
Two Autograph Letters Signed from the English osteopath J. J. Dunning to Admiral Milne.

Dr John J. Dunning, Secretary, the British Osteopathic Association [Admiral Milne]
Publication details: 
23 and 24 March 1945; the first on letterhead of the British Osteopathic Association, cancelled to 140 Park Lane; the second on letterhead of the American Club, London.

Both items 12mo, 1 p. Both good, on lightly aged paper. Pinned to one another. Letter One: He is'enclosing two leaflets on disc manipulation'. He has a third, 'fuller and illustrated', and if they interest Milne, he will be 'delighted'. Letter Two: He had 'much rather be found right than wrong', but would 'enjoy either experience, in meeting you again'. Could see Milne's 'pictures' after easter, and hopes to have 'one or two you may like to see as well'. Dunning had served in the United States Army Medical Corps before going to England to practice osteopathy.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Commercial Travellers' Benevolent Institution, for the Relief of Aged and Necessitous Members and Widows of Members. Instituted 1849.

[Leonard Courtney, Secretary, and J. M. Longley, Treasurer, The Commercial Travellers' Benevolent Institution (Inst. 1849]
The Commercial Travellers' Benevolent Institution
Publication details: 
[1907. The Commercial Travellers' Benevolent Institution, 11 Ironmonger Lane, Cheapside, E.C.]
The Commercial Travellers' Benevolent Institution

12mo, 10 pp. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper, with pin holes and a spike hole. Includes list of the 'Board of Management for 1907', accounts, 'Statement of Accounts, December 21st, 1901, to December 20th, 1906. Compiled by Mr. J. M. Longley, Treasurer and Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee.' Also 'Report Presented at the Half-Yearly General Court, 27th Dec., 1906.' The 'Result of Poll', 'December Election, 1906', by Courtney, contains lists naming 'Successful Candidates' and 'Unsuccessful Candidates'.

Autograph Letter Signed by 'J. B. Eardley-Wilmot L.L.D.', ostensibly requesting a book for review, but in fact the work of a fraudster.

J.B. Eardley-Wilmot
Autograph Letter Signed by 'J. B. Eardley-Wilmot L.L.D.'
Publication details: 
20 May 1850; 133 Upper Grove Street, Gloucester Gate.
Autograph Letter Signed by 'J. B. Eardley-Wilmot L.L.D.'

12mo, 1 p. 15 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. He requests 'the favour of a copy of Dr 's work "The Hoe & the Canoe," for review'. He claims to be 'a friend of Lord Elgin the Governor', and to have been 'a long resident in the Canadas' in his 'official capacity', ending: 'it will afford me the utmost pleasure to say all I can in behalf in [sic] the reviewing publication with which I have the honour of being connected, of Dr 's work'. The truth about 'J. B.

5 items: J. E. Beale 'Blackmore Doll's Pattern'; 'Dolls And How To Make Them' by Winifred M. Ackroyd; two different copies of 'A Dolls' House Designed and Built by the late Mr. T. Batty of Drighlington, Near Bradford', June 1985 Sasha Dolls booklet.

[Dolls and dolls' houses; Winifred M. Ackroyd; T. Batty of Drighlington, near Bradford; J. E. Beale, Bournemouth (The Blackmore Fashion Co.); Sasha Dolls Ltd, Stockport]
Dolls and dolls' houses
Publication details: 
Pattern from the 1920s? Ackroyd's book from the 1930s? The Batty book from 1948? Sasha catalogue June 1985.
Dolls and dolls' houses

All items in good condition, on aged paper. ITEM ONE: 'Blackmore Doll's Patterns | One-Piece Dress, Bonnet, Petticoat, Bodice, Chemise and Drawers.' By J. E. Beale, Ltd. Doll Department, Bournemouth. [1920s]. Pattern in pieces of brown paper, in envelope printed with instructions and illustrations. The envelope also contains an illustrated advertisement for the Blackmore catalogue, on blue paper. ITEM TWO: 'Dolls And How To Make Them' by Winifred M. Ackroyd. At foot of title-page: 'To my fellow workers of the W.V.S. (Girlington Hospital Supplies Depot).

[Pamphlet.] "'The Stench of Nazism . ." [Including 'The Appalling Story Of Rzhev' and John Gibbons's 'Scenes Of Horror Never To Be Forgotten'.]

[The Communist Party of Great Britain; John Gibbons; Sergeant Air-Gunner J. A. Clough]
The Stench of Nazism . .
Publication details: 
Published by the Communist Party of Great Britain, 16 King St., London, W.C.2, and printed by the Farleigh Press Ltd. (T.U.), Beechwood Works, Watford. [29 April 1943]
The Stench of Nazism . .

12mo, 8 pp. Staining and slight damage to first leaf from rust from staples, otherwise good on aged paper. (Two words of text are lacking, but easily supplied in the following: 'to die the struggle' and ve this message to my friends'). Slug carries code 'CP/C/29/4/43.', the last three elements indicating the date of publication. The front page carries a photograph of Clough, a twenty year-old 'reported missing from an operational flight', and reproduces a letter left by him for his parents.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F Carruthers Gould') from the cartoonist Francis Carruthers Gould to Eliot P. J. Reed.

Francis Carruthers Gould [F. Carruthers Gould] (1844-1925), British caricaturist and political cartoonist [Pall Mall Gazette; Westminster Gazette]
Autograph Letter Signed ('F Carruthers Gould')
Publication details: 
12 May 1902; on letterhead of the Westminster Gazette, Tudor Street, Whitefriars, EC.
Autograph Letter Signed ('F Carruthers Gould')

12mo, 2 pp. Eighteen lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear Reed'. He thanks him for his note and is glad he likes the cartoon on 'the Educational Model'. He had 'been hoping the Tories would tread on the Nonconformists' toes to shut them up and now they have done it.' He doubts whether his agent has sold the original drawing, and is writing to him 'to let you have an offer if possible'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Cataclysm Has Begun! [With covering Typed Letter Signed from Williamson to George H. Brook.]

J. J. Williamson [John Jacob Williamson], Founder-President, the Society of Metaphysicians Ltd, Hastings, Sussex [Nuclear proliferation; Cold War; Atomic Bomb]
 Cataclysm Has Begun!
Publication details: 
Pamphlet: 1955. The Society of Metaphysicians Ltd. Letter: 19 February 1955; on letterhead of the Society of Metaphysicians Ltd, Archers' Court, Stonestile Lane, Hastings, Sussex.]
 Cataclysm Has Begun!

4to, vii + 21 pp. Stapled pamphlet, on two different paper stocks (white and grey), front cover detached Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with crease to one corner of title-leaf. Title leaf printed, the rest mimeographed. Pp. v-vii consist of an appendix at the rear of the volume. Occult pseudo-science (the Society's logo is a pentacle), presaging the hippie 'retreat from reason' in the face of Cold War realities. Begins 'For ten years the Society of Metaphysicians has worked in the interests of human unity at all levels.

[Printed pamphlet.] 'An Address to the Guardian Society' by 'S. T.'

'S. T.' [The Guardian Society for the Preservation of Public Morals, London]
The Guardian Society for the Preservation of Public Morals
Publication details: 
Dated 'London. 1817. No. XXI. Pam. Vol. XI. P'. [Extracted from volume XI of 'The Pamphleteer' (London: A. J. Valpy, Tooke's Court, Chancery-lane. 1818).]
The Guardian Society for the Preservation of Public Morals

12mo, 28 pp, paginated [225]-252. Disbound. Text clear and complete. On lightly-aged paper, with some leaves detached. Title page reads: 'An Address to the Guardian Society. London. 1817. No. XXI. Pam. Vol. XI. P'. The following gives an impression of the sceptical tone in which this pamphlet is written. 'Your Society is declared to be, "for the preservation of public morals," a most praise-worthy and highly commendable institution. But how do you propose to preserve the public morals?

Original engraving, from 1793, by Cook for J. Wheble of London, showing the 'Grand Cricket Match, played in Lord's Ground Mary-le-bone, on June 20 & following day between the Earl's of Winchelsea & Darnley for 1000 Guineas.'

Cook, engraver [J. Wheble, printseller, Warwick Square, London; Lord's Cricket Ground, Marylebone, 1793; Hambledon Cricket Club]
Grand Cricket Match
Publication details: 
'Published July 1st. 1793, by I. Wheble, Warwick Square, London'. [From the 'Sporting Magazine'.]
Grand Cricket Match

On watermarked paper roughly 13 x 20.5 cm. Dimensions of image 9 x 13 cm. With plate mark. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Loosely attached to brown mount. Rare eighteenth-century cricket print from the June 1793 issue of the 'Sporting Magazine'. Cardus & Arlott state, in their 'Noblest Game' (1969), that 'This print, once barely considered, has lately become rare'.

Typed Letter Signed by J. Wilson Taylor, Honorary Secretary, The Pilgrims [The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain], to G. R. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

J. Wilson Taylor, Honorary Secretary [1919 to 1943], The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain
Typed Letter Signed by J. Wilson Taylor, Honorary Secretary, The Pilgrims
Publication details: 
31 December 1926; on letterhead of The Pilgrims [The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain], Hotel Victoria, London.
Typed Letter Signed by J. Wilson Taylor, Honorary Secretary, The Pilgrims

4to, 1 p. Thirteen lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged and lightly-creased paper. The letterhead features an engraving of Chaucer with a lion and eagle. Stating that 'the Pilgrims Society has no funds available' to pay for the sending of 'a representative to the Conference that you are holding with the object of preserving the Old Cottages of England', although 'individual Pilgrims might be willing to subscribe' and the Society is 'in full sympathy with your object'.

[Printed offprint of poem by J. H. Nightingale.] The "Four Liverpool Merchants" and their Letter to the Hempror Napoleon.

J. H. Nightingale ['Joe Nightingale'] [Liverpool Daily Post, 1859]
The "Four Liverpool Merchants" and their Letter to the Hempror Napoleon.
Publication details: 
From the Liverpool Daily Post of Dec. 6, 1859.
The "Four Liverpool Merchants" and their Letter to the Hempror Napoleon.

On one side of a piece of paper 27.5 x 11.5 cm. Text, in small type, clear and complete. Fair, on aged and lightly-creased paper.

[Printed.] Rapport Général fait a Mr. le Maire de Gand, Chambellan de sa Masjesté, par les Commissaires chargés des secours extraordinaires, accordés aux Indigens de cette Ville, depuis le commencement du mois de Decembre 1816 jusqu'au 2 Août 1817.

C. Dellafaille; P. J. De Smedt, Commissaires de la Ville de Gand [Ghent]
Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard (
Publication details: 
A Gand, Chez C. J. Fernand, Imprimeur de la Régence, Place du Lion d'or. [1817.]
Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard (

8vo, 15 pp. Disbound. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The opening paragraph makes clear the theme: 'Les pluies continuelles venaient d'enlever au cultivateur ses plus chères espérances; la récolte avait entièrement manquée, et ce désastre était commun à presque toute l'Europe: dèslors il fut facile de prévoir les malheurs qui affligeraient le continent et particulièrement la classe pauvre et sans travail jusqu'à la récolte prochaine.' Scarce.

[Printed handbill libretto.] The House that Jack built. A Nursery Cantata. With Solos, Choruses, and Incidental Music, Composed expressly for the Royal Aquarium, by Mr. George Fox. The Juvenile Troupe, Under the Direction of Mr. J. E. Nolan.

George Fox [The Juvenile Troupe; J. E. Nolan; The Royal Aquarium and Winter Garden, London; Hutchins & Romer, Conduit Street]
The House that Jack built. A Nursery Cantata
Publication details: 
[Circa 1880.] 'The Music Published by Messrs Hutchins & Romer, Conduit Street, Regent Street'.
The House that Jack built. A Nursery Cantata

Small 4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Text clear and complete. Fair, on browned high-acidity paper. Neat strip of stub from mounting in album still adhering to inner margin of verso of second leaf. Headed 'Words.' All but first chorus in double-column. A mixture of the original 'House that Jack built' with 'Jack and Jill'. Begins with 'Chorus. - "This is the house that Jack built."', the first lines of which are 'Our labours are done, our recompense won, | And anger has been on no back spilt, | So now with one voice we'll laugh and rejoice | As this is the house that Jack built.' Characters are: Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed from the publisher J. W. Arrowsmith ['J W Arrowsmith'] to Clement Shorter, attempting to gain a review for a book of poems by John Gregory, published by Arrowsmith.

J. W. Arrowsmith [James William Arrowsmith] (1839-1913), Bristol printer and publisher [Clement Shorter (1857-1926); Sir Richard Gregory (1864-1952)]
Autograph Letter Signed from the publisher J. W. Arrowsmith
Publication details: 
15 February [1907.] On his letterhead ('J W Arrowsmith | Publisher | Bristol').
Autograph Letter Signed from the publisher J. W. Arrowsmith

12mo, 1 p. Ten lines. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Letterhead in red. Headed 'My Garden' (in 1907 Arrowsmith published 'My Garden and other Poems by John Gregory. With an appreciation by E. J. Watson'). He wonders whether the book is 'worth notice'. 'There is no mistake about Gregory being a working man [he was a cobbler]. His son is Prof. of astronomy and Assistant Editor of Nature'.

Printed pamphlet headed 'Commune Meeting. March 17th, 1899.' Containing the poems 'All for the Cause!' and 'No Master' by William Morris, and also 'The Wearing of the Green' and 'Annie Laurie (Sung by Albert Parsons before his death on the scaffold'.

William Morris [Ernest Belfort Bax; Social Democratic Federation]
[William Morris] Printed pamphlet headed 'Commune Meeting. March 17th, 1899.'
Publication details: 
H. J. Goss and Co. Artistic Printers, 299 Gray's Inn Road, King's Cross.
[William Morris] Printed pamphlet headed 'Commune Meeting. March 17th, 1899.'

12mo, 3 pp (with printer's device on fourth page). Bifolium. Crisply printed in small type. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. 'All for the Cause!' ('Words by William Morris. Music by Belfort Bax, also Austrian Hymn, and Chants of L., No. 55') is thirty-two lines long, on the first page. It begins 'Hear a word, a word in season, for the day is drawing nigh, | When the Cause shall call upon us, some to live, and some to die!' 'No Master' ('Words by William Morris. Tune - The Hardy Norseman (Chants of L., No.

Spoof handbill advertisement, by 'Humphrey Higginbottom & Co.', for 'The Dark Lanthorn, Or, Suffolk Twinkler, and Woodbridge farthing Rush-light', headed: 'To all who have the interest of ignorance & bigotry at heart, This Statement is addressed.'

'Humphrey Higginbottom & Co.', 'The Dark Lanthorn, Or, Suffolk Twinkler, and Woodbridge farthing Rush-light' [J. Munro, Printer, and Bookseller, Woodbridge, Suffolk]
Spoof handbill advertisement
Publication details: 
Dated 'WOODBRIDGE, SUFFOLK, | July 13th, 1826.' [printer's slug: 'J. MUNRO, PRINTER, AND BOOKSELLER, WOODBRIDGE.']
Spoof handbill advertisement

Nicely printed, in a variety of types and point sizes, on one side of a piece of laid 4to paper. Twenty-two lines of text. Clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper.

[sheet music] Pigeons On The Grass Alas. Recitation and Air for Barytone. From the Opera Four Saints in Three Acts. Text by Gertrude Stein. Music by Virgil Thomson. As sung by Edward Mathews.

Gertrude Stein; Virgil Thomson [Edward Mathews]
Stein, Pigeons On The Grass Alas.
Publication details: 
1935. J. Fischer & Bro., New York, N.Y. [Limited edition 'printed especially for the Berkshire School Musicale Association']
Stein, Pigeons On The Grass Alas.

4to, [i] + 4 pp. On two loose bifoliums, in tan printed wraps. No. 73 of 110 copies (one of the hundred numbered copies and NOT one of the ten copies signed by author and composer). Limitation inside front wrap. Title-page states 'This arrangement is dedicated by the composer to the Berkshire School Musicale Association'. No copy on COPAC.

[Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing] Book of Words. J. H. E. 16th November, 1893.

'J. H. E.' [J. H. Ewing; Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing] [Rugby School]
[Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing] Book of Words.
Publication details: 
[1893.] Rugby: Printed by J. H. Pepperday, 24, High Street.
[Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing] Book of Words.

12mo: unpaginated. Pamphlet of eight leaves, on good laid paper, stitched with lilac ribbon. A total of 14 pp, with the body of the text on 12 pp, plus title on front cover and woodcut vignette ('S. JULIANI') on back. Creased and with light staining to front cover, otherwise fair. Eight poems, preceded by a quotation from 'We and the World', and followed by three pages of notes, containing background information about the writing of the poems. Scarce: issued with a programme (not present) for 'Entertainment to be given in New Big School' at Rugby.

Ten Typed Letters Signed and eight Autograph Letters Signed (four 'Guy S Wellby' and the rest 'Guy') from Wellby to Franklin, with an inventory and valuation, schedule, accounts and correspondence relating to Rogers' collection of snuff boxes.

Guy Wellby, Prime Warden of the Goldsmiths' Company, adviser to Ian Fleming [D. and J. Wellby Ltd, Jewellers and Silversmiths, Garrick Street, London; Franklyn Rogers; snuff boxes]
Publication details: 
Wellby's letters between 1948 and 1967; on letterheads of D. and J. Wellby Ltd.

The collection, consisting of 31 items in a variety of formats, is in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with all texts clear and complete. Wellby's correspondence with Rogers (an affluent Kent businessman and farmer, collector and dabbler in the jewellery business) reflects a relationship at once businesslike and friendly, with items being offered by Wellby on behalf of his firm, and news of items consigned to the firm by Rogers. The personal element is apparent from the first.

A Catalogue of a Library of Books, [...] Prints, Books of Prints, Paintings, [...] and miscellaneous Articles, the Property of a Gentleman, removed from Southampton. [priced by auctioneers for proprietor]

J. C. & S. Stevens, auctioneers, 38 King Street, Covent Garden [Victorian book auction catalogue; Alexander Hoyes of Bittern Grove, near Southampton]
Publication details: 
Which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. J. C. & S. Stevens, at their Great Room, 38, King Street, Covent Garden, On Thursday, the 18th day of July, 1844. [Alfred Robins, Printer, 101, Long Acre.]

8vo, 8 pp. Unbound. Text clear and complete. On aged paper with wear to extremities. According to the title-page the sale contains 'The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Johnson's Poets, Scott's Works, Swift's ditto, Annual Register, British Theatre, and other Works, in various branches of Literature; Prints, Books of Prints, Paintings, Mahogany Cabinets, Antiquities, Gold Repeater, Grand Piano-Forte, by Zeitter'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. H. Barnes'), to the leaseholder of the Prince of Wales Theatre, concerning his desire to become a tenant.

J. H. Barnes [John H. Barnes] (1850-1925), English actor [The Prince of Wales Theatre, London]
Publication details: 
24 November 1899; on letterhead of 25 Finchley Road, London, N.W.

4to, 2 pp. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly-creased paper. 'The nature of my business is a desire to become a tenant of the Prince of Wales Theatre, for a long or short time, and entirely subject to existing arrangements in order to produce a play which good judges (as well as myself) regard as one (if not the) play of the present generation'. The name of the play is not given. Barnes states that 'if Mr Harvey is your permanent tenant it would quite suit me to do the play at any time <?> another provincial Town'. He offers 'a short or long lease [...] with unimpeachable security'.

Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armaments, between the American, French, British, Italian and Japanese governments, signed by eleven of the plenipotentiaries, including three prime ministers (Macdonald, Briand and Wakatsuki).

J. Ramsay Macdonald; Aristide Briand; Reijiro Wakatsuki; Charles F. Adams III; Dwight W. Morrow; [London Naval Conference, 1930; Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armaments]
Publication details: 
London; 27 April 1930.

8vo, 34 pp + blank last page. Unbound and stapled. Fair, with central vertical fold, on slightly-aged paper, with light staining to the first and last pages. Signed on the first page by [three Americans] Henry L. Stimson; Charles F. Adams III; Dwight W. Morrow; [one French] Aristide Briand; [two British] J. Ramsay Macdonald; A. V. Alexander; [one Italian] Giuseppe Sirianni; [and all four Japanese representatives] Reijiro Wakatsuki; Takeshi Takarabe; Tsuneo Matsudaira and Matsuzo Nagai.

Printed pamphlet (with 'P.T.O.' in large letters on cover) and handbill notice, with autograph covering letter to an unnamed clergyman [Rev. Charles William Shepherd], in which he describes himself as 'the "Doyen" of Ecclesiastical Agents'.

Edward Broughton-Rouse, Sheffield solicitor, 'Ecclesiastical Agent' (agent for the purchase and sale of advowsons)
Publication details: 
None of the items dated. Pamphlet from circa 1897.

The three items indicate a brashness approaching hucksterism on the part of a Victorian professional, in addition to marketing techniques advanced for the period. Letter: 12mo, 2 pp. Stamped at head: 'Edw. Broughton Rouse, M.A., LL.D. | 436, GLOSSOP ROAD, | SHEFFIELD.' Twenty-five lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Many hundreds of this letter must have been copied out and sent to clergymen throughout England.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Storr') to Rev. E. J. Shepherd of Luddesdown, containing a reference to Thomas Hardy.

Francis Storr (1839-1919), M.A., editor of the Journal of Education; Master of Marlborough College, 1864-75; Merchant Taylors' School, 1875-1901 [Edward John Shepherd (1805-1874); Thomas Hardy]
Publication details: 
4 April [1874]; on letterhead of Marlborough School.

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Thirty-two lines. Very good, on lightly-aged paper, apart from the tearing away of the single-word answer to 'a very old riddle' in ancient Greek from Sir Thomas Browne, resulting in the loss of a few words of text from the reverse. Begins by thanking Shepherd for the unnecessary return of 'the Harper', followed by congratulations on his birthday. Hopes to amuse him with the riddle.

Six More Letters on Fox's Acts and Monuments, originally published in the British Magazine, in the Years 1837 & 1838.

Rev. S. R. Maitland [Samuel Roffey Maitland; J. G. F. & J. Rivington, London booksellers]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for J. G. F. & J. Rivington, St. Paul's Church Yard, and Waterloo Place, Pall Mall. 1841. [Gilbert & Rivington, Printers, St. John's Square, London.]

8vo: [iv] + [70] + [i] pp. The body of the text is paginated 75-144, with the six letters numbered seven to twelve. At the end of the volume are an index to the whole work, and a title-page for Maitland's 'Twelve Letters on Fox's Acts and Monument' (Rivingtons, 1841). In original buff wraps, with white printed label on front cover. Text clear and complete, but in poor condition: worn, dogeared and lightly-stained, with loss to margins.

Dorothy Sweete. A Novel.

W. I.' [W. Ingram]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh: J. Gardner Hitt, 37 George Street. 1901.

12mo, iv + 203 pp. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Rebound in worn green paper wraps, with 'W. I. INGRAM' in manuscript along spine. Unobtrusive 'Sale Duplicate' stamp of the 'BIBLIOTHECA | <?> | EDINENSIS'. The dedication provides a clue to the author: 'To the memory of Jeannie E. D. S. Ingram, once a student in the University of Aberdeen.' Scarce: COPAC only lists copies at the British Library, National Library of Scotland, and Aberdeen.

Ecce Mundus. Industrial Ideals and the Book Beautiful.

T. J. Cobden-Sanderson [Hammersmith Publishing Society]
Publication details: 
Hammersmith: Hammersmith Publishing Society, 7 The Terrace. 1902. ['Printed at the Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham & Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London. And sold by the Hammersmith Publishing Society, 7 The Terrace, Hammersmith.']

8vo: [38] pp (unpaginated). In original quarter binding, with buff boards and vellum spine on which is stamped in black 'ECCE MUNDUS'. Good copy: internally tight and clean, in slightly-grubby and worn binding bumped at foot of spine and at one corner. Presentation copy, with autograph inscription by Cobden-Sanderson on the front free endpaper: 'To Mr. Wheatley [the bibliographer Henry Benjamin Wheatley] with the compliments of the writer'. With green leather and gilt bookplate of Alfred Sutro on front pastedown.

Engraving ('J. Harris Sculpt'), reproducing a mediaeval illustration, titled 'The Expedetion [sic] of Africa, undertaken by the Duke of Bourbon, as General in Chief, with several other English & French Knights, at the entreaty of the Genoese.'

J. Harris, engraver [The Expedition of Africa, 1390; Louis II (1337-1410), Duke de Bourbon]
Publication details: 
Undated. [London, circa 1810?]

On paper 25 x 20 cm. Plate size 14 x 18.5 cm. Uncoloured. Title beneath print and engraver's details beneath bottom right-hand corner. Image and text clear and intact. On aged, creased and foxed paper with wear and slight loss to extremities. The illustration shows a number of galleons at sea with wind-filled sails. Each is filled with knights whose flags and shields, each bearing different designs and coats of arms, are ranged along the sides. The National Maritime Museum possesses a coloured copy of this uncommon print, which also featured in the Hennin Collection.

Socialism in Song. An Appreciation of William Morris's "Chants for Socialists. Together with an Introductory Essay on Poetry and Politics.

J. Bruce Glasier [John Bruce Glasier (1859-1920)] [William Morris; The National Labour Press]
Publication details: 
Manchester: The National Labour Press, Ltd. [1919.]

12mo: xiv + 32 pp. In original grey printed wraps. Internally sound and tight on aged paper. Wraps worn and grubby, with slight staining to spine. Eight copies on COPAC, but only three at deposit libraries (Oxford, NLS and the BL).

Autograph Signature ('J Arthur Thomson').

J. Arthur Thomson [Sir John Arthur Thomson] (1861-1933), Scottish naturalist and author whose writings sought to reconcile science and religion
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

On slip of paper, roughly 2.5 x 10 cm, cut from a letter for an autograph hunter. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Reads 'Yours sincerely | J Arthur Thomson'.

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