Autograph Letters

[Rollo Russell, meteorologist, son of Lord John Russell and uncle of Bertrand Russell.] Autograph Postcard Signed.

Rollo Russell [Francis Albert Rollo Russell] (1849-1914), meteorologist and scientific writer, son of Liberal Prime Minister Lord John Russell and uncle of philosopher Bertrand Russell
Publication details: 
No date, but with Haslemere postmark of 8 May 1895. In autograph: 'Dunrozel. Haslemere.'

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 11.5 x 9 cm plain post card with printed half penny stamp. In fair condition, lightly aged, with dog eared corner and spike hole (through part of address on one side and blank space at bottom left on message side). Addressed by Russell to ‘The Secretary / Society of Arts / John St / Adelphi / London / W.C.’ Reads: ‘Dunrozel, Haslemere. / In reply I beg to say I shd like the Journal “supplied in a bound volume at the conclusion of the Vol. in Nov.” / J. A. R. Russell’.

[Samuel Rogers ('The Banker Poet')] Autograph Note Signed to Lady Burdett, declining with regret an invitation that would have given him pleasure.

Samuel Rogers, 'The Banker Poet', art connoisseur, member of the Holland House circle, and acquaintance of Wordsworth, Byron, Sir Walter Scott [Lady Burdett]
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Removed from album, and closely trimmed, having been cut down to 9 x 7 cm, with corners cropped. Lightly aged, with one fold for postage. In neat close hand, reads: ‘My dear Lady Burdett / I am very sorry indeed that an Engagement from which I cannot release myself will deprive me of so great a pleasure. Yours ever / S Rogers.’ See image

[Edward Hubert Fitchew, artist & editor; Nelson] Autograph Letter Signed to Herbert Wrigley Wilson, discussing the printing of a book (‘Nelson and His Times’ by Beresford and Wilson, 1898). With two pages covered in notes in another hand (Wilson’s?).

Edward Hubert Fitchew (1851-1934), artist and editor [Herbert Wrigley Wilson (1866-1940), journalist and naval historian; Her Majesty’s Printing Office, London]
Publication details: 
10 January 1898. On letterhead of Her Majesty’s Printing Office, 6 Middle New Street, Fetter Lane, E.C. [London].

An interesting item, providing a sidelight into the process of Victorian scholarly editing and publication. Fitchew’s letter is 2pp, 4to, on the outer pages of a bifolium; the inner pages being filled with notes (citations?) in a minuscule hand, possibly the recipient’s. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, and folded for postage. Addressed to ‘H. W. Wilson’ and signed ‘E. H. Fitchew’. The letter begins: ‘Dear Mr. Wilson / I think it is possible we may want a little more letterpress, but probably not much. Up to end of pt. 7 we have used 82 slips.

[Claud Cockburn, well-connected communist journalist.] Two Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed to Philip Dosse, publisher of ?Books and Bookmen?, one giving plans for reviewing Jessica Mitford's 'damn good book' 'Fine Old Conflict'.

Claud Cockburn [Francis Claud Cockburn] (1904-1981), well-connected communist journalist, founder and editor of ?The Week? [Philip Dosse (1926-1980), publisher ?Books and Bookmen?; Jessica Mitford]
Publication details: 
Years not stated (but one from 1977); all three items on his letterhead, Brook Lodge, Youghal, Co. Cork, Ireland.

An interesting correspondence, with one editor showing his experience in discussing the reviews he is writing for another. See Cockburn's entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ?Death of a Bookman? by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ?Books and Bookmen? at the time of Dosse?s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The three items are ruckled and stained from water damage, with smudging of the signature (?Claud Cockburn?

[Arthur H. Bell, publisher; British Society of Dowsers] Two Typed Letters Signed A.H. Bell, one with a very substantial discussion, to G.K. Menzies of the Royal Society of Arts, concerning the British Society of Dowsers (just established).

Arthur H. Bell, publisher [British Society of Dowsers]
Publication details: 
G. Bell & Sons, Ltd, Publishers, York House, Portugal Street, London, WC2, 8th and 16th February 1934

[8 Feb.1924] Three pages, 4to, good condition, with Royal Society of Arts stamp. He acknowledges a kind reply to his request to hire your lecture theatre for the [first] Congress of the British Society of Dowsers. A 'friend' Colonel Crosthwaite, suggested that I should tell you something about the nature of the Society, the existence of which is unknown to many people. And ignored by most people of scientific reputation.

[Queen of Romania: Elisabeth of Wied.] Long Autograph Letter Signed ('Elisabeth'), in French, to the novelist Louis Ulbach, lamenting the death of her cousin Marie of Waldeck and praising his work.

Queen of Romania: Elisabeth of Wied [Pauline Elisabeth Ottilie Luise] (1843-1916), wife of King Carol I, prolific author under the pseudonym ‘Carmen Sylva’ [Louis Ulbach (1822-1889), French novelist]
Publication details: 
'Sinaie, [i.e. Sinaia, Romania] ce 1. Mai 1882'.

Not only an unusually intimate letter for a member of royalty to write, but also an interesting communication from a poet to her mentor.

[Lord George Bentinck, racehorse owner and protectionist opponent of Sir Robert Peel’s Corn Law policy.] Autograph Signature franking letter to Lieut.-General Lord FitzRoy Somerset at Horse Guards.

Lord George Bentinck [William George Frederick Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck] (1802-1848), Conservative politician and racehorse owner, protectionist opponent of Sir Robert Peel's Corn Law policy
Publication details: 
No date or place, and no postmarks.

See the entries of Bentinck and FitzRoy Somerset in the Oxford DNB. On approximate 11 x 6 cm rectangle cut from cover of letter. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of grey paper mount adhering to blank reverse. Addressed by Bentinck in the customary staggered way: ‘Lieut: Genl. / Lord FitzRoy Somerset G.C.B. / Horse Guards’. Bentinck’s signature ‘G. Bentinck’ is at bottom left, underlined but without the line above the signature. The merest slither of the bottom of the loop of the initial ‘G’ has been cropped. See image.

[‘The Ultimate All-Rounder’: C. B. Fry, one of the greatest of English cricketers.] Autograph Signature from Typed Letter written as Honorary Director of the training ship Mercury..

C. B. Fry [Charles Burgess Fry] (1872-1956), one of the greatest of English cricketers, sportsman, scholar, journalist
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, which states that he has ‘strong claims to be regarded as the greatest sporting all-rounder of his or any era since’. (Neville Cardus counted him ‘among the most fully developed and representative Englishmen of his period’.) It also seems that in 1920 he was offered the chance of becoming king of Albania. His grave at Repton is inscribed: ‘Cricketer, scholar, athlete, Author – The Ultimate All-rounder’.

[Admiral Beatty, First Sea Lord.] Autograph Signature (‘David Beatty | Rear-Admiral’) on part of document.

Admiral Beatty [Admiral of the Fleet David Richard Beatty, 1st Earl Beatty (1871-1936)], First Sea Lord, 1919-1927, commander of the 1st Battlecruiser Squadron at the Battle of Jutland in 1916
Publication details: 
Dated 21 June 1913. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, in which ‘deep professional commitment and mental toughness’ are said to be qualities whose possession he demonstrated ‘heroically’. Beatty’s aggressive tactics at the Battle of Jutland are often contrasted with Jellicoe’s more cautious approach. After the explosion of the Indefatigable and the Queen Mary, with the loss of 1283 officers and men, he came out with the celebrated understatement, ‘There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today’.

[‘The foremost diplomat of his age’: James Harris, 1st Earl of Malmesbury.] Autograph Letter Signed to a cleric near Cranbourn, apparently concerning the inadvisability of introducing Portland sheep onto his estate.

James Harris, 1st Earl of Malmesbury (1746-1820), ‘the foremost diplomat of his age’, British envoy to Russia who impressed Catherine the Great
Publication details: 
‘P Place [Portland Place, London?] / June 24 1798.’

See his entry in the Oxford DNB and the History of Parliament (‘the foremost diplomat of his age’). It was Malmesbury who went to Brunswick to fetch the Prince Regent’s betrothed Princess Caroline, and whom he asked to get him a brandy on his first encounter with her three years before the present letter was written. A legible script was clearly not a prerequisite for a successful diplomat, as the handwriting of this missive is scandalously bad: practically on a level with that of Dr Parr. 1p, 4to.

[Joseph Masclet; Lamartine; SNCF; Railway History] Autograph Letter Unsigned, ascribed to Joseph Masclet, with attributable content (Note below), to a Monsieur Mollard about early English Railways and his article of use to 'l'institut'.

[Amé Thérèse Joseph Masclet (1760 - 1833) was a French diplomat and an author of letters to Lafayette.]
Publication details: 
No place, 22 Avril [1829]

One page, 12mo, unsigned, bifolium, good condition. Note by another hand in top left corner, lettre de Masclet. Text (unsigned): J'envoye a Monsieur Mollard la copie du memoire sur la place du chemin de fer entre Liverpool et Manchester. | On pourra annoncer a l'institute un autre memoire plus developpe sur l'etat actuel du chemin de fer entre Darlington et Stockto: j'en enverrais une copie si on la desire. | Je [?] de me rendre [la france jeudi?] a 2 h 1/2: serait il [possible?] a Mondieur Moll;ard de m'envoyer un second billet pour mon support, car j'ai besoin d'en avoir [un?].

[William Plomer, poet and novelist, Benjamin Britten’s librettist.] Autograph Letter Signed to the autograph collector Eileen M. Cond, apologising for his ‘ordinary’ signature.

William Plomer [William Charles Franklyn Plomer] (1903-1973), English poet and novelist, born in South Africa, Benjamin Britten’s librettist [Eileen M. Cond, autograph collector]
Publication details: 
27 August 1936; c/o Jonathan Cape Ltd, 30 Bedford Square, WC1 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Reads: ‘Dear Miss Cond, / I have pleasure in sending you my signature. As you will see, it is quite an ordinary one. / Yours very truly / William Plomer’. The signature is in fact rather stylish in an understated way, and the underlining has two small curls in it. In ink on otherwise-blank reverse, by someone who misread the signature: 'William Ploms'. See Image.

[Rudolf Bosselt, German Art Nouveau sculptor.] Two Autograph Letters Signed, in German, one with envelope, all three with device of the Darmstädter Künstler-Kolonie, one addressed to ‘Banquier Ludwig Schweizer’ of Stuttgart.

Rudolf Bosselt (1871-1938), German Art Nouveau sculptor who taught at the Dusseldorf art school from 1904, a founder of the Darmstadt artists' colony (Darmstädter Künstler-Kolonie) [Ludwig Schweizer]
Bosselt 2
Publication details: 
7 May and 21 October 1901; both from Darmstadt (the first from 'Herrengarten') and each on the letterhead of the Darmstädter Künstler-Kolonie. The second letter with envelope addressed to Schweizer. All three items with the stylized device of the DKK
Bosselt 2

Bosselt was a student of Joseph Kowarzik at the Städel Institute in Frankfurt. He studied at the Académie Julian in Paris, then assisted in founding the Darmstadt artists’ colony. From 1904 he taught at the art school at Dusseldorf. He received an honourable mention at the 1898 Salon des Artistes Français in Paris, and his work was part of the sculpture event in the art competition at the 1932 Summer Olympics. These two letters are neatly and closely written, and both signed ‘Rudolf Bosselt’. Each letter is 1p, 4to. The first letter is 18 lines long, the second 15 lines long.

[Lady Charlotte Bury, Regency novelist of the ‘Silver Fork’ school.] Autograph Letter in the third person, requesting that Sir William Hamilton subscribes to a forthcoming work by her.

Lady Charlotte Bury [Lady Charlotte Susan Maria Bury, née Campbell] (1775-1861), Regency ‘Silver Fork’ novellist and diarist, lady in waiting to George IV’s wife Queen Caroline
Publication details: 
26 August 1831. 3 Park Square, London.

The daughter of the fifth Duke of Argyll, Lady Charlotte bore eleven children to her two husbands, and was forced to write novels by her first husband’s death and second husband’s profligacy. See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Neatly attached by a paper hinge to part of a leaf from an album. Begins: ‘Lady Charlotte Bury presents her Compts to Sir William Hamilton, & takes the liberty of soliciting for the honor & favor of his name, as a subscriber to a work by Lady Charlotte of which the enclosed Prospectus gives every particular.

[Glubb Pasha (Sir John Bagot Glubb), English Arabist, leader of the Arab Legion army of Transjordan.] Autograph Note Signed, with large sprawling signature, in response to Typed Note Signed from Diane Richards.

Glubb Pasha [Sir John Bagot Glubb (1897-1986), English Arabist, leader of the Arab Legion army of the Transjordan, 1939-1956]
Publication details: 
No place or date. Responding to Richards' undated letter from Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Written large at the foot of a page on a 4to leaf. In good condition, lightly aged and creased, with a short closed tear to the outer edge just below Glubb’s sprawling signature, which consists of an illegible line of curls. Folded once for postage. At the head of the page is Diane Richard’s Typed Note Signed, addressed to ‘General Glubb’ and requesting that he sign ‘two pictures from my collection’. Glubb replies: ‘Dear Miss RICHARD, / I return your two pictures herewith with much pleasure. / All good wishes, / Your sincerely / [signature]’.

[Charles A. Buckler, architect] Substantial Autograph Letter Signed Charles A. Buckler to Frederick [Watson] on a design for the Bassingham Doorway (oak doors, etc.). See Note below.

Charles A. Buckler [Charles Alban Buckler (1825–1905), author, topographer, architect, artist and officer of arms].
Publication details: 
Oxford, 9 Sept. 1857. Two Letters.

Four pages, 12mo, bifolium. I am delighted to hear from you that the Bassingham Doorway is to be preserved - | I lose no time in sending a design for the oak doors - I think plainly moulded framing & ridged panels will best suit the age - It looks plain in outline - but if of handsome English oak, will look beautiful in execution.

[Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of radio: family correspondence.] 40 items to governess Millicent Goodsir ('Miss Unger') from Marconi's second wife Cristina [née Bezzi Scali], her mother and daughter: letters and cards in English, inscribed photographs.

[Guglielmo Marconi [Marquis of Marconi] (1874-1937), inventor of radio, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics; his second wife Maria Cristina Bezzi-Scali, their daughter Elettra Giovanelli
Publication details: 
Most from 11 Via Condotti, Rome. 1914-1968.

Forty items, in good condition, lightly aged and worn, with some of the photographs with evidence on reverse of having been mounted. Millicent Goodsir [née Unger] (1885-1983) was governess to Christina Bezzi Scali (1900-1994), daughter of Francesco, Count Bezzi Scali and his wife Anna (1879-1968). In 1927 Cristina became Marconi's second wife. Their only child was Maria Elettra Elena Anna Marconi (b.1930), who would marry Prince Carlo Giovannelli (1942-2016).

16 Autograph Letters Signed and 2 Autograph Cards Signed to William Toynbee, editor of the diaries of his father William Charles Macready.

Sir Nevil Macready [Cecil Frederick Nevil Macready] (1862-1946), First World War general and last British military commander in Ireland, son of William Charles Macready [William Toynbee (1849-1942)]
Publication details: 
None with year, although one item with 1911 postmark, and others certainly from between 1913 and 1924. From England and France, including the Garrick Club and Author’s Club in London, and hotels in Manchester and St Cyr-sur-Mer.

Macready's entry in the Oxford DNB states that he destroyed his diary and personal papers after the publication of his memoirs in 1924, and that of his father notes that he dealt with William Charles Macready's ‘copious and uninhibited diaries’ in similar fashion in 1914 - two years after the appearance of Toynbee’s edition. The present collection of eighteen items is in good condition, lightly aged, and folded for postage. All signed 'C F N Macready' and addressed to 'My dear Toynbee'. The text of the letters totals 35pp (compising 1p, 8vo; 25pp, 12mo; 9pp, 16mo).

[Thomas Campbell, Scottish Romantic poet.] Autograph Letter, in the third person, to Campbell's publisher Henry Colburn, regarding an article by William Hazlitt.

Thomas Campbell [Thomas Campbell(1777-1844), Scots Romantic poet; his wife, born Matilda Sinclair (c.1780-1828)] [Henry Colburn (1784-1855), London publisher; William Hazlitt, celebrated essayist]
Publication details: 
'Thursday 11 oclock / 10 Seymour St West [London] -'. [No year, but between 1825 and 1828.

See his entry, and that of Colburn, in the Oxford DNB. Campbell agreed to edit Colburn’s ‘New Monthly Magazine’ in 1820, his first number in the post being that of January 1821, and the letter was presumably written between this period and Mrs Campbell’s death in 1828. The reference to ‘Mr Ollier’ would close the dates even further: the Oxford DNB’s entry for Charles Ollier (1788-1859) stating that, after financial difficulties, ‘by the autumn of 1825 he returned to the publishing trade as the chief literary reader and adviser to Henry Colburn in New Burlington Street’. 1p, 12mo.

[Algernon Blackwood, celebrated ghost story writer.] Typed Card Signed to ‘Miss Cond’ [autograph collector Eileen Cond], thanking her for a card that has enchanted him.

Algernon Blackwood [Algernon Henry Blackwood] (1869-1951) English ghost writer, one of the most celebrated and prolific in the history of the genre of supernatural fiction [Eileen Lond]
Publication details: 
15 December 1959; Savile Club, 69 Brook Street, W1 [London], with Paddington postmark.

Blackwood’s entry in the Oxford DNB quotes H. P. Lovecraft’s opinion that he was the author of ‘some of the finest spectral literature of this or any age’. On post card with printed stamp. In good condition, lightly worn, on light-brown card. Addressed to ‘Miss Cond, / Deer Park, / Honiton.’ Apart from the signature, Blackwood has added quotation marks and dealt with two typing mistakes in autograph. Good firm signature. Reads: ‘Savile Club, 69 Brook St, W. 1.

[Sir Edward Mortimer Archibald, British Consul in New York.] Autograph Signature to Manuscript document acknowledging the Albion Society of New York’s ‘Resolution of Condolence’ on the death of Princess Alice.

Sir Edward Mortimer Archibald (1810-1884), British Consul in New York from 1857 to 1883, born in Nova Scotia [Albion Society of New York; Princess Alice]
Publication details: 
9 January 1879; British Consulate General, New York.

2pp, foolscap 8vo. On grey laid paper with mourning border, brittle and lightly creased, with chipping and closed tears to edges. Addressed in Archibald’s hand to ‘The President of the Albion Society of New York’, and signed ‘E M Archibald / HM Brit Consul Genl’.

[W.R. Grove, Welsh Judge and Scientist; [Father of] Fuel Cell Technology] Two Autograph Notes Signed WRGrove, one to an undeciphered name, with references to distinguished colleagues, the other to an unnamed correspondent.

W.R. Grove [Sir William Robert Grove, (1811 – 1896), Welsh judge and physical scientist. [Fuel Cell Technology]
Publication details: 
A. No place given 14 June 1864; B. Abergavenny, Carmarthen, 12 Oct. 1872.

A. Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, some foxing and wear, text clear and complete, but scrawled. For the last two years or more in consequence of suffering severely from [undeciphered illness - see image of pp.1 &3] I have been obliged to give up all [evening?] visiting - [Were it not [?] it would have given me the greatest pleasure to have come to you [?] Colvill [scientist?] on this [?]. | For some reason was printed my coming to the meetings of the R[oyal] S[ociety].

[Tom Arnold, ‘Napoleon of Show Business’.] Eleven items, including six Signed and Typed communications to W. Macqueen-Pope; biography of Arnold by MP; ‘Memorandum of Agreement’ with MP; poster for Arnold’s ‘Cinderella’ at Glasgow Alhambra.

Tom Arnold [Thomas Charles Arnold] (1897-1969), international impressario of everything from opera to rodeos, circus and seaside piers [W. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian and press agent]
Publication details: 
Arnold’s six communications between 1942 and 1959; two on his Shaftesbury Avenue letterhead, two others from the same address, and two from 112 Jermyn Street, London. Agreement: 15 April 1943. Poster: 1950 / 1951, Glasgow Alhambra.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Eleven items, in fair overall condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. All six of Arnold’s communications are signed ‘Tom Arnold’. Arnold’s two TLsS are dated 2 October 1942 and 23 July 1959. In the second of these (1p, landscape 8vo) he thanks MP for a producing a piece of writing which ‘suits the mood’: ‘I appreciate your doing this, and the speed with which you tackled it for me.

[E. Winnie Burnand, one of the earliest female cartoonists.] Two amusing original caricatures of herself, one posting a letter, the other carrying a cricket bat, in an effusive letter to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope.

E. Winnie Burnand [Edith Winifred Burnand, latterly Parsons] (b.1881), one of the earliest female cartoonists, daughter of Sir Francis Cowley Burnand, editor of ‘Punch’ [W. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960)]
Publication details: 
23 August 1957. On letterhead of Crossway Green, Chepstow, Mon. SEE IMAGE.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry and that of her father in the Oxford DNB.) 6pp, the first four on two 4to leaves, the last two on a 12mo leaf. Signed ‘E. Winnie Parsons / nee / Winnie Burnand’. In fair condition, lightly aged and with some creasing, particularly to the last (12mo) leaf. Slight rust staining from paperclip. A delightful letter, written in a strong and energetic hand, with various words underlined in red pencil for emphasis. She is staying with Desmond Lysart, ‘who in his lovely study has all your delightful books’, and they are both great admirers of MP.

[George Formby; ukelele] Autograph Signature with date of 'Beryl' Formby.

Beryl Formby [Beryl Ingham, actress wife of George Formby, actor, singer-songwriter and comedian]
Publication details: 
No date.

See Image. Signature and date ('Beryl' Formby | 1941) on piece of paper, 6 x 4, rounded corners, good condition, laid down on larger piece of paper, 12 x 6.5cm. On reverse the signature of Leslie Henson, actor etc. Note: She was positive in his career in some aspects but was obviously difficult. After her death, Formby publicly said that 'My life with Beryl was hell'.

[Froude; Carlyle; John Murray] Autograph Letter Signed J.A. Froude to Mrs [Alexander] Ireland about letters to Thomas Carlyle from [Robert?] Mitchell and [John] Murray (preparing an edition).

James Anthony Froude (1818-1894), historian.
Publication details: 
31 March [no year given]

One page (and a line/signature), 12mo, with thin neat strip of windowpane mount at edges, very good condition. Presumably Froude is preparing an edition of Carlyle's letters. Text: I returned yesterday from Madeira to find your letter. I shall be very glad indeed to see the papers in your possession. I have many letters from [John] Murray & [Robert?] Mitchell to [underlined] Carlyle. You must have the corresponding answers. You will allow me I presume to make copies [underlined]. They shall then be retrurned to you.

[Louise Michel, Communard, French anarchist] Address in her hand (le Docteur Vintras-see below) and signature on (empty) envelope. See image.

Louise Michel, Communard, French anarchist, school teacher and medical worker.
Publication details: 
No place or date

Envelope, 12 x 9cm, small closed tears, dusted but text clear and complete. Text: Address M. le docteur Vintras | Hanover Square | London ; cross signed Mlle Louise Michel underlined. See image. Note: Vintras wasa Doctor and poet. Published The Silver Net in London in 1903 as well being the physician to the French Hospital in London and later Director of the French Convalescent Home at Brighton and of the Annexe for the Preventive Treatment of tuberculosis; George Charles Louis Vintras, B.Sc.Paris, M.D.Durh, obit.

[Field-Marshal Grenfell; Sirdar] Autograph Note Signed (or scrawled) F Grenfell to the Duchess of Cleveland, saying he'd like to make the acquaitance of a Mr Powlett.

Field Marshal Francis Wallace Grenfell, 1st Baron Grenfell, (1841-1925), Army officer.
Publication details: 
[Headed] Maison, Ali, Pacha Fehmy, Cairo, 12 Feb. [no year; c.1888]. See image.

One page, 12mo, minor foxing, mainly good condition. Pray [? something like tell] Mr Powlett I am most anxious to make his acquaintance truly yrs [...].Note: Field Marshal Francis Wallace Grenfell, 1st Baron Grenfell, 1841-1925 was a British Army officer. After serving as aide-de-camp to the Commander-in-Chief, South Africa, he fought in the 9th Xhosa War, the Anglo-Zulu War and then the Anglo-Egyptian War.

['What are we to do with our “monstrous Regiment” of Women?': Sir Charles Trevelyan, Liberal politician.] Autograph Letter Signed, to W. A. Lock, giving his views on women and ‘German Immigrants’.

Sir Charles Trevelyan [Sir Charles Edward Trevelyan] (1807-1886), Liberal politician and administrator in India, notorious for his response to the Irish potato famine
Publication details: 
‘Treasury. / 8 Dec 1882’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin neat strip from windowpane mount adhering to edges. Folded twice for postage. Twenty-four hands of text in secretary hand, addressed to ‘W. A. Lock Esqre’, and signed in autograph ‘Sir C Trevelyan’. He thanks him for his ‘very interesting Letter’, and hopes he will ‘never think it necessary to make any excuse for writing to me [other such?]’. He has asked ‘Mr. Farr’ for ‘any observations he might have to offer on the early part of it; and his answer is enclosed’ (not present).

[Peteris Cedrins [Peteris Cedrinš], Latvian-American poet and translator.] Collection of English language poetry typescripts, most apparently unpublished, including ‘A Working’ (8pp, in 20 sections) and ‘Aphrodite Weaning’.

Peteris Cedrins [Peteris Cedrinš] (1964-2022), Latvian-American poet and translator
Publication details: 
Dating from between 1990 and 1992. From Latvia (Riga, Vilnius), Germany (Berlin), and US (Boston, Cambridge, Cruger Island, Glasco Turnpike Saugerties New York).

Peteris Cedrins possessed an interesting dual heritage: born in the US to exiles from communism, he grew up in Chicago, was educated at Bard College (NYS), and settled in Latvia on the fall of the Soviet Union. He published in English and Lavian in the US, UK and Latvia. See the appreciative obituary by Jeffrey Sommers, posted on the ‘Counterpunch’ website on 11 August 2022: ‘Memoriam: Latvia’s Peteris Cedrins, Last of the National Poets’.

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