Seven Autograph Letters (five signed) from Mary Frances Stevens of Albany, New York: five to her mother and two to her father, including a description of a party at her home for her husband's friend Daniel Webster followed by a political meeting.

Mary Frances Stevens [née Smith; later Butterworth] (d.1890), wife of Hon. Samuel Stevens (c.1798-1854) of Albany, New York [Daniel Webster (1782-1852), Whig politician; President Martin Van Buren]
Publication details: 
All seven letters from Albany, New York; those to her mother dated 27 August 1842, 2, 19 and 24 September 1844 and 24 September 1848; those to her father dated 24 January 1846 and 22 October 1848.

Mary Frances Stevens was the daughter of Silas O. Smith of Rochester, and the mother of the novelist Augusta de Grasse Stevens (1852-1894) and of Marie de Grasse, Lady Evans (d.1920), wife of the English Liberal politician Sir Francis Henry Evans (1840-1907). After her husband's death in 1854 she married John Fowler Butterworth. The seven letters in this collection are closely and neatly written; those to her father in brown ink and those to her mother in blue. All seven in good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Samuel Stevens') from the barrister and Whig politician Hon. Samuel Stevens of Albany, New York, to his future father-in-law Silas O. Smith of Rochester, asking for permission to court Mary Frances Smith.

Hon. Samuel Stevens (c.1798-1854) of Albany, New York, American barrister and Whig politician, friend and associate of Daniel Webster, husband of Mary Frances Stevens [nee Smith]
Publication details: 
Albany [New York]. 21 January 1841.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Mr Silas O Smith | Rochester'. The letter begins: 'Dear Sir | During my short sojourn at your city last October, I had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of your daughter. Since my return a correspondence has taken place between us in which she has given me permission to visit her & to entertain the hope that she may be persuaded to exchange the protection of the best of Parents for that of a husband.

[Printed paper.] Satellite Television Distribution: America Airborne. The 1980 Shoenberg Memorial Lecture of the Royal Television Society. Presented by Andrew F. Inglis, President, RCA American Communications, Inc., Princeton, New Jersey,.

Andrew F. Inglis, President, RCA American Communications, Inc., Princeton, New Jersey [The Royal Institution, London]
Publication details: 
RCA American Communications, 400 College Road East, Princeton, N.J. [At the Royal Institution, London, England.] November 6, 1980.

[3] + 13 + [2]pp., 4to. Twenty-five figures in text, and photograph of Inglis above a brief biography at the rear. Stapled. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. From the Pat Hawker archive, with his ownership inscription on the front cover, and the addition by him of '& CABLE' to the title, also the note by him 'Shows Cable penetration etc.' 'RCA American Communications, Inc., owns and operates the RCA domestic satellite communications system. This consists of two in-orbit satellites plus a growing network of earth stations in major U.S. cities.

Autograph Letter Signed "Poultney Bigelow" to an unnamed correspondent, about recent activities and his books.

Poultney Bigelow, American journalist and author, school friend of Prince Wilhelm (Wilhelm II).
Publication details: 
[Headed] Reform Club, no date.

Two pages, 12mo, good condition. "Since our talk I have been in America; returned - have been to Berlin on a diplomtic mission & only just touched at my club before sailing once more for New York on Wednesday - All my books, &c. are in storage at this moment & I must therefore wait until I onc emore return here for settlement - which will be soon I hope. | I hope you will not be angry at me because of what must have been strange silence on the part of [...]"

[Printed booklet.] [Ward.] Memorials of a Grand Parent and Parents, with Names of their Descendants, and a Double Appendix. [With manuscript 'Pedigree of Andrew Ward'.]

Henry Meigs Ward; Ferdinand DeWilton Ward; Mehetabel Eunice Clarke; Henrietta Jacqueline Clarke [Levi Ward; Mehetabel Ward; Andrew Ward]
Publication details: 
Democrat and Chronicle Print, Rochester, N.Y. [New York, United States of America] Dedication dated October 1886.

50pp., 8vo. Stapled. In original wraps with the word 'WARD.' in large letters on front, and nothing else printed on them. In good condition, on aged and spotted paper. The title, on p.1, reads 'Memorials of a Grand Parent and Parents, with Names of their Descendants, and a Double Appendix.' Printers details, p.2. Dedication, p.3, by Henry M. Ward, F. DeW. Ward, Mehetabel E. Clarke and Henrietta J. Clarke, dated October 1886: 'This Home Volume is dedicated to Our Children and Theirs, with the express requests, (1).

Long Autograph Letter Signed ('Frank H. Evans') from the banker Sir Francis Henry Evans, writing while a young man in Santos, Brazil, to his parents in England, describing a mishap with a tent at the turning of 'the first sod' of a railway station.

Sir Francis Henry Evans (1840-1907) of Tubbendens, Orpington, Kent, banker and company director, Liberal Member of Parliament for Southampton, 1896-1900, and Maidstone, 1901-1906 [Santos, Brazil]
Publication details: 
Santos [São Paulo state, Brazil]. The first part, to his mother, dated 29 and 30 May 1860; the second part, to his father, dated 30 May 1860.

14pp., 12mo. The first 11pp. are addressed to his mother and signed, and the last 3pp. to his father and not signed (possibly indicating that a continuation is lacking). In fair condition, on aged paper, with the last leaf worn and creased. He explains his situation at the beginning of the letter: 'First of all you may see from my address above that I am in Santos, & secondly from the more cleanly appearance of the letter that I am not in the woods. - Would that I were back again for ever since I have been here I have been ill [...] On the 11th.

[Verse] Thought (Signed at end "Ann S. Stephens").

Ann S. Stephens, American "dime" novelist.
Publication details: 
Washington, 29 June 1866.

One page, 17.5 x 12cm, 8 lines, heavy grey paper, corner smudged, good condition. Title "Thought". "Give me thought - glorious thought [...] | To the sight of a flower; | Though it trembles and shrinks | From the touch of its thorn." Note: She was not known for her verse.

Notebook containing a manuscript account of a visit to North America by a cotton broker acting for the Liverpool branch of the Manchester firm Reiss Brothers, with details of mills and merchants, recorded while trying to establish a hedging business.

[Reiss Brothers, cotton merchants of Manchester and Liverpool, England; textiles industry in Canada and the United States of America; transatlantic trade]
Publication details: 
United States (New York and Boston) and Canada (Toronto and Montreal). 24 December 1938 to 10 February 1939.

70pp., 12mo, in ruled notebook, with the main text on 51 rectos, 17 facing pages carrying notes, mostly in pencil, and 2pp. of memoranda at the other end of the notebook. In very good condition, in attractive gilt-tooled red morocco red leather binding, with all edges gilt and marbled endpapers. The first page headed 'Visit to U.S. Canada Dec.

A pressed flower, picked from the grave of the American politician Daniel Webster by Marie de Grasse Stevens [later Lady Evans].

[Daniel Webster (1782-1852), American politician; Marie de Grasse Evans (d.1920), Lady Evans [nee Marie de Grasse Stevens, daughter of Hon. Samuel Stevens of Albany, New York]
Publication details: 
Picked from the Old Winslow Burial Ground section of the Winslow Cemetery, near Marshfield, Massachusetts. August 1859.

Small sprig (6cm long), pinned to 8 x 5 cm piece of ruled paper, torn from a notebook. The paper carries the note by Stevens: 'Grave of Daniel Webster | August 1859.' Placed in a 9.5 x 12 cm envelope, docketted in pencil: 'From Daniel Webster's grave | M. F. B'. Marie de Grasse Stevens, daughter of the Hon. Samuel Stevens of Albany, New York, friend and colleague of Daniel Webster, and widow of Irving Van Wart, married the English banker Francis Henry Evans in 1872. She became Lady Evans on his being knighted in 1893. From the Evans papers.

Autograph Note Signed from the American theatrical producer and impresario David Belasco to 'Miss Micheline Keating'.

David Belasco (1853-1931) American theatrical producer, impresario, director and playwright
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 1924.

1p., landscape 12mo. Good, on aged paper, laid down on fly-leaf of book. Bold signature, written in response to a request for an autograph: 'To/ | Miss Micheline Keating | With affectionate good wishes. | David Belasco. | 1924.'

Copy of typed report into the 'Development of Rail Car Services in Europe [Germany, Austria, Hungary and Denmark]', by the Chief Mechanical Engineer, Junin, Peru [William Frank Stanton?]. With six fold-out blueprints.

[Chief Mechanical Engineer, Junin, Peru [William Frank Stanton (1887-1962), English civil engineer?]
Publication details: 
Junin, Peru; 29 November 1935.

32pp., foolscap 8vo, bound into white wraps with the six fold-out blueprints. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps. Figure 1: '2-6-2 Diesel Locomotive V.1601 (showing the 'general characteristics' of the 'new 1400 H.P. Diesel locomotive'). Figure 2: 'General Arrangement of the small standard Shunting Locomotive' ('75 H.P. Diesel shunting locomotive made by the Deutz Motorenfabr, Köln, Germany'). Figure 3: 'general proportions' of 'the old "Flying Hamburger" and the new unit equipped with hydraulic transmission'). Figure 4: '150 H.P. Diesel-Hydraulic Rail Car'.

Four long Autograph Letters Signed from Paul Bing of Vancouver, Canada, to his brother Jens Bing (in Sweden?), giving detailed and scientific advice on farming from a Canadian and American viewpoint. With Autograph Letter Signed from a third brother.

Paul Bing of Vancouver, Canada [North American agriculture; farming; Jens Bing; Sweden; Swedish; Scandinavian]
Publication details: 
One of the letters without place, the other three from Vancouver, Canada, two of them addressed from 4194 West 11th Avenue. 25 July, 24 September and 3 and 11 October 1944.

The four letters total 76pp., 4to. In very good condition, neatly written on lightly-aged paper. All signed 'Paul' (two preceded by 'Your old brother'). Three of the letters are addressed to 'My dear Jens' and the other 'Skål, Frater Amantissime!' The second letter is addressed from 'The Bing House in which live Lyn Bing and Porg [sic] Bing, Vancouver, Canada'. Bing refers to the four letter as 'the 5th. of the Epistles', indicating that one is missing from the sequence.

Six Autograph Letters Signed and one Autograph Note Signed (all 'J. H. Trumbull') from the philologist James Hammond Trumbull to Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury, mainly on a paper by the latter in the Transactions of the American Philological Association

James Hammond Trumbull (1821-1897), Yale-educated American philologist and Republican Secretary of the State of Connecticut, 1861-1866 [Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury (1838-1915), literary critic]
Publication details: 
All eight items from Hartford, Connecticut (one on letterhead of the Watkinson Library and two on letterheads of the American Philological Association). All from 1871.

The seven items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Totalling 10pp, 12mo. A correspondence between two Yale men. The first six items (between 11 April and 29 June 1871) relate to Lounsbury's 'paper on old English verb forms, for publication in the Transactions [of the Amerian Philological Association]'. A letter of 8 May 1871 is revealing of the difficulties encountered by Trumbull in editing the journal: 'Your paper is safe in hand, and I do not apprehend any trouble with it, typographical or other.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. H. Trumbull') from the philologist and Republican politician James Hammond Trumbull to A. S. Train, complaining of the dificulty of dealing with his query at 'moderate length'.

James Hammond Trumbull (1821-1897), Yale-educated American philologist and Republican Secretary of the State of Connecticut, 1861-1866
Publication details: 
Hartford; 24 April 1876.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He begins: 'It would be tolerably easy to write a duodecimo of a couple of hundred pages by way of answer to yours of the 22d, but really I do not know how to talk about it in a letter of modest length.' He refers him to 'newspapers, magazines, special biographies, encyclopaedias, histories of the several colonies, and of the Revolution, - passim'. He concludes: 'Such a subject must be worked up like a patchwork quilt. There is no one book better than another, in which to look for facts and authorities.'

Holograph Poem by American author George Steele Seymour, titled 'Emerson's House, Concord, Mass.'

George Steele Seymour of the Order of Bookfellows, Chicago [Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), American essayist, lecturer and poet]
Publication details: 
Presented 'to Mrs. Steele in Los Angeles - August 23, 1918.'

1p., 8vo. On yellow paper. On lightly-aged paper, with slight wear and creasing along one edge, and thin stub from previous mounting adhering to the reverse. The poem is twenty lines long, arranged in five stanzas, and signed at the foot 'George Steele Seymour'. Beneath this, in Seymour's hand: 'Special greetings to Mrs.

Autograph Letter Signed from the English playwright and comic author Tom Taylor to 'Col: Cunningham' [later Sir Alexander Cunningham], regarding a painting of the Countess of Pembroke, and Cunningham's collection of pictures.

Tom Taylor (1817-1880), English playwright and art critic at The Times, whose play 'Our American Cousin' was being performed when Lincoln was assassinated [Sir Alexander Cunningham (1814-1893)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Local Government Act Office, 8 Richmond Terrace, Whitehall. 24 November [no year].

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Untidily-written by Taylor, with several ink smudges. The letter begins: 'Dear Col: Cunningham | I find recorded, in my catalogues, no other portrait of Eliz: Countess of Pembroke & her son, except the one in the Earl of Pembroke's possession at Wilton House. There is a repetition of the group of mother & son in that picture, with the Earl in it, in Wilton House. Lord Normanton has a head of the Lady, painted at the same time, apparently'.

[Printed book.] A Soldier's Sojourn in British Guiana by Lt. Thomas Staunton St. Clair 1806-1808. Edited by Vincent Roth.

Lt. Thomas Staunton St. Clair [Vincent Roth, ed.; The Daily Chronicle Ltd, Printers and Publishers, Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana]
Publication details: 
The Daily Chronicle Ltd. Printers and Publishers, Georgetown, Demerara, British Guiana. 1947.
Upon request

[iii] + 281 + [viii] pp., 8vo. With illustrations in text and occasional annotations by the editor. Stapled, in illustrated card wraps with illustrated endpapers. On aged paper, with front cover, endpapers and first two leaves loose. The book is, as the editor explains in his foreword ('Georgetown, 1946'), extracted from Staunton's 'A Residence in the West Indies and America, with a Narrative of the Expedition to the Island of Walcheren' (London: Richard Bentley, 1834).

Autograph Letter Signed ('W B Sprague') from the American Congregational clergyman and author Rev. Dr W. B. Sprague [William Buell Sprague], in part a letter of introduction for Solomon Stoddard of Northampton, Massachusetts

Rev. Dr W. B. Sprague [William Buell Sprague] (1795-1876) of Albany, New York, Yale-educated American Congregational and Presbyterian clergyman and compiler of Annals of the American Pulpit
Publication details: 
Albany [New York]. 13 April 1832.

1p., 4to. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, laid down on the remains of a leaf of grey paper from an album. Sprague has only just received his recipient's letter, 'with its invaluable accompaniment', presuming that it was detained at New York for more than two months. He will send a proper letter in a fortnight; in the meantime he writes 'to introduce to you my worthy and much respected friend Mr Solomon Stoddard of Northampton, a direct descendant of the venerable divine whose name he bears [i.e.

Autograph Letter Signed from C. E. E. Childers, British vice-consul in Pittsburgh, to his brother Col. E. S. E Childers, regarding the latter's biography of their father the Liberal politician Hugh Culling Eardley Childers.

Charles Edward Eardley Childers (1851-1931), British vice-consul in Pittsburgh; Liberal politician Hugh Culling Eardley Childers (1827-96); Col. Edmund Spencer Eardley Childers (1854-1919)]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 708 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 21 April 1901.

2pp., 4to. 58 lines. Good, on lightly-aged and creased paper. E. S. E. Childers' biography of his father had appeared earlier in the year, and his brother writes to tell him that the American booksellers 'have not yet received the copies (3) of the "Life" which I ordered on first hearing it was published'. He is ordering a further six, and will send copies 'to some of the leading papers for review, including 1 each to Dean Hodges and Mr Robt Woods of Boston for review in the "Churchman" and Boston "Transcript"'.

[Handbill; verse] Colored Cavalier

[H. de Marsan, publisher & bookseller; E.A. Sparks, illustrator]
Colored Cavalier
Publication details: 
H. de Marsan, Songs, Ballads, toy books. 60 Chatham St, NY. "Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by H. DE MARSAN [...] Clerk's Office [...] for the Southern Dustrict of New York".
Colored Cavalier

Handbill, one page, crudely coloured border with images of a black troubadour with banjo[?] , a native American, and a trapper [?], 26 x 17cm, three stanzas each eight lines plus chorus, edges chipped, laid down on a larger page. Commences, "Oh! listen a while., a story I will tell; | It will please you to death, I know berry well [...]" Decorative border signed "E A Sparks" ("Printed within colored pictorial border (De Marsan trapper border J, in Wolf, E. Amer. song sheets)." One copy of this imprint listed by WorldCat, two of another imprint (later).

Autograph Letter Signed from the American critic and biographer Eugene Parsons to C. J. Caswell,

Eugene Parsons (1855-1933), American author and critic, biographer of George Washington and editor of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Publication details: 
3612 Stanton Avenue, Chicago. 21 November 189<2>.

4pp., 12mo. Worn and stained on four leaves with wear to extremities resulting in slight loss of text, and with at least one leaf lacking. Parsons begins by informing Caswell that he is sending him a copy of the Examiner containing his article on 'Tennyson's Literary Career': 'It was sent to the Editor only a few days after the poet's death when I knew nothing about the title or contents of the new book of poems.' He discusses his plans to insert the article when he republishes his pamphlet (Parsons' 'Tennyson's Life and Poetry' appeared in 1892, with a revised edition the following year).

[Printed book.] Practical Instruction for Detectives. A Complete Course in Secret Service Study. By Emmerson W. Manning, Manning National Detective Institute.

Emmerson W. Manning [Emmerson Wain Manning], Manning National Detective Institute
Publication details: 
Chicago: Frederick J. Drake & Co. Publishers. [Circa 1921.]

94 + [i] pp. In original green cloth with title in black on front cover. Good, lightly-aged in lightly-worn and spotted binding. Ownership signature ('') in pencil on title-page, with pencil annotations throughout translating passages into French. Chapters on 'Shadowing', 'Burglaries', 'Identification of Criminals', 'Forgeries', 'Confessions', 'Murder Cases', 'Grafters', 'Detective Work in Department Stores', 'Railroad Detective Work', 'Detective Work for Street Railways', 'Other Kinds of Detective Work' (the last including 'Illegal Liquor selling').

Three Autograph Letters Signed from Consul Amos Perry to William Whitwell Greenough, one describing the critical response to his 'Carthage and Tunis, Past and Present', the others about Rhode Island Historical Society and Boston Public Library.

Amos Perry (1812-1899) of Providence, US Consul at Tunis to the Barbary States, 1862-1867, and author [William Whitwell Greenough (1818-1899), Boston merchant, co-founder of American Oriental Society]
Publication details: 
First and second letters both from Providence, Rhode Island. 5 February 1869 and 24 April 1880. Third Letter: on letterhead of the Office of the Secretary, Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence; 18 August 1880.

The first and third items good, on lightly-aged paper; the second letter brittle, on high-acidity paper, with slight loss to the corner of one leaf, affecting a few words, but not the sense, and a few repairs with archival tape. Letter One: 2pp., 12mo. 31 lines of text. Perry begins by asking when the 'class meeting' is 'to come off'. He then informs Greenough that 'Poor Vose has paid his last debt', and that he has received a reply to his letter of condolence from Mrs Vose. He complains that he has 'not heard a word from Little, Brown & Co. in respect to my book.

Autograph Letter Signed from American journalist Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer to 'Mr Kennedy', regarding a portrait of quaker classicist Robert Proud in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, with appended note on the painting, presumably by Kennedy.

Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer (1868-1936), American journalist, biographer and historical writer [Robert Proud (1728-1813), American quaker classicist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Franklin Inn Club, 1218 Chancellor Street, Philadelphia. 20 August 1907.

2pp., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Kennedy is 'quite right' in his 'supposition regarding the picture. It is Proud's - indeed the only one familiar to me.' He thinks 'the original is at the rooms of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania'. He concludes with thanks for Kennedy's 'kind words about the Literary History'. The eight-line note at the end of the letter, presumably by Kennedy, attributes the picture to William Cogswell, 'from a pencil sketch (contemporaneous) but the Historical Society's affairs are now in much disorder because of rebuilding operations.'

[Two illustrated plywood trade catalogues.] [First:] Wilh. Schauman's Plywood Factory Ltd. 1912-1932. [Second:] "So we built our home of HARBORD PLYWOOD".

Berndt Wilhelm Schauman (1857-1911), Finnish industrialist from Jakobstad [Wilh. Schauman's Plywood Factory Ltd; Harbor Plywood Corporation, Chicago, Illinois, and Hoquiam, Washington]
Publication details: 
Schauman catalogue: Jyväskylä, Finland. 1932. Harbord catalogue: Harbor Plywood Corporation, Chicago, Illinois, and Hoquiam, Washington. 1930.

Schauman catalogue: 59pp, 4to, consisting of 9pp. of letterpress and 50pp. of collotype illustrations. In original cream printed wraps, with cover printed in red. In good condition. Written entirely in English with informative captions. Harbord catalogue: 16pp., 12mo. In original wraps printed in yellow and black. Stapled pamphlet on art paper. In good condition, with staples beginning to rust. With numerous illustrations of 'the spacious new home of E. W. Daniels, Vice-President of the Harbor Plywood Corporation and manager of its Door units'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Moncure D. Conway') from the freethinker Moncure Daniel Conway, Minister at South Place Chapel, to J. T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing his essay 'The Pound of Flesh' and enclosing a printed programme of lectures.

Moncure D. Conway [Moncure Daniel Conway] (1832-1907), American-born Minister at South Place Chapel, Finsbury, London; Unitarian, abolitionist, supporter of women's suffrage, freethinker
Publication details: 
Letter: Inglewood, on letterhead of 'The Club, Bedford Park, Chiswick'. 3 July [1882]. Programme: South Place Chapel, Finsbury, London. July 1882.

Both items good, on lightly-aged paper. LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In envelope, with stamp and postmarks, addressed to Baron at 48 Griffin Street, Wilton, Blackburn. He writes that he has 'been trying in vain to find the Nineteenth Century containing my essay - The Pound of Flesh'. He is 'pretty sure - but not absolutely - that it was in the number for May 1880'. The 'paper' is 'much more completely given' in his book 'The Wandering Jew', and he is enclosing a copy of a programme with an advertisement for the latter and another of his books, 'Demonology'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm. M Eldridge Jr') from the Philadelphia inventor William M. Eldridge to Valentine Mott of New York, responding to 'slanders', and claiming that police searches have revealed 'the authors of the cards and all the mischief'.

William M. Eldridge of Philadelphia, inventor [Valentine Mott (1785-1865), American surgeon]
Publication details: 
Paris. 23 May 1836.

3pp., 4to. 60 lines of text. Bifolium. Good, on aged paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Valentine Mott M.D. | 25 Park Place | New-York'; with three postmarks, one from Havre and another 'Forwarded by Lewis Rogers & Co.' (Mott was in Europe at the time of writing.) An tantalising letter, regarding an intriguing affair about which nothing else appears discoverable. Eldridge is sending 'a hand bill, 5000 of which have been circulated thro Paris and the towns in its vicinity'.

[Mimeographed Typed Report, with plans and diagrams.] St. Anne's Board Mill Co., Ltd. | Visit to the United States of America and Canada of Mr. R. J. Thomas and Mr. S. F. Smith | July/August 1946.'

[Report by R. J. Thomas and S. F. Smith of St Anne's Board Mill Company, Limited, Bristol, on their visit to the USA and Canada, 1946]
Publication details: 
[St Anne's Board Mill Company, Limited, Bristol. 1946.]

311pp., folio. With page of 'Errata' laid down on rear pastedown, under the manuscript heading 'COPY NO. 3. (PB).' With fold-out map of North America, and numerous plans and diagrams laid down in text, as well as several full-page plates. In original blue buckram binding, with 'REPORT ON AMERICAN VISIT | 1946.' in gilt on the spine. Good, on lightly-aged and spotted paper.

[Mimeographed Typed Report, with plans and diagrams.] St. Anne's Board Mill Company Limited | Visit of Mr. R. J. Thomas and Mr. D. R. Hicklin to the U.S.A. and Canada - 1954'.

[Report of R. J. Thomas and D. R. Hicklin of the St Anne's Board Mill Company Limited, Bristol, to the USA and Canada]
Publication details: 
[St Anne's Board Mill Co. Ltd. 1954.]

[v] + 135pp., folio. With diagrams and plans in text, and one large fold-out diagram of '100 Ton Waste Paper Cleaning System'. A well-produced item, well-typed and with clear diagrams, bound in navy buckram with 'REPORT ON AMERICAN VISIT | 1954' on the spine. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The text is preceded by an Index, a map of North America, and an itinerary. The 'objects of the visit' are given on the first page as '(a) To obtain information on the current production practice in Woodpulp and Paperboard Mills.

Typed Letters Signed from Frank E. Wright, President, and W. T. Adair, Vice President and General Manager, Syndicate Publishing Company, New York, to Sydney Walton (later Lloyd George's spin doctor), on his employment in the firm's London office.

Frank E. Wright, President, Syndicate Publishing Company, New York; W. T. Adair, Vice President and General Manager [Sydney Walton (1882-1964), journalist and spin doctor]
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of the Syndicate Publishing Company, New York. Adair's letter: 2 December 1914. Wright's letter: 30 March 1915.

The letters provide a fascinating insight into the development of the transatlantic publishing industry. They are closely typed with single spacing, and both centre around Walton's employment situation and his complaints about the sending over from America of 'Mr. Russell', about whose 'absolute worthlessness to the business' he complains. Adair's letter: 2pp., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper.

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