Part of a Manuscript Letter written from Carter Hall, Millwood, Clarke County, Virginia, to an Englishman intending to emigrate to America, discussing various elements of life there, including dress

[Carter Hall, MIllwood, Clarke County, Virgina, estate of the Burwell family]
Publication details: 
Carter Hall, Millwood, Clarke County, Virginia. 21 February 1876.

4pp., 12mo. 210 lines. The first bifolium of a letter only, and hence lacking a signature. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with closed tears along fold lines. George Burwell, who had inherited Carter Hall in 1814 (see below) had died three years before the writing of this letter, and the identity of its author is unknown, although he does claim to be a 'Scotchman'. The letter begins: 'Dear Sir | Your letter of Jany 31 is received. I am glad to answer any questions, but I must not be supposed to advise you in any thing regarding a change of residence.

Copy of Victorian manuscript Masonic poem, apparently unpublished, divided into 'Opening' ('Hail, Thou from whom all light is shed', '1st. Degree' ('Lo, here we meet in brotherhood') and '2nd. Degree' ('Brother, thou upon whose eyes').

[Masonic poem; nineteenth-century American Freemasonry]
Publication details: 
[American? 1870s?]

2pp., folio. On two leaves of yellow paper, with 'PATENT' lion and unicorn watermark. Text enclosed within faint blue vertical lines. Good, on lightly aged and worn paper. No record found of the publication of this item, the first page of which is headed 'Opening: -', with the last section ending two thirds down the page, suggesting that it is complete. A rhymed poem of 36 lines: the first section consisting of 10 lines, the second of 16 lines, and the third of 10 lines.

Autograph Signature ('J. C. Sherbrooke.') of Sir John Coape Sherbrooke, 'Commander of the Forces', Governor of Nova Scotia and Governor General of British North America.

Sir John Coape Sherbrooke (1764-1830), Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia and Commander of the Forces, Governor General of British North America
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On piece of 6 x 8.5 cm. laid paper, cut from a document, with discoloration and traces of glue from previous mounting. Sherbrooke's signature is large and firm, with the words 'Commander of the Forces' in another, contemporary hand, beneath it. A scarce signature.

Autograph Letter Signed from the United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Edward Everett, enclosing a copy of a book to aid the recipient's 'statistical enquiries'.

Edward Everett (1794-1865), American orator and Whig politician, 15th Governor of Massachusetts and President of Harvard College
Publication details: 
46 Grosvenor Place [London]; 12 December 1842.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight discoloration at head and evidence of previous mounting on reverse. Docketed on reverse. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir, | Knowing your fondness for statistical enquiries, I have thought the accompanying copy of the last annual return of the Commerce & Navigation of the Unites States, might have some interest for you. - | Very truly & faithfully Yrs, | Edward Everett'. Note: 'Everett, one of the most famous American orators, is most remembered for his oration at Gettysburg on Nov.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Samuel Stevens') from the barrister and Whig politician Hon. Samuel Stevens of Albany, New York, to his future father-in-law Silas O. Smith of Rochester, asking for permission to court Mary Frances Smith.

Hon. Samuel Stevens (c.1798-1854) of Albany, New York, American barrister and Whig politician, friend and associate of Daniel Webster, husband of Mary Frances Stevens [nee Smith]
Publication details: 
Albany [New York]. 21 January 1841.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr Silas O Smith | Rochester'. The letter begins: 'Dear Sir | During my short sojourn at your city last October, I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of your daughter. Since my return a correspondence has taken place between us in which she has given me permission to visit her & to entertain the hope that she may be persuaded to exchange the protection of the best of Parents for that of a husband.

[Printed booklet.] [Ward.] Memorials of a Grand Parent and Parents, with Names of their Descendants, and a Double Appendix. [With manuscript 'Pedigree of Andrew Ward'.]

Henry Meigs Ward; Ferdinand DeWilton Ward; Mehetabel Eunice Clarke; Henrietta Jacqueline Clarke [Levi Ward; Mehetabel Ward; Andrew Ward]
Publication details: 
Democrat and Chronicle Print, Rochester, N.Y. [New York, United States of America] Dedication dated October 1886.

50pp., 8vo. Stapled. In original wraps with the word 'WARD.' in large letters on front, and nothing else printed on them. In good condition, on aged and spotted paper. The title, on p.1, reads 'Memorials of a Grand Parent and Parents, with Names of their Descendants, and a Double Appendix.' Printers details, p.2. Dedication, p.3, by Henry M. Ward, F. DeW. Ward, Mehetabel E. Clarke and Henrietta J. Clarke, dated October 1886: 'This Home Volume is dedicated to Our Children and Theirs, with the express requests, (1).

Notebook containing a manuscript account of a visit to North America by a cotton broker acting for the Liverpool branch of the Manchester firm Reiss Brothers, with details of mills and merchants, recorded while trying to establish a hedging business.

[Reiss Brothers, cotton merchants of Manchester and Liverpool, England; textiles industry in Canada and the United States of America; transatlantic trade]
Publication details: 
United States (New York and Boston) and Canada (Toronto and Montreal). 24 December 1938 to 10 February 1939.

70pp., 12mo, in ruled notebook, with the main text on 51 rectos, 17 facing pages carrying notes, mostly in pencil, and 2pp. of memoranda at the other end of the notebook. In very good condition, in attractive gilt-tooled red morocco red leather binding, with all edges gilt and marbled endpapers. The first page headed 'Visit to U.S. Canada Dec.

A pressed flower, picked from the grave of the American politician Daniel Webster by Marie de Grasse Stevens [later Lady Evans].

[Daniel Webster (1782-1852), American politician; Marie de Grasse Evans (d.1920), Lady Evans [nee Marie de Grasse Stevens, daughter of Hon. Samuel Stevens of Albany, New York]
Publication details: 
Picked from the Old Winslow Burial Ground section of the Winslow Cemetery, near Marshfield, Massachusetts. August 1859.

Small sprig (6cm long), pinned to 8 x 5 cm piece of ruled paper, torn from a notebook. The paper carries the note by Stevens: 'Grave of Daniel Webster | August 1859.' Placed in a 9.5 x 12 cm envelope, docketted in pencil: 'From Daniel Webster's grave | M. F. B'. Marie de Grasse Stevens, daughter of the Hon. Samuel Stevens of Albany, New York, friend and colleague of Daniel Webster, and widow of Irving Van Wart, married the English banker Francis Henry Evans in 1872. She became Lady Evans on his being knighted in 1893. From the Evans papers.

Autograph Translations by Robert Proud of Pennsylvania, of 'On Gardens, From the Latin of Lord Bacons Essays &c' and the 'Laus Mortuli' of Virgil. With printings of Proud's 'Autobiography' and Charles West Thomson's 'Notices'.

Robert Proud (1728-1813), English-born American loyalist, author of 'The History of Pennsylvania in North America' [Charles West Thomson]
Publication details: 
The autograph of 'On Gardens': 'Translation by R. P. Anno. 1802.' Thomson's 'Notices': 'Read before the Council, August 16, 1826.' The 'Autobiography' from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, January 1890.

ONE: Autograph translations by Proud. 14pp., 12mo. Unbound, stitched into a booklet of laid watermarked paper, with deckled edges. In very good condition, neatly and closely written on lightly-aged paper. Upwards along the inner margin of the first page Proud has written: 'Translation by R. P. Anno. 1802.' The translation of 'On Gardens, | From the Latin of Lord Bacon's Essays &c' covers the first 12pp., paginated 1-12; the 'Laus Mortuli. Translated at Hackney near London from a Lat. Epigram of Virgil, abt. the year 1752. by R. P.' covers the last two pages, and is unpaginated.

Four long Autograph Letters Signed from Paul Bing of Vancouver, Canada, to his brother Jens Bing (in Sweden?), giving detailed and scientific advice on farming from a Canadian and American viewpoint. With Autograph Letter Signed from a third brother.

Paul Bing of Vancouver, Canada [North American agriculture; farming; Jens Bing; Sweden; Swedish; Scandinavian]
Publication details: 
One of the letters without place, the other three from Vancouver, Canada, two of them addressed from 4194 West 11th Avenue. 25 July, 24 September and 3 and 11 October 1944.

The four letters total 76pp., 4to. In very good condition, neatly written on lightly-aged paper. All signed 'Paul' (two preceded by 'Your old brother'). Three of the letters are addressed to 'My dear Jens' and the other 'Skål, Frater Amantissime!' The second letter is addressed from 'The Bing House in which live Lyn Bing and Porg [sic] Bing, Vancouver, Canada'. Bing refers to the four letter as 'the 5th. of the Epistles', indicating that one is missing from the sequence.

Autograph Note Signed from the German soprano Erminia Rudersdorff to 'J. M. Wiske' [i.e. the Brooklyn conductor and musical director C. M. Wiske], requesting engagements at a time in which she is in his 'neighbourhood'.

Erminia Rudersdorff (1822-1882), German soprano, mother of the actor-manager Richard Mansfield (1857-1907) [C. M. Wiske of Brooklyn, conductor, musical director and theatre-manager]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

1p., 16mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, and laid down on a leaf removed from an album. The note reads: 'Sir | can you offer me an engagement on either the 16th., 18th., 20th. or 24th. December, as I am engaged in your neighbourhood about those dates. | Requesting your immediate reply, | I remain, Sir, | yours truly | [signed] Erminia Rudersdorff | J. M. Wiske, Esq.'

Matching calling cards of Elihu Benjamin Washburne, United States Ambassador to France ('Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire des Etats-Unis d'Amérique), and his wife Adele Gratiot Washburne.

Elihu Benjamin Washburne (1816-1887), United States Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to France, 1869-1877 [Illinois Congressman, 1853-1869]; his wife, Adele Gratiot Washburne (1826-1887)
Publication details: 
'75, Avenue de l'Impératice, (Entrée 2, rue Spontini)'. [Paris, France.] Undated [between 1869 and 1877].

Both cards 7 x 11 cm, printed in copperplate on one side only. Both in fair condition, on aged paper with a slight bloom. The Ambassador's card reads: 'Mr. Washburne, | Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire | des Etats-Unis d'Amérique | [in bottom right-hand corner] 75, Avenue de l'Impératice, (Entrée 2, rue Spontini)'. The Ambassador's wife's card reads: 'Mrs. Washburne. | [in bottom left-hand corner] Mondays | from 3 to 6 P.M.' Washburne had served as Secretary of State for eleven days before being made Ambassador. His Illinois house is now a museum.

Pencil sketch of George Washington's home Mount Vernon by 'G E Blenkins', with leaf from the orange tree planted by Washington, and explanatory Autograph Note by Blenkins.

Mount Vernon, Virginia home of George Washington, first United States President [George Eleazar Blenkins (d.1894), Assistant Surgeon, Grenadier Guards, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons?]
Publication details: 
Sketch made and leaf taken by Blenkins on a visit to Mount Vernon, Virginia, in 1840.

While only a rough pencil sketch, the drawing is an attractive one, landscape on a piece of wove paper, 20 x 25 cm, with 'JESSUPS' watermark. In good condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper, folded into a packet for postage, with remains of red wafer. Beneath the drawing, in ink in a shaky contemporary hand: 'Lawn view from the backs of Mount Vernon | This is from the Orange Tree planted by himself.' The reverse carries the following note: 'I made the enclosed rough sketch of Mount Vernon the residence of Genl.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Julian Pauncefote') from Sir Julian Pauncefote, Ambassador to the United States, to Lord Aberdeen, Governor General of Canada, regarding tours of Canada by Justice Harlan and French Ambassador Jules-Martin Cambon.

Julian Pauncefote (1828-1902), 1st Baron Pauncefote, the first British Ambassador to the United States, 1893-1902 [John Campbell Hamilton-Gordon (1847-1934), 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair]
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of the British Embassy, Washington, but with the location changed in manuscript in second letter to 'New London' [Prince Edward Island, Canada]. 21 June 1897 and 27 August 1898.

Both items 4pp., 12mo, and bifoliums. Both in fair condition, on aged paper; the first with slight wear to one corner. In the first letter Pauncefote informs Aberdeen that Justice John Marshall Harlan (1833-1911), who has just visited him, is planning a summer holiday 'at Murray Bay in your Dominion'.

[Printed book.] Practical Instruction for Detectives. A Complete Course in Secret Service Study. By Emmerson W. Manning, Manning National Detective Institute.

Emmerson W. Manning [Emmerson Wain Manning], Manning National Detective Institute
Publication details: 
Chicago: Frederick J. Drake & Co. Publishers. [Circa 1921.]

94 + [i] pp. In original green cloth with title in black on front cover. Good, lightly-aged in lightly-worn and spotted binding. Ownership signature ('') in pencil on title-page, with pencil annotations throughout translating passages into French. Chapters on 'Shadowing', 'Burglaries', 'Identification of Criminals', 'Forgeries', 'Confessions', 'Murder Cases', 'Grafters', 'Detective Work in Department Stores', 'Railroad Detective Work', 'Detective Work for Street Railways', 'Other Kinds of Detective Work' (the last including 'Illegal Liquor selling').

Three Autograph Letters Signed from Consul Amos Perry to William Whitwell Greenough, one describing the critical response to his 'Carthage and Tunis, Past and Present', the others about Rhode Island Historical Society and Boston Public Library.

Amos Perry (1812-1899) of Providence, US Consul at Tunis to the Barbary States, 1862-1867, and author [William Whitwell Greenough (1818-1899), Boston merchant, co-founder of American Oriental Society]
Publication details: 
First and second letters both from Providence, Rhode Island. 5 February 1869 and 24 April 1880. Third Letter: on letterhead of the Office of the Secretary, Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence; 18 August 1880.

The first and third items good, on lightly-aged paper; the second letter brittle, on high-acidity paper, with slight loss to the corner of one leaf, affecting a few words, but not the sense, and a few repairs with archival tape. Letter One: 2pp., 12mo. 31 lines of text. Perry begins by asking when the 'class meeting' is 'to come off'. He then informs Greenough that 'Poor Vose has paid his last debt', and that he has received a reply to his letter of condolence from Mrs Vose. He complains that he has 'not heard a word from Little, Brown & Co. in respect to my book.

[Two illustrated plywood trade catalogues.] [First:] Wilh. Schauman's Plywood Factory Ltd. 1912-1932. [Second:] "So we built our home of HARBORD PLYWOOD".

Berndt Wilhelm Schauman (1857-1911), Finnish industrialist from Jakobstad [Wilh. Schauman's Plywood Factory Ltd; Harbor Plywood Corporation, Chicago, Illinois, and Hoquiam, Washington]
Publication details: 
Schauman catalogue: Jyväskylä, Finland. 1932. Harbord catalogue: Harbor Plywood Corporation, Chicago, Illinois, and Hoquiam, Washington. 1930.

Schauman catalogue: 59pp, 4to, consisting of 9pp. of letterpress and 50pp. of collotype illustrations. In original cream printed wraps, with cover printed in red. In good condition. Written entirely in English with informative captions. Harbord catalogue: 16pp., 12mo. In original wraps printed in yellow and black. Stapled pamphlet on art paper. In good condition, with staples beginning to rust. With numerous illustrations of 'the spacious new home of E. W. Daniels, Vice-President of the Harbor Plywood Corporation and manager of its Door units'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Moncure D. Conway') from the freethinker Moncure Daniel Conway, Minister at South Place Chapel, to J. T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing his essay 'The Pound of Flesh' and enclosing a printed programme of lectures.

Moncure D. Conway [Moncure Daniel Conway] (1832-1907), American-born Minister at South Place Chapel, Finsbury, London; Unitarian, abolitionist, supporter of women's suffrage, freethinker
Publication details: 
Letter: Inglewood, on letterhead of 'The Club, Bedford Park, Chiswick'. 3 July [1882]. Programme: South Place Chapel, Finsbury, London. July 1882.

Both items good, on lightly-aged paper. LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In envelope, with stamp and postmarks, addressed to Baron at 48 Griffin Street, Wilton, Blackburn. He writes that he has 'been trying in vain to find the Nineteenth Century containing my essay - The Pound of Flesh'. He is 'pretty sure - but not absolutely - that it was in the number for May 1880'. The 'paper' is 'much more completely given' in his book 'The Wandering Jew', and he is enclosing a copy of a programme with an advertisement for the latter and another of his books, 'Demonology'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm. M Eldridge Jr') from the Philadelphia inventor William M. Eldridge to Valentine Mott of New York, responding to 'slanders', and claiming that police searches have revealed 'the authors of the cards and all the mischief'.

William M. Eldridge of Philadelphia, inventor [Valentine Mott (1785-1865), American surgeon]
Publication details: 
Paris. 23 May 1836.

3pp., 4to. 60 lines of text. Bifolium. Good, on aged paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Valentine Mott M.D. | 25 Park Place | New-York'; with three postmarks, one from Havre and another 'Forwarded by Lewis Rogers & Co.' (Mott was in Europe at the time of writing.) An tantalising letter, regarding an intriguing affair about which nothing else appears discoverable. Eldridge is sending 'a hand bill, 5000 of which have been circulated thro Paris and the towns in its vicinity'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the American opera singer Marie Jansen to Walter Scott jnr of Butler Brothers, New York, regarding the manufacture of tumblers with her photographic image on them.

Marie Jansen [née Hattie Johnson] (1857-1914), American opera singer
Publication details: 
New York. 27 February 1895.

1p., 4to. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with unobtrusive closed tears along crease lines. 'Mr. Ben Fack [Falk?], the photographer, will, I am sure, give you such a photograph of me as you may select from the assortment he has, if you inform him of your business.' She asks him to send her a sample, if 'the tumblers prove a success, as far as my likeness is concerned [...] If I like it I will possibly order a quantity.'

Autograph Note Signed ('Will Irwin') from the American 'muckraker' journalist William Henry Irwin.

Will Irwin [William Henry Irwin] (1873-1948), American author and 'muckraker' journalist
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 240 West 11th Street, New York City. No date.

Landscape 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Dear Dan; / You're one of the birds I just love to be praised by! / As ever / [signed] Will Irwin'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('I. I. Hayes') from the American arctic explorer Isaac Israel Hayes, providing an autograph for the stock broker and journalist John H. Gourtie.

Isaac Israel Hayes (1832-1881), American arctic explorer [John H. Gourtie, stock broker and journalist]
Publication details: 
20c East 15th Street, New York. 15 June 1869.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of mount to blank second leaf of bifolium. Good, firm signature, with flourish. The letter reads 'Dear Sir | I have recd your favour of April last & am glad so easily to oblige you. - | Truly yours | I. I. Hayes'. Gourtie contributed stock exchange reports to the New-York American.

Typed Letter Signed ('Aug. Dietz'), with Autograph postscript, from the American philatelist August Dietz to Henry M. W. Eastman of Roslyn, NY, regarding a work he is preparing on Confederate stamps.

August Dietz (1869-1963), American printer, philatelist, editor and publisher, authority on the postal history of the Confederate States of America [Henry Membry Western Eastman (1854-1924)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Dietz Printing Company, Richmond, Virginia. 30 August 1919.

2pp., 8vo. Good, on lightly-aged blue paper with brown border, with slight chipping to one corner. Eastman has purchased a 'Set of Fac-Simile Die-Proofs with the Autographed Card'. Presuming that Eastman is 'interested in Confederates', Dietz is enclosing 'the tentative Foreword' to 'a far more "pretentious" work - one upon which I have been engaged for many years': 'It "promises" to make over 400 pages octavo, and I am not yet through the Manuscript.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. B. Goodrich') from the American author Frank Boott Goodrich to Robert R. Corson, regarding references in his forthcoming 'Tribute Book' to the Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon.

Frank Boott Goodrich (d.1894), author, son of Samuel Griswold Goodrich (1793-1860) ['Peter Parley'] [Robert R. Corson, Corresponding Secretary, Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon]
Publication details: 
New York. 17 July 1860.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter concerns Goodrich's 'The Tribute Book: A Record of the Munificence, Self-sacrifice and Patriotism of the American People during the War for the Union' (1865). He is sending 'proofs of the pages Corson desires to see. 'The first few pages are printed & cannot be changed: in the others, anything vital can be corrected.'; He thinks Corson 'will find that I have fallen into none of the errors you are apprehensive of'. To do so would have been 'unpardonable', as Goodrich 'had full information from which to make my articles'.

Autograph Letter Signed from Freeman Hunt, editor of the American Magazine and writer on economics, regarding his difficulties with the publishers (Derby & Jackson, New York) of his 'Lives of American Merchants', vol.2. With engraved portrait of Hunt

Freeman Hunt (1804-1858), editor of 'The American Magazine' and author of fiscal conservative works on economics [Derby & Jackson, New York publishers; Sir William Pepperrell]
Publication details: 
New York. 12 August 1857.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In a difficult hand, with the recipient's name indecipherable. He will not be able to insert the portrait of Sir William Pepperrell in his book (the second volume of his 'Lives of American Merchants'), as the 'publishers [Derby & Jackson, New York] are unwilling to pay for more than expense of printing and paper', and he has 'been at a good deal of expense already on that score'. The volume was published in 1858. The portrait, 'Eng[rave]d. by Wm. N.

Autograph Letter Signed to J. S. Armstrong, President, Commercial Bank of Cincinnati, announcing that the Bank of Kentucky have resolved 'to commence paying Specie'.

James Hall (1793-1868), American judge and man of letters [J. S. Armstrong, President, Commercial Bank of Cincinnati; Bank of Kentucky]
Publication details: 
Louisville, Kentucky. 2 August 1838.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He sends 'by the Genl. Pike a package contg P31.563. of our notes for Crt of the Bank of Kenty. | That Bank resolved this morning to commence paying Specie on the 13th Inst'. Hall would himself be President of the Commercial Bank of Cincinnati from 1853 to 1865.

Autograph Letter Signed from the American historian John Bach McMaster to the military historian John Codman Ropes of Boston, regarding a list of works relating to the Duc d'Enghien.

John Bach McMaster (1852-1932), American historian, Professor of American History at the University of Pennsylvania [John Codman Ropes (1836-1899), American military historian]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The College, University of Pennsylvania. 12 January 1896.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of previous mounting on reverse. He acknowledges with 'great pleasure' the 'duplicate list of books relating to the execution of the Duc d'Enghien'. 'The pains you have taken to prepare it are very fully appreciated.'

Typed Poem Signed ('Theodosia Garrison') from the American poet Theodosia Pickering Garrison (Mrs. Frederick J. Faulks), titled 'Pessimism'.

Theodosia Pickering Garrison [Mrs. Frederick J. Faulks] (1874-1944)
Publication details: 
'Theodosia Pickering Garrison, | 32 Nassau Street, New York City.' Undated [1909 or before].

1p., landscape 12mo. Good, on aged paper. Garrison's name and address are typed in the top left-hand corner. Her signature is written boldly beneath the poem, which is eight lines long, in two stanzas. It reads 'Because I snatched a pebble from the way, | And thought it priceless till that day my eyes | Filled with a clearer light, and knew my prize | Was worthless, poorer than the common clay; | Because of this shall I go clamouring, | "Behold, there are no diamonds!" and say, | "Look as ye will, ye find but pebbles"? Nay!

Autograph Letter Signed from the geologist George Gibbs to Charles Sumner, abolitionist Senator from Massachusetts, regarding the French jurist Jean-Jacques Gaspard Foelix and Sumner's review.

George Gibbs (1815-1873), American geologist and expert on Native American culture [Charles Sumner (1811-1874), abolitionist Massachusetts senator; Jean-Jacques Gaspard Foelix (1791-1853)]
Publication details: 
Greenwich, Massachusetts; 28 February 1836.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. 35 lines of text. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Chas. Sumner Esq. | Boston | Masstts.' Very good, on aged paper. Written while Sumner was lecturing at Harvard Law School, the year before his visit to Europe. Gibbs explains that he has made an arrangement by which Sumner can forward his periodical the Jurist 'to [the French jurist] Foelix &c. & receive others in exchange. Hudson the Proprietor of the Merchants News Room has an agent in Paris & one in Narn to whom he will transmit them.

Manuscript of the United States Corps of Cadets anthem 'Benny Havens, Oh!', dated 'As sung by the U.S. Corps Cadets | 1864'. With explanatory introduction in manuscript, and with the '22nd. verse written at the beginning of the [American Civil] war'.

Lieutenant Lucius O'Brien; Ripley Allen Arnold (1817-1853) [Corps of Cadets, United States Military Academy, West Point; Benny Havens (c.1787-1877)]
Publication details: 
[On West Point letterheads?] 1864.

8pp., 12mo. On four bifoliums, placed inside one another to make a booklet. Each bifolium with embossed [West Point?] letterhead of a letter 'W' within a shield. A fair copy, with the title reading: 'Benny Havens, Oh! | as sung | by the | U.S. Corps Cadets - | 1864.' The twenty-two line introduction covers the whole of the second page.

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