[The Army of Peru in the nineteenth century.] Printed handbill with tables and text, headed 'Cuadro Que manifiesta la organizacion del Ejército permanente, los cuerpos que lo forman, el número de sus companias y la fuerza efectiva de cada uno.'

The Army of Peru [Ejército del Perú] [South American military history; nineteenth-century warfare]
Publication details: 
'Núm. 2.' [Peru. 1860s?]

Attractively printed on one side of a piece of 37 x 41 cm wove paper, with decorative rules and borders. 'Núm. 2.' in top right-hand corner. Four tables, on 'Artilleria' (600 men and 280 horses), 'Infanteria' (1860 men), 'Caballeria' (comprising 'Rejimiento Húzares de Junin', 'Idem Lanceros de Torata' and 'Idem Escolta del Gobierno') and 'Resumon por clases de todas armas' (3000 men and 1040 horses). Five lines of text in small type at foot.

[Printed pamphlet inscribed by the author.] An Address delivered at the Music Hall, Boston, in aid of the Fund for Ball's Equestrian Statue of Washington, on the evening of 13 May, 1859, by Robert C. Winthrop.

Robert C. Winthrop [Henry Tennyson Folkard (1850-1916), Librarian, the Free Public Library, Wigan; Thomas Ball (1819-1911), American sculptor; George Washington Monument, Boston, Massachusetts]
Publication details: 
Boston: Little, Brown and Company. 1859.

60 + 1pp., 8vo. The last page carries an 'Appendix'. In brown printed wraps, with cover headed 'Luxury and the Fine Arts, - In some of their Moral and Historical Relations.' Inscribed at head of cover to 'B. Moran Esqe | with the Author's kind regards'. In fair condition, with signs of age and wear. Disbound, and with library stitching at spine. Front cover with stamp of the Free Public Library, Wigan, and shelfmarks. Note by the librarian Henry Tennyson Folkard on inside front cover: 'Cat. Bought May 1916. | H. T.

[Messrs. J. & S. Ricardo & Co., London bankers.] Manuscript Letter, signed 'J & S Ricardo', accepting 'Fifty Shares in the Colombian mining Association'.

Messrs. J. & S. Ricardo & Co., London bankers [Colombian Mining Association; David Ricardo (1772-1823), economist]
Publication details: 
Throgmorton Street [London]. 27 November 1824.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Gentlemen/ | We are very much obliged to you for your offer of Fifty Shares in the Colombian mining Association which we have great pleasure in accepting. We did not make any application as we had hoped to have heard first from you on the subject.' The family firm of the economist and MP David Ricardo, who had been disowned on his marriage to a gentile in 1793. It did substantial business in the Hispanic world.

[Robert Carrier, 'celebrity' chef, cookery writer and television personality.] Autograph Signature inscribed to Joan Bell.

Robert Carrier [Robert Carrier McMahon] (1923-2006), American chef, restauranteur, cookery writer and television personality
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On 8.5 x 22 cm rectangle of paper, with corners cut diagonally to make an irregular octagon. Good bold inscription, in black ink, reads: 'Joan Bell - | Bestest - ever | Robert Carrier'.

[Lauren R. Stevens.] Autograph Letter Signed and Typed Letter Signed (both 'Lauren') to English literary critic A. Alvarez ('Al'), discussing his decision to leave Harvard and his first novel, 'The Double Axe', an inscribed copy of which is included.

Lauren R. Stevens (b.1938) [A. Alvarez [Al Alvarez] (b.1929), English literary critic; H. C. Baker [Herschel Clay Baker] (1914-1990), Professor of English Literature at Harvard University]
Publication details: 
TLS: 430 W. Allen's Lane, Philadelphia 19, Pennsylvania. 5 October 1960. ALS: on his (cancelled) letterhead 1717 Cambridge Street, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts. 31 January 1961. Book: New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1961.

TLS: 2pp., 12mo. In good condition. The letter begins: 'Dear Al: | Last Thursday morning, while sitting in a barbar chair, I asked myself a question which a number of people have been asking me recently, namely, What are you doing at Harvard? I couldn't come up with a very satisfactory answer, so I went to a friend's house on Cape Cod for the weekend. Monday I saw the head of the English Department at Harvard, H. C. Baker. He said, "Follow your star," which seemed to me a little romantic, but all the same good advice.

[Printed item.] Proceedings at Suffield, September 16, 1858, on the occasion of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Decease of the Rev. Benjamin Ruggles, First Pastor of the First Congregational Church.

[Rev. Benjamin Ruggles, First Pastor of the First Congregational Church, Suffield; Henry A. Sykes; Daniel W. Norton; Byron Loomis; Rev. Joel Mann; Rev. A. C. Washburn; Springfield, Massachusetts]
Publication details: 
Springfield, Mass. Samuel Bowles and Company, Printers. 1859.

118pp., 8vo. Two engravings, both with tissue guards: frontispiece of the 'First Church erected in Suffield. About 1680.'; and 'The Ruggles Monument'. In cream printed wraps. Errata slip at rear. The item begins: 'A Hundred and fifty years had nearly expired since the decease of the first Pastor of the First Congregational Church, and no monument or stone had been set to indicate to the passer-by his last resting-place. The idea was conceived of erecting a suitable monument to his memory; and on the 24th of May, 1858, the Church appointed Dea. Henry A. Sykes, Daniel W.

[Offprint.] Upon a Method of Teaching Language to a Very Young Congenitally Deaf Child. By Alexander Graham Bell, Ph.D.

Alexander Graham Bell, Ph.D. [The American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb]
Publication details: 
Third edition. Extracted, by permission, from the American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb, April, 1883, vol. xxviii, pp.124-139. Washington, D. C. Gibson Brothers, Printers. 1886.

16pp., 8vo. Including full-page facsimile 'Specimen of Impromptu Conversation' and of 'the plan, recommended by George Dalgarno, of writing the alphabet upon a glove'. In grey card wraps. In good condition, on aged paper, with label and stamp of the Science & Art Department of the Educational Library on the front cover. In tasteful modern grey paper wraps with white printed label on front. No copies of this third edition on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat (but a total of fourteen copies of the first edition).

[Offprint.] Fallacies concerning the deaf, and the Influence of these Fallacies in preventing the Amelioration of their Condition. [...] With remarks by Dr. E. M. Gallaudet and Hon. Gardiner G. Hubbard.

Alexander Graham Bell; Dr. E. M. Gallaudet; Hon. Gardiner G. Hubbard [The Philosophical Society of Washington; The American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb]
Publication details: 
An Address delivered before the Philosophical Society of Washington, October 27, 1883. Reprinted from the American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb for January, 1884. Washington D.C. Gibson Brothers, Printers. 1884.

39pp., 8vo. Front cover of printed wraps present, with 'With the Author's Compliments' printed in top left-hand corner. In fair condition, lightly-aged, with shelfmarks, label and stamp of the Science & Art Department of the Education Library. In tasteful modern quarter-bound boards of light and dark grey paper, with white printed label on front.

[Printed pamphlet.] On Reading as a Means of Teaching Language to the Deaf by Alexander Graham Bell.

Alexander Graham Bell [National Conference of Superintendents and Principals of Institutions for the Deaf; Mississippi Institution, Jackson]
Publication details: 
An Address delivered before the sixth National Conference of Superintendents and Principals of Institutions for the Deaf held at the Mississippi Institution, Jackson, Miss., April 14-17, 1888. Washington: Gibson Bros., Printers and Bookbinders. 1889.

7pp., 8vo. With front cover of grey printed wraps. In good condition, on aged paper, with label and stamp of the Science & Art Department of the Educational Library, London on front cover. In tasteful modern grey paper wraps with white printed label on front. Epigram beneath title: 'I would have a deaf child read books in order to learn the language, instead of learning the language in order to read books.' Uncommon: no copy on COPAC and nine copies (all in American libraries, including three at Harvard) on OCLC WorldCat.

[Charles Godfrey Leland, American author.] Autograph poem titled 'Assyrian. (Jonah.) From the German of Scheffel.' With ebullient signed dedication ('Charles G. Leland') to a relation of Leonard Field, Bencher of the Inner Temple.

Charles Godfrey Leland (1824-1903), American writer and folklorist, author of 'Hans Breitmann’s Ballads' (1871) [Leonard Field (1824-1903), Bencher of the Inner Temple; Josef Victor von Scheffel]
Publication details: 
The poem on letterhead 'Lea, | Leamington.' 'Written for Miss Field. Easter Sunday 1871'.

In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The poem (24 lines in six stanzas) is written out on the letterhead 'Leam, | Leamington'. 1p., 12mo, with the blank second leaf of the bifolium tipped-in onto an 8vo leaf.

[Dr John M. Crawford, Charles Dury, Professor Herbert S. Osborn, American entomologists.] Thirteen Autograph Cards Signed (ten from Dury, two from Crawford and one from Osborn) to the Coleoptera expert Charles G. Siewers of Newport, Kentucky.

Charles Dury of Cincinnati; John Martin Crawford of the Chickering Institute, Ohio; Professor Herbert S. Osborn [Charles G. Siewers of Newport, Kentucky; American entomologists; natural history]
Publication details: 
All sent from Cincinnati, Ohio. Six of the thirteen dated between 1880 and 1882 (the year of Siewers's death). The others undated.

The thirteen cards are all 13 x 7.5cm. All with 'POSTAL CARD' printed on front, and all with Cincinnati postmarks, nine also carrying Newport postmarks. All thirteen addressed to Siewers at Newport. For information on Charles Dury (1847-1901) see his obituary by Annette F. Braun in the Ohio Journal of Science, November 1931, pp.512-514. Braun stresses Dury's wide correspondence, and association with individuals including Alfred Russell Wallace, E. D. Cope, Spencer F. Baird, George Horn, John L. LeConte, Robert Ridgway, Elliott Coues, and his 'companion of many field trips' Professor J. S.

[Printed pamphlet.] Visible Speech as Taught to the Deaf. An Address Delivered Tuesday, July 7th, 1891, at the First Summer Meeting of the American Associate to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, held at Lake George, N.Y.

Alexander Graham Bell [American Association to Promote the Teachings of Speech to the Deaf]
Publication details: 
Reprinted from the Report of Proceedings [First Summer Meeting of the American Association to Promote the Teachings of Speech to the Deaf.] Mentor Print. [1891.]

32pp., 8vo. Includes seven full-page charts. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper, in worn and aged light-brown printed wraps. With shelfmarks, stamp and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. A total of eight copies located on OCLC WorldCat and COPAC, with the only copy in British libraries at the British Library.

[Printed 'University of London Institute of Education' pamphlet.] Some Suggestions Towards a Revised Philosophy of Education. Being a lecture delivered in the Institute.

Professor John Macdonald, M.A., D.Litt., Professor of Philosophy in the University of Alberta [University of London Institute of Education]
Publication details: 
[University of London Institute of Education.] Published for the Institute of Education by Oxford University Press. London: Humphrey Milford. 1938.

25 + [1]pp., 4to. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps. Stamps, shelfmarks and label of the Ministry of Education Reference Library, London. Five copies on COPAC.

[Nineteenth-century agricultural poetry.] Fair copy manuscript of anonymous (American?) poem titled 'Elegy on the death of a Farm Laborer.' With emendations and additions in pencil.

[Nineteenth-century English or American agricultural poetry; Victorian rural verse; provincial literature; working class writing]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [1840s?]

10pp.,, 8vo. On five leaves torn from a notebook. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. A creditable effort, showing the influence of Gray's 'Elegy' and Goldsmith's 'Deserted Village', describing the unnamed farm hand's funeral, and reflecting on the virtues and hardships of the poor. Begins: 'From yonder peaceful and secluded dell, | Snug in the bosom of th'encircling hills, | The perfumed Zephyr bears a passing knell, | And melancholy o'er the Soul distils.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Beautiful as a Factor in Education. Read before the Pennsylvania State Teachers' Association, at Scranton, July 4th, 1888.

Edward Brooks, Ph.D., Late Principal of State Normal School in Pennsylvania
Publication details: 
Inquirer P. & P. Co., Lancaster, Pa. [Pennsylvania, 1888.]

7pp., 8vo. Stitched and disbound. In poor condition, on aged and worn paper, with stamp shelfmarks and label of the Education Department Reference Library, London. No copy recorded on COPAC or WorldCat

[Printed item.] Seventy-eighth Annual Report and Documents of the New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, to the Legislature of the State of New York. For the year 1896.

[Enoch Henry Currier, Principal, The New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb]
Publication details: 
New York: Printed at the New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. 1907.

115 + [2]pp., 8vo. With numerous full-page photographic views and portraits, printed in green and blue, including fold-outs. Also three-page illustration of the 'American Manual Alphabet'. In fair condition, on aged art paper, in grey printed wraps, with rusted staple and rear cover loose. No copy of this issue traced on OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed item.] Eighty-ninth Annual Report and Documents of the New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb to the Legislature of the State of New York. For the Year 1907.

[Enoch Henry Currier, Principal, The New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb]
Publication details: 
New York: Printed at the New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, by the Pupil Apprentices. 1908.

126 + [3]pp., 8vo. With numerous photographic views and portraits, both full-page and in text, including fold-outs. On aged art paper, with loose front cover only, to the back of which is fixed a printed label carrying a message from the Principal Enoch Henry Currier, drawing the reader's attention to the 'various departmental designs' within the volume, 'which, being the unassisted work of pupils, are illustrative of the PRACTICAL value of the INDUSTRIAL ART training here afforded'. No copy of this issue traced on OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed item.] Eighty-first Annual Report and Documents of the New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, to the Legislature of the State of New York, For the Year 1899.

[Enoch Henry Currier, Principal, The New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb; David Burt jnr]
Publication details: 
New York: Printed at the New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, by the Pupil Apprentices. 1900.

128 + [3]pp. In grey printed wraps. Label laid down inside front cover, carrying note from the Principal Enoch Henry Currier regarding the cover illustration, 'the unassisted work of a pupil, David Burt, Jr., nineteen years old, as illustrative of the practical value of the Art training here afforded'. In fair condition, aged and worn, with rusted staples, and stamp, shelfmarks and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London.

[Printed item.] American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. Report of the Proceedings of the Fifth Summer Meeting held at the Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa.

[American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf; Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, Mount Airy, Philadelphia; Western New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes, Rochester,]
Publication details: 
Rochester, N.Y.: Western New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes. 1896.

275pp., 8vo. With frontispiece and one plate. In poor condition, on aged and worn paper, divided into two parts, with only the loose remains of the printed front cover present, carrying a shelf-mark label. Uncommon: three copies on OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed 'Supplement Elucidating Circular of Information, No. 4.'] The Difference between the Two Systems of teaching Deaf-Mute Children the English Language. Extracts from a letter to a parent requesting information [...], by Joseph C. Gordon, [...]

[Joseph C. Gordon, M.A., Ph.D., Superintendent of the Illinois Institution for the Education of the Deaf. Author of "Education of the Deaf," "Hints to Parents," etc. [Volta Bureau, Washington]
Publication details: 
Washington, D.C.: Sanders Printing Office, 3414 Q. Street. 1898.

[1] + 4pp., 12mo. In yellow printed wraps. In good condition, lightly-aged. With stamp, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Full subtitle: 'Extracts from a letter to a parent requesting information relative to the prevailing methods of teaching the English language to Deaf-Mutes in America, by Joseph C. Gordon, M.A., Ph.D., Superintendent of the Illinois Institution for the Education of the Deaf. Author of "Education of the Deaf," "Hints to Parents," etc.' Uncommon.

['Black Americana.'] Complete set of four late-Victorian British chromolithographic plates, with stereotyped racist depictions of 'Sambo's Courtship', 'Sambo's Wedding', 'Sambo's First-Born' and 'Sambo's Baby's Christening'.

['Black Americana'; nineteenth-century racism; Victorian racist illustration]
Publication details: 
English (each print 'Copyright Entered at Stationers Hall'). Circa 1888.

The four plates (each 29 x 23.5 cm) are loose and unframed, in fair condition, aged and worn, with no margins, chipping to the edges, and with the corners cut off at a diagonal. Each title written in pencil in a contemporary hand on the reverse of the print, each with a price of '6d'. The subjects are not depicted in unattractive style, and are certainly not grotesques, but they are shown as 'simple', untroubled individuals, with the usual happy, gleaming brown faces and shiny white teeth.

[Sir George Otto Trevelyan, Liberal politician and author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G O Trevelyan') to 'Dear George' [George Harvey], declining to contribute a piece to the North American Review, as he must concentrate on 'writing a history'.

Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928), Liberal politician and historian, nephew of Thomas Babington Macaulay [George Harvey (1864-1928), proprietor and editor of the North American Review]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. 15 December 1899.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'Dear George, | The idea contained in your letter is very interesting, and I am honoured to be thought of in connection with it. I am now reading Stevenson's letters, (admirable they are,) and I know from his dealings with American magazines and publishers that the terms offered by the Review are extremely handsome. But I am very late in the day, - in my day, - to be a writing a history; [i.e.

[Printed booklet.] A History of Lumsden's Battery C.S.A. Written by Dr. George Little and Mr. James R. Maxwell.

Dr. George Little and James R. Maxwell [Lumsden's Battery; R. E. Rhodes Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Tuskaloosa, Alabama; American Civil War]
Publication details: 
Published by R. E. Rhodes Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Tuskaloosa, Alabama. [1905.]

70pp., 8vo, with additional four-page 'Insert' between pp.56-57. Frontispiece photograph of nine members of the battery in old age, with 'Rufus Jones or "Rube," T. A. Dearing's servant.' Stapled. In grey wraps with title also on front cover. Internally in fair condition, on lightly-aged and dog-eared paper, with staples slightly rusted; in worn wraps. Bookplate of Patrick C. Courtney on reverse of front wrap. Printed note on reverse of title-page: 'This History of Lumsden's Battery was written from memory in 1905 by Dr. Maxwell and Dr. Little, with the help of a diary kept by Dr. James T.

[Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company, London.] Illustrated handbill advertisement for 'Colt's New Lightning Magazine Rifle. .22 inch calibre.'

Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company, 14, Pall Mall, London, S.W. [J. Blanch & Son, 29, Gracechurch St., London, Gun Makers; Samuel Colt (1814-1862)]
Publication details: 
Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company, 14, Pall Mall, London, S.W. January, 1888. [With stamp of 'J. Blanch & Son, 29, Gracechurch St., London, Gun Makers'.]

Printed on both sides of a 4to (28 x 22.5cm) leaf of semi-opaque paper. Both sides with oval purple stamp of 'J. Blanch & Son, 29, Gracechurch St., London, Gun Makers'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with one dog-eared corner, folded three times. An attractively-produced item, with specifications, and text printed in small type. Engraving of a bullet in top right-hand corner of first page, with the Colt prancing horse at top left, also a small engraving of the rifle, with a larger one, by R. M. Smart, showing how 'To Charge the Magazine'.

[Marianne Moore, American modernist poet.] Printed invitation to 'A Poetry Reading and Commentary' by 'Marianne Craig Moore | Distinguished Alumna of Bryn Mawr College'.

Marianne Moore [Marianne Craig Moore] (1887-1972), American Modernist poet and editor of 'The Dial'
Publication details: 
At Cooper Union, 7th Street and 4th Avenue, New York. 20 January 1958.

Printed on one side of a 9.5 x 15 cm piece of green paper. In good condition, lightly-aged and sunned, with one corner slightly-dogeared. The text reads: 'Marianne Craig Moore | Distinguished Alumna of Bryn Mawr College | will present | A Poetry Reading and Commentary | on Monday, January 20, 1958 | at 8:30 o'clock | at Cooper Union | 7th Street and 4th Avenue, New York | Admission free'.

[The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company.] Letter of Attorney, on two skins of vellum, from 'Moncure Robinson Esqr. to Messrs. Thomson Hankey and Co.', appointing them his company's London agents, with his signature and seal in red wax.

[Moncure Robinson (1802-1891), American civil engineer; Elihu Chauncey and Richard Fenn Lardner of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company'; Messrs. Thomson Hankey & Co., London bankers]
Publication details: 
18 April 1837.

In very good condition, on one side each of two skins of vellum. Robinson's signature and seal in red wax at the foot of the attached skins, and the customary embossed tax stamps on both. Ruled borders in red ink. Docketed on reverse of first skin. The document begins: 'To all to whom these Presents shall come. Moncure Robinson of the City of Philadelphia in the United States of America and now residing in Bond Street in the County of Middlesex in Great Britain Esquire sends Greeting'.

[John Russell Lowell, American poet.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. R. Lowell'), while American ambassador in London, to Lady Elphinstone, declining an invitation and attempting to arrange a meeting to renew their acquaintance.

J. R. Lowell [John Russell Lowell] (1819-1891), American poet, author and diplomat [Lady Elphinstone]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 40 Clarges Street, Piccadilly, W. [London] 2 July 1886.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, and with the margins cut down. The letter reads: 'Dear Lady Elphinstone, | I am very sorry that an engagement here will prevent my having the pleasure of coming to you this afternoon. But I hope to be able to go out to Richmond next Friday & if so shall do myself the honour of renewing so agreeable an acquaintance.'

[Book of type specimens.] Old Faces of Roman and Medieval Types lately added to the De Vinne Press.

[The De Vinne Press] [Theodore Low De Vinne (1828-1914), American printer and authority on typography]
Publication details: 
Printed at the De Vinne Press, No. 12 Lafayette Place, New York. 1897.

[4] + 47pp., 8vo. In printed wraps. Internally in fair condition, on aged paper, with slight staining to the corners; in worn and chipped wraps. A handsome production, as one might expect from one of the nine founders of the Grolier Club, with a two-page introduction followed by a full-page reproduction of the Ascensius printer's device, and 47 examples of pages set in various point sizes of Cushing, Ancient Roman, Jenson, Satanick, Louis XV, and Century Roman. No copy on COPAC, six American and one French on WorldCat.

[Ernest Bloch, composer.] Collection of papers on music criticism by Joseph Sussman, including typewritten drafts of an unpublished monograph titled 'Ernest Bloch, Music's Prophet', an autograph notebook titled 'Ernest Bloch. The Piano Music'..

Joseph Sussman, instructor in the pianoforte and music theory [Ernest Bloch (1880-1959), Swiss-born American Jewish composer
Publication details: 
England. Dating from at least between 1963 and 1975.

The collection is in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, and can be grouped into three sections. ONE: Complete typewritten draft ([3] + 44pp., 4to) of Sussman's unpublished monograph on Bloch is contained in a large brown envelope, with the following note by Sussman on the front: '2ND COPY (without illustrations) of "Ernest Bloch - Music's Prophet" | JS'. It includes the contents, list of illustrations, introduction, and two-page 'Key and Bibliography'.

[Fayette County, Commonwealth of Virginia.] Manuscript attested copy of a grant of land from Beverley Randolph, Governor, to Richard Lee.

[Beverley Randolph, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia; Richard Lee; Licking, Fayette County]
Publication details: 
[The Commonwealth of Virginia.] Original document dated 10 December 1790. Copy made in late nineteenth century.

On one side of a piece of 40 x 32 cm paper. A printed form, completed in manuscript. Docketted on reverse: 'Richard Lee | 9240 acres | Copy Grant | Examd | fee 43 cents'. On aged high-acidity paper, with tears along crease lines repaired with archival tape. At foot, in manuscript: 'A Copy | attest | M M Foster RLO | By E. A. Macurdy D.R.' The grant is described over seventeen lines, the land referred to in the document being in the 'County of Fayette on the Main fork at Licking'.

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