Vagabondlif i Australien.

Theodor Fischer
Publication details: 
Stockholm: Albert Bonniers Förlag. 1879.

Small octavo. 124 pages. Four illustrations (pages, 9, 11, 76 and 100), including one of kangaroos and another of 'King Okalia with suite'. Good, in worn late 19th/early 20th century binding. Front wrap (with illustration of aborigine throwing spear) bound in. Bookplate of Gunnar von Heideken, and neat initials of 'F. V. Hen' at head of wrap. Apparently an account of a stay in the area of Adelaide. Includes glosses in Swedish of such words as boomerangs, bushrangers, waddies, piccaniny and swag. Intriguing (to non-Swedish speakers) mention of Lord Byron and Dick Turpin.

[ Martin Fischer, German classical musician. ] Fourteen Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Martin'), in English, to Richard Hutchins, giving news of his activities as a viola player under von Karajan at the Berlin Philharmonic.

Martin Fischer (b. c. 1931), viola player with the Berlin Philharmonic, husband of soprano Helga Fischer [Richard Hutchins of Waynflete ]
Publication details: 
One dated from Berlin, 27 February 1963. The rest from between 1976 and 1981.

A total of 50pp., of which 46pp. are 8vo, and 4pp. are 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Some letters also signed on behalf of his wife Helga and their son Andreas. Also present is the first page of a fifteenth letter, dated from Paris, 19 May 1972. An affectionate correspondence, filled with personal and professional news. On 3 August 1978 he writes from St Oswald in Austria of a visit to East Germany: 'Our orchestra played for the first time at Dresden and Leipzig!!

[Sir John Fischer Williams, international lawyer.] Typed Letter Signed ('John Fischer Williams') to R. F. Harrod, Hon. Sec., Oxford University Liberal Association, expounding at length on Professor Gilbert Murray and proportional representation.

Sir John Fischer Williams (1870-1947), English international lawyer and authority on proportional representation [Gilbert Murray (1866-1957), classical scholar and internationalist; electoral reform]
Publication details: 
British Delegation, Reparation Commission, 7 Rue de Tilsitt, Paris XVII. 19 March 1929.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. On two leaves, with the second attached at the head of the blank reverse to a piece of grey card. In fair condition, on aged paper. He writes that he will be 'very glad to sign the memorandum enclosed with your letter of the 14th instant in support of Professor Gilbert Murray'. He proceeds to remark at length on a 'statement in the last paragraph of the memorandum as to the working of Proportional Representation'.

Coloured poster for 'Chess, Sutton Coldfield', advertising many products and services, headed 'SEE! Many prices REDUCED!!' and 'Fischer plays Spassky for the world Championship, probably June to July (venue not yet decided).'

[Baruch H. Wood, Proprietor and Editor, Chess (Sutton Coldfield) Ltd, founded 1935, printers, publishers, manufacturers, importers, exporters [Bobby Fischer versus Boris Spassky, Reykjavik, 1972]
Publication details: 
'CHESS, Sutton Coldfield, England is always sufficient address'. [1972.]

The poster printed on one side of a 50 x 36.5 cm piece of paper, in black, red and purple, with four photographs (chessmen, clocks, demonstration board, and miniature set). Folded three times. In good condition, on aged paper, with pinholes to the edges and 'ALL ENQUIRIES TO MR MCCARTHY LAB ONE.' in red ink at foot.

[sheet music] Pigeons On The Grass Alas. Recitation and Air for Barytone. From the Opera Four Saints in Three Acts. Text by Gertrude Stein. Music by Virgil Thomson. As sung by Edward Mathews.

Gertrude Stein; Virgil Thomson [Edward Mathews]
Stein, Pigeons On The Grass Alas.
Publication details: 
1935. J. Fischer & Bro., New York, N.Y. [Limited edition 'printed especially for the Berkshire School Musicale Association']
Stein, Pigeons On The Grass Alas.

4to, [i] + 4 pp. On two loose bifoliums, in tan printed wraps. No. 73 of 110 copies (one of the hundred numbered copies and NOT one of the ten copies signed by author and composer). Limitation inside front wrap. Title-page states 'This arrangement is dedicated by the composer to the Berkshire School Musicale Association'. No copy on COPAC.

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