[Jane Aiken Hodge, American-born British writer.] Typed Letter Signed to autograph collector Eileen Cond, describing her writing plans: ‘Such hard work; such fun.’

Jane Aiken Hodge (1917-2009), prolific American-born British writer, daughter of poet Conrad Aiken, sister of Joan Aiken
Publication details: 
17 September [1969]. 6 Lancaster Road, Wimbledon, SW19 [London].

Jane Aiken Hodge was author of many works, mainly romantic fiction. Her most popular book was a study of Georgette Heyer, and she was also responsible for a biography of Jane Austen. 1p, landscape 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded once for postage. Signed in type ‘Jane Hodge’, with the following in type: ‘Mrs. Alan Hodge’.

[John Philip Newman, Chaplain of the United States Senate.] Autograph Signature of ‘John P. Newman / Chaplain of the Senate.’

John P. Newman [John Philip Newman] (1826-1899), Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church of America, Chaplain of the United States Senate
Publication details: 
17 August 1869. [Washington, D.C.]

In addition to his pastoral duties, Newman was a noted orator and lecturer. In 1870 eleven thousand people crammed into the Salt Lake City Tabernacle, to hear him debate the question of polygamy with Orson Pratt, and transcripts of the debate were carried throughout the American papers. On a 14 x 7 cm slip of wove paper. The reverse bears traces of glue from its display in an album, and there is slight loss and a short closed tear at the foot from its removal. The signature and text are firm and clear: ‘John P. Newman / Chaplain of the Senate. / Aug 17 - / 69.’

[American War of Independence.] Three original hand-tinted engravings: portraits of ‘The Honble Horatio Gates, Major General of the American Forces’ and ‘John Paul Jones’, and ‘First Action between the English and Americans at Concord in 1775’.

American War of Independence; Horatio Gates; John Paul Jones; Battle of Concord, Massachusetts, 1775; John Chapman; James Cundee; Robert Faulder, London bookseller
Publication details: 
[1780, 1796 and 1806; all London.]

Three contemporary engravings, now scarce. All three items are in good condition, each laid down in a nineteenth-century mount. All have been trimmed (the information concerning each comes from another source), and all are partially tinted. ONE: ‘The Honble Horatio Gates, Major General of the American Forces’. From ‘An impartial history of the war in America, between Great Britain and her colonies’ (R. Faulder, London, 1780). 9 x 16 cm; in 21 x 27 cm mount. A full-length portrait of Gates, with right hand on chest and left hand holding the ‘Articles of Capitulation’.

[Sir Edward Mortimer Archibald, British Consul in New York.] Autograph Signature to Manuscript document acknowledging the Albion Society of New York’s ‘Resolution of Condolence’ on the death of Princess Alice.

Sir Edward Mortimer Archibald (1810-1884), British Consul in New York from 1857 to 1883, born in Nova Scotia [Albion Society of New York; Princess Alice]
Publication details: 
9 January 1879; British Consulate General, New York.

2pp, foolscap 8vo. On grey laid paper with mourning border, brittle and lightly creased, with chipping and closed tears to edges. Addressed in Archibald’s hand to ‘The President of the Albion Society of New York’, and signed ‘E M Archibald / HM Brit Consul Genl’.

[Michel Kovatchévitch [Kovatchevitch], Paris-based Slav actor and author.] Typed Letter Signed, in French [to English theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope], requesting information for his book on the Anglo-American black actor Frederick Aldridge.

Michel Kovatchévitch [Kovatchevitch] (1891-1961), Paris-based Slav actor and writer in French on the theatre [W. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian; Ira Frederick Aldridge, Anglo-American black actor]
Publication details: 
4 May 1956; on his letterhead, 36 Rue de la Clef, Paris.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) 2pp, 4to. Signed ‘Michel Kovatchévitch’. On aged and worn paper. Folded twice for postage, with closed tears at edges of vertical fold, and nicks and creasing along one edge. He is working on a biography of Frederick Aldridge, ‘tragédien noir de langue anglaise (1807-1867)’, and asks for help in establishing the date of his debut, ‘dans le rôle d’Othello, au Royalty Theatre’.

[Noah Beery Sr [Noah Nicholas Beery], American movie star beginning in the silent era.] Signed Autograph Inscription, with ‘stamp’ bearing his portrait.

Noah Beery Sr [Noah Nicholas Beery] (1882-1946), American movie actor who appeared in films from 1913 and 1946, older brother of Wallace Beery and father of Noah Beery Jr
Publication details: 
Christmas [1936].

Clearly produced for an autograph collector. On one side of a 12.5 x 8.5 cm cream card. In good condition, lightly aged. The inscription reads: ‘For Janis / Merry Xmas to you / Sincerely / Noah Beery’. Affixed in the top right-hand corner, partially covering the word ‘you’ in the inscription, is a black and white stamp, with photographic portrait captioned at foot ‘NOAH BEERY’. Dated in pencil at bottom-right ‘Dec 1936’.

[Albert D. Shaw, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic.] Autograph Letter Signed to J. Rawlinson, regarding ‘the Resolution passed by the Board of Congregational Ministers of Manchester’, on the death of President Garfield.

Albert D. Shaw [Albert Duane Shaw] (1841-1901), American government official and New York Republican Congressman, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic [Manchester, England]
Publication details: 
5 October 1881; on letterhead of the United States Consulate, Manchester [England].

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border (for President Garfield). 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, a little worn and creased. Folded once. Signed ‘Albert D Shaw / U.S. Consul’, and addressed to ‘J. Rawlinson Esq. / Hon. Sec. / Old Trafford.’ He is in receipt of ‘the Resolution passed by the Board of Congregational Ministers of Manchester and neighbourhood, expressing their heartfelt sympathy, and that of the Churches they represent with the American people in the Calamity which has befallen them in he death of President Garfield’.

[Gerald Ford, 38th President of the United States.] Autograph Signature (‘Gerald R. Ford’) to full-colour ‘Official White House Photo by David Kennerly’.

Gerald Ford [Gerald R. Ford; Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr.; born Leslie Lynch King Jr.] (1913-2006), 38th President of the United States, 1974-1977 [David Kennerly, photographer]
Publication details: 
Typewritten stamp on reverse: ‘PC 200495 Aug 29, 1974 / President Gerald Ford / Official White House Photo / by David Kennerly’.

20 x 25 cm colour print. Suitable for framing. In good condition, with a few light dinks. Head and shoulders shot of Ford in jacket and tie, standing in front of an American flag, arms folded and with his trademark toothy smile. Large signature ‘Gerald R. Ford’ on a white stripe of the flag, downwards and slightly over Ford’s right shoulder. It was Lyndon Johnson who said of the subject of this photograph: ‘Jerry Ford is so dumb he can’t fart and chew gum at the same time’ (the word ‘fart’ being altered by the press to ‘walk’). See image.

[William Taylor Adams (‘Oliver Optic’), author and academic, member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives.] Autograph Signature (‘William T Adams / “Oliver Optic”’, in attractive copperplate.

William T. Adams [William Taylor Adams, pseudonym ‘Oliver Optic’] (1822-1897), academic, author of more than one hundred books, and a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Adams was the author of more than one hundred books. He was criticised by Louisa May Alcott for his use of slang and depiction of ‘low’ characters such as bootblacks, elements which make him sound like a proto-Mark Twain, and should attract renewed attention today. Without date or place. On 4.5 x 9.5 cm slip of wove paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of mount adhering to blank reverse.

[Daughter of a drug smuggler and mother of a president: Sara Roosevelt, mother of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.] Signed Autograph Inscription (‘Sara D Roosevelt’), proclaiming that she is ‘mother of President Franklin D Roosevelt’.

Sara Roosevelt [Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt] (1854-1941), mother of President of the United States Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the mother-in-law of Eleanor Roosevelt
Publication details: 
11 July 1934. Place not stated.

On 11.5 x 7.5 cm leaf, with rounded outer edges, extracted from an autograph album. In good condition, lightly aged. Written at the head of the recto, the rest of the leaf being blank: ‘Sarah D Roosevelt - (Mrs James Roosevelt, Sen.) / mother of President Franklin D. Roosevelt / July 11th. 1934’. See image.

[Alexander Hamilton Bullock, Republican politician and abolitionist.] Autograph Signature ('Alexander H Bullock') to printed card of 'The Governor of Massachusetts', inscribed on reverse as a gift 'For Master Walter G. Webster'.

Alexander Hamilton Bullock (1816-1882), Republican politician and abolitionist, who served three terms as 26th Governor of Massachusetts
Publication details: 
[Massachusetts.] Dated by Bullock '1867'.

6.5 x 11 cm calling card, with the words 'The Governor of Massachusetts' printed at centred of one side. Above this Bullock signs 'Alexander H Bullock', and below it '1867'. On the reverse Bullock writes: 'For | Master | Walter G. Webster'. In good condition, lightly aged, with the reverse carrying traces of grey paper mount at the four corners.

[William Thomas Manning, Episcopalian Bishop of New York.] Autograph Letter Signed, on his appointment, to Samuel Bickersteth, Canon of Canterbury Cathedral, which he considers 'the centre of our whole Communion and of our Mother Church of England'.

William T. Manning [William Thomas Manning] (1866-1949), Episcopalian Bishop of New York, 1921-1946 [Samuel Bickersteth, Canon of Canterbury Cathedral]
Publication details: 
20 April 1921. On letterhead of Four Washington Square.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and rather creased. Folded twice. Signed 'William T. Manning.' Addressed to 'The Revd. Samuel Bickersteth D.D. | Canon of Canterbury'. Writing after his appointment as Bishop of New York, Manning begins by stating that Bickersteth must be aware of 'the pressure' that he has been under 'during the past weeks', and this is the reason why his 'kind letter' has not been answered sooner. The appointment 'is a tremendous responsibility but with God's help I shall do my best.

[Mathias Sandor, Hungarian-born American artist.] Original artwork: miniature graphite drawing of an attractive fin-de-siècle woman, heading an Autograph Note Signed ('Mathiás Sándor') to 'Mr Howes Norris Jr', responding to request for autograph.

Mathias Sandor [Mathiás Sándor] (1857-1920), Hungarian artist who settled in the United States [Howes Norris Jr, autograph collector]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of glue from mount on blank reverse. Central horizontal fold, not affecting the drawing. Sandor was clearly a generous fellow, and Norris was a lucky one. Sandor has responded to a request for an autograph by sending a note topped by an attractive miniature graphite drawing of the head and shoulders of an 1890s young lady, more subtle than a 'Gibson Girl', staring quizzically with the distinctive hairstyle of the period.

[James J. Davis ['Iron Puddler', 'Puddler Jim'], Welsh-born United States Republican Party Senator from Pennsylvania.] Typed Letter Signed ('James J Davis') to Sir Arthur Cope, introducing journalist (and spy?) 'Mr. William Edward Cope of New York'.

James J. Davis [James John Davis] (1873-1947), Welsh-born United States Republican Party Senator from Pennsylvania, nicknamed 'Iron Puddler' and 'Puddler Jim' [Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope, artist]
Publication details: 
21 December 1925. On embossed letterhead of the Secretary of Labor, Washington.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Addressed to 'Sir Arthur Cope | London'. The letter reads: 'My dear Sir Arthur: | This will introduce Mr. William Edward Cope of New York, a member of the National Press Club, who is going abroad to do some newspaper work. He desires a brief interview with you and I bespeak for him such courtesies as you may find it convenient to render him.' The subject of the letter W. E. Cope would appear to have been a government agent.

[James J. Davis ['Iron Puddler', 'Puddler Jim'], Welsh-born United States Republican Party Senator from Pennsylvania.] Typed Letter Signed ('James J Davis') to Sir Arthur Cope, introducing journalist (and spy?) 'Mr. William Edward Cope of New York'.

James J. Davis [James John Davis] (1873-1947), Welsh-born United States Republican Party Senator from Pennsylvania, nicknamed 'Iron Puddler' and 'Puddler Jim' [Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope, artist]
Publication details: 
21 December 1925. On embossed letterhead of the Secretary of Labor, Washington.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Addressed to 'Sir Arthur Cope | London'. The letter reads: 'My dear Sir Arthur: | This will introduce Mr. William Edward Cope of New York, a member of the National Press Club, who is going abroad to do some newspaper work. He desires a brief interview with you and I bespeak for him such courtesies as you may find it convenient to render him.' The subject of the letter W. E. Cope would appear to have been a government agent.

[William Thomas Manning, Episcopalian Bishop of New York.] Autograph Letter Signed, on his appointment, to Samuel Bickersteth, Canon of Canterbury Cathedral, which he considers 'the centre of our whole Communion and of our Mother Church of England'.

William T. Manning [William Thomas Manning] (1866-1949), Episcopalian Bishop of New York, 1921-1946 [Samuel Bickersteth, Canon of Canterbury Cathedral]
Publication details: 
20 April 1921. On letterhead of Four Washington Square.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and rather creased. Folded twice. Signed 'William T. Manning.' Addressed to 'The Revd. Samuel Bickersteth D.D. | Canon of Canterbury'. Writing after his appointment as Bishop of New York, Manning begins by stating that Bickersteth must be aware of 'the pressure' that he has been under 'during the past weeks', and this is the reason why his 'kind letter' has not been answered sooner. The appointment 'is a tremendous responsibility but with God's help I shall do my best.

[Mathias Sandor, Hungarian-born American artist.] Original artwork: miniature graphite drawing of an attractive fin-de-siècle woman, heading an Autograph Note Signed ('Mathiás Sándor') to 'Mr Howes Norris Jr', responding to request for autograph.

Mathias Sandor [Mathiás Sándor] (1857-1920), Hungarian artist who settled in the United States [Howes Norris Jr, autograph collector]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of glue from mount on blank reverse. Central horizontal fold, not affecting the drawing. Sandor was clearly a generous fellow, and Norris was a lucky one. Sandor has responded to a request for an autograph by sending a note topped by an attractive miniature graphite drawing of the head and shoulders of an 1890s young lady, more subtle than a 'Gibson Girl', staring quizzically with the distinctive hairstyle of the period.

[Mayne Reid, Irish novelist on American themes.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'J. Froebel' [Julius Fröbel] regarding arrangements for the translation, editing and publication of his book 'Aus Amerika'.

Mayne Reid [Thomas Mayne Reid] (1818-1883), Irish novelist who lived for long periods in America and wrote on American themes [Julius Fröbel [Froebel] (1805-1893), German geologist and traveller]
Publication details: 
23 November [1858]; Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire.

8pp, 12mo. On two bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Signed 'Mayne Reid', and written from the sprawling 'Rancho' which he built at Gerrards Cross, in imitation of a Mexican hacienda. The recipient is named by Reid as 'J. Froebel', i.e. Julius Froebel, and the subject is arrangements for the translation translation of his book 'Aus Amerika' (Leipzig, 1857), which would be published in London by Richard Bentley in 1859 under the title 'Seven Years' Travel in Central America, Northern Mexico, and the Far West of the United States'.

[President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's mother Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Sara D Roosevelt') to 'Peggy', on a sketch to be made of the 'village' library she and her son are endowing in Hyde Park in memory of her husband.

Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt (1854-1941), second wife of James Roosevelt I, mother of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt [James Roosevelt Memorial Library, Hyde Park on the Hudson]
Publication details: 
23 February [no year]; on letterhead of Hyde Park on the Hudson, N.Y. [New York].

The subject of the letter is a sketch which Mrs Roosevelt wishes the recipient to make on a scroll, depicting the library which she and her son the future president Franklin Delano Roosevelt are endowing in the 'village' of Hyde Park, in memory of her husband James Roosevelt I (1828-1900). (The library opened in 1927, and is still in use.) 4pp, 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once, with short closed to one edge of the fold. She begins: 'My dear Peggy | I received your parcel just before I came up here so have a few days of country air with my son [F. D.

[Louise Chandler Moulton, American author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Louise C. Moulton') to 'Mr. Boyd', including holograph poem 'Has Spring Come Back?', which she has written that day for a party celebrating the engagement of Longfellow's daughter.

Louise Chandler Moulton [born Ellen Louise Chandler] (1835-1908), American author and poet [Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, American poet]
Publication details: 
Letter: 31 December [1884]; 28 Rutland Square, Boston. Poem signed and dated 'S. C. M. | Dec. 31. 1884.'

A nice item, in which, writing to a friend in London, Moulton describes, and encloses a holograph copy of, the poem she has written that very day for the following day's New Year's Eve party to celebrate the engagement of Longfellow's youngest daughter Anne Allegra to Joseph Gilbert Thorp Jr. (1852-1931). 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Aged, worn and creased, with damage resulting in loss of a couple of words of text, due to tearing of the letter away from mount. The letter covers three pages, the last written lengthwise, and is forty-six lines long.

[Cloudesley Brereton, educationalist and poet.] Three Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Society of Arts, topics including a proposed lecture and America. With inscribed printed prospectus for 'Roger Bacon Commemoration'.

Cloudesley Brereton [Cloudesley Shovell Henry Brereton] (1863-1937), educationalist and poet [Sir Henry Trueman Wood (1845-1929), Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, London; Roger Bacon]
Publication details: 
Letters: 4 January 1900, on letterhead of Briningham House, Melton Constable; 2 July 1901, on letterhead of Westminster Hotel, New York; 12 July [1913], on letterhead of 7 Lyndhurst Road, Hampstead, N.W. [London] Prospectus: July 1913.

Four items, in good condition, lightly aged. The three letters with date stamps of the Society of Arts, and two with pencil annotations. All three signed 'Cloudesley Brereton'. ONE: ALS of 4 January 1900. 2pp, 12mo. He thanks him for his 'kindly intervention with the Board of Education', which he believes 'will in time bear good fruit'. He has been 'thinking over' Wood's 'suggestion of giving a lecture on the Rural Schools of France', and would 'much like to take it up if you have still a vacant date & you do not want it too soon - as I am just now overwhelmed with work'.

[Horace Bushnell of North Church, Hartford, Connecticut, Congregational minister, religous writer.] Printed pamphlet: 'Prosperity Our Duty. | A Discourse delivered at the North Church, Hartford, Sabbath Evening, January 31, 1847. By Horace Bushnell.

Horace Bushnell (1802-1876) of North Church, Hartford, Connecticut, Congregational minister and religious writer [Case, Tiffany & Burnham, Hartford printers]
Publication details: 
'Published by request.' Hartford: Printed by Case, Tiffany & Burnham, 1847.

24pp, 8vo. Saddle-stitched pamphlet in pink wraps the the title-page reprinted on the cover, this time within a decorative border. In fair condition, aged, worn and creased, with slight loss to outer corner of front cover. Bushnell takes as his text 2 Chronicles XXXII.30, and begins his 'Discourse': 'Any community or city will prosper that will do its duty.

[Philadelphia Society of Friends (Quakers) and slavery, 1839.] Printed pamphlet: 'An Address to the [...] Yearly Meeting of Friends, held in Philadelphia, By the Committee appointed at the late Yearly Meeting to have charge of the Subject of Slavery.

[American slavery; the slave trade] John Jackson, Benjamin Price, Deborah F. Wharton, clerks, Society of Friends (Quakers), Philadelphia
Publication details: 
Philadelphia: Printed by John Richards, No. 130 North Third Street. 1839.

The full title is: 'An Address to the Quarterly, Monthly and Preparative Meetings, and the Members thereof, composing the Yearly Meeting of Friends, held in Philadelphia, By the Committee appointed at the late Yearly Meeting to have charge of the Subject of Slavery.' 12pp, 12mo. Pamphlet in (original?) plain brown wraps. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Begins with two pages of extracts from the minutes, 17 May 1839, regarding the setting up of the committee on 'the deeply interesting subject of Slavery', with reference to 'Benjamin Price, Jr. Clerk' and 'Deborah F.

[Bellevue Hospital, New York, Wood Museum.] Printed item: 'Catalogue of the "Wood" Museum of Bellevue Hospital, New York City, comprising a descriptive and classified list of Anatomical and Pathological Specimens.'

Bellevue Hospital, New York, Wood Museum [James Rushmore Wood (1816-1882), surgeon, 'Anatomical and Pathological Specimens']
Publication details: 
[Bellevue Hospital, New York.] Department Press. 1880.

vi + 257pp, 8vo. In good condition, tight and clean, on lightly-aged paper. In good modern binding of grey card, with new endpapers, and the title-page reproduced on the front cover.

[James Bryce [Viscount Bryce; Lord Bryce], jurist and politician, written while British Ambassador to the United States.] Autograph Letter Signed ('James Bryce'), to 'Hope', arranging the return of spectacles he left at the Canadian Club.

James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce [Lord Bryce] (1838-1922), Ulster-born Liberal poltician, academic, British Ambassador to the United States
Publication details: 
9 October 1908. On letterhead of Burn Side, Prides Crossing, Massachusetts.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. The letter begins: 'My dear Hope, I have told Canadian Club you are coming. If I left my spectacles in the Chancery, in their case as I think I did this forenoon, will you please put them into an envelope for me?' He will go over the following morning, 'at Manchester if not'.

[Charles Kean and his wife Ellen Tree prepare to return from America.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rt. Clarke.') from Robert Clarke to Benjamin Webster, asking on Kean's behalf for 'information respecting Theatres in England', discussing Kean and wife.

Robert Clarke, actor-manager, Theatre Royal, Liverpool [Charles Kean (1811-1868), actor-manager, son of Edmund Kean, husband of Ellen Tree (1805-1880); Benjamin Webster (1797-1882), actor, dramatist]
Publication details: 
2 Bladud Buildings, Bath. 27 December 1846.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium, endorsed 'Clarke' on reverse of second leaf. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded three times. The letter begins: 'My dear Webster, | Charles Kean has requested me to give him information respecting Theatres in England, in which it is probable he may form engagements on his return from America, as he wishes his plans to be arranged if possible previous to his departure from the United States, so as he may see his way clearly on his arrival in England.' He asks whether it would answer Webster's purpose 'to make any proposal to him'.

[Gari Melchers, American naturalist artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Gari Melchers') to 'Wriggles' [Henriette Lewis-Hind?], regarding book and exhibition at Anderson Galleries, New York, with reference to William Edwin Rudge and Mitchell Kennerly.

Gari Melchers [Julius Garibaldi Melchers] (1860-1932), American naturalist artist [Henriette Lewis-Hind; Mitchell Kennerly (1878-1950); Anderson Galleries, New York; William Edwin Rudge (1876-1931)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Century Club, 7 West Fortythird Street, New York. 13 April 1928.

The name of the recipient is not clear: it would appear to read 'Wriggles', and the letter suggests that this is a pet name for Melchers' close friend Henriette Lewis-Hind, who wrote the foreword to 'Gari Melchers, Painter', published that same year in New York by W. E. Rudge. An excellent letter, full of content, beginning: 'My dear [Wriggles?]. | We only returned from the West Indies a week or two ago – had a fine time'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ch. Fechter.') to an unnamed 'dear Friend', describing himself as 'so young a fellow as your devoted comrade, now writing', and expressing 'profound and hearty friendship'

Charles Fechter [Charles Albert Fechter] (1822-1879), French actor and playwright who found enormous success in Britain and America
Publication details: 
No place. 25 October 1861.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Begins: 'My very dear Friend, | I lack words to express my real gratitude for your heartfelt kindness to so young a fellow as your devoted comrade, here writing'. He hopes for an opportunity to show proof of his 'profound and hearty friendship'. He ends with renewed thanks, and 'sincere loves [sic] to your good Wife and dear self'.

[Charles Fechter, Anglo-French actor and playwright.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Mr. Osborne', the first regarding his itinerary and the choosing of a plot suited to Osborne's style; the second regarding his busy life and examining a play.

Charles Fechter [Charles Albert Fechter] (1822-1879), French actor and playwright who found enormous success in Britain and America
Publication details: 
Letter One: on letterhead of 30 Park Road, Regent's Park, N.W. [London] 17 August 1869. Letter Two: no place, on monogram letterhead (with motto 'Faiblesse vaut vice'). 19 April 1872.

Both items are 2pp, 12mo, and bifoliums. Both in good condition, lightly aged, and each folded once. The second has rust marks to margin from a paperclip. Given the sunbject-matter, the recipient may be a relation of the actress Mrs William Barry (1739-1771), whose maiden name was Osborne. ONE: 17 August 1769; on Park Road letterhead. Signed 'Ch. Fechter.' He begins by announcing: 'I have, by no means, altered my mind; but have been – and am still – strolling about the country'.

[Sir Robert Liston of Millburn Tower, Scottish diplomat, Ambassador to the United States.] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. Liston.') to Lady Wedderburn, expressing grief on the death of his wife the botanist Henrietta Liston, Lady Liston.

Sir Robert Liston (1742-1836), Scottish diplomat, ambassador to the United States, 1796-1800; his wife the botanist Henrietta Liston, Lady Liston [Lady Frances Wedderburn-Webster] (1793-1837)]
Publication details: 
Millburn [Millburn Tower, Ratho, Scotland]; October 1828.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. Written in response to a letter of condolence on the death of his wife. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB: 'On 27 February 1796 he married Henrietta [Henrietta Liston Lady Liston (1751–1828)], botanist, daughter of Nathaniel (d.

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