. All three items are very good on paper discoloured with age, though all with small punch holes for binding in upper corners, resulting to loss to six words of text. All three signed 'John Bigelow'. The second letter represents an important exposition of Bigelow's religious position at the very end of his life. LETTER ONE (14 March 1911, 21 Gramercy Park, two pages, octavo): In response to his correspondent's 'Syrenic appeal' he is sending a cheque for $25, 'at the rate of $5 for the next five years'.

Typed Letter Signed to the Hon. William Sulzer, 115 Broadway, New York City.

Publication details: 
4 January 1934; on letterhead '40 WALL STREET | NEW YORK'.

American lawyer (1873-1958), who in 1930 headed the investigation into political corruption in New York City which brought about the decline of Tammany Hall. Sulzer (1863-1941) had been elected Democratic Governor of New York in 1913 with Tammany support, but had been removed from office following an internal dispute. One page, quarto. Very good. His reply to Sulzer's letter has been delayed due to 'pressure of other matters and my absence from the City'. He thanks Sulzer for the 'recent note conveying your good wishes.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Andrew Preston Peabody
Publication details: 
Cambridge, Oct. 23, 1862'.

American Unitarian clergyman (1811-93) and editor and proprietor of the North American Review; Professor of Christian Morals at Harvard, 1860-81. One page, octavo. Good but on discoloured paper with slight spotting. 'It is my invariable rule not to send proof to any writer for the North American. You are however at entire liberty, to see the proof of your article by your own arrangement with the printers, who will be very ready to oblige you.' Signed 'A. P. Peabody'.

Two typed Letters Signed, successively to G[eorge]. K[enneth]. Menzies and W. Perry, Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Alfred Charles Bossom, 1st Baronet [British Art in Industry Exhibition, 1935; Royal Society of Arts; Royal Academy]
Publication details: 
22 June and 1 October 1935; both on House of Commons embossed letterheads, and from 5, Carlton Gardens, S.W.1.

English politician (1881-1965) and architect, much of whose work was done in the United States. Both letters two pages, quarto. Both letters docketed (the first heavily so), bearing the Society's stamp, and with pin and staple holes in top left-hand corner. Second letter good, first lightly creased and grubby. Revealing documents relating to the Royal Society's 'British Art in Industry' exhibition, held at the Royal Academy in 1935. The Society's website describes this as a 'resounding success', but as these letters show, the matter was not so clear cut.

Autograph Signature.

Jonathan Belcher [Nova Scotia]
Publication details: 

First Chief Justice of Nova Scotia (1710-76). Flyleaf detached from octavo volume and neatly mounted on piece of white card, itself mounted on larger piece of grey card. While the mounts are in good condition the leaf itself is poor, discoloured and stained. Reads in top left-hand corner 'Jonathn Belcher | August. 1754.' Also present are signatures of 'Hawkins | London' and 'Jn L. Lee | 1870'.

Typed Letter Signed and Typed Note Signed to F. J. Epps, Convenor, South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, 78 Dunwich Road, Bexleyheath, Kent, England.

Publication details: 
1 November 1943 and 28 November 1944; both on letterhead 'UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR | NATIONAL PARK SERVICE | Chicago, 54, Ill.'

The letter of 2 pages, 4to. Discoloured, dusty and frayed. Dr Carl P. Russell has asked him to reply to Epps's letter regarding 'the preservation of outdoor Geological Sections'. Discusses this matter over two paragraphs. Says he is sending a copy of his 'Field Manual for Museums' and refers Epps to two illustrations. 'I am personally as well as professionally interested in all problems related to the preservation of natural and historical objects and will be pleased to learn of any methods you have found to be satisfactory.' The note of 1 page, 16mo.

Typed Letter Signed to Mrs Edith D. Stellin.

Publication details: 
2 March 1933; on letterhead 'Norman Thomas | 112 East 19th Street | New York City'.

Norman Mattoon Thomas (1884-1968), six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party. 1 page, 8vo. Not in good condition: fraying at all four edges, with loss to the last two letters of the author's surname. Letter addressed to 'Dear Comrade Snelling'. He explains in great detail the need 'to enlist support for an expansion program which has just been decided on by the National Committee of the Socialist Party [...] we have no funds to meet it [...] The program provides for a membership drive for 10,000 new members in 1933.

Approximately fifty Autograph and Typed Letters Signed to Laurence Rivers, Inc., along with cuttings, etc., concerning Segall's play 'Lost Horizons'.

Harry Segall on Broadway
Publication details: 
Most from New York on various dates in 1934.

Lost Horizons by Harry Segall (1897-1975) opened at the St James Theatre on Broadway on 15 October 1934. An impressive testament to the efficient marketing of mainstream entertainment in early-twentieth-century America. Laurence Rivers, Inc., of 19 West 44th Street, New York City, were clearly the play's publicists, and the majority of these letters are from the representatives of various religious organisations in New York, thanking William Fields of the company for the gift of free tickets.

Autograph Letter Signed, in Spanish, to George Erving

Francisco Giron, Duke of Osuna
Publication details: 
Madrid, 9 August 1814.

The recipient, George William Erving (1769-1850), was U.S. Minister to Spain, 1814-19. 2 pages. 16 lines of Spanish text. In good condition despite slight discoloration. Neatly attached down one edge to blank sheet of paper. Docketed (by Erving?) 'From the Duke of Osuna (his family name Francisco Giron)'. One of the subjects is "La Guerra a los Ingleses".

Autograph Signature.

General James Harold Doolittle
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Distinguished and much-decorated American general (1896-1993), who during World War II led a squadron of army bombers in a series of intrepid raids on the Japanese mainland. In good condition. On a piece of paper 3 inches by 5 inches.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

G. W. Bisseneek [Georgs Bisenieks?]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Prime Minister of Latvia. On slip of paper approximately one inch by three inches. In good condition, with one crease, and neatly glued to docketed piece of green card. Signed 'G. W. Bisseneeks".

Typed Letter Signed to F. J. Epps, Convenor, South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, 78 Dunwich Road, Bexleyheath, Kent, England.

Carl P. Russell
Publication details: 
18 August 1943; on letterhead United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service.

Chief Naturalist of the National Park Service and Superintendent of Yosemite National Park. One page, 8vo, slightly stained but in good overall condition. Russell is replying to Epps's request for information about the National Park System, 'particularly those areas which are classed as "nature preserves"'. He says that he is sending a number of publications under separate cover, and that with this letter he encloses copies of the 'Antiquities Act' of Congress, 1906 and 'Dr. Kendeigh's article' (neither of which are present).

Das Endziel des Anarchismus.

E. Steinle.
Publication details: 
Buffalo, N.Y. : Lang, 1894.

Pamphlet, disbound, pp. 16, 8o, sl. chipped and discoloured but complete and clear.

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