
[James Shergold Boone, cleric and author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. S. Boone') to John Silk Buckingham, praising him and his 'undertakings', with reference to his own 'letter to Mr Raikes Currie'.

J. S. Boone [James Shergold Boone] (1799-1859), English cleric and author [James Silk Buckingham (1786-1855), Cornish author, orientalist, and Member of Parliament; Raikes Currie (1801-1881), MP]
Publication details: 
2 Stanhope Street, Hyde Park Garden [London]. 31 March 1849.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Having just received Buckingham's letter, he writes that he 'cannot but feel much gratified that my letter to Mr Raikes Currie should have in any way attracted the notice of a Gentleman like yourself whose name is so well known in connexion with our literature and our social progress.' He concludes by expressing an interest in the 'undertakings which have engaged, and now engage' Buckingham's attention, and by wishing him every success.

[Messrs. J. & S. Ricardo & Co., London bankers.] Manuscript Letter, signed 'J & S Ricardo', accepting 'Fifty Shares in the Colombian mining Association'.

Messrs. J. & S. Ricardo & Co., London bankers [Colombian Mining Association; David Ricardo (1772-1823), economist]
Publication details: 
Throgmorton Street [London]. 27 November 1824.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Gentlemen/ | We are very much obliged to you for your offer of Fifty Shares in the Colombian mining Association which we have great pleasure in accepting. We did not make any application as we had hoped to have heard first from you on the subject.' The family firm of the economist and MP David Ricardo, who had been disowned on his marriage to a gentile in 1793. It did substantial business in the Hispanic world.

[Printed magazine.] 'Sherlock Holmes Centenary' issue of John o'London's Weekly, with contributions by S. C. Roberts, Bernard Darwin, Frank Swinnerton, Anthony Howlett and Michael Pointer, and Winifred Paget.

S. C. Roberts; Bernard Darwin; Frank Swinnerton; Anthony Howlett; Michael Pointer, Winifred Paget [John o'London's Weekly; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Sidney Paget; Sherlock Holmes Centenary]
Publication details: 
London: George Newnes Limited, Tower House, Southampton Street, Strand, WC2. 19 February 1954.

24pp., 8vo, paginated 161-184. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Roberts contributes 'The Cult of Sherlock'; Frank Swinnerton, 'Holmes - World Figure'; Darwin, 'The Great Holmes Joke'; Howlett and Pointer, 'Holmes on Stage and Screen'; Paget, 'He made Holmes real' ('In this article Winifred Paget writes of her father, Sidney Paget, whose drawings, says Frank Swinnerton on another page, made Holmes "the most universally familiar imaginary figure in two hemispheres'.

[Printed leaflet.] Helps and Hindrances of Deaf Children in Acquiring Speech and Language at the Natural Age.

Mary S. Garrett, Principal, Co-Founder and a Trustee of the Home for the Training in Speech of Deaf Children before they are of school age, Belmont and Monument Aves., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Publication details: 
Read before First International Congress in America on the Welfare of the Child. Washington, D.C., March 10 to 17, 1908.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition on aged and lightly-worn paper. With shelfmark, stamp and label of the Board of Education Library, London.

[S. Mary's College, Paddington.] Two printed prospectuses. The first (with photographic illustrations) for the 'Church of England Public School & Training College', and the second for the 'Training College for Secondary Teachers'.

[S. Mary's College, Paddington (In connection with London University), Church of England Public School and Training College for Secondary Teachers]
Publication details: 
S. Mary's College, Paddington [London]. Both undated.

ONE: Prospectus for the 'Church of England Public School & Training College'. 21pp., 12mo. Stitched. In blue card wraps, with the College's name printed in gold in a border on front cover. Printed on shiny art paper with four full-page illustrations: 'S. Mary's College' (frontispiece); 'College Hall'; 'The Kindergarten' and 'The Laboratory'. Good, on lightl-aged paper, in like wraps with creased back cover. TWO: Prospectus for the 'Training College for Secondary Teachers'. 7pp., 12mo. In blue card wraps, with the College's name printed in dark blue in a border on front cover.

[W. S. Cowell Limited, Ipswich printers.] The firm's 'Address Book', containing thousands of signatures of British printers, publishers, artists and book illustrators over a forty-year period, sumptuously-bound with unique printed prelims.

W. S. Cowell Limited, Ipswich printers [Beatrice Warde; Ruari McLean; Francis Meynell; Sebastian Carter (Rampant Lions Press); Charles Batey; Brooke Crutchley; Hans Schmoller; Ralph Steadman]
Publication details: 
W. S. Cowell Limited, 8 Butter Market, Ipswich, Suffolk, England; 23 Percy Street, London, W.1. Dating from between 7 June 1952 to 20 March 1991.

Founded in 1818, the Ipswich firm of W. S. Cowell Ltd ('The Press in the Butter Market') grew into one of the leading British printers, known for its high-quality catalogue work. The firm's papers are in the Suffolk Record Office at Ipswich, whose catalogue entry provides a good summary of its history.

[Printed pamphlet.] 1906. Papers read at the Norwich Conference the Fifth Biennial Conference of the National Association of Teachers of the Deaf. A Supplement to "The Teacher of the Deaf."

F. G. Barnes, Hon. Secretary, and S. E. Hull, Woodvale, Bexley, Kent [National Association of Teachers of the Deaf, Norwich Conference, 1906]
Publication details: 
Printed and published for the N.A.T.D. [National Association of Teachers of the Deaf] by Hill & Ainsworth, Glebe St., Stoke.
Upon request

44pp., 8vo. In brown printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps, with ownership inscriptions and shelfmarks on the front cover. Scarce: no copies listed on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[University College, London.] Six printed handbills: four syllabuses or calendars of events, each headed 'Special Arrangements', with another for 'Special Courses in Psychology', and an announcement of a set of 'Public Introductory Lectures'.

[University College, London (University of London)] [T. Gregory Foster; Walter W. Seton; William McDougall; Carveth Reid; Sir William Ramsay; Sir John Macdonell; F. Mackarness; L. M. Brandin]
Publication details: 
Unversity College, London (University of London). The four relating to 'Special Arrangements' dating from 'First Term. Session 1904-1905' to 'First Term. - Session 1905-1906.' The 'Special Courses' for 1904-1905. The 'Lectures' for 1905-1906.

The six items in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. With stamps, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library. The four calendars of 'Special Arrangements' are all 1p., foolscap 8vo, and signed in type at the foot by T. Gregory Foster, Principal, and Walter W. Seton, Acting Secretary. They give details of lectures and other information including the 'Reception of new Students by the Principal and the respective Deans' and the 'Last Day for receiving Essays'. The other two documents only carry Foster's signature in type.

[Joan Greenwood, actress.] Autograph Letter Signed to the translator Edward Marsh, regarding a 'most interesting and infuriating' 'Cocteau profile', and Henry Sherek's copy of the script of T. S. Eliot's 'Confidential Clerk'.

Joan Greenwood (1921-1987), English actress, best-known for her role as Sibella in the film Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) [Edward Marsh, translator; Henry Sherek (1900-1967), theatre manager]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 4 Wentworth Studios, Chelsea, SW3 [London]. 9 September 1953.

2pp., 12mo. Written lengthwise across the paper, so that the letterhead runs up the left-hand margin of the first page. She thanks him for his letter and 'the Cocteau profile (most interesting and infuriating - splendid misunderstanding - written down with such authority.)', as well as '"The Holy Terrors" notices'. She has been delayed in sending him the script of 'The Confidential Clerk' as she had to go to King's Lynn. She is sending the script now, and asks for it to be returned 'fairly soon, as it is Henry Sherek's and he may suddenly scream for it!' (Sherek was the play's producer.)

[William Samuel Woodin, Victorian entertainer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. S Woodin') to W. C. M. Kent [Dickens's friend Charles Kent], editor of the Sun, regarding his refurbishment of the Myriographic Hall, Piccadilly, for entertainments.

William Samuel Woodin (1825-1888), entertainer [Charles Kent [William Charles Mark Kent; W. C. M. Kent] (1823-1902), editor of the Sun newspaper and friend of Charles Dickens]
Publication details: 
Myriographic Hall, 232 Piccadilly [London]. 1 March 1853.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper. With envelope addressed by Woodin to 'W. C. M. Kent Esqr | Sun Office', on which is written 'Your Card of course will admit any Friends'. The letter begins: 'My very dear Sir, | I have taken the Salle Robin and called it The Myriographic Hall, now I intend inviting the gentlemen of the Press on Thursday Evening March 3rd.

[Arthur Campbell, Victorian photographer.] Memorandum of Agreement in which he undertakes to teach Leonard Langsford 'how to prepare the photographic paper called "Gelatino-chloride glossy printing-out paper"'. With three associated signed documents.

Arthur Campbell of 6 Brooks Road, Gunnersbury, Victorian photographer [Leonard Langsford of the Lisle Press, 24 Whitcomb Street, London, printer; Campbell Studios?]
Publication details: 
Memorandum: 17 June 1910. Receipt by Campbell: on letterhead of The Acacias, Brooks Road, Gunnersbury, W. [London]. 8 July 1910. Letter by Langford: on letterhead of The Lisle Press Ltd., 24 Whitcomb Street, Pall Mall. 17 June 1910.

The collection consists of four items. All four in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight creasing. ONE: Typed Memorandum. 3pp., foolscap 8vo. Signed over a stamp by Campbell, and witnessed by Florence Campbell of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Campbell agrees to teach Langsford 'how to prepare the photographic paper called "Gelatino-chloride glossy printing-out paper" by the same formula and process as he uses and put him in the way to start and carry on a business for himself'.

[Jules S. Bache, German-born American banker and philanthropist.] Typed Letter Signed ('Jules') to the English biographer H. E. Wortham, regarding his seventieth birthday, the death of friends, the current 'crisis' and Wortham's latest book.

Jules S. Bache [Jules Semon Bache; Jules Bache] (1861-1944), German-born American banker, art collector and philanthropist [Hugh Evelyn Wortham (1884-1959), biographer of General Gordon]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, 42 Broadway, New York. 19 November 1931.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Addressed to 'Hugh Wortham, Esq., | 75 Courtfield Gardens, | London, S.W.5, England'. Signed in green ink. He has received Wortham's book (probably 'The Delightful Profession: Edward VII, A Study in Kingship', published that year). He is 'still in the midst of a rather big book', but once he has finished it, he will send his comments on Wortham's.

[P. S. King, London Parliamentary Bookseller.] 36 items from his papers, including correspondence from individuals including the Bishop of Chichester, Sir Charles Bowyer Adderley, Sir Edward Cholmley Dering, William Knight and other public figures.

P. S. King [Philip Stephen King] (1819-1908), London Parliamentary Bookseller of 12 Bridge St, Westminster and other addresses[William Knight, Sir Charles Bowyer Adderley; Sir Edward Cholmley Dering]
Publication details: 
Mainly from London and Westminster. Dating from between 1855 and 1907.

The notable London firm of P. S. King & Son, 'Publishers, Parliamentary and General Booksellers, Bookbinders and Printers', was in existence for more than a hundred years, having been established, according to its own account, in Parliament Street in 1819, and still active until 1941, when it became P. S. King and Staples, under which name it traded for around six years. (An advertisement for the Staples Press Limited in The Times, 14 February 1946, lists, among incorporated companies: 'P. S.

[Chatto & Windus, London publishers.] Manuscript letter, signed on behalf of 'Chatto & Windus', to fellow London bookseller Philip Stephen King, declining the offer of a translation of Portuguese novelist Alexandre Herculano's 'O Monge de Cister'.

Chatto & Windus [P. S. King [Philip Stephen King] (1819-1908), London Parliamentary Bookseller of 12 Bridge St, Westminster and other addresses; Alexandre Herculano (1810-1877), Portuguese writer]
Publication details: 
On the firm's letterhead at the 'Office of Belgravia of the Gentleman's Magazine & of "Academy Notes", 74 & 75 Piccadilly, London. 4 January 1878.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Tasteful letterhead including the firm's device within an oval, printed in sepia. In good condition: on aged and lightly-worn paper. King was the leading London parliamentary bookseller, and it is interesting to see him apparently offering a work of his own to other publishers. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir | We beg to acknowledge with thanks your offer of a translation of Herculano's "O Monge de Cister," which we much regret our inability to accept - our hands being very full just now, & all our arrangements for some time to come made.

[Printed quarto booklet.] Old Janet's Christmas Gift.

Mrs Ellen Ross (Nelsie Brook) [Ellen Edith Alice Brook (d.1892)] [S. W. Partridge & Co, London]
Publication details: 
'No. 3. Coloured Series.' London: S. W. Partridge & Co., 9, Paternoster Row. [1870s.]

17pp. 4to. Three illustrations: one in colour on the cover, and one each in black and white on the back wrap. The last page of text, numbered 17, is on the back inner wrap, followed by a decorative presentation of a biblical text. Covering the back outer cover is a black and white decorative representation of the text 'GLORY TO GOD | ON EARTH PEASE, GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN. | IN THE HIGHEST', engraved by 'T. M.'. In coloured wraps, with attractive cover carrying a large coloured illustration of Old Janet and three others, looking at a donkey.

[Printed conference paper.] Earth Station Site Selection.

S. Simpkins, B.Sc. & D.I. Dalgliesh B.Sc. (Eng.), C.Eng. M.I.E.E., British Post Office [United Kingdom Seminar on Communication-Satellite Earth Station Planning and Operation, London, 1968]
Publication details: 
London: United Kingdom Seminar on Communication-Satellite Earth Station Planning and Operation, 1968 (Section B, Paper No. 1).

20pp. (11+2+3+1+2+1), foolscap 8vo, with a further four pages of figures. Stapled, with front cover printed in black, red and blue, carrying stylised design of satellite design. Cover stamped with date 4 June 1968. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Scarce: no copies on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. From the Pat Hawker archive.

[Printed London booksellers' catalogue.] Books printed for and sold by Cuthell and Martin, Holborn.

John Cuthell (d.1818) and Peter Martin (fl.1857), booksellers, Holborn, London; S. Rousseau, printer, Wood Street, Spa Fields
Publication details: 
London: Cuthell and Martin, Holborn. ['Printed by S. ROUSSEAU, Wood Street, Spa Fields.'] [Circa 1802.]

16pp., 12mo. Pamphlet of four bifoliums, with remains of the thread with which they were bound. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Listing works in alphabetical order, from 'ANNUAL REGISTER, or a View of the History, politics, and Literature, from 1758 to 1800 inclusive, by Dr. Campbell, Mr. Burke, and others, 42 vols. boards, 18l. 1s. | Any Volume sold separately to complete sets.' to 'Zimmerman's Aphorisms and Reflections on men, Morals, and Things, with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, 12mo, boards, 3s. 6d.' According to the BBTI the firm traded as Cuthell and Martin between 1802 and 1810.

Manuscript Memorandum and Manuscript Receipt, both signed ('Mortimer Collins') by the poet and novelist Edward James Mortimer Collins, assigning copyrights of his works to the London publishers Henry S. King & Co.

Mortimer Collins [Edward James Mortimer Collins] (1827-1876), English poet and novelist [Henry S. King & Co., 65 Cornhill, London publishers]
Publication details: 
Both dated from Knowl Hill, Twyford, Berks. 19 March 1872 and 14 December 1872.

ONE (memorandum): Headed: 'Memorandum of an Agreement between Messrs: Henry S. King & Co: of 65 Cornhill London of the one part and Mortimer Collins Esqre. of Knowl Hill, Twyford, Berks of the other part.' 19 March 1872. 1p., folio. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Pencil annotations. Five stamps at head (four embossed and one ink).

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. H. Trumbull') from the philologist and Republican politician James Hammond Trumbull to A. S. Train, complaining of the dificulty of dealing with his query at 'moderate length'.

James Hammond Trumbull (1821-1897), Yale-educated American philologist and Republican Secretary of the State of Connecticut, 1861-1866
Publication details: 
Hartford; 24 April 1876.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He begins: 'It would be tolerably easy to write a duodecimo of a couple of hundred pages by way of answer to yours of the 22d, but really I do not know how to talk about it in a letter of modest length.' He refers him to 'newspapers, magazines, special biographies, encyclopaedias, histories of the several colonies, and of the Revolution, - passim'. He concludes: 'Such a subject must be worked up like a patchwork quilt. There is no one book better than another, in which to look for facts and authorities.'

Holograph poem (signed 'Julia S. H. Pardoe') by Julia Pardoe, apparently unpublished, beginning 'Fairyland! Fairyland! | That must be a pleasant spot'.

Julia Pardoe [Julia S. H. Pardoe] (c.1804-1862), English poet, novelist, historian and traveller, author of 'The City of the Sultan' (1836) and 'The Beauties of the Bosphorus' (1839)
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

1p., landscape 16mo (8.5 x 13 cm). Good, on aged paper, with blank second leaf of bifolium bearing evidence of previous mounting. The poem is neatly written out, in a sensitive hand, and is eight lines long: 'Fairyland! Fairyland! | That must be a pleasant spot: | Silver rippled over the strand, | Murmurs in each cave & grot, | Jewelled fruits upon the trees, | Music floating on the air, | Perfumes breathing on the breeze -, | How I wish that I was there! | [signed] Julia S. H. Pardoe'.

[Printed Second World War pamphlet.] Homeward Bound. Issued by the Quartermaster General's Branch (Movements Directorate) G.H.Q. (India). Cover and sketches by Capt. A. S. Morris, R.E.

The Quartermaster General's Branch (Movements Directorate) G.H.Q. (India) [Brigadier V. Boucher; Captain A. S. Morris, Royal Engineers]
Publication details: 
'GIPD - M 2079 Army - 12-12-44 - 5,000.' 12 December 1944.

[6] + 28pp., 12mo. In coloured illustrative wraps. Morris's illustrations are light and fresh, the first being a caricature of 'the enemy': a sour-looking bespectacled Japanese army officer. The first section, which it illustrates, is on 'Security' and concludes: 'Remember that in disposing of household effects, releasing servants from employment, etc., you may easily give away too much information.

Holograph poem by John S. Broad of Newcastle-under-Lyme, titled 'Forbearing Love' ('Heap coals of fire upon the guilty head'), with covering Autograph Letter Signed ('John S Broad'), expressing the hope that the poem will 'answer your purpose'.

John S. Broad [John Samuel Broad (b.1809)], Vicar of St Georges, Newcastle-under-Lyme [Victorian provincial poetry]
Publication details: 
Poem from Newcastle-under-Lyme, undated. Letter from Newcastle, 26 December 1843.

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Poem: 1p., 4to. Titled at head: 'Forbearing Love | Romans XII 19-21.' Signed at foot: 'John S. Broad | Newcastle under Lyme'. The poem consists of 24 lines in six four-line stanzas. The first stanza reads: 'Heap coals of fire upon the guilty head, | And melt its malice down; | Let flames of love around it be outspread | And charm away its frown.' The last stanza: 'Thus shall it win its conquering way in peace, | Raise trophies free from blood; | Thus make the storms of sinful passion cease | And bow the heart to God!' Letter: 1p., 12mo.

Manuscript receipt, signed ('Arch Forbes') by the war correspondent Archibald Forbes, for £50 from the London publishers Henry S. King & Co., for the right to publish an edition of 1000 copies of his 'Soldiering and Scribbling'.

Archibald Forbes (1838-1900), British war correspondent, born in Scotland [Henry S. King & Co., 65 Cornhill, London publishers]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 27 June 1872.

1p., landscape 12mo. In good condition, on aged paper. Signed by Forbes over a purple one penny Inland Revenue stamp. Reads: '£50 : 0 : 0 | 27th. June 1872. | Received of Messrs: Henry S. King & Co. of 65 Cornhill London, the sum of Fifty Pounds in payment for the right to publish an edition of 1000 copies of "Soldiering and Scribbling" | [signed] Arch Forbes'. The book was published by the firm in the same year as the receipt.

Manuscript Memorandum of Agreement between J. Hain Friswell and the London publisher Henry S. King, setting out the terms of publication of Friswell's 'The Better Self'. Signed 'J. Hain Friswell'.

James Hain Friswell (1825-1878), English essayist and novelist [Henry S. King & Co., publishers, 65 Cornhill, London]
Publication details: 
22 October 1874.

1p., foolscap 8vo. On laid paper, with red embossed tax stamp in top left-hand corner. In fair condition, lightly-aged. The memorandum is seventeen lines long, and begins: 'Memorandum of an Agreement made this twenty second day of October One thousand eight hundred and seventy four. Between Mr J. Hain Friswell of Fair House, Bexley Heath, Kent, of the one part and Messrs. Henry S. King & Co. of 65 Cornhill London publishers of the other part. | The said Mr J. Hain Friswell has written a Work entitled "The better self" which he herby assigns to Messrs. Henry S.

Nine Autograph Letters Signed from the poet Herbert Palmer to Rev. Harry Escott of Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, editing a book of Escott's poetry, discussing Christian verse, and attacking T. S. Eliot, the Faber poets and modernism.

Herbert Palmer [Herbert Edward Palmer] (1880-1961), English poet and critic [Rev. Harry Escott (1905-1987), MA, Congregational Minister at Rhynie, Aberdeenshire]
Publication details: 
All from 22 Batchwood View, St Albans, Hertfordshire. One from 1938, two from 1942, one from 1943, and the rest undated.

Totalling 36pp., 4to. In fair condition, bound by Escott with brown paper into paper wraps, with the front wrap signed by Escott and bearing the typed label 'LETTERS from HERBERT PALMER on "Minstrels of Christ" and my second book of verse "Soar for Victory", amended in February 1948 to "Back to the Fountain."' An interesting correspondence, casting light on the workings of the mid-twentieth century publishing industry, from the point of view of a successful traditional poet strongly opposed to modernism.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Phil. R. Morris') from the marine artist Philip R. Morris [to S. C. Hall], discussing his difficulty in finding someone to propose him for the Royal Academy.

Philip R. Morris [Philip Richard Morris] (1836-1902), English genre and marine artist [S. C. Hall [Samuel Carter Hall] (1800-1889), Anglo-Irish editor of the Art Journal; Royal Academy of Arts]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Junior Athenaeum Club, Piccadilly. 30 January 1874.

4pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He gives his 'best thanks' for his correspondent's 'watchful kindness'. As his 'acquaintance with Academicians is very limited', he has 'not yet solicited any one to propose me at the R.A.', and he 'would gladly accept Mr. E. M. Ward's obliging offer - and think Mr. G. D. Leslie or Mr Dobson would second me'. He made 'such a mistake' the previous evening, by going to the Vestry Hall, Chelsea. He found, 'on reading the circular again how I had erred'.

[Mimeographed Typed Report, with plans and diagrams.] St. Anne's Board Mill Co., Ltd. | Visit to the United States of America and Canada of Mr. R. J. Thomas and Mr. S. F. Smith | July/August 1946.'

[Report by R. J. Thomas and S. F. Smith of St Anne's Board Mill Company, Limited, Bristol, on their visit to the USA and Canada, 1946]
Publication details: 
[St Anne's Board Mill Company, Limited, Bristol. 1946.]

311pp., folio. With page of 'Errata' laid down on rear pastedown, under the manuscript heading 'COPY NO. 3. (PB).' With fold-out map of North America, and numerous plans and diagrams laid down in text, as well as several full-page plates. In original blue buckram binding, with 'REPORT ON AMERICAN VISIT | 1946.' in gilt on the spine. Good, on lightly-aged and spotted paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('S Smiles') from Samuel Smiles, author of 'Self-Help', to John T. Bacon of Blackburn , concerning a photograph of him by S. A. Walker of Regent Street, and his book 'Physical Education'.

Samuel Smiles (1812-1904), Scottish writer and reformer, author of 'Self-Help' (1859) [John T. Bacon of Blackburn, Lancashire, autograph hunter; S. A. Walker of Regent's Street, London, photographer]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 8 Pembroke Gardens, Kensington W. 18 July 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In original stamped and postmarked envelope, addressed by Smiles. The 'last photographic likeness' of Smiles 'was taken by Mr S. A. Walker, 230 Regent Street W'. Smiles has 'no doubt' that Walker will let Bacon 'have a copy' (i.e. Bacon will not be getting a free copy from Smiles). Smiles's book 'Physical Education' was 'published by me no less than 44 years ago. It had a small sale, and is now quite out of print. Though pretty good at the time, there are now far better works on the subject.'

Printed keepsake, with 'An Old-Time Greeting' and a large swastika on the cover, containing a poem by 'J. S. M.' titled 'The Rune of the Swastika.'

'J. S. M.' [swastika; gammadion; Fascism; the Nazis; Nazism]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Early twentieth-century.]

On a 12mo bifolium of laid paper with 'DUNEDIN NOTE' watermark. Good, on lightly-aged paper. On the cover are a large black swastika and the words 'An Old-Time Greeting.' The poem, titled 'The Rune of the Swastika.' and signed in type 'J. S. M.', is on the recto of the second leaf.

Autograph Letter Signed to J. S. Armstrong, President, Commercial Bank of Cincinnati, announcing that the Bank of Kentucky have resolved 'to commence paying Specie'.

James Hall (1793-1868), American judge and man of letters [J. S. Armstrong, President, Commercial Bank of Cincinnati; Bank of Kentucky]
Publication details: 
Louisville, Kentucky. 2 August 1838.

1p., 4to. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He sends 'by the Genl. Pike a package contg P31.563. of our notes for Crt of the Bank of Kenty. | That Bank resolved this morning to commence paying Specie on the 13th Inst'. Hall would himself be President of the Commercial Bank of Cincinnati from 1853 to 1865.

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