Holograph Poem (signed 'Henry van Dyke') by the American author and educator Henry Jackson van Dyke, a sonnet titled 'Richard Watson Gilder'.

Henry van Dyke [Henry Jackson van Dyke] (1852-1933), American author, educator and clergyman [Richard Watson Gilder (1844-1909) of New York City, poet and editor of 'The Century Magazine']
Publication details: 
Without place or date [written on Gilder's death in 1909].

1p., 4to. A fair copy, on a piece of aged high-acidity paper, with chipping and loss to edges (not affecting text). Signed at foot. The poem begins: 'Heart of a hero in a poet's frame, / Soul of a soldier in a body frail, - / Thine was the courage clear that did not quail / Before the giant champions of shame'. Gilder is praised as a 'poet, patriot, friend', the poem concluding: 'Thou leavest two great gifts that will not die, - / Amid the city's noise, thy lyric cry!

Autograph Letter Signed from the American opera singer Marie Jansen to Walter Scott jnr of Butler Brothers, New York, regarding the manufacture of tumblers with her photographic image on them.

Marie Jansen [née Hattie Johnson] (1857-1914), American opera singer
Publication details: 
New York. 27 February 1895.

1p., 4to. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with unobtrusive closed tears along crease lines. 'Mr. Ben Fack [Falk?], the photographer, will, I am sure, give you such a photograph of me as you may select from the assortment he has, if you inform him of your business.' She asks him to send her a sample, if 'the tumblers prove a success, as far as my likeness is concerned [...] If I like it I will possibly order a quantity.'

Autograph Note Signed ('Will Irwin') from the American 'muckraker' journalist William Henry Irwin.

Will Irwin [William Henry Irwin] (1873-1948), American author and 'muckraker' journalist
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 240 West 11th Street, New York City. No date.

Landscape 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Dear Dan; / You're one of the birds I just love to be praised by! / As ever / [signed] Will Irwin'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('I. I. Hayes') from the American arctic explorer Isaac Israel Hayes, providing an autograph for the stock broker and journalist John H. Gourtie.

Isaac Israel Hayes (1832-1881), American arctic explorer [John H. Gourtie, stock broker and journalist]
Publication details: 
20c East 15th Street, New York. 15 June 1869.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of mount to blank second leaf of bifolium. Good, firm signature, with flourish. The letter reads 'Dear Sir | I have recd your favour of April last & am glad so easily to oblige you. - | Truly yours | I. I. Hayes'. Gourtie contributed stock exchange reports to the New-York American.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John C Hamilton') from John Church Hamilton, son of founding father Alexander Hamilton, to the poet Col. George Pope Morris, regarding disputed points following the sale of his house [Undercliff, Bull Hill [Mt Taurus], NYS].

John C. Hamilton [John Church Hamilton] (1792-1882), fifth child of founding father Alexander Hamilton (1755 or 1757-1804) [George P. Morris [George Pope Morris] (1802-1864), American editor and poet]
Publication details: 
New York; 4 July 1835.

3pp., 4to. 74 lines of text. Originally a bifolium, but with the two leaves now separate. Good, on aged and lightly-worn paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, to 'George P Morris Esq. | Cold Spring.' The reference in the letter to Morris having 'cut down the wood' around his property is ironic, given that he is most famous for the poem/song 'Woodman! Spare that Tree!' Hamilton begins by stating that he has seen 'Mr. Robinson', who will see Morris on the subject of buying Morris's house. Hamilton considers Morris's price of $8000 for his house 'very cheap'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. O. Sargent') from the Whig politician and editor John Osborne Sargent to the Boston abolitionist poltiician Charles Sumner, on his moving to New York to work as assistant editor on the New York Courier and Examiner.

John Osborne Sargent (1811-1891), American Whig politician, lawyer, journalist and author [Charles Sumner (1811-1874), abolitionist Massachusetts senator]
Publication details: 
New York. 16 August [1837].

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. 65 lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, 'To | Charles Sumner Esq. | Boston', with docketed date giving year. He writes that he had hoped to see Sumner before leaving Boston. 'Will you give my best regards to your friend Dr. Lieber, and assure him of my sincere obligations for his unsolicited & therefore more acceptable kindness.' He is 'in all respects' pleased with his 'situation' in New York: 'It is every wise more independent - & more "uninterfered-with" than ever; besides opening a large field and better prospects'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the American historian John Bach McMaster to the military historian John Codman Ropes of Boston, regarding a list of works relating to the Duc d'Enghien.

John Bach McMaster (1852-1932), American historian, Professor of American History at the University of Pennsylvania [John Codman Ropes (1836-1899), American military historian]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The College, University of Pennsylvania. 12 January 1896.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of previous mounting on reverse. He acknowledges with 'great pleasure' the 'duplicate list of books relating to the execution of the Duc d'Enghien'. 'The pains you have taken to prepare it are very fully appreciated.'

Autograph Manuscript of the poem 'The Thunder Storm', in the autograph of its author William Bourne Oliver Peabody.

Rev. William Bourne Oliver Peabody (1799-1847), pastor of the Unitarian church in Springfield, Massachusetts, educated at Harvard and Cambridge Divinity School
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated.

2pp., 12mo. Fair, on aged paper. In pencil at head: 'Autograph of the Rev W. B. O. Peabody'. In ink in a contemporary hand, between the title and body of text: 'Autograph of Mr Peabody '. Twenty-four lines, arranged in three eight-line stanzas. The text presented here differs in certain respects from that printed in A. P. Putnam's 'Singers and Songs of the Liberal Faith' (1875). In the present version the first stanza reads: 'Black the heaven is overcast! | Breathless is the sultry blast.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F. B. Goodrich') from the American author Frank Boott Goodrich to Robert R. Corson, regarding references in his forthcoming 'Tribute Book' to the Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon.

Frank Boott Goodrich (d.1894), author, son of Samuel Griswold Goodrich (1793-1860) ['Peter Parley'] [Robert R. Corson, Corresponding Secretary, Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon]
Publication details: 
New York. 17 July 1860.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter concerns Goodrich's 'The Tribute Book: A Record of the Munificence, Self-sacrifice and Patriotism of the American People during the War for the Union' (1865). He is sending 'proofs of the pages Corson desires to see. 'The first few pages are printed & cannot be changed: in the others, anything vital can be corrected.'; He thinks Corson 'will find that I have fallen into none of the errors you are apprehensive of'. To do so would have been 'unpardonable', as Goodrich 'had full information from which to make my articles'.

Autograph Letter Signed from Freeman Hunt, editor of the American Magazine and writer on economics, regarding his difficulties with the publishers (Derby & Jackson, New York) of his 'Lives of American Merchants', vol.2. With engraved portrait of Hunt

Freeman Hunt (1804-1858), editor of 'The American Magazine' and author of fiscal conservative works on economics [Derby & Jackson, New York publishers; Sir William Pepperrell]
Publication details: 
New York. 12 August 1857.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In a difficult hand, with the recipient's name indecipherable. He will not be able to insert the portrait of Sir William Pepperrell in his book (the second volume of his 'Lives of American Merchants'), as the 'publishers [Derby & Jackson, New York] are unwilling to pay for more than expense of printing and paper', and he has 'been at a good deal of expense already on that score'. The volume was published in 1858. The portrait, 'Eng[rave]d. by Wm. N.

Autograph Letter Signed to J. S. Armstrong, President, Commercial Bank of Cincinnati, announcing that the Bank of Kentucky have resolved 'to commence paying Specie'.

James Hall (1793-1868), American judge and man of letters [J. S. Armstrong, President, Commercial Bank of Cincinnati; Bank of Kentucky]
Publication details: 
Louisville, Kentucky. 2 August 1838.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He sends 'by the Genl. Pike a package contg P31.563. of our notes for Crt of the Bank of Kenty. | That Bank resolved this morning to commence paying Specie on the 13th Inst'. Hall would himself be President of the Commercial Bank of Cincinnati from 1853 to 1865.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. K. Hosmer') from the American educator James Kendall Hosmer to 'Dear Doctor' [Dr Edward Jarvis of Dorchester], regarding a visit by 'Herbert & Anna'.

James Kendall Hosmer (1834-1927), American educator and writer [Dr Edward Jarvis (1796-1886) of Dorchester, Massachusetts]
Publication details: 
Cambridge. 15 November [no date].

1p., 12mo. Sixteen lines. Good, on lightly-aged ruled paper. He reports that 'Herbert & Anna came down this morning from Concord, where they spent last week. This week they expect to spend most of the time in Cambridge. During the week I hope to have them visit Dorchester.' He asks if there is 'any time when it will be more convenient for you to have them come than another?' Jarvis's papers are in Concord Library.

Typed Letter Signed ('Edwin H. Blashfield') by the American mural painter Edwin Howland Blashfield, inviting Mr and Mrs Thomas to visit him in his studio in Carnegie Hall, to see works 'which will probably not be exhibited again in New York'.

Edwin H. Blashfield [Edwin Howland Blashfield] (1848-1936), American mural painter [Carnegie Hall, New York]
Publication details: 
[New York.] 17 April 1918.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. A circular, with Blashford adding the names of the recipients in manuscript, together with the words 'and Thursday, April 25' and 'and a pastiche poster'. An invitation on 22 and 25 April 1918, to 'a very few friends (as my studio will only hold a few) to come to me on the eighth floor of Carnegie Hall, 57th Street and 7th Avenue, to see several decorative canvases, and a pastiche poster, some of which will probably not be exhibited again in New York'. Blashfield's papers are in the Archives of American Art at the Smithsonian.

Autograph Letter Signed from the geologist George Gibbs to Charles Sumner, abolitionist Senator from Massachusetts, regarding the French jurist Jean-Jacques Gaspard Foelix and Sumner's review.

George Gibbs (1815-1873), American geologist and expert on Native American culture [Charles Sumner (1811-1874), abolitionist Massachusetts senator; Jean-Jacques Gaspard Foelix (1791-1853)]
Publication details: 
Greenwich, Massachusetts; 28 February 1836.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. 35 lines of text. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Chas. Sumner Esq. | Boston | Masstts.' Very good, on aged paper. Written while Sumner was lecturing at Harvard Law School, the year before his visit to Europe. Gibbs explains that he has made an arrangement by which Sumner can forward his periodical the Jurist 'to [the French jurist] Foelix &c. & receive others in exchange. Hudson the Proprietor of the Merchants News Room has an agent in Paris & one in Narn to whom he will transmit them.

Manuscript of the United States Corps of Cadets anthem 'Benny Havens, Oh!', dated 'As sung by the U.S. Corps Cadets | 1864'. With explanatory introduction in manuscript, and with the '22nd. verse written at the beginning of the [American Civil] war'.

Lieutenant Lucius O'Brien; Ripley Allen Arnold (1817-1853) [Corps of Cadets, United States Military Academy, West Point; Benny Havens (c.1787-1877)]
Publication details: 
[On West Point letterheads?] 1864.

8pp., 12mo. On four bifoliums, placed inside one another to make a booklet. Each bifolium with embossed [West Point?] letterhead of a letter 'W' within a shield. A fair copy, with the title reading: 'Benny Havens, Oh! | as sung | by the | U.S. Corps Cadets - | 1864.' The twenty-two line introduction covers the whole of the second page.

Typed Poem Signed ('Theodosia Garrison') from the American poet Theodosia Pickering Garrison (Mrs. Frederick J. Faulks), titled 'Pessimism'.

Theodosia Pickering Garrison [Mrs. Frederick J. Faulks] (1874-1944)
Publication details: 
'Theodosia Pickering Garrison, | 32 Nassau Street, New York City.' Undated [1909 or before].

1p., landscape 12mo. Good, on aged paper. Garrison's name and address are typed in the top left-hand corner. Her signature is written boldly beneath the poem, which is eight lines long, in two stanzas. It reads 'Because I snatched a pebble from the way, | And thought it priceless till that day my eyes | Filled with a clearer light, and knew my prize | Was worthless, poorer than the common clay; | Because of this shall I go clamouring, | "Behold, there are no diamonds!" and say, | "Look as ye will, ye find but pebbles"? Nay!

Autograph Letter Signed ('C. B. Tinker'), Typed Letter Signed ('C. B. T.') and Autograph Note Signed ('Tinker') from the Boswell scholar Professor Chauncey Brewster Tinker of Yale University to the Johnson scholar Charles McCamic.

Chauncey Brewster Tinker (1876-1963), Professor of English Literature at Yale University, and authority on James Boswell
Publication details: 
All three on letterheads of 847 Memorial Quadrangle, New Haven. Autograph Letter. 22 October 1924. Typed Letter: 30 May 1928. Autograph Note: 7 June 1928.

Autograph Letter: 1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope addressed by Tinker to McCamic at Wheeling, West Virginia. He thanks him for sending 'the book on Barber'. 'It enriches my working library, and I shall be frequently reminded of what I owe to your kindness and interest.' Typed Letter: 1p., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-aged paper with light rust stain from staple at head. McCamic's 'file of the British Magazine' is 'rare, if not unknown'.

Autograph Letter Signed from the New Hampshire almanac maker Dudley Leavitt ('Old Master Leavitt') to the bookseller Charles Norris of Exeter, New Hampshire, publisher of his 'Scholar's Review', discussing it and giving the text of an advertisement.

Dudley Leavitt (1772-1851), New Hampshire almanac maker for over half a century, known locally as 'Old Master Leavitt' [Charles Norris (1782?-1847), bookseller and publisher, Exeter, New Hampshire]
Publication details: 
Meredith [New Hampshire]. 3 September 1811.

2pp., folio. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Signed twice. In the body of the letter, consisting of twenty-two lines, Leavitt writes that he is forwarding to Norris 'the Register with such additions and corrections as appeared necessary'. He will insert any further information in a few weeks. Regarding 'the sitting of the Courts' he states: 'If the Legislature of this State altered none of the sitting last June, they are correct in your Register for 1811. I think there is no alteration.' As his 'local situation is such' that he cannot soon ascertain particulars, he suggests George Sullivan.

Autograph Note Signed ('E. Leslie -') by the American author of popular cookbooks and works of etiquette Eliza Leslie [Miss Leslie].

Eliza Leslie [Miss Leslie] (1787-1858), American author of popular cookbooks, and of works on etiquette
Publication details: 
No place. 14 October 183<4?>.

1p., 4to. On aged paper, in two pieces, lightly-attached to a piece of backing paper. The text of the note and the signature are intact on the upper part of the letter, but the name of the recipient is lacking. The note reads '- May I ask you to advance me fifty dollars on account of the souvenir - Being disappointed in receiving some money that I expected from Boston, I am just now quite at a loss. | Yours | [signed] E. Leslie -'. Leslie's story 'The Souvenir' was first published in 1830 in 'The Pearl', and republished in 1832 in 'Affection's Gift'.

Holograph poem by the Harvard-educated lawyer George Stillman Hillard, Attorney General of Massachusetts, titled 'To the Friday Club'. With engraved portrait of Hillard.

George Stillman Hillard (1808-1879), Harvard-educated lawyer, in partnership with Charles Sumner, writer on the law, United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts [The Friday Club, Boston]
Publication details: 
Signed 'Geo. S. Hillard | April 1. 1859.'

3pp., 12mo. A fair copy. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. The twenty-eight-line poem is arranged in seven four-line stanzas, with Hillard's firm signature and the date at the end. The poem begins with unintentional, but no less curious, sexual overtones: 'The rod of Aaron, severed long | From its ancestral bowers, | Felt in its veins the sap of youth, | And shone with buds of flowers. | The rigid staff, smoothworn and dry, | In living green was dressed.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo. S. Hillard') from the Harvard lawyer George Stillman Hillard (later District Attorney for Massachusetts) to W. W. Greenough, written from Paris in the 'Year of Revolutions' 1848, analysing the political situation there.

George Stillman Hillard (1808-1879), Harvard-educated lawyer, writer on the law, United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts [William Whitwell Greenough (1818-1899), Boston merchant]
Publication details: 
Paris, France; 16 May 1848.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. Ninety lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with small hole on second leaf causing damage to a few words of text. Addressed with two postmarks (one French, one American) on the reverse of the second leaf to 'William W. Whitwell Esq | Boston. Mass. | United States of America'. A significant letter, written from Paris by an astute and cultured American jurist on the day following the demonstration of 15 May 1848.

Autograph Letter Signed ('MM.') from Maton Marble, editor of New York World, to 'My dear Jack', also 'J R H'. With newspaper cutting comparing Marble's handwriting with that of a cipher dispatch by 'Moses', in article on vote-rigging and forgery.

Manton Marble (1834-1917), American journalist, editor of the New York World
Publication details: 
Letter: on letterhead of 'The World' Office, 35 Park Row, New York. 'Saturday AM' [no date]. Newspaper cutting, without date or place.

Both items good, on aged paper. Letter: 1p., 12mo. He has 'spoken to three or four of the members' on his behalf, 'most gladly - and have written to Secretary MacDonough to vouch himself & present my voucher to the Com. on Admissions.' Newspaper cutting: Titled 'The Effort to buy a vote in Florida. | Tell-tale fac-similes of dispatches, cipher and plain. | A comparison between a significant telegram of Moses and one signed by Moses Manton.' Giving facsimiles of the two documents, with explanation: 'We present herewith a facsimile of the cipher dispatch in which Moses informs Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed from the New York journalist Manton Marble to Samuel Dana Horton, hoping for the pleasure of a 'Monetary Confference'.

Manton Marble (1834-1917), American journalist, editor of the New York World [Samuel Dana Horton (1844-1895), writer on bimetallism]
Publication details: 
'<Warmley's?> - Wash[ingto]n'. 29 November 1885.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He has found Horton's 'card, & address' on returning from dinner, and is sorry to miss the chance of seeing him, 'but I return to New York in the limited train in the morning.' He hopes Horton will be in New York before he returns to Ohio, 'and that you will give me the pleasure of a "Monetary Conference". Marble shared Horton's interests, also in 1885 he went to Europe as a delegate to the Bi-Metallic Congress.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W Hamilton Gibson') from the American illustrator and naturalist William Hamilton Gibson to 'Mr Bramief', complaining about the printing of a letter.

William Hamilton Gibson (1850-1896), American illustrator, author and naturalist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Authors Club, 19 West 24th Street, New York; 27 January 1887.

2pp., 8vo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with two unobtrusive pinholes to second leaf (not affecting text). He is sending the 'matter' to Bramief 'as an earnest of my good nature, for I think I am somewhat justified under the circumstances in the impression that you have been a trifle <?> and exacting.' He still considers the form of is second letter 'was all that you could reasonably have asked for and that the request for so called "copy" was especially needless in the facce of the fact that it was in any event to be trusted turned, cut and otherwise subdued to suit your requirements'.

Signed Autograph Memorandum ('Ro Greenhow') from the historian Robert Greenhow, produced as part of his duties as librarian at the Department of State in Washington, concerning a correspondence between Madison and Monroe on 'natural improvements'.

Robert Greenhow (1800-1854), translator and librarian at the Department of State in Washington, and author of works including 'The History of Oregon and California' (1844)
Publication details: 
24 June [no year].

1p., 4to. Ten lines. Fair, on aged paper, with one unobtrusive closed tear. Greenhow describes the surviving correspondence concerning 'natural improvements' between Madison and Monroe, and speculates regarding a discrepancy.

Autograph Letter Signed ('R G Hazard') from the American industrialist and abolitionist Rowland Gibson Hazard to Messrs Livingstone & Co, regarding bonds and other interests. With a signed printed receipt from the Fireman's Mutual Insurance Company.

Rowland Gibson Hazard (1801-1845) , American industrialist, founder of the Peace Dale Manufacturing Company, Rhode Island, politician, and abolitionist [Fireman's Mutual Insurance Company]
Publication details: 
Letter: Peace Dale, Rhode Island; 16 December 1838. Receipt: Providence; 7 August 1862.

Letter: 1p., 12mo. Fair, on lighty-aged paper. Hazard does not 'hold the bonds you allude to', but still has some other interests in relation to a named party. He will be in New York 'ere long'. Docketed on the reverse: 'Does not hold La C Bond | Wil be in N Y before long'. The receipt is attractively printed on one side of a piece of 16 x 6.5 cm paper. In good condition. Hazard acknowledges receipt from the company of $56.87, the dividend on inusrance policy 1931. Signed by him 'Peace Dale Mg Co | [signed] R G Hazard Jnor'. The two items appear unconnected.

Autograph Letter Signed ('S. Judd') from the American novelist Sylvester Judd, expressing a desire to write for Maria Weston Chapman's abolitionist gift book 'The Liberty Bell'.

Sylvester Judd (1813-1853), American novelist, best-known for his book 'Margaret' (1845) ['The Liberty Bell',abolitionist gift book edited by Maria Weston Chapman (1806-1885)]
Publication details: 
Riverside, Augusta; 28 August 1851.

1p., 4to. Good, on aged paper. The letter (possibly addressed to the book's publisher) reads 'My dear Sir, | It would give me great pleasure to write for the "Liberty Bell," but I dare not at this moment say I could prepare anything in the time you mention. | Yours truly | [signed] S. Judd.'

Autograph Letter Signed from the legal theorists Theodore Sedgwick to 'Jno C. <Hind?>' of 67 Chatham Street [New York].

Theodore Sedgwick (1811-1859), American lawyer and legal theorist
Publication details: 
44 Wall Street, New York; 16 September [1856].

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter reads 'Dear Sir | I am under obligations to you for yr. polite note of the 15th. & for yr. pamphlet - The subject is one of great importance & I shall read it with interest.' Perhaps the New York surveyor John C. Hind, who was active in the 1820s.

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. S.') from the legal theorist Theodore Sedgwick to the politician Charles Sumner, discussing John O'Connell's journal 'American Themis', with a reference to William Duer.

Theodore Sedgwick (1811-1859), lawyer and legal theorist [Charles Sumner (1811-1874), senator from Massachusetts, antislavery leader of the Radical Republicans; John O'Connell; William Duer (1805-79)]
Publication details: 
New York, 15 February 1844.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper with minor traces of mount on the reverse. Addressed to 'Chas. Sumner Esq. | Boston Mass.' At the time of writing Sumner, having returned from Europe the previous year, was practising law at Boston. Regarding 'American Themis, A Monthly Journal of Jurisprudence and Judicature', edited by John O'Connell, Sedgwick writes that he is sending 'two or three nos. of a new Legal Magazine wh.

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. C. Grattan') from the Irish writer Thomas Colley Grattan to Edward D. Ingraham of Philadelphia, regarding his article 'The Irish in America', published in the North American Review.

Thomas Colley Grattan (1792-1864), Irish journalist and novelist, British consul in Massachusetts, 1839-1846 [Edward Duncan Ingraham (1793-1854) of Philadelphia, author]
Publication details: 
Boston; 1 May 1842.

1p., 4to. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf. Good, on aged paper. Replying to a letter of Ingraham's, he states that 'the only paper I have written on the subject you mention was an article ['The Irish in America'] in the North American Review, which appeared in the January number of last year, as well as I recollect.'

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