
[No. 36.] Catalogue of Interesting, Choice and Rare Historical Documents and Autograph Letters, [...] And a Choice List of Modern Names [...] George Cattermole [...] Charles Dickens [...] William Cowper [...] Lord Nelson. [...]

Samuel J. Davey [booksellers' catalogues; George Cattermole; Charles Dickens; William Cowper; Isaac Newton; Lord Nelson]
Publication details: 
London: On Sale by Samuel J. Davey, 47, Great Russell Street, Opposite the British Museum, W.C. 1892.

Quarto: 50 + [2] pp. Fold-out frontispiece giving eighteen examples of handwriting from items in the catalogue. In original orange printed wraps. Good, though a tad dusty, and in worn and faded wraps with some glue staining to back and wear to spine. Well printed, with lengthy extracts from most items. A scrap of paper which acts as a bookmark has the words "Listed Walpole entries to W.S. Lewis || Nov 1953" in Winifeed Myers [?] hand (from her reference library). The first item is 'A Series of Pencil Sketches by George Cattermole, illustrating Dickens' Works' (£60).

Autograph Note Signed ('C. P. Scott') to unnamed male correspondent [Rev. E. J. F. Davies].

Charles Prestwich Scott (1846-1932) Liberal politician and editor of the Manchester Guardian, 1872-1929
Publication details: 
3 April 1931; on embossed letterhead The Firs, Fallowfield, Manchester.

One page, 12mo. Very good: lightly aged and creased. 'You are welcome to my autograph for what it is worth.' From the collection of the Rev. E. J. F. Davies.

Proof ('Saunders sculp.'), 'Engraved for Ashburton's History of England', of 'Henry II after having his Son crowned King serving the first dish to his Table'.

[Charles Alfred Ashburton; Ashburton's History of England; Joseph Saunders, engraver; W. & J. Statford, Print Sellers, High Holborn, London]
Publication details: 
Published by W. & J. Stratfords, No: 112 Holborn Hill March 16, 1793.'

On wove paper, with watermark '179< >'. Dimensions roughly 22.5 x 39 cm. Very good on lightly aged paper. One small unobtrusive spot of foxing. The illustration is within an oval roughly 21.5 cm wide, enclosed in a decorative box of dimensions 18 x 27.5 cm. A couple of bishops with croziers and a mass of nobles in ermine look on in a vaulted castle hall while Henry II presents what looks like a pie to his bemused offspring, who is seated beneath a canopy.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. F. Monypenny') to Charles J. Trevor.

William Flavelle Monypenny (1866-1912), British journalist and historian, best known for his biography (with G. E. Buckle) of Benjamin Disraeli
Publication details: 
29 May 1907; on letterhead 2 Queen Anne's Gate, S.W.

Two pages, 12mo. Good, on spotted paper. Folded twice.He is obliged to his correspondent for 'sending me a copy of the Disraeli letter in your possession'. He will not trouble his correspondent for a loan of the original 'as the contents are rather of private than of public interest'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('G. S. Layard') to Lieutenant-Colonel J. B. Gaskell.

George Somes Layard (1857-1925), English biographical author; Shirley Brooks (1816-74), editor of 'Punch'
Publication details: 
9 August 1906; on letterhead 'BULLS CLIFF, FELIXSTOWE.'

Four pages, 12mo. Very good on lightly aged paper. Docketed by Gaskell at head of first page 'This letter is written to myself in reply to my offer of the loan of 91 Shirley Brooks' letters. | J. B. Gaskell'. Acknowledges the receipt of the letters which Gaskell has 'so generously' placed at his disposal, and assures him that they will be 'treated with the greatest care' and returned as soon as possible, together with the photograph of 'Epicurus Rotundus' (Brooks's pen name), 'which is new to me'. Asks for 'any reminiscences, hearsay or otherwise of S. B.

Autograph Letter Signed to A. H. Terry.

J. Pettit Griffith [autograph dealer?]
Publication details: 
18 July 1910; 42 Glenelg Road, Acre Lane, Brixton, SW. [London]

One page, octavo. Good, on lightly creased and aged paper, with a little wear at foot. Purple ink. He thanks him 'for Cheque safely to hand for the Autograph Album. There is no question abot the Collection being a genuine one.' Details the provenance from the artist H. W. Pickersgill, to Charles Kingsley, to Kingsley's brother. 'I bought the Vol at the latters sale -'. He will send the two letters 'and the Kingslake in the morning'. He has been 'laid up ill for some days'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Jas: Stanley:Little') to S[eymour C.] J. Freeman-Matthews [of Cape Town].

James Stanley Little (1856-1940), British novelist
Publication details: 
28 September 1900; on letterhead 18 Drakenfield Road, Tooting Common, S.W.

One page, quarto. On aged and lightly creased paper. He is sending the signature with 'one or two others'. 'Possibly the work I have done for South Africa (I have been upholding the Imperial cause for a quarter of a century) is your reason for paying me the compliment.' Thinks he recognises from Freeman-Matthews' crest that he is 'a descendant of the Llandaff Mathews family'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Wemyss Reid') [to Rev. E. J. F. Davies].

Sir Thomas Wemyss Reid (1842-1905), British novelist and biographer
Publication details: 
8 July 1902; Falcon Hotel, Bude, Cornwall.

One page, 12mo. On blue paper discoloured from glue by previous mounting. Seven-line printed biographical cutting in top right-hand corner. 'I am very happy to comply with your request [for an autograph].'

Autograph Note Signed ('J. J Stewart Perowne') to 'Mr Lewis'.

John James Stewart Perowne (1823-1904), Bishop of Worcester
Publication details: 
9 March 1882; on government letterhead embossed with royal crest.

12mo: 2 pp. On first leaf of bifolium. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper, with dogeared corners. Nine lines of text. The 'man for your purpose' is 'Mr G. Gray, the Diocesan Registry Peterboro''. 'He is intelligent & will do the work well I doubt not on receiving your instructions.' Loosely inserted is a leaf carrying biographical information in a contemporary hand.

Offprint of article entitled 'Protection Against Lightning. What is a lightning conductor? How does it protect against lightning? And how should it be applied to be effective?'

Alfred Hands [J. W. Gray & Son, Lightning Conductor Experts]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from "The Field" newspaper, May 16th, 1914.'

8vo: ii + 14 pp. Unbound. Stapled and in original brown printed wraps. Very good on art paper. Six photographic illustrations, including 'Clothing of a man struck by lightning' and 'Farm-house at Whaddon, near Stamford, struck and practically wrecked by lightning.' Hands is described as 'Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society, Member of the Astronomical Society of France, Senior Partner of J. W.

Photographic portrait by J. E. Mayall of Brighton and New Bond Street.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet, biographer and translator
Publication details: 
Without date. 'J. E. MAYALL | 91, KING'S ROAD | BRIGHTON | 164, NEW BOND ST. | LONDON. W.'

Dimensions of photograph 9 x 5.5 cm. Good sepia image, on backing card with Mayall's details printed in red at foot. Reverse of card mostly covered with remains of previous cream paper mount. This image does not feature among the three portraits of Martin listed in the National Portrait Gallery's online catalogue of its collection.

Catalogue No. 26: 'Early Newspapers | From 1625 to 1850'.

Birrell & Garnett, Ltd., 30 Gerrard Street, London W.1 [booksellers' catalogues; bookselling]
Publication details: 
Harding & Curtis, Ltd., Somerset Street, Bath. [1929.]

Octavo: 32 pp. Stapled and unbound. Rather worn, particularly at first and last leaves. A few pencil marks and notes, and slight ink staining at head of first leaf. Twenty illustrations. 168 items; three-part index on final page. Influential catalogue, the collection sold in its entirety to Duke University. One of Birrell & Garnett's managers was Graham Pollard, co-author of the book which unmasked T. J. Wise as a forger.

Scenes from an unfinished drama, entitled Phrontisterion, or, Oxford in the 19th century.

[Henry Longueville Mansel, Dean of St Pauls; University of Oxford; J. Vincent, publisher]
Publication details: 
Oxford: Printed and published by J. Vincent, and G. Bell, Fleet Street, London. Fourth edition, 1852.

English philosopher (1820-71). 24 pages, 12mo. Very good, neatly bound in brown cloth binding. Bound in are the original grey printed wraps, affected with foxing, and with very slight damage from glue to front wrap. The rear wrap carries an advertisement of 'BOOKS LATELY PUBLISHED | BY J. VINCENT OXFORD.', including 'NINEVEH: the Best Newdigate for Years; therefore not recited in the Theatre, Oxford, July 3, 1851. 12mo. 1s.' A brilliant satire on academic reformers and German philosphers. Copac only lists copies of the third, fourth and fifth editions.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Mitford') to his cousin Margaret.

J. Mitford [Walter Horsley (b.1855), illustrator]
Publication details: 
2 June 1885; on embossed Post Office letterhead.

Two pages, 12mo. Good. Horsley has 'promised to do the illustration as soon as he possibly can'. Mitford has 'told him the sort of thing which was needed, and he seemed to take it in quite clearly, and I also impressed upon him that the time is short for the completion of the book.' Hopes he will see her at 65 Prince's Square.

Engraved coloured lithographic portrait, 'Drawn from Nature by J. W. Childe' and engraved by Charles James Hullmandel (1789-1850).

Richard Lemmon Gregory, 'The Respected Librarian at MR. LODER'S ESTABLISHMENT, North St. Brighton.' [Robert Loder; Circulating Libraries]
Publication details: 
Published by R. Loder, North Street, Sepr. 12th. 1828.'

Dimensions of paper roughly eight and a half inches by six and a half wide. Illustration roughly five and a half inches by five wide. Good on slightly aged and creased paper. A grey-haired Gregory, fashionably dressed in striped waistcoat and cravat, and wearing a white apron, stares at the viewer while holding a book in his left hand and writing its details in a ledger with a quill in his right hand. BBTI gives Robert Loder's trading dates as 1822-39, and Gregory's as 1793-1851.

A Priced Catalogue of the whole stock of Theological Books, [...], of the late firm of Dickinson & Higham, together with the additions thereto made during the printing of the catalogue by the firm's junior partner and successor, Charles Higham.

Charles Higham (1846-1920), London theological bookseller [Dickinson & Higham]
Publication details: 
London: Farringdon Street, E.C. 1878. [S. & J. Brawn, Printers, 13, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.']

Octavo, 216 pages. One of 'only fifty copies printed, on thick paper'. Title-page in red and black. Aged and a little stained, in recent half-leather rebinding. 9670 items listed, 'for the most part second-hand'.

Apocalypse block-book; Caxton's Golden Legend.

J. & J. Leighton, booksellers.
Publication details: 
1910; J. & J. Leighton, 40 Brewer St., Regent St., London W.

Proof with manuscript changes in pencil and printed additions pasted onto p.viii. 14 pages, folio. Five plates and five illustrations in text. In original green printed wraps. In good condition: paper discoloured and with some creasing at head; wraps grubby, creased and worn, with small closed tear along top end of spine. An attractive production, 'reprinted from J. & J. Leighton's illustrated catalogue of early-printed books, manuscripts, &c. part xiv.' Describes the edition of the Golden Legend published by Caxton in 1483, and a block-book published in Germany around 1470.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Rhys Roberts') to Sir Frederick George Kenyon (1863-1952), Director of the British Museum.

William Rhys Roberts (1858-1929), Professor of Classics at Leeds University, and associate of J. R. R. Tolkien
Publication details: 
28 January 1918; on letterhead of the University, Leeds.

Three pages, octavo. Very good on lightly aged paper. Kenyon's paper was 'much enjoyed' when read on Saturday, and there was 'a good attendance'. '[T]he pleasantries were not missed': '1. the confusion of the inexhaustible emender; 2. the thrift of the canny Odysseus in his role of wooer; 3. Burne Jones's Law.' 'At the end some interesting questiosn were asked', for example, 'why second-rate Greek annalists shd. seemingly have been preferred to Herodotus & Thucydides'.

Portrait photograph by Walter Baker of Birmingham and copy of his book 'Practical Conjuring.'

James Carl (J. A. Wakefield, 1875-1955), 'the Derby Conjuror, Member of the Magic Circle, London', 'Society Magician'
Publication details: 
The book published in Derby by E. J. Furniss, 15, Exeter Street, in 1911.

The studio photograph, with printed label of 'Walter Baker, 159, Mosely Road, Birmingham. Highgate Studios.' on reverse, and the manuscript number '24704 | 98'. is a good clear head and shoulders portrait (dimensions roughly three and a half inches by two and a quarter wide), in very good condition. Although untitled, it seems to be Carl, as represented on the title-page of his book, without the moustache and a little younger. The book is twenty-eight pages, octavo, in original coloured printed boards. Numerous line drawings.

Autograph Note Signed ('J. M. Weston') to James Rees, with the latter's docketing addressed to 'F Powell'.

J. M. Weston, 'comedian', playwright and stage manager of the Charles Street Theatre, Baltimore [James Rees; F. Powell]
Publication details: 
[6 April 1847]; place not stated.

One page. On piece of paper roughly seven inches by three and a half wide. Bottom part of letter cut away. Reads 'Dr Sir | In compiance with your wish | I subscribe myself | truly yours | [signed] J. M. Weston | To/ | Jas. Reese Esq'. Docketed by Rees 'The above autograph is that of my friend J M Weston, Stage Manager of the St Charles Theatre - he is the Author of Several popular pieces, among which is the beautiful drama of Lucretia Borgia'. Dated in another hand on reverse. Not much appears to be known about Weston, whose translation of Victor Hugo's play was first published in 1850.

Autograph Letter Signed to <J. J. Dolone>, and Hand-coloured Engraved Portrait.

Laura Honey [nee Young] ['Mrs Honey']
Publication details: 
The letter without date, but bearing postmark postmark dated 20 May 1838.

Letter, docketed 'Mrs Honey', addressed to ' Esqre | York - Leeds - or Hull | Theatre Royal'. Three pages, quarto. Good, though aged and creased, and with small section cut away on breaking seal. Text clear and complete. Small strip of mount adhering to one edge. Interesting and intriguing letter addressed to 'Dearest Papa' and beginning 'Barnett has never been near me nor do I know where to find him - write by return and tell me where I commence and what you would like me to '. Ends by saying she is 'very busy indeed just now'. Signed 'Laura'.

Catalogue of Books for sale at the annexed prices', numbers 49 (Jan. 1873) to 72 (Dec. 1874); with 'The American Bibliopolist', vols. 5 and 6 (New York, Jan. 1873 to Dec. 1874); and incomplete 'Catalogue of Standard English Books' (undated).

J. Sabin & Sons [Joseph Sabin (1821-81), Anglo-American bookseller]; Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati
Publication details: 
J. Sabin & Sons, Publishers, 84 Nassau Street, New York. 14 York Street, Covent Garden, London. 1873.

All items octavo. All in good condition, on aged paper, bound together in heavily-worn contemporary half-calf. Ownership inscription of the art dealer Faris C. Pitt on front free endpaper. The various issues of the 'Catalogue of Books' vary in length from eight pages to twenty-eight.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mark Batten') to J. Samson, Registrar, Royal Society of Arts.

Mark Wilfrid Batten (1905-1993), English sculptor and stone carver
Publication details: 

One page, quarto. Very good, with staple holes in one corner. He thanks Samson for his letter 'about the enquiry from the Esso Petroleum Company concerning a sculptured commemorative tablet. I should be pleased to take part in any limited competition for this project and could carry out the work this year if I were commissioned to do so within the scheme of my existing commitments.' The context is explained by an accompanying photocopy of a carbon of a typed letter (one page, quarto) of 5 May 1960 from Samson to the sculptor Professor R. Y.

Paper entitled 'DISCUSSION: (I) Philosophy Without Science'.

Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel, Sir Alfred Jules Ayer; Herbert Dingle
Publication details: 
Reprinted from PHILOSOPHY, Vol. XXIII, No. 84, January 1948.'

12 pages, octavo. Unbound. Folded once, down the centre, vertically. Good, though grubby, and with marks from paperclip. Each of the three contributes a section. PRESENTATION COPY, with slip from Samuel, on his notepaper '32, PORCHESTER TERRACE, W.2.' on which is typed 'WITH LORD SAMUEL'S COMPLIMENTS'.

The lawfulness and obligation of oaths. A dissertation which obtained the Hulsean Prize for the year 1844.

F. J. Gruggen, Scholar of Saint John's College, Cambridge
Publication details: 
Cambridge: printed at the University Press [...]. 1845.

Octavo. 84 pages. A disbound pamphlet from the Churchill Babington collection. Very good with light foxing to prelims. 'Amongst all the institutions which contribute to strengthen the bonds of society, by establishing and confirming that mutual trust and confidence among men which is necessary to its very existence, there is none which exercises a more considerable and beneficial influence than that of oaths, when applied to those purposes for which it was intended.' Scarce: only three copies on COPAC.

The sabbath. A paper read at the conference of the Evangelical Alliance, held at Geneva, September 2. 1861.

Andrew Thomson, D.D., Edinburgh [pref. Rev. J. C. Ryle, Christ Church, Oxford]
Publication details: 
London: James Nisbet & Co. 21 Berners Street. 1863. '200th Thousand.'

Octavo. 16 pages. Disbound pamphlet from the Churchill Babington collection. Very good, though paper somewhat discoloured and lightly foxed.

Quo musa tendis?

J[ames]. K[enneth]. Stephen [JACK THE RIPPER]
Publication details: 
Cambridge: Macmillan and Bowes. 1891.

First edition. 12mo. Pages: 2 ('BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LAPSUS CALAMI.') + x + 84 + 4 pages of publishers' advertisements. Very good in original worn light-blue cloth with heavily-worn label on spine. Ownership inscription of Richard E. Benson (1892) on front free endpaper. Stephen was first put forward as Jack the Ripper in Michael Harrison's biography of Prince Albert Victor, 'Clarence' (1972).

Two Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Henry T[rueman]. Wood, [Secretary,] Royal Society of Arts.

Alexander Joseph Finberg [THE WALPOLE SOCIETY]
Publication details: 
23 and 27 January 1917; both on Walpole Society letterhead.

British art historian (1866-1939) whose papers are now in the Courtauld Institute, London; Turner specialist and founder of the Walpole Society. Both items one page, quarto, very good. Both docketed and bearing the Society's stamp, and signed 'A. J. Finberg'. First letter enquires whether 'a full list of the recipients of [the Society's awards] has been published, or whether the materials for the compilation of such a list are in existence & are accessible to research'.

Victorian studio photograph.

William John Thoms
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Antiquary (1803-85), first editor of Notes and Queries. Sepia. Dimensions roughly 2 1/4 inches by 3 1/2 inches. Faded image of a bespectacled Thoms knees upward, seated in profile at a table examining a small book on top of another book and leaning against a pile of six others. The oval is in a frame beneath which, in copper-plate letters (in the photograph and not manuscript), 'William J Thoms'. Stuck to a piece of card on the reverse of which is a grubby, foxed, nineteenth-century plate of William Cowper the poet.

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