[Printed pamphlet.] Cataclysm Has Begun! [With covering Typed Letter Signed from Williamson to George H. Brook.]

J. J. Williamson [John Jacob Williamson], Founder-President, the Society of Metaphysicians Ltd, Hastings, Sussex [Nuclear proliferation; Cold War; Atomic Bomb]
 Cataclysm Has Begun!
Publication details: 
Pamphlet: 1955. The Society of Metaphysicians Ltd. Letter: 19 February 1955; on letterhead of the Society of Metaphysicians Ltd, Archers' Court, Stonestile Lane, Hastings, Sussex.]
 Cataclysm Has Begun!

4to, vii + 21 pp. Stapled pamphlet, on two different paper stocks (white and grey), front cover detached Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with crease to one corner of title-leaf. Title leaf printed, the rest mimeographed. Pp. v-vii consist of an appendix at the rear of the volume. Occult pseudo-science (the Society's logo is a pentacle), presaging the hippie 'retreat from reason' in the face of Cold War realities. Begins 'For ten years the Society of Metaphysicians has worked in the interests of human unity at all levels.

[Periodical] Le Courrier Interplanetaire [( British Edition)

Editor: Prof. A. Nahon, Founder-President, Association Mondialiste Interplanetaire.
 Le Courrier Interplanetaire
Publication details: 
Issued by the Society of Metaphysicians Ltd, Archers Court, Hastings, England.
 Le Courrier Interplanetaire

Unbound Issue described as First Year Nos.7-33, but is paginated 82, 83, 84, no page no., no page no., 69, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96. 97, 94-96 (duplicated) 101, 104. Printed wraps, 8vo, reproduced from typescript. Perhaps extracts from the continental edition, with an involuntary duplication of pages. Scarce.

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