[ Edward Askew Sothern, English actor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. A. Sothern') to 'Mr. Ottley', returning a work which he has attempted to 'place rightly'.

Edward Askew Sothern (1826-1881), English actor, best-known as Lord Dundreary in 'Our American Cousin' [ Henry Ottley (1811-1878)? ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London? ]

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper with remains of stub adhering to one edge. Having heard from 'Russell' he is returning something which Ottley 'kindly wrote', 'which so far I've been unable to place rightly'. He invites him to 'a quick family dinner with me (143. Regent St.)' the following Sunday. Henry Ottley is the probable recipient; although best-known for his supplement to Bryan's dictionary, he was also the author of a critical analysis of 'Fechter's Version of "Othello"'.

[ Don Ameche, American Oscar-winning actor. ] Autograph signature.

Don Ameche [ Dominic Felix Amici ] (1908-1993), American Oscar-winning actor
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Savoy Hotel, London. Undated.

Good firm inscription on 19.5 x 16 cm letterhead. In good condition, lightly aged and creased, with slight rust staining to top left-hand corner from paperclip. Inscription reads: 'Sincere best wishes | Don Ameche'.

[ Sir Thomas Beecham and Ethel Frank. ] Autograph Signatures on leaf from album.

Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961), English conductor; Ethel Frank, American soprano
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London, 1921? ]

The two signatures are on one side of a 14 x 18cm leaf of cream paper removed from an album. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with laid down. Good clear examples. Beecham's signature 'Thomas Beecham' is above that of 'Ethel Frank'. Probably given on Franks first visit to Britain in 1921. Small magazine cutting of photograph of three musicians laid down on reverse.

[ George Combe, phrenologist. ] Autograph corrected text from his appendix to his edition of Elisha P. Hurlbut's 'Essays on Human Rights and their Political Guaranties'.

George Combe [ born George Comb ] (1788-1858), English phrenologist [ Elisha P. Hurlbut ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. (Published in Combe's appendix to his 1847 Edinburgh edition of Hurlbut's book.)

On 8 x 22 cm piece of paper. In fair condition, aged and creased, and laid down on piece of card. Note in a contemporary hand in red ink in the margin: 'George Combe the Phrenologist | (Holograph) [sic]'. With five emendations and deletions.

[ Ralph Bartlett Goddard, American sculptor. ] Illustrated pamphlet advertising 'Portraits of Eminent Men in Bas-Relief', including extracts from letters from relations of Longfellow, Poe and Hawthorne.

Ralph Bartlett Goddard (1861-1936), American sculptor [ The Library Bureau, London ]
Publication details: 
The Library Bureau, 10, Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C. [ 1890s. ]

4pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The second page carries photographic reproductions of the bas-reliefs of Tennyson and Carlyle, in frames. The third page gives details of the twelve portraits (Carlyle, Tennyson, Hawthorne, Longfellow, Dickens, Whittier, Lowell, Thackeray, Bryant, E. A. Poe, Ambriose [sic] Thomas, O. W. Holmes), executed by 'Mr. RALPH BARTLETT GODDARD, the eminent Sculptor', stating that they are available in plaster or bronze, and 'form a most suitable adornment for the walls of a private or public library, schoolroom, or study'.

[ Henry Turner, American artist in Prussia. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Messrs Morgan & Buckstone' of Berners Street Gallery, London, stating that he sending over '4 Oil Pictures', with reference to 'Mr G. du Mourier'. [ George Du Maurier ].

Henry Turner, American artist, from Virginia [ Matthew Somerville Morgan (1839-1890) and Frederick Buckstone, manager and secretary, Berners Street Gallery, London; George Du Maurier ]
Publication details: 
Berger Strasse No. 1, Düsseldorf, Prussia. 5 December 1862.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly-aged. 'I shipped on yesterday to you through Mr J. D. Brink Jr Forwarding Merchant of this city a box containing 4 Oil Pictures which I wish you to expose for sale at your Exhibition Rooms. | The titles and prices of the same will be given you by my friend Mr G. du Mourier. Please let me know when they come to hand.' The Berner's Street Gallery's association with American artists would continue: in the following decade it would gain notoriety for exhibiting Whistler's 'Symphony in White, No. 1'.

[ Edward Mason Wrench, an Englishman in New York City in 1881. ] Cyclostyled pamphlet, in facsimile of his handwriting, with illustrations by him, describing in vivid terms for his children a visit to New York.

Edward Mason Wrench (1833-1912), of Baslow, Derbyshire, Assistant Surgeon, 34th Regiment of Foot [ New York City in 1881 ]
Publication details: 
New York. 22 October 1881.

6pp., 12mo. Cyclostyled in purple ink on two loose leaves of 8vo paper (one printed on one side only, and the other on both sides). A facsimile of small handwriting, with five illustrations, including one captioned 'Steamer on the Hudson River' (the others a view of the Brooklyn Bridge from the river, a silhouette of a racing 'sulky' carriage, a steamer, and an ancient statue 'From Cyprus'). In fair condition, lightly-aged, with light rust marks from a paperclip. The second sheet, of four pages, ends abruptly, with a pencil note: 'concluding pages wanted'. The text begins: 'New York.

[ Edward Mason Wrench, British Army surgeon. ] Cyclostyled facsimile letter (with facsimile signature 'Ed M Wrench') describing a visit to 'Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show', with two illustrations, intended for distribution amongst his family.

Edward Mason Wrench (1833-1912), MVO, FRCS, of Baslow, Derbyshire, Assistant Surgeon 34th Regiment of Foot [ 'Buffalo Bill', i.e. William Frederick Cody (1846-1917), American scout and showman ]
Publication details: 
Baslow [ Derbyshire ]. 24 July 1887.

2pp., 12mo. Printed on one side of a piece of 21 x 26.5 cm paper, with central vertical fold dividing the pages. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'My dear Children'. He begins by describing his attendance at the laying by Prince Albert Victor of 'the first stone of the New Bancroft Schools at Woodford', with lunch by the Drapers' Company. He soon changes tack: 'On the 14 I visited Buffalo Bills Wild West Show and you will I dare say like to hear what I saw there, better than what we did at Woodford.' He notes that he was 'mightily taken with the reality of the show.

[ First edition, inscribed by the author. ] Portraits of my Married Friends; or, A Peep into Hymen's Kingdom.

'Uncle Ben' [ Mrs. Rhoda Elizabeth White (c.1820-1866, née Waterman [ Rhoda White ]]
Publication details: 
New York: D. Appleton & Co., 346 & 348 Broadway. London: 16 Little Britain. 1858.

343pp., 8vo, with sixteen-page publishers' catalogue at rear. Frontispiece and six full-page illustrations (one for each story). In blue cloth, with decorations in gilt on boards, and gilt titles on spine, all edges gilt, and attractive patterned endpapers. In fair condition, on aged paper, rebacked. Inscription on reverse of frontispiece reads: 'To Mary Charnock, | from the Author, | Mrs Rhoda E. White, | with every kindest wish.

[ Printed advertising pamphlet. ] The Authors' Agency for the Criticism, Revision, and Disposal of Manuscript, And all Work Involved Between Author and Publisher.

William A. Dresser [ William Adams Dresser (b.1851) ], Manager, The Authors' Agency, Boston, Massachusetts, est. 1893 [ Mrs Julia Ward Howe; William Dean Howells; Thomas Nelson Page; Noah Brooks ]
Publication details: 
The Authors' Agency. William A. Dresser, Manager. P.O. Box 1193, Boston, Mass. Undated.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly-aged. Beneath the drop-head title: 'The Agency is authorized to refer to the following well-known writers: | Noah Brooks. | Hezekiah Butterworth. | Mrs. Margaret Deland. | William Elliot Griffis, D.D. | B. O. Flower, [Ed. Arena.] | Mrs. Burton Harrision. | Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. | William Dean Howells. | Mrs. Louise Chandler Moulton. | Philip S. Moxom, D.D. | Thomas Nelson Page. | A. D. F. Randolph, Publisher. | Charles Dudley Warner. | Mary E. Wilkins. | William Hayes Ward, D.D., [Ed. Independent.] | J. A. Wheelock, [Ed.

[ Auction catalogue. ] The Autograph Collection of a late American Author. Americana, Literary Letters & Manuscripts, Foreign Historical Autographs.

The Anderson Galleries (Mitchell Kennerley, President), New York
Publication details: 
Sold by Order of his Mother. The Anderson Galleries (Mitchell Kennerley, President), 489 Park Avenue at Fifty-Ninth Street, New York. 1928.

[2] + 130pp., 8vo. Frontispiece facsimile of the first page of the 'draft of contract for Woodrow Wilson's History of the United States - to be sold with six letters relating thereto, each signed by him'. In printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. 949 lots, from a 1758 letter from James Abercrombie, Commander of the British Forces in America, to an 1899 letter from the Prince de Yturbide. Includes full-page facsimile of 'last page John Adams' fine letter on independence', and half-page facsimile of 'last page Roosevelt's letter on the management of Congress'.

[ Printed pamphlet inscribed by the author. ] Government Printing in Massachusetts-Bay, 1700-1750. By Rollo G. Silver.

Rollo G. Silver (1909-1989), American book collector and historian of American printing [ The American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts ]
Publication details: 
The American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts. 1958. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society for April 1958.

[1] + 28pp, 8vo. Paginated 135-162. Stapled pamphlet, in printed green wraps. In good conditon, lightly aged and worn. Inscribed at head of title-page: 'For Dr. S. H. Steinberg with all good wishes from Rollo G. Silver'. Contains an eleven and a half page appendix of 'Abstracts from Some Printers' Bills in the Masschusetts Archives'. The only copy on COPAC at Trinity College, Dublin.

[ Poul Anderson, 'Golden Age' science fiction author. ] Typed Letter Signed (' Poul') to 'Don' [ Scottish science fiction expert Donald Malcolm ], discussing Malcolm's plans for a checklist of his work, his family background, and Scotland.

Poul Anderson (1926-2001), American 'Golden Age' science fiction author [ Don Malcolm ]
Publication details: 
3 Las Palomas, Orinda, California. 30 June 1964.

34 lines of typed text on air mail letter on blue paper. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed to Malcom at Paisley, Renfrewshire.

[ Richard McKeon, American philosopher. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Richard P. McKeon') to Mark Bonham Carter, teasing him egarding his trip to Chicago.

Richard McKeon [ Richard Peter McKeon ] (1900-1985), American philosopher whose work for UNESCO led to Universal Declaration of Human Rights [ Mark Bonham Carter (1922-1994), Baron Bonham-Carter]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Department of Philosophy, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. 21 July 1948.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, creased and lightly aged. Addressed to 'Mr. Mark R. Bonham Carter | c/o The Commonwealth Fund | 41 East 57th Street | New York 22, New York'. He writes having just returned 'from another trip to Paris', and has seen Bonham-Carter's 'note of farewell - with the conspicuous marks of the Wegener influence'. He is glad Bonham-Carter enjoyed his visit to Chicago, and looks forward to a visit to England by 'one or more of the McKeons', which will give him 'an opportunity to retaliate for some of the ragging that constitutes the American conception of hospitality'.

[ Bangs & Co., New York auctioneers. ] The three parts of the 'Catalogue of the Large and Valuable Library of the late Henry F. Sewall of this City'. [ Including the first four Shakespeare folios. Each of the lots priced in manuscript. ]

Henry F. Sewall (1816-1896), New York merchant and print and book collector [ Bangs & Co., New York auctioneers; William Shakespear, First Folio, 1623 ]
Publication details: 
New York: Bangs & Co., 91 & 93 Fifth Avenue. Dates of sale: 9-13 November 1896 (Part I), 30 November and 1 and 2 December 1896 (Part II), and 18 to 22 January 1897.

376pp., 8vo. Uniformly printed and continuously paginated. Part I: [3] + 1-124. Part II; [2] + 125-251. Part II: 253-376. All three parts in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with rusted staples. in remains of printed wraps. A total of 4240 lots, priced throughout in the margins. The full title gives a good indication of the nature of the collection: 'Catalogue of the Large and Valuable Library of the late Henry F.

[ B. F. Stevens of Vermont, London bookseller. ] Stevens' Historical Collections. Catalogue of the First Portion of the Extensive & Varied Collections of Rare Books and Manuscripts relating chiefly to the History and Literature of America [...]'.

Henry Stevens (1819-1886) of Vermont, American bibliographer based in London, brother of the London bookseller Benjamin Franklin Stevens (1833-1902) [ Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, London auctioneers ]
Publication details: 
Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, 13 Wellington Street, Strand, W.C., London. On 11 July 1881 and four following days. [ J. Davy & Sons (The Dryden Press), 137 Long Acre, London. ]

vi + 229 + [1]pp., 8vo. Frontispiece facsimile letter from Benjamin Franklin. In original printed wraps. In blue cloth binding with title in gilt on front cover and spine. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding. Full title: 'Stevens' Historical Collections.

[ 'Sergeant Bates', American Civil War (Union) soldier who walked across the American South and then England with the Union flag. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Gilbert H Bates | (Sergeant Bates') to Edward Draper, apologising for missing a visit.

Sergeant Gilbert Henderson Bates [ Sergeant Bates; Sergeant Gilbert H. Bates ] (1836-1917), 1st Wisconsin Heavy Artillery [ Edward Draper, London solicitor ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Langham Hotel, Portland Place, London, England. 'Dec 3d. 1872 | 5 PM'.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and creased, with traces of a grey paper mount on the reverse of the second leaf, which also has a closed tear unobtrusively repaired with archival tape.

[ B. F. Stevens of Vermont and his 'Index of all the documents of American concern in private or public Archives of Great Britain, Holland, France and Spain', 1763-1783 ] Printed pamphlet: 'American Manuscripts in European Archives.'

[ Benjamin Franklin Stevens (1833-1902) of Vermont, American bookseller in London ]
Publication details: 
Without place [ B. F. Stevens, 4 Trafalgar Square, Charing Cross, London ] or date [ 1887 ].

18 + [1]pp., 8vo. In red cloth half-binding, with brown marbled boards. Stamp of the Royal Historical Society on endpaper, and pencil shelfmarks. In fair condition, aged and worn. A curious production. The intent of the author (certainly Stevens) is to facilitate 'definite and permanent organisation', by his 'preparation of an Index of all the documents of American concern in private or public Archives of Great Britain, Holland, France and Spain that accumulated between the years 1763 and 1783'.

[ Mitchell S. Buck, American classicist. ] Typescript of his novelette 'Rose of Corinth', inscribed to its illustrator Franz Felix, with covering Autograph Letter Signed ('M S B') from Buck to Felix, regarding arrangements for illustrating the book.

Mitchell S. Buck [Mitchell Starrett Buck] (1887-1959), American poet, translator and classical scholar, praised by H. L. Menken [ Franz Felix (1892-1967), American artist of Austrian extraction ]
Publication details: 
Typescript without place or date. Letter on letterhead of Vapor Engineering Company, Philadelphia. 10 September 1928.

Both letter and typescript in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope with three postmarks between 9 and 11 September 1928, addressed 'For: Franz Felix, Esq. | Apt. 3-c | 790 Riverside Drive, | New York City.' LETTER: 1p., 4to. He explains that he is sending the 'MS' [sic] that day by registered mail, and asks Felix to keep it 'strictly confidential for the present', adding that he has 'not even told Mr. Brown [his publisher] what it is about'. If Felix has time to 'make up a sketch' Buck will collect it and take it to Brown.

[ Bookplate of German library of children's books. ] Three variants of the bookplate of the 'Kinderbuch-Sammlung von Walter Schatzki', on green, blue and cream paper.

Walter Schatzki [ Walther Schatzki ] (1899-1983), German-born American bookseller and antiquary [ Kinderbuch-Sammlung von Walter Schatzki ]
Publication details: 
[ Kinderbuch-Sammlung von Walter Schatzki. ] [1960s?]

Three examples of the same bookplate: on green, blue and cream paper. All three in very good condition, lightly-aged. Paper dimensions: 4.5 x 5.5 cm. Illustration dimensions: 3 x 4 cm. The image, reproducing an eighteenth-century engraving, depicts two children seated at a table and studying, with a globe on the floor between them. Beneath the image: 'KINDERBUCH-SAMMLUNG | VON WALTER SCHATZKI'. Accompanied by slip of paper with manuscript note regarding reproduction 'in Photo-Litho', after 'permission received O.K. from Walter's'.

[ Ethel G. Hayler, Children's Librarian, Croydon Public Libraries. ] Printed pamphlet: 'American Children's Libraries. A Report to the Croydon Public Libraries Committee on a Personal Visit to America August and September, 1927.'

Ethel G. Hayler, Children's Librarian, Croydon Public Libraries [ John Ollis Pelton, Chairman of the Libraries Committee ]
Publication details: 
Central Library, Town Hall, Croydon. 1928.

12pp., 8vo. Stapled. In green printed wraps. In good condition, on aged paper, with slight wear to one corner and a few light marks to cover.

[ Col. S. F. Cody, American aviator and showman. ] Black and white postcard photograph captioned, 'Col. S. F. Cody with Indian Chief in his Aeroplane.'

[ Colonel S. F. Cody [ Samuel Franklin Cody; Samuel Franklin Cowdery ] (1867-1913), American aviator and showman; Native American 'Indian Chief' ]
Publication details: 
Place, publication details and date not stated [circa 1910?].

9 x 14 cm black and white postcard. In frail condition, aged, worn and chipped, with near-vertical central crease repaired on reverse with archival tape. Removed from album, and with traces of newsprint adhering to the reverse. The caption scratched into the plate and appearing in small white capitals at the foot of the image. Shows Cody in near-profile, seated at the controls of a biplane which is pointing to the left of the image, with a Native American in robes and headdress seated to his right. The central part of the plane is shown, with woodland behind it.

[Certificate, part printed, part mansucript] Membership Certificate of "Mr Anthony"[Charles Anthony, engineer], signed Gertrude Ogden Tubby, Secretary, [author of "Psychics and Mediums: A Manual and Bibliography for Students"].

[The American Society for Psychical Research]
Publication details: 
Nos 44-66 East 23d Sytreet, New York City, 30 March 1922.

Card [certificate], c.18 x 24.5cm, good copndition. A certificate which Gertude Ogden Tubby has filled in with details of the new member (Mr Anthony of Bahia Blanca, Argentina)), and his proposer John {F?].D. Bristol.

[New York World's Fair 1939.] Collection mainly consisting of publicity and administrative material: press releases, information bulletins, contracts, contact lists, photographs, plans, coloured panorama, book, newspapers, pamphlets, questionnaire.

New York World's Fair 1939 [Grover A. Whalen (1886-1962); Frank Monaghan; Bayard F. Pope]
Publication details: 
New York World's Fair 1939, Main Office, 24th Floor Empire State Building, 350 Fifth Avenue, New York City, N.Y. Produced between 1938 and 1940.

Attended by 44 million people, the New York World's Fair was an enormous enterprise, with a vast number of exhibits and pavilions from all over the world spread out over 1216 acres of the Flushing Meadows/Corona Park district. The fair's official 'theme' was 'the demonstration of "a happier way of American living through a recognition of the interdependence of man, and the building of a better world of tomorrow with the tools of today"'.

[Sales of farm stock, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1844 and 1845.] Three manuscript lists of 'the goods and chattels of David Kauffman sold at public sale', describing articles sold, with prices and purchasers' names.

[David Kauffman of East Hempfield township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Dutch; Mennonites of America]
Publication details: 
[East Hempfield township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.] Sales on 12 November 1844 and 25 February and 10 March 1845.

For more information on the Kauffman family, see Alexander Harris's 'Biographical History of Lancaster County' (1872), pp.332-335. The family were Mennonites, and originated in Hesse. The most notable member was affluent farmer and bank president Abraham Cassel Kauffman (1799-1886), a member of the Pennsylvania legislature for the 1835, 1837 and 1843 sessions. 18pp., 8vo. Unbound. On five loose bifoliums (with remains of stitching still present). The leaves of one bifolium are separated from one another, and the order of the pages is probably disturbed.

[Offprint of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, London.] Franco-American and Franco-British Relations. (Paper read on June 15th, 1926.)

M. André Siegfried [The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted from "Journal of Royal Institute of International Affairs," September 1926.'

14pp., 8vo, paginated 225-238. Stitched pamphlet in grey printed wraps. Somewhat worn and aged, with pin hole passing through the pamphlet at head. Siegried's aim is to 'study as frankly as possible the spirit of Franco-American relations. Then - and this might look bold, as I am speaking to a British audience - I will try to analyse what I think is the spirit of Anglo-American relations.

[Printed handbill reproducing article by Paul Harvey from the 'FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin'.] What Are Policemen Made Of?

[Paul Harvey [Paul Harvey Aurandt] (1918-2009), American broadcaster] The Hartford County Sheriff's Department; the FBI]
Publication details: 
'Distributed as a Public Service by the Hartford County Sheriff's Dept. 838 - 6600'.

1p., 8vo. Photocopied in black on light-green paper. In fair condition, creased and lightly-aged. Small photograph of Paul Harvey beside the title, above the following introduction: 'In a recent column Mr. Harvey, a noted commentator and journalist, strongly defended the law enforcement officer. With his permission the Bulletin reprints this message which we think will be of interest to our readers.' Harvey's piece, reproduced over three columns, begins: 'Don't credit me with this mongrel prose; it has many parents; at least 420,000 of them: Policemen.

[John Wilks, Liberal politician.] Autograph Letter Signed to James Silk Buckingham, regarding his own reasons for retiring from Parliament, and Buckingham's coming 'extensive undertaking' (a tour of North America).

John Wilks (1776-1854), English Whig and Liberal politician, father of the swindler 'Bubble Wilks' [James Silk Buckingham (1786-1855), Cornish author, orientalist, and Member of Parliament]
Publication details: 
Worthing. 2 September 1837.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'Want of health induced me to retire from Parliament in opposition to the wishes of my kind constituents and hurrying me from Town as soon as my votes had been given for the Liberal candidates at the Kent Surrey Essex and Middlesex Elections - unavoidably deprived me of the interesting though mournful pleasure of attending your final lecture at Finsbury Chapel.

[Mary Anderson, American actress.] Autograph Card Signed ('Mary de Navarro') to an unnamed female recipient.

Mary Anderson [Mary Navarro; Mary Antoinette Anderson; Mary Anderson de Navarro] (1859-1940), American actress
Publication details: 
6 July 1925. On letterhead of Court Farm, Broadway, Worcestershire.

On both sides of an 8.5 x 11 cm card. The item has been soaked in order to remove it from backing, and this has resulted in fading of the ink and slight ruckling. She explains that she would have been pleased to accept the recipient's offer 'under usual circumstances', but that 'firms are volunteering to let me have their articles at wholesale prices', so she is 'bound in the interest of Boys and Girls to accept their more favorable terms'.

Printed logbook with label on cover reading 'List of Colored Voters Registered at [ ] Precinct in [ ] Magisterial District [ ] County, Virginia. since January 1, 1904.'

[Virginia, United States of America; the African-American Civil Rights Movement; American elections and voting; black voters]
Publication details: 
[Virginia, USA. Circa 1904.]

15 leaves, folio. In fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. N.B. Entirely blank: not filled-in or completed. Each leaf with thumb-index tab in oak cloth. In black cloth quarter-binding with marbled covers. Each opening or double-page spread is divided into 14 columns: Date of Registration; Number; Name; Date of Birth; Age. Years; Occupation; Residence; Lenght of Residence [In State; In County; In Precinct]; Is he exempt from payment of poll tax as a prerequisite to voting?; If naturalized [Date of Papers; By What Court Issued]; If Transferred. When and to What Precinct.

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